Document 11655879

November 5, 2009
Capitol Rooms - University Union
Roll Call:
Present: Suzanne Boussaard, Pam Bowman, Jim Buffalo, Amber Dodds, Carla Farniok, Tishly
Herrington, Sheila Kirby, Ed Lavin, Bill Rupert, Jamie Shuda, Martha Youngmeyer
Excused: Sandy Blue, Chris Brown, Laura Caldwell, Hilary Churchill, Richard Hamilton, Dan Rathjen,
Kim Sedgwick, Jackie Thompson
Minutes (Suzanne Boussaard)
Minutes for the October meeting were officially approved via motion by Martha and seconded by Amber.
Motion passed.
III. Treasurer’s Report (Jim Buffalo)
Jim reported the general account has a current balance of $6,772.31 but there are several outstanding
bills from the luncheon yet to be paid from this. The Scholarship Account balance is $6,922.54. The
Endowment Fund balance is $102,000.00.
IV. President’s Report (Ed Lavin)
President Ed reported he was unable to attend the last President’s Advisory Group meeting. However,
he did report on the recent golf outing. A final figure regarding the proceeds is not yet available.
Ninety-six units of blood were collected over the recent two-day event. Ed is working with the American
Red Cross to determine another date for late October.
Civil Service Employee of the Month (Laura Caldwell)
Jamie provided the EOM report due to Laura’s illness. The November Employee of the Month is Tim
Schroll from the GIS Center. His presentation will be held on November 10 at 1:00 in Tillman 305A.
The Employee of the Year Reception will be held on December 4 in the Prairie Lounge, University
Vice President for Administrative Services Report: Since Jackie was not present, Pam Bowman did
convey a message from Jackie regarding the numerous positive remarks received on the luncheon.
VII. Director of Human Resources: Pam Bowman announced there are a few changes being made at the
Systems Office which became effective July 22. The Trainee/Learner Program will now be called the
Trainee Program. Natalie Mitchell is the new clerical assistant in Human Resources. Pam also shared
she had received several compliments regarding the luncheon, too.
VIII. Employee Advisory Committee Representative: Sheila Kirby attended a meeting August 22 at
Edwardsville. A presentation was given regarding planning and budget topics. The Systems Office is
trying to be proactive in anticipation of any possible furloughs which may become necessary at some
universities. There is some information on their website. The Systems Office will also be losing some
positions, primarily internships, due to lack of budget resources. Also, there was a breach in the police
officer exam which means approximately $10,000 cost to the office.
IX. WIU Quad Cities Campus Report (Chris Brown): Allison Shook represented Chris Brown at today’s
meeting. Dr. Rives held an all staff meeting on October 15 and updated staff on QC Campus
business. He discussed the accreditation procedure and what will be happening over the course of the
next year. The Administrative Team, Kristi Mindrup, Gary Rowe, Tami Seitz, Andy Borst all gave
updates on what is happening in each of their areas and what can be expected in the next year. Dr.
Rives announced that WQPT will become part of WIU after the FCC approves the license transfer
which will most likely be next February. On October 20 HR Benefits held a social security and
retirement benefits seminar at the QC Campus. On November 6 & 7, the WIU Hockey club will have
their first games at the iWireless Center in Moline. Several QC Student groups, faculty and staff have
volunteered to help and everyone is pretty excited about having the club here in the QC.
Representative Reports to Council
1. Affirmative Action Internship (Tishly Herrington) – There will be an Affirmative Action Internship
Interest Meeting from 11:30-1:30 on November 12. The committee is looking at requiring an
individual to have a master’s degree or still needing the last semester to finish a master’s degree as
part of the requirements for the internship.
2. Accreditation Committee (Martha Youngmeyer) – Martha announced all employees should have
received a Tele-STARS message regarding the latest criteria. Please read the material and let
Martha know if you have any questions or suggestions.
3. Women’s Center (Martha Youngmeyer) – The 20 annual Take Back the Night was a big success
with over 400 people in attendance despite the poor weather. The official Grand Opening and
Ceremonial Ribbon Cutting for the Multicultural Center was on October 16. The Board of Trustees
and WIU Administration took part in the ceremony. A reception followed remarks by various
officials. The Love Your Body Day activities were held on October 21 with a large number of
individuals participating. The Colleen Kattau workshop on October 23 was well received. A
concert by Colleen and Craig Rouskey’s group, None for Me, benefited the HEN Foundation which
supports social justice artist activists around the world. Non-Traditional Student Week is November
2-7. Many activities are planned for the week.
4. Web Page (Jim Buffalo) – If anyone has items to be added, please email them to Scott Lawson or
Jim. Scott is going to try to add a “hit” counter so see how many view the website. Jim also
inquired about the possibility of setting up at Physical Plant an iMovie set up like outside of ROTC
in Horrabin Hall. This would enable PP employees to be well informed of any announcements
and/or upcoming events.
5. Provost Advisory Council (Amber Dodds) – No report. The meeting date was changed and
Amber was unable to attend as she was out of town.
6. Training and Development (Carla Farniok) – Carla announced there are still some openings in
the interviewing session of the Supervisor’s Training Workshop, November 10.
Committee Reports
1. Appeals/Award Fund (Bill Rupert) – No report
2. Award Selection (Dan Rathjen) – No Report
3. Constitution / Election (Jim Buffalo) – No Report
4. Education (Hilary Churchill) – No Report
5. Mentoring (Kim Sedgwick) – No Report
6. Salary (Suzanne Boussaard) – No Report
7. Social Events & Development (Jamie Shuda) – Jamie announced she was stepping down as
social events chair, but will provide assistance to the new chair. She will proceed to finish
arrangements for the December 4 Employee of the Year reception. Jamie volunteered to call
VPC to schedule a photographer for the event. Winners of the lunch raffle were:
22” Vizio TV: Ken Brown
iPod Touch: Kevin Hare
Wii: Nick Katz
Fun City (2 night stay with $25.00 spending cash): JoAnn Kennedy
WIU Hangtag: Carol Beekman
$25 Chamber of Commerce Gift Certificate: Julie Murphy
$25 Chamber of Commerce Gift Certificate: Keel Clemons
5 Waterworks Car Wash Tokens: Mary Marlin
Pumpkin Gift Set donated by No Place Like Home: Becky Paulsen
5 – 6” Sub Coupons from Subway: Linda Prosise
5 free taco coupons from Taco Bell: Dana Bray
5 free taco coupons from Taco Bell: Nancy Stoneking
Umbrella donated by MDH: Marie Bell
Cooler bag donated by MDH: Jim Schneider
Cooler bag donated by MDH: Karen Ault
Fleece blanket donated by MDH: Shawn Taylor
Barn siding flower pot donated by Tony and Sharon Caldwell: Pam Hines
1 free night stay donated by Best Western Hotel: Donna Moore
Tumbler/Gift Certificate donated by Adams Street Coffee: Sharon Setzer
Gift certificate donated by Guadalajara: Tim Etter
Candle votives donated by Enchanted Florist: Dana Workman
Committee on Committees (Richard Hamilton) – No Report
XII. New Business:
1. Technology System Committee: Ed shared an email he had received from Dr. Joe Rives
regarding the Technology Advisory Users Group. Discussion followed regarding a CSEC member
volunteering for this committee. Bill indicated he was already on the System Policy Committee.
Amber is on the Web Accessibility Committee for her office which will allow her to also report to
CSEC. Jim volunteered to b on the Technology Cabinet Committee and Users Group. Ed will
notify Dr. Rives of our discussion.
2. FRBR Screens: Suzanne read a letter from an employee regarding the FRBR screens. The
employee would like to see the FRBR screens become more user friendly in that they need to be
streamlined and effective. It was suggested by the employee perhaps a survey could be conducted
to gather feedback regarding the screens and how better to improve them. Pam Bowman will
check on this and also see about developing training possibilities.
3. Stuff the Bus: Martha reminded Council members of the upcoming Stuff the Bus food drive. She
distributed posters for drop boxes. Last year WIU took 2 place nationwide.
4. Thank you: Ed read a thank you note from JoAnn Kennedy. JoAnn won the Fun City trip during
the raffle drawing.
5. University Diversity Council: Ed asked for a volunteer to serve on this committee. Tishly
Herrington volunteered to do so.
XIII. Old Business:
1. Proposed Language for CSEC Actions for Constitution (Donation) – A first reading of a revised
version was read. There will be two readings of the language before an official vote can be taken.
This has been tabled due to the lack of a quorum at today’s meeting.
2. CSEC Shirts for new members: Ed will drop the shirts off to Lil’ Stitches to be embroidered. The
CSEC members would like to thank Jackie Thompson for her support with this endeavor.
3. Council of Councils: Ed and Jim reported on their recent visit to SIU-C for the meeting. Two state
representatives were at the meeting and spoke about how to effectively contact state legislators. The
best way is by handwritten letters. System Office personnel spoke about the trainee/learner program
changes. Ed and Jim reported that WIU awards the highest dollar amount and most number of
scholarships. Like WIU, other universities are also finding it harder to find employees to serve on their
civil service councils. SURS also presented information regarding retirement benefits and changes in
benefits for those joining the system in the future. SIU and NIU did not receive raises this year.
XIV. Group Concerns:
1. Christmas Card: Tishly brought a Christmas card for all members to sign which will be sent to a
five-year old boy who is dying with cancer and hopes to receive a record for receiving the most
Christmas cards.
2. Resignation Letter: Ed read a resignation letter from Sandra Blue. A replacement for Group 2
will be needed to fill Sandra’s position on the Council.
XV. Announcements: Next meeting December 3, 2009 in the Capitol Rooms in the University Union.
XVI. Adjournment: A motion to adjourn was made by Jamie, seconded by Amber. Motion passed. Meeting
adjourned at 2:40pm.