DIRECTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE COMMUNICATION-INTENSIVE COURSE APPROVAL FORM In order for a course offering to be approved as a Communication-Intensive course, it must first be submitted to the General Education Committee (GEC) and then to the University Curriculum Committee (UCC) for approval. Once approved, all sections of the course may be offered in subsequent semesters as fulfilling that particular provision of General Education. The decision to offer the course as fulfilling the Communication-Intensive Competency is made by the department chair in consultation with the dean and provost. To submit an existing course for approval as a Communication-Intensive course, first obtain department approval, then complete the attached form and submit it along with a cover sheet, syllabus, and supporting documentation to the GEC, which will in turn submit approved courses to the University Curriculum Committee (UCC) for final approval. Note: a new course must first be approved through the regular curriculum routing process before it can be submitted for the Communication-Intensive designation. Rationale A Communication-Intensive course develops students’ abilities to effectively communicate a message to a broad audience using a combination of multiple modes of communication. Communication in the modern world comprises multiple modes that support and enhance the impact and effectiveness of the message. Successful speeches combine aspects of verbal communication, such as word selection, with nonverbal communication, such as eye contact, to move an audience whether to inform, persuade, or entertain. An article with supporting visual content and attention to layout, graphics, and font is generally more rich and engaging than one without. Theatrical plays frequently incorporate costumes, music, and set designs to transport the audience into the moment. Students must be able to understand and demonstrate how to combine these modes to meet their personal communication goals or those assigned to them. Students must also be able to reach multiple audiences such as the visually or hearing impaired. Guidelines 1. Communication-Intensive assignments will be an integral part of the course. Assignments should emphasize formal communication to reach a public audience. Assignments should be designed to develop, practice, and demonstrate the student’s ability to communicate effectively. 2. There will be at least two Communication-Intensive assignments, and they will be distributed throughout the course. Assignments should be discipline-specific and combine at least two of the following modes of communication: o aural (sound, musical/instrumental performance, etc.); o oral (speech, singing, lecture, lesson, etc.); o tactile (sculpture, Braille, hands-on demonstrations, etc.); o kinetic (acting, dance, gestures, etc.); o visual (art, design, information graphics, costume, presentation graphics, sign language, advertisement, video, graphics-based computer program, etc.); and o written (research papers, essays, articles, blog postings, Internet pages, etc.). 7/12 3. There will be opportunities for feedback and revision. Communication-Intensive assignments should be structured so that students can improve their communication skills through practice and revision. At least one such assignment should go through a revision process. Drafts may be reviewed and critiqued by both the instructor and peers; however, the instructor should be responsible for providing the most substantive feedback. Feedback and revision should involve more than just pointing out surface errors. 4. Communication-Intensive assignments will constitute a significant portion of the course grade and content. At least 50% of the course grade and content should be based on such assignments. 5. There will be instruction in and evaluation of Communication-Intensive assignments as they relate to the discipline in which the course is taught. 7/12 COMMUNICATION-INTENSIVE COURSE APPROVAL FORM Course Prefix & Number Course Title Contact Person Phone and/or e-mail According to the guidelines, Communication-Intensive Courses will have the following characteristics: 1. Communication-Intensive assignments will be an integral part of the course. Will assignments emphasize formal communication to reach a public audience? YES NO Will such assignments develop, practice, and demonstrate the student’s ability to communicate effectively? YES NO 2. There will be at least two Communication-Intensive assignments, and they will be distributed throughout the course. Such assignments should be discipline-specific and combine at least two modes of communication. Indicate the modes of communication, the number of assignments, and a description of each assignment below. A minimum of two separate sections must be completed, even if the modes of communication being taught are the same in each. Remember that each assignment must combine at least two modes of communication (the gray boxes for the descriptions will expand as needed; please note that Microsoft Word’s spell checker does not work in this instance). MODES OF COMMUNICATIONS Aural Oral Tactile NUMBER OF ASSIGNMENTS Kinetic Visual Written Kinetic Visual Written Description of assignment: Aural Oral Tactile Description of assignment: 7/12 MODES OF COMMUNICATIONS Aural Oral Tactile NUMBER OF ASSIGNMENTS Kinetic Visual Written Kinetic Visual Written Description of assignment: Aural Oral Tactile Description of assignment: TOTAL .......................................................................................................... 3. There will be opportunities for revision and resubmission. How many of the Communication-Intensive assignments will students be able to revise and re-submit? Will students’ peers take part in the revision process? YES NO 4. Communication-Intensive assignments will constitute a significant portion of the course grade and content. What percent of the final grade will be based on Communication-Intensive assignments? 5. There will be instruction in and evaluation of Communication-Intensive assignments as they relate to the discipline in which the course is taught. In the list below, check those types of instruction and/or assignments/handouts that will be used in the course. Directed lessons Instruction on evaluative procedures Other (describe below*) *Description of Other forms of instruction: 7/12