STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 23 COURSE OF STUDY. FIRST YEARS HousEIou ECONOMY. MECHANIcS. Algebra, Algebra, English., History, Book-keeping. Algebra, English., History, Book-keeping,, Sewthg. AIghra, Horticulture. Algebra, Eng1ish, Hi story, Drawing, Shop-work. Algebra, English, Drawing, (1 emistry, Agriculture. Algebra, English, Drawing, Chemistry, Mech. Drawing. English, History, Book-k eepi ng. '-4 Algebra, English, Th sto ry, Drawing, -4 -4 -4 -4 I E e I English, History, Drawing,, Horticulture) Sewing. Algebra, English, Drawing, Chemistry, Sewing. SECOND YEAR. Geometry, I Chemistry, Agriculture, Horticulture. Geometry, Chemistry, Geometry, Chemistry, Mechan. Drawbg Horticulture, Shop-work. Languages, (OptionaT J Preserving & Canning of Fruits, Cooking. Geome.try, Chemistry, Zoology, AgTicniture. Geometry, Chemistry, Mechan. Drawing Shop-work. Geometry, Zoology, Modern History, Chemistry, 5 Marketin& Chemistry of Cooking, Cooking. Languages (Optiona1) 1 Trigonometry, Chemistry,(34) Chemistry, (yz) Agriculture,(5 L English, English, Shop-work. I Trigonometry, 1 Zoolo Trigon. oAncient His., English, Floriculture, Zooloirv.Languages, (Optional) Dressmaking, Sewing. f STATE: ARICULTTJ1AL COLLEGE. 24 4 THIRD YEAR. MECHANICS. AGRICULTURE. HOUSEHOLD EcoNo1v. Surveying, (34) Road-making, ( % Botany, Physiology, Agriculture. Anal. Mechanics, Geometry, El. of Mechanism Drawing, Shop-work. English Literature, Physics, Meteorology, Physiology, (34) Agriculture, (34) Plant Physiology. Anal. Geom., (34). Calculus, (34) Phvsi cs, Mechanism, Machine Design, Shop-work. Special Hygiene, English Literature, Languages, (Optional) Physiology, (34) Physics or Meteorology. Physics, Entomology, Botany, Pol. Economy. Calculus, House Furnishing and Botany, Languages, (Optional) Dressrnak. & Millinery, Physiology. Kitchen Gardening. Pol. Economy, SteamEngineand Languages, (Opt.) and Two I Physics, Motors, Botany, Drawing & Design of these. Entomology. Pol. Economy, Physics, FOURTH YEAR. B. S. COURSE. I j I 1. B. M. K COURSE. Analytical Geom. Mechanics, Logic, Physics, Language, Logic. Anal. Geom., (34) Mechanics,. Psychology. Calculus, (34) Minerology, Psychology, Language. B. L. COURSE.. English Literature, Language, Logic, Social Etiquette. English Literature, Psychology, Language, Sanitary Science. English Literature, Ethics and Con-i Ethics and Con Ethics and Constitutional Law, stitutional Law. stitutional Law, Geology, Language, Care of the Sick.. Language. Calculus, Mechanics, Latin, optional after first year. Choral singing for a quarter of an hour daily is on:thewhole schooL..: STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 25 Students in the Agricultural course must take one term each in wood and iron work in the shops. Students in the Agricultural course may take Latin, French or German during the second and third years, provided it does not conflict with the regular course of studies. In the Mechanical department, during the fourth year, special studies in mechanics will be assigned by the professor, and the students may take Latin, French or German during the second, third and fourth years, provided it does not conflict with the regular course of studies. The Agricultural course of three years leads to the degree of Bachelor of Agricultural Science; the Household Economy course of three years, to the degree of Bachelor of Household Economy; the Mechanical course of four years, to the degree of BachelQr of Mechanical Engineering; the Household Economy course of four years, to the degree of Bachelor of Letters. The degrees of Bachelor of Household Economy and Bachelor of Letters are conferred upon ladies only. STATE STUDENTS. The following is the law relating to State Students' Scholarships, and is found on page 12, section 8, of the general laws of 1885: NtNBER FOR EACil COtNT. Until the Legislative Assembly shall otherwise diret, each Senatorial and Representative distrit in this State shall be entitled to gratuitous instruction for as many pupils as said distric now has of Senators and Representatives in the Legislative Assembly, and also each county in the State shall be entitled to one free scholarship in said College afl of whom shall be selected as follows: METHOD OF APPOIcTMENT. The County School Superintendent in each county shall receive and register the names of all the applicants for admission nominated by the Senators orRepresentatives of that county, and shall present the same to the county court sitting for the transaction f county business and from the applicants found to possess the requisite qualifications the number of pupils to which such cotinty is entitled shall be selected by loL QtALIFICATIONS The iersons so selected shall be residents of the county for which they are selected, and shall posses suck educational and other qualifications as the Board of Regents prescribe. - ngsh provided.. , ,: VACAWTES.' be filled by th& coin 26 STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. JOINT SENATORS. In Senatorial and Representative distris composed of more than one county, the Senator or Representative for that distridt shall have the power to nominate and appoint one student for such district, who shall be received in said College on the same terms as the students appointed by the county court. FEMALES MAY BE APPOINTED. One-third of said students appointed as aforesaid may be females. Each applicant for a free scholarship must apply to the Senator or Representative of his county. and be appointed by him. His appointment must then be forwarded to the County Superintendent of Schools of that county, who will examine the applicant and if he is tound. prepared to enter the College, his name will be handed to the County Judge by the County School Superintendent during the session of the county court. The County Judge then selects the number to which his county is entitled by lot, and issues appointments to the applicants thus selected. The following is a list of the scholarships to whic.h each county is entitled: SCHOLARSHIPS. COUNTY. Baker,. Benton, *f urry.. tCrool t Clackainas Clatsop fColumbia Dougtas, fGilliam No. of Free Scholarships. cous fl'. *tLake 4 Liun 4 2: Lane .. tMarion 2 Multnomah Morrow 5 Polk.. 4 I. No. of Pree Scholarships. I - ..... 2 4 tSherman 2 I t 5 5 4 5 4 Tk+Tillamook 5 Umatilla Union \Vasco Washington *Yamhifl 2 2 I 6 6 8 15 fGrant tHarn ey fJosephine 2 Jackson 5 I *tKlamath * Indicates that another can be appointed by Joint Representative from this district. j- indicates that another can be appointed by Joint Senator from this district. EXPENSES. TUITION. Tuition is five dollars per term, or fifteen dollars per session for each student. State students (those holding appointments) have free tuition. BOARD AND LODGING. Board and lodging may be obtained in good families for three and a half or four dollars a weeks, Board and lodging in the Students Hall may be had at two and onequarter dollars per week. The estimated expenses are as follows: Board, ( $2.25 per week% 'r uitioii Unifom (coat, pants, vest and cap,) about £ 0 S Boots. fnel, light, washing, etc. Total for year. . 5 : - Students who work in the Laboratory will pay that.they break orr.damage;... .. $ ..........................,b. S S STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 27 Observations and Regulations. Every student who enters this school is expected to be honest, to speak the truth, to obey all rules expressed or implied, to be polite and respectful in his bearing towards fellow students and the faculty, and to visitors and emploves; to be prompt, attentive and diligent in his work. Whenever the college life of any student shall not answer to this character he will be relieved from further attendance at the State Agricultural College. The following rules should be carefully read and kept in mind both students and faculty: i. Students upon their arrival at the College must report at once to the President, who will give them directions as to examinations and classes. Students from other schools must bring certificates of good conduct from the faculty of the schools whence they come. Students before being admitted to classes must pay their tuition fee. Reports of absence or misconduct will be handed to the President every evening, and students will be required to answer during the next day for such absence or misconduct, and the President will at once assign such penalty as the case may require. Students who receive fifty demerits during any one term, or twenty-five during any one month, shall be liable to suspension. Students from a distance must live in the Boarding Hall or in special cases, in such families as shall be approved in writing by the parents of the Student, and by the President of the College. Such students must be in Hall for the night by seven o'clock, from Mondayto Friday, and 9 o'clock on Saturday and Sunday, unless in case of special permission for leave until a later hour, and this rule will apply throughout term time. "In Hall," will be construed to extend to such precincts of the Halls as the Faculty shall determine. Stu- dents residing by permission, in Corvallis will not be allowed to he on the streets of the City dfter 9 P. M. PENALTIES. DEMERITS. Absence from recitation, drill or chapel .. Late at recitation, drill or chapel Disorder in recitation, drill or chapel, or about the buildings or grounds Out of uniform........ Being in Corvallis during College hours. 5 "..- 3,5 2 5 SUSPENSION.. : Contempt of authority by disobedience, insolence, or in other ways, suspension or less severe punishment, at the discretion of, the faculty. Defacement of or damage to College property, gambling drunkenness, fighting, obscene or profane language, indecency1 the entering of drinking or gambling saloons, or any offense liable to criminal prosecution, shall be punished by suspensioU or less: severely, at the Option of the faculty. WithdrawalorExPUISIOfl. If the faculty advise any student to withdraw from schooL or his parent or guardian to withdraw him, refusal to follow this request or advice of the faculty shall be met by the expulsion of such student. S STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 27 Observations and Regulations. Every student who enters this school is expected to be honest, to speak the truth, to obey all rules expressed or implied, to be polite and respectful in his bearing towards fellow students and the faculty, and to visitors and emploves; to be prompt, attentive and diligent in his work. Whenever the college life of any student shall not answer to this character he will be relieved from further attendance at the State Agricultural College. The following rules should be carefully read and kept in mind both students and faculty: i. Students upon their arrival at the College must report at once to the President, who will give them directions as to examinations and classes. Students from other schools must bring certificates of good conduct from the faculty of the schools whence they come. Students before being admitted to classes must pay their tuition fee. Reports of absence or misconduct will be handed to the President every evening, and students will be required to answer during the next day for such absence or misconduct, and the President will at once assign such penalty as the case may require. Students who receive fifty demerits during any one term, or twenty-five during any one month, shall be liable to suspension. Students from a distance must live in the Boarding Hall or in special cases, in such families as shall be approved in writing by the parents of the Student, and by the President of the College. Such students must be in Hall for the night by seven o'clock, from Mondayto Friday, and 9 o'clock on Saturday and Sunday, unless in case of special permission for leave until a later hour, and this rule will apply throughout term time. "In Hall," will be construed to extend to such precincts of the Halls as the Faculty shall determine. Stu- dents residing by permission, in Corvallis will not be allowed to he on the streets of the City dfter 9 P. M. PENALTIES. DEMERITS. Absence from recitation, drill or chapel .. Late at recitation, drill or chapel Disorder in recitation, drill or chapel, or about the buildings or grounds Out of uniform........ Being in Corvallis during College hours. 5 "..- 3,5 2 5 SUSPENSION.. : Contempt of authority by disobedience, insolence, or in other ways, suspension or less severe punishment, at the discretion of, the faculty. Defacement of or damage to College property, gambling drunkenness, fighting, obscene or profane language, indecency1 the entering of drinking or gambling saloons, or any offense liable to criminal prosecution, shall be punished by suspensioU or less: severely, at the Option of the faculty. WithdrawalorExPUISIOfl. If the faculty advise any student to withdraw from schooL or his parent or guardian to withdraw him, refusal to follow this request or advice of the faculty shall be met by the expulsion of such student. 28 STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. t.. ALUMNIR JOHN R. Bivsoz, Corvallis, Oregon I1A BURNETT CALLAHAN, Corvallis, Oregon E. E. \VILs0N, Corvallis, Oregon 1'resident. .....Secretary. Treasurer. 1870. Jas. K. P. Curran, B. S ..Frmer. FarmerState Senator. Robt. M. Veach, B. S Alice E. Moreland, B. S (Biddle.) x871. Geo. F. Burkhart, B. S H. MeN. Finley, A. B. Jas. D. Fountain, B. S W. R. Privet, B. S Mary J. Whitby. B. S. (Harris) *Fannje J. Henkle, B. S. (Kendoll) ,.Farmer. Farmer. Merchant. .. Teacher and Farmer. Fanner. 1872. *Thomas C. Alexander, B S * Lawyer. *John Eglin, B S Rosa Selling, B. S (Jacobs) Alonzo J. Locke, B. S Jas. K. P. Weatherford 1..,awyer. .Surveyor and Farmer. LawyerEx-Speaker of State Legislature. . S. 1S73. Leander N. Liggett,. Clara Eglin, B. S (Thayer) William F. flerrin, B. S Oscar L. Ison, B. S -. TeacherCounty School Superintendent. - ...... Lawyer.. Lawyer. 1874. ' John R. Bryson, B. S.. ,' Lawyer. Thos. H. Crawford, B S . TeacherCounty Superintendent of SchoolS. Emmet H. Taylor, B. S . ..... ... . ....Dentist. *Emma Rice, B. S (Thayer) .. The following were graduated in Moral Philosophy and Mathematics, and were proficient in Chemistry. George A. Grimes . .. . ...... _Surveyor and Farmer. Williani C. Crawford. ....Minister and Merchant. 1875.. Ruben A Fnfler B S rhilhip E Liun. B S .... Farmer and Teacher .. ..Teacher. b..... .... 1876. l Thompson, B. S. (Alien).... Franklin Cauthor.n, A. M........ *Jsaac Jacobs, B. S George P. Lent 13. S......... Nesc-ton A. TIiomps.on, B S . . . .. Minnie Arnold, s: ..... ._.... .. - .... ..... ... . . ..... ....iercbant.. Real Estate Agent, Assayer of Minerals ...1erchant.. ........L. I. .... 7.. .. .": . ½ J .4 '.":' - -% '::';.: .2 .7 ;.. . 29 STATE AGIIICTJLTURAL COLLEGE. 187S. Lawyer. Physician. Samuel T. Jeffrevs, A. B. Frederick W. Vincent, fl. S Laura Booth, 13. S. (hompson)..,. Elvin J. Glass, B. S.......... U.. S. Signal Service. Merchant. Moses S. Nengass. 13. 5.. 1879. Tcher. .-.... ........ ...... *lrnest White, A. M ......Merchant. .......Principal Prineville Public School. Bartholomew T. Soden, B. S. Marion Elliott, B. S Dayton E1liot B. S. ...... ....Farmer. iSSo. County School Supt.,Lawyer. - ..................5urceyor. Teacher. -.. . Stenographer. ..Farmer. 'William E. Yates, A. M ' ... ----------Shubel G. McCann, A. Th. Lillian Glass, A. B......,........,........ - Hattie M. Ilanna, B. S Edgar Grim, B. S.. 1881. a Merchant. .Druggist.' FlmerTI. Charrnan, A. B T. Leonard Charman, B. Jessie L. Lesh, B. S. (Taylor);........... Ida Callahan, B. S. (Burnett) - ,.'1'eacher.. 1832. ..... .....Lawyer.. .. ... .r. pp a \Villiam V. Mters, A. M Eda Jacobs, A. 13 Bertha Greenberg, A. B. (Neugass). Alice M. Horning, B. S Nettle Spencer, B. S Abbie Wright, B. S.............................. ..Teacber. Teacher. a,, -. . ..... 1883. . ,..4,....Bookselter and Publisher. William G. Emery, A. B...... William Ii. Hoirnan, II. S.... George B. Hovendon, B. S....,.... .. Real Estate Agent. 1884. Lizzie J. Bayley, A. B................. David H. Glass, A B . S isador Jacobs, A. *\VllljaIn E NewtcnL A B Herbert G ay, A ii ... . ... ... . - .Altizo Allen, A. B ..........;r...s... Fred j Yates, A B ...._. J. E.. 'Vhitney B S Andrew j Buchanan, 8. S. Hienrietta 1-iarrjs B. S .. .. j. . .Merchant.... Met-chant. Physician .Chemst and Pharmacist. - ..rUgiSt.. ... .. .- ...Steuographer. .. Pariner .&enerai Agent fcr Publishing house, . b... - 30 STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Herbert Kittredge, A. B C. D. Thompson, A. B *B. F. Collins, B. S. 0. W. Robbins, B. S Harry 1-lolgate, B. S.. R. 3. Wilson, B. S .... Diana Newton, B. S Minnie McFarland, B. S Frances Harris, B. S .. i886. .Principal of 43aker City Public School. Farmer Oregon Agricultural College. Merchant. .Bank Accountant. ..Acting House Surgeon, Bellevue Hospital. Teacher. .Teacher. Teacher 1887. Laura Korthauei-, B. S Robert Cooper, B. S Teacher. .Veterinary Surgeon. i888. J. H. Collins, A. B William Hall, B. S... William Stock, A. B... Ella Jane Lilly, B. S Anna Robbins, B. S. (Lilly).. .Teacher. Teacher. ...Student of Pharmacy. .Teacher. Mary Newton, B. S Lillie Groves, A. B Jessie Kittredge, A. B. (Groves) Gertie M. Strange, B. S. (Davis).... Ira Allen, A.. B. Teacher. Teacher. .Book.-keeper. 1889. J. C. Applewhite, B. S:. Teacher. .Post Graduate, 0. A. C, Law Student. Farmer. H. L. Arnold, B. S Clarence Avery, B. S J. G. Buchanan, B. S...... *R C. Buchanan, B. S. Bertha Davis, B. S Clara Fisher, B.: S. Mollie Thompson, B. S. (Fisher)........ Clara Irvine, B. S T. A. Jones, B. S Emma Kittredge, B. S Emma Irish, B. S. (Webber) Jessie Wilkins, B. S K E. Wilson) B. S..,. .......Druggist. .Teacher. .......Hotel Proprietor. law Student. I S. Additon, B. S... Hamilton, B.. S May Warren, B. S 'ident of Civil Engineering. 0. Wells, B. S.......: Anna AlIen, B. S... Joseph F. Alexander, B. S. A. John H. Starr, B. S. John Pulton, B. S.A.,. .: S..