Document 11655870

7 February 2008
Horrabin Hall 60
Electronic Classroom
Roll Call:
Present: Suzanne Boussaard, Laura Caldwell, Carla Farniok, Richard Hamilton, Ed Lavin, Sam Marlow,
Jamie Shuda, Hilary Churchill, Cerese Wright, Martha Youngmeyer, James Weaver, Pam Bowman,
Sheila Kirby, Jackie Thompson
Excused: Jim Buffalo, Tammy Hiel, Greg Phelps, Lois Retherford
Guest: Anita Sells
Anita Sells – Pilot Group for Microsoft Word 2007 Online Training
Anita is looking for a small group of people to try this online training for Microsoft Word 2007. It is
presented in 3 modules: Introduction, Intermediate, and Advanced. This is going to be offered online for
convenience. Please email Anita Sells at if interested.
Spoon River College is offering free GED Classes. You can either register ahead of time or just show
up for class.
III. Minutes (Carla Farniok)
There need to be changes to the Director of Human Resources section. Pam Bowman will email the
changes to Carla Farniok. Motion to accept the January minutes was made by Ed Lavin. Motion was
seconded by Rich Hamilton. Motion passed with changes.
IV. Treasurer’s Report (Jamie Shuda)
The balance in the General account is $6090.93. This does not include the $2,500.00 that was
transferred to the scholarship account. This was done after the report. This leaves a total of $3,590.93
in the General account. The Scholarship account has an ending balance of $1,420.51. This does not
include the $2,500.00 that was transferred to this account. This leaves $3920.51 in the Scholarship
account. The spring scholarships have been issued. The scholarships will be $1,000.00 in the Fall.
We pay for 8 and Dr. Goldfarb pays for 1 each year. The book awards are $100.00 each and we give
out 15 per year. There was $8,250.00 taken out for the Fall and Spring Semester. Motion to accept the
Treasurer’s Report was made by Martha Youngmeyer. Motion was seconded by James Weaver.
Motion passed.
President’s Report (Suzanne Boussaard)
President’s Advisory Group: 1.25.08
President Goldfarb provided an update regarding the capital budget. As of 1.25.08, there was no
Jackie Thompson announced the University’s Emergency Alert System would be tested on January
30 . Therefore, make sure your contact information is updated on the website.
Sam Pfister, SGA President, informed the group regarding the plans for Lobby Day, March 5. Photos
have been taken of dilapidated areas on campus to show to legislators and paperweights would be
distributed. Note: the paperweights are pieces of Stipes building which fell off last year.
Paul Krieder announced that two broadcasting students have been selected by NBC to go to the
Olympics in China.
Strategic Plan: 1.26.08
The committee continues to discuss and revise the Strategic Plan. Several special meetings have been
held as the committee tries to complete this. Once the committee agrees on a final draft, it will be
distributed to the governance groups for their input.
VI. Civil Service Employee of the Month (Laura Caldwell)
Sandy Larimer from Document and Publication Services is the Employee of the Month for February.
Her presentation was Tuesday, February 5.
The Council received a Thank You card from Annette Davila (Employee of the Month for January).
VII. Vice President for Administrative Services Report (Jackie Thompson)
Brenda Parks is now the Director of University Information Management Systems. She replaces Elvin
Hodges who had 41 years of service here at Western.
The emergency test was successful. Over 17,000 phone calls and 24,000 emails went out in 30
minutes. There were some minor glitches that are being worked out. The emergency system has been
used 2 times to close the Quad Cities Campus and was a success each time. Please remember to go
into the website at and keep all of your information updated.
There is no capital budget yet. This is very serious. There are 3 chillers that need replaced and there
will be more that need to be as time goes on. Deferred maintenance may have to be added to the
tuition down the road if this does not get better. There are problems all over that need lots of money to
The Pay for Performance proposal has changes that need to be made. It is going back to the staff for
VIII. Director of Human Resources (Pam Bowman)
The Civil Service Employment Application will soon be online.
Computer access for the Building Service Workers is being looked into. They are looking at the current
inventory, locations, and speed of the CPU. They are looking into offering more training on how to use
and having the supervisors check and make sure the computers are working.
Nominations are being accepted for the annual employee awards recognizing community service and
distinguished service to the University. Award recipients will be presented with their awards and
recognized at the Employee Service Recognition Reception on April 29.
The Benefits Committee needs to get together to go over 403B. The committee includes Tammy Thomas,
Terri Hare, and Ed Lavin.
The Systems Office will be here in 2 weeks for the Biennial audit to go over jobs.
Employee Advisory Committee Representative (Sheila Kirby)
EAC meeting – January 24, 2008
There was a joint meeting of Human Resources, Directors, EAC, and the Systems Office. The attendance
was very good. It was decided a more efficient way to proceed was with four members from the HRDAC,
EAC, and 2 from the Systems Office. The group, both large and smaller, will be dealing with such items as
University Funding, C.S. Register Maintenance, Learner/Trainee Programs, Exemption Procedures, Layoff
and Bumping Rights, Pilot Program, and Rule of 3.
Four new members joined EAC. As this is the EAC annual meeting, elections were held.
Merit Board meetings for 2008 are 2/20, 5/21, 8/20, and 11/12.
There was lengthy discussion on campus audits by the System Office. They will be at WIU in February.
There is a new, completely redone SUCSS website.
Range Report will now be searchable back to 2002.
feels the new police exam will be tops in the nation.
The new Secretarial exams will cause some issues.
research and time in making them state-of-the-art.
Included is a new legislative bill-tracker. The Salary
The typing test has been rewritten. Director Morelock
Lengthy discussion on Register Maintenance issues.
Director Morelock said the S.O. has done major
There was lengthy discussion of the report from the EAC 36e3 sub-committee. This group is trying to deal
with the abuses of the Academic Professional classifications entitled: “Assistant To,” “Specialist,” and
“Coordinator.” This has been ongoing for the last 10 years. WIU does not abuse these titles.
WIU Quad Cities Campus Report (Lois Retherford) – No Report
XI. Representative Reports to Council
1. Affirmative Action Internship (Tammy Hiel)
There is nothing to report for this meeting, other than they have found a replacement for Andrea
and the first meeting is scheduled for next Wednesday, February 13th.
Affirmative Action & Equity Council (Martha Youngmeyer)
No Report
Women’s Center (Martha Youngmeyer)
National Girls and Women in Sports Day was celebrated on Sat., Feb. 2 in conjunction with the
Westerwinds basketball game and on Wed., Feb. 6 with information and resource tables in the
Union and Rec Center. We are requesting proposals for the REAL Women: Women as
Researchers, Educators, Activists and Leaders presentation series. “The Vagina Monologues,” will
be held at 7:30 p.m. on Thurs. Feb. 14 and Fri. Feb. 15 in the Horrabin Hall Theatre, and a
screening of “Until the Violence Stops” will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Sat. Feb. 16, in Morgan Hall
109. Tickets for “TVM” are $12 for non-students and $10 for students and are available from cast
and crew members and at the Women’s Center, and tickets for “Until the Violence Stops” are $3 for
non-students and $2 for students. All proceeds will go to local, national and international efforts to
prevent violence against women and survivor support services. The Women’s Center will be
providing a resource table in support of The Summit League’s “Think Pink” breast cancer
awareness day activities on Feb. 16 in conjunction with WIU’s doubleheader basketball games. We
will have our Women’s Roles Around the World booth at the International Bazaar on Feb. 29 and
March 1. We are putting together the National Women’s History Month Calendar of Events for
March 2008. We have received numerous submissions of poetry, short fiction, and other creative
works for our first annual publication of the Women’s Voices Journal. We are accepting
submissions through Feb. 23 for our “Women’s Art Women’s Vision” Art Exhibit which will be held
March 1-31 in the University Library. We are in the planning process for the Women of Color
Seminar, which will be held on Sat., March 29, from 12:00 – 3:30 p.m. For more information,
please see the February issue of the Women’s Center’s Women’s News and Views newsletter
which was distributed earlier this week.
Web Page (James Weaver)
No Report
XII. Committee Reports
Appeals/Award Fund (Rich Hamilton)
No report
Award Selection (Ed Lavin)
The Scholarship Committee needs another person because of a retiree. The volunteers for the
committee have been on there a long time. They are supposed to be on for a 2 year term and can
do 2 consecutive terms. This needs to be looked into. The Council needs to see about getting a
group listing that lists classification, name, department, phone number, and email address.
Constitution / Election (Jim Buffalo)
Election: A statement will be going out later this month to the campus connection, announcing the
upcoming election in April.
Requesting Statement of Candidacy from interested personnel. IRT Carla, not sure how it was
done but IAW our By-Laws Art. VI Sect. 4 she should have been appointed to serve the remainder
of Peg Villwock's term (2005-2008), so if she wants to remain on council she will have to submit a
Statement of Candidacy and be elected to the position, if I'm interpreting this wrong please let me
Constitution: Nothing to report.
Education (Hilary Churchill)
No Report
Mentoring (Sam Marlow)
Welcome to our new employees!! They are:
Scott Lawson – Webmaster for Document and Publication Services – March 3
Bryan Shinberger – Grounds – March 7
Salary (Suzanne Boussaard)
No Report
Social Events & Development (Jamie Shuda)
The date for the Spring Luncheon will be May 30. The theme is going to be A Day At The Beach.
They are looking into a treasure chest with gold coins, Mardi Gras beads, beach balls, having a
message in a bottle and a fortune of the day. There will be games and possibly entertainment by
the Steele Drums in the Music Department. The meal will be Kabobs. Decorations will cost around
$150.00. Cerese is in charge of the raffle prizes and Greg will assist her. There will be a spring
bulb fundraiser.
Committee on Committees (Greg Phelps)
No Report
XIII. New Business
1. Parental Leave – Please comment on this. They will meet again in March.
XIV. Old Business:
1. Mr. Tom Morelock’s Visit – There was a wonderful turnout for this. There were lots of compliments.
Binders Update-Bring you binders March 6 in the Sandburg Lounge. We will begin at noon. Let
Suzanne or Carla know what you are missing.
Payroll Deduction Plan – It looks like there are 116 contributors with a majority not being Civil
Service. It might be better to look at presenting this later in the year. There could be more
Veteran’s Day Holiday
Spring Open Forum - March 27 at 11:00 and 4:30 is what has been set for the forums. The
Sandburg Theatre has been reserved for both times.
Phone-A-Thon – A pre-call letter will go out. All money will go into the Endowment Fund.
Pay For Performance – Changes need to be made and it will be going back to the staff.
Group Concerns:
Employees were wondering if audit promotions could be posted. This is seen as a privacy issue. Many
employees who do get a promotion through an audit do not want it posted.
XVI. Announcements
Next meeting: March 6, 2008 in the Electronic Classroom in Horrabin Hall 60 for Macomb. The
Quad Cities will have QC Room 106. The meeting will be at 1:00. The binders will be taken care
of at the April meeting.
Jamie made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by Hilary. Motion was passed and
meeting was adjourned.