1. Scrunch Paper Picture 8.

Scrunch Paper Picture
Dragon’s Claw
Finger Puppets
Hand Clapping Games
Water Scoop
Ring Toss
Kite Flying
Ball Games Using Wrist 12.
Squashing a Light-Up
Flashing Ball
Thumb Games
Finger Walk to Thumb
Hand or Finger
Wrist Disco
Hand Home Programme One For:
Please read the ‘Home Programme instructions’ sheet before commencing with this programme.
Make a scrunch paper picture (Good for maintaining pincer grip as well as range of
movement in wrist and fingers).
a.) Tear different coloured paper in long thin strips
b.) Scrunch strips with fingers into lots of small balls
c.) Stick different coloured balls onto a colouring picture (using wood glue) to complete the art work.
Baking (Good for maintaining range of movement and to strengthen fingers and wrists).
Use hands for mixing and kneading as far as possible. See ‘Recipes for sensory play’ at
www.skillbuildersonline.com for more ideas.
Hand clapping games with a friend. (Encourage 90 ° at the wrist).
4. Ring toss / Quoits: Throw the ring over the target and see how much you can score.
(This encourages range of movement in the wrist – Make sure your child uses his/her
wrist and do not compensate with arm movements).
Ball games using wrists: Position your child’s forearm flat on the table. Position a tiny
ball (e.g. table tennis ball or marble) next to the little finger. The child needs to hit the
ball as far as possible without moving the forearm. Now put the ball next to the thumb
and do the same. Measure the distance the ball goes to make it fun. (This encourages
range of movement in the wrist – Make sure your child uses his /her wrist and do not
compensate with arm or finger movements).
6. Thumb games: Hands flat on table with palms on surface:
a.) Stretch thumbs as far as possible away from fingers. (Aim for 90°) Now push the
thumb back against the other fingers. Repeat 5 times.
b.) Lift thumbs up into the air, keeping the palms flat on the table. Hold it for 5
seconds and repeat 5 times with each thumb.
c.) Hold hands in air and make 5 circles with each thumb. (Maintains functional web
space and thumb movements).
7. Hand or finger painting on an easel, mirror or paper stuck against a wall.
(This strengthens the shoulder and arm muscles.)
Dragon’s claw: Try to make a claw with each hand 5 times.
Playing with finger puppets (Encourages bending and straightening of fingers).
10. Scoop water with a cup/glass and then turn the wrist over to throw the water out
(Encourages rotation of the forearm.)
11. Kite flying (Encourages general hand function, as well as elbow bending and
12. Squashing a Squeeze toy 10 times with each hand – For grip strength and sensory
feedback. Available from www.frogorange.co.uk and most toy stores.
13. Finger walk to thumb: Put your palms flat on a table in front of you with the thumbs
as far as possible away from the other fingers. Lift the index (pointing) fingers up off
the table – hold them in the air for 3 seconds – and then ‘walk’ them across towards
your thumb. Now do the same with the middle-, then ring-, then little finger. Take a
short rest to stretch and then start again. Repeat 3 times. Never walk the fingers back
to the little finger.
14. Wrist Disco: Rotate each wrist 5 times clockwise and 5 times anti-clockwise. Do try
this to music for a bit of extra fun. Relax your fingers while doing the exercise.
Tick the activities you do every day on the ‘Games Record’ on the following page. This helps you and the
therapist to monitor how many exercises your child is doing.
We hope you have lots of fun!
Hand Home Programme One - ROM
Author: Sunette Letley—Senior Occupational Therapist
Version 1; August 2006
© 2006 Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre