Costs C o n t a c t D e t a i l s Specialist Disability Service Oxford Centre for Enablement Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre NHS Trust Windmill Rd Headington Oxford OX3 7LD Phone: 01865 227447 Fax: 01865 227317 PP May 2009 Version 3 © 2007 Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre The costs of the assessment and involvement of staff are met, if the client’s local Primary Care Trust has a service level agreement with the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre NHS Trust. This will be checked before an appointment is made. If there is no service level agreement an application will be made to the clients Primary Care Trust. Equipment that is recommended is not funded by the centre. An estimate of cost of provision of customised seating will be provided for consideration of funding by the client’s local services. Management of Posture in Severe Physical Disabilities A leaflet for professionals Introducing the 24 hour posture management service as part of the Specialist Disability Service at the Oxford Centre for Enablement, Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre NHS Trust. Introduction Services available: People who are limited in ability to move and change their position are at risk of developing complications such as contractures, deformities, pressure sores, respiratory infections and pain and discomfort, unless proper attention is directed to the alignment of their posture during day and night. Assessment of client taking the They may also suffer from neurological symptoms such as spasticity of muscles which can cause additional distress. Identification of aims of the Further, if posture and positioning is not managed effectively, functional ability may be compromised. Setting objectives with all The team comprises: Specialist physiotherapists, occupational therapists and rehab engineers. following area’s into account: Activities of daily living Physical condition Mobility Communication Comfort Environmental, social and emotional consideration of client and carers client, carer, referrer Identification of problems concerned Recommendations in relation to: Advice on equipment for the control of body posture in lying, sitting and standing. Customised seating/lying supports. A regime for the maintenance of optimum physical status. Advice and training in all aspects of physical management Moving and handling Reports with copies to all concerned including the client. Action plan. Provision of equipment, manufactured by the engineering department, if funding approved by clients local services. Provision of equipment manufactured by outside agencies working with local teams. Advice on wheelchair controls. Assessment This can be carried out at the Oxford Centre for Enablement or locally to the client. Local staff will be invited to be present. An inpatient stay can be arranged as necessary. Accessing the service Referrals can be made by Social or Health Care professionals. Referral forms can be obtained by phoning 01865 227447 or from our web site: