CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES COUNCIL April 1, 2010 Capitol Rooms, University Union

April 1, 2010
Capitol Rooms, University Union
Roll Call
Present: Leslie Apel, Chris Brown, Suzanne Boussaard, Pam Bowman, Laura Caldwell, Hillary
Churchill, Amber Dodds, Carla Farniok, Tishly Herrington, Sheila Kirby, Ed Lavin, Kim Sedgwick, Jamie
Shuda, Jackie Thompson, Martha Youngmeyer
Excused: Jim Buffalo, Rich Hamilton, Dan Rathjen, Bill Rupert
Guest: Dr. Joe Rives provided the latest updates on the accreditation process for WIU. He also reported
Chris and Martha were very engaged in the process and expressed his appreciation to them for their
work. Afterwards, Dr. Rives requested the Council’s endorsement. Endorsement was given by the
III. Minutes (Suzanne Boussaard)
The March minutes were presented for approval. A motion was made by Laura to accept the minutes
and Tishly made a second. Motion passed. Later in the meeting Tishly requested the minutes be
amended with regard to the number of EOM nominations received. Tishly made the motion to amend
the minutes to reflect this correction. Laura seconded the motion. Motion passed.
IV. Treasurer’s Report (Jim Buffalo)
Due to Jim’s absence, no report was available.
President’s Report (Ed Lavin)
Ed reported WIU had received $10 million in the last couple of days from the State as well as $3.5
million from the Federal stimulus monies. At the time of the meeting, the State still owes WIU
approximately $26 million. Also, the UPI has negotiated a contract good through 2015. It still needs to
be ratified by its membership.
VI. Civil Service Employee of the Month (Tishly Herrington)
Tishly announced Misty Thompson in Admissions is the Employee of the Month. Her presentation was
held today. There are only two nominations to be considered for the May recipient. Please encourage
individuals/offices to nominate someone or nominate someone yourself. The form can be found on the
CSEC website. (
VII. Vice President for Administrative Services Report (Jackie Thompson)
Jackie reported on the hearing held in Springfield last week as well as the change with pension plans
for new hires which will take effect January 1, 2011.
VIII. Director of Human Resources (Pam Bowman)
Pam reported the Employee Recognition Reception will be held on April 27. Also, WQPT has been
acquired by WIU and will become official May 1. WQPT is the public television affiliate in the QC.
Employee Advisory Committee Representative (Sheila Kirby)
Sheila reported she will be attending a meeting in Carbondale in two weeks. She and other EAC
representatives feel that after the November election, we will see State officials trying even harder to
address pension issues for current employees. Sheila informed Council members that SUAA is the
best source for learning more and staying abreast of current/upcoming issues.
WIU Quad Cities Campus Report (Chris Brown)
(Waiting for Chris to send report)
XI. Representative Reports to Council
1. Affirmative Action Internship (Tishly Herrington) Tishly reported there are three potential
candidates and all have met with mentors. A meeting is scheduled for April 15 to decide who will
be selected.
Accreditation Committee (Martha Youngmeyer) Today’s update was provided by Dr. Joe Rives.
Women’s Center (Martha Youngmeyer) No report
Web Page (Jim Buffalo) No report
Provost Advisory Council (Amber Dodds) The Council has been discussing ideas for summer
enrollment. Amber also reported there will be a rally on April 21 in Springfield. UPI would be taking
a bus. UPI is also planning a postcard campaign regarding HB174. It has been suggested a new
committee be formed to discuss/look at possible ways to help expand recruitment of doctors to the
area. If anyone is interested in serving as an emergency coordinator for your building/area, please
contact Dana Biernbaum. Amber informed the Council this Council meets about one time per
semester and feels perhaps we may want to look at rotating council members to attend.
6. Training and Development (Carla Farniok) Carla reported nothing new in this area other than
what has already been planned and mentioned at last month’s meeting.
7. Technology Advisory Users Group (Jim Buffalo) No report.
8. Web Accessibility (Amber Dodds) No report
9. Systems Policy Committee (Bill Rupert) No report
10. Technology Cabinet (Jim Buffalo) No report
11. University Diversity Council (Tishly Herrington) Tishly has had no contact with this Council.
Pam will check to make sure her name is on the membership list.
XII. Committee Reports
1. Appeals/Award Fund (Bill Rupert) No report
2. Award Selection (Dan Rathjen) Ed reported on behalf of Dan there are five applications for
3. Constitution / Election (Jim Buffalo) Ed reported on behalf of Jim a Tele-STARS message will be
sent out on April 2 regarding the election.
4. Education (Hilary Churchill) No report
5. Mentoring (Kim Sedgwick) No report
6. Salary (Suzanne Boussaard) No report
7. Social Events & Development (Hilary Churchill) Hilary has reserved the Heritage Room for April
27 for the spring luncheon. The big prize will be an iPod Touch. She circulated a list of business
where past prizes have been received. She asked all members to select at least two businesses to
contact in order to avoid duplicating requests from the same places.
8. Committee on Committees (Richard Hamilton) No report
XIII. New Business
Ed announced the Red Cross would like for us to do another Blood Drive the first week of fall
classes. Discussion followed regarding the number of blood drives occurring at the same time or
within a close timeframe.
XIV. Old Business
1. Proposed Language for CSEC Actions for Constitution (Donation): (Jim) Tabled to next meeting.
2. FRBR Screens: (Suzanne / Pam Bowman
3. Golf Outing: Ed suggested May 22 or May 29th as possible dates for this year’s golf outing and
asked members to check on dates of other events which might conflict with these two dates.
4. Presidential Search: Michael Sartorius was selected to be the civil service representative on the
Presidential Search Committee. Discussion followed with regard to whether or not Michael should
attend the meetings or share a report with Tishly to bring to the meetings. Tishly will check with
Michael for his preference. There are open forums this month to meet with the consultant.
5. Open Forum with the President: Ed announced the Open Forum with President Goldfarb is
scheduled for April 5 from 11:00am-12:00pm and 3:00pm-4:00pm in the Sandburg Theatre. TeleSTARS messages have been sent out and flyers have been sent to Physical Plant employees and
posted in break rooms across campus.
6. Garage Sale: Ed inquired into temporarily reserving the east arena of Western Hall for a garage
sale. Discussion followed. Council may look at this possibility again in the future.
7. Survey regarding Budgetary Solutions: No discussion at today’s meeting.
Group Concerns
There were no group concerns.
Announcements Next meeting: May 6, 2010 in the Capitol Room in the University Union
Adjournment: Hilary made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by Martha. Motion
passed. Meeting adjourned at 2:40pm.