\ \ MINUTES OF THE REGULAR .MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES THE JL'NICR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS - ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI M O N D A Y , MAY 25, 1964 - 8;00 P.M. A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Junior College District of St, Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri, was held on Monday, May 25, 1964, at the Centra! Office of the District at 4386 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, Missouri. •• GENERAL FUNCTIONS 1.2 Roll Coll The Board President, Mors. Joseph C. Bastion, called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. The following members of the Board were present: ^p Mrs. Joseph C . Bastion Messrs. Morris G laser Guy S. Ruffin F. Vv'm, McCalpin Gerald V . Williamson Board Member Lester C . Geil was unable to be present at this meeting. Also present were Dr. Joseph P. Cosand, President; Dr. John E. Tirrell, Vice President; and Dr. Douglas F. Ubby, Jr., Campus Director - all of the Junior College District, Mrs. Mary Jane Calais, Chief Accountant of the Junior College District, represented the Treasurer of the College, Vice President Hobson was on vacation end could not attend the meeting. Mr. Bruce E; Woodruff of th firm of Armstrong, Teasdale, Roos, Kramer & Vaughan, Counsel for the District, was also present. TUP 1.3 Mfnutos Board President Bastion called for a reading of the Minutes of the Regular meeting of May 1 1 , 1964« They were read and discussed. Y> hereupon, on motion by Mr. V.illiamson, seconded by Mr. Glaser, and with the unanimous aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, the Minutes of the regular meeting of May 1 1 , 1964, were approved as read. Board President Bastian called for a reading of the Minutes of the Special Meeting of May 19, 1964. They were read and discussed. Vv here upon, on motion by Mr. Ruffin, seconded by Mr. Williamson, and with the unanimous aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, the Minutes of the Special Meeting of May 19, 1964, ^^ were approved as read. 1.4 Welcome to Guests Board President Bastian introduced Mr. George Graveley, a reporter for th St. Louis Globe Democrat, to the Board members. 1.6 Communications 1.6.1 The Board Secretary, Mrs. Dolores B. Tygard, read a letter of resignation from Jack E. Brookins. M r . Brookins had been appointed Director of Technical Education on May 11th. He stated that it was with mixed feelings and considerable regret that it was necessary to decline the appointment. He had accepted a position as Dean of Southwestern Oregon College in Coos Bay, Oregon. 1.6.2 There was also a letter from the Klwani* Club of Webster Groves. Mr. Langdon Schaefer, President of the Klwanis Club, stated that they had enjoyed Dr. Glynn Clark's addr ss at their Honor Student night program, it was well received 5/25/64 - 2 - s 9 and apropos of the graduating students. Mr* Schaefer had received letters of appreciation from the students and counselors/ and he stated that they felt they were extremely fortunate in obtaining a man of Dr. Clark's stature for this occasion. 2. PERSONNEL 2»1 Certificated Personnel - Teaching Staff The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, recommended the employment of the following certificated personnel: Rita C . Cholet - Asst. Prof, - French - 11-3 - Effective 8/24/64 Robert A . Randolph - Asst. Prof. - Journalism - 11-2 - Effective 8/24/64 Walter M . May - instructor - English - 1-2 - Effective 8/24/64 William G , Duffy - Instructor - Dusiness Administration - 1-3 - Effective 8/24/64 Thomas R. Drury - Asst. Prof. - Audio-Visual - 11-1 - Effective 8/24/64 Wilferd W. Wortman - Asst. Prof. - Economics - 11-4 - Effective 8/24/64 Maxine V . Mosley - Asst. Prof. - English - 11-3 - Effective 8/24/64 Delores Beck - Asst. Prof. - Chemistry - 11-2 - Effective 8/24/64 Josephine A . Anthoney - Assoc. Prof. - Retailing - l l l - l - Effective 8/24/64 William Doyle Reddy - Instructor - Mathematics - 1-4 - Effective 8/24/64 Philip B. Hunt - Asst, Prof. - Engineering - 11-4 - Effective 8/24/64 A general discussion followed with respect to their academic backgrounds and general qualifications. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Closer, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, it was 5/25/64 - 3 - RESOLVED, That the personnel recemmendod for employment by Dr. Cosand, as set out in the foregoing list, be employed in the capacity, and at the salary classification therein set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and is hereby authorized to exocuto the form Instructor's Contract, previously adopted by the Board, with each of the above full-time certificated personnel, which said contract is to be filed with the records of the District. 2.2 Certificated Personnel - Administrative Staff The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, recommended the employment of the following administrative personnel, as noted below: Robert L, Johnson - Asst. Dean - Technical Education - Step 5 - Effective 7/1/64 A general discussion followed with respect to his academic background and gen ral qualifications. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Ruffin, seconded by M r . Williamson, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the administrative personnel recommended for employment by Dr. Cosand, as set out in the foregoing list, be employed in the capacity and at the salary classification therein set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and is hereby authorized to execute the form Instructor's Contract, previously adopted by the Board, with the above full-time certificated personnel, which said contract is to be filed with the records of the District. 2.3 Certificated Personnel - Resignations The President of (he College, Dr. Cosand, recommended that the Board of Trustees accept the following resignations: P. Jay Taylor (on April 27, 1964 agenda) Simon P. Cassens (on May 11, 1964 agenda) 5/25/64 - 4 - Mary Esther Hopkins (on May I I , 1964 agenda) Ola telle Humphries (on April 27, 1964 agenda) A general discussion followed involving all Board members who were present. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by Mr. McCalpln, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the resignations of the foregoing certificated personnel be accepted by the Board of Trustees as recommended by the President of the College. 2.4 Classified Personnel The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, recommended the employment of the following classified personnel: Ron Hill - Artist, half-time at Range 27, Step A - Effective June 1 , 1964 A general discussion followed involving all Board members. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. McCalpin, seconded by Mr. Ruffin, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVED, That tho classified personnel listed above be employed by the District in the classification and at the salary indicated. 2.5 Division Chairmen The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, recommended that the Board appoint the following members of tho professional staff as Division Chairmen for the college year 1964-1965, in accordance with section 4.10 of the Policies and Procedures Manual. Mwomec Community College 5/25/64 Arnold J . Greer Science, Engineering and Mathematics Thomas F. Hllgeman Business Administration and Business Education, Economics - 5 - Walter J . Stoffel Communication (English, Speech and Foreign Languages) Garth E, Bell Humanities (Art, Music and Philosophy) City Campus Victor E, Reef Science, Engineering and Mathematics Frank K. Perkins Communication (English, Speech and Foreign Languages) Uvan Handy Business Administration and Business Education, Economics Doris J , Latta Health Services, Physical Education, Intramural Games Florissant Valley Community College David Underwood Humanities (Art, Music and Philosophy),and Communication (English, Speech and Foreign Languages) Donald Gawronski Social Sciences (Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology and Political Science ) and Business Administration (Business Education, Economics) Warren V/agner Science, Engineering and Mathematics A general discussion followed involving all members of the Board who were present. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr, Glascr, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the foregoing members of the professional staff of the Junior College District be appointed Division Chairmen, at the various campuses of the Junior College District, for the College Year 1964-1965, in accordance with section 4,10 of the Policies and Procedures Manual. 5/25/64 ~ 6 - ™lwMMHHHHMfflWMBllWfflfflfflHIHIIM 2.6 Professional Staff - Released Time M The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, recommended that the following M members of the teaching stafT be granted "Released Time" with pay for assignments in if Curriculum, Course Content, and teaching procedure development during the Summer g Session, 1964* Name M Credit Hours Field Released Time Credit Hours Rate | M M Thomas P. Coffey 6 History 3 $205 1 Richard Pease 9 Humanities 3 170 1 Frances Gillett 4 Humanities 3 170 ra Arnold Greer 9 Biology 3 205 1 Marvin Barnum 6 Biology 6 170 S John Donne 11 6 Bus. Ad. 3 170 i Reinhold Rasmussen 3 Cert, Lab.Asst. 6 170 B Alvln Deibert 3 Psychology 3 135 I Donald Gawronski 6 History 6 170 M Anna Marie Lotrmamt 0 Languages 6 205 B Emmett McFarland 0 Bus. Ed. 3 170 | Lillian Chancy 0 Bus. Ed. 3 170 1 Walter J . Stoffel 9 English 3 170 1 Garth Bell 7 Art 6 170 I Jules Biegelsen 6 History 3 205 I Bill Aldridg© 5 Physics 6 170 1 5/25/64 - 7- I David Underwood 6 English 6 $ 170 Malkom G , Jackoway 3 Humanities 6 170 A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on morion by Mr. Ruffin, s conded by Mr. McCalpin, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the foregoing certificated personnel of the Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri be granted released time with pay for assignments in Curriculum - Course Content - and teaching procedure development during the Summer Session of 1964. FURTHER RESOLVED, That these credit hours be considered in addition to the credit hours assigned to the above-mentioned certificated personnel for the Summer Session of 1964. 2.7 Policies and Procedures Manual - Rules of the Government of the Board of Trustees The President of the College recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the recommended changes in the Policies and Procedures Manual as lodged at the May 11th Board meeting, in accordance with section 1.8 of the Policies and Procedures . A general discussion followed. It was agreed among all Board members present that this be deferred until a future meeting of the Board. 2.8 Policies and Procedures Manual The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, recommended for change otrer policies and procedures, besides the Rules of the Government of the Board of Trustees of the Junior College District* This encompassed point 2.3.1 through 5.6.2 of the Policies and Procedur s Manual, said modifications having been lodged at th May 11th Board meeting, and which ar attached as an addendum to these Minutes. 5/25/64 - 8 - ' "'••:' % ' . " ' . . • • ' - . . . . . - - ' • A general discussion followed. Whereupon, it was agreed among all Board members present that this be deferred to a future meeting of the Board. 2.9 Certificated Personnel - 1964 Summer Session The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, recommended the employment of the following certificated personnel, for the 1964 Summer Session: Karl Gasslander Art 2 hrs. @ $170/cr.hr. Eff. 5/11/64 Irvin Davis Bus. Admin. 9 hrs. @ $170/cr.hr. Eff. 5/27/64 Arlene Waterman Bus. Educ. 3 hrs. @ $170/cr.hr. Eff. 5/11/64 Wm. Luebkert Engineering 6 hrs. @ $170/cr.hr. Eff. 5/27/64 Michael Murphy English 9 hrs.® $170/cr,hr. Eff. 5/27/64 Adam Casmier English 12 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr. Eff. 5/27/64 Joel Margulis English 9 hrs. @ $135/cr. hr. Eff. 5/27/64 JohnWyrick Mathematics 8 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr. Efi. 5/11/64 Robert Beckerle Mathematics 5 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr. Eff. 5/11/64 George Rogland Mathematics 13 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr. Eff. 5/11/64 Clara Blackard French 4 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr. Eff. 5/27/64 Shelly Moorman Spanish 4 hrs, @ $135/cr. hr. Eff. 5/11/64 4 hrs. @ $135/cr. hr. Eff. 6/59/64 15 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr. Eff. 5/27/64 9 hrs. @ $135/cr. hr. Eff. 5/27/64 Jack E. Miller Hotel, Motel R. J. Gillespie Biology Wm. J. Secunda Chemistry 12 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr. Eff. 5/27/64 Victor Reef Physics 12 hr*. @ $205/cr. hr. Eff. 5/27/64 Frank Lowe Economics 9 hrs. @ $l70/cr, hr. 3 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr. Eff. 5/27/64 Eff. 6/29/64 5/25/64 - 9 - v.' - " ' I '. • . ' ' Richard Wurtz History 12 hrs. @ $135/cr. hr. Eff. 5/27/64 Donna Munger History 6 hrs. @ $135/cr, hr. Erf. 5/27/64 Vishnu Oak Sociology 3 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr, Eff. 5/11/64 Doris Lotta f Phys. Ed. 6 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr. Eff. 5/27/54 Alvin Deibert Psychology 9 hrs. @ $135/cr. hr. Eff. 5/27/64 12 hrs. @ $135/cr. hr. Eff. 5/27/64 3 hrs. @ $135/cr. hr. Eff. 5/11/64 Counseling • Lawrence O'Leary Counseling Harry Menke Logic Molly Orr Counseling 12 hrs. @ $135/cr. hr. Louis Marion Counseling 6 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr. Eff. 7/1/64 Annette Ruder Library 12 hrs. @ $135/cr. hr. Eff. 5/27/64 Florence Brown Sociology 3 hrs. @ $205/cr. hr. Eff. 5/27/64 Michael Flieg Biology 1 hr. @ $135/cr. hr. Eff. 5/11/64 James O'Grady Bus. Admin. 3 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr. Eff. 5/11/64 Ralph Bennett Bus. Admin. 12 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr, Eff. 5/27/64 Jake Til linger Mathematics 12 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr. Eff. 5/27/64 Arthur Meyer English 12 hrs. @ $135/cr. hr. Eff. 5/27/64 David Underwood English 6 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr. Eff. 5/27/64 Lee Snider English 3 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr. Eff. 5/11/64 6 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr. Eff. 6/29/64 Eff. 5 - -64 Dieter Reetz Mathomatics 13 hrs.® $135/cr. hr, Eff. 5/27/64 Marvin Barnum Joseph C ffey Billy Aldrldge Biology Chemistry Physics 6 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr. 11 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr. 5 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr. Eff. 5/27/64 Eff. 5/27/64 Eff, 5/27/64 5/25/64 - 10 - •'j^-jV'":,. ^ - • , ' ' • . ' ' " ' - ' • . Anthony Lamp© History 9 hrs. @ $205/cr. hr. Eff. 5/27/64 Donald Gawronski History 6 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr. Eff. 5/27/64 Ralph Murray Sociology 9 hrs. @ $205/cr. hr. Eff. 6/29/64 3 hrs. @ $205/cr. hr. Eff. 5/11/&4 Gerard Egan Psychology 3 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr. Eff. 5/11/64 Frank Livingston Counseling 15 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr. Eff. 5/27/64 Leonora West Counseling 6 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr. Eff. 5/27/64 Frank Canavit Counwlirg 10 hrs. @ $135/cr. hr. Eff. 6/24/64 Neal Hartman Counseling 15 hrs. @ $135/cr. hr. Eff. 5/27/64 Jack Tyler Librarian 10 hrs. @ $135/cr. hr. Eff.7/l/64 Reinhold Rasmussen Physical Science 3 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr. Eff. 6/29/64 Garth Bell Art 7 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr. Eff. 6/29/64 Frances Gillett Music 4 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr. Eff. 6/29/64 Thomas HiIgeman Bus. Admin. 6 hrs. @ $135/cr. hr. Eff. 6/29/64 Anita Bradfield Bus. Educ. 6 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr. Eff. 6/29/64 Robert Shepack Engineering 6 hrs. @ $205/cr. hr. Eff. 6/29/64 Walter Stoffel English 9 hrs. @ $rl70/cr. hr. Eff.6/29/64 Evelyn Roberts English 9 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr. Eff. 6/29/64 Richard Pease English 9 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr. Eff.6/29/64 Malkom Jackoway English 3 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr. Eff. 6/29/64 A. Dean West Mathematics 9 hrs. @ $135/cr. hr. Eff. 6/29/64 David Werner Mathematics 8 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr. Eff. 6/29/64 Sherman Kano 5/25/64 Mathematics - 11 - 5 hrs, @ $135/cr. hr. Eff.6/29/64 Henry Orland French 4hrs. @ $170/cr* hr. EFF. 6/29/64 Arnold Greer Biology 9 hrs. @ $205/cr. hr. Eff. 6/29/64 Helen O'Brien Biology 0 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr. Eff. 6/29/64 JJin Donnell Economics 6 hrs. @ $170/cr, hr. Eff. 6/29/64 Thomas Coffey History 6 hrs. @ $205/cr. hr. Eff, 6/29/64 Jules Biegelsen History 6 hrs. @ $205/cr. hr. Eff. 6/29/64 Bernard Weiss History 3 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr. Eff. 6/29/64 Frank McMahon Counseling 12 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr. Eff. 5/27/64 Doris Mosley Nursing 9 hrs. @ $135/cr. hr. Eff. 5/27/64 Paul GianinI Counseling 15 hrs. @ $135/cr. hr. Eff. 5/27/64 Carol Mullis Counseling 6 hrs. @ $135/cr. hr. Eff. 7/6/64 Twyman Jones Counseling 6 hrs. @ $170/cr. hr. Eff. 7/6/64 Bstty Bates Counseling Betty Jo Spry Asst. Librarian 3 hrs. @ $135/cr. hr. Eff. 7/27/64 4-1/2 hrs.<§> $135/cr. hr. Eff. 6/29/64 Dr. Cosand added lhat the effective date for Miss Molly Orr was inadvertently omitted on the Agenda,, Her hours were changed from twelve to nine, and it should read as follows: Molly Orr I Counseling 9 hrs. @ $135/a> hr. Eff. 5/27/64 A general discussion followed. V>hereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr* McCalpIn, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the administrative personnel recommended for employment by Dr. Cosand as sot out In the foregoing list, for the 1964 Summer Session, be employed in the capacity and at the salary classification therein set out, said salary classification having been pr viously approved by the Board. 5/25/64 - 12 - FURTHER RESOLVE), That Miss Molly Orr be employed for the 1964 Summer Session as a Counselor for 9 hours at $135,00 per credit hour, effective Moy27 / 1964. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and is hereby authorized to execute the form instructor's Contract previously adopted by the Board, with each of the above full-time certificated personnel, which said contract is to be filed with the records of the District. 3. CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 3.1 The President of the College, Dr. Cosartd, stated that the administrative staff has received requests to consider the development of programs in Dental Assisting, Retailing, Certificated Laboratory Assistants, and Fire Training for the Fall Session, 1964. Dr. Cosand added that all of these come within the scope of the comprehensive junior college philosophy, as related to the Technical Education and Continuing Education curricula. Advisory committees are either at work, or are in the process of being formed, in each of the four programs mentioned. Dr. Cosand called upon Vice President Tirrell, who reported on the present status of each program as to demand, cost, and feasibility for September, 1964. A general discussion followed involving all Board members who were present. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Glaser, seconded by Mr. Williamson, and upon the aye vote of all merrbers of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri approve the recommendation of tho administrative staff for the inauguration of programs in Dental Assisting and Retailing; curricula having been established by members of citizens" advisory committees from the related fields of Dental Assisting and Retailing* FURTHER RESOLVED, That these programs be offered at the Junior Colleg District beginning with the Fall Session of 1964. 5/25/64 - 13 - -**-->——*———*—<•»——»—————-,-*. —. •• 3.2 —-^—rrT-^-^r—^H^-^rrnnrtrwnTiiWfrfTww^^ c ••••••• Recommendation for Future Course Offerings Board Member McCalpin stated that when recommendations for the development of programs were made in the future/ it would be his recommendation that they be accompanied by a cost estimate of the program, and a suggested amendment of the budget so that the Board of Trustees would know from whence the funds were coming and to where they would be allocated. A general discussion followed involving all Board members. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. McCalpin, seconded by Mr. Williamson, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVED, That when recommendations for the development of programs in technical education were made to the Board of Trustees of the Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri that they be accompanied by a cost estimate of the program and a suggested amendment of the budget stating from where the funds were derived and to where they would be allocated. FURTHER RESOLVED, That this be considered a matter of policy of the Junior College District of St; Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri. 4. COLLEGE FACILITIES 4.1 Master Plans for three JCD Campuses ——W^l—.———^————•WP*^——••.••miii •••——*J« m*l^i—n«n — The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, stated that the Master Plans for the three Junior College District campuses would be completed by July 1 , 1964 by the three architectural firms of Smith and Entzeroth, Harry Weeso and Associates, and Kenneth Wlschmeyer and Associates. Dr. Cosand reported on the present status of the plans. A general discussion followed involving all Board members who were present. 5/25/64 - 14 - 5. BUSINESS AND FINANCE 5.1 Treasurer's Report The Board President, Mrs* Bastion, called upon Mrs. Mary Jane Calais, repres nting the Treasurer of the CoKege, Mr* Hobson, Treasurer's Report. Mrs. Bastion asked Mrs. Calais to read the She presented the report for the period from April 1 through April 30, 1964. A general discussion followed* Y/hereupon, it was moved by Mr. Glaser, and seconded by Mr. Williamson, that the Treasurer's Report be approved as submitted, and be attached as an addendum to these Minutes. Upon the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, the motion was approved unanimously. 5.2 Agreement Between the Junior College District and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Berry The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, recommended the approval of an agreement between the Junior College District and Mr* and Mrs. Louis Berry* Mr; and Mrs. Berry are presently in tenancy of a house on the property owned by the District on Oakland Avenuo at the site of the Forest Park Highlands Amusement Center. A general discussion followed involving all Board members. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. McCalpin, and upon the unanimous aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVE*, That the Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri - enter into a contract with Mr* and Mrs* Louts Berry, for the tenancy of property owned by the Junior College District of St. Louts - St* Louis County, Missouri at the site of the Forest Park Highlands Amusement Center* 5/25/64 - 15 - FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the District be authorized to sign this contract in the form attached as an addendum to these Minutes, and by reference included h&rein; and that the Secretary of the District be authorized to attest to the contract and affix the offical Seal of the District. 5.3 Rentention of Armstrong, Teasdaie, Roos, Kramer and Vaughan The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, requested the Board's approval, by resolution, of the retention of the legal firm of Armstrong, Teasdaie, Roos, Kirttmer and Vaughan, as Counsel for the Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri for the period of May 1 , 1964 through April 30, 1965. A general discussion followed involving all Board members. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. McCalpin, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the Junior College District retain the services of Kenneth Teasdaie and Armstrong, Teasdaie, Roos, Kramer and Vaughan, for a period of one year commencing May 1 , 1964 at the sum of $500 per month, to be adjusted semi-annually on the basis of time charges varying from $20 to $40 per hour. 5.4 Ratification of Investments The President of the College requested ratification of the investments made by the Treasurer of the Junior College District, Mr. James W. Hobson. Dr. Cosand stated that $1,500,000 was available for investment. $500,000 of this amount had been invested in Treasurery Bills to provide funds for operation during the months of July and August. Since $1,000,000 would not be needed for a period of at least six months, it had been invested in two Certificates of Deposit in the amounts of $500,000 each, to mature on May 20, 1965. 5/25/64 - 16 - Dr. Cosand added thatfihl& Investment' was made with the recommendation of the Finance "fioirmittee of the Board of Trustees, and Board Members Glaser and McCalpin. A general discussion followed involving all Board members who were present. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. McCalpin, seconded by Mr, Glaser, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the Junior College District of St, Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri ratify and approve the investments made by the Treasurer of the College, Mr. James W. Hobson, during the period May 11 through May 25, 1965. 5.5 Bid on Temporary Ccmpus Buildings - Meramec Community College The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, requested the acceptance of the bid for temporary classroom buildings from the Arrow Construction Company to be constructed at the Meramec Community College. A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mr, McCalpin, seconded by Mr. Glaser, and with the aye vote of the following members of the Board: Mr. Gerald V . Williamson, Mrs. Joseph C , Bastion, Mr. Guy S. Ruffin, Mr. Morris Glaser, and Mr; F. Wm. McCalpin, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri accept the written bid and offer of the Arrow Construction Company to build temporary buildings on the Meramec Community College campus as outlined in the bid specifications and proposals prepared by Smith and Entzeroth, Architects, for a total price of $42,500,00, and with the completion of construction to be no later than September 1st. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board of Trustees is hereby authorized and directed to execute the standard A . I , A . conduction contract for an on behalf of the District, the said contract being attached hereto and expressly incorporated herein, said contract to be attested to by the Secretary and affixed with the official seal of the District. 5/55/64 - 17 - 6. STUDENT PERSONNEL SERVICES 6.1 The President- of the College, Dr. Cosand, circulated the following report from the Central Records Service regarding the destination college of students who had taken placement tests at the Junior College District* {See addendum attached) 6*2 Academic disposition of JCD students -(Winter Session 1964) Dr. Cosand also circulated a report from the Central Records Service regarding the academic disposition of Junior College District students for the Winter Session of 1964. Dr. Cosand added that a breakdown of this report had been distributed to high schools in the City and County of the District summarizing the academic disposition of their students. 7. (See addendum attached) COMMUNITY RELATIONS 7.1 July 9 , 1964 Meeting The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, informed the Board that press, radio and television representatives had been invited to the July 9 , 1964 presentation to be made at the McDonnell Automation Center. This concerned the Junior College District Room Utilization Study and the Master Planning of the three campuses, through coordination of the services of three architectural firms. The Junior College District is one of eight junior colleges throughout the United States to be visited by this group of sixty junior college representatives, chosen from among 750 junior colleges, to tee and hear about the planning and construction of junior college campuses. Stanford University and the Educational Facilities Laboratory of the Ford Foundation of New York Is co-sponsoring this cross-country trip; starting in Florida and ending In California. 5/25/64 - 18 - 8. NEW BUSINESS 8»l Lodging of Point 5.5* 12 of the Policies ond Procedures Manual Board member McCalpin proposed that the following change be made under Point 5.5.12 in the Policies and Procedures Manual* He asked that it be lodged at this meeting of the Board of Trustees and acted upon at a subsequent meeting. The point in question follows: "In the event that any employee of the District shall be summoned as a Juror or subpoenaed as a witness in any judicial proceeding, he shall suffer no loss of pay from the District for his necessary absence from his employment, but he shall endorse to the District any warrant or voucher issued t him for his services as such Juror or witness." 9. ADJOURNMENT Mrs. Bastion asked if there were any further business to come before the Board. There was not, and Mr. McCalpin made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Glaser seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved at 10:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Dolores B. Tygard, Secretary Board of Trustees The Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri 5/25/64 - 19 - Tha Policies and Procedures Manual for the Junior College District is over on© y ar old, and suggestions have been made concerning certain modifications. Suggested changes are; 1.3.4 Treasurer (Lines 7 - 12) Change to: The Treasurer shall present the Warrant-Check Register for Board approval at the first regular Board meeting each month, and shall present the Treasurer's Report, concerning all income, investments and expenditures for the previous month, at the second regular Board meeting each month. 1.8 Amendment of the Rules Change to: Amendment of the Board Policies and Procedures 1.8.3 Change lines 1 and 2 of Section to read; Any policy, not required by law, may be suspended for a specified time and for a specified purpose by a unanimous vote of all member of the Board present. 2.3.1 Change in lines 1 and 11: The Board of Trustees to the Junior CollegeDistrict 2.3.1 - 2 Add following clause: —•, but will not support the teaching and presentation of a particular bios. 2.7.4 Change twelve to ten (In accordance with $100.00 fee for full-time student talcing ten or more hours of credit.) ; 2,14 Delate second paragraph. Replace with: Non-resident students will be charged tuition to the extent that there will be no subsidization by the taxpayers of t n 0 j u n f o r College District. i -~" ••• ""'• II,,T • , -" 2* 15 Change — In the event of serious occasioned by serious . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . " • 4& to "In the event of withdrawal 2*16 The asterisk in 2.16.1 - 1 refers lo maintenance fee which is now explained under 2.16*4. This should be brought to the bottom of the page where 2.16.1 - I Is located. No change - lust an error. • . • ' • ' • " jy* " ' y, \ ft • •. '';'. ' ' : • • • ' ' ' • • I } " ' • • • ' Iv ;. 2.16.2 Second sentence in first paragraph is ambiguous. Change to: Students requesting this aid may receive loans for part or all of the maintenance fees, and when deemed justifiable, for a portion of other college and personal expenses? The additional loan shall not exceed the maintenance fee. 2,16.2 - I Add to /Maintenance Fees - Loan Basis - Private loan Funds. 2.16.2 - 2 Ambiguous - Change to: To the extent that loan funds are available, all students in need o f financial aid will be advanced loans as defined in 2.16.2 - I above, except for students on probation who will be eligible for loans only in extenuating circumstances. 2 . 1 6 . 2 - 3 Add this section. N . D . E . A . Loon Fund The Junior College District participates in the Government supported Notional Defense Education Act Loan Fund. Loans granted will be in accordance with policies established for grcnTing and administering said loans. 2.17.1 Change will to may • 2.17.2 Change will to may 2.18.4 Another listing to include additional degrees must be added. Associate in Engineering Technology and Associate in Technology 4.20.1 Add to section - beginning with line 6 of Section C of Division I I I , IV, V for terms of one year during each of the . . . . . continue on through paragraph C as stated. 4,20.10 Change in second line - teaching staff to professional staff. entire second sentence. 4.21 - 2 \ ' I V "ft Last paragraph ambiguous and redunclent - Delete. - 2 - Delete the « , • • < : • •• •• • • • - • . ' • • . • < • - • • • • • . . •. • ; - . , ' • - v •• • • . • . • • • • • - . • • - . • • . . ' • • • - • • • • ; • - - . . - - - • • i > ~ • ',' fp 4.23 Vacation time aannot be accumulated and must be taken within the calendar year, except in extenuating circumstances when accumulation may be approved by the College President* In case of severance, accrued vacation pay will be included in the last check, and will be limited to not more than one year's accrual. 4.42 New Section* Add: Maintenance Fee Waiver Contract members of the professional staff may attend courses at the Junior College which are offered at hours outside of their assigned responsibilities without the payment of said fees, since in-service training and growth is of benefit to the Junior College District. 4.43 New section. Add: Holidays the Junior College District allows ten (10) holidays a year. The offices will be closed ardemployees will be off (with exception of certain maintenance personnel) on January 1st, February 22nd, Good Friday, »V.ay 30th, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Employees may also have two of the three following days as holidays by arrangement with their supervisors in such manner as to allow one-third of the work force to be available to staff the offices, wfhich will remain open for business. These holidays wossld be: The Friday following Thanksgiving, December 24th, and December 31st. Whenever any of these holidays fall on a Sunday and State authorities transfer its observance to the following Monday, then Monday will be considered a day off. Whenever a holiday falls on a Saturday, no additional day will be given. 5.1 * I Delete second paragraph 5.1.5 Delete second paragraph 5 . 3 . 4 Change Paragraphs two and throe to the following: All new employees will be hired at the first level of the appropriate salary range and based on the position classification. All employees became eligible for one increment Increase after six months of service. Other increment increases may be given upon favorable review (See 5.1.8) after a minimum of one year of additional service In each lower level. Such increases will become effective with the beginning of the fiscal year. Under special conditions, the Vice President for Business may recommend appointment at above the minimum range or Increase of salary mor than one Increment. m 3 ** J F4\ - 5 * 3 . 6 Change present sentence to following .paragraph: Uvertlme Compensation Cniy In the case of authorized overtime will compensatory time beo I lowed. This means that the employee's supervisor must explicitly request overtime, and this will be recorded appropriately on the time record. Overtime will be compensated by equal time off. Arrangement for compensatory time off will be made by the supervisor at the convenience of both the employee and supervisor, 5 . 4 . 3 . Add: Except in extenuating circumstances/ the dinner allowance will be limited to $2,00. 5.5.1 Change to: 0 - 6 months 6 months - I year I year - 10 years 10 years - 25 years over 25 years 0 days 5 days 10 days 15 days I month Add to next to last paragraph,...and will be limited to not more than one year's accrual. 5 . 5 . 2 Change to the following: Holidays The Junior College District allows ten (10) holidays a year. The offices will be closed ardemployees will be off (with exception of certain maintenance personnel) on January 1st, February 22nd, Good Friday, May 30th, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Employees may also have two of the three following days as holidays by arrangement with their supervisors in such manner as to allow one-third of the work force to be available to staff the offices, which will remain open for business. These holidays would be: The Friday following Thanksgiving, December 24th, and December 31st. Whenever any of these holidays fall on a Sunday and Stote authorities transfer Its observance to the following Monday, then Vionday will be considered a day off. Whenever a holiday falls on a Saturday, no additional day will be given. •r 4 — i in. . . i •'ii-.»feM»<«. , wJ.ii.'i"iiii^.iii)iimnii',Wi.an..'i. 'i i ' •' ' "';'' "•;- " ''•'" ''' '. ' ;' "'* ''" ' .' " 5 . 5 . 7 ^hange to: Motern?ty Leove of Absence shall be for a period of not more than 12 months nor less thon six months, Delete Add in first line after will normally. 5 . 6 . 2 Change to: Acceptance of Gifts No member of the J . C D . Staff shall accept a pift of substantial value ($5.00 or more) from a student or students enrolled in the College. No member of the J . C D , staff shall accept a gift of substantial value ($5.00 or more) from any person having business relations with the College. i -5- "'". ' ' , ' ' ' " THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI SUMMARY OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS • APRIL 30, 1964 Balance March 3 ) , 1964 $3,964/402.89 R ceipts: Taxes Maintenance Fees Interest Earned on Investments Gifts & Grants Bookstore Gross Sales Other Disbursements: (See Schedule A) Salaries LessV.ithholdings Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Auxiliary Services (Cost of Sales) Payroll Taxes ©Withholdings NDEA- Title III Other $ 9,986.35 2,649.00 19,269.79 50.00 1,020.23 2,119.60 $113,532.62 23,113.29 $ 35,094.97 $ 179,705.65 $90,419.33 28,053.48 20,120.96 3,714.75 31,152.98 6,194.15 50.00 Excess of Disbursements Over Receipts $ Balance April 30, 1964 $ 3,819,792.21 Balance April 30, 1964 Consists Of: Cash on hand (Petty Cash Funds) Cash in Bank: Mercantile Trust General Account Mercantile Trust Payroll Account $ Investments: Treasury Bills Certificates of Deposit Repurchase Agreement $ - 144,610.68 $ 750.00 80,135,30 500.00$ 80,635.30 298,406.91 1,640,000.00 1,800,000.00 $3,738,406.91 $3,819,792.21 Immmimmamimmmmmmm - 1- THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI W SCHEDULE A RECONCILIATION OF WARRANT CHECK REGISTER TO DISBURSEMENTS V.arrant Check Register Total April 30, 1964 $3,178,754.23 Less: Cost of Investments Purchased During Month Total Disbursements For Month of April 1964 2,999,048.58 $ 179,705.65 t - 2 - • * ' * . • ' • • ' • ' • ' ' - ' . . THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT SCHEOULE B INVESTMENT ACTIVITY FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL, 1964 g@ W Purchase Date Purchased From Type of Investment 12/23/63 12/23/63 12/23/63 1/13/64 1/29/64 2/6/64 2/6/64 2/6/64 3/23/64 3/23/64 4/23/64 4/23/64 4/29/64 4/30/64 Security Trust Boatmen's Bank Boatmen's Bank MercantH Trust Security Trust Mercantile Trust Mercantile Trust Security Trust Mercantile Trust Mercantile Trust Mercantile Trust Mercantile Trust Mercantile Trust Mercantile Trust Certificate of Deposit Certificate of Deposit Certificate of Deposit Treasury Bilis Certificate of Deposit Treasury Bills Treasury Bi11« Certificate oi: Deposit Treasury BiUs Treasury Bills Treasury Bills Treasury Bills Repurchase Agreement Repurchase Agreement U) raft Rate of Interest Maturity Value 4% $ 500,000.00 4% 500,000.00 4% 500,000.00 3.55% 250,000.00 3.9% 1,000,000.00 3.48% 250,000.00 3.49% 550,000.00 3.9% 140,000.00 3.49% 100,000.00 3.50% 100,000.00 3.28% 50,000.00 3.26% 150,000.00 3.375% 1,000,000.00 3.5% 1,800,000.00 Pledged 4/30/64 as substitution for securities originally pledged per escrow agreement on 1/20/64 that matured on 4/30/64. - 3- i Cost Maturity Date $ 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 247,362.15 1,000,000.00 248,139.17 545,521.17 140,000.00 99,631.61 99,358.33 49,904.33 149,144.25 1,000,000.00 1,800,000.00 12/17/64 12/17/64 9/18/64 4/30/64 4/29/64 4/23/64 4/30/64 5/21/64 4/30/64 5/28/64 5/14/64 6/25/64 4/30/64 5/5/64 April Maturities $ 250,000.00 1,000,000.00 250,000,00 550,000.00 100,000.00 1,000,000.00 THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS JULY 1, 1963 TO APRIL 30, 1964 ^ ^P Account No. 11-901 101 102 103 104 105 106 108 109 Receipts For Month Item Taxes City of St. Louis: Real Estate $ Personal Property Intangible Manufacturers Merchants Railroads St. Louis Housing Authority Surplus Commissions $ 11-902 101 102 103 104 106 107 11-903 103 106 St. Louis County: Real Estate $ Personal Property Intangible Manufacturers & Merchants Railroads Utilities $ Jefferson County: Intangible & Property Railroads TOTAL TAXES 11-980-110 State Aid Grant 11-971-198 500.20 120.60 620.80 6,343.08 2,558.58 463.89 9,3o5.5$ $ ~ $ 9,986.35 $ $ $1,169,809.56 $1,166,000.00 192,112.65 185,000.00 79,424.28 47,000.00 106,564.90 105,000.00 70,113.00 65,000.00 57,558.98 58,000.00 5,280.30 5,700.00 10,857*99 $1,691,721.66 $1,631,700.00~ $1,380,549.46 $1,350,000.00 204,412,25 185,000.00 27,024.84 25,000.00 54,327.66 50,000.00 11,549.18 12,000.00 83,144.23 80,000.00 $1,761,007.62 $1,702,000.00 $ $ 12,13,14,951 Maintenance Fees 120 Resident $ 121 Non-Resident 122 Out of State 123 Vocational Rehabilitation $ Investments ~ Interest Earned Receipts Yeor To Dote Revised Estimated Income Budget 1963-64 $ 778.79 $ ;778.79 $ 400.00 1,100.00 1,500.00 $3,453,508.07 $3,335,200.00 $ 600,000.00 $ 440,000.00 1,290.00 $ 364,395.00 $ 1,100.00 225.00 293.00 1,134.00 2,824.00 2,649.00" $ 368,614.00 $ 400,600.00 19,269.79 Gifts & Grants 11-871-170 (78*) Mrs. Aaron Fischer Scholarship Fund $ (783) Russell E. Schmidt Memorial «• 4 — $ 84,925.86 $ $ 225.00 $ 280.00 70,000.00 STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS JULY 1 , 1963 TO APRIL 30, 1964 Account N o . 11-871-170 (784) (785) 11-971-170(786) (787) (788) (790) 11-971-170 12-801-130 13-801-130 14-801-130 12-802-140 13-802-140 14-802-140 12-801-199 12-881-199 13-881-199 14-881-199 11-140-437 11-971-199 12-951-199 13-951-199 14-951-199 13-101-596 Receipts For Month Item Women's Advertising Club Hotel & Restaurant Scholarship Fund Educational Facilities Lab. Morris Glaser Library Fund Department of Nursing Fund General Scholarship Fund Other __ $ Auxiliary Services B Q °k $rore Gross Sales: City Campus $ Florissant Valley Campus Meramec Campus Vending Machine Income: City Campus Florissant Valley Campus Meramec Campus Other Income $ Other Receipts & Refunds Student Activities: City Campus $ Florissant Valley Campus Meramec Campus Insurance Proceeds Rent-Constructioneen Transcript Fees-City Transcript Fees-Florissant Transcript Fees-Mcamec YMCA Deposit Returned Other $ TOTAL RECEIPTS £ - - Revised Estimated Income Budget 1963-64 Receipts Yeor To Date $ 500.00 $ 50.00 $ 200.00 15,100.00 478,00 20.00 50.00 10.00 16,863.00 $ 480.35 173.61 366.27 $ 50.00 280.94 168.94 1,470.11 $ 55,513.94 $ 23,942.98 11,728.20 1,325.09 19.46 199.03 11.20 92,739.90' $ $ 100.00 1.00 3.00 4.00 1,000.00 497.22 170.00 $ 218.67 34.75 193.00 400.00 8.00 15.11 4.00 1,000.00 2,937.83 1,o69.72" $ 4,951.36 $ 29.75 34.75 35,094.97 5 (Continued) $4,621,632.19 130,000.00" $4,375,200.00 '.'(*'; V ; - . I, .''",',..'''.•'''"'' ', • ' ' • • ' v' THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT tdjfc M" CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION (11) STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS * ENCUMBRANCES APRIL 30, 1964 Account No. (300) 321 321 321 Item Revised Appropriation Disburse- DisburseUn ncumBudget merits ments Open bered 1963-64 For Month For Year Encumbrances Balanc s Salaries J. Cos and, Pres. $ J. Tlrrell, VP Inst. J. Hobson, VP Bus. $ 1,750.00 $ 17,500.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 1,666.67 16,666.70 3,333.34 1,416.67 14,166.70 2,833.34, 322 Administrative 341 C l e r i c a l 391 Other TOTAL SAURIES 1,949.66 4,819.94 531.38 421 Contractual ServiceLegal 422 Contractual ServiceConsultants 423 Contractual ServiceOther 424 Other Service 425 Election Expense 429 Annuity 431 Employment Cost Proc, 437 GeneraIInsuranee 439 Group Insurance and Employees Benefits 447 Meetings 448 Faculty Meetings & l $ $ 415.90 1,645.50 467 469 482 487 492 Membership Payroll Taxes-Cert. Payroll Taxes-Non Cert. Postage & Freight Data Processing Printing Public Information Publications SSubscriptions Rent Repairs t Maintenance Testing Services Stationery Supplies-Office 494 Supplies-Other 495 Delivery Service 496 Telephone * Telegraph VV-' $ 612.00 13,506.49 32.57 213.00 167.75 333.33 656.32 1,165.63 1,103.62 5,706.72 292.75 3,333.30 1,319.93 6,380.30 218.21 1,000.00 2,580.33 341.04 666.66 2,000,00 708.70 28.00 126.00 265,19 580.98 4,384.95 447.50 2,244.50 1,260.00 2,065.97 2,951.11 22,858.10 22,447.61 1,680.60 76.85 3,111.00 3,149.35 96.10 1,158,48 946.53 8,911.72 104.71 453.03 5,00 1,771.80 44.50 160.00 915.36 653.84 7,614.90 1,737.66 72.59 25,10 2,061,21 2,340,60 * 158.35 9,746.83 'v'".'.•V-- i 4,872.00 $ 3,979.02 200.00 Expenses R e l a t i n g Thereto 449 451 452 461 462 463 465 466 3,899.32 9,540,88 $147,940.00 $ 12,134.32 $108,291.08 $ 23,106.88 $16,542.04 (400) Operating Expenses 401 Audit Fee $ 403 Auto Expense ® 1^212.64 38,801.11 2,943.93 ' •» 6 * 235.12 CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION (11) (Cont'd) STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS S ENCUMBRANCES APRIL 30, 1964 « Account No, Item 497 Travel 499 Miscellaneous TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES Revised Appropriation Budget 1963-64 $ $ Disbursements For Month $ 693.00 $ 61.13 159,040.00 $ 15,656.56 $ Disbursemerits For Year Unencumber d Balances Open Encumbrances 5,051.81 $ 1,980.00 $ 16.25 138,560.61 $13,927.23 $ 6,552.16 (500) 501 502 511 513 514 Capital Outlay Sites $ $ 1,734.35 $1,458,540.40 $12,150.00 $ Land Improvement 3,746.35 13,915.41 4,607.00 Temporary Buildings 313.41 207,025.79 591.85 Master Plan 7,201.12 Building Alterations 178.20 874.15 920.55 521 Equipment 892.24 4,491.30 54.75 541 Furniture 76.15 2,913.65 692.32 561 Instructional Apparatus 46.98 591 Other 3.971.54 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $2,114,252.00 $ 6,940.70 $1,698,980.34 $19,016.47 $396,255.19 T0TAL $2,421,232.00 $ 34,731.58 $1,945,832.03 $56,050.58 $419,349.39 - 7- THE JUNJOR COLLEGE DISTRICT INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES (701), STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS & ENCUMBRANCES APRIL 30, 1964 • Account No. h (300) 321 341 391 Item Revised Appropriated Budget 1963764 Salaries R. Jones, Director $ Clerical Other TOTAL SALARIES Disbursemerits For Month $ $ 25,210.00 $ Operating Expenses Auto Expense $ $ Other Services Meetings & Expenses Relating Thereto 451 Payroll Taxes Certificated 452 Payroll Taxes Non-Cert. 461 Postage S- Freight 463 Printing 466 Publications & Subscriptions 467 Rent 469 Repairs & Maintenance 492 Supplies-Office 494 Supplies-Other 497 Travel 499 Other Expense . TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 7,640.00 $ TOTAL Open Encumbrances Unencumbered Balances 1,041.67 $ 10,416.70 $ 2,083.34 $ 902.00 6,852.00 1,804.00 249.26 2.699.41 2,192.93 $ 19,968.11 $ 3,887.34 $ 1,354.55 (400) 403 424 447 (500) Capital Outlay 521 Equipment $ $ 541 Furniture 571 Books 6 Periodicals TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $136,690.00 $ Disbursements For Year 65.10 $ 323.15 $ 251.00 2.00 2.00 42.00 420.00 41.75 23.34 346.29 59.90 $ 61.20 12.00 2,432.19 19.57 207.24 1,113.86 639.27 170.75 384.80 16.85 23.90 495.65 1,095.39 $ 5,997.22 $ $ 340.00 7,381.28 400.00 11.57 111.15 151.22 735.14 $ 907.64 695.71 $ $ 1,699.38 82,654.81 49,749.84 7,721.28 $ 85,049.90 $ 49,749.84 $ 1,890.26 $169,,540.00 ,j, ..Tj,?.ff,.°.(^?.lt.'?,P, ? M 1 > 0 1 5 ' 2 3 $ 54 T 372.32 $ 4,152.45 - 8 - • • \ . ' • ' • • _ ' t THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT AUXILIARY SERVICES (801) STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS 6- ENCUMBRANCES APRIL 30, 1964 Account No. Item (300) Salaries 322 AdministrativeNon-Cert. 341 Clerical 391 Other TOTAL SALARIES (400) 403 424 452 461 469 492 496 499 (405) Revised Appropriated Budget 1963-64 $ Disbursements For Month $ (500) Capital Outlay 521 Equipment 541 Furniture TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY T0TAL 1,192.00$ $ 17,220.00 $ $142,660.00 $ $ $ $ 4,880.00 $ $168,990.00 $ Unencumbered Balances Open Encumbrances 7,947.80$ 2,384.00$ 2,301.60 2.574.78 283.85 Operating Expenses Auto Expense $ $ Other Services Payroll Taxes Non-Cert. Postage 6- Freight Repairs and Maintenance Supplies-Office Telephone & Telegraph Miscellaneous TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 4,230.00 $ Books & Supplies For Resale Disbursements For Year 1,475.85 $ 12,824.18 $ $ 74.60 $ 70.40 53.48 87.78 417.12 1,175.77 39.00 39.00 7.58 10.04 3.25 1.65 181.91 $ 2,384.00 $ 2,011.82 $ 1,797.76 $ $ 2,432.24 3,714.75 $ 99,395.24 $ 6,550.96 $36,713.80 52.24 $ 70.00 2,244.26 $ 817.15 70.00 122.24 $ 3,061.41 $ 70.00 $ 1,748.59 5,494.75 $117,078.59 $ 9,004.96 $42,906.45 •» 9 • $ ' • • : • • ' . - * ' . T H E JUNIOR COLLEGE D I S T R I C T i-te. V CITY & MERAMEC COMMUNITY COLLEGE CAMPUSES STATEMENT O F DISBURSEMENTS & ENCUMBRANCES APRIL 30, 1964 Account No. (300) 321 321 322 302 303 306 331 341 391 Item Salaries G. Clark, Director $ Administrative-Cert. AdminIstrative-Non Cert. Counselors Instructors Librarians Janitorial Clerical Other TOTAL SALARIES (400) 403 419 423 Revised Appropriation DisburseBudget ments 1963-64 For Month $ Disbursemerits For Year Un ncumbe red Balanc s Open Encumbrances 1,250.00 $ 12,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 4,166.66 29,501.69 8,333.32 750.00 5,250.00 1,500.00 2,762.21 21,272.76 2,762.21 53,022.02 380,385.91 44,742.02 1,321.11 7,728.88 1,321.11 1,723.00 7,261.92 3,446.00 3,922.55 26,369.71 7,850.00 1.390.41 9.504.90 . $600,007.00 $ 70,307.96 $499,775.77 $ 72,454.66 $27,776.57 Operating Expenses Auto Expense $ Commencement Expense Other Contractual $ 290.48 $ 1,915.35 $ $ 31.95 • ., Services 4,568.74 1,588.13 Other Expenses 1,112.95 1,112.95 Water 60.95 145.08 Electricity 842.12 4,432.89 Gas 50.32 293.98 Meetings 86.98 192.96 Meetings-Faculty 10.19 135.82 Payroll Taxes-Cert. 3,112.39 22,179.82 Payroll Taxes-Non Cert. 596.72 3,397.13 Postage & Freight 507.60 1,902.60 Data Processing Service 1,242.93 Printing 64.65 64.65 138.50 Publications & Subscriptions 32.75 309.53 42.45 467 Rent 269.15 26,204.45 469 Repairs & Maintenance 935.68 2,030.27 107.44 482 Testing Service 226.04 641.97 30.89 487 Stationery 22.50 491 Supplies-Instructional 1,891.50 17,797.95 5,843.81 492 Supplies-Office 337.95 5,954.43 765.66 493 Supplies-Custodial 207.34 2,325.96 268.51 494 Supplies-Other 389,59 3,428.72 1,546.21 495 Delivery Services 2.60 496 Telephone 6 Telegraph 821.82 497 Travel Expense 453.05 1,449.11 499 Miscellaneous 6.10 980,09 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $152,750.00 $ 11,484.50 $103,554.30 $ 10,363.55 $38,832.15 424 433 434 436 447 448 451 452 461 462 463 466 vm**mmmmmmm*mmmmm wwww* i» n num nw mm m*mtm-mm*mmmmmmmmm~mm « * M M W H I H W M M P M M < M - 10 - •MMMNMHWWWMN CITY & MERAMEC COMMUNITY COLLEGE CAMPUSES STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS & ENCUMBRANCES APRIL 30, 1964 .^ (C nt'd) ;/;:•;•; |||p^ Account No, Item (500) 511 521 541 561 Revised Appropriation DisburseBudget merits 1963-64 For Month Capital Outlay Temporary Build!ngs$ Equipment Furniture Instructional Apparatus 591 Other Capital Expenditure 596 Deposits TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ Disburse*. ments Open For Year Encumbrances Unencumber d Balances 406.35 $ 406.35 $ $ 282.42 43,394.86 6,000.24 1,587.14 49,207.59 5,960.61 2,455.56 42,235.78 385.30 7,955.38 340.40 $165,212.00 $ 4,731.47 $143,540.36 $ 12,346.15 $ 9,325.49 (881) Special Appropriation Student Activities: 423 Other Contractual $ $ Services 424 Other Services 461 Postage 6- Freight 463 Printing 467 Rent 492 Supplies-Office 494 Supplies-Other 499 Miscellaneous 521 Equipment TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 9,768.00 $ TOTAL $ 266.25 748.17 22.00 431.12 1,467.54 $ $ $ 225.00 396.75 17.06 2,468.39 1,206.50 347.00 30.00 13.23 1,157.81 215.89 425.65 58.25 153.44 ____^____^ 5,204.33 $ 1,510.64 $ 3,053.03 $927,737.00 $ 87,991.47 $752,074.76 $ 96,675.00 $78,987.24 . 11 - THE JUNIOR COLLEGE 01STRICT FLORISSANT VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTSfi.ENCUMBRANCES APRIL 30, 1964 • Account No. (300) 321 321 322 302 303 306 341 391 Item Revised Appropriation Budget 1963-64 Salaries D. Libby, Director $ Administrative-Cert. AdminIstrative-Non-Cert. Counselors Instructors Librarians Clerical Other TOTAL SALARIES Disburse- Disbursemerits merits Open For Month For Year Encumbrances Un ncumbe red Balances $ 1,208.33 $ 12,083.30 $ 2,416.66 $ 1,750.00 16,625.00 3,500.00 750.00 3,579.53 1,500.00 2,430.55 17,561.90 3,105.55 18,682.69 149,661.43 14,477.69 611.11 4,318.98 611.11 1,772.00 12,762.15 3,514.00 216.88 1,955.47 $238,625.00 $ 27,421.56 $218,547.76 $ 29,125.01 $(9,047.77) (400) 403 424 437 447 Operating Expenses Auto Expense $ $ 12.3? $ Other Services 155.10 General Insurance Meetings &• Expenses Relating Thereto 448 Meetings-Faculty 451 Payroll Taxes-Cert. 1,122.60 452 Payroll Taxes-Non-Cert. 276.16 461 Postage & Freight 51.00 462 Data Processing 463 Printing 466 Publications SSubscriptions 467 Rent 469 Repairs & Maintenance 482 Testing Service 487 Stationery 491 Supplies-Instructional 837,84 492 Supplies-Office 722.44 493 Supplies-Custodial 494 Supplies-Other 69.25 495 Delivery Service 496 Telephone & Telegraph 497 Travel & Related Expense 17.50 499 Miscellaneous TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 48,535.00 $ 3,264.21 $ - 12 - 2,627.32 $ 811.59 397.00 10.00 75.00 9,957.25 1,527.05 482.65 492.96 95.65 372.27 7,272.93 109.49 32.13 26.60 5,451.87 3,092.19 10.00 422.65 2.60 $ 50.00 1.00 66.08 40.00 1,358.00 210.17 7.35 875.52 788.80 332.32 35,265.84 $ 1,732.60 $11,536.56 ;>'• • i • • ; • • ' • ' ' • • • ; • • " • ' FLORISSANT VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENT & ENCUMBRANCES APRIL 30, 1964 w ^ Account No. Item (500) 521 541 561 Capital Outlay Equipment Furniture Instructional Apparatus 591 Other 596 Deposits TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY Revised Appropriation Budget 1963-64 $ Disbursements For Month $ 83.60 Disbursements For Year 3,207.07 2,835.50 1,000.00 376.50 $ 1,807.50 626.30 $ 20,083.54 $ 2,184.00 $18,894.46 (881) • Special Appropriation Student Activities: 423 Contractual $ $ Services 424 Other Services 463 Printing 467 Rent 494 Supplies-Other 499 Miscellaneous __ TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 4,800.00 $ Unencumbe red Balances Open Encumbrances $ 6,012.32 $ 7,028.65 542.70 $ 41,162.00 $ (Cont'd) TOTAL $ 262.40 153.50 25.00 77.73 518.63 $ $ 105.00 503.40 797.22 150.00 380.65 187.00 2,123.27 $ $ 230.90 230.90 $ 2,445.83 $333,122.00 $ 31,830.70 ^276,020.41 $ 33,272.51 ,1,^,^9.08 - 13 - " ^ • ^ ^ ^ — ^ " — * « * w i — * » — ; iiniiwi •III.III«.IIII«..-.»IIII m ...•.••in in "m -rr^-Vii-tHyii-iiTMtiWmiiiiiniiWitiiwiiiiiiftiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM^ ••••inii.ii THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI • SUMMARY OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS • APRIL 30, 1964 Bolance March 3 1 , 1964 $3,964,402.89 Receipts: Taxes Maintenance Fees Interest Earned on Investments Gifts & Grants Bookstore Gross Sales Other Disbursements: (See Schedule A) Salaries Less Withholdings Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Auxiliary Services (Cost of Sales) Payroll Taxes & \.ithholdings NDEA- Title III Other A # $ 9,986.35 2,649.00 19,269,79 50.00 1,020.23 2,119.60 $113,532.62 23,113.29 $ 35,094.97 $ 179,705.65 $90,419.33 28,053.48 20,120.96 3,714.75 31,152.98 6,194.15 50.00 Excess of Disbursements Over Receipts $ Balance April 30, 1964 $ 3,819,792.21 ' 144,610.68 WJII.JI'lii Balance April 30, 1964 Consists Of: Cash on hand (Petty Cash Funds) Cash in Bank: Mercantile Trust General Account Mercantile Trust Payroll Account $ Investments: Treasury Bills Certificates of Deposit Repurchase Agreement l"T' " nil I — 1 $ 750.00 80,135,30 500.00$ 80,635.30 $ 298,406.91 1,640,000.00 1,800,000.00 $3,738,406.91 $3,819,792.21 tm > > / . ' - : . • - . , , , , . - . . • , - . - . • : . • - : • • . - . • . • • - . - , COPY COPY COPY May 19, 1964 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Berry 5600 Oakland St. Louis, Missouri Re: Continued Occupancy of Caretaker's House on Highlands Property Dear Mr. and Mrs. Berry: This letter will constitute our agreement for your continued occupancy of the caretaker's house on the Highlands property which the Junior College has purchased, said occupancy, however, to be subject to and in accordance with the following terms and conditions: 1. You agree to serve as caretaker for the Junior College property; your services as caretaker will include living in the caretaker's house, periodic inspection of the property, notification of the police and the Junior College District in the event of any damage to or disturbance on the property. Should you plan to be absent from the caretaker's house overnight, you will notify the District of such fact prior to such absence In order that the District may, at its option, provide someone for and during the period of your absence. 2. The Junior College District agrees to allow you to live in said caretaker's house rent free; provided, however, you shall pay and be responsible for all utilities including light, water, heating, etc. 3. Insurance on the House will be provided by the Junior College District but, you agree to provide insurance on the contents thereof or an any of the personal property which you may have on the Highlands site* It is understood that the Junior College District will have no liability or responsibility for such contents and personal property. 4. This agreement will be on a month to month basis and may be terminated by you or the Junior College District on thirty days written notice. The Junior College District will endeavor (but is not obligated) to give you notice of its intention to use the house occupied by you (or the ground on which said house stands) os soon as practicable; ';':;• '•:'''• ' ti Mr. and AArs« Louis Berry Page 2 May 19, 1964 5. Any fire on the premises or any caualty, windstorm, tornado, or other cause which shall, in the opinion of the Junior College District, render the caretaker's house uninhabitable, shall work an immediate termination of this agreement and your right to occupy the caretaker's house, 6. In the event you fail to vacate the caretaker's house after written notice has been given you and on the date specified in said notice, you agree to pay the sum of $200.00 per month for any month or fraction thereof that you or either of you remain in said caretaker's house beyond the date so specified for your vacation of the premises. 7. This agreement shall be effective from and after the date of the closing of the sale of the Highlands property to the Junior College District. If this letter accurately states your understanding of the conditions by which you are to remain in the caretaker's house, won't you please indicate your assent by signing two copies hereof and returning them to the Junior College District. Sincerely, THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI R x Joseph P. Cosand Accepted and approved this 25th day of May, 1964, Louis Berry Roslyn Berry Approved by the Junior College District Board of Trustees this By • Mildred £. Batttoii President, Board of Trustees Dolores B. Tygard ecretary, Board of Trosteej 25 day of May , 1964 ® # & " ••-: "•"•" •'•-• ••••:••••••:•..••<<: • « ? $ ' . • . ' . : . . ' • m • t f i 3 • • • • • • • • ' • ; . . . . • • . ' • • - •: : •••«••<:-:V ; - • : - v ; f • / • • • • ' ' :• ^ : / r " ' ' ~ ^ ? ~ ? * ~ r " r • „ • • • • ; •' •• ; •••• • •. •••"• • • - " "'• •'. ? ' , . V T V - , . — T T — - — ' " ^ ' ! " - . • • • • . . • • . . "."v'V.".* - , - • - • ,.;...•.. • • • ' . ' • ' . , ' • " . ' - . . . " • • • ' . • ' . •T ;-: BID OPENING M A Y 2 2 , 1964 * MERAMEC COMMUNITY COLLEGE ADDITIONAL TEMPORARY BUILDINGS In response to the advertisements for public bids for construction and completion of temporary facilities at the Meramec Community College placed in accordance with the laws of the State of Missouri, and the rules and regulations of The Junior College District, bids were received and opened at 10:13 a . m . / Friday, May 22, 1964. Being present and in witness thereof were M r . Bruce Woodruff, Counsel for The Junior College District, Mrs. Dolores Tygard, Secretary of the Board of Trustees, Mr. James Vv. Hobson, Vice President-Treasurer of The Junior College District, and Eric Smith, Architect. In verbal contact by telephone was Mrs. Mildred Bastain, President of the Board of Trustees. The following bids were received: CONTRACTOR BASE BID Arrow Construction Co, $ 42,500.00 Kummer Construction C o . , Inc. 46,390.00 Curran Construction C o . 47,490.00 Hof Construction Co. 48,280.00 i iT r V ) ) .*f % Submitted By: • James V.. Hobson Vic President-treasurer The Junior College District If « f t ' * - • '• • • > , , . :' ' . - ' , • . . . . . . •.;••••- , ~~_u~ " . .- I ^ ^ P$P Floriaoant Valley Coraaunity College THE JUMIQR COLLffiC DISTRICT Sn ™ SAJ./KJ. 8 4 ieu ra ln c o d > III, 17. Assistant Vincent VII. I. SUBJECT, FROM,* Honors flJ.2J Disposition Final Initial Good Academe J>2 Total Total (2.0 (1.5 E„J3eoji Standing Freeman Probation iuood disndesM eligible number FinaJ. Initial number average JfsJJJ° averse Probation 3hdisposition .ACADn-SC ^ atudents „ith sanding Recistrar Vincent. probation of of (i probation required) required) £° to ^(1011: students (failure reference students * ^turn (S^)t return ^ DISPOSITION B, of '(2 'Freeman students (in on to who 00 enrolled 1to ^good earn probation session withdrew session tatu OF standing required as for STUDENTS at ^J5 a average 29 g o-a 13 ^ U ol average result from winter en, eligible S dismissed ~i.?~-^dismiBssd eligzoie eligible f Sndnfcm K of .,, all S Distribution: (following ' required) of S required) session ?,tcr courses .to final 1? T to ^to (less average) return "^ continue return nation f**" "winter Winter 101) ^than •. ^ than W(loach on Barnu-a ** ^on2„Q for on 1„5 probation Session, °^ ^.standing probation probation ion average) ^-average) to:) E n-^dgradosi ^di>" 196 en gu•^ 't'>:s , =^ THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT Dentral Records Service JjjflTB: May 25, 1?6U TO: Dr. John E. TIrrell, Vice-President for Instruction FROM: Vincent E. Freeman SUBJECT: ACADEMIC DISPOSITION OF JCD STUDENTS (Winter Session, 1?6U) I. Total number of students enrolled for Winter Session, 196U City Campus Meramec Campus Florissant Campus IT??? "&T 559" Total 27H13 or OGQ* - — ~ ~ A. In good standing City Campus 37326 or'75* Meramec Campus Wh o r " W ~: Florissant Campus !i03 or 7 2 * — -- Total - 0 / 7 8 5 o* 71$ B. Probation City Campus Meramec Campus Florissant Campus Total 273 or 21# 2 d or 3©?£tt 156 or 2b^*» 630 or 26% •^-includes I76 students required to earn 1.5 session average and 2$ students required to earn 2.0 session average, •wt-includes 55 students required to earn 1.5 session average and 101 students required to earn 2.0 session average. II. Academic disposition of total JCD student population A. Eligible to return in good standing City Campus Meramec Campus Florissant Campus Total & 1,(4? orttW 323 o r " 5 B T & ~ 392 or 7 W TT752 or 73* B. Eligible to return on probation City Campus Meramec Campus IToF^T 11*6 or 2 0 ? * " " C. Enforced Withdrawal City Campus Meramec Campus TcToF#86 or l ^ T ^ III. IV. Florissant Campus 125 or 22* ^ Total S^Tor 172 Florissant Campus hi or b* ^ Total S J T o r 10* Total number of students who withdrew from a l l courses City Campus Meramec Campus Florissant Campus ^ToViT~ 2Tor~& 37 of 7* ^ Total l2To*r 5% Honors List - students who earned 3,0 (B) average and were enrolled as full-time students. City Campus Meramec Campus Florissant Campus Total *** 7U or 6% 33 or 6J* 3U or 6J6 138 or 6* <HHf - Does not include students at Barnes and Jewish Hospital Schools of Nursing. Vincent E. Freeman '*~**+r***~^ Central Records Service