';'i'\ '','•'-', '.\'r ::\\. •'•'. A"/_J . ' • • ' . r''' ! " A ' 1 ~ MINUTES OF THE REGUIAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS - ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI MONDAY, JULY 27, 1964 - 8:00 P.M. A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Junior College District of St; Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri, was held on Monday, July 27, 1964, at the Central Office of the District at 4386 Undell Blvd., St; Louis, Missouri 1; GENERAL FUNCTIONS 1.2 Roll Call The Board President, Mrs. Joseph C . Bastion, called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. The following members of the Board were present: " «p Mrs. Joseph C. Bastian Messrs; Lester C. Gel I Morris Glaser S F. Wm. McCalpin Guy S; Ruffin Gerald V . Williamson f Also present were Dr; Joseph P. Cosand, President; Mr. James W. Hobson, Vice President; Dr. Douglas Ubby, Campus Director; Dr. William Graham, Campus Director} and Mr. George Cochran - all of the Junior College staff. I Mr. John Emde of the firm of Armstrong, Teasdale, Roos, Kramer and Vaughan, Counsel for the District, was also present; J* $£••''••••• WXi- • • •' . ' .lb 1.3 , ,, HI .. Minutes Board President Bastion called for a reading of the Minutes of the Regular meeting of June 2 2 , 1964, Board Member Gel I called the secretary's attention to page 15, Under 5,9 Mr; Gell pointed out that this lease agreement between Grand Park Appliance Company and the Junior College District was approved subject to investigation by Mr, Hobson since there was a discrepancy in price between this proposal and the one with A & B Radio & Television Company. Mir. Geil also called the secretary's attention to page 16 of the Minutes. Under 5; 11 - Purchase of 681 Tablet Arm Chairs - he pointed out that the staff had not recommended either chair/ but had indicated that both were good. The secretary pro tern, Miss Doris Wenrzel, noted these changes. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Ruffin, seconded by Mr, Geil, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board, the Minutes of June 22, 1964 were approved as amended. Board President Bastion then called for a reading of the Minutes of the Regular meeting of July 13, 1964. President Bastion called the secretary's attention to page 2 of the Minutes. Under 1.6,2 she pointed out that the Minutes should indicate that the article in the Colorado Springs News, dated July 1 1 , 1964, contained an interview of Mr. Williamson on the development of the Junior College District, together with Ms picture; President Bastion also called the secretary's attention to page 4 of the Minutes nottng that the resignation of Mrs. Betty Jo Spry had been omitted. 7/27/64 V - 2 - u , i. ii On page 15 of the Minutes, President Bastlan pointed out that this meeting which had been reconvened, did not Indicate an adjourment. The secretary pro tern, Miss Doris Wenrzel, also noted these changes. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Glaser, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board, the Minutes of July 13, 1964 were approved as amended. 1.4 Welcome to Guests Board President Bastlan introduced Mr. William R. Sverner - a reporter for th St. Louis Globe-Democrat; Mr; Taylor Pensoneau - a reporterfromthe St. Louis PostDispatch; and Mr. Patrick H. Witte - a representativefromthe Forest Park Community College campus - to the Board Members. 1.6 Communications 1.6.1 The secretary pro tern, Miss Wenbtel, read a letter from Mr. Richard T, Dankworth, Coordinator of the EFL Airborne Institute, thanking the Junior College for making it possible for their group to hear about the exciting developments in St, Louis. He also mentioned that they enjoyed having Mr. Williamson with them on their tour. 1.6.2 A letter of thanksfromHarold B. Gores, President of EFL, was also read to the Board. They were pleased with the reactions which had been received from the McDonnell presentation. 1.6.3 Board President Bastion also mentioned that letters and Information had been sent to eight different colleges and universitiesfromMr. Donald 7/27/64 - 3 - / Hogan of the McDonnell Automation Center on "Flying the College on a Computer", as a result of the July 9th meeting at McDonnell; Board Member Williamson said that members of the tour considered the pr sentation at St, Louis to be the highlight of the tour. This single evening was the most significant of the tour, and their remarks were very complimentary, 2; PERSONNEL 2.1 Certificated Personnel - Summer Session The President recommends the employment of the following certificated personnel for the 1964 Summer Session: Mrs. Josephine Anthony - M . C . C . 3 hrs. @ $205/cr.hr. - Effective 8/3/64 Ernest B. Gourdine - F . V . C . C . 4 hrs@ $135/cr.Sr. - Effective 7/27/64 Rudolph Heider - M . C i C 2 hrs. @ $205/cr.hr.-Effective 8/10/64 A 2.2 Classified Personnel The President recommends the employment of the following classified personnel: Barbara Martin - Steno-Clerk - Florissant Valley Campus - Range 10 Step A Effective 8/24/64 Norma Lee Miller - Steno-Clerk - Forest Park Campus - Range 10 Step A Effective 7/28/64 Janice Klrgan - Secretary - Central Office - Range 11 Step B - Effective 8/3/64 Thomas Taylor - Accountant - Range 18 Step A - Effective 8/10/64 2.3 Certificated Personnel * Resignations The President recommends the acceptance of the following resignations: Charlsie Tesmor 7/57/64 (approved at 4/27/64 Board Meeting) - 4 - mumii M U M •••miiiiiiiiiiiiii in n mi iimi ii I nimi n n • i mm »i IIIIWIIH mi • M I — n iiiii«iBiiiiM«iiiiiiiiiiliiinniMinliiilnilllHiiiiHiiH'tiiHiiiWiii A general discussion followed Involving all Board Members. Whereupon, on motion by Mr* Glaser, seconded by Mr* Williamson, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board, It was RESOLVED, That the personnel recommended for employment by Dr. Cosand, as set out in the foregoing list, be employed In the capacity and at the salary classification therein set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board, FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and Is hereby authorized to execute the form Instructor's Contract, previously adopted by the Board, with each of the above full-time certificated personnel, which said contract is to be filed with the records of the District. 4. COLLEGE FACILITIES 4.1 ^Efe The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, recommended that approval of the Master Plan for the Forest Park Community College be postponed until we hov more information concerning the core of permanent buildings to be constructed, 5. BUSINESS AND FINANCE 5.1 Treasurer's Report The Board President, Mrs* Bastion, called upon the Treasurer, Mr. Hobson, to present the Treasurer's Report for the period from June 1 to June 3 0 , 1964. A general discussion followed involving all Board Members* Whereupon, It was moved by Mr. G e f l , seconded by Mr. Williamson, that the Treasurer's Report b approved as submitted, and be attached as an addendum to these Minutes. Upon th aye vote of all members of the Board, the motion was approved unanimously* 5.2 Approval of Consultants for the Forest Parle Community College Campus The President of the College requested the approval of the following consultants proposed to be used by Harry Woese & Associates In conn ction with the planning and 7/27/64 - 5 - designing of the Forest Park Community College Campus during the master planning stage or any subsequent designing stage: Structural Engineers - The Engineers Collaborative Mechanical Engineers - Cosentfni Associates Food Service - Flambert & Flambert Traffic Control - Barfon-Aschman Associates Lighting - William C. Lam Landscape Design - Dan KI ley Cost Control - McKee, Berger, Mansueto Considerable discussion ensued involving all of the Board Members. Mr* Williamson recommended that they be queried as to their soil consultant since the soil may have a great deal to do with the set up, so knowledge of the soil would be imperative. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Ruffin, seconded by M r . McCalpin, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the Junior College District of St; Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri, approve the recommendation of Harry Weese and Associates with respect to the aforementioned consultants; FURTHER RESOLVED, That the foregoing firms be retained by Harry Weese and Associates as consultants to work with their firm in the development of the Forest Parle Community College Campus. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the architectural firm of Harry Weese and Associates retain a Soils Consultant, in addition to the above, to obtain further knowledge of the soil at the Forest Park Community College campus site. 5.3 Approval of a Contrlbution-in-aid-of Construction to Laclede Gas Company The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, requested the approval of a contribution- In-aid-of construction to the Laclede Gas Company in the amount of $7,000.00 as a deposit for the extension of gas distribution facilities to tho temporary building at the Florissant Vail y Campus, for heating and laboratory use. 7/27/64 - 6 - i Miiiiiiiiimniiiimiiiiiiitiiiiiiiii >tiiiiiniini niiiiiiiii|-|iiiiirn'iniiii>»'»>ii^riiiiil'iiiiii«*i"i mini imiiiliV'lV • - "'-| r V • ' " 111 n ii ,.,...,:..,..-., ,,,•„, ,r A general Discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mr, G e f l , seconded by Mr, Williamson/ and upon the aye vote of all Members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the Junior College District of St, Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri approve a contribution-in-ald-of construction to the Laclede Gas Company in the amount of $7,000.00 as a deposit for the extension of gas distribution facilities to the temporary building at the Florissant Valley Campus. FURTHER RESOLVED, That this amount of $7,000;00 be recovered by the Junior College District at the time that the permanent facilities are installed; 5.4 - a Purchase of Chalkboards for the Florissant Volley Campus The President of the College requested acceptance of the bid and approval of the purchase of 30 Chalkboard;for the temporary buildings at the Florissant Volley Campus from Clements Company, the lowest of three bidders, in the amount of $2,142.00. A general discussion followed; Whereupon, on motion by Mr, Williamson, seconded by M r , G e i l , and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri, accept the bid and approve the purchase of 30 chalkboards for th Florissant Valley Campus from Clements Company In the amount of $2,142,00, 5,4 - b Acceptance of bid for folding tables and table trucks for the Florissant Valley Campus The President of the College recommended the purchase of 24 folding tab I s 30" x 72" x 29"; 32 folding tables - 36" x 36" x 29"; and 4 table trucks to be used at the Florissant Valley Campus from Blackwell-WIelandy Company at a total cost of $1,770,90, It was pointed out that bids had been sent to four suppliers, A general discussion followed. It was pointed out that National Chair Company had submitted a lower bid for the tab I trucks. Whereupon, Mr, Williamson moved 7/27/64 - 7 - .„ that we accept the bid from Blackweil-Wielandy Company for 24 - 30" x 72" ** folding tables; and 32 - 36" x 36" - folding tables, in the amount of $1622.40 — and that 4 toblo trucks be purchased from National Chair Company in the amount of $118.80 — subject to the Purchasing Department being able to so divide the business. The motion was seconded by Mr. Gel I . Upon the unanimous aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri, accept the bid and approve the purchase of folding tables from the BJackwell-Wielandy Company in the amount of $1,622.40; and 4 truck tables from National Chair Company in the amount of $118*80 - providing the order can be so divided. A 5.4 = Acceptance of bid for Typewriters for Florissant Valley campus The President of the College recommended the purchase of 13 Royal manual typewriters for use in the typing classes at the Florissant Valley Campus from RoyalMcBee Corporation in the amount of $2,015.00; It was pointed out that bids had been received from five supplers, and sample typewriters had been tested and rated. A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Gel I , seconded by Mr. Glaser, and upon the unanimous aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri, accept the bid and approve the purchase of 13 Royal manual typewriters for the Florissant Valley Campus from Royal-McBee Corporation at the cost of $2,015.00. 5.4 - d Acceptance of bid for Dental Equipment and Supplies The President of the College recommended the approval of the purchase of Dental equipment and supplies to out fit the now Dental Assisting Program at Meramec Community College campus from the following] 7/27/64 - 8 - ' Sandier & Sons Mid-Vale Dental Supply Company Thau-Nolde, Inc. Total expenditure $ 1,069.52 1,342.00 1,123.62 % 3,540.14 A general discussion followed. It was pointed out that of those suppliers which submitted bids, some did net bid on all items, and others did not bid some items as specified, making it necessary to analyze each item for quality and price. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. G laser, seconded by Mr. Ruffin, qnd upon the unanimous aye vote of all members of the Board, It was RESOLVED, That the Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louts County, accept the bid and approve the purchase of Dental equipment and supplies from Sandler & Sons - $1,069.52; Mid-Vale Dental Supply Co; $1,342.00; and Thau-Nolde, Inc. - $1,128;62 — for a total expenditure of $3,540.14; 5.5 Approval of Budget Transfer The President of the College requested the approval of a budget transfer of $18,513.35 from budget account - Estimated Income Over Expenditures 1964-65 - to cover encumbrances carried forward from 1963-64 fiscal year, as follows: Central Administration General Administration - Expenses $ Educational Administration - Expenses Business Administration - Expenses " " - Capital Outlay instructional Resources - Expenses " » - Capital Outlay District Campus Development - Capital Outlay Forest Parle General Administration - Expenses Instruction-Natural Science - Expenses Student Services - Expenses Instructional Resources - Capital Outlay Auxiliary Services - Books and Supplies 7/27/64 - 9 - ' 276.80 407.76 416.97 135,15 63.55 3,157.11 4,197.18 9.00 122,59 9,00 746.65 886.50 Sandler & Sons Mid-Vale Dental Supply Company Thau-Nolde, Inc. Total expenditure $ 1,069,52 1,342;00 1,128.62 $ 3,540.14 A general discussion followed. It was pointed out that of those suppliers which submitted bids, some did not bid on all items, and others did not bid some items as specified, making it necessary to analyze each item for quality and price. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Glaser, seconded by Ruffln, and upon the unanimous aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVE), That the Junior College District of St. Louis - St, Louis County, accept the bid and approve the purchase of Dental equipment and supplies from Sandler & Sons - $1,069.52; Mid-Vale Dental Supply Co, $1,342.00; and Thau-Nolde, Inc. - $1,128.62 — for a total expenditure of $3,540.14. 5,5 Approval of Budgot Transfer The President of the College requested the approval of a budget transfer of $18,513.35 from budget account - Estimated Income Over Expenditures 1964-65 - to cover encumbrances carried forward from 1963-64 fiscal year, as follows: Central Administration Gereral Administration - Expenses $ 276.80 Educational Administration - Expenses Business Administration - Expenses " " - Capital Outlay Instructional Resources - Expenses " - Capital Outlay District Campus Development - Capital Outlay Forest Paris General Administration - Expenses Instruction-Natural Science - Expenses Student Services - Expenses Instructional Resources - Capital Outlay Auxiliary Servtc s - Books and Supplies 7/27/64 - 9 - 407.76 416.97 135.15 63,55 3,157.11 4,197,18 9,00 122,59 9,00 746.65 886.50 Florissant Valley General Administration - Expenses Instruction-Natural Science - Expenses Student Activities - Expenses Auxiliary Services - Books and Supplies Meramec Community College General Administration - Expenses Instruction-Communication - Expenses Instruction-Business - Expenses Physical Plant - Expenses Physical Plant - Capital Outlay Instructional Resources - Expenses Siudent Services - Expenses Student Activities - Expenses Auxiliary Services - Books and Supplies Total $ 323.24 85.45 230.90 10.50 117.00 214.50 12.50 178.97 4,857.73 24.00 23.20 334.04 1/673.06 $ 18,513.35 A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr, Glaser, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board, i t was RESOLVED, That the Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County Missouri transfer the sum of $18,513.35 from budget account Estimated Income Over Expenditures 1964-65 to cover the encumbrances mentioned above which were carried over from the 1963-64 fiscal year, 5.6 Approval of Budget Transfer for fiscal year 1963-64 The President of the College requested the approval of the budget transfer of $18,000.00 for the fiscal year 1963-64 as follows: From: Campus I - Forest Park - Instructional Salaries Campus I - Forest Park - Physical Plant Salaries To: Campus I - Forest Park - Expenses $ 12,000.00 6,000.00 $ 18,000.00 A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Ruffin, seconded by Mr. Williamson, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was 7/27/64 - 10 - RESOLVED; That the Board of Trustees of the Junior College District approve the budget transfer of $18,000.00 for the fiscal year 1963-64 as follows: From: Campus I - Forest Park - Instructional Salaries Campus I - Forest Park - Physical Plant Salaries $ 12,000;00 6,000,00 To: Campus I - Forest Park - Expenses $ 18,000.00 5,7~<x Approval of Budget request for establishment of the Dental Assisting Program The President of the College requests the approval to establish a budget for the Dental Assisting Program, as follows: From: District Campus Development Fund (920) $ 6,500.00 To: Capital Outlay Fund (Six) $ 6,500.00 From: President's Research & Growth Fund (910) $ 10,764.00 To: Technical Instruction (284) $ 18,764.00 A general discussion followed. It was pointed out that the $6500.00 figure will be used primarily for the remodeling of the building - and the $18,764.00 will be used for instruction purposes. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. McCalpin, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the Junior College District approve the establishment of a budget for the Dental Assisting Program in the amount of $25,264.00, as outlined above. 5.7 - b Acceptance of tetter of Agreement with Arrow Construction Company The President of the College recommended the acceptance of the Letter of Agreement betw en the Arrow Construction Company and the Junior College District for the remodeling of the house located at 806 G orgetown at the West end of the 7/27/64 - 11 - IMIWIIIW •llHWltBIWIifllllllUmiMlWWIlUMTIWI *&r P W M I W ^ H W l M •••!•• • • 111 I 111 '" I" - 1" I' ')( lll"l" 1 I ' Hr"l I'll'I II - "1 " • • I"1 I I " " f'l' ••' -\ •• •" -i • . . . . . . . - ... , ... - Meramec Community College campus, which will be used for the Dental Assisting Program. A general discussion followed. It was pointed out that since we have a deadline to meet, and that it would facilitate the operation i f we would have the Arrow Construction Company, which is now completing the work on the additional building at the East end of the Meramec Campus, take on this additional job on a time and material basis. Mr. McCalpin pointed out that in order to approve this, the Board of Trustees would have to suspend - for this meeting only, pursuant to 1.8.3 of the Policies and Procedures Manual - Section 7.1 of the Policies and Procedures Manual concerning Public Bids. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Glaser, seconded by M r , G e i l , and with the unanimous aye vote of ail members of the Board, Section 7.1 of the Policies and Procedures Manual was suspended for this meeting only pursuant to 1,8.3 of the Manual; Whereupon, i-.'t. Geil moved that we award the Letter of Agreement to the Arrow Construction Company on a 5% overhead an d 10 % profit charge - with tim reports and duplicate copies of all invoices charged to the (ob submitted to the Junior College District. Mr, Williamson seconded the motion. Upon the unanimous ay vote of all members of the Board, i t was RESOLVED, That the Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri award the Letter of Agreement to the Arrow Construction Company to remodel the house located at 806 Georgetown at the West end of the Meramec Campus, for use for the Dental Assisting Program. FURTH ER RESOLVED, That thoy w i l l do this with a 5% overhead and 10% profit. charge - and will submit time reports and duplicate copies of all invoices charged to the |ob to the Junior College District. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the remodeling costs at said premises shall not exceed the sum of $65Q0nQ0, 7/>7/64 - 12 - • -.... t 5.8 ..Londscapfng at Florissant Valley Campus The President of the College recommended the approval to advertise for bids for landscaping of the Florissant Valley Campus to be run three times within a period of seven days, with three days between the last advertisement and the opening of bids to be opened on August 7th, and approved August 10th - pursuant to Section 6.6 of the Policies and Procedures Manual; It was pointed out that this emergency measure would have to be followed if we wished to have the landscaping completed by the opening of the Fall Session,, A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mr* McCalp!nv seconded by Mr» Williamson, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the Junior College District authorize the advertisement of bids for landscaping of the Florissant Valley Campus - to be run 3 times within a period of 7 days, with 3 days between the last advertisement and the opening of bids, pursuant to Section 6,6 of the Rules and Procedures of the Policies and Procedures Manual. 5.9 Air Conditioning at the Forest Perk Community College Campus Vice President Hobson Informed the Board members that the lease agreement between the Grand Park Appliance Company and the Junior College District was n ver placed due to the fact that the offices were moved to Edmonds Restaurant. This was the contract which was tentatively approved at the June 22, 1964 meeting of the Board. 7. COMMUNITY SERVICES 7.1 The President of the College recommended that the following proposed Board Policy - 7.10 - Use of College Premises - be lodged at this meeting of the Board of Trust es and acted upon at a subsequent meeting of the Board. This proposal is attached as an addendum to these Minutes. 7/27/64 - 13 - 7.1 The President of the College also recommended that the following proposed Board policy - 7.11 - Use of Food Service Facilities - be lodged at this regular meeting of the Board of Trustees/ and that It be voted upon at the August 10th Board meeting* It is understood that this proposed policy would supplement th proposed Board Policy 7.10. The proposal is attached as an addendum to these Minutes. 9. ADJOURNMENT Board President Bastlan asked if there were any further business to come before the Board. There was not, and M r . Williamson made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Glaser seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved at 10:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Doris Wentzel, Actir^fSecretary for Dolores B, Tygard, Secretary Board of Trustees The Junior College District of St. Louis - St» Louis County, Missouri 7/27/64 - 14 - ' . ' = ' ' ' s ;.,'„-.;:, ' ' • • • ' • • , * • • " » + ' THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT ST. LOUIS-ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI SUMMARY OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS JUNE 30, 1964 Balance May 31, 1964 $3,440,635.00 Receipts: Taxes Maintenance Fees Interest Earned on Investments Gifts and Grants Bookstore Gross Sales Other $ 13,133.02 18,840.00 2,556.99 1,200.00 985.41 2.269.69 Disbursements (See Schedule A ) : Salaries $77,358.24 Less Withholdings 13,353.10 Operating Expenses Capita? Outlay Auxiliary Services (Cost of Sales) Payroll Taxes & Withholdings NDEA - Title III Tuition Refunds National Defense Loan Fund Other $ 38,985.11 $ 393.507.73 $ 64,005.14 61,137.31 101,078.34 1,104.41 13,731.72 149,122.86 1,942.00 1,310.95 75.00 Exc ss of Disbursements Over Receipts $ Balance June 30, 1964 $3,086,112.38 Balance June 30, 1964 Consists Of: Cash on Hand (Petty Cash Funds) Cash in Bank: Mercantile Trust General Account Mercantile Trust Payroll Account $ $ Investments: Treasury Bills Certificates of Deposit 354.522.62 800.00 36,160.94 1,184.56 37,345.50 $ 547,966.88 2.500,000.00 $3,047,966.88 $3,086,112.38 - 1 - m THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT ® SCHEDULE A RECONCILIATION OF WARRANT CHECK REGISTER TO DISBURSEMENTS Warrant Check Register Total June 30» 1964 Less: Cost of Investments Purchased During Month Excess In Payroll Account (due to cancelled check) Total Disbursements For Month of June.1964 - 2 - $1,042,050.84 $ 647,858,55 684.56 648.543.11 $ 393,507.73 ^ T H E JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT SCHEDULE B INVESTMENT ACTIVITY FOR THE MONTH OF June, 1964 Purchase Date jp. T 12/23/63 12/23/63 1.2/23/63 4/23/64 5/21/64 5/22/64 5/22/64 5/22/64 5/28/64 6/11/64 6/18/64 6/18/64 6/25/64 6/25/64 Purchased From Security Trust Boatmen's Bank •• • " Mercantile Trust " " •» " Security Trust First National Mercantile Trust First National Mercantile Trust ,: " First National •• " Type of Investment Rate Of Interest Certificate of DeposIt " " " " " " Treasury Bi1 Is " " Certificate of Deposit " " " Treasury BilIs " " " " » " •! " " " " " 4% 4% 4% 3.26% 3.25% 4% 4% 3.12% 3.0% 3.0% 3.44% 3.43% 3.40% 3.42% Maturity Va1ue $500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 150,000.00 100,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 50,000.00 '400,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 Cost $500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 149,144.25 99,810.42 500,000.00 500,000.00 498,830.00 99,766.67 99,891.67 49,866.22 398,399.33 49,900.83 49,800.50 Maturity Date June Maturities 12/17/64 $ 12/17/64 9/18/64 6/25/64 150,000.00 6/11/64 100,000.00 5/20/65 5/20/65 6/18/64 500,000.00 6/25/64 100,000.00 6/25/64 100,000.00 7/16/64. 7/30/64 7/16/64 8/6/64 - $ 950,000.00 - 3 - THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS JULY 1, 1963 TO JUNE 30, 1964 Account No. 11-901 101 102 103 104 105 106 108 109 Taxes City of St. Louis: Real Estate Personal Property Intangible Manufacturers Merchants Railroads St.Louis Housing Authority Surplus Commissions 11-902 101 102 103 104 106 107 St. Louis County: Real Estate Personal Property Intangible Manufacturers & Merchants Railroads Utilities 11 -903 103 106 Jefferson County Intangible Railroads TOTAL TAXES 11-980-110 State Aid Grants 12,13,14-951 Malntance Fees 120 Resident 121 Non-Resident 122 Out of State 123 Vocational Rehabilitation 11-971-198 Receipts For Month Item Investments KHeTrfeornod Receipts Yeor To Date Revised Estimated Income Budget , 1963-64 r * 6,902.51 587.91 346.50 15.60 $ 7,852.52 $ $3,449.10 1,627.22 204.18 $ 5,280.50 $1,388,049.69 $1,350,000.00 208,223.52 185,000.00 27,024.84 25,000.00 54,802.05 50,000.00 11,549.18 12,000.00 83,144.23 80,000.00 $1,772,793.51 $1,702,000.00 $ $ 1,193,713.66 $1,166,000.00 194,527.02 185,000.00 79,424.28 47,000.00 106,990.50 105,000.00 70,222.70 65,000.00 57,558.98 58,000.00 5,280.30 5,700.00 (a) $1,707,717.44* $1,631,700.06"" - ' 778.79 $ 776.79^ $ 400.00 1,100.00 1,500.00 $ $ $13,133.02 $3,481,289.74 $3,335,200.00 $ $ 600,000.00 $ $18,840.00 $18,840.00 $ 429,605.00 $ 1,250,00 400.00 2,824.00 $ 434,079.00 $ 400,000.00" $ 2,556.99 $ *• 4 •• 93,446.23 $ 440,000.00 70,000.00 '- STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS (Cont'd) JULY 1, 1963 TO JUNE 30, 1964 Account No, (783) (784) (785) 11-971-170(786) (787) (788) (790) 11-971-170 12-801-130 13-801-130 14-801-130 A Receipts For Month Item 11-871-170 (780) (781) Gifts & Grants Aero Chart Women's Club $ Mrs. Aaron Fischer Scholarship Fund Russell E. Schmidt Memorial Women's Advertising Club Hotel & Restaurant Scholarship Fund Educational Facilities Lab. Morris Glaser Library Fund Department of Nursing Fund General Scholarship Fund Other $1,200.00 Auxiliary Services Bookstore Gross Sales: Forest Park $ 638.55 Florissant Valley ",30.50 Meramec 216.36 12-802-140 13-802-140 14-802-140 Vending Machine Income: Forest Park Florissant Valley Meramec 12-801-199 Other 12-881-199 13-881-199 14-881-199 11-140-437 11-971-199 11-971-199 12-951-199 13-951-199 14-951-199 11-000-760 13-101-596 Revised Estimated Receipts income Budget Year To Date 1963-64 $ 1,200.00 $ 225.00 280.00 500.00 200.00 15,100.00 478.00 20.00 50.00 10.00 $ 18,063.00 $ 61,033.67 26,739.79 12,465.75 58.40 4.18 18.98 $ $ 1,459.43 23.64 335.07 11.20 Other Receipts & Refunds Student Activities Forest Park Florissant Valley Meramec Insurance Proceeds Rent-Constructioneer» St. Louis Arena Corp. Transcript Fees-Forest Park " " -Florissant •• " -Meramec Prepaid Tuition YMCA Deposit - 5- ^;0o6.9y $102,068.55 $ 130,000.00 $ $ $ 100.00 2,000.00 7.00 1.00 4.00 170.00 297.67 107.00 193.00 600.00 2,000.00 33.00 19.11 12.00 100.00 1,000.00 STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS (Cont'd) JULY 1, 1963 TO JUNE 30, 1964 A Account No. 11-701-199 Receipts For Month Item Library Fines Other TOTAL RECEIPTS Repelpfrs Yeor To Date 76,13 $ 2,188.13 $ $38,985.11 • •••' '•' " -I (a) Transferred to Real Estate Tax Income on 6/30/64 -6- Revised Estimated Income Budget 1963-64 19,19 3,255,40 7,806.37 $ $4,736,752.89 $4,375,200.00 r I I' — i i T ~ n ~ * ~ SBsgamsmam THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION (11) STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS AND ENCUMBRANCES JUNE 30, 1964 Account No. (300) 321 322 321 322 341 391 Item Salaries J. Cosand.Pres. $ J. Tlrrell,V.P.Inst. J. Hobson.V.P.Bus. Administrative Clerical Other TOTAL SAURIES ^^ ^ (400) 401 403 415 421 422 423 424 425 429 431 437 439 447 448 449 451 452 461 462 463 465 466 467 469 482 487 492 494 495 Revised Appropriation Budget 1963-64 Disbursemerits For Month $ Disbursemerits Open For Year Encumbrances 1,750.00 $ 21,000.00 $ 1,666.67 20,000.04 1,416.67 17,000.04 2,055.57 22,217.87 4,757.80 48,365.78 818.45 4,283.27 $ $140,140.00 $ 12,465.16 $132,867.00 $ Operating Expenses Audit Fee $ Auto Expense Cash Advance Contractual Service-Legal Contractual ServiceConsultant Contractual ServiceOther Other Services Election Expense Annuity Employment Proc. General Insurance Group Insurance 6Employee Benefits Meetings Faculty Meetings & Expenses Relating Thereto Membership Payroll Taxes-Cert, Payroll Taxes-Non-Cert. Postage & Freight Data Processing Printing Public Information Publications 6Subscriptions Rent Repairs & Maintenance Testing Services Stationery Supplies-Office Supplies-Other Delivery Service $ $ 4,872.00 $ 464.43 4,819.38 (215.00) 200.00 4,433.80 17,940.29 $ 7,273.00 $ 134.00 200.00 254.23 431.00 333.33 435.60 4,683.00 1,103.62 6,192.86 723.75 3,999.96 2,482.94 11,550.30 2,566.82 665.32 3,894.91 3,374.23 15.00 126.00 276.66 488.61 (25,458.96) 3,353.12 120.33 708.70 2,359.50 1,512.00 2,6C6.43 3,699.57 373.74 26,173.25 2,927.99 12.20 854.11 124.61 1,137.22 355.37 70.60 - 7 - 1,294.88 10,619.94 679.55 128.29 653.84 9,585.96 2,923.20 264.30 Unencumbered Balances 54.80 243.25 15.00 19.18 200.00 427.35 7.95 THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION (11) (Cont'd.) Account No. Item Revised Appropriation Budget 1963-64 Disbursements For Month (400) Operating Expenses (cont'd.) 496 Telephone & T" $ 4,333.32 $ Telegraph 497 Travel 513.38 499 Mi seel laneous 32.34 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ '164,240.00 $ 406.44 $ (500) Capital Outlay 501 Sites $ 502 Land Improvement 511 Temporary Buildings 513 Master Plan 514 Building Alterations 521 Equipment 531 Automobiles 541 Furniture 561 Instructional App. 591 Other 596 Deposits on RentaJ TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL Disbursements For Year Unencumbered Balances Open Encumbrances 16,312.99 $ $ 5,958.82 2.010.50 152,147.69 $ 1,101.53 $10,990.78 $ 45,110.34 $1,794,811.36 $ 4,150.00 $ 6,242.00 20,15'/.41 22,503.33 231,125.09 47.18 3,656.38 22,165.11 957.17 835.53 4,491.30 1,756.13 61.00 4,046.55 135.15 1.800.00 1,807.21 1,800.00 $2,116,852.00 $ 79,373.05 $2,083,117.33 $ 5,167.86 $.26,566.81 $2,421.232.00 $ 92,244.65 $2,368^132.02 $ 6,269.39 $46,830.59 m Q m THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES (701) STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS AND ENCUMBRANCES JUNE 30, 1964 Account No. (300) 321 341 391 Item Salaries R.Jones, Director Clerical Other TOTAL SALARIES Revised Appropriation Budget 1963-64 $ Disbursements For Month $ Disbursements For Year Unencumbered Balances Open Encumbrances 1,041.67 $ 12,500.04$ 1,241.48 8,995.48 228.51 3.195.57 $ $ 25,210.00 $ 2,511.66 $ 24,691.09 $ $ 518.91 201.72 (400) 403 424 447 Operating Expenses Auto Expense Other Services Meetings and Expenses Relating Thereto 451 Payroll Taxes-Cert. 452 Payroll Taxes-Non-Cert. 461 Postage and Freight 463 Printing 466 Publications £• Subscriptions 467 Rent 469 Repairs 6- Maintenance 491 Supplies-Instructional 492 Supplies-Office 494 Supplies-Other 497 Travel 499 Other Expense TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 7,640.00 $ 102.08 458.63 251.00 20.97 42.00 53.29 18.81 504.00 441.99 78.71 76.20 296.67 12.00 3,017.91 31.14 151.28 97.62 17.91 358.52 1,258.65 694.26 170.75 10.45 53.10 779.66 $ 7,374.73 $ 63.55 $ (500) Capital Outlay 521 Equipment $ $ $ 695.71 $ 574.50 $ 541 Furniture 1,699.38 387.74 581 Books & Periodicals 11,379.57 100.205.91 29.850.40 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $136,690.00 $ 11,379.57 $102,601.00 $ 30,812.64 $ 3,276.36 TOTAL $169,540.00 $ 14,670.89 $134,666.82 $ 30,876.19 $ 3,996.99 « M u a — a n a n m a wmMammammwBaBUM a a a a a M U M a a i limmtmtimmmmmmaaa < a n a a a n a n i a . 9 - 111 ' ' ;/" r ' ' ' IIIIIIII iriiirnin mi •HIIHIMIIIIHIWIMIIIIIIMIIIHITIWIWIWHI ••iiminiii inn IIIMIII.I i l i n iiiiiiiiiiiuiininiiinii «•!•• • THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT AUXILIARY SERVICES (801) STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS AND ENCUMBRANCES JUNE 30, 1964 Account No. (300) 322 341 391 Item Salaries Administrative Clerical Other TOTAL SALARIES Revised Appropriation Budget 1963-64 $ Disbursements For Month Supplles for Resale (500) Capital Outlay 521 Equipment 541 Furniture TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL Unencumbered Balances Open Encumbrances $ 1,192.00$ 294.S0 385.88 10,331.80$ 2,596.10 3,090.61 $ $ 17,220.00 $ 1,872.38 $ 16,018.51 $ $ 1,201.49 13.20 $ 87.80 $ 70.40 532.89 1,399.85 39.00 7.58 10.04 3.25 $ 2,150.81 $ $ 2,079.19 (400) Operating Expenses 403 Auto Expense $ $ 424 Other Services 452 Payroll Taxes-Non Cert. 461 Postage & Freight 469 Repairs & Maintenance 492 Supplies-Office 496 Telephone & Telegraph 499 Mi seel laneous TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 4,230.00 $ (405) Disbursements For Year $142,660.00 $ $ 67.87 68.70 149.77 $ 1,104.41 $ 104,415.94 $ 2,570.06 $35,674.00 $ $ $ $ 4,880.00 $ $ 3,061.41 $ $ $ 1,818.59 $168,990.00 $ 3,126.56 $ 125,646.67 $ 2,570.06 $40,773.27 - 10 - in •••mi I I I I H I M M I )|-|rTTTWrrrTTtfT~ITirLI-MtWMJLLLIWLMJ.lWJIMj_IUJUL_L_J ILL^^J L ! _ _ „ , I II U 'U .^1—.IIUU'.LUIWWJWJ ULUUU THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT FOREST PARK AND HERAMEC COMMUNITY COLLEGES STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS AND ENCUMBRANCES JUNE 30, 1964 Account No. (300) 321 321 322 302 303 306 331 341 391 Item Revised Appropriation Budget 1963-64 Salaries G.Clark,Director $ Adminlstrattve-Cert. Administrative-Non-Cert. Counselors Instructors Librarians Janitorial Clerical Other TOTAL SALARIES Disbursemerits For Month Disbursemerits For Year Open Encumbrances $ 1,250.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 6,017.82 39,686.17 750.00 6,750,00 3,195.00 27,229.97 22,212.50 447,340.43 607.50 9,657.49 1,753.26 10,738.18 4,116.90 34,544.51 273.14 10.788.16 $595,362.00 $ 40,176.12 $601,734.91 $ Unencumber d Balances $ (a) ($ 6,372.91) (400) Operating Expenses 403 Auto Expense $ $ 312.23 $ 4,330.14 $ $ 419 Commencement Expense 31.55 423 Other Contractual Services 472.50 5,408.74 424 Other Expenses 456.25 1,806.82 433 Water 59.15 204.23 434 Electricity 227.76 5,238.64 436 Gas 19.99 352.97 447 Meetings 41.37 246.46 448 Meetings-Faculty 135.82 451 Payroll Taxes-Cert. 332.35 25,624.56 452 Payroll Taxes-Non-Cert. 1,192.01 4,872.85 461 Postage «• Freight 146.60 2,162.05 462 Data Processing Service 21,503.66 22,746.59 463 Printing 203.15 446.00 466 Publications & Subscriptions 31.50 383.18 12.25 467 Rent 23,256.34 52,040.02 469 Repairs & Maintenance 172.24 2,258,97 481 Special Expenses 10.00 482 Testing Service 18.18 698.67 487 Stationery 22.50 491 Supplies-Instructional 1,935.66 20,291.55 349.59 492 Supplies-Office 1,142.13 7,548.66 493 Supplies-Custodial 190.65 2,845.45 494 Supplies-Other 769.17 4,979,07 520,31 495 Delivery Services 2.60 496 Telephone & Telegraph 821.82 497 Travel Expenses 366.69 2,134.39 499 Miscellaneous 8.00 988.09 ___^_«_ TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $152,300.00 $ 52,654.43 $168,389.54 $ 1,328.15($17,417.69) - 11 - J. f • THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT I ^ v Q | FOREST PARK AND MERAMEC COMMUNITY COLLEGES STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS AND ENCUMBRANCES JUNE 30, 1964 Account No. Item Revised Appropriation Budget 1963-64 Disbursements For Month (500) 511 521 531 541 561 591 Capital Outlay Temporary Bldgs. $ $ Equipment Automobile Furniture Instructional App. Other Capital Expenditures 596 Deposits TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $170,307.00 $ (881) 423 424 461 463 467 492 494 499 521 Special Appropriations Student Activities: Other Contractual $ Services Other Services Postage & Freight Printing Rent Supplies-Office Supplies-Other Miscellaneous Equipment TOTAL Disbursements For Year $ 6,846.40 1,068.47 550.00 406.35 $ 52,053.80 7,044.30 50,067.26 43,244.28 $ 2,868.50 1,617.00 8,484.87 $153,373.75 $ 4,485.50 $12,447.75 $ 167.30 167.30 $ 225.00 $ $ 468.13 17.06 3,284.57 377.00 17.51 1,660.52 503.65 153.44 6,706.88 $ $ 3,061.12 • TOTAL (a) Unencumbered Balances Open Encumbrances 197.36 360.40 20.00 $ $ 9,768.00 $ (Cont'd.) $927.737.00ft!01.482.72$930^205.08 $ Includes $26,015.00 for 1964-65 Expense for Faculty Salaries. - 12 - PT 5,813.65($^ 8,281.73) • £? '? . ' - ;.; ••> • • • . • • . . THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT FLORISSANT VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS AND ENCUMBRANCES JUNE 30, 1964 • Account No. (300) 321 321 322 302 303 306 331 341 391 Item Salaries D. Llbby, Director $ Admlnlstratlve-Cert. Admlnlstratlve-Non-Cert. Counselors Instructors Librarians Janitorial Clerical Other TOTAL SAURIES (400) 403 424 437 447 OPERATING EXPENSES [ Disbursements For Month $ $ 350.14 $ 41.75 55.60 126.00 629.29 202.08 6,087.67 2,019.76 212.88 9.68 ' . • • • Unencumbered Balances Open Encumbrances 1,250.00 $ 14,541.63 $ 1,750.00 20,125.00 750.00 5,079.53 2,797.50 22,789.95 11,417.50 176,779.12 4,930.09 468.00 702.00 1,752.42 16,271.57 147.50 2.185.47 $ ($12,779.36) 3,154.36 $ 853.34 397.00 $ 65.60 79.00 11,205.85 2,331.47 993.01 6,580.63 95.65 372.27 8,661.20 146.42 32.13 26.60 7,864.47 3,523.00 10.00 435.08 2.60 2.00 66.08 85,45 255.16 875.52 87.35 8,46 1,001.65 344.86 $ 52,035.00 $ 9,830.66 $ 49,051.71 $ . 13 , Disbursemerits For Year $250,625.00 $ 20,332.92 $263,404.36 $ Operating Expenses Auto Expense $ Other Services General Insurance Meetings & Expenses Relating Thereto 448 Meetings-Faculty 451 Payroll Taxes-Cert. 452 Payroll Taxes-Non-Cert. 461 Postage 6- Freight 462 Oata Processing 463 Printing 466 PublI cat ions & Subscriptions 467 Rent 469 Repairs & Maintenance 482 Testing Services 487 Stationery 491 Supplies-Instructional 492 Supplies-Office 493 Supplies-Custodial 494 Supplies-Other 495 Delivery Service 496 Telephone STelegraph 497 Travel $• Related Expense 499 Miscellaneous TOTAL • A - Revised Appropriation Budget 1963-64 •. • . • 408,69 $ 2,574.60 ) _ • • ' \ . . • . . • _ . - • . • • '•• • • . _ • . • - • , - - • THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT FLORISSANT VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE (Cont'd.) STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS AND ENCUMBRANCES JUNE 30, 1964 A 9 Account No. Item Revised Appropriation Budget 1963-64 Disburse- Disbursements ments For Month For Year (500) Capital Outlay 521 Equipment $ $ 376.50 $ 531 Automobile 541 Furniture 561 Instructional App. 1,447.45 591 Other 596 Deposits TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 25,662.00 $ 1,823.95 $ (881) 423 424 463 467 494 499 Special Appropriations Student Activities: Other Contractual Services $ Other Services Printing Rent Supplies-Other Miscellaneous $ $ 2.26 2.75 6.41 Unencumbered Balances Open Encumbrances 6,389.06 $ 2,598.00 7,028.65 4,719.52 237.50 1.000.00 21,972.73 $ 105.00 $ 528.16 1,109.33 290.00 563.35 271.41 TOTAL $ 4,800.00 $ 11.42 $ 2,867.25 $ TOTAL $333,122.00 $ 31,998.95 $337,296.05 $ $ < $ 3,689.27 $ 230.90 230.90 $ 1,701.85 639.59($ 4,813.64) (a) Includes $14,215.00 for 1964-65 Expense for Faculty Salaries. /r « |4 •» 1 . 1 • " • " . ' • ' • ' • ' ' Proposed Board Policy 7,10 - Use of College Premises GENERAL REGULATIONS The Board of Trustees may grant permission for the use of Junior College District premises to certain citizens' organizations, providing the purpose of such renders, in the judgment of the Board of Trustees, a distinct educational and/or cultural value to the community. The educational program of the Junior College District, and its related activities, will normally take precedence over other types of activities* The Board of Trustees may authorize the President of the District to delegate to Campus administrators the responsibility and authority for carrying out its policies regarding the use of District premises by community organizations* PROCEDURE AND CONDITIONS OF APPLICATION ^ ^P Proper application must be made seven (7) days in advance of the proposed activity. Permission for the use of the premises is considered effective only upon receipt by the applicant of a duplicate copy of the application with authorization granted by the Junior College District; The Board of Trustees of the District shall, at no time and for no purpose, surrender its control of the college property and it reserves the right to cancel any permit issued at any time. Application for the use of District facilities must be signed by a responsible individual who is a resident of the Junior College District, and who agrees to be responsible for the supervision of the activity and the conduct of all persons in attendance.. Furthermore, this person must agree to observe all the rules and regulations governing the use of such premises, and will make suitable reparations for the repair and/or replacement of any property damage resulting from the activity. Cancellation by the applicant of previously authorized permits should be made twenty four (24) hours in advance of the scheduled activity. If this advance notice is not given, the Junior College District may levy charges to cover the cost of any previously arranged materials and/or services. RENTAL FEES FOR THE USE OF JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT PREMISES A nominal fee will be charged in order to defray operational expenses. Fees will be established in odvance and will bo paid to the Campus Business Office of the Junior College District prior to th time of the scheduled activity. 4 Board Policy 7,10 cont. Page 2 REGULATIONS FOR THE USE QF JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT PREMISES No charges for admission to the premises shall be made by tho authorized organization excepting those necessary to defray the direct cost of the activity. If such an admission charge is to be made, a statement must be attached to the application stating the amount and justification of the admission charge, A specific request must be made on the application for the use of all college equipment and apparatus. Special apparatus and equipment which Is to be brought onto the premises must be listed on the application* Intoxicating liquor and games of chance are prohibited on District property. Smoking will be permitted only iri approved areas. A properly designated employee of the Junior College District shall be present at all times when the buildings and equipment of the District are being used by community groups. THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST; LOUIS'- ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI 4386 Undell Blvd. St. Louis, Missouri 63108 APPLICATION AND PERMIT FOR USE OF COLLEGE FACILITIES (Submit In Triplicate) Date of Application mmmmmmmm^mmmmm_^mmm_m^mmmmmmmm D a t e (s) o f Requested A c t i v i t y i N a m e o f A p p l i c a n t mim^m-,^mmmtmm^mm^m^mmmmmmm^^ Name of Organization Purpose of Organization Purpose for which facilities to be used Campus desired ^^ Room needed and/or services Indicate seating, special equipment requirements - Probable attendance Is there an admission charge? How much? Will refreshments or food be served? (Explain) ACTIVITIES SCHEDULE Date | i Day of Week j I •: m ^^ 1 j I I ; 1 The undersigned hereby represents himself as (1) a resident of the Junior College District, and (2) an authorized agent of aforementioned person(s) and/or organization and, as such, makes application to the Junior College District for the use of college facilities; The undersigned warrants that the applicants will observe all regulations of the Junior College District, and will promptly pay any agreed rental fee, and that the applicant will exercise the utmost care in th use of the college premises and property and will make good any damage arising from applicant's us of said premises and property; Address ^ Time of Activity From To Phone N o ; " Applicant's Signature Title Date . •*Wt * ' »-•=* 7.2 ; **& Proposed Board Policy 7.11 Use of Food Service Facilities The Junior College District in its operation of the food service facilities -' on the various campuses intends that these facilities will be for the use of the student body and staff of the District; Specialized facilities, such as the training facility for the Hotels Motel and Restaurant Operations educational program, may be used for serving small groups of students, staffs District Advisory Committees, or other groups which are related to the educational program of the District; These catered functions will be limited to times when the activity will not interfere with the educational program, | The Junior College District will limit the use of these food service facilities to college approved activities. v;';