* * MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING O r THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS - ST, LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1964 - 8:00 P.M. A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Junior College District of St, Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri, was held on Monday, September 14, 1964 at the Central Office of the District at 4386 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, Missouri. I. GENERAL FUNCTIONS 1.2 Roll Call The Board President, Mrs, Joseph C . Bastian, called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. The following members of the Board were present: Mrs. Joseph C . Bastian Messrs, Morris Glaser F. Wm. McCalpJn Guy S. Ruffin Gerald V . Williamson Board Member Lester C. Geil was unable to be present at this meeting because of a prior commitment; however, he had been present at an informal session of the Board. Also present were Dr, Joseph P. Cosand, President; Dr. John E. Tinrell, Vice President; Mr. James W. Hobson, Vice President* Dr0 Glynn E. Clark, Campus Director; Dr. Douglas F. Ubby, Jr., Campus Director; and Dr. R. William Graham, Campus Director - all of the Junior College staff. Mr, Bruce E, Woodruff of the firm of Armstrong, Teasdale, Roos, Kramer and Vaughan, Counsel for the District, was also present* - 1 - @ 1.3 Minutes Board President Bastian called for a reading of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 24, 1964; They were read and discussed. called the secretary's attention to page 11 under 6 , 3 , Board member McCaipin He pointed out that since this addition to section 2.16,2 of the Policies and Procedures Manual is not a change in Board policy, the resolution should just be that the Board approve the recommendation as amended. The secretary noted this change. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . McCaipin, and with the unanimous aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 24, 1964 were approved as amended. 1.4 Welcome to Guests Board President Bastian introduced Miss Margaret Shephert - a reporter from the St<» Louis Globe Democrat - to the Board members, 1,6 Communications 1,6,1 Miss Doris Wentzel, secretary, read a letter which had been received from Dr. John E, Tirrell, Vice President for Instruction, Dr, Tirrell expressed his appreciation to Dr, Cosand for the enthusiasm and integrity of their relationships during the past two years, and said that worldng in the development of the Junior College District of St. Louis - St, Louis County has been one of the most satisfying and r warding experiences in his l i f e , Dr, Tirrell has been asked, however, to accept the Presidency of the new Oakland Community College in Michigan and requested that he be released from his contract with the Junior College District as of September 30, 1964, 9/14/64 - 2 - 1.6.2 Miss Wentzel also read a letter received from John.Forbes, Executive Director of the Higher Education Coordinating Council of Metropolitan St, Louis in which he expressed his appreciation and enjoyment of the privilege of attending the President's Council meeting on August 26, 1964. 1.6.3 A copy of a letter had also been received from the Arrow Construction Company, addressed to the Editor of both the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, expressing their approval for the fine way in which the Sti Louis St. Louis County Junior College District is spending our tax money. He pointed out that in a contract recently awarded them to build an addition to the Meramec Branch of the J . C . D . , that M r . McWilliams, campus Business Manager, ultimately showed a good understanding of the needs of the Junior College and was able to bring them about at a more reasonable price than they had suggested. L6.4 A letter written to Mr 0 Oscar A , Ehrhardt, Secretary-Treasurer of the AFL-CIO from Dr. John E. Tirrell, was also read by Miss Wentzel. The letter extended the appreciation of the Junior College District for his efforts in resolving differences in union labor at the Florissant Valley campus. 1.6.5 Miss Wentzel read a letter received from John C , Robertson, City Manager of Ferguson in which he welcomed the Junior College campus to the City of Ferguson. He further stated that they are looking forward to many years of pleasant relations and respect, and offered to assist in any way possible. 1.6.6 Miss Wentzel then read a letter received from V . C . McCluer, Associate Superintendent of the Ferguson-Florissant School District (R-2) stating that they considered - 3 9/14/64 f *• it a privilege to have had close contact with the Florissant Valley College of the Junbr College District, He further stated thar the Junior College has been a real service to their community. 1.6.7 Dr. Cosand read a letter which hod been received from Carroll A , Hochwalt of the St. Louis Research Council thanking Dr; Tirrell for information which he had requested regarding engineering students. He added that our institution is a real asset to the St, Louis community, and he was sure that it will be helpful in contributing to the industrial expansion of the area because of the availability of well trained technicians* In further discussion, Mr. Williamson stated that the article recently printed ^87 in the St. Louis Globe-Democrat was a splendid job, as was the article written by Mrs, Bastion which had been reprinted. These two articles had given us extremely good representation. Mrso Bastian added that she had received several comments staring that the article in the weekend edition of the Globe had been the best done locally in the papers, 2, PBSONNEL 2.1 Dr. John E. Tirrell - Resignation The President of the College recommended that the Board accept the resignation of Dr. John E, Tirrell, effective at the close of Wednesday, September 30, 1964, A general discussion followed with respect to his forthcoming position at the new Oakland Community College in Michigan* Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . McCalpin, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, it was •» <4 •* 9/14/64 RESOLVED, That the resignation of Dr. John E; Tlrrell bo accepted, with regret, effective at the close of Wednesday, September 3 0 , 1964, FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees express their thanks to Dr. Tlrrell for the outstanding services he has rendered to the District since joining the staff in November, 1962; and wish him Godspeed. Dr. Tirreti commented to the members of the Board that the law and from work is present at the Oakland Community College; however, he wants to see a Board that will use as much time and energy as the one at the Junior College District <»f St. Louis St; Louis County, Missouri; 2.2 Certificated Personnel - Part-Time The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, recommended the employment of the following part-time certificated personnel as noted below: Velma Benner FVCC Geography 6 hours @ $170.00 Eff. 8/31/64 James A . Dacey FVCC Phys. Dist. 2 hours @ $170.00 Eff. 8/31/64 FVCC Phys. Dist. 2 hours @ $170.00 Eff. 8/31/64 Gilbert Kasten FVCC Phys. Dist. 2 hours @ $170.00 Eff. 8/31/64 Ray Leber FVCC Phys. Dist. 2 hours @ $170.00 Eff; 8/31/64 Edwin Roland FVCC English 6 hours @ $170.00 Eff. 8/31/64 Robert Barron FVCC English 6 hours @ $170.00 Eff. 8/31/64 Murray Smith FVCC English 3 hours @ $170,00 Eff. 8/31/64 Uona Korol FPCC Speed Reading 3 hours @ $170,00 Eff. 8/31/64 Harry Blackiston FPCC German 4 hours @ $170.00 Eff; 8/31/64 B. C . Boulton FPCC Engineering Draw.3 hours @ $170.00 Eff; 8/31/64 John Boemler 9/14/64 ;j - 5 - } - / • : - • • < • • • . • - _ • • • • , • • ; -. •' • Georgia Mihan FPCC Spanish 4 hours @ $170.00 Eff. 8/31/64 John Hirzy FPCC Chemistry 3 hours @ $205.00 Eff. 8/31/64 Frank Clark FPCC Chemistry 1 hour @ $205.00 Eff. 8/31/64 Robert L. Arnold FPCC Chemistry 3 hours @ $205.00 Eff; 8/31/64 Iri R. Lake FPCC Phys. Education 2 hours @ $170.00 Eff. 8/31/64 Vincent Vento FPCC Phys. Education 4 hours @ $170.00 Eff. 8/31/64 Henry E. Prolcop FPCC Phys. Education 4 hours @ $170.00 Eff. 8/31/64 Raymond Suess FPCC English 3 hours @ $170.00 Eff. 8/31/64 Thomas Wade FPCC Hotel,Motel,Res. 4 hours @ $170,00 Eff. 8/31/64 John Seyfried MCC Art 13 hours @ $170.00 Eff. 8/31/64 Anita Brcdfield MCC Bus. Education 8 hours @ $170.00 Eff. 8/31/64 Joseph Ra Verby MCC Speed Reading 2 hours @ $170.00 Eff. 8/31/64 Richard PoletsUy Engineering 3 hours @ $170.00 Eff. 8/31/64 AnnAlderks History 6 hours @ $170.00 Eff. 8/31/64 Robert Smith English 6 hours @ $170.00 Eff. 8/31/64 Susan Koightley MCC Mathematics 9 hours @ $135.00 Eff. 8/31/64 RuthdeSilva MCC Spanish 4 hours @ $170.00 Eff. 8/31/64 Jay Warner MCC Spooch 3 hours @ $170.00 Eff, 8/31/64 James Schterholz MCC Economics 3 hours @ $170.00 Eff, 8/31/64 A.GIenwood Gtlllland MCC Law Enforcement 6 hours @ $170.00 Eff, 8/31/64 Chong-Chul Hu MCC Economics 3 hours @ $170.00 Eff. 8/31/64 Shelly Moorman MCC Spanish 4 hours <S> $135.00 Eff, 8/31/64 Louis Bixby MCC Chemistry 9/14/64 - 6 - 4 hours @ $170.00 Eff, 8/31/64 A geiieral discussloh followed with respect to their academic background and qualifications. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. McCalpin, seconded by Mr. Williamson, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the personnel recommerided for part-time employment by Dr. Cosand, as set out in the foregoing list, be employed in the capacity and at the salary classification therein set out - said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board, 2.3 Certificated Personnel - Contract Change The President of the College recommended that the contracts for the following certificated personnel be modified as follows; Jean Burrows From 1-2 to 1-3 - Effective 8/24/64 (12/2/o3 agenda) Robert L, Johnson Frc;n Asst. Dean Step 5 to Assoc. Dean Step 4 - Eff, 10/1/64 Morgaret Wulier From Asst. Dean Step 3 to Asst. Dean Step 5 - Eff, 10/1/64 A general discussion followed regarding the reasons for these modifications. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr; McCalpin, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees approve the modifications in the contracts of the aforementioned personnel as recommended by Dr. Cosand, effective on the dates indicated. 2 . 4 . Classified Porsonnol The President of the College recommended the employment of the following class!fiod personnel: Madja J , Wilson - Secretary - Meramec Campus - Range 10 Step A - Eff,9/15/64 Eileen Helnks - Clerk-Steno - Forest Park Campus - Range 9 Step A - Eff, 9/15/64 A general discussion followed involving all Board members who were present, 9/14/64 - 7 - Whereupon, on motion by Mr. McCalpin, seconded by Mr. Glaser, and upon th aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the classified personnel listed above be employed by the District in the classification and at the salary indicated, 3 » CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 3.1 Advisory Committees The President of the College recommended, in accordance with section 2 ; 17 of the Policies and Procedures Manual, that the Board of Trustees appoint advisory committees to serve from September 1 , 1964 to August 3 1 , 1965; By unanimous consent of all members of the Board who were present, this was postponed until the meeting of September 28,1964, with the view that we might wish to make some additions to the list as submitted. 4. COLLEGE FACILITIES 4.1 Vice President Hobson asked the Campus Directors to report to the Board on the present status of the construction, remodeling and furnishing of the three campuses. Dr. R. William Graham, Campus Director of the Forest Park Campus, reported that the facilities at Edmonds Restaurant are far superior than what they had at the Roosevelt High School for the faculty offices*, There is still some electrical work to be done in the temporary offices, but this should take care of the facilities for the next two years. He further reported that there has been no serious parking problem to speak of. Dr. Douglas F. Ubby, Jr., Campus Director of the Florissant Valley Community College, reported to the Board that all of the educational facilities are now in use, and hopefully the language laboratory would be turned over to them on Friday, The remainder of the furniture and food dispensing equipment is due In a day or two. Dr. Ubby stated 9/14/64 - 8 - that parking is a problem * and Mr. Hobson is working on i t . He further stated that the general attitude of the faculty, staff and students has been better than could be xpected, and he has heard a minimum of complaints. Dr. Glynn E; Clark, Campus Director atMeramec Community College reported that all of their equipment is in, and all major changes had been completed. The new student cafeteria is getting lots of use, as is the outdoor patio, and they have h Iped a great deal. Dr. Cosand mentioned to the Board members that if possible they should take a look at the Dental Assisting Laboratory in one of the houses, as well as the Audio Tutorial Botany lab at the Meramec campus. Mr, Hobson added that some of the parking problems at Florissant Valley were due to sewer installation near Pershall Road. He further stated that the architects have been asked to give suggestions for blocking the residential area on the West end of the campus. Mr. Hobson also added that we are formalizing the plans for the remodeling to be done to the office building in Clayton for the Central Office. 5. BUSINESS AND FINANCE 5.1 Treasurer's Report The Board President, Mrs. Bastian, Called upon the Treasurer, Mr, Hobson, to present the Treasurer's Report for the month e^ing August 3 1 , 1964. A general discussion followed in'.,. Whereupon, on motion by Mr, McCvote of all members of tir'' j all Board Members who were present. ,«n >»conded by Mr. Glaser, and upon the aye - who were present, the Treasurer's Report was approved as submitted, and is attached as an addendum to these Minutes, 9/14/64 - 9 - 5.2 Warrant-Check Register The Treasurer of the College, Mr. Hobson, presented the Warrant-Check Register for the month ending August 3 1 , 1964. The expenditures for this period , as listed in the above-mentioned Warrant-Check Register are as listed in the addendum to these Minutes. A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Glaser, seconded by Mr. McCalpin, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, the Board ratified and approved the payment of all expenditures made in accordance with the Warrant-Check Register, for the month of August, 1964. 5.3 Ratification of Investments The President of the College requested ratification of the investments made by the Treasurer of the College for the period August 24th through September 14, 1964; On September 1, 1964, we purchased from the First Notional Bank of St; Louis $200,000 in U.S. Treasury Bills due September 10th, on a 3,25 basis, at a cost of $199,855.56. A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mr, McCalpin, seconded by Mr. Glaser, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the foregoing investment by the Treasurer of the Junior College District of St, Louis - St, Louis County, Missouri - be ratified, approved, and adopted by the Board of Trustees, 9/14/64 - 10 - 5 « 4 - e u Agreement between JCD and Southwestern Bell Telephone Company The President of the College requested the approval of an agreement with Southwestern Bell for the installation of four switchboards and automatic dialing mechanisms. M r . Hobson added that in essence this is a termination agreement, with no cost being charged directly except that we would agree to pay a termination penalty i f we asked far the equipment to be removed before the specified period of time. It was also pointed out that the capacity of our present system is now being taxed so that a change will be necessary when we begin to occupy our new office facility in Clayton. The recommended system employs a switchboard at each of the four locations in the District with a tie-in line connection between each which would allow an extension used to dial direct without going through the operator or any other extension in the District. A general discussion involving all Board members ensued regarding the cost of this new system, and several of the Board members said they would like to have a better breakdown before approving the system. Therefore, Board President Bastion appointed M r . Glaser and Mr. McCalpin to check into this further, and be prepared to recommend to the Board either approval or disapproval of the system. To prevent any further delay in making an agreement with Southwestern Bell, Mrs. Bastion w i l l try to get informal agreement of the Board by Friday of this week. Board Member McCalpin left the meeting at 9:00 p.m. because of a previous commitment, 5.4 - b. Agreement between JCD and Xerox Corporation The President of the College recommended the approval of an agreement between 9/14/64 - U - mm::' ! ;. • • • ,; " • the Junior College District- and Xerox Corporation for the rental of a Model 914 Xerox Office Copier, to be delivered to the new Central Office location December 1st. Mr, Hobson pointed out that this piece of equipment will furnish the copy work facility to all of the campuses at a basic monthly rental of $25.00, with an allowance of 2,000 copies per month at a cost of .035 per copy - or a total monthly rental of $95.00 for this minimum of 2,000 copies. The agreement is written on a month-to-month basis, containing a fifteen-day cancellation clause. All service, parts, and machine modifications are included in the price. A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Ruffin, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the Junior College District of St; Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri, enter into an Agreement with Xerox Corporation for the rental of a Model 914 Xerox Office Copier, said Agreement to be in the form attached hereto, and by reference Incorporated herein. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board of Trustees be and is hereby authorized and directed to execute said Agreement in the form attached to those Minutes to be attested to by the Secretary and affixed with the official seal of the District. 5.5 - a Acceptance of bid and approval of purchase of physics apparatus and supplies for Forest Park Community College The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, recommended the purchase of Physics apparatus and supplies required by the Forest Park Community Collage from Central V'. Scientific Company in the amount of $1,141.22, and Welch Scientific Company in the amount of $600.24 for a total expenditure of $1,741.46. It was pointed out that requests for quotation for this equipment had been sent to 14 companies; howevor, only 9/14/64 - 12 - 9 three companies submitted quotations/ as follows: Central Scientific Co. Welch Scientific Co, *Misco Biological Co. Total Did Partial Bid Partial Bid $ 2,037.53 1,583.47 2,213.32 (*a subsidiary of Central Scientific Co.) Analysis of individual items resulted in the following: Cenco Group I Group II Group 111 $395.95 745.26 896.31 Welch No Bid $983.23 600.24 Dividing the order will result in a savings of $296.07; therefore, it is recommend d that the Junior College District award an order to the Central Scientific Company for 4fa Groups I and I I , and an order to Welch Scientific Company for Group I I I . A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Ruffin, and upon the unanimous aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri, award an order to the Central Scientific Company for Physics Apparatus and supplies in the amount of $1,141.22; and an order to Welch Scientific Company in the amount of $600,24, for a total expenditure of $1,741.46. 5.5 - b, Multilith 1250WL for the Central Office Duplicating Department The President of the College recommends the purchase of a Multilith 1250 WL for the Central Office Duplicating Department of the District. Proposals were made by four companies on machines to serve our offset needs. After careful,study, it was recommended that the Multilith 1250WL meets all of the requirements with no exceptions no exclusions, and it cab be purchased from the Addresjograph Multigtapb Corporation 9/14/64 - 13 - M:W: at a cost of $4,280;50; A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Glaser, seconded by Mr. Ruffin, and with the unanimous aye vote of all members of the Board who were present. It was RESOLVED, That the Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri award an order to the Addressograph Multigraph Corporation for a Multilith 1250WL for the Centra! Office Duplicating Department at a total expenditure of $4,280.50. 5.6 Audited Financial Statements prepared by Ernst & Ernst The President of the College requested the acceptance of the audited financial. statements and other financial information of the Junior College District of St; Louis St. Louis County, Missouri, as of June 30, 1964, as prepared by the firm of Ernst & Ernst. Since there is no hurry about this, it was unanimously ajMwd itw* Hit. Uo puatponed until the next Board meeting on September 28, 1964. 6. STUDENT PERSONNEL SERVICES 6.1 The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, reported to the Board that the enrollment figures at the three campuses, by days of registration are as follows; J^g^Z _AiJajLJ?. Aufl» 3 1 Sept * ] Sept. 2 Sept. 3 Sept. 4 Florissant Valley C. C. 1411 1500 1547 1581 1594 1609 1633 Forest Park C.C. 1220 1603 1678 1718 1730 1740 1755 MeramecC.C. 1482 1562 1571 1579 1577 1605 1610 4113 4665 4796 4878 4901 4954 4998 Total Dr. Cosand added that formalregistrationwas scheduled for Thursday, August 27, I v ^ 1964; and Friday, September 4, was the last day for late registration. WW 9/14/64 - 14 - 6i2 College Calendar for the College Year 1964-65 The President of the College recommended the approval of the College Calendar for the College Year 1964-1965, He pointed out the pressures on the campuses during registration time - sending out student grades, e t c , , stating that our present set-up was too tight,, The calendar, as proposed, is the same used at other colleges and universities which are using the tri-mester plan. It provides an excess of 46 weeks of instruction, examinations and registration time, and meets requirements for accreditation* A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mr, Williamson, seconded by Mr, Ruffin, and with the unanimous aye vote of ail members of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the Calendar for the College Year 1964-1965 be approved as submitted by the President for the Junior College District of St, Louis - St, Louis County, Missouri, and be attached as an addendum to these Minutes, 7. COMMUNITY SERVICES Dr, Cosand reported to the Board that the coverage of the Junior College District by the communication media during the past three weeks has been extensive, KMOX-TV, KSD-TV, ICTVI-TV, KMOX, KSD, KWK, The Globe Democrat, The Post-Dispatch, and weakly newspapers, have all carried both regular news items and special articles and programs. Of special interest were the Globe's and Post's feature articles, KMOX-TV's Montage program, and KWK's program on the Airborne Tour, Mrs, Dolores Tygard added that Mr, Ruffin and M r , Williamson had done a great job on KWK last evening, 9/14/64 - 15 - 8. NEW BUSINESS No Report 9. ADJOURNMENT Board President Bastion asked i f there were any further business to come before the Board, There was not, and M r . Williamson made a motion that the meeting be adjourned at 9:50 p,m; M r , Glaser seconded the motion, and i t was unanimously approved. Respectfully submitted, Dolores B, Secretary, The Junior St, Louis - 9/14/64 - 16 - Tygard ^ Board of Trustees College District of St, Louis County, Missouri THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT ST* LOUIS-ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI TREASURER'S REPORT AUGUST 31, 1964 Account Amount August 1, 1964 Plus Receipts: Tax Revenue City of St. Louis Tax Revenue St. Louis County Investment Income Auxiliary Services Student Fees Gifts and Grants Miscellaneous Receipts Balance $2,824,490.10 901 902 920 930 951 971 — $ 15,867.41 3,257.55 322.39 14,786.04 342,440.00 530.00 2.666.83 Total Receipts Less Disbursements: Tuition Refunds Salaries - Net Expenses Capital Outlay Payroll Taxes and Withholdings Auxiliary Services-Cost of Sales 379,870.22 120 300 400 500 700 600 $ 57.00 88,217.24 60,036.64 201,326.20 9,990.03 43.186.12 Total Disbursements 402.813.23 August 31, 1964 $2.80^.547.09 Balance August 31, 1964 Consists Of: Petty Cash Funds Cash in Banks: General Account Payroll Accounts Investments (see Schedule A) $ 800.00 300,247.09 500,00 2,500,000.00 $2,80S,547.09 Reconciliation of Warrant-Check Register to Disbursements: Warrant-Check Register Total August 31, 1964 Plus: Payroll account deposit made in July used to cover August checks jj Total Disbursements for Month of August, 1964 $ 401,953.03 860.20 860.20 $ 402,813.23 * THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT • ST. LCUIS-ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI SCHEDULE A INVESTMENT ACTIVITY FOR MONTH OF AUGUST, 1964 Purchase Date Purchased From Type of Inv. (a)... Rate of Int_. Maturity Date 1 3.42 8/6/64 1 3.16 8/6/64 Maturity Value Cost Interest Earned $ August Maturities 1964 6/25 7/30 1st Nat'l. MerrillLynch $ 50,000.00 $ 49,800.50 $ 200,000.00 250.000T00 $ 199.877.11 249.677.61 Outstanding August 31. 1964 1963 12/23 12/23 12/23 1964 5/22 5/22 (a) Security Boatmen's Boatmen's 2 2 2 4.00 4.00 4.00 12/17/64 12/17/64 9/18/64 $ Mercantile Security 2 2 4.00 4.00 5/20/65 5/20/65 500,000.00 500,000.00 $2,500,000.00 1 - Treasury BilIs 2 - Certificates of Deposit 3 - Repurchase Agreements 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 $ 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 500.0CSQ.00 $2,500,000.00 199.50 122.89 $ 322.39 Xerox Copy Service Agreement ..„..., „,1 Pl«o8« provW« Copy Service to u* on th* foltowtrtg baslu: 914'Copier 1 Install .....C- Hi! 8t3-'Cs»pier 914 Copiers 1. install 2. We agree to pay a basic monihly use charge of $25 DO (or each 914 Copior installed ^-"."~ 8^-CQptors. Copior installed 3 Wo ao/ee to pay S 035 lor each copy made on each 914 Copier installed. 4 It in any calendar month we make less than ?000 copies on any 914 Copier, Xerox may invoice us lor me basic minimum of 2000 copies lor thai Copier in addition to the monthly use charye (There is no minimurn number of copies during the Copier's first Calendar month ol installation ) Wo will forward the completed meter card to Xorox on tho last working day of each month ^ ^ 2. Wo agree to pay * basic morlfrrty. use ^crtlfrge of $1000 tor each 813 --'*"•"--,. 3 Wo agree to pay J 0-tii for each,*tf>py made ofriaach 813 Copier installed, 4 II in any calendar mont^-we make less than BOO copies on any 813 Copior, Xerox may P<6ICH tin for the basic minimum of 800 copies for that Copier in $«X5 : un to Ihe monthly use charge (Th©n*tj no minlmum numhw o! ropi^s during thn Copier's first Calendar (Tropin o! installation ) W« *;!i forward the completed rnator card to X»ro>-4?n th<l *£•?! working day of each munth. Wo understand that the above charges include all machine maintenance, inspections, adjustments pan replacements (except supplies and 914 drums), and repairs, JS described on the back of this Agreement Xerox will invoice us.monthly for the basic use charge and copies m«d« This invoice* is payable wpon receipt without discount. Transportation charges wil. be paid by Xerox to destination city Local delivery charges and rigging e«p*nsaa will be paid by us The equipment remain* the property of Xerox which may supply either new or roconditionod Copiers at their solo option This agreement may be cancelled by us at any time upon notice ol fifteen (15) days. <"""*"' ,j4--v*^ta-u*-l. C^ULC^^^LX,- /J. <-*-•{, . . . . . . . . o*w« 'i.SVL: [frA-Urtk... '..yCvx^tc^t - •* * »* X -- -m, ^ _ _ v - .ton, l v , i - « *""•-'" JrAL A —. - V j ^ ^ . / _ __ ...^vJ^L-ilu-iUV. C."^- i=-C*. £.,-..,» T 'iJrSCs... _ _. ... . . , jm """" ""***—' ' ""- "--"-"nrnitT J J ii ii n I Xerox Copy Service Agreement SB SB ". i-QX. .t-.;r-f*a: Tin! •unn-ir n ni'i i n i iiiMriiiiiiiali^ipiiiiBiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiijj customer agrees: S| aa 111 WS Wi: Bagi |W Sfii SHE H | S$K HH ; - .our personnel m »-.<! uso of the copier. t Hl| -..•.- •:•; _n your pn.imoA;;. 0u*» to dro, l i g h t n i n g , sprmklor leakage. to obtain the written |S|1 c.:.'.• : . i x u , tornado, w i n d s t o r m , water, e x p l o s i o n , smoke, smudge. of th<i copior WSu. IBM W&mi IMSI a ' : . " -r.otix vehicle, strikes, rio!3, civil c o m m o t i o n * , collapsing .,..,. . ,,. ' * jPH'Sff^f'SS <o l ); 'Y ."iccordino to Xerox's establishwd service policy for sorvicu requt'stnd outsidci o< t r u rt»yului smrvco hours to pay tor un> r e p - f i or x m t a c e r n e n l s made n«oea»ary by his will- .-:'••-;. i.he copier <n q o o d w o r k i n g order, makr? inspections, adiostK j a . i . 1 • .J '".schino pars replacements (except supplies) and repairs as . . . . - d without charge to the customor. -.. ;•• .•n.iti machine service during our rugulnr sorvice h o u r s ' 8 30 a .-. - v to provide s u i u & i o electric sorvica for o p e r a t i o n of the copier, and to properly g i o u n d receptacles (aa p r o v i d e d by U n d e r w r i t e r s ' Lab, . . oratorios. Inc • to make available a Key Operator tor t r a i n i n g In the use of t h « copier Should f i n assignment changa the c u s t o m e r o g r o o * So In. , . , v form Xorox imrvie-d.ataly. • r; 00 p.m., Monday through Friday (except holidays). to make no alterations in tho copior. •';«' ail responsibility for loss or d a m a g e to the copier In- '""" . , , . , , . „ fluihotnation of Xerox prior to arty movement 'i|«f «p . . j CALENDAR - T964 - 65 1964 Fait Session July 31 Final date fo file application for admission; August 27 Completion of regular registration; August 28 Late registration. August 31 Classes begin September 7 No classes; September 8 Classes resume September 25 Last day for withdrawal without prejudice (W grades) October 16 Instructors report mid-session grades to Registrar. October 23 Withdrawal after this date results in failing grades in all courses. November 2 6 , & 27 No classes November 30 Classes resume December 14, 15, & 16 December 18 Final examinations Instructors turn in final grades to Registrar. 1964-65 Winter Session December 11, 1964 Final dote to file application for admission; January 7 Completion of regular registration. Januarys Late registration January 11 Classes begin February 5 Last dcy for withdrawal without prejudice (W grades) t CALENDAR - 1964-65 Cont. %' Page 2 1964 - 65 Winter Session (cont.) February 22 No classes. February 23 Classes resume February 26 Instructors report mid-session grades to Registrar. March 5 Withdrawal after this date results in failing grades in all courses. April 16 No classes. April 19 Classes resume April 19-23 Final examinations. April 26 Instructors turn in final grades to Registrar. April 2 7 May21 (Faculty only) Reports, evaluation, planning. 1965 Summer Session April 9 Final date to file application for admission. May 6 Cotrpletion of regular registration. May 7 Late registration. May 10 Classes begin. June 4 Last day for withdrawal without prejudice (W grades) June 25 Instructors report mid-session grades to Registrar. July 2 Withdrawal after this dale results in failing grades In all courses. August 16, 17, & 18 Fincl examinations. August 20 Injectors report final grades to Registrar. ^ m ' U ' I | 'I i " " " »r \ |M i i | , i i