MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES • THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST< LO '15 - ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSC URI M O N D A Y , JANUARY 13f 1964 > 8t00 P . M . A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Junior College District of St, Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri, was held on Monday, January 13, 1964, at the Central Office of the District at 4386 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, Missouri. I. General Functions 1.2 Roll Call The Board President, Mr. Gerald V . Williamson, called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. The following members of the Board were present; Mrs. Joseph C. Bastion Messrs. Lester C. Geil F. William McCalpin Guy S. Ruffin Gerald V . Williamson Mr. Morris Glaser was unable to be present at this meeting. Also present were Dr, Joseph P. Cosand, President; Dr. John E. Tirrell, Vice President; and Mr. James W, Hobson, Vice President — all of the Junior College staff. Mr. Bruce E, Woodruff, of the firm of Antistrong, Teasdale, Roos, ICramer & Vaughan, Counsel for fho district, was also present. 1/13/64 '•:;/'• * . ' . , ' ' • • • ' ; •}'.': . • ' v . . ' • • * • • ' ' • ' • ' . " . ' t ' • » T 1.3 Minutes Board President V.illiamson called for a reading of the Minutes of the regular meeting of December 30, 1963. They were read and discussed. Board Member Ruffin asked the Board Secretary, Mrs. Dolores Tygard, to correct a statement on Page 3 which was attributed to him. Mr. Ruffin said that according to the Policies and Procedures Manual, the reconsideration of a vote could be moved only by a Member who voted with the majority, and only at the same meeting at which the vote was taken. Therefore, his statement should read as follows: "Mr. Ruffin said that according to parliamentary procedure, the name was chosen by a majority vote of 3 to 2 , and unless one of the Board Members, who voted in the affirmative, chose to change their vote, the matter could not be opened for discussion, and would have to stand as previously considered." Mrs. Tygard noted this change. On page 12, Mr. Ruffin noted the proposed amendment to the Policies and Procedures Manual, point 6.17, in the fourth line following the statement, "That the President shall report any such transfers to the Board at its next meeting." Mr. Ruffin asked that these words be inserted, "following such transfer". This change was also noted. Mr. McCalpin called Mrs. Tygard's attention to another change on page 12. In point 5 . 8 , "Approval of Contract for Purchase of Real Estate", in the second line, the name J . A , Howard should be substituted for Joy Manufacturing Company. Mrs. Tygard noted this change, also. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Gel I, seconded by Mr. Ruffin, and passed with • the unanimous aye vote of all Members of the Board, the Minutes of the regular meeting of December 30, 1963, were approved as amended. 1/13/64 . 2 - 1.4 Welcome to Guests Board President Williamson introduced Mr. Timothy Hogan - a reporter for the St. Louis Globe Democrat, and Mr. Curt Stadtfeld - a reporter for the St, Louis Post Dispatch - to the Board Members. 1.6 Communications The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, advised the Board that he had received a communication from John P. Merle, Jr., Manager of Constructioneers, Inc. Constructioneers occupies a part of the buildings located on the West Park property acquired by the District on December 3 1 , 1963, Dr. Cosand advised the Board that Mr, Merle had requested permission to remain in a port of the buildings, located on the West Park property, at a rental of $100 per month on a month-to-month basis. The President advised the Board that he considered this an advantageous arrangement, both from the standpoint of rental, and in order to prevent theft and vandalism. A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mrs, Bastian, seconded by Mr. McCalpin, and with the unanimous aye vote of all Members of the Board of Trustees who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the Junior College District permit Constructioneers, Inc. to remain in a part of the property located at 5555 West Park, as a tenant, on a month-to-month basis, at a monthly rental of $100 per month, paid in advance, commencing January 15, 1964, FUTHER RESOLVED, That Constructioneers, Inc. shall pay all utilities, and shall furnish the District with a Certificate of Insurance, indemnifying and holding the District harmless from any and all liability by reason of its use of said premises, or th use of said premises by its employees or customers, 1/13/64 - 3 - V ' " •' • ' ' . . ' • -....-. - • - A FURTHER RESOLVED, That said tenancy shall be terminable on 30 days' written notice by either party. Dr. Cosand also introduced the following letter which Board President Williamson had written to Mr. Gerald C . Reid, Mayor of the City of Ferguson, on December 3 1 , 1963. Mr. Gerald C. Reid, Mayor City of Ferguson 110 Church Street Fetguson, Missouri 63135 Dear Mr. Reid: Thank you for your communication to this Board as of December 16, relating to the name 'Florissant Valley" for our north campus site. The Board discussed your position and views at considerable length last night. First of all it comes as a surprise and disappointment to most of us that the name chosen would disturb North County residents, and that the name would be construed as having a municipal significance. We did realize that our site was outside the true Valley area but felt that this name so accurately identified its general location, that this was not significant. I can also add that many, many alternate names were originally consid red, but none seemed satisfactory because they either had already been given to schools, or were not identifiable with the North County. Because of this dilemma, i . e . what is a better name, the Board decided last night not to act. Most of us truly expect that in time the name can become widely esteemed. We will, however, keep this problem and your views before us, because we are deeply concerned with the reaction of your community. We of the Board, and our College Staff, have been and are highly appreciative of the wonderful support and cooperation received from Ferguson. We know of your long record of high civic responsibility and support of good schools. We most earnestly hope that your support will continue. We believe that the high lying north campus is naturally endowed as a fine and Impressive college site, that all of St. Louis as well as Ferguson will come to be proud of. It is our determination to create a college there that will meet the promise of the site, and the educational needs of the community. May I thank you very much for expressing your views and addressing them to us, and can you please pass to your associates our appreciation for doing so. Very truly yours, GVW/ec 1/13/64 m 4 G . V, Williamson, President Board of Trustees . Dr. Cosand also discussed the coordinated calendar which was distributed by the Higher Education Coordinating Council of Metropolitan St. Louis. Dr. Cosand also read a letter which had been received from Dr. and .'.Irs. Samuel D. Souls. Dr. and Mrs. Soule sent a check for $25.00 to the Junior College District, with the request that it be used wherever it was most needed. Dr. Cosand asked that the money be applied to the Student Loan Fund. A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. McCalpin, seconded by Mrs, Bastian, and with the unanimous aye vote of all members of the Gocrd who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the contribution from Dr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Soule to the Junior College District be accepted anc! credited to the Studont Loan Fund, and that the Secretory of the Board bo directed to write a letter to them expressing the deep appreciation of the Eoard for their thoughtfulness. 2 * PERSONNEL 2.1 Certificated Personnel - Professional Staff The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, recommended the employment of the following certificated personnel: Robert Louis Slcrainka - Instructor In English - 1-1 - Effective 1/13 - 5/26/64 Frank K. Perkins, Jr. - Assistant Prof. In English l l - l - Eff. 1/13-5/26/64 David Werner - Assistant irofessor in Mathematics - 11-2 - Eff. 1/13-5/26/64 A general discussion followed with respect to their academic backgrounds and general qualifications* Whereupon, on motion by Mr. McCalpin, seconded by Mrs, Bastian, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board who wore present, It was 1/13/64 - 5 - RESOLVED, That th© personnel recommended for employment by Dr. Cosand as set out in the foregoing list, be employed in the capacity and at the salary classification therein set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board, FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and is hereby authorized to execute the form Instructors' Contract, previously adopted by the Board, with each of the above full-time certificated personnel, which said contract is to be filed with the records of the District, An informal discussion ensued with Board members and Dr. John E. Tirrell regarding the number of faculty members employed by the District. Dr. Tirrell reported that the District presently had retained 35 full-time foculty members, and 35 part-fime faculty members. It had been in operation 16-1/2 months. 2.2 Classified Personnel The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, recommended the employment of the following classified personnel: De lores Theresa Czarnecki - Secretary - Range 10, Step A - Eff. 1/14/64 John O . Thompson - Grounds & Maintenance - Range 9, Step A - Eff. 1/13/64 Flora May Brady - Matron - Range 1, Step A - Effective 1/13/64 Rosemarie Earl - Matron - Range 1, Step A - Effective 1/13/64 Frank Virgil Frentrop - Custodian - Range 9 , Step A - Effective 1/20/64 Virgil Lloyd Smith - Custodian - Range 9, Step A - Effective 1/13/64 Louise Kasten - Secretary - Range 10, Step A - Effective 8/20/63 Owen Carey - Delivery Man - Range 6, Step A - Effective 1/13/64 Dr. Cosand also recommended the following changes in classification: 1/13/64 - 6 - Wayne Berkbigler - Duplicating Operator - 0«ny%s W n flange 6 / Step A to Range 0, Step B - Eff. 1/I5A-4 Dorothy-Luefhge - Secretory - Change from Range -9, Step A to Range 10, c»»K A Effective 1/13/64 Maryland Jones Vinson - Stenographer - Change from Range 7, Step B to Range 9, Step A - Effective 1/15/64 A general discussion followed with rocpoct to tfiolr general qualifications and their prpposed duties. Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastion, seconded by Mr. Geil, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the classified personnel recommended for employment by Dr. Cosand as set out in the foregoing list, be employed in the capacity and at the salary classification therein set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the changes In classification, hereinabove recommended for classified personnel who have been previously approved by the Board, be approved in the new classification* 3. CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 3.1 Association of Colleges and University Presidents of Missouri The Vice President of the College, Cr» Tirrell, reported on a meeting of the Association of Colleges and University Presidents of Missouri, at Columbia, Missouri, on January 6. Dr. Tirrell represented the President of the College at this meeting. 3.2 North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, reported that representatives from the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools would visit the Junior College District within the next month or two, concerning the Junior College District's Admission to Candidacy. 1/13/64 - 7 « Dr. Cosand stated that the staff was required to complete certain forms which would be used by the Association as information guidelines during the examination visit. This was in complete agreement with the new procedures adopted in the summer of 1963 by the North Central Association. He also told the Board that the North Central Association would base its evaluation of the District on the following seven main divisions: 1. Is the educational task of the Institution clearly defined? 2. Are the necessary resources available for carrying out the educational tasks of the Institution? 3. Is the Institution well organized for carrying out its educational task? 4. Are the curriculum and instructional program adopted to the goals of the Institution? 5. Are conditions of faculty service likely to promote high morale0 6. Is student life on the campus well-balanced and educationally meaningful? 7. Is the level of achievement of students consistent with the goals of the Institution? Dr. Cosand also stated that the representatives would want to meet with the Board. The philosophy of a District is established by the Board of Trustees and they would be interested in learning of the individual viewpoints of the Board Members, and what its general commitment is to the City and County of St. Louis. 4. COLLEGE FACILITIES 4,1 Meramec Community College The President of the College reported on enrollment at Meramec Community College, which opened on this day, January 13, 1964, He called on Vice President 1/13/64 - 8 - Tlrrell and Vice President l-lobson to report on general enrollment and facilities. As of this date there were 507 students at Meramec Community College, 543 at Florissant Valley Community College, and 1,260 at the South Campus, at Roosevelt High School. 4.2 Temporary Buildings - Florissant Valley Community Campus The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, reported that Mr. Wischmeyer would meet with the administrative staff on Tuesday morning, January 2 1 , 1964, at 9:30 a.m. to discuss the plans for temporary buildings which were to be located at Florissant Volley Community College. According to Mr. Wischmeyer, the plans should be complete by March 1 , and thus enable construction to start by April 1, 1964. Mr. Wischmeyer also felt that the buildings would be completed and ready for occupancy by early summer - to enable class instruction to commence by September 1, 1964. Dr. Cosand also stated that Dr. Clark, Campus Director at Meramec, was preparing a written report concerning inadequacies in the temporary buildings at Meramec. This report would be brought to the attention of Mr. Wischmeyer at this general meeting on January 21st. A general discussion followed. 5. BUSINESS AND FINANCE 5.1 Warrantee heclc Register The Treasurer of the College, Mr. Hobson, presented the Warrant-Check Register for the month of December, 1963. The expenditures for this period, as listed in the above-mentioned WarrantCheck Register, are as listed in the addendum attached to these Minutes. 1/13/64 - 9 - m :•;';••. \'l . A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastion, seconded by Mr. McCalpIn, and passed with the unanimous aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the Warrant-Check Register of the Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri, which is included as an addendum to these Minutes, be approved for the period from December 1 to December 30, 1963. 5• 2 Acceptance of a Quotation for Drafting Machines and Tracing Box The President of the College recommended the acceptance of the bid, and the awarding of an order, to the Keuffel and Esser Company for drafting machines and a tracing box to be used at Meramec Community College. Dr. Cosand stated that a request for quotation was sent to four suppliers for bidding on 30 drafting machines and one tracing box. The resulting bids are as follows: Bona Venture Supply Co. (Vemco) Charles Bruning Co. (Bruning) Service Blue Print Co. (Vemco) Keuffel & Esser Co. (E. & E. Paragon Jr.) $1,802.00 3,252.40 1,684.00 1,905.15 It was the proposed recommendation that because of design and construction of the Paragon Jr. equipment, the Junior College District purchase the 30 drafting machines and tracing box from Keuffel & Esser Company for a total cost of $1,905,15. A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. McCalpIn, seconded by Mr. Geil, and with the aye vote of the following Board Members: Mrs. Bastion, Mr. Williamson, Mr. McCalpIn, 1/13/64 Mr, Ruffln, and Mr. Gel I, It was - 10 - RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees accept the offer of the Keuffel & Esser Company for thirty drafting machines and one tracing box In the amount of $1,905.15; and that the President be authorized to purchase this equipment in accordance with the bid specifications. 5 . 3 Fringe Benefit Program Because of the inclement weather, and the many things awaiting discussion, it was recommended that consideration of this proposal be postponed until a succeeding meeting of the Board of Trustees. However, the President of the Board, Mr* Williamson, appointed Mrs. Joseph C. Bastion and Mr. F. William McCalpin to serve as a committee of two to study the proposal on the Employee Fringe Benefit program. He asked that they make their recommendations to the Board at its next regular m eting. Mrs. Bastian and Mr. McCalpin accepted this assignment. 5 . 4 National Science Foundation The President of the College recommended the approval of the National Science Foundation proposal. Dr. Cosand told the Board that he recommended that the District request a grant, on a matching fund basis/rom the National Science F undation. He then called upon the Vice President for Business, Mr. Hobson, to elab rate on the proposal. Mr. Hobson stated that this request concerned itself with equipment related to the field of geology. If approved, the equipment would enable the Junior Col leg District to offer a ouch improved geology program over that normally offered at the Junior College level. Mr. Hobson stated further that with this grant, and matching funds from the District, it would be possible to introduce lapidary equipment, 1/13/64 - 1 1 - concerning itself with the cutting and polishing of stones; and would allow the District to purchase superior types of microscopic equipment for use of the college students. A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastion, seconded by Mr. G e i l , and with the following votes of the members of the Board: Mrs. Bastion (yes), Mr. Williamson (yes), Mr. Geil (yes), Mr. Ruffln (yes), Mr. McCalpin (no), it was RESOLVED, That the Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri, apply to the National Science Foundation for a grant to be given to the Junior College District, on the condition that the Junior Col leg District provide matching funds. FURTHER RESOLVED, That this proposed grant from the National Science Foundation be used principally to purchase equipment, and to further improv the geology program which is now being offered to students of the Junior College District. 5.5. Sale of Treasury Bills The President of the College reported that the Treasurer of the College, Mr. James W. Hobson, had just recently sold Treasury Bills in the amount of $250,000, maturing February 6, 1964, and had purchased a similar amount of Treasury Bills in the amount of $250,000, to mature April 30, 1964. A general discussion followed involving all Board members. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. McCalpin, seconded by Mrs. Bastian, and passed with the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri, hereby approves and ratifies the action of the Treasurer of the College In selling $250,000,00 worth of Treasury Bills, maturing February 6, 1964, and in purchasing a like amount of Treasury Bills, maturing April 30, 1964. 1/13/64 - 12 - 6. STUDENT PERSONNEL SERVICES 6.1 Graduation - 1964 Hie President of the College, Dr. Cosand, reported that the Campus Directors, Dr. Glynn Clark and Dr. Douglas Libby, stated that approximately forty or fifty stud nts would qualify for graduation at the close of the Winter Session. The President recommended that the Board authorize a graduation ceremony to be held on Thursday evening, May 7, and asked that the President be authorized to secure a speaker of note for the occasion. There was no recommendation made with respect to the location of the ceremony. A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Ruffin, seconded by Mr. McCalpin, and passed with the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri, hold a graduation ceremony on Thursday evening, May 7, 1964, and that the President of the College be authorized to secure a speaker of note for the occasion. 6.2 Change in Wording in Policies and Procedures Manual, Section 2 . 5 . 3 Section 2 . 5 . 4 _______»_»-«_______^«. _—_-_—_— The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, recommended that Section 2 . 5 . 3 . and Section 2 . 5 . 4 , be changed to read as follows: 2.5.3 All entering students who rank In the lower half of the high school graduating class and who in addition score In the lower third of the Entrance Tests used by the college, shall be admitted on probation. These entering probationary students shall be limited to 12 units of college work and U at the end of the first semester the student's grade average is below C - (1.5), he shall be subject to dismissal. 1/13/64 - 13 - % 2,5,4 Entering probationary students whose grade average is between C - and C ( 1 . 5 , - 2,0) and ail other students whose grade average Is below C (2,0) at the end of a college session shall be placed on probation for the following college session. All regular probationary students must achieve at least a C (2,0) grade average at the completion of the probationary semester or they shall be subject to dismissal. Or, Cosand advised the Board of Trustees that the above changes in no affected the philosophy of the District, The word, "restricted" had been changed to "probationary". Dr. Cosand advised the Board that this terminology was much better understood by admissions officers and by the North Central Association of Col leg s and Seoo ndary Schools, A general discussion followed. It was noted that these amendments were lodged with the Board at this regular meeting, and they would be acted upon at the next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees, 7. COMMUNITY RELATIONS 7,1 Kirkwood Advertiser » Webster Groves Advertiser The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, advised the Board that the special edition of the Kirkwood and Webster Groves Advertiser had been distributed in that area of the county. It was Indicative of the interest which had been displayed so far as Meraftec Community College was concerned. Dr. Cosand added that the College was highlighted on Saturday, January 4 , over KMOX-TV on its "Eye on St, Louis" program, which featured Mrs, Bastion and Dr. Tfrrell, with Max Roby.On KMOX Radio on January 8 , the President of the Board, Mr. Williamson, was featured n its "At Your Service" program from 3:10 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 1/13/64 - 14 «- Dr. Cosand also told the Board that all three television stations operating in the City of St. Louis, KTVI, KSD, and K M O X , had mobile units at Meramec Community College on the opening day of the College, and had featured Meramec during their newscasts at 6:00 p.m. and intended to do this again at 10:00 p.m. 8. NEW BUSINESS In accordance with the Policies and Procedure manual of the Board of Trustees, the President submitted to the Board the proposed budget for the fiscal year commencing July 1 , 1964. The President,of the Board, Mr. Williamson, noted that this budget had been lodged with the Board, and it would be discussed and acted upon at a later meeting. 9. ADJOURNMENT Board President Williamson asked if there were any further business to come before the Board. There was not, and Mr. McCalpin made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Ruffin seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved at 9:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Dolores Tygard, Secretary ^ Board of Trustees The Junior College District of St. Louis St. Louis County, Missouri 1/13/64 -15- •••:'• > JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT ST. LOUIS - STe LOUJS COUNTY, MISSOURI ESTiMATED BUDGET SUMMARY 1964 -65 as of January 13, 1964 £& INCREASE or DECREASE * ITEM i963 -64 BUDGET 1964 -65 BUDGET Estimated Income City of St. Louis St. Louis County Jefferson County State of Missouri Student Maintenance Fee Interest Income Auxiliary Service $1,631,700 1,702,000 1,500 440,000 400.000 70,000 130,000 $1,669,000 1,750,500 1,500 440,000 965,200 90,000 310,000 $37,300 48,500 $4.375,200 $5.226,200 $851.000 Total Estimated Income 565,200 20,000 180,000 Estimated Expenditures Central Administration Instructional Resources Auxiliary Services Roosevelt Campus Meramec Campus * Florissant Valley Campus ** KIrkwood Development Total Operating Budget $ 417,975 169,540 168,990 534,258 293,7 30 333,122 99,747 $2.017.372 $ 487,100 184,640 419,800 504,880 704,310 883,650 •-•• ^ $3.184.380 $ 69,125 15,100 250,810 29,388 * 410,580 550,528 99.74; ft $1.167,008" Estimated Income over Estimated Expenditures $2,357.828 $2,041.820 $ * Temp. Building Furnishings incli'ddd. ** Item for Temp. Building Fi«t nlsLiugs 4 .. 1 .. 316,008 * A''*> JUNIOR COLLI*)-: ST. LOU'S - ST. I.O'JJS ESTIMATED FUNDS FUTUkE SITES & as of January Cash Balance July 1, 1964 OiSTlMCT COilNTY, MISSOURI AVAILABLE 8UILDINGS 13, 1964 $1,2013000 Estimated income Over Expenditures as of June 30, 1965 2.041.820 Estimated Available for Future sites 5- Buildings $3,242,820 (a) Includes temporary Investments *• 2 ** (a) • ' * • . ' • ' : ' '*> A ^^ ITEM ' ' • JUNiOR COLLEGE DISTRICT ST. LOUIS - ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI ESTIMATED INCOME BUDGET 1964 - 1965 as of January 13, 1964 1963 -64 1964 -65 BUDGET 9UDGET Tax Income City of St. Louis Real Estate Personal Property Intangible Manufacturers Merchants Railroads St. Louts Housing Authority St. Louis County Beal Estate Personal Property Intangible Manufacturers & Merchants Railroad Utilities Jefferson County Intangible & Property INCREASE $1,166,000 185,000 47,000 105,000 65,000 58,000 5,700 $1.631.700 $1,190,000 190,000 48,000 108,000 67,000 60,000 6.000 $1.669.000 1,350,000 185,000 25,000 50,000 12,000 80.000 $1.702.000 1,388,000 190,000 26,000 52,000 12,500 82.000 $1.750.500 $ 400 $ 400 $ 1.100 1.500 $ 1.100 1.500 $ - $ 440.000 $ 440.000 $ - $ 400.000 $ 965.200 $565.200 $ $ $ 20.000 $ 37.300 $ 48.500 • Railroad & Utility State of Missouri State Aid Student Maintenance & Fees Interest Income 70.000 Scholarship Funds Auxiliary Services (Gross) TOTAL 90.000 ( Reported as Fees Earned) $ 130,000 $4,375,200 • 3 - $ 310,000 $5,226,200 #180,000 $851,000 . '* > JUNIOR COLLEGE D m M C T ST, LOUIS - ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI ESTIMATED APPROPRIATION BUDGET 1964 -t5 as cf January 13, 1964 JTEM 1963 -64 1964 -65 INCREASE or DECREASE $ 80,220 62,330 175,425 100,000 $100,100 77,000 210,000 100,000 $ 19,880 14,670 34,575 — $417.975 $487,100 $ 69.125 Instruct tonal Resources $169.540 #184.640 $ 15.100 Auxiliary Services $168.990 $419,800 $250.810 Central Administration General Administration Educational Administration Business Administration Growth Development Fund Total Central Administration m* Q m ' •. . " JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT ST. LOUIS - ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI ESTIMATED APPROPRIATION BUDGET 1964 -65 as of January 13, 1964 ' jSfa 1963 -64 Budget 1964 -65 Budget Increase or Decrease * $162.780 $154.000 $ Instruction Math, Engr. 6- Phy. Science Physical Education English Business Education Life Science Social Studies Hotel & Restaurant Art Modern Language Music Business Administration Nursing Total Instruction $ 85,278 13,777 58,935 6,094 48,860 61,100 11,450 11,785 17,690 9,940 14,495 14.560 $353,964 $ 80,200 13,000 55,000 5,780 46,200 58,000 10,850 11,100 16,700 9,900 13,750 13.800 $334,280 $ Instructional Resources $ 10.874 $ 10.300 $ 574 * Special Appropriation Student Activities $ $ $ 350 * Item Roosevelt Campus General Administration fra Total Roosevelt Campus 6.650 $534.268 "• 5 » ' V'-v. •"•• la:.,;,-. 6.300 $504.880 8.780 * 5,078 * 777 * 3,935* 314 * 2,660* 3,100* 600* 685 * 990 * 40 * 745 * 760 * $ 19,684 * $ 29.388 * ''• JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT ST. LOUIS - ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI ESTIMATED APPROPRIATION BUDGET 1964 -65 as of January 13, 1964 ^^ ^P 1963-64 Budget 1964-65 Budget Increase or Decrease '* $ 77.565 $186,000 $108.435 Instruction Math, Engr. £• Phy. Science Physical Education English Business Education U f e Science Law Enforcement Social Studies Art Modern Language Music Business Administration Nursing Total Instruction $ 39,650 6,469 27,765 2,875 23,090 7,810 28,760 5,555 7,563 4,660 6,717 6.860 $167.774 $ 95,000 15,500 66,500 6,900 55,300 18,750 69,000 13,300 18,150 11,200 16,100 16.450 $402.150 $ 55,350 9,031 38,735 4,025 32,210 10,940 40,240 7,745 10,587 6,540 9,383 9.590 $234.376 Instructional Resources $ 5.091 $ 12.200 $ Physical Plant Services $ 40.182 $96.500 $ 56.318 Special Appropriation Student Activities $ 3.118 $ 7.460 $ $293.730 $704.310 $410.580 ITEM Heranee Campus General Administration Total Meramec Campus * :V': "* 6 - .-' 7.109 4.342 •'.'•"• ~&? JUtMOP COLLEGE OISTR'CT ST. LOUIS - ST. L0UI5 MIICJTV MISSOURI ESTIMATED APPROPRIATION BUDGET 1964 -65 as of January 13, 1964 ITEM FLORISSANT VALLEY CAMPUS General Administration 1963 -64 BUDGET 1964 -65 BUDGET INCREASE or DECREASE * $138,005 $200.000 $ 61.995 Instruction Humanities Biology Chemistry Geology Physics S- Engr. Physical Education Social Sciences Total Instruction 45,561 12,438 12,596 15,569 45,656 1,207 46.803 $179.830 124,500 34,100 34,400 42,500 125,000 3,300 128,000 $491,800 78,939 21,662 21,804 26,931 79,344 2,093 81.197 $311.970 Instructional Resources $ 10.487 $ 28,700 $ 18.213 Special Appropriation Temp. Campus Equipment $ — Student Activities 4.800 Total Special Approprla. $ 4.800 $150,000 13.150 $163.150 $150,000 8.350 $158.350 ^883.650 $550,528 Total Florissant Valley $333.122 • 7 -