DIRECTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE CRITICAL THINKING COURSE APPROVAL FORM In order for a course offering to be approved as a Critical Thinking course, it must first be submitted to the General Education Committee (GEC) and then to the University Curriculum Committee (UCC) for approval. Once approved, all sections of the course may be offered in subsequent semesters as fulfilling that particular provision of General Education. The decision to offer the course as fulfilling the Critical Thinking Competency is made by the department chair in consultation with the dean and provost. To submit an existing course for approval as a Critical Thinking course, first obtain department approval, then complete the attached form and submit it along with a cover sheet, syllabus, and supporting documentation to the GEC, which will in turn submit approved courses to the University Curriculum Committee (UCC) for final approval. Note: a new course must first be approved through the regular curriculum routing process before it can be submitted for the Critical Thinking designation. Rationale A Critical Thinking course fosters the development of higher-level cognitive abilities; that is, intellectual skills that are purposeful, reasoned, and goal-directed. Critical thinking involves the ability to (a) develop clearly articulated arguments, using evidence and/or systematic logical reasoning in support of a conclusion or point of view; (b) identify relevant points of view and prioritize evidence and/or reasons in support of a conclusion; and (c) describe the broader significance or context of an issue and/or apply logic and reasoning to a novel problem or situation. Guidelines 1. Critical Thinking assignments will be an integral part of the course. Students should practice forms of critical thinking typical of the discipline in which the course is taught. Such assignments should be designed to develop and increase content knowledge. 2. There will be at least two Critical Thinking assignments, and they will be distributed throughout the course. Assignments should focus on basic Critical Thinking skills and processes, including logical inquiry, problem solving, decision making, and the scientific method. Assignments should focus on analytic processes and provide experiences in reasoning. Assignments should enhance students’ abilities to assess information, acquire and integrate knowledge, construct relationships, and utilize argumentative skills. 3. Critical Thinking assignments will constitute a significant portion of the course grade and content. At least 50% of the course grade and content should be based on such assignments. 4. There will be instruction in and evaluation of Critical Thinking assignments as they relate to the discipline in which the course is taught. 7/12 CRITICAL THINKING COURSE APPROVAL FORM Course Prefix & Number Course Title Contact Person Phone and/or e-mail According to the guidelines, Critical Thinking Courses will have the following characteristics: 1. Critical Thinking assignments will be an integral part of the course. Will students practice forms of Critical Thinking typical of the discipline? YES NO Will Critical Thinking assignments be designed to develop and increase content knowledge? YES NO 2. There will be at least two Critical Thinking assignments, and they will be distributed throughout the course. For each criterion in the list below, fill in the number of such assignments and then describe how those assignments meet that criterion (the gray boxes for the descriptions will expand as needed; please note that Microsoft Word’s spell checker does not work in this instance). NUMBER OF ASSIGNMENTS Assignments that develop clearly articulated arguments, using evidence and/or systematic logical reasoning in support of a conclusion or point of view ...................................................................... Description: Assignments that identify relevant points of view and prioritize evidence and/or reasons in support of a conclusion ....................................... Description: Assignments that describe the broader significance or context of an issue and/or apply logic and reasoning to a novel problem or situation .......... Description: TOTAL .......................................................................................................... 7/12 3. Critical Thinking assignments will constitute a significant portion of the course grade and content. What percent of the final grade will be based on Critical Thinking assignments? 4. There will be instruction in and evaluation of Critical Thinking assignments as they relate to the discipline in which the course is taught. In the list below, check those types of instruction and/or assignments/handouts that will be used in the course. Assignment instruction Evaluation instruction Other (describe below*) *Description of Other forms of instruction and evaluation: 7/12