Fall 2016 Instructional Technology Course Offerings ITC 321CPVL - Instructional Technology in Education Several sections of ITC 321 are offered; check MyKU for days and times best suited to your schedule. Successful educators need to be fluent in the use of instructional technologies and must be able to seamlessly integrate these technologies into classroom instruction. Take ITC 321 to develop practical skills creating technology infused lesson plans and teaching artifacts. ITC 321 meets the Gen Ed Computer Intensive and Visual Literacy competencies. ITC 340 – Integrating Instructional Technology ONLINE Michelle Sims The goal of this course is to prepare educators to effectively integrate instructional technologies into the K- 12 curriculum. Students will work collaboratively in small groups to design solutions to real-world problems that could be encountered in schools and libraries. Using the Pennsylvania Standards Aligned System, students will develop lessons and assessments that effectively integrate technologies that align to PDE and Common Core Standards. ITC 348 - Electronic Portfolios in Education ONLINE Michelle Sims Participants will develop an electronic professional portfolio that references content and academic standards, incorporates multimedia and relevant linkages so that an effective electronic portrait of the individual's accomplishments is created. ITC 514 – Perspectives on Instructional Technology and Learning ONLINE Andrea Harmer Students pursuing the M.Ed. in Instructional Technology typically take ITC 514 at the onset of their degree program. ITC 514 provides a historical context for use of instructional technology in the teaching and learning process and introduces students to various designs and strategies to facilitate learning with technology tools. In this course we will discuss learning theory, instructional technology research, instructional design, and current methods for integrating technology into the curriculum. ITC 525 – Technologies for the 21st Century Educator ONLINE William Jefferson Like ITC 514, ITC 525 is a foundation course that is usually taken by students at the beginning of the Master's sequence. ITC 525 is project-based, and provides students with practical, hands-on opportunities to develop technology-based teaching and learning resources to support face-to-face, hybrid and online learning courses. This course is the ideal starting point for newer technology users wanting a broad exposure to PC, Mac, Mobile, and Internet teaching technologies. Dept. of Library Science and Instructional Technology – Fall 2016 Instructional Technology Course Offerings ITC 527 – Problem-based Learning Through Instructional Technology ONLINE Michelle Sims The goal of this course is to prepare educators to effectively integrate instructional technologies into the K- 12 curriculum. Students will work collaboratively in small groups to design solutions to real-world problems that could be encountered in schools and libraries. Using the Pennsylvania Standards Aligned System, students will develop lessons and assessments that effectively integrate technologies that align to PDE and Common Core Standards. ITC 548 - Electronic Portfolios for Educators ONLINE The goal of this course is to prepare and present an electronic professional portfolio that demonstrates the students’ accomplishments in the graduate program. This is the culminating course for the program. The role of portfolios, standards, and reflection in education will be examined, as well as the types and components of portfolios. Students will investigate technologies that enhance electronic portfolios. Michelle Sims To expedite enrollment, contact Dr. Andrea Harmer at 610-683-4301 or our department secretary at 610-683-4300. Dept. of Library Science and Instructional Technology – Fall 2016 Instructional Technology Course Offerings