PHYSICAL REVIEW B VOLUME 59, NUMBER 24 15 JUNE 1999-II Magnetic, optical, and magneto-optical properties of MnX „X5As, Sb, or Bi… from full-potential calculations P. Ravindran,* A. Delin, P. James, and B. Johansson Condensed Matter Theory Group, Department of Physics, Uppsala University, Box 530, 75121 Uppsala, Sweden J. M. Wills Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 R. Ahuja and O. Eriksson Condensed Matter Theory Group, Department of Physics, Uppsala University, Box 530, 75121 Uppsala, Sweden ~Received 21 August 1998! The magneto-optic ~MO! Kerr and Faraday spectra for manganese pnictides are calculated using the all electron, relativistic, full-potential linear muffin-tin orbital method. The amplitude of our calculated spectra are found to be in good agreement with corresponding experimental spectra. Although the MO property is a rather complicated function of the diagonal and off-diagonal elements of the optical conductivity tensor, present theory nevertheless provides very practical insight about its origin in these compounds. The largest Kerr effect observed in MnBi can be understood as a combined effect of maximal exchange splitting of Mn 3d states and the nearly maximal spin-orbit ~s-o! coupling of Bi. The frequency-dependent optical properties, namely reflectivity, absorption coefficient, electron-energy-loss spectra, refractive index, extinction coefficient are given. From our calculations ~including spin-orbit coupling and orbital polarization! the site-projected spin and orbital moments are also obtained and compared to the available experimental values and a good agreement is found. The magnetic anisotropy energy is calculated with a minimal number of approximations for the three systems. A disagreement between theory and experiment is found. Using the generalized gradient corrected fullpotential linear augmented plane-wave method we have calculated the unscreened plasma frequencies and the hyperfine parameters such as electric-field gradient as well as the hyperfine field. @S0163-1829~99!01419-8# I. INTRODUCTION Although magneto-optical properties of magnetic metals have been known for over a hundred years,1 it is only in the past couple of decades that vigorous interest has been focused on this subject.2 One reason is their potential for application in the technology of high-density data storage.3 The recent discovery of the huge polar Kerr rotation u K in MnPt3 ( u K 521.3° at 1.24 eV!4 as well as previous discoveries of very large Kerr rotations in MnPtSb ~Ref. 5! and MnBi ~Ref. 6! have created considerable interest in manganese-based intermetallic compounds. In addition to its excellent MO properties, MnBi possesses large perpendicular magneto-crystalline anisotropy at room temperature, and hence it is extensively investigated as a candidate for MO recording media. However, MnBi has rather large grain size, which brings out a high level of media noise when the signal is read out. Also, after many cycles of write/erase, a magnetic disorder/antiferromagnetic phase appears in the recorded spots at room temperature so that its MO characters degrade gradually. Moreover, its high Curie temperature (T C ) is not favorable for thermo-magnetic optical recording. Thus, MnBi does not appear to be the ideal system for MO recording. The isostructural, isoelectronic compound MnSb has appropriate MO properties and furthermore its T C is not as large as that of MnBi. However, its easy axis of magnetization is in the plane below 300 K ~Ref. 7!. This drawback may be overcome, since studies of Mn/Sb multilayers8 and sublayers9 indicate that perpendicular an0163-1829/99/59~24!/15680~14!/$15.00 PRB 59 isotropy can be achieved. MnAs, the homologous and lightest compound in the family, possesses perpendicular anisotropy and its T C is just above room temperature. However, its Kerr angle is considerably smaller than that of MnBi and MnSb. The MO effects can be studied either in transmission ~Faraday effect! or in reflection ~Kerr effect!. The Faraday effect can only be studied in sufficiently thin films. Further, the occurrence of multiple reflections due to Faraday rotation in the substrate, and discontinuous polarization changes at the various interfaces, complicates the investigation of the Faraday effect. Consequently, rather little work, experimental as well as theoretical, has been devoted to studying the Faraday effect compared to the Kerr effect, where such complications are largely absent. The experimental results for the Faraday effect that do exist are greatly different from each other, and appear to depend on the preparation and composition of the films.10 Therefore, it is of general interest to calculate Faraday spectra for the ideal crystal. Despite the great potential for applications in erasable high-density recording technology for MnBi and its homologues, very few attempts have been made to understand the systematic changes of the MO properties in these systems. Among the MnX compounds, MnBi has a maximum rotation of ;1.6°, which is decreasing to less than 0.3° for MnAs. A systematic study of these materials will give more insight into the physical origins of large MO effects, and aid in identifying which kind of interactions are the most crucial ones in the design of materials with desirable MO properties. 15 680 ©1999 The American Physical Society PRB 59 MAGNETIC, OPTICAL, AND MAGNETO-OPTICAL . . . 15 681 633 K in MnBi. In our calculations, the experimental lattice parameters have been used throughout, i.e., a53.722 Å, c55.702 Å for MnAs, a54.122 Å and c55.7549 Å for MnSb, and a54.170 Å and c55.755 Å for MnBi. A. FLAPW calculations FIG. 1. Crystal structure of manganese pnictides. The white balls represent the Mn atoms and the black balls represent the pnictide atoms. Recent studies by Mohn, Blaha, and Schwarz11 show that if the material has strongly aspherical spin density, the fullpotential treatment is important in order to achieve the correct magnetic ground state. Since the MO properties arise from the exchange splitting in combination with spin-orbit coupling, their result suggests that the full-potential treatment may be important in order to describe the MO properties properly. In addition, the calculation of MO properties requires an accurate description of the Kohn-Sham eigenvalues and eigenvectors, which motivates use of a full potential method. In this paper, we present systematic studies of the electronic structure, the magnetic moments, and the optical and MO properties of these compounds using the fullpotential linear muffin-tin orbital ~FLMTO! method. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The computational details regarding the calculations of the magnetic, optical, and magneto-optical properties, as well as the hyperfine parameters are given in Sec. II. In Sec. III, the results from our calculations are presented and discussed. In Sec. IV, we describe the calculated electronic structure, whereas Secs. V and VI describes the optical and magneto optical properties, respectively. The most important conclusions drawn from our FLMTO and full-potential linear augmented plane-wave ~FLAPW! calculations are given in Sec. VIII. II. COMPUTATIONAL DETAILS The MnX compounds crystallize in the NiAs structure ~D46h , space group P63 /mmc!. The unit cell is shown in Fig. 1. It consists of two Mn atoms at the Wyckoff 2c sites ~ 31 23 2 1 3 1 4 ! and ~ 3 3 4 ! and two pnictogens at the 2a sites ~0 0 0! and ~0 0 1/2!. Each Mn atom is surrounded by a trigonally distorted octahedron of pnictogen atoms. The manganese pnictides studied here are all ferromagnets and the Curie temperature increases from 318 K in MnAs to 555 K in MnSb to In the full-potential linearized augmented plane wave ~FLAPW! method,12 space is divided into an interstitial region ~IR! and nonoverlapping muffin-tin ~MT! spheres centered at the atomic sites. In the IR, the basis set consists of plane waves. Inside the MT spheres, the basis set is described by radial solutions of the one-particle Schrödinger equation, at fixed energies, and their energy derivatives times spherical harmonics. Valence states and semicore states ~Mn 3 p, As3d, Sb4d, Bi5d) were treated in the same energy window by using local orbitals13 as an extension to the LAPW basis set. The charge densities and potentials in the atomic spheres were represented by spherical harmonics up to l56, whereas in the interstitial region these quantities were expanded in a Fourier series with 745 stars of reciprocal lattice vectors G. The radial basis functions of each LAPW were calculated up to l510 and the nonspherical potential contribution to the Hamiltonian matrix had an upper limit of l54. The Brillouin-zone integration was done with a modified tetrahedron method14 and we used 120 k points in the irreducible wedge of the Brillouin zone ~IBZ! of the hexagonal lattice for our self-consistent calculation and 240 as well as 420 k points in the IBZ for our unscreened plasma frequency calculations. Though the optical properties are believed not to be sensitive to generalized gradient corrections ~GGA!, earlier calculations15 on electric-field gradient ~EFG! show that using GGA instead of the standard local spin-density approximation ~LSDA! can improve on the theoretical EFG values significantly. For this reason, we have used GGA ~Ref. 16! in all our FLAPW calculations. Spinorbit coupling was not included in the FLAPW calculations. B. FLMTO calculations The full-potential LMTO calculations17 presented in this paper are all electron and no shape approximation to the charge density or potential has been used. The base geometry in this computational method consists of a muffin-tin part and an interstitial part. The basis set is comprised of augmented linear muffin-tin orbitals.18 Inside the muffin-tin spheres the basis functions, charge density, and potential are expanded in symmetry adapted spherical harmonic functions together with a radial function and a Fourier series in the interstitial. In the present calculation the spherical-harmonic expansion of the charge density, potential, and basis functions were carried out up to l max56. The tails of the basis functions outside their parent spheres are linear combinations of Hankel or Neuman functions depending on the sign of the kinetic energy of the basis function in the interstitial region. For the core charge density, the Dirac equation is solved self consistently, i.e., no frozen core approximation is used. The calculations are based on the local density approximation to the density functional with the exchange-correlation potential parametrized according to Hedin and Lundquist.19 In the calculation of the radial functions inside the muffin-tin spheres, all scalar-relativistic terms are included, 15 682 P. RAVINDRAN et al. with the small component vanishing at the sphere boundary. The spin-orbit ~s-o! term is included directly in the Hamiltonian matrix elements for the part inside the muffin-tin spheres, thus doubling the size of the secular matrix. Moreover, the present calculations make use of a so-called multibasis, to ensure a well-converged wave function. This means that we use different Hankel or Neuman functions each attaching to its own radial function. We, thus, have three 4s, two 4p, three 3d, and two 4 f orbitals for Mn, three 4s, two 5s, three 4p, two 4d for As, three 5s, two 6s, three 5p, two 5d for Sb, three 6s, and two 7s, three 6p, two 6d for Bi in our expansion of the wave function. The direction of the moment is chosen to be perpendicular to the basal plane ~@0001# direction!. The k-space integration was performed using the special point method with 1152 irreducible k points in the whole Brillouin zone for the self-consistent groundstate calculations and 9216 k points for our optical as well as MO calculations. Many magnetic metals possess a considerable orbital magnetic moment in addition to the spin moment. In LSDA, the exchange-correlation potential only depends on the spin density and an induced spin moment corresponds to a gain in exchange energy, as implied by Hund’s first rule for atoms. To obtain an orbital moment the spin-orbit interaction must be included in the Hamiltonian. However, the so-calculated orbital moment is found to be too small to account for the experimentally observed orbital moments. A correction to LSDA was suggested by Eriksson et al.20 in order to restore Hund’s second rule. This correction, orbital polarization ~OP! is added to the diagonal of the Hamiltonian matrix and has the form DE l, j ,m l 52R l, j L j m l d l,l 8 d m l m l , where R l, j is 8 the so-called Racah parameter, which is calculated using the radial part of the wave functions for each spin channel in a self-consistent way. L j is the orbital moment for spin channel j and m l is the magnetic quantum number. C. Calculation of optical properties For metals, the components of the optical conductivity tensor are given by a sum of interband and intraband contributions. We adopted the dipole approximation in our interband transition-optical calculations, i.e., the momentum transfer from the initial state to the final state was neglected. Spin-flip transitions, which are allowed within the electric dipole approximation when spin-orbit coupling is included, were also omitted in the present calculations, since their effect is negligible.21 The interband contribution to the absorp(abs) tive part of the optical conductivity s ab ( v ), as a function of frequency v of the incoming/outgoing electromagnetic radiation, in the random phase approximation, without allowance for local field effects, was calculated by summing transitions from occupied to unoccupied states ~with fixed k vector! over the Brillouin zone, weighted with the appropriate matrix element giving the probability for the transition by22 abs! s ~ab ~ v !5 Ve 2 8 p 2 \m 2 v ( nn 8 E d 3 k ^ kn u p a u kn 8 & 3^ kn 8 u p b u kn & f kn ~ 12 f kn 8 ! d ~ e kn 8 2 e kn 2\ v ! . ~1! PRB 59 (abs) (1) Note that s aa ( v )5 s aa ( v ) ~i.e., the real part!, whereas (abs) (2) s ab ( v )5 s ab ( v ) ~i.e., the imaginary part! when a Þ b . In the expression above, (p x ,p y ,p z )5p52i\¹ is the momentum operator, f kn is the Fermi-distribution function ensuring that only transitions from occupied to unoccupied states are counted, and u kn & the crystal wave function, corresponding to eigenvalue e kn with crystal momentum k, and d ( e kn 8 2 e kn 2\ v ) is the condition for total energy conservation. The evaluation of matrix elements in Eq. ~1! is done over the muffin-tin and interstitial regions separately. Further details about the evaluation of matrix elements are given elsewhere.23 Because of the metallic nature of MnX, the optical spectra in the lower energy range will have a dominant contribution from intraband transitions. The intraband contribution to the diagonal components of the conductivity is normally described by the Drude formula,24 v 2P s D~ v ! 5 . 4 p @~ 1/t ! 2i v # ~2! The relaxation time t , characterizing the scattering of charge carriers, is dependent on the amount of vacancies and other defects, and will therefore vary from sample to sample. Here we have chosen, by comparing the calculated intraband contribution with experimental results, \/ t 50.2 eV for all three compounds considered. Note that the variation of this parameter within reasonable limits has very little effect on the optical conductivity for energies larger than 1 eV. The unscreened plasma frequency v P depends on the concentration of the charge carriers. It is worth noting that the extraction of the Drude parameters from experimental data requires a freeelectronlike region in the optical spectra. Such a region exists for metals such as aluminum or silver, but not of the compounds considered here. Experimental determination of the Drude parameters for these compounds is therefore intrinsically difficult, and instead of taking the Drude parameters from experiment, we have chosen an alternative path. Hence, we have calculated the spin-resolved unscreened plasma frequency by integrating over the Fermi surface using the relation v 2Pii 5 8pe2 V ^ kn j u p i u kn j &^ kn j u p i u kn j & d ~ e kn j 2 e F ! , ( kn ~3! where V is the volume of the primitive cell, e F is the Fermi energy, e is the electron charge and j is the spin. The v P were calculated using the FLAPW method from the above relation with 240 k points as well as 420 k points in the irreducible wedge of the Brillouin zone. The increase in k points from 240 to 420 changes the calculated plasma frequency in the second decimals only. Our calculated v Pii are given in Table I. The calculations described above yield unbroadened functions. The interband transitions are affected by scattering events that are phenomenologically described by using a finite lifetime assumed to be independent of the detailed kind of interband excitation. Since the lifetime of an excited state generally decreases with increased excitation energy, it is relevant and potentially more appropriate to broaden with a PRB 59 MAGNETIC, OPTICAL, AND MAGNETO-OPTICAL . . . TABLE I. Unscreened plasma frequency v Pii in eV for the MnX compounds calculated using the FLAPW method. Compound direction MnAs xx zz MnSb xx zz MnBi xx zz Spin up Spin down 3.612 1.644 5.117 2.462 3.409 1.237 4.596 1.556 3.175 0.740 4.440 1.004 function whose width increases with excitation energy. Thus, broadening the calculated optical spectra was performed by convoluting the absorptive optical conductivity with a Lorentzian. The full width at half maximum ~FWHM! of the Lorentzian is taken to increase linearly with energy, being 0.01 eV at photon energy 1 eV. The experimental resolution was simulated by broadening the final spectra with a Gaussian of constant FWHM equal to 0.02 eV. The dispersive parts of the components of the optical conductivity were calculated with a Kramer-Kronig transformation. The calculated real and imaginary parts of the optical conductivity allow the calculation of important optical constants. The reflectivity spectra were derived from the Fresnel’s formula for normal incidence assuming an orientation of the crystal surface parallel to the optical axes. The relevant relations used in our optical constants n( v ) and k( v ), absorption coefficient I( v ) and electron-energy-loss spectra ~EELS! can be found elsewhere.25 15 683 rotation of the axes of the polarization ellipse, as viewed by an observer who looks in 1z direction when the incoming linearly polarized light from a source is traveling along the 1z direction. For the polar geometry, the Kerr rotation and ellipticity are related to the optical conductivity through the following relation, 11tan~ h K ! 2i u ~ 11n 1 !~ 12n 2 ! e K5 , 12tan~ h K ! ~ 12n 1 !~ 11n 2 ! where n 26 are eigenvalues of the dielectric tensor corresponding to Eq. ~4!. In terms of conductivities, they are n 26 511 4pi ~ s xx 6i s xy ! . v S s xx s5 2 s xy 0 s xy 0 s xx 0 0 s zz D . ~4! Consider a plane-polarized light beam traveling in the z direction, which is parallel to the magnetization direction M. This light beam can be resolved into two circularly polarized beams with the spinning direction of the corresponding electric field parallel and antiparallel to M. In this paper, we use the sign convention in which right-circular polarized ~RCP! light has its electric-field vector E rotating in a clockwise sense at a given point in space and the signs of Faraday rotation u F and Kerr rotation u K are positive for a clockwise ~6! For small Kerr angles, Eq. ~5! can be simplified to28 u K 1i h K 5 2 s xy s xx A11 ~ 4 p i/ v ! s xx . ~7! The magnetic circular birefringence, also called the Faraday rotation u F , describes the rotation of the polarized plane of linearly polarized light on transmission through matter magnetized in the direction of light propagation. Similarly, the Faraday ellipticity h F , which is also known as the magnetic circular dichroism, is proportional to the difference of the absorption for right- and left-handed circularly polarized light.27 Thus, these quantities are simply given by29 D. Calculation of magneto-optical properties Plane-polarized light, when reflected from a metal surface or transmitted through a thin film with nonzero magnetization, will become elliptically polarized, with its major axis slightly rotated with respect to the original direction. The effect due to transmission is called the MO Faraday effect, and the reflection effect is the MO Kerr effect.26,27 The Kerr effect exists in several different geometries. Of these, the polar Kerr effect for which the direction of the macroscopic magnetization of the ferromagnetic material and the propagation direction of the linearly polarized incident light beam are perpendicular to the plane of the surface, is by far the largest one, and therefore this geometry is the most interesting one in connection with technological applications. Hence, we performed our theoretical investigations for the polar Kerr effect only. With the magnetic moment in the @0001# direction of the hexagonal crystal, the form of the optical conductivity tensor is ~5! u F 1i h F 5 vd ~ n 2n 2 ! , 2c 1 ~8! where c is the velocity of light in vacuum, and d is the thickness of the film. E. Calculation of Hyperfine Parameters Hyperfine parameters such as the hyperfine field ~HFF! and the electric-field gradient ~EFG! provide information about the interaction of a nucleus with the surrounding charge distribution. They can be measured by various techniques like Mössbauer spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance or perturbed angular correlation. For the hyperfine parameters calculation we have used the FLAPW method as embodied in the WIEN97 code.12 The total hyperfine field ~HFF! can be decomposed into three terms such as a dominant Fermi contact term, a dipolar term and an orbital contribution. We consider only the contact term, which in the scalar-relativistic limit is derived from the spin densities at the nuclear site, 8 H c 5 p m 2B @ r ↑ ~ 0 ! 2 r ↓ ~ 0 !# , 3 ~9! while in the fully relativistic case this spin density at the nucleus is replaced by its average over the Thomson radius r T 5Ze 2 /mc 2 . 30 The EFG is defined as the second derivative of the electrostatic potential at the nucleus, written as a traceless tensor. This tensor can be obtained from an integral over the nonspherical charge density r (r). For instance the principal component V zz is given by P. RAVINDRAN et al. 15 684 TABLE II. Calculated site-projected spin and orbital moments for the MnX systems. Spin moments are denoted by the subscript s and the total moment by t. X denotes the pnictogen site. All moments are in units of m B /formula unit. Compound MnAs Present theory Exp.a Theoryb Theoryc MnSb Present theory Theoryc Exp.d Exp.e Theoryf Theoryg Theoryh MnBi Present theory Exp.i Exp.j Exp.k Theoryc Theoryl Mns Xs MnX t 3.45 20.052 3.62 3.40 3.10 3.06 3.14 20.08 3.68 3.34 20.040 20.07 3.35 3.30 3.5 20.032 20.06 20.17 3.78 20.041 3.71 3.50 20.10 20.02 4.01 3.82 3.843 3.95 3.61 3.56 Yamaguchi et al. ~Ref. 35!. Katoh et al. ~Ref. 36! c Oppeneer et al. ~Ref. 37!. d Bouwma et al. ~Ref. 38!. e Chen et al. ~Ref. 39!. f Vast et al. ~Ref. 40!. g Coehoorn et al. ~Ref. 41!. h Podoloucky et al. ~Ref. 42!. i Zhiquang et al. ~Ref. 43!. j T. Chen and W. E. Stutius ~Ref. 44!. k R. R. Heikes ~Ref. 45!. l J. Köhler and J. Kübler ~Ref. 46!. a b V zz 5 E d 3 r r ~ r! 2 P 2 ~ cos u ! r3 , TABLE III. Calculated orbital moments for two different quantizations axes and magneto crystalline anisotropy for the MnX systems. SO indicates spin-orbit coupling and OP indicates the inclusion of orbital polarization ~Ref. 20!. Orbital moments @ m B # @0001# @ 1̄100# MnAs MnSb MnBi 3.85 3.27 3.55 3.50 3.32 3.24 3.33 ~10! where P 2 is the second-order Legendre polynomial. A more detailed description of the calculation of EFG can be found elsewhere.31 III. CALCULATED MAGNETIC PROPERTIES AND MAGNETIC ANISOTROPY ENERGIES Both magneto-optical effects and orbital magnetic moments have a common origin in the spin-orbit coupling and exchange splitting. Thus, a close connection between the two phenomena seems plausible. For this reason, as a precursor to the discussion of magneto optical properties, we list in Table II the spin moments as well as the total ~spin and orbital! moments ~ferromagnetically oriented along the @0001# direction of the crystal! along with available experimental results and magnetic moments obtained from atomic sphere approximation– ~ASA! type calculations. In our cal- PRB 59 MAE @meV# SO OP SO OP SO OP 0.055 0.106 0.222 0.073 0.134 0.264 0.040 0.080 0.174 0.051 0.098 0.198 0.54 0.53 2.0 0.73 0.77 2.6 culations we find a small moment in the interstitial region, which is not explicitly given in the table. The total magnetic moments in the MnX compounds obtained from our calculations are found to be in good agreement with the corresponding experimental values. The ASA calculations give 0–13 % smaller32,33 magnetic moments than the experimental values. In all three compounds, Mn induces a small spin moment on the pnictogen atoms through hybridization. From spinpolarized neutron diffraction studies, Yamaguchi et al.34 found a spherically symmetric negative magnetic moment of (0.260.13) m B at the Sb sites in MnSb. The present observation of a small negative moment in the pnictogen site in these compounds is consistent with the above studies. Our calculated orbital contribution to the magnetic moment is small for all the compounds listed in Table III. The magnetic g factor was estimated47 from g5(M o 1M s )/(M o 1M s /2), where M s is the spin contribution to the total magnetic moment and M o is the orbital moment induced by s-o coupling and orbital polarization. Our calculated values of g for MnAs, MnSb, and MnBi are 1.972, 1.957, and 1.925, respectively. The magnetic g factor for MnSb obtained from our calculation is in good agreement with the average experimental value of 1.97860.002 obtained from Einstein-de Haas measurements.48 Additionally, the magnetic anisotropy energy ~MAE! is calculated from the FLMTO method. The MAE is, in this paper, defined as the difference between two selfconsistently calculated fully relativistic total energies for two different crystal directions, E [0001] 2E [1¯ 100] . To attain good convergence a large number of k points have been sampled in the two different irreducible zones, which corresponds to 6000–9000 k points in the full zone. Since the number and types of symmetry operations depend on the magnetization direction ~quantization axis! some special care has to taken while performing the Fourier series expansion of the density as well as the potential and the wave function in the interstitial region. The calculations have been done both with and without the so-called orbital polarization correction ~OP! explained in Sec. B and the results are shown in Table III. There are a few things worth noting. The orbital moment as well as the MAE is increased when the OP term is included into the calculations. This is expected and in agreement with earlier experience.49 The next observation is that the spin direction giving the biggest orbital moment is consequently the most stable one. This is in agreement with first-order perturbation theory by Bruno50 as well as earlier experience.49 A final remark is that the orbital moments, as well as the orbital moment anisotropies, increases along the series As-Sb-Bi ~progression towards heavier atoms!. This trend is also found for the MAE with the exception that PRB 59 MAGNETIC, OPTICAL, AND MAGNETO-OPTICAL . . . TABLE IV. Principal component of the electric field gradient V zz ~in units of 1021 V/m2 ), calculated using the FLAPW method. Compound V zz ~Mn! V zz (X) MnAs MnSb MnBi 0.37 0.28 0.13 12.08 18.96 31.81 MnAs and MnSb have almost the same value of the anisotropy. The theoretical value of the MAE for MnSb ~without OP! can be compared with a previous ASA calculation by Vast et al.40 and experiments done by Coehoorn et al.32 One can notice that our value is larger by approximately a factor of two compared to both the experiments ~210 m eV/unit cell40! and the ASA calculations. The disagreement between our value and experiment becomes worse when the OP term is included in the theoretical treatment. There are two major differences between the two theoretical treatments. In the present paper a full potential approach is adopted while Vast et al.81 has been using an ASA approximation. Using ASA for relatively open structures, like the MnX structures may be questionable, especially when a very small energy difference is to be calculated. In addition, Vast et al. has been using the so called force theorem to approximate the MAE while, in the present work the total energy has been calculated with an accuracy high enough to be able to resolve the difference in total energies for the two different spin directions. The disagreement between our theory and experiment is most notable for MnBi where our value is an order of magnitude larger than experiment ~130 m eV/unit cell40!. This is much larger than what one usually finds in first-principles theory.50 A disturbing experimental finding is that the MAE for these systems deviates from the expected trend, that a heavier ligand ~with larger spin-orbit coupling! gives larger MAE. This is not supported by the present theory. A problem with these systems is the temperature dependence of the MAE. One should also note that experiments contain a dipole contribution, which is absent in the calculation. IV. CALCULATED ELECTRIC FIELD GRADIENT The calculated EFG from the FLAPW method are given in Table IV. It should be noted that the EFG gradually increases in the pnictogen site when we go from MnAs to MnBi. The large value of the EFG in Bi compared to As is due to the more delocalized nature of 6p states of Bi, which gives rise to a more aspherical charge density around the Bi site. The systematic decrease in the EFG at the Mn site as one goes from MnAs to MnBi is mainly a volume effect. Because of the increasing interatomic distance between the Mn atoms and the pnictogen, the Mn 3d states become more localized in MnBi than in MnAs. As a result, the hybridization between the Mn-3d and Bi-6p states is much smaller than the corresponding hybridization in MnAs. Due to this weaker covalent interaction, resulting in a more spherical charge-density distribution around Mn in MnBi, a smaller EFG is observed. Because of the more localized nature of the Mn-3d states in MnBi, the calculated spin and orbital mo- 15 685 TABLE V. Calculated valence, core and total contribution to the Fermi contact hyperfine field H in kGauss at the Mn and pnictogen sites in MnX compounds. The calculations were performed with the FLAPW method. Compound MnAs MnSb MnBi H~Mn! Val. 569 593 633 Core 2432 2446 2463 H(X) Total 137 147 169 Val. 563 718 1338 Core 5 1 28 Total 568 719 1330 ments, given in Table II, are larger in this system than in MnAs or MnSb. The calculated hyperfine field, arising from the Fermi contact interaction at zero field, are given in Table V. In order to understand the origin of the hyperfine field the site projected valence electron contribution as well as the core contributions are also given in this table. Because of the opposite signs of the contributions from the core and valence electrons, the net field at the Mn site is much lower than the net field at the pnictogen site. We see that the HFF systematically increases when one goes from MnAs to MnBi. The systematic increase in the HFF at the Mn site with increased pnictogen atomic number can be explained by increased spin moment on the Mn site. In contrast, the large increase of the HFF on the pnictogen site when going from MnAs to MnBi, see Table V, originates from several sources. First, the valence electrons in Bi are more delocalized compared to the situation in As, since the valence orbitals in Bi have a higher n and consequently more nodes. This results in a larger overlap with the Mn 3d orbitals, which increases the induced moment at the pnictogen site. Secondly, the magnetic moment in the neighboring Mn, which polarizes the valence electrons, is larger in MnBi than in MnAs. If the local moment of the particular site increases, the core polarization will be large due to the exchange interaction of the polarized electrons with the s orbitals of the core. Hence, the systematic increase of the core contribution to the HFF at the Mn site as one goes from MnAs to MnBi can be understood in terms of the increasing trend in local moment on the Mn site. Since the local moments on the pnictogen site are negligible, the core contribution to the HFF at this site is small. As discussed in earlier studies51 the large negative value of core contribution to the HFF at the Mn site can be qualitatively explained as follows. The majority-spin s electrons in the core will be pulled into the region of the spin-polarized 3d shell, since the exchange interaction is attractive, whereas the minority electrons will be repelled from the d shell. At the Mn nuclear position an excess of minority electrons, i.e., a negative polarization, is therefore created. V. BAND STRUCTURE AND DENSITY OF STATES Several models have been proposed for the electronic structure of the manganese pnictides. The earliest ones are the ionic models of Goodenough,52 Albers and Hass,53 and Bärner,54 in which Mn is in the 3 1 state, and essentially has four d electrons. Results from measurements of the zero-field nuclear magnetic resonance,55 XPS spectra,56 and optical and 15 686 P. RAVINDRAN et al. transport properties57 favor a band model for the electronic structure. In the band model, Mn has a d 6.5 configuration, which explains the observed magnetic moment of 3.5m B per Mn atom. As mentioned earlier, there is no full potential calculation on the electronic structure of these materials available. Further, the published band structures of the MnX compounds seem inconsistent with each other. For example, our calculated eigenvalues at the A point in the band structure is different from that of Sabiyanov and Jaswal,58 but consistent with that of Köhler and Kübler.46 Furthermore, in the G-M -K-G symmetry directions our band structure is similar to that of Sabiyanov and Jaswal.58 However, in these directions, particularly at K, our band structure is different from that of Köhler and Kübler.46 MnAs, MnSb, and MnBi are isoelectronic and isostructural, and our calculations show that the band structures of all three compounds resemble each other. For these reasons we have not shown the band structure of MnAs and MnSb. In the calculated band structures of MnAs by Motizuki and Katoh59 and of MnSb by Coehoorn, Haas, and de Groot,41, the eigenvalues at the K point and in the M -K-G symmetry directions are rather different from the present calculation, as well as from the one calculated by Sabiryanov and Jaswal.58 The optical and MO properties originate mainly from the interband transitions. Therefore, it is of interest to display the spin projected band structures. The majority-spin and minority-spin band structures of MnBi calculated using the scalar-relativistic FLMTO method are shown in Figs. 2~a! and 2~b!, respectively. If we take into account the arrangement of the anions around each Mn atom in the form of a trigonally distorted octahedral coordination, thus going from O h to D 3d symmetry, the Mn 3d levels transform as T 2g →A T1g 1E Tg whereas the E g level remains unaltered. The Mn 3d bands in the majority-spin band structure arise partly from A T1g states. The narrow bands above E F in the minorityspin band structure are dominated by both E Tg and E g symmetry. Due to exchange splitting, the narrow 3d bands move away from the Fermi level, and as a result the density of states ~DOS! at the Fermi level becomes smaller than would otherwise have been the case. The angular momentum-, site-, and spin-projected density of states for MnBi are shown in Fig. 3. From this figure, it is clear that the valence bands of the manganese pnictides are derived from the 3d and 4s electrons of the Mn and the pnictogen s,p electrons. Further, the Mn 3d states are energetically degenerate with the Bi 6p states in the valence band. This indicates the presence of covalent bonding between the manganese and pnictogen atoms in these compounds. Because of this hybridization, the calculated magnetic moment per Mn atom becomes less than 4m B ~Table II!, which is a substantial reduction of the free-atom moment of 5m B . It should be noted that, due to this hybridization effect, a small net negative moment develops on the pnictogen site in all the three compounds. For MnBi, Coehoorn and de Groot32 computed the site-, spin- and angular momentum decomposed densities of states of the ferromagnetic state. They found a peak for Mn 3d spin-up ~majority! states 2.5 eV below the Fermi energy, and for the Mn 3d spin down ~minority! states, 0.5 eV above E F . Our results are consistent with their studies. PRB 59 FIG. 2. The electronic band structure of the ~a! majority, ~b! minority spin electrons of MnBi along symmetry lines in the first BZ from FLMTO method without s-o interactions. Labels used are according to Bradley and Cracknell ~Ref. 80!. Our calculated spin projected total density of states of all three compounds are given in Fig. 4. It is interesting to note that the Mn 3d partial density of states ~PDOS! is relatively low at the Fermi level, which agrees with the small electronic contribution to the specific heat observed experimentally.57 Our calculated density of states at the Fermi level N F for MnSb is 2.78 states/~eV unit cell!, which agrees well with the experimental value56 of 2.460.4 states/ ~eV unit cell! estimated from specific heat measurements, neglecting mass-enhancement effects by electron-phonon and electron-magnon interaction. Our calculated value of N F for MnAs and MnBi are 3.46 states/~eV unit cell! and 2.05 states/~eV unit cell!, respectively. VI. OPTICAL PROPERTIES As the reflectivity is one of the parameters which decide the MO figure of merit, it is of relevance to study the reflectivity as a function of energy. Our calculated reflectivity spectra for the manganese pnictides are given in Fig. 5. Because of the isoelectronic and isostructural nature of these compounds their reflectivity spectra resemble each other. In order to understand the optical anisotropy of these materials PRB 59 MAGNETIC, OPTICAL, AND MAGNETO-OPTICAL . . . 15 687 FIG. 3. The spin projected angular momentum and site decomposed density of states of MnBi obtained from the s-o included FLMTO method. we have given the reflectivity spectra for Ei c as well as E'c. It is interesting to note that although the crystal structure is anisotropic in nature, the calculated reflectivity spectra are relatively isotropic. A similarity in the reflectivity between MnX compounds and transition metals60 is evident FIG. 5. The reflectivity spectra for MnX compounds obtained from FLMTO calculations. The experimental spectra are for MnAs from Ref. 54, MnSb from Ref. 54, and MnBi from Ref. 73. FIG. 4. The spin-projected total density of states of manganese pnictides. from Fig. 5. That is, the reflectivity falls from '100% immediately as the energy increases from zero to the infrared region, and then decreases more slowly with very little structure through the visible to the ultraviolet region. Bärner, Braunstein and Chock54 have measured the reflectivity spectrum of MnAs in the interval 0.3–14 eV in the NiAs structure at room temperature. For this compound, our calculation is able to reproduce the overall trend of the experimental reflectivity spectra. Since MnAs is easily corroded even in weak acids, no etching, which might improve the sample surfaces in the experimental study, was performed.54 Hence, one can expect a lower amplitude in the experimental reflectivity spectrum than in the calculated one. The discrepancy between experiment and theory regarding the amplitude of reflectivity in MnAs may be due to this. Allen and Mikkelsen61 measured the optical reflectivity spectrum of MnSb up to 5 eV at room temperature. The reflectivity spectrum for MnBi was measured at room temperature by Di et al.6 The good agreement between our theoretical reflectivity spectra for MnSb and MnBi, and the corresponding experimental spectra in Fig. 5, indicate that temperature does not play a significant role for the reflectivity in these systems. There is very little published data on the optical constants of the manganese pnictides. The read-out figure of merit is defined as 2 u F /I, where I is the optical-absorption coefficient. Thus, it is interesting to calculate I as a function of wavelength. Experimental studies62 show that the optical- 15 688 P. RAVINDRAN et al. FIG. 6. The electron energy loss function @ L( v ) # , absorption coefficient @ I( v ) in 105 cm21 ], refractive index @ n( v ) # and extinction coefficient @ k( v ) # for MnX from FLMTO calculations. absorption coefficients of MnSb and MnBi are rather similar in magnitude. This is consistent with our results in Fig. 6. The characteristic energy-loss function 2Im( e 21 ) is proportional to the probability that a fast electron moving across a medium loses an energy E per unit length.63 The loss maximum in the EELS spectrum is associated with plasma oscillations. In the lowest panel of Fig. 6, it can be seen that the calculated screened plasma frequencies for MnAs, MnSb, and MnBi are 22.2, 19.7, and 19.6 eV, respectively. In general, optical constants depend on the growth conditions of the films,64 weight ratio,65 structure of the film,66 and different assumptions made in the analysis of the data. The measurements by Angadi and Thanikaimani65 on MnBi films and by Stoffel and Schneider67 on MnAs films reveal a considerable aging effect of the optical constants. So far no single-crystal and low-temperature measurements of the optical properties of these materials are available. We hope that our calculated optical constants given in Fig. 6 will motivate experimental studies in the future. VII. MAGNETO-OPTICAL PROPERTIES Before comparing our theoretical MO spectra with the experimental results, one has to keep the following two points in mind. ~1! The experimental studies on MnBi show that the Kerr effect at low temperature is much different from that at room temperature.68 ~2! The optical constants for PRB 59 FIG. 7. The calculated polar Kerr rotation spectra for MnX compounds. For MnBi, the experimental spectra are taken from Di et al. ~Ref. 6!, Huang et al. ~Ref. 81!, and Fumagalli et al. ~Ref. 82! and the theoretical spectra from Sabiryanov and Jaswal ~Ref. 58!, Köhler and Kübler ~Ref. 46!, Oppeneer et al. ~Ref. 37!, and Kulatov et al. ~Ref. 75!, for MnSb the experimental spectra from Buschow and van Engen ~Ref. 75! and the theoretical spectra from Oppeneer et al. ~Ref. 37! and Kulatov et al. ~Ref. 76!. For MnAs, the Kerr spectra were derived ~Ref. 77! from the complex Faraday rotation spectra reported by Stoffel and Schneidner ~Ref. 67!, and the theoretical spectra from Oppeneer et al. ~Ref. 37! and Kulatov et al. ~Ref. 76!. MnBi are sensitive not only to the film composition ratio of Mn/Bi,69,70 but also the surface states of the films since there is always excess Mn or Bi on the film surface.71 Further, the reported experimental measurements are made on thin films, whereas our theoretical spectra are valid for ideal single crystals. The calculated Kerr rotation spectra for the MnX compounds are given in Fig. 7 along with the available experimental spectra and theoretical results obtained from ASA calculations. Overall, our calculated spectra are found to be in good agreement with the experimental values. It should be noted that the Kerr spectra obtained from the ASA calculations give higher Kerr rotation than experiment as well as our full-potential calculation. This difference between the calculated results may indicate that a full-potential treatment is of importance for these materials. The experimentally measured Kerr rotation spectra of MnBi by Di et al. and Fumagalli et al. show two peaks, one around 1.8 eV and the other around 3.3 eV. Our calculation is able to reproduce PRB 59 MAGNETIC, OPTICAL, AND MAGNETO-OPTICAL . . . both peaks. However the second peak in our spectra in Fig. 7 is shifted 0.5 eV to lower energy compared to experiment. A tentative explanation of the difference in the peak energies might be the sample composition. In support of our viewpoint the calculated Kerr rotation spectra of Oppeneer et al.37 for Mn2 Bi show a peak at about 4.3 eV. Interestingly, this second peak is absent in all other calculations, except in the one by Sabiryanov and Jaswal.58 From the studies of the magneto-optical properties of MnBi by ternary alloying Köhler and Kübler46 concluded that the second peak in the experimental spectra is due to extrinsic effects. MacDonald, Pickett, and Koelling72 show that including the ls term as a perturbation to the energy eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian will introduce large error for p states in heavy metals like Pb. However, it is clear from Fig. 7 that our calculated magneto-optical Kerr spectra for MnBi is found to be good agreement with the experimental results at least up to 3 eV. As the magneto-optical effect is originating from the spin-orbit splitting, it indicates no significant error introduced in our calculation due to the above fact. The possible reasons for the nonintroduction of errors in the present calculation is that the p states of Bi are strongly hybridized with the d states of the Mn. Also, the Bi-p states are polarized by the induced magnetic field arising from the neighboring Mn atoms. From Eq. ~7!, it can be seen that the Kerr rotation can be enhanced by a larger off-diagonal conductivity and a smaller diagonal part. In order to gain a more detailed insight into the origin of the features in the magneto-optical spectra in terms of electronic structure, the computed diagonal and offdiagonal optical conductivities are given in Figs. 8 and 9, respectively. The frequency dependence of the absorptive and dispersive part of the diagonal component ( s xx ) for all the three compounds are given in Fig. 8. Di and Uchiyama73 measured the complex conductivity at 300 K in MnBi films below 5 eV. Their measurement show that the real part of s xx is larger than the imaginary part in the whole frequency range considered, which is consistent with our spectra. MO effects arise generally from both interband transitions and intraband transitions. To understand the effect of interband transitions on the MO properties, experimentalists often display vs xy rather than s xy . As the intraband contribution to s xy is proportional to ( v t ) 21 , the free-electron-like intraband contribution will be a constant proportional to 1/t in the experimental vs xx spectra. So, even though our offdiagonal conductivity does not contain the Drude term we show vs xy in Fig. 9. It is interesting to note that the overall topology of our imaginary part of vs xy spectra for MnBi is similar to the Kerr rotation spectra in Fig. 7. This shows the dominant contribution from the off-diagonal conductivity to the MO properties. The absorptive part of the off-diagonal optical conductivity Im( s xy ) has a direct physical interpretation. It is proportional74 to the difference in absorption rate of left and right circularly polarized ~LCP and RCP! light, and its sign is directly related to the spin polarization of the states responsible for the interband transitions producing the structures in the spectrum. Between 1.2 to 3.8 eV, Im( vs xy ) has a large value for MnBi as shown in Fig. 9, suggesting that interband transitions related to LCP light might be stronger in this region. Above 3.8 eV, Im( vs xy ) decreases, indicating the 15 689 FIG. 8. Calculated complex diagonal optical conductivity spectra from MnX from FLMTO method. dominance of interband transitions related to RCP. The Im( vs xy ) related to interband transition will be zero where the absorption coefficient for RCP equals to that of LCP. We observe the first zero around 4 eV, which is consistent with the experimental measurements.6 It is of importance to find the particular transitions responsible for the occurrence of the peak structures in the Kerr rotation spectrum of MnBi. From Fig. 3, it is evident that the low-energy peaks in the Kerr spectra are mainly due to Mn3d ↓ →Bi6 p ↓ interband transition. However, a detailed analysis of the band structure as well as the interband transitions show that a considerable Bi6 p ↑ →Mn3d ↑ interband contribution is also present on the low-energy side of the first peak. The second peak in the Kerr rotation spectrum of MnBi around 2.8 eV originates from Mn3d ↓ →Bi6 p ↓ interband transition. The majority-spin interband transitions in this energy region are very small. The room-temperature polar Kerr rotation of MnSb has been studied by Buschow et al.75 The middle panel of Fig. 7 shows our theoretical Kerr rotation spectrum along with their experimental result. The experimental74 as well as the present theoretical spectrum show a rather broad feature in the Kerr rotation of MnSb compared to that of MnBi. For MnSb, both ASA calculations37,76 again show larger Kerr rotation than experiment as well the present full-potential results. Our theoretical spectra not only reproduce the experimental trend but also the absolute values. This indicates that our method is reliable for predicting Kerr rotation spectra. The optical and magneto-optical properties of MnAs films were investigated by Stoffel and Schneider67 in view of ap- 15 690 P. RAVINDRAN et al. PRB 59 FIG. 9. Calculated complex off-diagonal optical conductivity spectra from MnX from FLMTO method. plications in beam-addressable memories. Our calculated Kerr rotation spectrum for MnAs is not in as good agreement with the experimental spectrum as was the case for MnSb and MnBi. One possible reason is that the experimental Kerr rotation spectrum for MnAs given in Fig. 7 is not directly measured but is derived77 from the reported67 complex Faraday spectra of MnAs films. Further, discrepancies between experimental and theoretical Kerr rotation spectra may also occur due to temperature effects. The calculated Kerr ellipticity spectra for the MnX compounds are shown in Fig. 10. Overall, our Kerr ellipticity spectra are able to reproduce the experimental trends. Our calculated specific Faraday rotation and ellipticity spectra for the MnX compounds are shown in Figs. 11 and 12, respectively. For MnBi, experimental spectra are also plotted. Older low-temperature measurements78,79 of Faraday rotation spectra for MnBi differ substantially from the spectra in Ref. 72, which are the ones we compare our calculations to. The differences are due to different film-preparation techniques, and effects of multiple scattering. Di and Uchiyama calculated the intrinsic values of Faraday rotation and ellipticity for MnBi from the measured Kerr effect at 85 K and the optical constants measured at room temperature. Sawatzky and Street62 have reported Faraday rotation measurements for MnSb. They found that the Faraday rotation at room temperature varies from 2.83105 deg. cm21 at 1 eV to 2.13105 deg cm21 at 6 eV with maxima around 1.3 and 2.5 eV. Unfortunately, no other experimental Faraday spectra are available, with which we can compare our results. The systematic increase in the MO effect from MnAs to FIG. 10. Kerr ellipticity spectra for the MnX compounds. For MnBi, the experimental spectra are taken from Di et al. ~Ref. 73! and the theoretical spectra from Oppeneer et al. ~Ref. 37! and Kulatov et al. ~Ref. 76!. For MnSb, the experimental spectra are from Buschow and van Engen ~Ref. 75! and the theoretical spectra from Oppeneer et al. ~Ref. 37! and Kulatov et al. ~Ref. 76!. For MnAs, the ellipticity spectra were derived ~Ref. 77! from the complex Faraday rotation spectra reported by Stoffel and Schneidner ~Ref. 67! and the theoretical spectra are calculated by Oppeneer et al. ~Ref. 37! and Kulatov et al. ~Ref. 76!. MnBi indicate the important role played by the pnictogen. Two reasons can be singled out causing the increase in the Kerr effect as the pnictogen becomes heavier. The first is the increased volume. From the experimentally reported equilibrium lattice parameters one can see that the equilibrium volume increases from 68.4 Å3 for MnAs to 89.67 Å3 for MnBi. Correspondingly, the Mn-X distance increases from 2.578 Å for MnAs to 2.83 Å for MnBi. Because of the larger interatomic distance in the Mn-Bi bonds compared to the Mn-As and Mn-Sb bonds, the Mn3d-Bi6p covalent interaction is smaller in MnBi compared to other two compounds. As a consequence of this, the Mn-3d band becomes narrower in MnBi. This is the main reason for the magnetic moment enhancement from 3.57 m B for MnAs to 3.86 m B for MnBi. In general, narrow bands give sharper features in the optical conductivities, which reasonably should result in an enhanced Kerr effect. The second reason is the larger spin-orbit coupling strength in Bi than in As and Sb. PRB 59 MAGNETIC, OPTICAL, AND MAGNETO-OPTICAL . . . FIG. 11. Specific Faraday rotation spectra for MnX ~X5As, Sb and Bi!. The experimental values for MnBi are from thin film measurements at 85 K in Ref. 73. VIII. SUMMARY Using a spin-polarized relativistic full-potential LMTO method, we have calculated the frequency dependent MO Kerr and Faraday effects for MnX ~X5As, Sb, or Bi!. The calculated spectra are found to be in good agreement with the experimental results. We are able to reproduce the experimentally observed second peak in our Kerr rotation spectra of MnBi, albeit at a lower energy than experimentally observed. Specific Faraday rotation and ellipticity for all the three compounds are also calculated and compared to available experimental results. Features of the MO spectra are seen to be primarily defined by the absorptive part of the off-diagonal conductivity s 2xy ( v ). The systematic increase in the MO effect as one goes from MnAs to MnBi is due to the enhancement of magnetic moment on the Mn site as well as the increasing spin-orbit coupling strength of pnictogen. Linear-optical properties such as reflectivity, absorption coefficient, refractive index, extinction coefficient, and electron-energy-loss spectra are also reported. 15 691 FIG. 12. Calculated specific Faraday ellipticity spectra for MnX. The experimental spectra for MnBi take from Ref. 73. We have studied the trends in electronic structure, spin moments, orbital moments, and magnetic anisotropy energies, and also calculated the hyperfine field, electric-field gradient, and unscreened plasma frequencies using the FLAPW method. The systematic enhancement in the magnetic moment as well as the calculated hyperfine parameters show that the covalent interaction between the Mn and pnictogen atoms decreases systematically when we go from MnAs to MnBi. This may be the possible reason for the experimentally observed crystal-structure metastability of MnBi.83–85 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS B.J., O.E., and P.R. are thankful for financial support from the Swedish Natural Science Research Council and for support from the Materials Science Consortium No. 9. A.D. acknowledges financial support from the Swedish Research Council for Engineering Sciences. P.R. is grateful to Professor K. Schwarz for his encouragement, P. Blaha for his generous help, and Lars Nordström, Claudia Ambrosch-Draxl, Peter Oppeneer, and Mike Brooks for useful discussions. 15 692 P. RAVINDRAN et al. *Electronic address: W. Voigt, Magneto and Electro-optic ~Teubner, Leipzig, 1908!. 2 J. Schoenes, Mater. Sci. Technol. 3A, 149 ~1992!; K. H. K. 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