Faculty 346 r' b-

Bennett Cleon Vernon 1958 Prof Emeritus
Emeritus status is given to eligible tenured
Oregon State University faculty members
upon their retirement, in recognition for their
years of effective service. As leaders in their
fields, many Emeritus faculty members
continue to serve the University throughout
their retirement. The year listed after each
name is the year the faculty member began
service at Oregon State.
Speech Communication
Borgir Tharald 1967 Prof Emeritus Music
Bowman Marian Y. 1964 Prof Emeritus Art
Brye Joseph Chester 1947 Prof Emeritus
Byrne John Vincent 1960 1984 President
Emeritus Prof Emeritus Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences
Keller George H. 1975 Vice Provost Emeritus
for Research & Int'l Programs Prof Emeritus
Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences
Popovich Milosh 1947 Vice President
Emeritus for Administration Prof Emeritus
Mechanical Engineering
Trow Jo Anne J. 1965 Vice Provost Emeritus
for Student Affairs Prof Emeritus Education
Burgess Fredrick J. 1953 Dean Emeritus
Engineering Prof Emeritus Civil Engineering
Briskey Ernest Joseph 1979 Dean Emeritus
Agriculture Prof Emeritus Food Science &
Brown George Wallace 1966 Dean Emeritus
Forestry Prof Emeritus Forest Engineering
Calvin Lyle David 1953 Dean Emeritus
Graduate School Prof Emeritus Statistics
Cooney Wilbur Tarlton 1937 Dean Emeritus
Agriculture Prof Emeritus Poultry Science
Gilkey Gordon Waverly 1947 "Dean
Emeritus Liberal Arts, Prof Emeritus Art" Prof
Emeritus Art
Maksud Michael George 1980 Dean Emeritus
Health & Human Performance Prof Emeritus
Exercise & Sport Science
Maresh Thomas Joseph 1967 Dean Emeritus
Graduate School Prof Emeritus Geosciences
Nicodemus David Bowman 1950 Dean of
Faculty Emeritus Prof Emeritus Physics
Ohvall Richard A 1976 Dean Emeritus
Pharmacy Prof Emeritus Pharmacy
Stoltenberg Carl Henry 1966 Dean Emeritus
Forestry Prof Emeritus Forest Resources
Tucker Sylvia B. 1975 Dean Emeritus
Education Prof Emeritus Education
Weiser Conrad John 1973 Dean Emeritus Ag
Sciences Prof Emeritus Horticulture
Wilkins B. H. 1961 Dean Emeritus College of
Liberal Arts Prof Emeritus Economics
Wilson Charles O. 1959 Dean Emeritus
Pharmacy Prof Emeritus Pharm Chemistry
Andrick Virginia 1970 Asst Prof Emeritus
Anton Peter 1956 ProfEmeritus Philosophy
Beals Kenneth Louis 1970 Prof Emeritus
Burt George Sherwin 1966 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Psychology
Butts Irene 1947 Instr Emeritus English
Cadart Ricard Odette 1965 Prof Emeritus
Campbell William Alexander 1966 Prof
Emeritus Music
Carlson Roy Werner 1958 Assoc Prof
Emeritus English
Carlson Theodore Harold 1962 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Journalism
Garrison Chester Arthur 1954 Prof Emeritus
Gilkey Gordon W. 1947 Prof Emeritus Art
Gunn Paul 1948 Prof Emeritus Art
Harris Charles N. 1946 Prof Emeritus Speech
Harris Frederick Philip 1967 Prof Emeritus
Harris Irwin Cecil 1945 Director Emeritus
Student Publications
Hart Dianne 1982 Sr Instr Emeritus Spanish
Harter Lafayette George Jr 1960 Prof
Emeritus Economics 1982 Sr Instr Spanish
Jeffers Ronald Harrison 1974 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Music
Jenne William Charles 1965 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Sociology
Johnson Simon Sigvart 1971 Assoc Prof
Castle Emery N. 1954 Prof Emeritus
Emeritus English
Jones Robert 1962 Asst Prof Emeritus English
Chappell Berkley 1963 Prof Emeritus Art
Kiekel Robert Dene 1966 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Clarke Ronald Orville 1963 Prof Emeritus
Foreign Languages & Literature
Conkey Harlan D. 1969 Prof Emeritus Speech King David Burnett 1962 Prof Emeritus
King Roger Edward 1954 Professor Emeritus
Cormack Charles William 1963 Prof
Emeritus Anthropology
Klemke Lloyd Walter 1970 Prof Emeritus
Crisp Lloyd Earle 1972 Prof Emeritus Speech
Kraft Walter Carl 1950 Prof Emeritus German
Crooks William Ramsden 1947 Prof
Emeritus Psychology
Larsen Knud Sonderhede 1969 Prof Emeritus
Crozier William Kenneth Jr. 1966 Prof
Emeritus Art
Lawrence Margaret Lucille 1945 Asst Prof
Emeritus English
Cruse Donna F 1970 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Honors College Psychology
Leman Nancy Farwell 1971 Instr Emeritus
Dale Robert D. 1965 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Levine Gloria A. 1960 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Dankleff Richard Elden 1963 Assoc Prof
Emeritus English
Levine Shepard 1954 Prof Emeritus Art
Davis Wilbur Arthur 1966 Prof Emeritus
Lovell Ronald Paul 1971 Prof Emeritus
DeDeurwaerder Charles A. 1967 Prof
Ludwig Martin James 1949 Asst Prof
Emeritus Landscape Architecture
Emeritus English
Doler Thurston Ermon 1949 Prof Emeritus
Maclean Doris G. 1963 Asst Prof Emeritus
Speech Comm
Foreign Lang & Lit
Dorn Harold Clarence 1965 Prof Emeritus
Madden Theodore Martin 1959 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Psychology
Dost Jeanne 1973 Prof Emeritus & Dir
Maddox Russell W. Jr. 1950 Prof Emeritus
Emeritus of Women Studies
Political Science
Doudoroff Eve Mary 1960-61; 1963 Asst Prof
Malueg Sara Ellen 1966 Assoc Dean Emeritus
Emeritus French & German
Liberal Arts & Prof Emeritus French
Eiseman David 1968 Prof Emeritus Music
Martel Donald Joseph 1947 Prof Emeritus
Landscape Architecture
Ellis Russell Eugene 1949 Prof Emeritus
Mason Robert George 1961 Prof Emeritus
Farness Donald H. K. 1963 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Economics
McClenaghan William Andrew 1949 Prof
Emeritus Political Science
Ferran Francisco Rene 1965 Asst Prof
Emeritus Spanish
McClintock Thomas Coshow 1959 Assoc
Dean Emeritus Liberal Arts & Prof Emeritus
Foreman Walter Cyril 1948 Prof Emeritus
McFarland Floyd Brant 1964 Prof Emeritus
Fox Dorothy B. 1928 Assoc Prof Emeritus Art
Fuquay Robert Frank 1953 Prof Emeritus
McGrath Edward G. 1965 Prof Emeritus
Political Science
Political Science
Oregon State University
Mcllvenna Don Edward 1965 Assoc Prof
Emeritus History
Meehan Margaret Elizabeth 1970 Senior
Instr Emeritus History
Meehan Thomas Richard 1962 Prof Emeritus
Metzger Stuart Miles 1962 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Architecture
Munro Alan A. 1962 Prof Emeritus Art
Murphy Thomas A. 1963; 1966 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Psychology
Orzech Ze'ev B. 1957 Prof Emeritus
Padfield Harland Irving 1972 Prof Emeritus
Patterson Kenneth Denton 1958 Prof
Emeritus Economics
Philipp Kurt David 1963 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Phillips Robert L. 1957 Prof Emeritus
Plambeck Hans Heinrich 1946 Prof Emeritus
Potts Willard Charles 1959 Prof Emeritus
Robbins William Grover 1971 Prof Emeritus
Ross Richard Everett 1970 Prof Emeritus
Rossbacher Peter Georg 1968 Prof Emeritus
Rudinsky Norma Leigh 1965 Sr Instr
Emeritus English
Sandgren Nelson E. 1948 Prof Emeritus Art
Shaw Francis Harding 1955 Prof Emeritus
Shively Stanley Edward 1968 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Sociology
Simmons Dale David 1959; 1963 Prof
Emeritus Psychology
Sjogren Christine Oertel 1960 Prof Emeritus
Solberg Ingvald Ben 1947 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Landscape Arch
Sorenson Gary W. 1970 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Sponenburgh Mark R. 1961 Prof Emeritus
Stadsvold Cyril V. 1963 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Starnes Charles Edwin 1976 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Sociology
Staver Frederick Lee 1957 Assoc Prof
Emeritus English
Taubman Lisa Waite 1956 Asst Prof Emeritus
Taysom Wayne P. 1953 Prof Emeritus Art
Tentchoff Dorice M. 1977 Asst Prof Emeritus
Towey Richard Edward 1962 Prof Emeritus
Trow Clifford Wayne 1965 Prof Emeritus
Vars R. Charles Jr. 1966 Prof Emeritus
Verzasconi Ray A. 1967 Prof Emeritus
Wallace Allice L. 1961 Asst Prof Emeritus
Speech Comm
Warnath Charles Frederick 1961 Prof
Emeritus Psychology
Wax Darold Duane 1962 Prof Emeritus
Weaver Roger Keys 1962 Prof Emeritus
Wilkins B. H. 1961 Prof Emeritus Economics
Willey Dale Herbert 1959 Asst Prof Emeritus
Wolfson Murray 1964 Prof Emeritus
Wong Allen Quan 1967 Prof Emeritus Art
Wubben Hubert Hollensteiner 1963 Prof
Emeritus History
Yonker Nicholas J. 1962 Prof Emeritus
Religious Studies
Zwahlen Fred Casper Jr. 1950 Prof Emeritus
Allen Thomas C. 1962 Prof Emeritus Botany
& Plant Pathology
Anderson Arthur W. 1953 Prof Emeritus
Anselone Philip Marshall 1964 Prof Emeritus
Arnold Bradford Henry 1947 Prof Emeritus
Baisted Derek John 1964 Prof Emeritus
Biochemistry & Biophysics
Ballantine Charles S. 1960 Prof Emeritus
Becker Robert Richard 1962 Prof Emeritus
Biochemistry & Biophysics
Bishop Norman Ivan 1963 Prof Emeritus
Botany and Plant Pathology
Boedtker Olaf Alexander 1963 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Physics & Head Adviser Emeritus
Brady James Joseph 1937 Prof Emeritus
Brandt William Henry 1956 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Botany
Brunk H. Daniel 1969 Prof Emeritus Statistics
Burch David Stewart 1958 Prof Emeritus
Calvin Lyle David 1953 Prof Emeritus
Carter David S. 1961 Prof Emeritus
Chambers Kenton L. 1968 Prof Emeritus
Chilcote William Wesley 1950 Prof Emeritus
Conte Frank Philip 1961 Prof Emeritus
Corden Malcolm Ernest 1958 Prof Emeritus
Botany & Plant Pathology
Cutler Melvin 1963 Prof Emeritus Physics
Daniels Malcolm 1965 Prof Emeritus
Dawson Peter Sanford 1969 Prof Emeritus
Deardorff James W. 1978 Prof Emeritus
Atmospheric Sciences
Decker Fred W. 1946 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Atmospheric Sciences
DeKock Carroll Wayne 1967 Prof Emeritus
Denison William Clark 1966 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Botany & Plant Pathology
Drake Charles Whitney 1966 Prof Emeritus
Easterday Harry Tyson 1960 Prof Emeritus
Elliker Paul Reuben 1947 Prof Emeritus
Evans Harold J. 1961 Distinguished Professor
Emeritus of Plant Physiology & Director
Emeritus Nitrogen Fixation Laboratory
Fairchild Clifford Eugene 1962 Prof Emeritus
Faulkenberry G. David 1967 Prof Emeritus
Field Cyrus West 1963 Prof Emeritus
Firey William James 1961 Prof Emeritus
Flaherty Francis Joseph 1967 Prof Emeritus
Fontana Peter Robert 1967 Prof Emeritus
Fredericks William J. 1962 Prof Emeritus
Freeman Peter Kent 1968 Prof Emeritus
Frenkel Robert Edgar 1965 Prof Emeritus
Freund Harry 1947 Prof Emeritus Chemistry
Fryer John L. 1963 Distinguished Professor
Emeritus of Microbiology
Gleicher Gerald Jay 1966 Prof Emeritus
Godard Russell Holcomb 1950 Asst Prof
Emeritus Mathematics
Hawkes Stephen James 1968 Prof Emeritus
Hedberg Kenneth Wayne 1956 Prof Emeritus
Hisaw Frederick Lee Jr. 1958 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Zoology
Jensen Harold James 1950 Prof Emeritus
Botany & Plant Pathology
Jensen James Herbert 1961 Prof Emeritus
Botany & Plant Pathology
Jensen John Granville 1946 Prof Emeritus
Johnson W. Curtis 1968 Prof Emeritus
Biochemistry & Biophysics
Johnston LaRea Dennis 1959 Sr Instr
Emeritus Botany & Plant Pathology
Kaplan Edward Lynn 1961 Prof Emeritus
King Keith I. 1970 Sr Instr Emeritus Honors
College Biology
Krueger Hugo Martin 1948 Prof Emeritus
Krueger James Harry 1961 Prof Emeritus
Lattin John Daniel 1955 Prof Emeritus
Lonseth Arvid T. 1948 Prof Emeritus
Loomis Walter David 1953 Prof Emeritus
Biochemistry & Biophysics
Lyford John Higgins Jr. 1966 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Biology
MacDonald Donald Laurie 1962 Prof
Emeritus Biochemistry & Biophysics
Madsen Victor Arviel 1963 Prof Emeritus
Maresh Thomas J. 1967 Prof Emeritus
Marvell Elliot N. 1958 Prof Emeritus
McIntire Charles David 1964 Prof Emeritus
Botany & Plant Pathology
Moore Larry Wallace 1969 Prof Emeritus
Botany & Plant Pathology
Moore Thomas Carrol 1963 Prof Emeritus
Botany & Plant Pathology
Morita Richard Y. 1962 Prof Emeritus
Morris Robert James Jr. 1965 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Geosciences
Muckleston Keith Way 1964 Prof Emeritus
Musser Gary Loren 1972 Prof Emeritus
Narasimhan Mysore N.L. 1966 Prof Emeritus
Newberger Stuart M. 1969 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Mathematics
Newburgh Robert Warren 1953 Prof
Emeritus Biochemistry
Nicodemus David Bowman 1950 Prof
Emeritus Physics
Northam Ray 1966 Prof Emeritus Geography
Oles Keith Floyd 1961 Prof Emeritus
Overholser Donald L. 1965 Sr Instr Emeritus
Overton Walter Scott 1965 Prof Emeritus
Owczarzak Alfred 1955 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Pease James Robert 1973 Prof Emeritus
Peterson Roger C. 1965 Prof Emeritus
Pierce Donald Alan 1966 Prof Emeritus
Poole Albert Roberts 1946 Prof Emeritus
Powelson Robert Loran 1956 Prof Emeritus
Botany & Plant Pathology
Pritchard Austin Wyatt 1953 Prof Emeritus
Reed Donald James 1962 OSU Distinguished
Prof Emeritus Biochemistry & Biophysics
Richardson Daryl Garnet 1973 Prof Emeritus
Roberts Paul Alfred 1966 Prof Emeritus
Roth Lewis Franklin 1940 Prof Emeritus
Russell Sterling Arthur 1963 Sr Instr
Emeritus Botany & Plant Pathology
Sandine William E. 1958 OSU Distinguished
Professor Emeritus Microbiology
Schaup Henry W. 1973 Prof Emeritus
Biochemistry & Biophysics
Schecter Larry 1955 Prof Emeritus Physics
Schmitt Roman A. 1966 Prof Emeritus
Scott Allen B. 1941 Prof Emeritus Chemistry
Seely Justus Frandsen 1969 Prof Emeritus
Shoemaker Clara Brink 1970 Prof Emeritus
Smith John Wolfgang 1964 Prof Emeritus
Smith Kennan Tayler 1968 Prof Emeritus
Spencer James Brookes 1963 Assoc Prof
Emeritus General Science
Stalley Robert Delmer 1956 Prof Emeritus
Storm Robert Macleod 1948 Prof Emeritus
Swenson Leonard Wayne 1968 Prof Emeritus
Taubeneck William H. 1955 Prof Emeritus
Terriere Leone C. 1950 Prof Emeritus
Thomas David Reginald 1967 Prof Emeritus
Thomas Thomas Darrah 1971 OSU
Distinguished Prof Emeritus of Chemistry
Van Holde Kensal Edward 1967
Distinguished Prof Emeritus of Biochemistry
& Biophysics
VanDyke Henry 1963 Prof Emeritus General
Wang Chi H. 1950 "Prof Emeritus Chemistry,
Nuclear Engineering & Director Emeritus
Radiation Center"
Williams Max Bullock 1941 Prof Emeritus
Willis David Lee 1962 Prof Emeritus
Radiation Biology & General Science
Yeats Robert S 1977 Prof Emeritus
Yoke John Thomas 1964 Prof Emeritus
Young Roy A. 1948 Prof Emeritus Plant
Adair John 1953 Sr Instr Emeritus Animal
Adams David Gordon 1972 Prof Emeritus
Adams Frank William 1953 Asst Prof
Emeritus Agricultural Chemistry
Adams Holyoke P. 1971 Prof Emeritus
Animal Sciences
Allyn Margaret Marie 1954 Asst Prof
Emeritus Extension
Andersen Wilbert Lowell 1956 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Extension Ed
Anderson Nelson Christian 1946 Prof
Emeritus Extension
Anderson Norman Herbert 1962 Prof
Emeritus Entomology
Anderson Roberta Frasier 1959 Prof Emeritus
Anglemier Allen F. 1956 Prof Emeritus Food
Science & Technology
Appleby Arnold Pierce 1959 Prof Emeritus
Crop & Soil Science
Arscott George H. 1953 Prof Emeritus Poultry
Baggett James Ronald 1956 Prof Emeritus
Bailey Leeds Crim 1941 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Baron Lloyd Carol 1945-46; 1957 Prof
Emeritus Extension
Becker Manning Henry 1948 Prof Emeritus
Ag & Res Economics
Bedell Thomas 1966-70; 1973 Prof Emeritus
Bernier Paul E. 1947 Prof Emeritus Poultry
Berry Donald Wilson 1954 Prof Emeritus
Besse Ralph Stephen Jr. 1963 Prof Emeritus
IntOl Agriculture
Binder Julius Floyd 1952 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Black Harold Mayfield 1949 Prof Emeritus
Blanch Grant Etherington 1945 Prof
Emeritus Ag & Res Economics
Bluhm Wilbur L. 1957 Prof Emeritus
Bodyfelt Floyd Walter 1964 Prof Emeritus
Food Science & Technology
Boersma Larry 1960 OSU Distinguished Prof
Emeritus Crop & Soil Science
Bolton Floyd E. 1967 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Crop Science
Bond Carl Eldon 1949 Prof Emeritus Fisheries
& Wildlife
Bonham Earl Edward 1955 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Extension
Booster Dean Emerson 1956 Prof Emeritus
Ag Engineering
Breese Wilbur Paul 1953 Prof Emeritus
Fisheries & Wildlife
Oregon State University
Brewer Donald Haden 1957 Prof Emeritus
Crop Science
Briskey Ernest Joseph 1979 Prof Emeritus
Food Science & Technology
Brooks Royal Harvard 1967 Prof Emeritus Ag
Brown Dorothy Furtick 1955 Prof Emeritus
Extension Home Economics
Brown Joy Brougher 1962 Asst Prof Emeritus
Brown Kenneth Neil 1963 Prof Emeritus
Brown William Galen 1955 Prof Emeritus Ag
& Res Economics
Burkhart Betty Jane 1963 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Extension
Burkhart David James 1961 Prof Emeritus
Burr James Almon 1951-52; 1960 Prof
Emeritus Extension
Burrill Larry Clyde 1962 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Bussard Marie Harris 1957 Prof Emeritus
Cain Robert F. 1956 Prof Emeritus Food
Science & Technology
Calhoun Wheeler Jr. 1948 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Agronomy
Calvert Leonard J. 1961-65; 1969 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Ag Communications
Cameron H. Ronald 1955 Prof Emeritus Plant
Cannon Lynn Elton 1963 Prof Emeritus
Capizzi Joseph 1955-63; 1965 Prof Emeritus
Extension Entomology
Carter George Edward 1960 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Agronomy
Carter W. Gibson 1980 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Cate Rufus 1945 Prof Emeritus Extension
Cheney Horace Bellatti 1952 Prof Emeritus
Soil Science
Chilcote William Wesley 1953 Prof Emeritus
Crop Physiology
Ching Te May T. 1956 Prof Emeritus Crop
Christensen Dorothy Jean 1967 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Extension
Christensen Leno Virgil 1957 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Ag Education
Church D.C. 1956 Prof Emeritus Animal
Clark Elsie K. 1960 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Clark Harry Edwin 1951 Prof Emeritus
Claypool Donald W. 1964 Asst Prof Emeritus
Animal Sciences
Compton Oliver Cecil 1948 Prof Emeritus
Conklin Frank Sidney 1968 Prof Emeritus Ag
& Resource Economics
Conner Helen Dwelle 1963 Prof Emeritus
Cook Clive Winston 1944 Asst Prof Emeritus
Coolican Patricia 1978 Prof Emeritus
Extension Home Economics
Cooney Wilbur Tarlton 1937 Prof Emeritus
Poultry Science
Crabtree Garvin Dudley 1958 Prof Emeritus
Craig Richard P. 1974 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Crawford David 1958 Prof Emeritus Food
Science & Technology
Crowell Hamblin Howes 1946 Prof Emeritus
Danielson Harold Rodger 1968 Sr Instr
Emeritus Crop & Soil Science
Davidson Tom P. 1950 Asst Prof Emeritus
Davis John Rowland 1971 Prof Emeritus Ag
Dawson Murray 1958 Prof Emeritus Soil Sci
Day Paul Edward 1972 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Dost Frank N. 1975 Prof Emeritus Extension
Doudoroff Peter 1953 Prof Emeritus Fisheries
& Wildlife
Duncan Andrew Adrian 1958 Prof Emeritus
Edwards John Allan 1961 Prof Emeritus Ag &
Res Economics
Eisgruber Ludwig Maria 1973 Prof Emeritus
Ag & Resource Economics
England David C. 1955 Prof Emeritus Animal
Fang Sheng Chung 1948 Prof Emeritus
Farkas Daniel F. 1990 Prof Emeritus Food
Science & Technology
Farrell William King 1942 Prof Emeritus
Fendall Roger K. 1968 Prof Emeritus Crop &
Soil Science
Fischer C.M. 1947 Prof Emeritus Extension
Fisher Ermina Jane 1952 Prof Emeritus
Fitch Luther Aaron 1960 Prof Emeritus
Foster Lee Russell 1947 Prof Emeritus
Frakes Rodney 1960 Prof Emeritus Agronomy
Friedemann Dale Herbert 1966 Prof Emeritus
Frischknecht Wilford Dean 1956 Prof
Emeritus Extension
Frizzell John Kitchner 1955 Prof Emeritus
Funk Evelyn 1958 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Extension Home Economics
Gardner Ernest Hugh 1966 Prof Emeritus Soil
Garren Ralph Jr. 1950 Prof Emeritus
Gavin Charles Gerald 1955 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Extension
Goering Lois A. 1988 Asst Prof Emeritus
Goetze Norman 1959 Prof Emeritus
Agronomy Ext Program
Grabe Don Frederick 1968 Prof Emeritus
Crop & Soil Science
Grimes John Keith 1942-44; 1953 Asst Prof
Emeritus Extension
Groder Roland 1950 Prof Emeritus Extension
& Ag Res Economics
Gross Alvin Eugene 1935 Prof Emeritus
Gross Louis Henry 1943 Prof Emeritus
Gurton John Reginald 1948 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Extension
Hagelstein Fred 1958 Prof Emeritus
Hagen Ivan John 1969 Sr Instr Emeritus
Hall Frances Ann 1930-58; 1961 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Extension
Hall James Dane 1963 Prof Emeritus Fisheries
& Wildlife
Hamilton Margaret Elizabeth 1957 Prof
Emeritus Extension
Hansen Herbert E. 1974 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Bioresource Engineering
Hansen Hugh J. 1974 Prof Emeritus
Hansen Neils John 1943 Prof Emeritus
Hardin Edward E. 1957 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Crop Science
Harper James A. 1942 Prof Emeritus Poultry
Hart Ralph Daniel 1969 Prof Emeritus
Harward Moyle E. 1955 Prof Emeritus Soil
Helfer Donald 1963 Prof Emeritus Poultry
Henderson Robert Wesley 1938-41; 1946
Prof Emeritus Crop Science
Hickerson Hugh 1959 Prof Emeritus
Hilty Ivy Elizabeth 1959 Asst Prof Emeritus
Hoecker F. Dale 1946-58; 1963 Asst Prof
Emeritus Extension
Holleman Kendrick A. 1984 Prof Emeritus
Animal Sciences
Holthouse Mary 1965 Asst Prof Emeritus
Huber James Russell 1947 Prof Emeritus
Isley Arleigh Gentry 1969 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Extension
Jacobson Robert Warren 1967 Prof Emeritus
Jendrezejewski Walter John 1938 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Extension
Jensen Louisa A. 1938 Prof Emeritus
Johnston Alberta B. 1963 Prof Emeritus
Johnston Richard Stanley 1966 Prof
Emeritus Agricultural & Resource Economics
Kennick Walter H. 1956 Prof Emeritus
Animal Science
Kerr Harold Edward 1960 Prof Emeritus
Kifer Paul E. 1973 Prof Emeritus Food Science
Kiigemagi Ulo 1954 Sr Instr Emeritus Ag
Killingsworth Kenneth 1969 Prof Emeritus
Kirk Dale Earl 1942 Prof Emeritus Ag
Klein Glenn Arthur 1952 Prof Emeritus
Extension Education
Kling Gerald Fairchild 1974 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Crop & Soil Science
Koepsell Paul Arthur 1969 Prof Emeritus
Koester Ardis Williams 1974 "Prof Emeritus
Extn Home Economics & Apparel, Housing"
Krantz Gerald W. 1955 Prof Emeritus
Kronstad Warren Ervind 1959 OSU
Distinguished Prof Emeritus Wheat Research
Chair Food Science & Technology
Kuhn Lee Wallace 1946 Prof Emeritus
Fisheries & Wildlife
Landers John Herbert Jr. 1950 Prof Emeritus
Langmo Reuben Donald 1948 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Ag Si Res Economics
Lannan James E. Jr 1969 Prof Emeritus
Fisheries & Wildlife
Law Duncan 1944 Prof Emeritus Food
Science & Technology
Leach Charles Morley 1950 Prof Emeritus
Plant Pathology
Lee Sylvia C. 1952 Prof Emeritus Extension
Lee William O. 1956 Prof Emeritus Crop
Leffel John A. 1962 Prof Emeritus Extension
Lesuer Mary L. 1965 Prof Emeritus Extension
Libbey Leonard Morton 1961 Prof Emeritus
Food Science & Technology
Likens Sam T. 1951 Prof Emeritus Ag
Lombard Porter Bronson 1963 Prof Emeritus
Lund Steve 1975 Prof Emeritus Agronomy
Lundbom Dorthy B. 1966 Asst Prof Emeritus
Lunner Marilyn Jeanne 1968 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Extension
Mack Harry John 1955 Prof Emeritus
Marks Stephen 1956 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Marsh Robert Kendall 1956 Asst Prof
Emeritus Extension
Martin Lloyd W. 1967 Prof Emeritus
Massie John William 1956 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Extension
Matson Walter Edward 1965 Prof Emeritus
Ag Engineering Extension
Maxwell Darrell Clifford 1952-60; 1963 Prof
Emeritus Extension
McCarty Raymond Gerald 1953 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Extension
McGuire William Saxon 1956 Prof Emeritus
Crop Science
Mellenthin Walter M. 1950 Prof Emeritus
Miles Stanley Donovan 1966 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Ag & Resource Economics
Miller Stanley Frank 1973 Prof Emeritus Ag
& Resource Economics
Milleville Howard 1969 Prof Emeritus Food
Science & Technology
Minnick Kenneth Clayton 1944 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Extension
Mitchell Velma Roberta 1958 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Extension
Montgomery Marvin Leonard 1954 Sr Instr
Emeritus Ag Chemistry
Moore Bernard Jerry 1970 Sr Instr Emeritus
Plant Pathology
Morrison Betty J. 1983 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Mosher Wayne Delbert 1948 Prof Emeritus
Moss Dale Nelson 1977 Prof Emeritus Crop &
Soil Science
Myers H. Joe 1948 Prof Emeritus Extension
Nakaue Harry Sadao 1975 Prof Emeritus
Animal Sciences
Nelson E. M. 1946 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Neugart Zelma R. 1955-63; 1977 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Extension
Novotny Raymond E. 1952 Prof Emeritus
Oester Louis Milton 1955 Prof Emeritus
Oldfield James Edmund 1949 Prof Emeritus
Animal Nutrition
Ottaway George Hollis 1941 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Extension
Osborne Owen D. 1971; 1990 Prof Emeritus
Parker J. Roland 1930 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Parsons Jacque E. 1965 Prof Emeritus
Passon David Edward 1960 Prof Emeritus
Paulsen Lenore Maxine 1969 Asst Prof
Emeritus Extension
Phipps Wanda 1971 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Pumphrey Floyd Vance 1957 Prof Emeritus
Rackham Robert L. 1971 Prof Emeritus
Raleigh Robert J. 1960 Prof Emeritus Eastern
Oregon Ag Res Ctr
Rasmussen Donald Lewis 1946 Prof Emeritus
Rauen Paul 1959 Prof Emeritus Extension
Richardson Daryl G. 1973 Prof Emeritus
Riggert Craig Edwin 1976 Assoc Prof
Roberts Alfred Nathan 1940 Prof Emeritus
Roberts Warren Wayne 1950-52; 1954 Prof
Emeritus Extension
Rodgers Jefferson Belton 1946 Prof Emeritus
Ag Engineering
Rohde Charles R. 1952 Prof Emeritus
Columbia Basin Ag Res Ctr
Ross Charles Robert 1946 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Extension
Ross Jackson W. 1961 Prof Emeritus
Rowe Kenneth Eugene 1964 Prof Emeritus
Roy Doris Mary 1952 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Rudd Oris Clark 1955 Prof Emeritus
Rydrych Donald J. 1965 Prof Emeritus Crop
& Soil Science
Salisbury Ralph William 1949 Prof Emeritus
Sander Gary 1955 Asst Prof Emeritus
Extension Forestry
Saul Molly Sylvester 1962 Prof Emeritus
Sawer Barbara J. 1974 Prof Emeritus
Scanlan Richard Anthony 1964 Prof
Emeritus Food Science & Technology
Schmall Vicki Louise 1975 Prof Emeritus
Schneider Gary Lee 1964 Prof Emeritus
Schneiter George R. 1955 Asst Prof Emeritus
Schroeder Jane 1952 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Schroeder Walter Greiff 1949 Prof Emeritus
Schultz Harold William 1953 Prof Emeritus
Food Science & Technology
Seat Velma Maxwell 1959 Prof Emeritus Ag
& Res Economics
Shearer Marvin Nobel 1950 Prof Emeritus Ag
Sheets Willis Arden 1959 Prof Emeritus
Oregon State University
Shibley Gloria Olson 1965 Prof Emeritus
Shumway Sallyann M 1963 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Extn Home Economics
Simonson Gerald H. 1961 Prof Emeritus
Sinnhuber Russell Otto 1939 Prof Emeritus
Food Science & Technology
Skinner Francis Asbury 1946 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Extension
Slocombe Edmond N. 1986 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Extension
Smith Frederick John 1964 Prof Emeritus Ag
& Resource Economics
Smith Orrin E 1980 Director Emeritus OSU
Extension Service/Assoc Dean Emeritus Ag
Sciences/Prof Emeritus Horticulture
Smith Robert L. 1982 Prof Emeritus
Smith William Charles 1951 Prof Emeritus
Stanger Charles Earl Jr 1973 Prof Emeritus
Crop & Soil Science
Stanger Charles Earl Jr 1973 Prof Emeritus
Malheur Co Experiement Station
Stearling Robert Howard 1940-42; 1956 Prof
Emeritus Extension
Stebbins Robert Lloyd 1962 Prof Emeritus
Stephen William Procuronoff 1953 Prof
Emeritus Entomology
Stevely Robert Hugh 1954 Asst Prof Emeritus
Stevens Joe Bruce 1966 Prof Emeritus Ag &
Resource Economics
Stevenson Elmer Clark 1967 "Assoc Dean
Emeritus, Prof Emeritus Horticulture"
Swanson Lloyd Vernon 1971 Prof Emeritus
Animal Sciences
Thienes John Ralph 1952 Prof Emeritus
Thomas Marion D. 1937-45; 1947 Prof
Emeritus Extension
Thompson John Gray 1948 Prof Emeritus
Thompson Maxine M. 1964 Prof Emeritus
Thompson Thomas W. 1949 Prof Emeritus
Ticknor Robert Lewis 1959 Prof Emeritus
Tinsley Ian James 1957 Prof Emeritus
Agricultural Chemistry
Torbeck Frances Watts 1958 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Extension
Torvend Palmer Stanley 1939 Prof Emeritus
Tubb Richard Arnold 1975 Prof Emeritus
Fisheries & Wildlife
Turner Harley A 1974 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Animal Sciences
Vandehey Norbert Joseph 1959 Prof
Emeritus Extension
Varseveld George W. 1962 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Food Science & Technology
Verts B. J. 1965 Prof Emeritus Fisheries &
Volk Veril Van 1966 Prof Emeritus Crop &
Soil Science
Vomocil James Arthur 1967 Prof Emeritus
Crop & Soil Science
Von Borstel Frank Jr. 1948 Prof Emeritus
Wales Joseph 1959 Assoc Prof Emeritus Food
Science & Technology
Walrod Dan Coin 1948 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Warkentin Benno P 1977 Prof Emeritus Crop
& Soil Science
Warren Charles E. 1953 Prof Emeritus
Fisheries & Wildlife
Watkinson Lois A. 1962 Prof Emeritus
Weber Dale William 1976 Prof Emeritus
Animal Sciences
Weiser Conrad John 1973 "Dean Emeritus Ag
Sciences, Prof Emeritus Horticulture "
Werth Harold Eldon 1949-51; 1956 Assoc
Prof Emeritus Extension
Westigard Peter Hughes 1962 Prof Emeritus
Extention Entomology
Weswig Paul Henry 1941 Prof Emeritus Ag
Weswood Melvin Niel 1960 Prof Emeritus
Wilcox Bert Guy 1962 Prof Emeritus
Wills Clayton Stanley 1959 Prof Emeritus
Winters Eugene Philip 1954 Prof Emeritus
Will James McAuley 1966 Prof Emeritus Ag
Wolfe John William 1947 Prof Emeritus Ag
Woodard Ernest Steve 1974 Prof Emeritus
Wright Leroy C. 1929 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Yang Hoya Y. 1943 Prof Emeritus Food
Science & Technology
Youmans Russell Clark 1966 Prof Emeritus
Ag & Resource Economics
Young Marvin M. 1958 ProfEmeritus
Youngberg Chester Theodore 1952 Prof
Emeritus Soil Science
Youngberg Harold Wayne 1960 Prof
Emeritus Crop Science
Yungen John Alfred 1950 Prof Emeritus Agric
Expt Station
Zimmerman Martin Joseph 1950 Prof
Emeritus Extension
Zinn Thomas G. 1962 Prof Emeritus
Zundel Afton 1934-44; 1957 Prof Emeritus
Zwick Robert W. 1964 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Abrassart Arthur Eugene 1966 "Assoc Prof
Emeritus Acctg,Finance & Info Mgmt"
Amano Matthew M. 1967 Prof Emeritus
Mgmt & Marketing
Beran Kurt 1975 Asst Prof Emeritus Business
Browne William Griest 1968 Prof Emeritus
Mgmt & IntOl Business
Dane Charles Wesley 1957 Prof Emeritus
Mgmt & Marketing
Easton Edison Ellsworth 1951 Prof Emeritus
Business Admin.
Gray Clifford Frederick 1961-62; 1965 Prof
Emeritus Mgmt & Marketing
Harrison William L 1974 "Prof Emeritus
Acctg, Finance & Info Mgmt"
Jones Hilda Meius 1947 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Admin Mgmt
Kemp Patrick S. 1974 Prof Emeritus
Martin George R. 1967 Assoc Prof Emeritus
McCain Robert Francis 1969 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Business Admin
McFarlane Dale Donald 1965 Prof Emeritus
Finance & IntOl Business
Paschke Paul Edward 1969 "Assoc Prof
Emeritus Acctg, Finance & Info Mgmt"
Phillips Mary Ellen 1973 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Acctg & Info Mgmt
Rettig Jack Louis 1961 Prof Emeritus Business
Schary Philip 1986 Prof Emeritus Mgmt &
Shirley Robert Edwin 1967 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Business Admin
Soule B. Linn 1967 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Business Admin
Stonehill Arthur Ira 1966 Prof Emeritus
Weiler Jerome Conrad 1961 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Business Admin
Widicus Wilbur Wilson 1964 Prof Emeritus
Finance & IntOl Business
Winger Fred Everett 1947 Prof Emeritus
Business Ed Office Admin
Alexander Gerald Corwin 1955 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Electrical & Computer Engineering
Amort Donald Louis 1959 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Electrical & Computer Engineering
Arthur John Read 1983 Prof Emeritus
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Bell J. Richard 1962 Prof Emeritus Civil
Bella David Andrew 1967 "Prof Emeritus
Civil, Construction, & Environmental
Boubel Richard William 1954 Prof Emeritus
Mechanical Engineering
Burgess Fredrick J. 1953 Prof Emeritus Civil
Campbell John Carl 1948 Prof Emeritus
Indust & Mfg Engineering
Davis Lorin Richard 1969 Prof Emeritus
Mechanical Engineering
Frazier Lloyd McDonald 1947 Prof Emeritus
Mechanical Engineering
Garrard James Lathrop 1957 Prof Emeritus
Industrial Engineering
Herzog James Herman 1967 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Electrical & Computer Engineering
Stone Solon Allen 1956 Assoc Dean Emeritus
Thornburgh George Earl 1952 Prof Emeritus
Jensen Leland Christian 1955 Assoc Prof
Mechanical Engineering
Emeritus Electrical & Computer Engineering
Johnson Arthur Guy 1966 Director Emeritus Wang Chih 1950 Director Emeritus Radiation
Center & Nuclear Engineering
Radiation Center
Weber Leonard Joseph 1954 Assoc Dean
Knudsen James George 1949-52; 1953 Prof
Emeritus Engineering
Emeritus Chemical Engineering
Welty James Richard 1958 Prof Emeritus
LaBaun George Bradford 1958 AssocProf
Mechanical Engineering
Emeritus Civil Engineering
West Thomas Moore 1976 Prof Emeritus
Larson Milton Byrd 1952 Prof Emeritus
Emeritus Industrial & Mfg Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Wicks Charles Edward 1954 Prof Emeritus
Laursen Harold I. 1963 Prof Emeritus Civil
Chemical Engineering
Wilson Robert Elliot 1957 Prof Emeritus
Levenspiel Octave 1968 Prof Emeritus
Mechanical Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Looney James Chester 1957 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Electrical & Computer Engineering
Atkinson William A. 1987 Prof Emeritus
Magnusson Phillip Cooper 1946 Prof
Forest Engr
Emeritus Electrical & Computer Engineering
Bell John Frederick 1959 Prof Emeritus Forest
McClellan Thomas John 1945-46; 1948 Prof
Emeritus Civil Engineering
Bengtson George W. 1979 Prof Emeritus
Mingle John Glenn 1960 Prof Emeritus
Mechanical Engineering
Bever Dale Nestrund 1961 Prof Emeritus
Mohler Ronald Rutt 1972 Prof Emeritus
Forest Mgmt
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Brown George 1966 Prof Emeritus Forest
Nath John Henry 1970 Prof Emeritus Civil
Engineering & Mechanical Engineering
Bublitz Walter J. 1966 Prof Emeritus Forest
Northcraft Martin Ellis 1955 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Civil Engineering
Ching Kim K. 1961 Prof Emeritus Forest
Paasche Olaf Gustav 1946 Prof Emeritus
Mechanical Engineering
Currier Raymond Alan 1961 Assoc Prof
Peterson John 1964 Assoc Prof Emeritus Civil
Emeritus Forest Products
& Environmental Engineering
Ferrell William Kreiter 1956 Prof Emeritus
Phelps Robert Elton 1968 AssocProf Emeritus
Forest Mgmt
Civil Engineering
Froehlich Henry A. 1970 Prof Emeritus Forest
Popovich Milosh 1947 Prof Emeritus
Mechanical Engineering
Graham Robert D. 1961 Prof Emeritus Forest
Pritchett Harold Duane 1957 "Prof Emeritus
Civil, Construction, & Environmental
Hermann Richard Karl 1961 Prof Emeritus
Forest Resources
Ringle John Clayton 1966 Prof Emeritus
George Meredith 1969 Prof
Nuclear Engr & Assoc Dean Emeritus
Emeritus Forestry
Graduate School
Kallander Rudolph Martin 1961 Prof
Robinson Alan Hadley 1966 Prof Emeritus
Emeritus Forestry
Nuclear Engineering
Kozlik Charles James 1961 Assoc Prof
Saugen John Louis 1964 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Emeritus Forest Products
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Kramer Robert 1959 Prof Emeritus Forest
Schroeder Warren Lee 1967 "Prof Emeritus
Civil, Construction, & Environmental
Krygier James Theodore 1954 Prof Emeritus
Short Robert Allen 1966 Prof Emeritus
Lavender Denis Peter 1961 Prof Emeritus
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Forest Physiology
Slotta Larry
McLaren Earle Kenneth 1963 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Forest Engineering
Smith Charles Edward 1961 Prof Emeritus
McMahon Robert Ormond 1966 Assoc Prof
Mechanical Engineering
Emeritus Forest Products
Smith Wesley Warren 1947-48; 1956 Prof
Miller Donald James 1961 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Mechanical Engineering
Emeritus Forest Products
Smith Charles Edward 1961 Prof Emeritus
O'Leary John E. 1949 Prof Emeritus Forest
Mechanical Engineering
Staton Warren Spencer 1958 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Civil Engineering
Hicks R. Gary 1975 "Prof Emeritus Civil,
Construction, & Environmental Engineering"
Oregon State University
Paine David Philip 1962 Prof Emeritus Forest
Perry David Anthon 1977 Prof Emeritus
Forest Science
Robinson Dan D. 1944 Prof Emeritus Forest
Rowley Marvin Lavern 1973 Sr Instr
Emeritus Forest Engineering
Slezak Edward John 1961 Prof Emeritus
Forest Recreation Research
Stoltenberg Carl Henry 1966 Prof Emeritus
Forest Resources
Sutherland Charles Fearn Jr. 1959 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Forest Resources
VanVliet Antone Cornelis 1955 Prof
Emeritus Forest Products
Wheeler William Perry 1949 Prof Emeritus
Forest Mgmt
Wilson Robert Lee 1952 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Forest Engineering
Yoder Ray A. 1949 Prof Emeritus Forestry
Zaerr Joe B. 1965 Prof Emeritus Forest Science
Anderson Gordon Wilcox 1962 Prof
Emeritus Health
Brust Velda Jean 1964 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Phys Education
Campbell Donald Eugene 1969 Prof
Emeritus Phys Education
Dailey Charles Henry Jr. 1947 Prof Emeritus
Phys Education
Dickinson R. Vern 1968 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Exercise & Sport Science
Drlica Karl Francis 1950 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Phys Education
Ellis John Kenneth 1964 Prof Emeritus
Hancock Astrid F. 1963 Asst Prof Emeritus
Exercise & Sports Science
Heath Kathleen Frances 1967 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Exercise & Sport Science
Houston Robert J. 1966 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Public Health
Ingram Patricia C 1971 Asst Prof Emeritus
Phys Education
Irvin Richard Fredrick 1967 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Exercise & Sport Science
Lambert Charlotte LaVerne 1966 Prof
Emeritus Phys Education
Lawson David Cadden 1969 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Public Health
Maksud Michael George 1980 Prof Emeritus
Exercise & Sport Science
Martin Don Bruce 1966 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Phys Education
Masilionis Genevieve Jeannette Ann 1960
Assoc Prof Emeritus Phys Education
Megale Donald Manuell 1958 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Phys Education
Moe Harold William 1935-42; 1949 Assoc
Prof Emeritus Phys Education
Moore Sylvia Lee 1966 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Exercise & Sport Science
O'Shea John P. 1962 Prof Emeritus Exercise &
Sport Science
Phelps David Walton 1965 Prof Emeritus
Public Health
Poling Dow Peter 1963 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Exercise & Sport Science
Pye-Petersen Lois 1960 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Phys Education
Smith Margaret 1977 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Public Health
Suttie Sandra Jean 1969 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Exercise & Sport Science
Tanselli Gene Natale 1962 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Phys Education
Thomas Dale Oren 1956 Prof Emeritus Phys
Torpey James Edward 1971 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Phys Education
Weir Erma Marion 1945 Prof Emeritus Phys
Ahrendt Kenneth Martin 1971 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Education
Anderson Edwin LeRoy 1970 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Education
Bailleaux Muriel Woodring 1946-50; 1955
Senior Instr Emeritus Foods Nutrition
Baker Katherine Haskell Read 1941 Prof
Emeritus Human Development & Family
Barte Georgene Violette 1959 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Nutrition & Food Management
Becker Gerald Lester 1968 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Counseling Education
Brennan William James 1966 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Education
Britton Gwyneth Elaine 1965 Prof Emeritus
Bubl Janet Laird 1946-48; 1959; 1960 "Asst
Prof Emeritus Clothing, Textiles & Related
Carlin Marian Cushing 1954 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Human Development & Family
Charley Helen Geneva 1944 Prof Emeritus
Foods Nutrition
Clark Glenn Edwin 1968 Prof Emeritus
Counseling Education
Collison Brooke B. 1989 Prof Emeritus
Courtney E. Wayne 1972 Prof Emeritus
Craven Gene Francis 1958 "Assoc Prof
Emeritus Math, Science & Computer Science
Cross Frank Richard 1969 Prof Emeritus
East Dorothy May 1961 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Foods & Nutrition
Evans Thomas Parker 1966 Prof Emeritus
Fielder William Rodney 1971 Prof Emeritus
Fox Fred W. 1957 Prof Emeritus Science
Fulmer Winnifred Keil 1938 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Home Economics
Gates Ruth Elizabeth 1969 "Prof Emeritus
Clothing, Textiles & Related Arts"
Gathercoal Forrest James 1969 Prof Emeritus
Glass William Ray 1956 "Prof Emeritus
Apparel, Interiors & Housing"
Grant Phyllis Emogene 1949 "Asst Prof
Emeritus Clothing, Textiles & Related Arts"
Gravatt Arthur Eugene 1962-64; 1973 Prof
Emeritus Human Development & Family
Grieve Mary Jane 1968 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Human Development & Family Sciences
Grigsby Tom Elvin 1974 Prof Emeritus
Hall Jack Vernon 1954 Prof Emeritus
Elementary Education
Harger Virginia Frances 1967 Prof Emeritus
Institutional Management
Harter Charlotte T. 1960 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Human Development & Family Sciences
Haselton Shirley S. 1968 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Hlebichuk Joseph F. 1971 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Education
House Reese Milton 1969 Prof Emeritus
Johnson Elizabeth Cox 1950-60; 1965 Assoc
Prof Emeritus Foods & Nutrition
Kelsey Mary Wallace 1958 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Nutrition & Food Mgmt
Ledbetter N. Marie 1946 "Assoc Prof
Emeritus Clothing, Textiles & Related Arts"
Lee Sylvia Lucile 1968 Prof Emeritus Home
Economics Education
Leeland Albert Lewis 1954 Prof Emeritus
Elementary Education
Leeland Lucille Rees 1955 Prof Emeritus
Elementary Education
Lemon Berlan 1959 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Lumpkin Margaret Catherine 1948 Prof
Emeritus Education
McBride Marjorie 1966 Prof Emeritus
Miller Lorraine Theresa 1966 Prof Emeritus
Nutrition & Food Mgmt
Mumaw Catherine R. 1987 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Human Development & Family
Nice Karl Jacob 1969 Asst Prof Emeritus
Peters Jean McLeod 1958 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Foods & Nutrition
Petzel Florence Eloise 1954-61; 1967 "Prof
Emeritus Clothing, Textiles & Related Arts"
Plants Constance Patricia 1960 Sr Instr
Emeritus Home Economics
Plonk Martha Amanda 1952 Prof Emeritus
Human Development & Family Sciences
Reichart Robert R. 1926 Professor Emeritus
McDonald Marguerita 1962 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Library
Minnick Miriam Sharp 1957 Prof Emeritus
Schacht David Waldron 1967 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Library
Sherburne James Wilson 1938 Prof Emeritus
Shou Stephens Tefen 1952 Prof Emeritus
Community Education
Sinnard Harriet King 1934-36: 1940-42. 1963 Tingelstad Gertrude Bernice 1964 Asst Prof
Asst Prof Emeritus Human Development &
Emeritus Library
Family Sciences
Unger Donald Ben 1972 Asst Prof Emeritus
Sisson Carol 1990 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Waldron Rodney King 1954 Prof Emeritus
Smith Earl Eugene 1957 Prof Emeritus
Industrial Education
Webber Nancy Ruth 1971 Asst Prof Emeritus
Sredl Henry John 1983 Prof Emeritus
Staton Maryanne 1949-51; 1958-69; 1972
Prof Emeritus Human Development & Family
Storvick Clara A. 1945 Prof Emeritus Foods
Strowbridge Edwin David Jr. 1964 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Education
Ten Pas Henry Arnold 1948 Prof Emeritus
Trow Jo Anne J. 1965 Prof Emeritus
Tucker Sylvia B. 1975 Prof Emeritus
Wells Vera Lucille 1948 "Asst Prof Emeritus
Byrne John Vincent 1960; 1984 Prof
Emeritus Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences
Caldwell Douglas Ray 1968 Prof Emeritus
Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences
Carey Andrew Galbraith Jr. 1961 Prof
Emeritus Oceanography
Couch Richard William 1966 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Oceanography
Dymond Jack R 1969 Prof Emeritus Oceanic
& Atmospheric Sciences
Frolander Herbert Farley 1959 Prof Emeritus
Gates W. Lawrence 1976 Prof Emeritus
Atmospheric Sciences
Clothing, Textiles & Related Arts"
Gonor Jefferson John 1964 Prof Emeritus
Wilson Robert Claude 1949 Asst Prof
Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences
Emeritus Industrial Education
Hedgpeth Joel Walke 1965 Prof Emeritus
Wood Carvel W. 1968 Prof Emeritus
George H. 1975 Prof Emeritus Oceanic
Woodburn Margy Jeanette 1969 Prof
& Atmospheric Sciences
Emeritus Nutrition & Food Mgmt
Kulm LaVerne Duane 1964 Prof Emeritus
Yearick Elisabeth Stelle 1966 Prof Emeritus
Oceanic & Atmopheric Sciences
Foods Nutrition
Levi Shaul 1977 Prof Emeritus Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences
Brandt Patricia E. 1962 Prof Emeritus Library Mesecar Roderick 1963 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Brazee Edward Brooks 1964 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Valley Library
Morita Richard Yukio 1962 Prof Emeritus
Chona Habans Singh 1966 Asst Prof
Emeritus Library
Neal Victor Thomas 1964; 1966 Assoc Prof
Euren Florence Sarah 1946-49; 1957 Sr Instr
Emeritus Oceanography
Emeritus Library
Neshyba Stephen Joseph 1965 Prof Emeritus
Franklin Hugh Lockwood 1978 Prof
Emeritus Library
Pearcy William Gordon 1960 Prof Emeritus
George Melvin R. 1984 The Delpha & Donald
Campbell Director of Libraries Emeritus and
Small Lawrence Frederick 1961 Prof
Prof Emeritus
Emeritus Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences
Ho Phillip Wen-Jen 1953 Assoc Prof Emeritus Smith Robert Lloyd 1962 Prof Emeritus
Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences
Horvath Helen Scruggs 1965 Assoc Prof
Strong Elizabeth 1960 Asst Prof Emeritus
Emeritus Library
Kinch Michael Paul 1969 Prof Emeritus
Valley Library
Lawrence Robert Elwood 1974 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Library
Lomonte Rose Marie 1969 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Library
Constantine George H. 1966 Prof Emeritus
Doerge Robert F. 1960 Prof Emeritus
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Fink Gregory B. 1964 Prof Emeritus
Hermann Freya Friederike 1962 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Pharmacy
Larson Robert E. 1977 Prof Emeritus
Lee Eugene Carlton 1962 Senior Instr
Emeritus Pharmacognosy
Ohvall Richard A 1976 "Dean Emeritus
Pharmacy, Prof Emeritus Pharmacy"
Sager Robert William 1961 Prof Emeritus
Schultz H. Wayne 1959 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Wilson Charles O. 1959 Prof Emeritus Pharm
Bone Jesse Franklin 1950 Prof Emeritus
Veterinary Medicine
Hutton Norman E 1977 Assoc Dean Emeritus
& Prof Emeritus Veterinary Medicine
Patton Nephi Monroe 1972 Prof Emeritus
Veterinary Medicine
Pearson Erwin G. 1981 Prof Emeritus
Veterinary Medicine
Bailey Samuel Hall 1947 Prof Emeritus Dept
of Information
Boice Charles Allan 1966 Prof Emeritus Dept
of Information
Boots Donald S. 1977 Director Emeritus
Student Health Center
Bowers Waldo 1963 Assoc Prof Emeritus &
Assoc Director Emeritus Admissions
Bryan M. Edward 1972 Assoc Prof & Director
Emeritus of Student Housing & Residence
Bucy David Alvin 1956 Prof Emeritus &
Emeritus Director of Facilities Planning
Burris Nedry Valentine 1968 Asst Prof
Emeritus Business Affairs
Castle Emery N. 1954 Prof & Chair Emeritus
University Graduate Faculty of Economics
Dix Russell G. 1964 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Registrar's Office
Dunn James Wesley 1963 Prof Emeritus
Development Office
Durham Marvin Lyle 1970 Assoc Prof
Emeritus IntOl Education
Edwards Louis Laird 1955 Director Emeritus
Career Planning & Placement & Assoc Prof
Business Admin
Fitzgerald Duane Stanley 1952 Asst Prof
Emeritus Memorial Union
Foulke Ted E. 1969 Prof Emeritus Student
Health Center
France Thomas 1969 Asst Prof Emeritus
University Publications
Gates Dillard Herbert 1962 Prof Emeritus
IntOl Research & Development
Gibbs Wallace Eugene 1958 Director
Emeritus of Admissions & Registrar Emeritus
Oregon State University
Giffin John S. 1980 Prof Emeritus Student
Health Center
Graham Crawford Henderson 1961 Director
Emeritus Alumni Relations & Assoc Prof
Harris Irwin Cecil 1945 Director Emeritus
Student Publications & Prof Emeritus
Haun James Franz 1964 Prof Emeritus
Retention Services
Hutton Norman E 1977 Assoc Dean Emeritus
& Prof Emeritus Veterinary Medicine
Jeffrey Hugh Frank Jr. 1950 Prof Emeritus
(Director of Business Affairs)
Johnson Wallace Earle 1956 Prof Emeritus &
Director Emeritus of Information
Lillig Everett Houston 1970 Director
Emeritus Physical Plant
McBride Marjorie 1966 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Career Planning & Placement
McCreight Keith Russell 1971 Director
Emeritus Financial Aid
Metzger Stuart Miles 1962 Assoc Director
Emeritus Facilities Planning & Assoc Prof
Emeritus Architecture
Morray Marjorie Kuh 1968 Asst Prof
Emeritus English Language Institute
Munford James Kenneth 1939-46; 1948
Director Emeritus Publications & OSU Press &
Prof Emeritus Education
Orzech Miriam W. 1965 Director Emeritus &
Prof Emeritus Pre-College Programs Academic
Pahre Richard E. 1956 Director Emeritus
Financial Aid
Patton Nephi 1972 Director Emeritus Lab
Animal Resources
Peckham Charles Wesley 1965 Asst Prof
Emeritus & Director Emertius of Printing &
Mailing Services
Robinson Diana Kay 1970 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Admissions
Sanders Raymond S 1967 Prof Emeritus
Student Health Center
Sanderson Donald R. 1968 Assoc Prof
Emeritus Student Activities
Shaw Clayton Albert 1950-53; 1966 Asst Prof
Emeritus (Asst Registrar)
Stephan William Pershing 1968 Prof
Emeritus Student Health Center
Suttie Sandra Jean 1969 Assoc Prof Emeritus
Exercise & Sport Science
Valenti Paul Bartholomew 1949 Prof
Emeritus Intercollegiate Athletics
Van Vliet Antone Cornelis 1955 Director
Emeritus Career Planning & Placement
Center. Prof Emeritus
Wagener Joseph Mark 1969 Prof Emeritus
Student Health Center
Waldron Rodney King 1954 Director
Emeritus of Libraries & Prof Emeritus
Wong Sally 1973 Asst Prof Emeritus
Counseling Center
Yates Thomas Leyba 1963 Prof Emeritus
Computer Center
The date following the name indicates the
year of first appointment to the OSU Faculty.
More than one date indicates that there has
been a break in service.
This Faculty Roster includes the Oregon State
University faculty who serve the University,
its students, and constituents through one or
more of the following activities: instruction,
research, extension, and administration. Also
listed are a few on-campus staff members with
faculty appointments in other state system
agencies. The names of courtesy faculty
members, individuals who provide voluntary
services to the instructional and research
programs of the University, appear in the
faculty listings of individual departments or
The following abbreviations are used: ProfProfessor; Assoc Prof-Associate Professor; Asst
Prof-Assistant Professor; Instr-Instructor; Res
Assoc-Research Associate; Sr Instr-Senior
Instructor; Sr Faculty Res Asst-Senior Faculty
Research Assistant; Faculty Res Asst-Faculty
Research Assistant; Extn-Oregon State
University Extension Service.
Abbott Mark R 1988 Prof Oceanic & Atmospheric
Sciences MA UC-Berkeley 1976 PhD 1985
Acker Steven A 1991 Asst Prof Sr Res Forest Science
BS Oregon 1982 PhD Wisconsin-Madison 1988
Acock Alan C 1990 Prof Department Head Human
Development & Family Sciences BA East
Washington 1966 MA Washington State 1968 PhD
Adair Nanci L 1991 Faculty Res Asst Botany & Plant
Pathology BS Oregon State 1990
Adam Michael D 1994 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Science BS Wisconsin 1990 MS Kentucky 1992
Adams Darius S 1995 Prof Forest Resources BS
Humboldt State 1966 MFS Yale 1968 PhD UCBerkeley 1972
Adams Jennifer G 1988 Asst Prof Veterinary
Medicine BS Furman 1976 DVM Georgia 1985
Adams Paul William 1980 Prof Extn Watershed
Mgmt Specialist Forest Engineering BS Vermont
1975 MS Michigan 1978 PhD 1980
Adams Richard Melvin 1981 Prof Ag & Resource
Economics BS UC-Davis 1968 MS 1971 PhD 1975
Adams Ronald L 1979; 1998 Prof Dean Engineering
BS OSU 1970 MS MIT 1971 PhD OSU 1977
Adams Wesley Thomas 1978 Prof Forest Science BS
Humboldt State 1968 MS North Carolina State
Raleigh 1970 PhD UC-Davis 1974
Adamus Paul 1997 Faculty Res Asst Fisheries &
Wildlife BS Maine 1972 MS Utah 1976
Ahearn Kerry David 1978 Assoc Prof English
University Honors College Faculty BA Stanford 1967
MA Ohio 1968 PhD 1974
Ahern Kevin G 1996 Instr Biochemistry &
Biophysics BS Oklahoma State 1976 MS 1981 PhD
Oregon State 1986
Akyeampong Ataa Asham 1986 Asst Prof
Counselor & Instructional Coordinator Educational
Opportunities BA Washington 1969 MSW 1972 PhD
Oregon State 1986
Albrecht Steven 1993 Lecturer Chemistry BA St Olaf
College 1961 PhD North Dakota State 1966
Aldrich Markham Susan 1984 Assoc Prof Yamhill
Co Extn Agent Crop & Soil Science BS Pomona
College 1969 BS Oregon State 1973 MA 1978
AliNiazee Mohammed Taskeen 1972 Prof
Entomology BS Agric AP Ag (India) 1966 PhD Cal
Riverside 1970
Allanova Dina 1998 Res Assoc Botany & Plant
Pathology BS Polytechnic University 1994 MS
Moscow St University 1997
Allen John Sharer Jr 1973 Prof Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BSE Princeton 1959 PhD 1968
Allen Marganne M 1966 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Engineering BS Oregon State 1992
Allison Gary 1995 Res Assoc Post Doct Zoology PhD
Oregon St Univ 1997
Amberg John W Jr 1967 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Laboratory Animal Resources BS Oregon State 1967
Ammar Karim 1998 Asst Prof Senior Research Crop
& Soil Science BS French Lycee of Mutuelleville,
Tunis (Tunisia) 1982 MS OSU 1991 PhD 1997
An Haejung 1991 Asst Prof Food Science &
Technology BS Seoul National Univ (Korea) 1981 MS
Louisiana State 1984 PhD Florida 1989
Anderson Craig Hedges 1980 Sr Instr Coordinator
of Television Production Communication Media
Center BA San Jose State1978
Anderson Sonia R 1968 Prof Biochemistry &
Biophysics BS Nebraska 1961 PhD Illinois 1964
Anderson Todd W 1997 Res Assoc Post Doct
Zoology MS Cal St Univ-Fresno 1983 PhD UC-Santa
Barbara 1993
Anderson Wayne C 1986 Prof English University
Honors College Faculty BA Gonzaga 1977 MA
Washington 1979 PhD 1982
Andrews Dawn M 1997 Faculty Res Asst
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BS Portland
State 1993 MS 1996 PhD 1985
Andrews Gail G 1995 Faculty Res Asst Bioresource
Engr BA Texas A & M Univ 1977 MS So Oregon St
Andrews Lawrence S 1993 Faculty Res Asst Fisheries
& Wildlife BS New Mexico Highlands Univ 1988
Anekonda Thimmappa S 1996 Asst Prof Sr Res
Forest Science MS Univ of Ag Sciences Dharwad
(India) 1983 PhD UC-Berkeley 1992
Anemaet Josephine C 1991 Asst Prof Valley Library
BA Arizona 1989 MA 1990 MA Oregon State 1995
Arbogast Brian L 1974 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BA Southern
Oregon 1974
Armstrong Donald James 1996 Prof Botany & Plant
Pathology AB Marshall 1959 MA 1961 PhD
Wisconsin 1967
Arnold Roy G 1987 Provost & Executive Vice
President Prof Food Science & Technology BS
Nebraska 1962 MS Oregon State 1965 PhD 1967
Arnold Steven J 1997 Prof Department Chair
Zoology BA UC-Berkeley 1966 PhD Michigan 1972
Arp Daniel James 1990 Prof Director Nitrogen
Fixation Lab Botany & Plant Pathology University
Honors College Faculty BS Nebraska 1976 PhD
WisconsinMAdison 1980
Arrington Julie 1988 Sr Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Oklahoma State 1980
Arthur Jeffrey Lee 1977 Assoc Prof Statistics BS
Purdue 1973 MS 1975 PhD 1977
Asbell Ann Cecile 1984 Instr Physical Activity
Course Program Coordinator Exercise & Sports
Science BS Missouri 1974 MS Indiana 1979
Ashkenas Linda R 1979 Sr Faculty Res Asst Fisheries
& Wildlife BA Cornell 1976 MS Boston 1979
Atkin Sarah C 1998 Instr Continuing Education BS
Oregon St Univ 1978 MA Oregon St Univ 1983
Aune Patricia Elaine 1989 Assoc Prof Multnomah
Co Extn Agent Home Economics & Education BA
Cornell 1976 MS Boston 1979
Austin Jay A 1998 Res Assoc Post Doct Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS CA Polytechnic 1990 PhD
MIT 1998
Austin William E 1993 Faculty Res Asst Crop & Soil
Science BS Western Oregon 1978
Averill Jane E 1990 Instr English Language Institute
BA Kansas 1974 MA San Francisco State 1980
Avery Bonnie E 1981 Asst Prof Kerr Library BA
Washington 1970 MS 1980
Avram Dorina A 1993 Res Assoc Pharmacy MO
(Foreign) 1981 PhD Oregon St Univ 1997
Axmaker Stacey A 1997 Instr Health & Human
Performance BS Reed College 1991
Ayres James W 1970 Prof Pharmacy BS Idaho State
1965 PhD Kansas 1970
Azarenko Anita Nina 1986 Prof Horticulture BS
Maryland 1981 MS 1983 PhD 1987
Azevedo Robert Steven 1982 Faculty Res Asst
Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences BS Oregon State
Azizian Mohammad Farogh 1993 Res Assoc Civil,
Construction, & Environmental Engineering BS
Univ of Tehran (Iran) 1978 MS 1983 PhD Oregon
State 1993
Baek Dae Hyun 1991 Asst Prof Economics University
Honors College Faculty BA Seoul National Univ
(Korea) 1981 MA Ohio State 1986 PhD 1990
Baggott John B 1984 Asst Prof Washington Co Extn
Agent Extension Service Pgm BS Michigan State
1975 MS 1980
Baham John Eustis 1979 Assoc Prof Crop & Soil
Science BS Sonoma State 1975 PhD UC-Riverside
Bailes Jack Clayton 1972 Prof Acctg, Finance &
Info Mgmt AB Stanford 1968 MBA Columbia 1970
PhD Washington 1973
Bailey George Samuel Jr 1979 OSU Distinguished
Prof of Food Toxicology Director Environmental &
Molecular Toxicology BS USC 1965 PhD UCBerkeley 1969
Baird William M 1997 Prof Director Environmental
Health Sciences Center BS Lehigh Univ 1966 PhD
Wisconsin 1971
Bajwa Waheed 11996 Res Assoc Entomology PhD
Oregon St Univ 1996
Bakalinsky Alan T 1989 Asst Prof Food Science &
Technology BS UC-Davis 1979 MS 1983 PhD 1989
Baker Robert Steven 1969 Asst Prof Web Works
Director Valley Library BS Oregon State 1964 MS
Bald Joachim 1995 Co-Director Int'l Internship
Program MBA L'Omstotite d'Estudes Commerciales
(France) 1986 MBA Univ of Dortmund (Germany)
Baldwin Barbara E 1965 Faculty Res Asst Editor
Agricultural Communications BA Evansville 1959
Ball Daniel A 1990 Assoc Prof Crop & Soil Science
BS Kansas State 1976 MS UC-Riverside 1980 PhD
Wyoming 1988
Balschweid Mark A 1995 Instr General Agriculture
BS Oregon State 1987 MS 1991
Balz Barbara S 1990 Registrar Registrar's Office BA
Alabama 1965 MS Indiana 1967
Balzer Jacqueline L 1997 Coordinator First Year
Experience Undergraduate Academic Programs BA
Washington State 1984 MA Oregon State 1992
Banducci Susan A 1992 Asst Prof Political Science
BS Santa Clara Univ 1988 MA UC-Santa Barbara
1989 PhD 1995
Bandyopadhyay Anirban 1997 Res Assoc Post Doct
Electrical & Computer Engr MT Univ of Calcutta
(India) 1990 PhD 1996
Banerjee John K 1996 Asst Prof Catalog Librarian
Valley Library BA Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1989 MA 1991 MS 1995
Barbour Philip L 1991 Faculty Res Asst Mechanical
Engineering BS Oregon State 1985 MS 1991
Barbour Richmond Tyler 1992 Asst Prof English BA
Stanford 1970 PhD UC-Berkeley 1990
Barksdale Brett 1988 Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Harvey Mudd 1988
Barnard Andrew H 1996 Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BA South Carolina 1990 MA
Oregon State 1994
Barnes Jeffrey 1984 Assoc Prof Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Iowa State 1975 MS Cal
Tech 1977 PhD Washington 1983
Barnhart Mitchell S 1998 Director Intercollegiate
Athletics BA Ottawa Univ (Canada) 1981 MS Ohio
Univ 1982
Barnhill Melanie 1998 Faculty Res Asst
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BS Oregon
St Univ 1996
Barofsky Douglas Fred 1984 Prof Environmental &
Molecular Toxicology BS Washington State 1963 MS
Penn State 1965 PhD 1967
Barofsky Elisabeth 1985 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BS Chemie
Schule Richter (Germany) 1964
Barth John Alexander 1987 Assoc Prof Sr Res
Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences BA Colorado 1982
PhD MIT Woods Hole 1987
Bartholomew Jerri L 1994 Asst Prof Sr Res
Microbiology BS Penn State 1980 MS Oregon State
1985 PhD 1989
Bartlett Jasmine S 1997 Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Univ of Canterbury (UK)
1992 MS Dalhousie Univ (UK) 1996
Bartlett Jill 1992 Faculty Res Asst Veterinary
Medicine BS Oregon State 1992
Bassil Nahla V 1997 Res Assoc Post Doct
Horticulture MS Oregon St Univ 1989 PhD Oregon
St Univ 1994
Bassinette John P 1995 Faculty Res Asst Crop & Soil
Science BS Cornell 1989 MS Idaho 1995
Bateman Douglas 1990 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Science BS Oregon St Univ 1986
Bates Allison C 1973 Instr Veterinary Medicine BS
Oregon State 1974
Bates Jonathan D 1997 Res Assoc Eastern Oregon
Ag Research Center - Burns BS Cornell 1984 MS
Oregon State 1989 PhD 1996
Bauer Michael E 1990 Assoc Prof Deschutes Co
Extn Agent Horticulture BS Western Michigan 1983
MS Idaho 1989
Bayley Peter B 1994 Assoc Prof Fisheries & Wildlife
BS Leeds Univ (UK) 1966 MS 1979 PhD Dalhousie
Univ (Canada) 1982
Bayne Christopher Jeffrey 1971 Prof Zoology BS
Wales 1963 PhD 1967
Beach Gary L 1988 Coordinator of Assessment and
Academic Programs Academic Affairs BS Portland
State 1972 MS Oregon State 1982
Beachley Michael L 1976 Asst Prof Athletic's
Compliance Officer Intercollegiate Athletics BA San
Francisco State 1970 MA 1971 PhD Denver 1976
Beals Eric Lee 1978 Sr Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BA San Francisco State 1978
Beatty Bess 1986 Assoc Prof History University
Honors College Faculty BA Wake Forest Univ 1970 MA
Florida State 1973 PhD 1976
Beatty Joseph John 1979 Sr Instr Asst Chair Biology
Program BS Missouri at Columbia 1970 MA 1973
PhD Oregon State 1979
Bechert Ursula 1994 Asst Prof Sr Res Veterinary
Medicine DVM Oregon St Univ 1991 PhD Oregon St
Univ 1998
Beck William F 1982 Instr Industrial & Mfg
Engineering BA Wyoming 1960 MS Arizona State
1967 MBA Oregon State 1989
Becker Boris William 1970 Prof Mgmt, Marketing &
Int'l Business University Honors College Faculty BS
UC-Berkeley 1962 MBA 1967 PhD 1970
Beekman George E 1980 Sr Instr Computer Science
Engineering BA Missouri 1969 MS Oregon 1972
Beeson Luana J 1994 Asst Prof Public Health BS
Western Oregon 1969 MS Oregon State 1988 PhD
Beilstein Michael 1978 Sr Faculty Res Asst Animal
Sciences BA Oregon State 1973
Belair Diane M 1994 Coordinator Academic
Support Services for Disabled Students BA Cal StateSacramento 1983 MS Western Oregon 1990
Bell Christopher A 1981 Prof Assoc Dean College of
Engineering University Honors College Faculty BS
Nottingham (UK) 1972 PhD 1978
Bell Neil C 1992 Faculty Res Asst North Willamette
Res & Extn Center BS British Columbia (Canada)
1990 MS Oregon State 1992
Bell Richard H 1998 Faculty Res Asst Microbiology
BS Oregon St Univ 1998
Bender Randall C 1983 Faculty Res Asst Zoology BS
Texas Tech 1977
Bennett Andrew Fawcett 1987 Prof Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Western Australia 1967 MS
Harvard 1968 PhD 1971
Bennett Samuel 1998 Res Assoc Environmental &
Molecular Toxicology BA UC San Diego 1989 PhD
OSU 1995
Bentley-Townlin Tracy Leigh 1990 Director
Services for Disabled Students BS,BA New Mexico
1987 MEd Oregon State 1994
Berger Melinda D 1995 Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Oregon State 1994
Bergeron Jimmie D 1974 Assoc Prof Clatsop Co
Extn Agent Fisheries & Wildlife BS Bemidji State
Univ 1963 MS Oregon State 1969
Berkeley Steven A 1993 Faculty Res Asst Hatfield
Marine Science Center BS (Foreign) 1967 MS Univ of
Miami 1972
Berry Helen 1988 Assoc Prof Marion Co Extn Agent
Extn Home Economics BS Oregon State 1975 MS
Indiana State 1979
Berry Ralph Eugene 1968 Prof Entomology BS
Colorado State 1963 MS 1965 PhD Kansas State 1968
Beschta Robert Lee 1974 Prof Forest Engineering BS
Colorado State 1965 MS Utah State 1967
Oregon State University
Bettinger Peter S 1998 Asst Prof Sr Res Forest
Resources MS VA Poly Inst & St Univ 1989 PhD
Bond Barbara J 1992 Asst Prof Sr Res Forest Science
Braunworth William S Jr 1986 Assoc Prof Extn Ag
MS Oregon St Univ 1984 PhD Oregon St Univ 1992
Program Leader (Interim) College of Ag Sciences BS
Oregon St Univ 1996
Colorado State 1975 MS 1977
Bondi Michael Charles 1978 Prof Clackamas Co
Bianco Theresa M 1990 Assoc Prof Pharmacy BS
Extn Agent Forest Science
BS Iowa State 1973 MS
Breen Patrick Joseph 1974 Prof Horticulture BS
SUNY-Buffalo 1984 PharmD Texas at Austin & the
Canterbury (New Zealand) 1977
College of St Thomas 1960 MS Minnesota 1963 PhD
Health Sciences Ctr San Antonio 1988
Bonnichsen Robson 1991 Prof Director of Center
Bierlmaier Frederick A 1977 Faculty Res Asst Forest
for the Study of First Americans Anthropology BA
Brendemeuhl James P 1998 Asst Prof Veterinary
Science BS Vermont 1974
Idaho State 1965 PhD Alberta (Canada) 1974
Medicine DVM Florida 1990 PhD Auburn Univ 1995
Bfldfell Robert J 1998 Asst Prof Veterinary Medicine Bontrager Robert M 1994 Assoc Director
Brett Marcia Ann 1982 Sr Faculty Res Asst Crop &
MS (Foreign) 1989 Doct (Foreign) 1985
Enrollment Services BA Goshen 1980 MC Arizona
Soil Science BA Michigan 1968 BS Oregon State 1982
Bilsland Douglas M 1980 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Brewer Jeanette 1994 Instr Human Development &
Bioresource Engineering BS Oregon State 1975
Borden Susan J 1983 Director SMILE Program BA
Family Sciences BS Idaho St Univ 1983 MA Idaho St
Univ 1987
Binney Stephen Ellis 1973 Prof Nuclear
Engineering BS Oregon State 1964 MS UC-Berkeley
Borg Marcus J 1979 OSU Distinguished Prof of
Brewster Bill Densmore 1975 Sr Instr Crop & Soil
1966 PhD 1970
Religious & Culture Philosophy BA Concordia 1964
Science BS Oregon State 1970 MS 1972
Bird Deborah J 1996 Coordinator University
Brock Kathryn M 1994 Faculty Res Asst Radiation
Scholars Program Undergraduate Academic
Borman Michael M 1994 Assoc Prof Rangeland
Center BS Purdue Univ - 1992
Programs BS Oregon State 1998
Resources BS Morehead State Univ 1973 MS
Brock Terry 1997 Faculty Res Asst Environmental &
Bird Karyn E 1998 Asst Prof Veterinary Medicine BA
Molecular Toxicology BS Purdue 1992 MS Oregon
Rutgers University 1970 MS University College
Borngasser Douglass J 1998 Faculty Res Asst Ctr for
State 1997
Station, TX 1971 PhD Texas A&M 1993
Excellence & Gene Research BS Oregon St Univ 1991
Broderick David Joseph 1977 Faculty Res Asst
Birkes David Spencer 1974 Assoc Prof Statistics BS
Biochemistry & Biophysics BS New Hampshire 1965
Stanford 1964 MS Chicago 1966 PhD 1995
Borsa Paul A 1994 Asst Prof Exercise & Sports
MS 1967 PhD Oregon State 1977
Science BS Pittsburgh 1988 MS 1992 PhD 1994
Bishaw Badege 1993 Res Assoc Post Doct Forest
Broderick William Payson 1986 Asst Prof Morrow
Science MS (Foreign) 1985 PhD Oregon St Univ
Bose Bella 1980 Prof Computer Science Engineerin
Co Extn Agent 4-H Youth Development Education
BE Madras 1973 ME Indian Institute of Science 197
BS Cal State-Fresno 1969 MA Norwich Univ 1992
MS Southern Methodist 1979
Bishop Leslie J 1988 Instr English Language
Brodie Ann E 1975 Asst Prof Sr Res Animal Sciences
Institute BS Missouri 1963 MEd Oregon State 1987
Boss Emmanuel 1998 Res Assoc Oceanic &
BS Purdue 1965 PhD UC-Berkeley 1970
Atmospheric Sciences BS Hebrew Univ (Israel) 1991
Bixler Lia M 1998 Faculty Res Asst Zoology BS 1995
Brodie John Douglas 1975 Prof Forest Resources
PhD Washington 1996
MA 1997
BFS Toronto (Canada) 1961 MS Syracuse 1963 PhD
UC-Berkeley 1971
Blaustein Andrew R 1978 Prof Zoology BA
Southampton College 1971 MS Nevada Reno 1973
Brook David M 1987 Instr Multnomah Co Extn
PhD Cal Santa Barbara 1978
Bottero Joseph Moshe 1969 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Agent Engineering Extension BA Southern Illinois
Bliss John C 1998 Prof Starker Chair in Private &
1962 MS Oregon State 1969
Family Forestry Forest Resources BA WisconsinBrooke Sandra L 1995 Instr World of Art Project
Madison 1973 MS 1979 PhD 1988
Bottomley Peter J 1979 Prof Microbiology BS
Coordinator Art BA Oregon State 1972 MS 1993
Liverpool (UK) 1972 PhD Dundee (Scotland) 1975
Block John H 1966 Prof Pharmacy BS BPhr
Brookhyser Evelyn Anne 1966 Prof Lincoln Co
Washington State 1961 MS 1963 PhD Wisconsin
Boucot Arthur James 1969 OSU Distinguished Prof
Staff Chair Extn Home Economics BS Stout State
of Zoology & Geology Zoology BA Harvard 1948 MS
1966 EdM Oregon State 1974
Bloome Peter D 1997 Prof Associate Director
Brooks Jonathan P 1997 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Extension Administration BS Illinois 1965 MS 1969
Boullester Flora E 1998 Faculty Res Asst Hermiston
Resources BS Northhampton Jr College 1988 MS
PhD 1970
Oregon St Univ 1997
Ag Research & Extn Center BS Oregon St Univ 1981
Bloomer Sherman H 1995 Prof Chairperson
Bower Alison L 1995 Faculty Res Asst Forest ScienceBrooks Raymond M 1997 Asst Prof College of
Geosciences BA Rice Univ 1976 PhD UC-Scripps
BS (Foreign) 1988 MS Humboldt St College 1994
Business MS Washington Univ 1990 PhD 1991
Bowers John N 1995 Asst Prof Art BFA Iowa 1981
Broome Janice Marie 1978 Asst Prof Multnomah
Bloomfield Stefan David 1971 Prof Acctg, Finance MFA 1984
Co Extn Agent 4-H Youth Development Education
Sr Info Mgmt BES Johns Hopkins 1966 MS Stanford
BS Oregon State 1976 MPA Portland State 1986
Bowers Steven C 1994 Instr Forestry Extension BS
1968 PhD 1972
Oregon 1977 MF Oregon State 1993
Broughton Scott P 1998 Faculty Res Asst
Blouin Michael 1995 Asst Prof Zoology BA Virginia
Environmental Health Sciences Center BS Oregon St
1982 MS Florida State 1986 PhD 1989
Univ 1997
Communication University Honors College Faculty BS
Blythe Linda L 1978 Prof Assoc Dean Veterinary
Kansas MA 1973 PhD Oregon State 1989
Brouwers Mariette 1985 Assoc Prof Counselor
Medicine BS UC-Davis 1972 DVM 1864 PhD 1979
Counseling & Testing Center BA Colorado 1975 MA
Bowman Sally R 1994 Asst Prof Human
Washington State 1984 PhD 1985
Bobbitt Andra M 1991 Sr Faculty Res Asst Hatfield
Development & Family Sciences BA Auburn 1973
Marine Science Center BA UC-San Diego 1984
MA 1976 PhD Oregon 1993
Brower Andrew V Z 1997 Asst Prof Rice Professor of
Systematic Entomology BA Yale 1985 MES 1987 PhD
Bodenroeder Pamela K 1969 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Boyd Timothy J 1993 Res Assoc Oceanic &
Cornell 1994
Survey Research Center BA Oregon State 1969
Atmospheric Sciences BA Carleton 1980 PhD UCSan Diego 1989
Brown Carol E 1978 Assoc Prof Acctg, Finance &
Boe A Bryan 1986 Instr Extn Energy Program BA
Info Mgmt University Honors College Faculty BS
Oregon 1970
Boyer Charles David 1993 Prof Department Head
Wisconsin 1972 MS Oregon 1977 PhD Oregon State
Horticulture BS Eastern Oregon 1971 MS Penn State
Boeder Lisa J 1991 Faculty Res Asst Veterinary
1974 PhD 1976
Medicine BS Oregon St Univ 1985
Brown Clinton 1970 Prof Art BFA Wisconsin
Boyle James Reid 1981 Prof Forest Resources BS
Boggess William G 1995 Prof Department Head Ag
Milwaukee 1965 MA Wyoming 1966 MFA USC 1968
Iowa State 1962 MF Yale 1963 PhD 1967
Sr Resource Economics BS Iowa State 1974 PhD 1979
Brown Daniel J 1974 Assoc Prof Mgmt, Marketing,
Bogley William A 1990 Assoc Prof Mathematics
& Int'l Business BA Washington 1966 MBA Fresno
Recycler Program Coordinator Engineering
University Honors College Faculty BA Dartmouth 1981
State 1969 PhD Iowa 1974
Extension BS Portland State 1981
MS Oregon 1983 PhD 1987
Brown Lyle R 1970 Prof Microbiology BA
Bogucki Darek 1997 Res Assoc Post Doct Oceanic &
Willamette 1963 PhD Tulane 1968
Biochemistry & Biophysics BA Delaware 1980 MS
Atmospheric Sciences MS Gdansk Tech Univ
Brown Marda Kay 1973 Sr Faculty Res Asst
(Poland) 1982 MSc Dalhousie Univ (Canada) 1991
Biochemistry & Biophysics BA Willamette 1963
Braker Marjorie 1979 Assoc Prof Extn Home
Bohle Mylen G 1989 Assoc Prof Crook Co Extn
Economics S Wisconsin Stout 1967 BS Wisconsin
Brown Terence Daniel 1975 Prof Extn Forest
Agent Crop & Soil Science BS Montana State 1975
River Falls 1970
Products Specialist Forest Products BS Colorado State
BS 1979 MS Oregon State 1989
1970 BS Utah 1971 PhD Colorado State 1975
Branch Harrison 1972 Prof Art BFA San Francisco
Bohnert David W 1998 Asst Prof EOARC Burns
Art Institute 1970 MFA Yale 1972
Brownell Philip Harry 1979 Prof Zoology BA UCStation BS Angelo State University San Angelo TX
Berkeley 1969 PhD UC-Riverside 1976
1990 MS 1994 PhD University of Kentucky 1998
Brandt Jeanette Ann 1973 Assoc Prof Apparel,
Interiors, Housing & Merchandising BS Washington
Brumley Richard L 1993 Assoc Prof Head of
Boileau Arlene Fay 1986 Instr Warm Springs Co
Acquisitions Valley Library BS Utah State 1963 MS
State 1967 MS Oregon State 1972 PhD 1981
Extn Coordinator 4-H Youth Development
1966 MLS UC-Berkeley 1975
Brandt Jeanne Dawn 1985 Assoc Prof Washington
Co Extn Agent Home Economics & Education BS
Bruner Howard J 1998 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Bolman Tiffany M 1997 Faculty Res Asst
Oregon State 1982 EdM 1984
Science BS OSU 1993 MS 1997
Microbiology BS Oregon State 1967
Brauner David Ray 1977 Assoc Prof Anthropology
Brunet Johanne 1997 Asst Prof Sr Res Botany &
Bolte John P 1987 Assoc Prof Bioresource
University Honors College Faculty BA Washington
Plant Pathology BS McGill Univ (Canada) 1979 MS
Engineering BS Florida 1979 MS 1983 PhD Auburn
State 1969 MA 1972 PhD 1976
1987 PhD SUNY-Stony Brook 1990
Brunner Amy M 1993 Res Assoc Post Doct Forest
Science MS Vanderbilt Univ 1994 PhD Oregon St
Univ 1998
Brunner Charles Calvin 1984 Assoc Prof Forest
Products BS Portland State 1968 MBA 1979 PhD
Bruno Barbara C 1996 Res Assoc Post Doct Oceanic
Sr Atmospheric Sciences BA Brown 1987 MS Hawaii
1990 PhD 1994
Bryan Joyce 1987 Instr English Language Institute
BA Ohio 1970 EdM Oregon State 1983
Bryant Nancy Owens 1974 Prof Apparel, Interiors,
Housing & Merchandising BA Washington 1968 MS
Minnesota 1974
Bubl Charles Edward 1978 Assoc Prof Columbia Co
Extn Staff Chair Horticulture BS Oregon State 1973
Susses Frank Joseph 1997 Faculty Res Asst Oceanic
& Atmospheric Sciences BS Oregon State 1997
Butcher Karyle Sue 1981 Assoc Prof Interim
University Librarian Valley Library BA UC-Berkeley
1964 MS USC 1965
Butler David Allen 1975 Prof Statistics BS Oregon
State 1969 MS Cornell 1970 MS Stanford 1975
Butler Judy Ann 1978 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BS Oregon
State 1969
Butler Marvin D 1991 Assoc Prof Jefferson Co Extn
Agent Crop & Soil Science BA Pacific Union 1971
MA 1972 MS Utah State 1984
Byrne Deborah L 1998 Asst Prof Ext Home
Economist Extension Home Economics BS U of
Connecticut 1976 MA San Francisco State University
MS 1978
Buccola Steven Thomas 1980 Prof
& Resource
Economics BA Saint Mary's College Wall ornia
1966 MS UC-Davis 1972 PhD 1976
Buckhouse John Chapple 1975 Prof Rangeland
Byrne Gregory K 1998 Assoc Athletic Director
Intercollegiate Athletics BA Arizona St Univ 1994
Resources BS UC-Davis 1966 MS Utah State 1968
PhD 1975
Budd Timothy Alan 1986 Assoc Prof Computer
Science Engineering BA Western Washington 1976
MS Yale 1978 PhD 1980
Buford Thomas L 1997 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Resources BA Kenyon College 1988 MS Oregon St
Univ 1997
Buhler Donald Raymond 1967 Prof Environmental
Sr Molecular Toxicology BS Oregon State 1950 MS
1953 PhD 1956
Bulatov Vladimir L 1997 Res Assoc Post Doct
Physics BS (Foreign) 1982 PhD (Foreign) 1985
Bulatova Galina 1997 Faculty Res Asst Physics
CERT (Foreign) 1983
Burck Mary J 1997 Director of Donor Relations
Development Office BA Lewis & Clark 1957
Burgess Scott A 1998 Faculty Res Asst Comtr
198pu e
Science Engineering BS Southern Oreg
Rutgers 1991
6 MS
Cahn Helen 1990 Faculty Res Asst North Willamette
Res & Extn Center BA Colorado College 1982 MS
Colorado State 1989
Caldwell Bruce A 1978 Sr Faculty Res Asst Forest
Science BS Oregon State 1974
Calvert Janet Kathryn 1985 Assoc Prof Lane Co
Extn Agent Extn Home Economics BS Oregon State
1958 MS 1965
Camacho Rodolfo A 1991 Asst Prof Mgmt,
Marketing & Int'l Business BA UC-Santa Barbara
1980 MBA Pennsylvania JD Univ of Santa Clara
Cameron Linda M 1998 Res Assoc Botany & Plant
Pathology MS (Foreign) 1988 PhD LA St Univ Baton Rouge 1996
Campbell Allan 1111976 Assoc Prof Jackson Co
Extn Agent Forest Science BS Massachusetts 1958 MS
Oregon State 1973
Campbell Courtney S 1990 Assoc Prof Philosophy
Burgett Dennis Michael 1974 Prof Entomology
University Honors College Faculty BS Edinboro State
1966 MS Cornell 1971 PhD 1973
Burke Mary E 1985 Sr Instr Microbiology University
Honors College Faculty BA Blackburn College 1964 MS
Iowa State 1966 PhD 1969
Burke Michael John 1984 Prof Assoc Dean College
of Ag Sciences Horticulture BA Blackburn College
1964 PhD Iowa State 1969
University Honors College Faculty BA Yale 1981 MA
Burke Susan J 1992 Instr Home Economics Child
Prof Horticulture Diploma Faculty of Ag (Lisbon
Portugal) 1985 PhD Swiss Federal Inst of Technology
(Zurich) 1990
Cannon Caroline Helena 1959 Prof Multnomah Co
Extn Agent Extn Home Economics BA St Olaf
College 1959 MS Pacific Lutheran 1973
Caputo John A 1992 Instr Seed Cert Specialist Crop
& Soil Science BS Idaho 1980 MS Oregon State 1985
Cardinal Bradley J 1997 Asst Prof Health & Human
Performance BA Eastern Washington 1985 MS 1987
PhD Temple Univ 1993
Carey Jacqueline M 1996 Asst Prof Apparel,
Interiors, Housing & Merchandising BS Purdue 1974
MS 1979 PhD Tennessee 1986
Carlson Angela Ruth 1969 Sr Instr Music BA Idaho
1964 MM Wisconsin 1965
Carlson Kerri S 1997 Career Advisor Career Services
BS Noorhead State Univ 1990 MS Mankato State
Univ 1997
Carlson Marian 1969 Prof Department Chair Music
BME Kansas 1959 BM 1959 MM Eastman School of
Music 1961
Carney Daniel L 1997 Faculty Res Asst AGS
Hermiston BS Oregon State 1997
Carney Ginger E 1998 Faculty Res Asst Post Doct
Zoology BS University of Georgia 1991 PhD 1998
Can Anitra C 1998 Res Assoc Post Doct Linus
Pauling Institute BS Univ of Canterbury (UK) 1992
PhD Univ of Otaco 1998
Carr Jay B 1979 Prof Baker Co Staff Chair Animal
Sciences BS Missouri 1972 MS 1973
Development Lab BS Oregon State 1983
Burnett Margaret M 1992 Assoc Prof Computer
Science Engineering BA Miami Univ (Ohio) 1970 MS
Kansas 1981 PhD 1991
Burns Leslie Davis 1985 Prof Director of Undergrad
Academic Programs Apparel, Interiors, Housing &
Merchandising BA Washington State 1978 PhD
Purdue 1981
Burridge Judith A 1960 Prof Linn Co Extension
Chairperson Extn Home Economics & Linn Co
Extension BS Oregon State 1960 MS 1971 PhD
Oregon 1965
Burt John Grinnel 1973 Assoc Prof Marion Co Extn
Staff Chair Ag Education & General Agriculture BS
UC-Davis 1969 MS Arizona 1972
Burt Lawrence Andrews 1979 Assoc Prof Extn
Agricultural Resource Economist Ag & Resource
Economics BS Cal Poly Pomona 1973 MA
Washington State 1976 PhD 1979
Burt Linda 1993 Instr Human Development &
Family Sciences BA Pacific Luther 1972 MA
Washington State 1975 MA 1978
Burton Robert M Jr 1977 Prof Mathematics
University Honors College Faculty BA Washington
1972 PhD Stanford 1977
Bushnell Dwight J 1976 Prof Mechanical
Engineering BS Utah 1967 MS 1968 PhD Brigham
Young 1974
Busler Susan Lee 1987 Assoc Prof Lane Co Extn
Agent 4-H Youth Development Education BS Kent
Stat' 1QR1 MPA S' ttla 1 QRr,
Virginia 1984 PhD 1988
Campbell Donald T 1985 Assoc Prof Sr Res
Pharmacy BA Colorado College 1968 PhD
Washington 1974
Campbell Elizabeth Anne 1984 Assoc Prof English
University Honors College Faculty BA Tennessee 1967
MA Virginia 1978 PhD 1983
Candolfi Vasconcelos Maria Do Carmo 1994 Asst
Carroll Carleton Warren 1974 Prof French
University Honors College Faculty BA Ohio State 1961
MA Wisconsin 1965 PhD 1968
Carson Mina Julia 1989 Assoc Prof History BA
Harvard Radcliffe 1975 AM Harvard 1979 PhD 1984
Carson Ward W 1992 Assoc Prof Sr Res Forest
Resources BS Univ of Illinois 1964 PhD Univ of
Washington 1973
Carson Ward William 1992 Assoc Prof Sr Res Forest
Resources BS Oregon State 1960 MS Illinois 1964
PhD Washington 1973
Carter Cheri Jo 1973 Asst Prof Wallowa Co Extn
Agent 4-H Youth Development Education BS Oregon
State 1971 MEd 1980
Carter Rich Garrett 1997 Res Assoc Post Doct
Chemistry BS Gettysburg College 1993 PhD Texas Austin 1997
Casey Patrick M 1994 Head Baseball Coach
Intercollegiate Athletics BS George Fox 1988
Caspers Jean S 1995 Asst Prof Distance Education/
Social Sciences Librarian Valley Library BA Linfield
1971 MLS Arizona 1989
Castagnoli Steven P 1992 Faculty Res Asst
Horticulture BA UC-Santa Cruz 1981 MS UC-Davis
Castillo Gonzalo C 1998 Faculty Res Asst AGSCOMES-NEWPORT BS University De Concepcion
(Chile) 1986 MS OSU 1992
Caughey Carol Coulee 1990 Asst Prof Apparel,
Interiors, Housing & Merchandising BA MIIs
College 1966 MA Cal State-Hayward 1967
Cazares-Gonzalez Efren 1995 Res Assoc Forest
Science BS Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon
(Mexico -Gonzalez,) 1984 PhD Oregon State 1992
Cebra Christopher 1997 Asst Prof Veterinary
Medicine BA Pennsylvania 1986 MA 1986 VMD
Cerklewski Florian Lee 1979 Assoc Prof Nutrition B
Food Management BS Penn State 1971 PhD Illinois
Chadwick Crista M 1997 Faculty Res Asst
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BS Oregon
St Univ 1995
Chadwick William W Jr 1989 Asst Prof Sr Res
Hatfield Marine Science Center BS Iowa 1984 MBA
Kansas 1986 PhD 1994
Chamberlain David Jack 1980 Assoc Prof Harney
Co Staff Chair Rangeland Resources BS Idaho 1968
MS 1973
Chambers Eve 1978 Instr Director English Language
Institute BA SUNY 1966 MA Middlebury 1969
Chambers M Jean 1992 Asst Prof Nutrition & Food
Management BS Washington State 1961 MS
Michigan State 1969 PhD Ohio State 1975
Champeau Donna A 1996 Asst Prof Public Health
BS Wisconsin 1977 MS 1990 PhD Oregon State 1995
Chandler Thomas A 1991 Director of College
Advancement Pharmacy BS Wiona St Univ
Chandraskakar Ashok 1994 Asst Prof Mgmt,
Marketing, & Int'l Business BE Univ of Burdway
(India) 1980 MBA Indian Inst of Management
(India) 1983 MS Chaminade Univ of Honolulu 1989
Chang James TC 1997 Career Advisor Career
Services BS Northwestern Univ 1992 MA Bowling
Green 1997
Chao Chi Chur 1990 Assoc Prof Economics BC
National Chenchi Univ (China) MA National
Taiwan Univ 1978 PhD Southern Illinois Univ 1987
Chaplen Frank W 1996 Asst Prof Bioresource
Engineering BS Oregon State 1989 PhD WisconsinMadison 1995
Chaplin Tanya A 1997 Head Women's Gymnastics
Coach Intercollegiate Athletics BA UC-Las Angeles
Chapman John W 1998 Faculty Res Asst Senior
Research Hatfield Marine Science Center BA San
Francisco State 1971 PhD CA Santa Barbara 1984
Charlton Brian A 1994 Faculty Res Asst Klamath
Exp Station BS Oregon State 1994
Chase Anna 1995 Instr Human Development &
Family Sciences BS Oregon State 1979
Oregon State University
10 pr«
t Al. . 'is
Chastain Thomas G 1989 Assoc Prof Crop & Soil
Science University Honors College Faculty BA Cal
State-Chico 1981 MS Oregon State 1985 PhD 1987
Chau May Ying 1994 Asst Prof Information Services
MS Brigham Young 1987 MSLS Wayne State 1991
Chavarria-Bechtel Loren 1996 Instr Foreign
Languages & Literature BA Oregon State 1992
Cheeke Peter Robert 1969 Prof Animal Sciences BSA
British Columbia (Canada) 1963 MSA 1965 PhD
Oregon State 1969
Chelton Dudley Boyd 1983 Prof Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BA Colorado 1974 PhD UCSan Diego 1980
Chen Chengci 1998 Faculty Res Asst Columbia
Basin Ag Res Center BS Beijing Ag Univ (China)
1984 MS 1987 MS Oregon State 1995
Chen Hsiao Ping 1991 Faculty Res Asst Food
Science & Technology BS Univ of Minnesota 1981
Chen Hsiou-Lien 1995 Asst Prof Apparel, Interiors,
Housing & Merchandising BS Fu-Jen Univ (Taiwan)
1982 MS Ohio State 1990 PhD 1995
Chen Hua 1993 Sr Faculty Res Asst Forest Products
BS Sichuan Univ (China) 1966
Chen Larry Lun Kee 1986 Prof Mathematics BS
National (Taiwan) 1977 MS Chicago 1981 PhD 1986
Chen Paul M 1978 Prof Mid Columbia Ag Res &
Extn Center Extn Agent Horticulture MS North
Dakota State 1971 MS Minnesota 1973
Chen Tony Hwei Hwant 1986 Prof Horticulture BS
National (Taiwan) 1974 MS Minnesota 1979 PhD
Chen Yongshun (John) 1991 Assoc Prof Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Univ of Sd & Tech (China)
1-982 MS Princeton 1-985 PhD 1989
Chesley Marie M 1986 Assoc Prof Speech
Communication University Honors
lege Faculty
Valpparaiso 1957 BS UC-Davis 1980 MA Stanford
Chi Chunhuei 1990 Assoc Prof Public Health BS
China Medical College 1978 MPH Texas 1982 ScD
Harvard 1990
Choi Yeung J 1998 Assoc Prof AGS-COMES-Newport
MS U of Pusan (Korea) 1986 PhD 1986
Chown Eric Lance 1994 Res Assoc Computer
Science Engineering BS Northwestern 1985 MS 1987
PhD Michigan 1994
Christ Robert A 1991 Faculty Res Asst Crop & Soil
Science BS Luther College 1972 MS Oregon State
Clinton Richard Lee 1976 Prof Political Science BA
Vanderbilt 1960 MA 1964 PhD North Carolina 1971
Cloud Karen A 1998 Faculty Res Asst Horticulture
BS University of Idaho 1998
Clough George H 1987 Assoc Prof Hermiston Ag
Research & Extn Center BA Florida 1977 BS 1978 MS
Cloughesy Michael Joseph Jr 1987 Assoc Prof Lane
Co Extn Agent Forest Resources BS Iowa State 1978
MF Oregon State 1983
Cluskey Mary Marshall 1996 Asst Prof Nutrition &
Christensen Neil Walter 1978 Prof Crop & Soil
Food Management BS Southern Illinois 1976 MS
Science BS Nevada 1966 MS New Mexico State 1968Illinois State 1979 PhD Oregon State 1992
PhD Oregon State 1972
Cluskey Steven Allen 1989 Faculty Res Asst Botany
Christie Alison Anne 1989 Asst Prof Reference
& Plant Pathology BS Southern Illinois 1974 MS
Librarian Valley Library BS Melbourne (Australia)
West Virginia 1989
1972 MS 1976 MLS Hawaii 1982
Coakley James A Jr 1988 Prof Oceanic &
Christie David M 1988 Assoc Prof Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS UCLA 1968 MA UCAtmospheric Sciences BS Australian Nat'l Univ 1969
Berkeley 1970 PhD 1972
MS LaTrobe (Australia) 1978 PhD Hawaii 1984
Coakley James R 1990 Assoc Prof Acctg, Finance &
Chu Joanne C 1998 Faculty Res Asst Post Doct
Info Mgmt BS Oregon State 1970 MBA Utah 1976
Zoology BA University of Rochester 1989 PhD Un
PhD 1982
iversity of Texas Austin 1998
Coakley Stella Melugin 1988 Prof Department
Chua Boon 1989 Sr Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Head Botany & Plant Pathology BS UC-Davis 1969
Atmospheric Sciences BS Oregon State 1987 MS
MS 1970 PhD 1973
Coblentz Bruce Evan 1975 Prof Fisheries & Wildlife
Ciuffetti Lynda Marie 1989 Asst Prof Botany &
BS Fairleigh Dickinson 1967 MWM Michigan 1969
Plant Pathology BS Massachusetts 1973 MS
PhD 1974
Michigan Tech 1976 PhD Purdue 1983
Cohen Leonora B Marx 1994 Assoc Prof Education
Clair Danielle 1996 Faculty Res Asst Int'l Res &
BA Oregon 1966 MEd 1967 EdD Temple Univ 1985
Development BA Cal State 1985
Cole Elizabeth Carol 1983 Sr Faculty Res Asst Forest
Clark Peter U 1988 Prof Geosciences BS St Lawrence
Science BS Utah State 1981 MS Oregon State 1984
1978 MS Waterloo 1980 PhD Colorado 1984
Cole Eric 1996 Faculty Res Asst Fisheries & Wildlife
Clarke Sharon 1990 Sr Faculty Res Asst Forest
BS Massachusetts 1992
Science BS Fitchburg State College 1979 MS Oregon
Cole Richard Lee 1977 Prof Program Director Ag
State 1987
Education & General Agriculture University Honors
Clauson Milo L 1986 Sr Faculty Res Asst Forest
College Faculty BS Oregon State 1966 MEd 1973 PhD
Products BA Eastern Oregon State College 1969
Iowa State 1977
Clawson Jeffrey E 1996 Faculty Res Asst Food
Science & Technology BA & BS Oregon State 1988
Collier Douglas Holden 1993 Asst Prof Exercise &
Sports Science University Honors College Faculty BEd
McGill Univ (Canada) 1975 MA 1985 PhD Indiana
Collier Robert William 1981 Assoc Prof Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS MIT 1974 MS Cal Tech
1975 PhD MIT Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst
Collins Anthony 1999 Asst Prof Pharmacy BS
University of London (UK) 1981 MA University of
Cincinnati 1987 PhD University of Texas 1992
Collins Vicki Tolar 1993 Asst Prof Director, Writing
Intensive Cuuriculum English BA Wake Forest Univ
1967 MAT Duke 1968 PhD Auburn 1993
Conard Roberta Lee 1976 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences BA Oregon State
1973 MS 1976
Cone Martha Carol 1978 Res Assoc Pharmacy BA
Texas 1969 PhD 1972
Connolly Laura S 1994 Asst Prof Economics BA
Colorado 1985 PhD Northwestern Univ 1994
Conrady Michael R 1980 Faculty Res Asst Radiation
Center BS Oregon State 1973
Conroy Judith A 1987 Instr Pharmacy BS Oregon
State 1975
Conway Flaxen D L 1989 Asst Prof Community
Outreach Specialist Sociology BS Oregon State 1984
MS 1987
Conway James Patrick 1988 Head Coach Men's
Soccer Intercollegiate Athletics BS Linfield College
Cook Curtis Roger 1970 Prof Computer Science
Engineering BA Augustana 1965 MS Iowa 1967 PhD
Cook Gordon Henry 1965 Prof Union Co Extn
Agent Crop & Soil Science BS Oregon State 1964 MS
Cook Stephen E 1997 Instr Geosciences BS Alaska
1973 MS 1982 PhD Florida 1995
Cook Thomas William 1977 Assoc Prof
Horticulture BS Washington State 1972 MS Rhode
Island 1975
Coolen Michael Theodore 1978 Prof Music
University Honors College Faculty BA Seattle Univ
1969 MA Washington 1972 PhD 1979
Coop Leonard Bryan 1987 Res Assoc Entomology
BA Baker Univ 1979 MS Oregon State 1982 PhD
Copa George H 1998 Prof Education BS University
of Minnesota 1965 PhD 1970 Post Doc Harvard
University 1982-1983
Copek Peter Joseph 1972 Assoc Prof Director,
Center for Humanities English BS Loyola (Chicago)
1967 MA Northwestern 1969 PhD 1973
Corcoran Patrick E 1987 Asst Prof Ag & Resource
Economics BS Wisconsin Eau Claire 1984 MS
Oregon State 1987
Cordray Sheila Mary 1982 Assoc Prof Sociology BA
Cal Poly Pomona 1976 MS Oregon 1978 PhD 1982
Corey Ann Elizabeth 1979 Sr Faculty Res Asst Crop
& Soil Science BS Oregon State 1978
Cornelius James Conley 1979 Prof Ag & Resource
Economics BS UC-Davis 1970 MS Wyoming 1972
PhD Washington State 1977
Cornell Jennifer C 1994 Asst Prof English University
Honors College Faculty BA Harvard 1985 MA Univ of
Ulster,MAgee College (Ireland) 1991 MFA Cornell
Cornwell Chris C 1997 Faculty Res Asst AGS North
Willamette BS Oregon State 1995
Corp Mary K 1998 Asst Prof Umatilla Co Crops
Agent Crop & Soil Science BS Eastern OR St College
1989 MS Portland St Univ 1995
Corwin Michael David 1981 Assoc Athletic
Director Intercollegiate Athletics BA San Francisco
State 1977
Costello Mark F 1997 Asst Prof Mechanical
Engineering BS Penn State 1987 MS Georgia Inst of
Technology 1989 PhD 1992
Cowan Hal Everett 1976 Asst Prof Sports
Information Director Intercollegiate Athletics BA
Linfield 1964
Cowan Janice D 1996 Asst Prof Extn 4-H Youth Dev
BS Oregon State 1988 MA 1990
Cowles Timothy James 1984 Prof Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Stanford 1973 MA 1973
PhD Duke 1977
Coyle Daniel J 1997 Faculty Res Asst Botany &
Plant Pathology BS Cornell 1994
Coyle Tove C 1996 Faculty Res Asst Microbiology BS
Oregon State 1996
Craig A Morrie 1977 Prof Veterinary Medicine BA
Oregon State 1965 PhD 1970
Craig David P 1997 Faculty Res Asst Fisheries &
Wildlife BS Lewis & Clark College 1990
Crain Jennifer A 1995 Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Western Washington Univ
1988 MS Western Washington Univ 1994
Cramer Lori A 1993 Asst Prof Sociology BS Illinois
State 1985 MS Utah State 1988 PhD 1993
Crane Jimmie Merle 1992 Sr Faculty Res Asst Crop
& Soil Science BS Idaho 1965
Crannell Wanda K 1994 Instr Key Advising Asst
Bioresources Research BS Oregon St Univ 1988 MS
Oregon St Univ 1994
Crateau Carole Ann 1992 Instr Honors College
University Honors College Faculty BS Oregon State
1992 MS 1994
Crawford Barbara A 1995 Asst Prof Science & Math
Education University Honors College Faculty BS
Michigan 1969 MS 1977 PhD 1996
Crawford John Arthur 1974 Prof Fisheries &
Wildlife BS Creighton 1968 MS Nebraska 1971
Creech Harold Clayton 1967 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Hatfield Marine Science Center BS Oregon State
1965 MS 1967
Crippen Tawni L 1998 Res Assoc Post Doct
Microbiology BA Humboldt State University 1980
MS University of CA Davis 1984 PhD 1996
Crisman Russell Owen 1979 Assoc Prof Veterinary
Medicine DVM Purdue 1970 PhD Georgia 1979
Croft Brian A 1982 Prof Entomology BS Brigham
Young 1966 MS 1968 PhD Cal Riverside 1970
Cromack Kermit Jr 1974 Prof Forest Science BA
Texas 1963 MA 1967 PhD Georgia 1973
Cross Judith A 1985 Assoc Prof Information Services
MS Brigham Young 1984 MS Oregon State 1990
Crouse Ronald F 1996 Instr Hatfield Marine Science
Center BS Colorado St Univ 1981
Crowe Frederick James 1984 Assoc Prof Plant
Pathology & Central Oregon Ag Exp Station BA
Stanford 1971 MS UC-Davis 1975 PhD 1978
Cuenca Richard H 1978 Prof Bioresource
Engineering BS Cal State- Polytechnic 1971 MS Cal
State-Sacramento 1975 PhD UC-Davis 1978
Cull Paul 1970 Prof Computer Science Engineering
BS Providence College 1965 PhD Chicago 1970
Cummings Dian L 1988 Faculty Res Asst Fisheries &
Wildlife BS Oregon St Univ 1982 MS Oregon St Univ
Cusack Thomas J 1984 Prof Int'l Res &
Development BS London 1970 MS Guelph (Canada)
1972 PhD Oregon State 1977
Cusimano Barbara Ewens 1988 Assoc Prof Exercise
& Sports Science BS Oklahoma State 1970 MS
Arizona State 1975 PhD 1981
Daalknaijav Damiran 1997 Res Assoc Visiting AGSEOARC-Union Station BS Ag Univ - Mongolia 1981
PhD Higher Teachers - Mongolia 1995
Daeschel Mark A 1988 Prof Food Science &
Technology BA SUNY Plattsburgh 1977 MS
Tennessee Knoxville 1979 PhD North Carolina State
Dakan Sharon L 1996 Director Telecommunications
Dale Andrew C 1997 Res Assoc Post Doct Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS (Foreign) 1990 PhD
Institution Unknown 1992
Daley Laurence Stephen 1983 Prof Horticulture BS
Florida 1964 MS 1966 PhD UC-Davis 1975
Dalrymple Brent G 1994 Prof Dean Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BA Occidental College 1959
PhD UC-Berkeley 1963
Dalton Clifford Sherman 1971 Director of Library
Development Valley Library BS Oregon State 1966
MBA 1969
Daly Christopher 1990 Asst Prof Sr Res Geosciences
BS UC-Davis 1978 MA Colorado - Boulder 1984 PhD
Oregon State 1994
Dambrosio Bruce D 1986 Assoc Prof Computer
Science Engineering University Honors College Faculty
BS UC-Berkeley 1984 PhD UC-Berkeley 1986
Daniels Richard Jacob 1970 Assoc Prof English
University Honors College Faculty BA Ohio State 1964
MA 1966 PhD 1972
Daniels Steven E 1989 Assoc Prof Forest Resources
BS Whitman College 1981 MS Duke 1984 PhD 1986
Danielson Jennifer M 1996 Instr Pharmacy BS
Drake Univ 1993 MO Drake Univ 1993
Dantas Whitney Maria E 1990 Instr English
Language Institute BA Santa Ursula 1984 MA
Northern Arizona 1987
Dark Cathy 1991 Instr Exercise & Sports Science BS
Oregon 1975 MA Laban Centre for Movement &
Dance 1988
Darnell Thomas J 1978 Prof Umatilla Co Extn
Agent Horticulture BS Kansas State 1967 MS 1969
Dashwood Mohaiza 1998 Faculty Res Asst
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BS Foreign
Institution 1982 MS University of Hawaii at Manoa
Dashwood Roderick H 1998 Assoc Prof Linus
Pauling Institute BS Plymouth University, UK 1982
MS Surrey University UK 1983 PhD Genotoxicity
studies Portsmouth University, UK 1986"
Daugherty Tracy Don 1986 Assoc Prof English
University Honors College Faculty BA Southern
Methodist 1976 MA 1983 PhD Houston 1985
Davidson Jeanne R 1994 Asst Prof Valley Library
MS Wyoming 1987 MA Missouri 1990
Davis Elizabeth 1995 Res Assoc Ag & Resource
Economics MA Michigan 1985 PhD Michigan 1988
Davis Elizabeth Anne 1993 Faculty Res Asst Botany
& Plant Pathology BS Cal Poly Pamona 1977 MS
Oregon State 1982
Davis Joel W 1993 Faculty Res Asst Horticulture BS
UC-Riverside 1988 MS Oregon State 1996
Davis Lowery H Jr 1997 Asst Prof Columbia Co
Extn Agent 4-H Youth Development Education BS
New Mexico State 1986 MA 1988
Davis Richard J 1995 Instr Military Science
Davis Steven Lewis 1983 Prof Animal Sciences
University Honors College Faculty BS Idaho 1964 MS
1966 PhD Illinois 1969
Davison Neil R 1995 Asst Prof English BA Maryland
1982 MFA Columbia 1984 PhD Maryland 1993
Dawson Patricia Ann 1988 Assoc Prof Umatilla Co
Extn Agent 4-H Youth Development Education BS
Idaho 1981 MA Norwich Univ 1992
Day James W 1995 Assoc Director - Information
Technology Admissions & Orientation BS Oregon St
Univ 1975 MAST Golden Gate Univ 1989
Day Michael M 1995 Faculty Res Asst Fisheries &
Wildlife BS Univ of Oregon 1991
De Carolis Robert J 1998 Assoc Athletic Director Internal Operations Intercollegiate Athletics BO
Bloomsburg Univ-PA 1976 MA Univ of MassAmherst 1979
De Young Bruce Richard 1988 Assoc Prof Extn
Specialist Ag & Resource Economics BA Augustana
1974 MS Oregon State 1976 PhD Union Graduate
School 1986
Dealy Glen Caudill 1967 Prof Political Science BA
Washington 1957 MA George Washington 1958 PhD
UC-Berkeley 1965
DeAngelis Jack Douglas 1988 Assoc Prof
Entomology BA Miami Univ (Ohio) 1976 MS New
Mexico State 1978 PhD Oregon State 1981
Deboodt Timothy Lee 1987 Assoc Prof Crook Co
Extn Staff Chair Rangeland Resources BS Oregon
State 1981 MS Wyoming 1984
DeFrancesco Joseph Thomas 1986 Sr Faculty Res
Asst North Willamette Res & Extn Center BS Oregon
State 1977 MS 1987
Oregon State University
Degraaf Rebecca 1997 Asst Prof Counselor
Counseling & Testing Center MS Indiana St Univ
1996 PhD Loyola Univ-Chicago 1996
Deinzer Max Ludwig 1973 Prof Environmental &
Molecular Toxicology BS Rutgers 1960 MS Arizona
1963 PhD Oregon 1969
DeKock Carroll Wayne 1967 Prof Department
Chair Chemistry BS Calvin College 1960 PhD Iowa
State 1965
DeLander Gary E 1983 Assoc Prof Asst Dean
College of Pharmacy BS Colorado 1977 PhD
Minnesota 1983
Delaney Gary Daniel 1995 Asst Prof Grant Co Extn
Agent Rangeland Resources BS Utah State 1972 MS
1988 PhD Arizona State 1994
DelCurto Timothy 1989 Assoc Prof Asst
Superintendent - EOARC Union Animal Sciences BS
Oregon State 1984 MS 1986 PhD Kansas State 1989
Delph Cathy L 1997 Faculty Res Asst Crop & Soil
Science BS Oregon State 1990
Delson Irma 1990 Asst Dir Student Services Oceanic
& Atmospheric Sciences BA Eastern Oregon State
College 1984
Demaio Ruth S 1991 Cultural & Conversant
Coordinator English Language Institute BA Stanford
1970 MAIS Tulane Univ 1974
Dempsey Moira E W 1993 Instr English BA Oregon
State 1991
Denoma Jeanine 1995 Faculty Res Asst Horticulture
BS Oregon State 1987 MS 1994
Derryberry Douglas A 1984 Assoc Prof Psychology
University Honors College Faculty BA Oregon 1978 MS
1981 PhD 1983
Desiderio Russell A 1987 Res Assoc Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Cal Tech 1975 PhD
Stanford 1984
DeSzoeke Roland Andreas 1973 Prof Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences MS New South Wales 1972
PhD Nova 1973
Dewitt Lynn M 1983 Sr Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences MS Oregon St Univ 1981
Dibble Terence L 1986 Sr Faculty Res Asst Civil,
Construction, & Environmental Engineering BSEE
Oregon State 1969 MSCE 1981
Dick Richard P 1985 Prof Crop & Soil Science
University Honors College Faculty BS Minnesota 1974
MS Louisiana State 1977 PhD Iowa State 1985
Dick Thomas P 1986 Prof Mathematics BA & BS
Kansas 1978 MA Brandeis 1979 PhD New Hampshire
Dickenson Stephen E 1992 Asst Prof Civil,
Construction, & Environmental Engineering
University Honors College Faculty BA UC-Berkeley
1985 MSCE Virginia Tech 1988 PhD UC-Berkeley
Dodgson Joanne 1997 Sexual Assault Support
Coordinator Counseling Center MA Furman
Univ 1985 DO Western Michigan Univ 1996
Dodrill Steven Jeffrey 1990 Assoc Prof Electronic
Media Spec Agricultural Communications BA
Montana 1984 MS Oregon 1990 PhD Oregon State
Doe! Ronald E 1997 Asst Prof History BA
Northwestern 1978 MA Bowling Green 1983 PhD
Princeton 1990
Doescher Paul Steven 1984 Prof Rangeland
Resources BS Illinois 1975 MS Montana 1977
Dolan Mark E 1997 Instr Civil, Construction &
Environmental Engineering MS Oregon St Univ
1987 PhD Stanford Univ 1996
Dolja Valerian V 1994 Asst Prof Botany & Plant
Pathology University Honors College Faculty MS
Moscow State Univ (USSR) 1980 PhD 1980
Dollar Natalie J 1993 Asst Prof Speech
Communication BA Mississippi State 1985 MA
Arizona State 1988 PhD Washington 1993
Domingo James B 1995 Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS New Hampshire 1986 MS
UC-Davis 1992
Donatelle Rebecca 1984 Assoc Prof Chairperson
Public Health BS Wisconsin LaCrosse 1972 MS 1979
PhD Oregon 1981
Donel John Ray 1989 Asst Prof Reference Librarian
Valley Library BS Pennsylvania 1979 MLS SUNY
Albany 1989
Dorbolo Jon Louis 1987 Distributed Learning
Developer Instructional Support Services BA
Delaware 1982 PhD Oregon 1987
Douglass James Marlin 1968 Prof Director of Bands
Music BME Denver 1960 MFA Ohic 1962
Douglas Victoria S 1997 Asst Prof Apparel,
Interiors, Housing & Merchandisin gMO Univ of
Kansas 1987 PhD Texas A & M Tex Maritime Acad
Dovel Randy L 1987 Assoc Prof Re search
Agronomist Klamath Exp Station B;S Abilene
Christian College 1981 MS Texas A & M 1983 PhD
Dowling Barbara Tolley 1978 Inst:r English
Language Institute BA Ohio 1971 lvfA 1973
Down Jonathan T 1997 Asst Prof F usiness MA
Harvard Univ 1987 PhD Univ of Wtshington 1998
Downing Troy W 1990 Asst Prof Ti Ilamook Co
Dairy Agent Animal Sciences BS CaI State-Chico
1986 MS Nevada Reno 1990
Drapek Raymond James 1985 Faculty Res Asst
Forest Science BS Michigan 1981 MS Michigan State
Dray Tevian 1988 Prof Mathematics BS MIT 1976
MA UC-Berkeley 1977 PhD 1981
Dickerson Judith E 1996 Asst Prof Josephine Co 4- Dreher Theo Wolfgang 1987 Assoc Prof
H Youth Agent Extension 4-H Youth Dev BS
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BAgr
Southern Oregon St College 1981 MS Southern
Melbourne (Australia) 1976 PhD 1980
Oregon St College 1997
Drexler John Anthony Jr 1983 Assoc Prof Mgmt,
Dickson Robert L 1981 Instr Animal Sciences BS
Marketing, & Int'l Business BA Wayne State 1968
Idaho 1978
MA 1971 PhD Michigan 1975
Diebel Penolope L 1995 Asst Prof Eastern Oregon
Driscoll Debra Minar 1984 Assoc Prof Coos Co
Ag Research Center BS Colorado State 1983 MS 1986
Extn Agent Extn Home Economics BS Mankato State
PhD Virginia Polytechnic 1990
1975 MS Wisconsin Stout 1982
Dietterich Thomas G 1985 Prof Computer Science
Duan Niangao 1998 Res Assoc Post Doct Chemistry
Engineering University Honors College Faculty AB
MS Univ of Conn 1996 PhD Univ of Conn 1998
Oberlin 1977 MS Illinois 1979 PhD Stanford 1984
Duddles Ralph Edward 1988 Assoc Prof Coos Co
Dilles John H 1989 Assoc Prof Geosciences BS Cal
Extn Agent Forest Resources BS Michigan Tech 1962
Tech 1975 MS 1976 PhD Stanford 1984
MS Washington 1963
Dillon Thomas M 1977 Prof Oceanic &
Dulik Karen 1998 Faculty Res Asst Environmental &
Atmospheric Sciences BA Sacramento State 1969 MA
Molecular Toxicology BS University of South
UC-Davis 1971 PhD 1974
Carolina 1991 MS CA Polytechnic State University
Dilson Wolfgang Otto 1970 Assoc Prof German BA
UC-Riverside 1968 PhD UC-Davis 1972
Duncan James Andrew 1979 Assoc Prof
Coordinator Print Media Agricultural
Dimitrova Valentina I 1998 Res Assoc Post Doct
Communications BA Central Arkansas 1969 MA
Chemistry MS (Foreign) 1982 PhD (Foreign) 1992
Oregon 1975
Dixon Alfred Ray 1970 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Duncan Robert Ames 1977 Prof Oc eanic &
Horticulture BS Oregon State 1966 BS 1984
Atmospheric Sciences AB Princeton 1971 MS
D'Ambrosio Bruce Douglas 1986 Assoc Prof
Stanford 1972 PhD Australian National 1976
Computer Science Engineering University Honors
Dunn Kimberly Dawn 1993 Asst Pr of Industrial F
College Faculty BS UC-Berkeley 1979 MS 1984 PhD
Mfg Engineering BS Oklahoma State 1987 MS 1989
PhD Arizona State 1993
Durham Catherine Alison 1997 Asst Prof Sr Res Ag
& Resource Economics BS UC-Davis 1981 MS
Arizona 1985 PhD UC-Davis 1991
Durst Bob 1984 Sr Faculty Res Asst Food Science &
Technology BS Cal Tech 1974 MS Oregon State 1988
Dutson Thayne R 1987 Prof Dean & Director Ag
Sciences & Ag Experiment Station BS Utah State
1966 MS Michigan State 1969 PhD 1971
Duvall Betty 1995 Prof Education BS Southwest
Missouri State 1960 MA Denver 1966 MA New York
Univ 1976
Dykeman Cass 1998 Assoc Prof Education BA
Claremont McKenna College, Claremont CA 1984
MED University of Wash 1988 PhD University of
Virginia 1993
Dziak Robert P 1988 Asst Prof Sr Res Hatfield
Marine Science Center BS Illinois 1985 MS Memphis
State 1988
Earl William A 1994 Instr Speech Communication
University Honors College Faculty BA Cal State-Long
Beach 1972 MA 1975 MPA Brigham Young 1988
Earle Sandra B 1996 Asst Prof Pharmacy BS Ohio
Northern Univ 1983 PRO Ohio St Univ 1985
Ebbeck Vicki 1990 Assoc Prof Exercise & Sports
Science University Honors College Faculty BEd CTC
(Australia) 1984 MS Oregon 1986 PhD 1990
Eberhart Joyce Louise 1989 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Forest Science BA Wisconsin 1978
Eddleman Lee Elbert 1981 Prof Rangeland
Resources BS C:olorado State 1960 MS 1962 PhD
Ede Lisa S 1980 Prof Director - Center for Writing &
Learning En li sh BS Ohio State 1969 MA Wisconsin
1970 PhD 147
Edge William Daniel 1989 Assoc Prof Fisheries &
Wildlife BS Mb ntana 1979 MS 1982 PhD 1985
Edmonton G.eorge P Jr 1986 Instr Editor The
Oregon Stater IIA Louisiana State 1971 MA SW
Louisiana 1975
Edwards Barb.ara E 1997 Asst Prof Mathematics BA
Oregon 1965 SIS Portland State 1987 PhD
Pennsylvania S tate 1997
Edward, John A 1995 Asst Prof Psychology
University Homors College Faculty BA Davidson
College 1983 S fA North Carolina-Charlotte 1989
MA Ohio State 1992
Edwards Mark Evan 1997 Asst Prof Sociology
University Honors College Faculty BA UC-Davis 1984
MA Washington 1992 PhD 1997
Egbert Gary 1988 Assoc Prof Sr Res Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BA UC-Berkeley 1977 MS
Washington 1981 PhD 1987
Egna Hillary S 1986 Sr Faculty Res Asst Int'l Res &
Development BS Michigan State 1980 MS Oregon
State 1985
Ehrensing Daryl 1981 Sr Faculty Res Asst Crop &
Soil Science BS Oregon State 1976
Ehret Laura L 1998 Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences MS VA Poly Inst & St Univ
1976 MS Florida St Univ 1986
Eiseman David 1968 Prof Music AB UC-Berkeley
1963 MM Illinois 1964 PhD 1972
Eiser James 1997 Instr Forest Engineering BS
Humboldt State 1982 MS Oregon State 1992
Ek Michael B 1988 Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Oregon State 1980 BS 1987
Eldin Neil N 1992 Assoc Prof Civil, Construction,
& Environmental Engineering BS Cairo Univ (Egypt)
1972 MS Concordia Univ (Canada) 1978 MS McGill
Univ (Canada) 1979
Eldredge Eric P 1996 Faculty Res Asst Malheur Exp
Station MS Univ of Idaho 1982 PhD Oregon St Univ
Eleveld Bartelt 1984 Assoc Prof Extension Agri
Economist Ag S i Resource Economics BS Cal Poly
Pamona 1972 S IA Washington State 1974 PhD Texas
A & St 1979
Elias Sabry G I 998 Faculty Res Asst Crop & Soil
Science BS (Egy)Dt) 1974 MS Michigan State
University 1988 PhD 1994
Elle Robert I 1996 Faculty Res Asst Systems
Administrator Int'l Res & Development BS Cal St
Univ-Sacramento 1991 MS Oregon St Univ 1994
Ellingson Anne Marie 1992 Faculty Res Asst
Fisheries & Wildlife BS Oregon State 1992
Ellingson Kami S 1997 Instr Douglas Co Ext
Natural Res Ext Forestry Oper BS Oregon St Univ
Ellis Samuel L 1997 Instr College of Pharmacy BS
Oregon State 1994 PharmD Oregon Health Sciences
Univ 1997
Elwood Norman Eugene 1979 Assoc Prof Extn
Specialist Forest Resources BS Michigan State 1969
MS Minnesota 1978 PhD 1984
Emmingham William H 1980 Prof Extn Silviculture
Specialist Forest Science BS Idaho 1961 MS Oregon
State 1972 PhD 1974
Engel Harold N 1979 Prof Veterinary Medicine BS
Missouri 1969 DVM 1969 MS Auburn 1974
Engel Joanne B 1990 Assoc Prof Education BS Penn
State 1965 MEd Univ of Sydney (Australia) 1972 MS
Iowa State 1978
Engle Molly A 1998 Assoc Prof Ext Evaluation &
Grants Spec Ext Service Program MS Univ of Arizona
1973 PhD Univ of Arizona 1983
English Marshall Joseph 1978 Prof Bioresource
Engineering BS San Jose State 1965 MS UC-Berkeley
1974 PhD 1978
Epstein Bert H 1998 Instr Counseling & Testing
Center BA University of CA-Berkley 1984 PhD CA
School of Professional Psych 1997
Erickson Dlanne K 1988 Assoc Prof Science & Math
Education BS Minnesota 1966 MA Northwestern
1969 PhD Oregon 1986
Erickson Linda 1979 Prof Clackamas Co Extn Agent
4-H Youth Development Education BA Marshall
1961 MEd Maryland 1971
Erickson Sheri L 1998 Faculty Res Asst Irrigation
Scheduling Tech Engineering Extension BS Oregon
St Univ 1992
Ernst Douglas H 1989 Faculty Res Asst Bioresource
Engr MS Oregon St Univ 1983
Erofeev Anatoli Y 1995 Res Assoc Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences MS (Foreign) 1981 PhD
(Foreign) 1990
Erofeeva Svetlana 1996 Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences MS (Foreign) 1981 PhD
(Foreign) 1988
Esbensen Steven K 1977 Prof Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BA UCLA 1968 MS 1972 PhD
Escher Christine M 1993 Asst Prof Mathematics BA
Universitat Kaiserslautern (Germany) 1985 PhD
Pennsylvania 1993
Evans Glenn Thomas 1977 Prof Chemistry
University Honors College Faculty BS Seton Hall 1968
PhD Brown 1973
Evans Gwil Owen 1966 Prof College of Ag Sciences
BS Oregon State 1961 AM Stanford 1962
Evans Leigh J 1992 Faculty Res Asst Hatfield Marine
Science Center BS Lafayette College 1982 MS San
Diego State 1985
Evans III Sanford 1996 Faculty Res Asst Hatfield
Marine Science Center BS Pitzer College 1990 MS
Auburn 1995
Ewing Theresa A 1993 Instr Ag & Resource
Economics BS Oregon State 1991 MS Portland State
Facteau Timothy Joseph 1967 Prof Mid Columbia
Ag Res & Extn Center BS Rutgers 1963 MS 1965 PhD
Florida 1967
Falkner Kelly Kenison 1992 Assoc Prof Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BA Reed College 1983 PhD
MIT/Woods Hold 1989
Fanno Wayne L 1993 Instr Ag Education & General
Agriculture BS Oregon State 1987 MS 1991 PhD
Farber Paul Lawrence 1970 OSU Distinguished Prof
of History of Science Department Chair History BS
Pittsburgh 1965 MA Indiana 1968 PhD 1970
Farber Vreneli Regula 1972 Assoc Prof Russian BA
Pittsburgh 1961 MA Harvard 1967 PhD Indiana
Rolf G 1998 Prof Economics Filosofie Kandidat
University of Lund, Lund (Sweeden) 1967 Filosofie
Licentiat 1971 Docent in Economics 1976
Faridani Adel 1990 Assoc Prof Mathematics Diplom
Physiker 1982; Dr Rer Nat Westalische Wilhelms
Univ Munster 1988
Farkas Daniel F 1990 Jacobs-Root Endowed
Professor Department Head Food Science &
Technology BS MIT 1954 MS 1955 PhD 1960
Farmer Rainier Haines 1990 Instr Radiation Safety
Officer Radiation Safety BS Oregon State 1983 MS
Farr Holly S 1995 Faculty Res Asst Environmental
Health Sciences Center BS Oregon St Univ 1993 MS
Oregon St Univ 1995
Farrell John Patrick 1968 Assoc Prof Economics BS
Wisconsin 1961 MS 1964 PhD 1973
Farris Neysa A 1992 Faculty Res Asst Central
Oregon Ag Res Center BS Oregon State 1991
Fassnacht Heidi 1998 Faculty Res Asst Geosciences
BS Wisconsin 1991 MS OSU 1997
Fasth Rebecca Grove 1995 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Science BS Illinois 1991
Faudskar John David 1972 Asst Prof Tillamook Co
Extn Agent & Staff Chair Extension Service Pgm BS
Oregon State 1969 MS 1980
Faux Russell N Jr 1997 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Science BS Penn State 1987 MS Oregon State 1996
Fawcett Kimberly A 1998 Faculty Res Asst
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BS
University of Richmond 1994 MS OSU 1994
Fayler Linda R 1995 Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Montana State 1991
Feibert Erik Bruno G 1990 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Malheur Exp Station BS (Foreign) 1980 MA UC Santa
Cruz 1988
Fein Betty Y 1970 Asst Prof Mathematics BS UCLA
1961 MS 1963 PhD 1968
Fein Burton Ira 1970 Prof Mathematics BS
Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn 1961 MS
Wisconsin 1962 PhD Oregon 1965
Feinberg Leah R 1998 Faculty Res Asst Hatfield
Marine Science Center BA Macalester College 1993
MS U of Conn 1998
Feist Grant William 1996 Faculty Res Asst Fisheries
& Wildlife BS Wisconsin 1983
Fekou-Youmbi Valentin 1997 Res Assoc Post Doct
Chemistry BS Univ de Paris-sud (France) 1993 PhD
Fields Andrew J 1998 Faculty Res Asst Pharmacy BA
Univ of New Hampshire 1976
Filichkin Sergei 1998 Asst Prof Sr Res Ag
Microbiology MS (Foreign) 1977 PhD (Foreign) 1984
Filichkin Tanya P 1998 Faculty Res Asst Crop & Soil
Science BS (Foreign) 1979 MS (Foreign) 1984
Filip Gregory M 1990 Assoc Prof Forest Science BS
Oregon State 1972 PhD New Hampshire 1976
Filley Shelby J 1998 Asst Prof Douglas Co Ext Agent
Animal Sciences BS UC-Davis 1982 MS Cal St
Polytechnic Univ 1986
Filtz Theresa M 1998 Asst Prof College of Pharmacy
BS University of Virginia 1986 PhD University of
Pennsylvania 1993
Finch David V 1977 Assoc Prof Mathematics BA
Swarthmore College 1972 PhD MIT 1977
Finnan Robert Wilson 1986 Instr Int'l Student
Advisor English Language Institute BA Arizona 1973
MA 1976
Fiorella Maria 1996 Faculty Res Asst Forest Science
BS Cornell 1985 MS Oregon State 1993
Firth James Leslie 1973 Assoc Prof Education AB
San Diego State 1962 MS 1969 PhD Arizona State
Fischer Kay A 1995 Faculty Res Asst Veterinary
Medicine BS Stephen F Austin State Univ 1982 MS
Fisher Charles E 1981 Instr Director of Facilities &
Intramural Sports Health & Human Performance BS
Colorado State 1966 MEd 1969
Fisher Glenn Collins 1976 Prof Extn Specialist
Entomology BS UC-Davis 1969 PhD 1977
Fisher Joseph Patrick 1981 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences BA Macalester 1975
MS Oregon State 1979
Fisk Martin Robert 1983 Assoc Prof Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Vermont 1969 PhD Rhode
Island 1978
Fitzgerald Stephen A 1984 Assoc Prof Deschutes Co
Extn Agent Forest Resources BS SUNY 1979 MS
Idaho 1983
Fitzpatrick Martin S 1989 Asst Prof Sr Res Fisheries
& Wildlife BA Harvard 1980 PhD Oregon State 1990
Flaherty Francis Joseph 1967 Prof Mathematics BS
Wisconsin 1956 MS Notre Dame 1959 PhD UCBerkeley 1965
Flahive Mary E 1990 Assoc Prof Mathematics BA St
Joseph College 1969 MS Ohio State 1971 PhD 1976
Fleischbein Jane Helen 1982 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences BS Oregon State
1975 BA Western Washington 1981
Fletcher Richard Allan 1979 Prof Benton Co Extn
Agent Forest Resources BS Oregon State 1975 MBA
Fennah Stephen M 1998 Head Womens' Soccer
Flick Lawrence B 1994 Asst Prof Science & Math
Education BS Purdue 1968 MA Northwestern 1973
PhD Indiana 1985
Floyd MarkM 1981 Instr Director News &
Communication Services BS Oregon State 1978 MS
Coach Intercollegiate Athletics BS Colorado St Univ
Follett Thomas M 1997 Faculty Res Asst Hatfield
Marine Science Center BS Washington 1997
Folts James A 1972 Assoc Prof Department Chair
Art AB Princeton 1966 BA Oregon State 1972 MS
Oregon 1980
Forbes Leonard 1983 Prof Electrical & Computer
Engineering BS Alberta Edmonton (Canada) 1962
MS Illinois 1963 PhD 1970
Forbes Orcilia Z 1998 Vice President University
Advancement BS New Mexico 1960 MS Oregon 1972
Feltmann Allen J 1977 Faculty Res Asst Animal
Sciences BS Oregon St Univ 1977 MS Oregon St Univ
Ferngren Gary Burt 1970 Prof History University
Honors College Faculty BA Oregon 1983 MA
Northwestern Univ 1987
Ferschweiler Kenneth J 1994 Faculty Res Asst
Computer Science Engineering BA Western
Washington 1964 MA British Columbia (Canada)
1967 PhD 1973
Fichter Eugene Frank 1977 Assoc Prof Industrial &
Mfg Engineering BME Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute 1967 MS New Brunswick 1973 PhD
Monash (Australia) 1977
Fick Barbara J 1994 Instr Marion Co Extn Agent
Horticulture BS Wisconsin River Falls 1983 MS
Minnesota 1988
Fieber William F 1996 Faculty Res Asst Research
Forest BS Minnesota St Paul 1963
Field Jennifer A 1992 Asst Prof Environmental &
Molecular Toxicology BS Northland College 1985
PhD Colorado School of Mines 1990
Field Katherine G 1988 Asst Prof Microbiology BA
Yale 1975 MA Boston 1979 PhD Oregon 1985
MPH UC-Berkeley 1972
Ford Ellen M 1989 Instr Science & Math Education
BS Oregon 1966
Ford Mary J 1990 Assoc Prof Fisheries & Wildlife MS
Yankton College 1976 PhD Univ of Minnesota 1984
Forsberg Neil Elliott 1985 Prof Animal Sciences BSA
Manitoba (Canada) 1975 MS 1977 PhD UC-Davis
Foss Margit Ann 1997 Res Assoc Zoology BA
Carleton 1986 PhD UC-Berkeley 1992
Oregon State University
Foster James C 1985 Assoc Prof Department Chair
Political Science University Honors College Faculty BA
Lewis & Clark 1969 MA Cal State-Los Angeles 1971
PhD Washington 1976
Fowler John E Jr 1997 Asst Prof Botany & Plant
Pathology BS Georgia 1987 PhD UC-Berkeley 1994
Fowler Matthew J 1996 Faculty Res Asst Hatfield
Marine Science Center BS Humbolt State 1996
Fox Margaret Wynne 1982 Asst Prof Educational
Opportunities BS Georgia Southern College 1971
MEd Oregon State 1983 PhD 1992
Fox Susan D 1993 Faculty Res Asst Health & Human
Performance BS UC-Davis 1989 MS 1992
Francis Sally K 1982 Prof Department Head
Apparel, Interiors, Housing, & Merchandising BS
Bowling Green 1969 MEd Miami 1971 PhD Ohio
State 1981
Frank Dawn C 1970 Prof Extension Methods
Specialist Extension Service Pgm BS Oregon State
1970 PhD Southern Oregon State 1977
Frank Robert Joseph 1969 Prof English BA St John's
(Minnesota) 1962 MA Minnesota 1968 PhD 1969
Franke Christine A 1983 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Microbiology BA Texas-Austin 1975
Franklin Paul H 1986 Asst Prof Sr Res Pharmacy
University Honors College Faculty BA Washington
1975 BS 1978 MS Rochester 1981
Fraundorf Martha Norby 1975 Assoc Prof
Economics University Honors College Faculty BA
Carleton 1968 MA Cornell 1971 PhD 1976
Frei Balz B 1997 Prof Director Linus Pauling
Institute BA Gymnasium Winterthur (Switzerland)
1977 MA Swiss Federal Inst of Technology
(Switzerland) 1983 PhD ETH Zurich (Switzerland)
Freilich Michael 1992 Assoc Prof Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Haverford 1975 PhD
Scripps 1981
Freitag Camille M 1985 Sr Faculty Res Asst Forest
Products BS SUNY-Syracuse 1980
Friedman Leonard H 1992 Asst Prof Public Health
University Honors College Faculty BA Cal State-
Northridge 1977 MPH 1982 PhD USC 1991
Friedman Michael A 1998 Res Assoc Post Doct
Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences BA Rice University
1985 MS UCLA 1989 PhD University of Wisconsin
Frishkoff Patricia 1978 Prof Director Family
Business Program College of Business BA St
Lawrence 1966 DBA Kent State 1974
Fritzell Erik K 1994 Prof Department Head Fisheries
Si Wildlife BS North Dakota 1968 MS Southern
Illinois 1972 PhD Minnesota 1976
Froman David Paul 1984 Prof Animal Sciences BS
Bob Jones 1976 MS Clemson 1978 PhD 1982
Fuchigami Leslie Hirao 1970 Prof Horticulture BS
Hawaii 1964 MS Minnesota 1966 PhD 1970
Funck James W 1979 Assoc Prof Forest Products BS
Iowa State 1974 MS 1977 PhD 1979
Funk Kenneth H 111980 Assoc Prof Industrial &
Mfg Engineering BA Taylor 1975 MS Ohio State 1977
PhD 1980
Gable Kevin Patrick 1988 Assoc Prof Chemistry
University Honors College Faculty BS Miami 1981 MS
Cornell 1984 PhD 1987
Gallagher Sally K 1994 Asst Prof Sociology BA
Gordon College 1981 PhD Massachusetts 1991
Gamble Wilbert 1962 Prof Biochemistry &
Biophysics BS Wayne State 1955 PhD 1960
Gammill Linda F 1992 Asst Prof Acctg, Finance &
Info Mgmt BS Eastern New Mexico Univ 1970 MS
1975 PhD Nebraska Lincoln 1984
Gampert Ulrich 1989 Sr Faculty Res Asst Crop &
Soil Science BS Gymnasium of Lichtensfels
(Germany) 1972 MS Tech Munich (Germany) 1977
Gamroth Michael Joseph 1986 Prof Extension
Dairy Specialist Animal Sciences BS Oregon State
1973 MAg 1980
Gan Jianping 1996 Res Assoc Post Doct Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences MS (Foreign) 1991 PhD
(Foreign) 1995
Gangwer Michael Ira 1990 Assoc Prof Marion Co
Extn Agent Animal Sciences BS Cal Poly San Luis
Obispo 1975 MS Wisconsin 1976
Ganio Lisa Maria 1994 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Science MS Oregon State 1986 PhD 1989
Garbacik Carol 1986 Sr Faculty Res Asst Crop & Soil
Science BS Kansas State 1977 MS Oregon State 1984
Garcia James S 1998 Asst Prof Casa Educational Off
Coord Minority Education Off BS University of
Oregon 1977
Garcia Kay S 1988 Assoc Prof Spanish BA Wisconsin
1973 MA 1983 PhD 1987
Gard Steve Robert 1983 Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmopheric Sciences BS Oregon 1982
Gardner John Arvy Jr 1973 Prof Physics BA Rice
Univ 1961 MS Illinois 1963 PhD 1966
Garets Steve Brent 1984 Instr (Acting) Training
Specialist Public Health
Garity Dennis J 1981 Prof Mathematics BS
Wisconsin 1973 MA 1976 PhD 1980
Garland John Joseph Jr 1973 Prof Extn Timber
Harvesting Specialist Forest Engineering BS Oregon
State 1970 MS Minnesota 1972 PhD Oregon State
Garman Steve 1990 Asst Prof Sr Res Forest Science
BS Penn State 1979 MS New Hampshire 1981 PhD
Massachusetts 1990
Gartner Barbara L 1992 Asst Prof Forest Products
BA Swarthmore College 1979 MS Alaska 1982 PhD
Stanford 1990
Geller Bruce L 1987 Assoc Prof Microbiology
University Honors College Faculty BA Michigan State
1972 PhD Utah 1982
Gentle Thomas H 1980 Prof Extn Specialist
Agricultural Communications BA Michigan 1962
MFA Oregon 1969
George Karen M 1996 Head Adviser College of
Agriculture BS Oregon State 1981 MEd 1991
George Richard Allen 1969 Assoc Prof Speech
Communication BS Illinois State 1965 MS 1967 MFA
San Diego State 1980
Georgiou Constance 1987 Assoc Prof Nutrition &
Food Management University Honors College Faculty
BA Michigan 1966 MS Ohio State 1974 PhD
Oklahoma State 1986
Gerdemann Gail E 1995 Faculty Res Asst Gene
Research & Biotechnology BS Oregon St Univ 1972
Gerwick William H 1984 Prof Pharmacy BS UCDavis 1976 PhD Cal San Diego 1981
Ghanadan Hamid 1994 Faculty Res Asst
Biochemistry & Biophysics BS George Washington
Giardina Larry J 1983 Asst Prof Jackson Co Extn
Agent Engineering Extension BSA Georgia 1976 MS
Oregon State 1980
Gibson Wayne P 1983 Sr Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BA Cal Santa Barbara 1978 MS
Oregon State 1982
Giebultowicz Jadwiga M 1995 Asst Prof
Entomology MS Univ of Warsaw (Poland) 1974 PhD
Giebultowicz Tomasz M 1995 Asst Prof Physics
University Honors College Faculty MS Univ of Warsaw
(Poland) 1968 PhD 1975
Gilden Jennifer 1995 Faculty Res Asst Oregon Sea
Grant BA Vassar 1987
Gillis John Simon 1976 Prof PsychologyUniversity
Honors College Faculty BA Stanford 1959 MS Cornell
1961 PhD Colorado 1965
Gingrich Gale Allen 1973 Assoc Prof Marion Co
Extn Agent Crop & Soil Science BS Oregon State
1972 MS 1979
Giovannoni Step J 1988 Assoc Prof Microbiology
BA Cal San Diego 1974 MS Boston 1978 PhD Oregon
Girard Anne Marie 1989 Faculty Res Asst Center for
Gene Research BA Carleton 1986
Glassman Carol A 1980 Sr Faculty Res Asst Forest
Science BS Eastern Michigan 1974 BS Oregon State
Glenn Elizabeth 1997 Faculty Res Asst Fisheries &
Wildlife BA Oberlin College 1989 MS Univ of Vt &
St Ag College 1992
Glick Judith Gail 1995 Faculty Res Asst Bioresource
Engineering BA Texas A & M 1977 MS Southern
Oregon 1979
Gobell David Harold 1982 Prof Mgmt, Marketing
& Int'l Business BS Minnesota 1964 MSEE 1965 MBA
1978 PhD Iowa State 1979
Gobllrsch Susan A 1987 Instr Lincoln Co Extn
Agent Fisheries & Wildlife BA Denver 1970
Godwin Derek C 1992 Asst Prof Curry Co Extn
Agent Bioresource Engineering BS Virginia
Polytechnic 1990 MS Oregon State 1994
Goetze Brigitte R 1993 Faculty Res Asst Int'l Res &
Development BS Johannes Gutenberg (Germany)
1978 MS Christian Albrechts 1982 (Germany) PhD
Oregon State 1988
Gold Steven J 1982 Prof Chemistry BS UCLA 1966
PhD MIT 1970
Goldfinger Chris 1994 Asst Prof Sr Res Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Humboldt State 1980 MS
Oregon State 1990 PhD 1994
Gomez Angelo 1996 Co-Director Affirmative Action
BA Colorado 1975 JD U of 0 Law School 1978
Gomez Douglas M 1998 Faculty Res Asst Fisheries &
Wildlife BS Minn Snt Paul 1986 MS OSU 1992
Gonnerman Gregory D 1994 Faculty Res Asst Food
Science & Technology BS Oregon State 1994
Gonzales-Berry Erlinda V 1997 Prof Department
Chair Ethnic Studies BS New Mexico 1964 MA 1971
PhD 1978
Good James Wunder 1980 Prof Extn
Oceanographer Oceanic & Atmopheric Sciences BA
Susquehanna 1966 MS Oregon State 1976 PhD 1982
Goodkind Hilary M 1998 Asst Prof Education BA
University of Ca Santa Cruz 1989 MS U of Oregon
1994 PhD 1997
Goodwin Joel B 1994 Faculty Res Asst
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BS
Washington State 1994
Gopalan Ganesh 1994 Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BO (Foreign) 1994 MS Oregon
St Univ 1996
Goracke Gregory G 1986 Assoc Athletic Director Internal Operations Intercollegiate Athletics BS
Oregon St Univ 1982
Goslin Matthew N 1998 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Resources BS Pacific Lutheran Univ 1989 MS Oregon
St Univ 1996
Gradin Joseph L 1973 Res Assoc Veterinary
Medicine BS Oregon State 1973 MS 1976 PhD 1989
Graham Cheryl Ann 1983 Instr Health Educator
Student Health Center BS Oregon State 1980 MS
Graham David 1992 Asst Prof Sr Res Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Florida Inst of Tech 1975
MS Rhode Island 1980 PhD MIT/Woods Hole 1987
Graham Roger C 1990 Assoc Prof Acctg, Finance &
Info Mgmt MS Montana 1984 PhD Oregon 1990
Grantham Brian 1997 Res Assoc Post Doct Zoology
BS (Foreign) 1991 PhD Stanford Univ 1997
Grass Charlene G 1992 Assoc Prof Assoc Univ
Librarian Automation & Technical Services Valley
Library BA Univ of Detroit 1973 MLS Missouri 1978
Grass Jeffrey Brian 1978 Asst Prof Director
Publications & OSU Press BA Oregon 1970 MAIS
Oregon State 1985
Gray John E 1996 Faculty Res Asst Forest Science BA
Willamette 1991
Gray Linda L 1989 Instr Washington Co Extn Agent
Education BS Youngstown 1973
Gray Lizbeth Ann 1984 Assoc Prof Education BS
Oregon 1973 MSW Chicago 1976 PhD Washington
State 1985
Hale Jeffrey Alan 1992 Director of Development
College of Liberal Arts BS & BA San Diego State 1978
MA 1987
Hales Burke 1998 Asst Prof Oceanic & Atmospheric
Sciences MS Univ of Washington 1992 PhD Univ of
Washington 1995
Hall Jean A 1990 Asst Prof Veterinary Medicine BS
Oregon State 1981 DVM Washington State 1982 MS
Colorado State 1987
Hall Roberta Louise 1974 Prof Anthropology BA
Indiana 1963 MA Oregon 1969 PhD 1970
Halpin Patricia 1995 Res Assoc Post Doct Zoology
BS UC-Berkeley 1988 PhD Brown Univ 1994
Halse Richard Ray 1990 Instr Botany & Plant
Pathology BS Northern State 1970 MS Arizona 1973
PhD Oregon State 1980
Hamilton Robert Roy 1968 Prof Union Co Extn
Staff Chair 4-H Youth Development Education BS
Washington State 1966 MS 1971
Hamington Stephanie 1995 Instr UESP Coordinator
Counseling & Testing Center BS Cal State-Los
Angeles 1985 MS 1991
Hamir Amiralf N 1995 Assoc Prof Veterinary
Medicine BVS (East Africa) 1969 MS James Cook
(Australia) 1979 PhD Univ of Melbourne (Australia)
Gredler Gail M 1992 Instr Yamhill Ext Home
Horticulturist Horticulture BS Univ of Oregon 1978
MO Oregon St Univ 1988
Green James L 1975 Prof Extn Specialist
Horticulture BS Colorado State 1965 MS 1967 PhD
Green Kinsey B 1984 Prof Dean Home Economics &
Education BS Virginia 1960 MS Maryland 1965 PhD
Green Ronald R 1992 Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BA Washington 1972
Greene Michael 1993 Res Assoc Post Doct Zoology
BS Purdue Univ 1992
Greer Arthur J 1985 Assoc Prof Ag & Resource
Economics BS Colorado State 1966 MS 1968 PhD
Nebraska 1981
Gregerson Donna Marie 1974 Prof Benton Co Staff
Chair Home Economics & Education BS Oregon
State 1974 MS 1977
Gregg Janice M 1981 Assoc Prof Jackson Co Extn
Agent Extn Home Economics BA Central
Washington 1972 MACE Washington State 1981
Gregory Matthew J 1998 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Science BA Colorado College 1993
Gregory Stanley V 1977 Prof Sr Res Fisheries &
Wildlife University Honors College Faculty BS
Tennessee Knoxville 1971 MS Oregon State 1975
PhD 1980
Griffin Donald Alan 1964 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BA Cal
State-Chico 1964 MS Oregon State 1970
Griffiths David J 1967 Prof Physics BA British
Columbia (Canada) 1959 MS 1960 PhD 1965
Griggs Lawrence F 1972 Assoc Prof Director
Educational Opportunities BA Pacific Lutheran 1970
MA 1972 PhD Oregon State 1978
Grobe Deana L 1992 Faculty Res Asst Home
Economics & Education Admin MS Univ of
Wisconsin- Madison 1992 PhD Oregon St Univ 1997
Gross Joan E 1989 Assoc Prof Anthropology BA
Montana 1979 MA Texas 1981 PhD 1985
Gross Pauline P 1993 Academic Adviser College of
Liberal Arts BA College of St Benedict 1969
Grosskopf Shawna P 1998 Prof Economics BA
Kalamazoo College 1972 MS Syracuse University
1977 PhD 1977
Grove Robert A 1990 Faculty Res Asst
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BS Oregon
St Univ 1980 MS Oregon St Univ 1995
Grubert Timothy 1997 Faculty Res Asst Fisheries &
Wildlife BS Marietta College 1989
1966 Prof Mathematics
Guenther Ronald Bernard
BA Oregon State 1959 MA 1962 PhD Colorado 1964
Gunderson Christian E 1995 Faculty Res Asst
Nuclear Engineering OTH 1984
Gupta Rakesh 1991 Assoc Prof Forest Products MS
Manitoba (Canada) 1984 PhD Cornell 1990
Gutbrod Oscar A 1965 Asst Prof Extn Seed
Certification BS Oregon State 1964
Gvakharia Varo 0 1994 Res Assoc Biochemistry &
Biophysics MS Moscow State (Russia) 1974 PhD
Gygax Otto 1986 Instr Electrical & Computer
Engineering BS Oregon St Univ 1982 MS Oregon St
Univ 1985
Haase Diane L 1989 Sr Faculty Res Asst Forest
Science BS Humboldt St College 1989 MS Oregon St
Univ 1991
Hackel Heidi B 1998 Asst Prof English BA
Washington University, St Louis MO 1986 MA
English 1988/ MA Phil 1991 Columbia University
PhD 1995
Hackel Steven W 1996 Asst Prof History University
Honors College Faculty BA Stanford 1984 MA Cornell
1990 PhD 1994
Hacker Marla E 1997 Assoc Prof Industrial & Mfg
Engineering BS Oregon State 1980 MBA Rockhurst
Jesuit College 1990 MS Missouri-Columbia 1990
Hackleman Debra Marie Bond 1981 Asst Prof Head
of Catalog Dept Valley Library BA Oregon State 1975
MLS Oregon 1976 MS Oregon State 1988
Hadlock Terry G 1998 Asst Prof Washington Co Ext
Agent Ext Home Economics Oper MA Princeton
Theological Seminary 1989 PhD Oregon St Univ
Hagar Joan 1990 Sr Faculty Res Asst Forest Science
BS Wisconsin Madison 1984
Hagen Tory M 1998 Asst Prof Linus Pauling
Institute BS NC St Univ at Raleigh 1983 PhD Emory
Univ 1989
Ha$gerty Roy D 1996 AsstProf Geosciences
University Honors College Faculty BS Univ of Alberta
(Canada) 1990 MS Stanford 1993 PhD 1995
Hamm Philip B 1975 Assoc Prof Umatilla Co Extn
Agent Botany & Plant Pathology BS Western Oregon
1975 MS Oregon State 1981
Handley Bernadette M 1998 Instr Warm Springs
Ext Home Econ Ext Home Economics Oper BS
Rochester Inst Technology 1986 MS Oregon St Univ
Hane Danny C 1978 Instr Potato Specialist
Hermiston Ag Research & Extn Center MS Colorado
St Univ 1973
Hann David William 1978 Prof Forest Resources BS
Oregon State 1968 MS 1970 PhD Washington 1978
Hanna Susan Steele 1981 Prof Sr Res Ag & Resource
Economics BA Maine 1966 MS 1977 PhD Oregon
State 1981
Hannan Chrislyn B 1994 Faculty Res Asst Oceanic
& Atmospheric Sciences BS Oregon St Univ 1994
Hannaway David B 1979 Prof Crop & Soil Science
BS Delaware 1973 MS Tennessee 1975 PhD Kentucky
Hannigan-Downs Steve B 1998 Asst Prof Health &
Human Performance BS CA State University,
Hayward 1985 MS 1993 PhD OSU 1997
Hansen Donald E 1983 Assoc Prof Veterinary
Medicine BS UC-Davis 1970 DVM 1972 MPVM 1983
Hansen Eric J 1992 Instr Educational Program
Coordinator Univ Housing & Dining Services BS
Oregon State 1990 MBA 1992
Hansen Eric Neal 1994 Asst Prof Extn Specialist
Value Added Forest Products BS Idaho 1990 PhD
Virginia Polytechnic 1994
Hansen Everett Mathew 1972 Prof Botany & Plant
Pathology BS Oregon State 1968 MS Wisconsin 1971
PhD 1972
Hansen Gayle 11989 Assoc Prof Senior Research
Hatfield Marine Science Center MS VT & St Univ
Agrl College 1968 PhD Univ of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill 1976
Hansen Michael C 1992 Faculty Res Asst Fisheries &
Wildlife BS Oregon State 1978 MS 1982
Hanshumaker William C 1993 Instr Hatfield
Marine Science Center BS Southern Florida 1974 MA
Lewis & Clark 1987
Hanson D Eric 1992 Faculty Res Asst Forest Science
BS Colorado State 1986 MS 1991
Hanson Dean B 1972 Sr Faculty Res Asst Crop &
Soil Science MS Oregon St Univ 1968
Hanson Dean B 1972 Sr Faculty Res Asst Crop &
Soil Science BS Oregon State 1966 MS 1968
Hanus Frank Joseph 1970 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Botany & Plant Pathology BS Houston 1962 MS
Hanus Mark L 1994 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Resources BS San Jose State 1981
Oregon State University
Hardeman Kristine J 1994 Res Assoc Post Doct
Botany & Plant Pathology BS Iowa 1985 PhD
Oregon 1992
Harder Mark E 1996 Faculty Res Asst Biochemistry
& Biophysics BS Univ of Chicago 1968 PhD
Washington Univ 1975
Hardesty David P 1968 Prof Art BFA Miami (Ohio)
1966 MFA Cranbrook Academy of Art 1968
Hardin Karin 1979 Faculty Res Asst Nutrition &
Food Management BS Oregon State 1979 BS Oregon
Health Sciences Univ 1980
Harding Anna Kristine 1990 Assoc Prof Public
Health BS Oregon 1972 PhD Oregon State 1990
Hardison Linda K 1996 Res Assoc Post Doct Botany
& Plant Pathology BA Univ of Texas-Austin 1984
PhD Univ of Washington 1995
Harmon Mark E 1985 Assoc Prof Sr Res Forest
Science BA Amherst 1975 MS Tennessee 1980 PhD
Oregon State 1986
Harris Gregory J 1998 Faculty Res Asst Columbia
Basin Ag Res Center BS OSU 1997
Hart Douglas Arthur 1989 Asst Prof Columbia Co
Extn Agent 4-H Youth Development Education BS
Oregon State 1979 MS 1985
Hart John M 1985 Prof Extn Soil Scientist BS
Arizona 1969 MS 1971 PhD Nebraska 1976
Harter Rod A 1990 Assoc Prof Exercise & Sports
Science University Honors College Faculty BS East
Stroudsburg State 1976 MS Indiana State 1977 PhD
Oregon 1987
Harttig Ulrich 1992 Res Assoc Post Doct Food
Science & Technology PhD Univ of Kaiserslautern
(Germany) 1991
Hashimoto Andrew G 1986 Prof Assoc Provost
Academic Affairs Bioresource Engineering BS Purdue
1966 MS 1968 PhD Cornell 1972
Haskell William T 1984 Assoc Prof Multnomah Co
Extn Agent Engineering Extension BA UC-Santa
Barbara 1972 MA Michigan 1974
Hathaway Ronald Lee 1972 Prof Klamath Co Extn
Staff Chair Animal Sciences BS Cal Poly San Luis
Obispo 1968 MS Nevada Reno 1972 PhD Oregon
State 1987
Hatlevig Susan 1991 Faculty Res Asst Pharmacy BS
Arizona State 1983 MS UC-San Diego 1984 PhD
Airzona State 1989
Hatmaker Claudia Mae 1995 Res Assoc Home
Economics & Education BS Oregon 1987 MS 1990
PhD 1993
Hatmaker Lawrence Earl 1997 Faculty Res Asst
Home Economics & Education BA Oregon 1989 MA
Haugen Christian 1992 Res Assoc Post Doct
Chemistry BA Reed College 1986 MS Rochester 1988
PhD 1991
Havazelet Ehud 1989 Assoc Prof English AB
Columbia 1977 MFA Iowa 1984
Haverson Wayne W 1978 Prof Director Education
BA Willamette 1958 EdD Northern Colorado 1975
Haxby Dean G 1988 Assoc Prof Pharmacy BS
Oregon State 1980 PharmD Medical University of
South Carolina 1985
Hay James Warren 1977 Sr Instr Greenhouse
Manager Horticulture BS Oregon State 1975 MS
Colorado State 1977
Hayes John P 1992 Asst Prof Sr Res Forest Science BS
Oregon State 1978 MS Southern Oregon 1983 PhD
Cornell 1990
Hayes Patrick Milo 1986 Prof Crop & Soil Science
BS Arizona State 1980 MS Oregon State 1982 PhD
Michigan 1986
Hayes Rebecca N 1997 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Science BS Idaho 1995 MS 1997
Hayes Wilson C 1998 Prof Vice Provost Ofc of Vice
Provost for Research MS Stanford Univ 1966 PhD
Northwestern Univ 1970
Hays John B 1987 Prof Environmental & Molecular
Toxicology BS New Mexico 1960 PhD Cal San Diego
Headrick Charlotte Jane 1982 Prof Asst
Chairperson Speech Communication University
Honors College Faculty BA Tennessee 1969 MACT
Hieb Jill M 1997 Academic Advisor College of
Liberal Arts BA South Dakota 1991 MA Northern
Arizona 1995
Higdon Robert L 1982 Prof Mathematics BA
Missouri 1975 MS Stanford 1978 PhD 1981
Higginbotham Jack F 1987 Assoc Prof Associate
Dean Graduate School Radiation Center BS Kansas
State 1981 MS 1983 PhD 1987
Higgins Karen 1992 Asst Prof Education University
Honors College Faculty BS Oregon 1974 MA 1982 PhD
1971 PhD Georgia 1982
Healey Deborah Lynn 1979 Sr Instr English
Language Institute BA Queens College (UK) 1974
MA Oregon 1976 PhD 1993
Heard-Johnson Anissa 1997 Diversity Development
Coordinator Memorial Union Activities BS San
Diego University 1991 MAS Oregon 1995
Heath Du Shi-Hua 1989 Faculty Res Asst Nutrition
& Food Management BS (Foreign) 1962
Hightower Gregory L 1995 Prof Military Science BS
Hedstrom Olaf R 1984 Assoc Prof Veterinary
Cal Poly Pomona 1980 MS Troy State 1980
Medicine BA Montana 1971 MA UC-Berkeley 1972
Higley Kathryn Ann 1994 Asst Prof Nuclear
DVM UC-Davis 1976
Engineering BA Reed College 1978 MS Colorado
Heidel Jerry R 1988 Assoc Prof Veterinary Medicine
State 1992 PhD 1994
BS Washington State 1977 DVM 1980 PhD 1988
Hilderbrand Kenneth StepJr 1969 Assoc Prof
Heigh Lisa Frances 1994 Instr Public Outreach
Seafood Specialist BS Oregon State 1962 MS 1964
Coordinator Extension Service Pgm BA
Hill Thomas W 1984 Sr Instr Superintendent of
Massachusetts 1978
Farm Operations Animal Sciences BS Cal Poly San
Heikkila Paul Arthur 1969 Assoc Prof Coos Co Extn Luis Obispo 1976 MS Oregon State 1990
Agent Fisheries & Wildlife BS Washington 1968
Hills Susan M 1998 Faculty Res Asst Anthropology
Heimowitz Paul J 1998 Asst Prof Sea Grant
BA University of Illinois 1982 MA 1986
Extension BS University of Arizona 1987 MS OSU
Hilton Richard Judd 1987 Faculty Res Asst
Southern Oregon Ag Exp Station BA Pomona
Helle Anita 1990 Assoc Prof Coordinator of English College 1981 MS UC-Davis 1987
Ed English University Honors College Faculty BA U of
Hinman Robert Charles 1978 Assoc Prof Douglas
Puget Sound 1970 MA 1972 PhD Oregon 1986
Co Extn Agent Sea Grant Extension BS Cal StateHellickson Martin Leon 1975 Assoc Prof
Chico 1965 MS Cornell 1967
Bioresource Engineering BS North Dakota State 1968
Hino Jeffry Chester 1984 Sr Instr Production
MS South Dakota State 1972 PhD Minnesota 1975
Specialist Forestry Media Center BS Arizona 1975 MS
Hellman Edward W 1994 Assoc Prof District Extn
Oregon 1979
Agent North Willamette Res & Extn Center
Hinzman Roxanna L 1997 Faculty Res Asst TBNEP
Horticulture BS Illinois 1977 MS 1979 PhD Arkansas
Scientific/Tech Frog Coordinator Ext Service Frog BS
Oregon St Univ 1984 MS Univ of West Florida 1989
Helmick Sandra A 1991 Prof Assoc Dean College of
Hiratsuka Yuji 1992 Asst Prof Art BS Toyko Gakugei
Home Economics Academic Affairs Home
Univ (Japan) 1978 MA New Mexico State 1987 MFA
Economics & Education BS Ohio Univ 1962 MBA
Indiana Univ 1990
1964 PhD Missouri 1972
Mark Anthony 1984 Prof Zoology & Oceanic
Hem hill Delbert D Jr 1976 Prof Horticulture/
& Atmospheric Sciences University Honors College
North Willamette Res & Extn Center Horticulture BS
BA UC-Santa Barbara 1973 MA 1974 PhD
Notre Dame 1966 PhD Michigan State 1971
Henderson Marilyn C 1972 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Ho Pui Shing 1987 Prof Biochemistry & Biophysics
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BA Central
University Honors College Faculty BA Franklin &
Washington Univ 1972
Marshall College 1979 PhD Northwestern 1984
Henderson Pamela 1975 Coordinator of Student
Hobbs Beverly B 1991 Asst Prof Extension 4-H
Services Forestry BA Edinburgh (Scotland) 1966
Youth Development Specialist 4-H Youth
Henderson Robert L 1980 Asst Prof Extn Seed
Development Education BA New Hampshire 1968
Certification Specialist BS Cal Poly Pomona 1967 BS
MS Idaho 1974 PhD Oregon State 1993
1977 MS Oregon State 1983
Hobbs Deborah J 1988 Faculty Res Asst Linus
Hendricks Jerry Dean 1975 Prof Food Science &
Pauling Institute BS Oregon St Univ 1984 MA
Technology BS Colorado State 1966 PhD 1971
Oregon St Univ 1987
Hendricks Jon Albert 1988 Prof Director of University
Hobbs Stephen D 1978 Prof Forest Science BS New
Honors College Sociology BA Washington 1966 MA
Hampshire 1969 PhD Idaho 1977
Nevada 1968 PhD Penn State 1971
Hodge Kathie 1998 Res Assoc Post Doct Botany &
Hendrickson Paul E 1997 Faculty Res Asst Crop & Plant Pathology MA Cornell Univ 1993 PhD Cornell
Soil Science BS Minnesota Technology College Univ 1998
Crookston 1995
Hoffer Molly 1988 Sr Faculty Res Asst Botany &
Heneghan Philip Andrew 1996 Res Assoc Post Doct
Plant Pathology BS Univ of Illinois 1977
Entomology BS Univ of Newcastle (Pyne) 1989 PhD
Hoffman Peter Donald 1989 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Univ of Southampton (UK) 1994
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BS Oregon
Henthorne C Michael 1996 Director Memorial
State 1986
Union BS Emporia State Univ 1975
Hoffman Robert Lawrence Jr 1983 Faculty Res Asst
Herlihy Alan Tate 1991 Asst Prof Sr Res Fisheries &
Fisheries & Wildlife BS Oregon 1972 BS Oregon State
Wildlife BA Northwestern 1981 MS Virginia 1984
PhD 1987
Hogan Lewis Gregory 1970 Res Assoc Oceanic &
Herling Andrea S 1996 Int'l Degree Asst Director
Atmospheric Sciences BA/BS Oregon State 1959 MS
International Education BA George Fox College
1968 PhD 1973
1971 Masters Oregon State 1997 PhD 1982
Hogue Teresa Ann 1974 Assoc Prof Community
Hermes James C 1987 Assoc Prof Extn Poultry
Resource Education Specialist 4-H Youth
Specialist Animal Sciences BS UC-Davis 1979 MS
Development Education BS Oregon State 1972 MS
1981 PhD 1988
Herrmann Donald R 1995 Asst Prof Acctg, Finance
Holady Jill A 1998 Instr NW Link Reference Referral
& Info Mgmt BS John Brown Univ 1985 MS Kansas
Ctr Li Consulting/Lab Services BA Portland St Univ
State 1987 PhD Oklahoma State 1995
1985 MO Univ of So Mississippi 1997
Hershey Katherine T 1993 Faculty Res Asst Fisheries
Holbo H Richard 1975 Res Assoc Forest Products BS
& Wildlife BS Montana 1988
UC-Davis 1960 MS Nevada Reno 1964 PhD Oregon
State 1972
Hester Arlene S 1983 Instr Forest Resources BA Cal
State-Long Beach 1969
Hollenbeck Vicky G 1998 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Science BS Humbolt State University 1996 MS New
Hetherington William Morley 1111987 Assoc Prof
State University 1998
Physics BS UC-Berkeley 1971 PhD Stanford 1977
Hibbs David E 1983 Prof Forest Science BA
Carletonl972 MS Massachusetts 1976 PhD 1978
Hollings William H 1983 Sr Faculty Res Asst Civil,
Construction, & Environmental Engineering BS
Bucknell 1976 MS Oregon State 1984
Hollingshead Nancy C 1989 Faculty Res Asst
Veterinary Medicine BS Oregon State 1973
Holman Anita S 1996 Faculty Res Asst Veterinary
Medicine BS Oregon St Univ 1996
Holman Robert Alan 1979 Prof Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Royal Military College of
(Canada) 1972 PhD Dalhousie 1979
Holmes Zoe Ann 1965-69;1974 Prof Nutrition &
Food Management BS Kansas State 1964 MS 1965
PhD Tennessee Knoxville 1972
Holroyd Michael Hayden 1978 Asst Prof Marion
Co Extn Agent 4-H Youth Development Education
BA San Fernando Valley State 1974 MS Cal StateNorthridge 1979
Holtan Donald W 1975 Assoc Prof Animal Sciences
BS North Dakota State 1963 MS Washington State
1967 PhD 1973
Holyoak Arlene S 1981 Assoc Prof Human
Development & Family Sciences BS Utah State 1961
MS Oregon State 1972 PhD Penn State 1981
Hommes Norman G 1992 Faculty Res Asst Botany
& Plant Pathology BA Notre Dame 1975 MS Oregon
1982 PhD Oregon State 1988
Hong Jian 1998 Res Assoc Post Doct Chemistry MS
Univ of Virginia 1992 PhD Univ of WisconsinMadison 1997
Hooker Karen A 1994 Assoc Prof Human
Development & Family Sciences BS Denison Univ
1978 MA William & Mary 1981 PhD Pennsylvania
State 1985
Horne Clara J 1987 Head Advisor College of
Business BA Kansas 1959
Home David A 1998 Assoc Prof Chemistry BS UCLA
1983 MS UCLA 1984 PhD Massachusetts Institute of
Technology 1988
Horne Fredrick Herbert 1986 Prof Dean, College of
Science Chemistry AB Harvard 1956 PhD Kansas
Horowitz Irwin A 1994 Prof Psychology BS
Brooklyn College 1961 MA 1963 PhD Michigan
State 1966
Horton Gary A 1990 Faculty Res Asst Horticulture
BS Oregon State 1987
Horton Thomas R 1997 Res Assoc Post Doct Forest
Science BA Humboldt State 1986 MA San Francisco
State 1992 PhD UC-Berkeley 1997
Hosoi Yasuharu Timo 1969 Assoc Prof Philosophy
BTh, Tokyo Bible Seminary (Japan) 1954 BD
Christian Theological Seminary (Indianapolis) 1964
MA Butler;MA Chicago 1968
Hostetler William Wayne 1987 Director of
Technology Transfer Research Office BA Washington
State 1967 MBA 1980
Hosty Maureen 1991 Assoc Prof Multnomah Co
Extn Agent 4-H Youth Development Education BS
Kansas State 1981 MA 1986
Houck Lynne D 1997 Assoc Prof Zoology BA UCBerkeley 1971 MA 1975 PhD 1977
Houglum Lyla E 1985 Prof Dean and Director
Extension Service College of Liberal Arts BS
Montana State 1972 MS Oregon 1981 MS Oregon
House Marcia L 1990 Faculty Res Asst Microbiology
BS Cornell Univ 1988 PhD Oregon St Univ 1997
Houston Laurie L 1996 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Resources BS New Hampshire 1987 MS Rhode Island
Hovermale Jeannette T 1992 Faculty Res Asst
Veterinary Medicine BS Humboldt State 1990
Howell Michael Edward 1973-78;1978 Prof Jackson
Co Extn Staff Chair & Southern Oregon Exp Station
Superintendent Animal Sciences BS Idaho 1972 MS
Hruby Dennis E 1983 Prof Microbiology University
Honors College Faculty BS Oregon State 1973 PhD
Colorado 1977
Hsieh Ping-Hung 1997 Asst Prof College of Business
BA Fu-Hen U (Taiwan) 1988 MA Michigan 1992 PhD
Michigan 1996
Hsu Victor L 1993 Asst Prof Biochemistry &
Biophysics University Honors College Faculty BS
Harvey Mudd 1984 PhD UC-San Diego 1989
Hu Ching Yuan 1985 Prof Animal Sciences BS
National Chung Hsing 1975 MS UC-Davis 1979 PhD
Huber Andrew G 1985 Assoc Prof Crop & Soil
Science BS Wisconsin Platt 1969 MS Oklahoma State
1978 PhD Oregon State 1983
Huber Michael J 1986 Assoc Prof Veterinary
Medicine BS UC-Davis 1978 DVM 1980
Huber Wayne Charles 1991 Prof Department Head
Civil, Construction, & Environmental Engineering
BS Cal Tech 1963 MS MIT 1965 PhD 1968
1975 Prof Extn Soil
Huddleston James Herbert
Scientist Crop & Soil Science BS Cornell 1963 MS
1965 PhD Iowa State 1969
Hudiburg Tara M 1998 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Science BS Pacific Luthern University 1998
Hudson Gregory H 1996 Faculty Res Asst Zoology
BS Oregon State 1993
Hudson Leah Deanne 1995 Instr Health & Human
Performance BSN Kansas 1978
Hudspeth Amber L 1998 Faculty Res Asst Irrigation
Scheduling Tech Engineering Extension BS Oregon
St Univ 1996
Hudspeth Robert Turne 1974 Prof Civil,
Construction, & Environmental Engineering BS US
Naval Academy 1963 MSCE Washington 1966 PhD
Florida 1974
Humphrey Mark A 1985 Sr Faculty Res Asst Civil,
Construction, & Environmental Engineering BS
Oregon State 1984
Humphrey Mark D 1985 Sr Faculty Res Asst Civil,
Construction & Environmental Engineering BS
Oregon St Univ 1984 MS Oregon St Univ 1992
Humphrey Philip Edward 1982 Assoc Prof Forest
Products BS Univ College of North Wales (UK) 1976
PhD 1982
Hunt Angela L 1997 Faculty Res Asst Ag-COMESNewport BS Oregon 1995
Hunter Zaworski Katharine M 1983 Asst Prof
Civil, Construction, & Environmental Engineering
BS British Columbia (Canada) 1978 MS Tennessee
1980 PhD Oregon State 1988
Husband William B 1985 Assoc Prof History BA
Texas Tech 1969 MA Cal State-Long Beach 1977 PhD
Princeton 1984
Huso ManuelaM P 1987 Faculty Res Asst
Geosciences BA Whitman College 1978 MS Oregon
1984 MS Oregon State 1988
Husted Elaine V 1976 Asst Prof Grant Co Extn Staff
Chair 4-H Youth Development Education BS
Montana State 1973 EdM Oregon State 1983
Huyer Adriana 1972 Prof Oceanic & Atmospheric
Sciences BS Toronto (Canada) 1967 MS Oregon State
.971 PhD 1974
Hyman Michael Richard 1990 Asst Prof Sr Res
Botany & Plant Pathology BS Univ College (UK)
1980 PhD Univ of Bristol 1984
Illtis Robert S 1991 Assoc Prof Speech Communication University Honors College Faculty BA Colorado
State 1978 MS 1981 PhD Wisconsin Madison 1989
Ingham Russell Elliot 1985 Assoc Prof Botany &
Plant Pathology BA St Olaf College 1974 MS Texas A
& M 1977 PhD Colorado State 1981
Ingle James Davis Jr 1972 Prof Chemistry BS
Illinois 1968 PhD Michigan State 1971
Ingram Michael Anthony 1997 Asst Prof Education
BA North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1985 MS North
Carolina Ag & Technical State 1991 EdD Cincinnati
Inman Roderick Daner 1971 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BS Oregon
State 1967
Ip Hung Yok 1994 Asst Prof History BA Chinese
Univ of Hong Kong 1983 MA 1985 PhD UC-Davis
Isaacs Frank Barrett 1979 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Fisheries & Wildlife BS Michigan Tech 1973 MS 1976
Isensee Philip H 1990 Director Computing Services
BSEE Idaho 1970
1989 Res Assoc Post Doct
Ishmael Jane Elizabeth
Pharmacy BS Foreign 1988 PhD Oregon State 1995
Islam Kamal 1996 Res Assoc Fisheries & Wildlife BS
Colorado 1980 MS Oregon State 1985 PhD 1992
Istok Jonathan David 1986 Prof Civil,
Construction, & Environmental Engineering BS
Ohio State 1978 MS Oregon State 1981 PhD 1986
Ivanov Vadim 1996 Res Assoc Linus Pauling
Institute BS Tomsk Inst of Medicine (Russia) 1981
MD 1981 PhD National Academy of Medical
Sciences (Russia) 1985
Ivanova Svetlana 1996 Faculty Res Asst Linus
Pauling Institute BS Tomsk Inst of Medicine (Russia);
MD 1981
Ivantchenko Maria G 1994 Res Assoc Post Doct
Entomology BS Sofia State University, Sofia
(Bulgaria) 1975 MS 1979 PhD Academy of Sciences
of USSR 1984
Ivors Kelly L 1995 Faculty Res Asst Botany & Plant
Pathology BS Texas A & M 1992 MS 1995
Jacks Clinton C 1972 Assoc Prof Jefferson Co Extn
Staff ChairRangeland Resources BS Oregon State
1970 MS 1972
Jacks Jessica N 1998 Faculty Res Asst Health &
Human Performance BS OSU 1998
Jackson Delphine E 1995 Instr Educational
Opportunities BA Marylhurst College 1960 MS
Oregon State 1979 DEd Oregon 1991
Jackson Royal Gale 1970 Assoc Prof Forest
Resources University Honors College Faculty BA New
Mexico 1960 MA Western New Mexico 1965 PhD
New Mexico 1971
Jacobs Chad Eric 1997 Instr Animal Sciences BSA
Arkansas 1996
Jacobson David P 1998 Faculty Res Asst Molluscan
Broodscock Prog Hatfield Marine Science Center BS
Univ of Nevada-Reno 1995
Jaeger Geoffrey Mark 1997 Asst Prof Captain
Military Sciences BA Richmond 1988
Jaeger John R 1994 Faculty Res Asst EORC Union BS
Oregon State 1984 MS 1987
James Corinne 1987 Sr Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Ft Lewis College 1976 MS
Oregon State 1980 PhD 1987
James Paul 1997 UJIMA Education Office
Coordinator Minority Education Offices BA Wichita
State Univ 1994 BS Oregon State
James Steven R 1975 Sr Faculty Res Asst Central
Oregon Exp Station Crop & Soil Science BS Oregon
State 1975
Jansen Henri Johan F 1985 Prof Physics BS
Groningen (The Netherlands) 1972 MS 1976 PhD
Jarvis Robert Leo 1971 Prof Fisheries & Wildlife BS
Humboldt State 1963 MS 1965 PhD Southern
Illinois 1969
Jasman Lora Lee 1990 Medical Director Student
Health Center BS Idaho 1980 MD Washington 1985
Jeffreys Bradford Joseph 1987 Assoc Prof 4-H
Specialist 4-H Youth Development Education BS Cal
Poly San Luis Obispo MS 1981 EdD Virginia Tech
Jeknic Zoran 1992 Faculty Res Asst Horticulture BS
Univ of Sarajevo (Yugoslavia) 1989
Jenkins Jeffrey James 1990 Assoc Prof
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BS Cal Poly
San Luis Obispo 1972 PhD Michigan State 1981
Jennings Joe Cannon Jr 1981 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences BS North Carolina
1972 MS Oregon State 1981
Jensen Christine R 1991 Faculty Res Asst Education
BS Oregon State 1991
Oregon State University
Jensen Dean H 1998 Asst Prof Industrial & Mfg
Engineering BS Iowa State University 1985 MA
University of Northern Iowa 1992 PhD University of
Iowa 1992
Jensen Edward Charles 1976 Assoc Prof
Coordinator, Forestry Media Center Forest
Resources University Honors College Faculty
Illinois 1973 MS Washington 1976 PhD Oregon
State 1989
Jensen Lynn B 1983 Prof Malheur Co Extn Staff
Chair Crop & Soil Science BS Idaho 1972 MS Utah
State 1980
Jepson Paul Charles 1995 Prof Department Chair
Entomology BS Imperial College (UK) 1976 PhD
Cambridge (UK) 1980
Jianping Gan 1996 Res Assoc Post Doct Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Snandong College of
Oceanology (China) 1983 MS McGill Univ (Canada)
1991 PhD 1995
Jodice Patrick G 1998 Faculty Res Asst Fisheries &
Wildlife BS University of Main 1983 MS University
of Florida 1990 PhD
Johnson David 1997 Asst Prof Valley Library BA
Minnesota 1959 MLS 1965
Johnson David J 1997 Asst Prof Business/Economic
Development Consulting/Lab Services BA Univ of
Minnesota 1959 MA Univ of Minnesota 1965
Johnson Don B 1976 Asst Prof Asst Director Student Activities Memorial Union BS Southern
Oregon 1971 MFA U of Puget Sound 1973
Johnson Douglas Edward 1982 Prof Rangeland
Resources BA Hastings 1970 MS Fort Hays State 1976
PhD Colorado State 1981
Johnson Duane Paul 1959 Prof Extn 4-H Youth
Development Specialist 4-H Youth Development
Education BS Iowa State 1959 MEd Colorado State
Johnson Eric W 1997 Faculty Res Asst Food Science
& Technology BA Cal State-Fresno 1988 MS 1994
Johnson Eugene 1965 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BS Oregon
State 1966
Johnson Kenneth Bjorn 1988 Assoc Prof Botany &
Plant Pathology BS Minnesota 1979 MS Oregon
State 1982 PhD Minnesota 1986
Johnson Kenneth Norman 1985 Prof Forest
Resources BS UC-Berkeley 1965 MS Wisconsin 1969
PhD Oregon State 1973
Johnson LaDonna 1995 Physician Student Health
Center MA Chapman College 1976 DO College of
Osteropathic Medicine of the Pacific 1987
Johnson Linda A 1991 Head Advisor College of
Health & Human Performance BS UC-San
Bernardino 1985
Johnson Michael P 1985 Sr Instr Computer Science
Engineering BS UC-Davis 1959 PhD Oregon 1966
Johnson Rebecca Lynn 1984 Assoc Prof Forest
Resources BA Wisconsin 1977 MS Michigan State
Judd Dalrene D 1998 Asst Prof Entomology MS
1979 PhD 1984
Oregon St Univ 1985 PhD Texas A & M Univ 1995
Johnston Wade H 1996 Res Assoc Post Doct
Junker Joseph F 1990 Faculty Res Asst Industrial
Veterinary Medicine BS Clemson 1986 MS 1989 PhD
Energy Engineer Engineering Extension BS Oregon
Tennessee 1996
St Univ 1987
Jolin Annette 11998 Prof Resident Dir Germany
Int'l Education MS Portland St Univ PhD Portland St
Univ 1985
Jolliff Gary David 1976 Prof Crop & Soil Science
Kachlakev Damian 1 1994 Asst Prof Civil,
University Honors College Faculty BS Ohio State 1965
Construction & Environmental Engineering BS
MS 1966 PhD Colorado State 1969
Univ of Architecture, Sofia Bulgaria 1986 & 1988
Jones Joyce Lucile 1994 Asst Prof Tillamook Co
MS Univ of Architecture, Sofia Bulgaria 1988 PhD
Extn Agent 4-H Youth Development Education BS
Oregon St Univ 1997
Oregon State 1981 MEd 1991
Kakoyannis Christina A 1998 Faculty Res Asst
Jones Julia Allen 1989 Assoc Prof Geosciences BA
Forest Resources BA Franklin-Marshall College 1993
Hampshire 1977 MA Johns Hopkins 1979 PhD 1983
MS Michigan St Univ 1998
Jordan Cheryl W 1976 Asst Prof Apparel, Interiors,
Kalk Peter Arthur 1968 Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Housing, & Merchandising BS Kansas State 1968 MS
Atmospheric Sciences BS Michigan Tech 1962
1971 PhD Oklahoma State 1987
Kaneps Andris 1997 Asst Prof Veterinary Medicine
Jordon Shelley 11986 Assoc Prof Art BFA NYC
DO Univ of Minnesota-Minneapolis St Paul 1978
School of Visual Arts 1976 MFA Brooklyn College
PhD UC-Davis 1994
Kanury A Murty 1985 Prof Mechanical Engineering
Joseph Gladwin 1994 Res Assoc Forest Science BS
BEng Andhra rtaltair (India) 1961 MS Minnesota
Univ of Agriculture Bangalov (India) 1986 MS
1963 PhD 1969
Oregon State 1989
Jovanovic Goran Nadezd 1992 Assoc Prof Chemical
Engineering BS Univ of Belgrade (Yugoslavia) 1971
MS Oregon State 1974 PhD 1979
Karchesy Joseph J 1979 Assoc Prof Forest Products
BS Washington 1968 MS Victoria 1970 PhD Oregon
State 1974
Karow Russell Stanley 1983 Prof Extn Crop
Specialist & Assoc Dept Head Crop & Soil Science BS
Wisconsin Stevens Point 1975 MS WisconsinMadison 1980 PhD 1983
Karplus Paul A 1998 Assoc Prof Biochemistry BS UC
Davis 1978 PhD University of Washington 1984
Kaser John Robert 1971 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Communication Media Center BS Oregon State 1969
Kassner Michael Ernest 1990 Prof Mechanical
Engineering BSSE Northwestern 1972 MS Stanford
1979 PhD 1981
Katz Jonathan G 1993 Assoc Prof History University
Honors College Faculty BA Harvard 1975 PhD
Princeton 1990
Katzev Aphra R 1994 Res Assoc Home Economics &
Education BA Stanford 1959 MA Univ of Calif 1961
PhD Oregon State 1994
Kauffman John Boone 1986 Assoc Prof Fisheries &
Wildlife BS Texas Tech 1978 MS Oregon State 1982
PhD UC-Berkeley 1986
Kaufman Diane M 1988 Assoc Prof Extn Agent
North Willamette Res & Extn Center Horticulture
BA Illinois 1969 BS 1982 MS 1985
Kaufmann Philip R 1991 Assoc Prof Sr Res Fisheries
& Wildlife BS Gonzaga 1971 MS Washington State
1977 PhD Oregon State 1987
Kavanagh Kathleen L 1993 Asst Prof Clatsop/
Tillamook Co Extn Agent Forest Resources BS SUNYSyracuse 1977 MS 1987 PhD Oregon State 1993
Kaye Thomas N 1996 Faculty Res Asst Botany &
Plant Pathology BS Evergreen St College 1984 MS
Oregon St Univ 1989
Kayser Jim 1998 Faculty Res Asst Forest Resources
BS Humboldt State 1980
Keim Richard F 1996 Faculty Res Asst Forest
En neerin BS Mississippi St Univ 1993 MS
Mississippi St Univ 1995
KeisterJ ulie E 1998 FacultYRes Asst Hatfield
Marine Science Center BS Univ of NC-Charlotte
1989 MS Univ of Maryland 1996
Keith William M 1993 Assoc Prof Speech
Communication University Honors College Faculty BA
Green 1980 MA 1982 PhD Texas 1986
Keller Mark Robert 1988 Faculty Res Asst Animal
Sciences BS Oklahoma State 1978
Kelley Randall A 1998 Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS University of Fonda
MS OSU 1989 PhD 1996
Kellogg Loren Dudley 1978 Prof Forest Engineering
BS Humboldt State 1974 MF Oregon State 1976 PhD
Kelly Shaun F 1996 Faculty Res Asst Bioresource
Engineering BA Michigan State 1986 MS 1988
Kennedy Alice Machelle 1995 MUPC Program
Coordinator Memorial Union Activities Masters
Oregon State 1995
Kennedy Robert 1996 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Science BS Houston 1992 MA Colorado 1994
Kennedy Timothy Christopher 1976 Prof
Mechanical Engineering BS SUNY-Buffalo 1968 MS
Stanford 1969 PhD 1972
Kenneke Larry Jon 1970 Prof Director, Int'l Res &
Development Education BS Northern Illinois 1961
MS 1965 EdD Oregon State 1968
Kenney John G 1992 Assoc Prof Electrical &
Computer Engineering BS Columbia 1984 MS
Carnegie Mellon 1988 PhD Carnegie Mellon 1991
Keown Linda E 1998 Res Assoc Post Duct
Chemistry BA (Foreign) 1991 PhD (Foreign) 1998
Kepa Henryk 1996 Res Assoc Post Doct Physics MS
Univ of Warsaw (Poland) 1968 PhD 1981
Kerkvliet Joe R 1988 Assoc Prof Economics
University Honors College Faculty BA Montana 1981
PhD Wyoming 1986
Kerkvliet Nancy 11977 Prof Extn Toxicology Spec
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BS
Wisconsin State Eau Claire 1970 MS Oregon State
1973 PhD 1976
Kerl Caroline A 1986 Asst Prof Legal Advisor
President's Office AB UC-Berkeley 1971 JD Hastings
College of Law 1974
Kersey Eugene R 1995 Assoc Director/Director of
Major Gifts Development Office BA Dartmouth 1963
MA Minnesota 1966 PhD 1972
Kershaw Nancy L 1984 Assoc Prof Tillamook Co
Extn Agent Extn Home Economics BS Oregon State
1978 MS Step F Austin 1981
Kesler Linc 1983 Assoc Prof English BA Yale 1971
MA Toronto (Canada) 1973 PhD 1981
Keszler Douglas A 1985 Prof Chemistry BS
Southwestern Oklahoma State 1979 PhD
Northwestern 1984
Ketcham Michael S 1996 Head Men's Golf Coach
Intercollegiate Athletics BS Arkansas 1988
Ketchum James Scott 1995 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Science BS Oregon State 1992 MS 1994
Ketchum Lynn Gerald 1988 Assoc Prof Extn
Educational Video Specialist Extension
Communications BA Arizona 1974 MED 1987
Ketchum Sharon 1993 Faculty Res Asst Pharmacy
BA Luther College 1981 MS North Dakota 1985
Kettel Kathryn F 1996 Instr Crop & Soil Science BS
T,i,h, i QQ2
Khanna Sunil 1995 Asst Prof Anthropology BS Univ
of Delhi (India) 1982 MS 1984 PhD 1988
Kiem Richard F 1996 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Engineering BS Mississippi State 1993 MS 1995
99774 & Soil
Kiemnec Gary Lee 1986 Assoc
Science BS Indiana 1969 MS Purdue 1 4 PhD
Oregon State 1984
Kim Carol Hyungmie 1992 Res Assoc Post Doct
Microbiology BA Wellesley 1987 PhD Cornell 1992
Kim Key-Suk 1997 Asst Prof College of Business BS
Korea University 1984 MBA 1987 PhD Southern
California 1993
Kim Younghee M 1993 Asst Prof Education MA
Oregon 1992 PhD 1997
Kimerling A Jon 1976 Prof Geosciences BA
Washington 1972 MS Wisconsin 1973 PhD 1976
Kimerling R Ann 1986 Sr Faculty Res Asst Civil,
Construction, & Environmental Engineering BS
Washington 1972
Kimura Shoichi 1989 Prof Interim Dept Head
Chemical Engineering BE Osaka Qapan) 1967 MS
Oregon State 1976 PhD Osaka (Japan)1982
King Belinda B 1993 Asst Prof Mathematics
Maryland College Park 1985 MS Maryland Baltimore
County 1987 PhD Clemson 1991
King Charles Everett 1977 Prof Interim Dept Chair
Zoolo University Honors College Faculty AB Emory
1958 MS Florida State 1960 PhD Washington 1965
King Jonathan S 1980 Assoc Prof Mgmt,
Marketing & Int'l Business University Honors College
Faculty 80 Antioch 1965 MBA Washington 1975
PhD 19
King Keith Irl 1970 Sr Instr Biology Program
University Honors College Faculty BS Montana State
1963 MS Oregon State 1970
King Lynda Jeanne 1989 Assoc Prof German
University Honors College Faculty BA USC 1971 MA
1973 PhD 1977
King Valery 1999 Asst Prof Information Services BA
U of Oregon 1977 MA 1978
Kin gWesley E 1997 Faculty Res Asst Fisheries &
Wildlife BS Ohio Univ 1994
Kingsley Kenneth K 1974 Assoc Prof Department
Head Agricultural Communications BA Kansas State
1964 MS 1973
Kinsey C Michael 1994 Faculty Res Asst Fisheries &
Wildlife BS Oregon St Univ 1991
Kirch Thomas G 1986 Asst Prof Director
Recreational Sports BS Oregon 1975 MS U of Puget
Sound 1980
Kiser James 1997 Instr Forest Engineering BS
Humboldt State 1982 MS Oregon State 1992
Kishiyama Shirley S 1998 Faculty Res Asst
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BA Knox
College 1968 MO Oregon St Univ 1992
Kiss Peter 1998 Faculty Res Asst Electrical &
Computer Engr MS (Foreign) 1994
Kissick Judith L 19 98 R es A ssoc Chemistr y BS
Birmingham Sthn College 1994 PhD Birmingham
Sthn College 1997
Klein Andrew Clifford 1985 Prof Acting Dept Head
Nuclear Engineering BS Penn State 1977 MS
Wisconsin 1979 PhD 1983
Kleinsorge Ilene K 1987 Assoc Prof Chair & MBA
Director Acctg, Finance & Info Mgmt BS Emporia
State 1981 PhD Kansas 1988
Klemke Lloyd Walter 1970 Prof Sociology BA UCLA
1963 MA Cal State-Northridge 1965 PhD Oregon
Klingeman Peter Clayton 1966 Prof Civil,
Construction, & Environmental Engineering BS
Northwestern 1957 MS 1959 PhD UC-Berkeley 1965
Klinkhammer Gary 1990 Prof Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Minnesota 1972 MS Rhode
Island 1977 PhD 1979
Knapp Patricia A 1993 Asst Prof Speech
Communication BS Clarion Univ of Pennsylvania
1985 MA Emerson 1987 PhD Pittsburgh 1993
Knapp Steven John 1985 Prof Crop & Soil Science
BS Nevada Reno 1978 MS 1980 PhD Nebraska 1983
Faculty Res Asst
Oregon State
Knoshaug Eric P 1995 Faculty Res Asst
Microbiology BA Univ of Colorado 1994 MS Oregon
St Univ 1998
Knothe Carol Alicia 1972 Assoc Prof Malheur Co
Youth Development Education BS
2 MHEc Oregon State 1971
Knutson Devon D 1994 Asst Prof Malheur Co Extn
Knight Randall William
Crop &
Animal Sciences BS Colorado State 1972 MS
Koc Cetin K 1992 Assoc Prof Electrical & Computer
EngineeSring BS Istanbul Technical Univ (Turkey)
1980 M 1982 MS UC-Santa Barbara 1985
Kocher Carl Alvin 1973 Prof Physics University
Honors College Faculty AB UC-Berkeley 1963 PhD
Kock Jo Anne 1976 Assoc Prof Sherman, Gilliam, &
Wheeler Co Extension Staff Chair Home Economics
& Education BS Oregon State 1983 MA 1984
Koenfg Harold F 1987 Assoc Prof
& Int'1 Business BA Rochester 980 MBA Nebraska
1982 PhD 1988
Kogan Marcos 1991 Prof Director Integrated Plant
Protection Center BS Universidade Rural do Rio de
Janeiro (Brazil) 1961 PhD UC-Riverside 1969
Kolbe Edward Robert 1974 Prof Bioresource
Engineerin BME Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
1964 MSE Case Western Reserve 1966 PhD New
Hampshire 1975
Kolchugina Tatyana P 1990 Res Assoc Civil,
Construction & Environmental Engineering OTHER
(Foreign) 1979 PhD (Foreign) 1985
Koller Loren D 1972; 1985 Prof Veterinary Medicine
DVM Washington State 1965 MS Wisconsin 1969
Kolodziej Jan Wojciech 1978 Prof Electrical &
Computer Engineering MS Technical Warsaw
(Poland) 1974 PhD Oregon St Univ 1980
Kong Wet 1995 Asst Prof Chemistry University
Honors College Faculty BS Peking Univ (China) 1987
PhD Univ of Waterloo (Canada) 1993
Koong Ling Jung (Kelvin) 1987 Prof Assoc Dean Ag Sciences Animal Sciences BS Nat'l (Taiwan) 1964
MS North Carolina State 1968 PhD 1973
Kopperman Paul Edward 1978 Prof History
University Honors College Faculty BA Queens College
(UK) 1966 MA 1969 PhD Illinois 1972
Koretsky Milo David 1992 Asst Prof Chemical
Engineering BS UC-San Diego 1984 MS 1985 PhD
UC-Berkeley 1991
Korte John A 1995 Faculty Res Asst Crop & Soil
Science BS Univ of Oregon 1987
Korwin Anthony 1997 Director Community
Networking Network Services BS Eastern Illinois
Univ 1979 Masters Bowling Green 1986
Kosanke Richard A 1995 Assoc Prof Air Force
Studies BA/BS Central Washington 1983 MSA
Central Michigan Univ 1993
Koskela Gina P 1993 Faculty Res Asst North
Willamette Res & Extn Center BS Oregon 1980
Kosro P Michael 1984 Assoc Prof Sr Res Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BA UC-Santa Cruz 1973 MS
Stanford Univ 1977 PhD Scripps 1984
Kovar Richard Bowen 1983 Faculty Res Asst
Hatfield Marine Science Center BS Oregon State
Kradjan Wayne 1998 Prof Dean Elect Pharmacy
Profession U of Cal San Francisco 1970
Kramer Brian William 1985 Sr Instr Forest
Engineering BS Idaho State 1971 MF Oregon State
Krane Kenneth Saul 1974 Prof Physics University
Honors College Faculty BS Arizona 1965 MS Purdue
1967 PhD 1970
Krankina Olga 1994 Res Assoc Forest Science BS St
Petersburg Forest Academy (Russia) 1975 MS 1980
PhD 1986
Oregon State University
Kraus Jennifer 1990 Res Assoc Microbiology BS
Michigan State 1981 PhD Washington State 1987
Krause Joseph T 1988 Assoc Prof Chair Foreign
Languages & Literature BA Oregon State 1976 MA
Michigan State 1979 PhD 1981
Kreth Raymond D 1987 Sr Faculty Res Asst Oceanic
& Atmopheric Sciences BA Reed College 1984 MS
Oregon 1985
Kristick Laurel L 1997 Asst Prof Physical Sciences
Coordinator Library BS Univ of Arizona 1983 MO
UC-Los Angeles 1987
Kroutovski Konstantine 1997 Res Assoc Forest
Science BS Kuibyshev State Univ (Russia) 1978 MS
1979 PhD Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia)
Krstic Sava 1997 Assoc Prof Mathematics MS
Belgrade 1980 PhD Belgrade 1986
Krueger Sharon Kay 1990 Res Assoc Food Science &
Technology BS Wisconsin Madison 1983 MS 1984
PhD Oregon State 1990
Krueger William Clement 1971-80, 81 Prof
Dep1arrgtment Head Rangeland Resources BS St Mary's
1964 MS Humboldt State 1967 PhD Utah
1, 970
Kultz Keitmar 1995 Res Assoc Post Doct Zoology BS
Univ of Rostock (Germany) 1989 PhD 1992
Kuskie Jennifer M 1996 Instr Pharmacy BS Drake
1993 MBA 1993
Kuzeppa Jennifer L 1996 Assoc Director Admissions
& Orientation BS Bowling Green 1985 MEd 1988
Kwong Paula Jerome 1995 Instr Pharmacy BS
Oregon State 1986
Kyle Nancy E 1990 Faculty Res Asst Crop & Soil
Science BS Michigan St Univ 1974 MS Arizona St
Univ 1984
Lach Denise H 1996 Asst Prof Sr Res Sociology
University Honors College Faculty BS Minnesota 1987
MS Oregon 1988 PhD 1992
Ladd Sheldon Lane 1985 Prof Department Head
Crop & Soil Science BS Cal State-Fresno 1963 PhD
UC-Davis 1966
Lafi Abd Younia 1992 Res Assoc Post Doct Nuclear
Engineering BS Al Mustansiriyah Univ (Iraq) 1976
MS Baghdad Univ 1978 PhD Oregon State 1991
LaFrance David G 1986 Assoc Prof History BS
Georgetown 1971 MA de ]as Americas (Mexico) 1977
MLS Indiana 1981
Lajtha Kate J 1995 Assoc Prof Botany & Plant
Pathology University Honors College Faculty BA
Harvard 1979 PhD Duke Univ 1986
Lakowske Rise 1990 Head Women's Golf Coach
Intercollegiate Athletics BS Oregon State 1977
Lambrecht Sabine 1998 Res Assoc Post Doct Botany
& Plant Pathology
Lancaster Stephen T 1998 Res Assoc Geosciences
BA Harvard Univ 1990
Landau Rubin H 1974 Prof PhysicsUniversity Honors
College Faculty BS Cornell 1965 MS Illinois 1966
PhD 1970
Landgren Chal G 1984 Prof Columbia Co Ext Agent
Ext Forestry Oper BS UC-Berkeley 1975 MS Utah St
Univ 1977 MBA Portland State 1989
Lang Karen L 1988 Assoc Prof Crook Co Extn Agent
Extn Home Economics BS Oregon State 1966 MS
Langdon Christopher J 1985 Prof Fisheries &
Wildlife BS Edinburgh (Scotland) 1975 MS Wales
1977 PhD 1981
Langford Charles Clinton 1970 Assoc Prof
Sociology BA Kansas State 1963 MA 1965 PhD
Oregon 1971
Lanning Kevin 1987 Assoc Prof Psychology
University Honors College Faculty MA UC-Berkeley
1978 PhD 1986
Laramee James Andre 1984 Asst Prof Sr Res
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BS Cal State
1976 MS Purdue 1980 PhD 1980
Larison James R 1978 Prof Hatfield Marine Science
Center MS Univ of Wisconsin 1972
Larson Alisa A 1998 Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Oregon St Univ 1995
OTHER 029245 1989
Larson Ann Lindsay 1980 Instr English Language
Institute BA Scripps 1975 MA Utah 1976
Larson David 1995 Faculty Res Asst Forest Science
BS Oregon State 1993
Larson Erik W 1980 Prof Mgmt, Marketing, & Int'l
Business BA Claremont Mens College 1974 PhD
SUNY Buffalo 1982
Larson Larry L 1984 ProfRangeland Resources BS
Colorado State 1973 MS 1975 PhD 1978
Larson Mark J 1995 Faculty Res Asst Crop & Soil
Science BS Oregon State 1988
Larwood Lillian Louise 1988 Prof Lane Co Extn
Agent 4-H Youth Development Education BS Oregon
State 1968 MACE Washington State 1979
Latham Penelope A 1997 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Science MS Montana 1993 PhD 1996
Latimer Federico G 1998 Instr Veterinary Medicine
MS Ohio St Univ 1984 DOCT Ohio St Univ 1984
Laver Murray Lane 1969 Assoc Prof Forest Products
BSA Toronto (Canada) 1955 PhD Ohio State 1959
Lavery Mark R 1994 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Products BS Univ of Notre Dame 1991 MS Oregon St
Univ 1998
Law Beverly E 1995 Res Assoc Post Doct Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Florida 1980 PhD Oregon
State 1993
Lawler Barry 1978 Sr Instr English BA Cal StateLong Beach 1968 MA 1971
Lawrence B Page 1997 Res Assoc Post Doct
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BA
Skidmore 1986 PhD Cornell 1992
Lawrence Jeannine H 1984 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Biochemistry & Biophysics BS Oregon State 1969 MS
Minnesota 1972
Lawrence Robert Dale 1970 Assoc Prof Geosciences
BA Earlham College 1965 PhD Stanford 1968
Lawton Stephen J 1980 Assoc Prof Mgmt,
Marketing, & Int'l Business University Honors College
Faculty BA Southern Methodist 1973 MBA KUL
(Belgium) 1975 MBA Cornell 1975
Layton Robert Davis 1972 Prof Civil,
Construction, & Environmental Engineering BSE
Colorado State 1959 MSCE Kansas State 1965 PhD
UC-Berkeley 1970
Leach Thomas G 1988 Sr Faculty Res Asst Oceanic
& Atmopheric Sciences BS Oregon State 1986
Leahy Rita B 1993 Assoc Prof Sr Res Civil,
Construction, & Environmental Engineering BA St
Louis Univ 1975 BS South Carolina 1982 ME 1983
Leavengood Scott A 1994 Asst Prof Klamath Co
Extn Agent Forest Products BS Colorado State 1992
MS Oregon State 1994
Leavitt Ron J 1988 Sr Instr Speech Communication
BS Arizona 1976 MS 1978
Lederer Cindy L 1986 Sr Faculty Res Asst Food
Science & Technology BS Oregon State 1983
Lederman Norman G 1985 Prof Science & Math
Education BS Bradley 1971 MS New York 1973 MS
Bradley 1977
Lee Il-Beom (Ben) 1991 Assoc Prof Electrical &
Computer Engineering BE SUNY 1984 PhD
Pennsylvania State 1991
Lee Janet 1991 Assoc Prof Director Women's Studies
BA Stirling Univ (Scotland) MA Washington State
1982 PhD 1985
Lee John Walter 1969 Prof Department Chair
Mathematics University Honors College Faculty BS
Stanford 1964 MS 1966 PhD 1969
Lee Phyllis S 1991 Director Multicultural Affairs BS
Western Oregon 1957 MS Portland State 1970 PhD
Oregon State 1983
Leeson Theodore A 1984 Sr Instr English BA & BS
Marquette 1976 MA Virginia 1978 PhD 1984
Leibowitz Flora Lynn 1977 Prof Philosophy BA
SUNY Stony Brook 1969 MA Johns Hopkins 1975
PhD 1979
Leichti Robert J 1986 Assoc Prof Forest Products BS
Illinois 1974 MS 1977 PhD Auburn 1986
Leid Mark E 1992 Assoc Prof Pharmacy University
Honors College Faculty BS Washington State 1983
PhD Oregon State 1989
Leisy Douglas Jerald 1992 Asst Prof Sr Res
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BS Oregon
1976 MS Iowa 1980
Leklem James Erling 1975 Prof Nutrition & Food
Management BS Wisconsin 1964 MS 1966 PhD 1973
Lenihan James M 1992 Res Assoc Botany & Plant
Pathology BS Humboldt State 1978 MS 1985 PhD
Oregon State 1993
Lennox Cheryl L 1996 Res Assoc Post Doct Mid
Columbia Ag Res & Extn Center BS Natal (South
Africa) 1985 PhD 1992
Leno Janice R 1988 Assoc Prof Interim Dept Head &
Program Leader Extn Home Economics BS South
Dakota State 1961 MS Oklahoma State 1964
Leonard Jeffrey M 1997 Res Assoc Post Doct
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BS Fort
Lewis College 1990 PhD Oregon St Univ 1996
Leonard George H 1998 Res Assoc Post Doct
Zoology BA Middlebury College 1986 MS San Jose
State University 1993 PhD Brown University 1998
Leonard Scott 1998 Faculty Res Asst Linus Pauling
Institute BS Bastyr University 1995 MS OSU 1998
Leonardi Stefano 1997 Res Assoc Post Doct Forest
Science PhD Univ of Parma (Italy) 1993
Leonardi Stefano 1997 Res Assoc Post Doct Forest
Science MFA (Foreign) 1988 PhD Univ of Parma
(Italy) 1993
Leong Jo Ann C 1975 OSU Distinguished Prof of
Microbiology Department Head Microbiology
University Honors College Faculty BA UC-Berkeley
1964 PhD UC San Francisco 1971
Lerner Darren T 1998 Faculty Res Asst Fisheries &
Wildlife BA University of Missouri 1992 MS OSU
Lerner Jennifer P 1997 Faculty Res Asst Zoology BS
Oregon St Univ 1996
Lerner Michael M 1990 Assoc Prof Chemistry BA
Pennsylvania 1983 PhD UC-Berkeley 1988
Lesser Virginia M 1992 Asst Prof Sr Res/Director
Survey Research Center Statistics BS Lebanon Valley
College 1980 MS North Carolina State 1987 PhD
North Carolina 1991
Letelier Richardo M 1994 Asst Prof Sr Res Oceanic
& Atmospheric Sciences BS Universidad de
Concencion (Mexico) 1985 PhD Hawaii 1994
Lev Larry Steven 1984 Assoc Prof Ag & Resource
Economics BA Wesleyan 1975 MS Michigan State
1981 PhD 1984
Levien Keith Lester 1985 Assoc Prof Chemical
Engineering BS Iowa State 1970 BS Wisconsin 1975
PhD 1985
Levine Murray David 1978 Prof Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BA UC-Irvine 1972 PhD
Washington 1979
Levy Gad 1989 Assoc Prof Sr Res Oceanic &
Atmo heric Sciences BS Hebrew 1980 MS Colorado
State 1982 PhD Washington 1987
Lewis Jon R 1983 Prof English BA Hobart & William
Smith College 1977 MFA SUNY Buffalo 1979 PhD
UCLA 1983
Lewis Margaret J 1972 Asst Prof Lane Co Extn
Agent Extn Home Economics BS Utah 1956 MS
Oregon State 1972
Li Hongzhi 1996 Res Assoc Post Doct Chemistry BS
Univ of Sci & Tech (China) 1990 MS Chinese
Academy of Sciences (China) 1993 PhD 1996
Li Hua-yu 1996 Asst Prof Political Science BA
Sophia Univ 1981 MA Harvard 1983
Li Judith 1993 Asst Prof Sr Res Fisheries & Wildlife
BA UC-Berkeley 1966 BA Cal State San Jose 1967 MS
UC-Davis 1977
Li Lulin 1997 Faculty Res Asst Environmental &
Molecular Toxicology BS Foreign Institution 1982
MS 1984
Li Shuhe 1998 Res Assoc Mechanical Engineering
MS (Foreign) 1994 PhD (Foreign) 1996
Li Xiao 1990 Res Assoc Mechanical Engineering MO
(Foreign) 1988 PhD Oregon St Univ 1996
Li Yongfu 1996 Res Assoc Post Doct Chemistry MS
(Foreign) 1986 PhD (Foreign) 1994
Liburdy James A 1997 Prof James R Welty Prof of
Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering BS
Cornell 1971 MS Stanford 1972 PhD Pennsylvania
State 1976
Lieuallen Thomas 0 1992 Faculty Res Asst College
of Engineering BS Oregon State 1992
Lillie Robert J 1984 Assoc Prof Oceanic &
Atmopheric Sciences University Honors College Faculty
BS Southwestern Louisiana 1975 MS Oregon State
1977 PhD Cornell 1984
Lin Huan 1996 Res Assoc Civil, Construction, &
Environmental Engineering BS Cheng-King Univ
(Taiwan) 1986 MS Oregon State 1990 PhD 1994
Liss Evelyn Arlene Engel 1983 Assoc Prof
Communication Specialist Agricultural
Communications BA Oregon State 1975 MAIS 1984
Liss William John 1977 Assoc Prof Fisheries &
Wildlife BS Penn State 1969 MS Oregon State 1974
PhD 1977
List Peter Charles 1967 Prof Philosophy BA
Michigan State 1961 MA 1964 PhD 1969
Liston Aaron Irving 1991 Assoc Prof Director of
Herbarium Botany & Plant Pathology BS The
Hebrew Univ Jerusalem (Israel) 1982 MS 1984 PhD
Claremont 1990
Loch Katherine M 1997 Assoc Prof Major Air Force
Studies BA Oregon 1983 MA Webster 1994
Locke Kerry Alan 1985 Assoc Prof Klamath Co Extn
Agent Crop & Soil Science MS Colorado State 1980
PhD Oregon State 1991
Loeb Barbara E 1984 Assoc Prof Art University
Honors College Faculty BA SUNY Buffalo 1969 MA
Texas 1974 PhD Washington 1982
Loeser John Garret 1988 Assoc Prof Chemistry
University Honors College Faculty BA Princeton 1977
CPGS Cambridge (UK) 1978 MA Harvard 1980
Logendran Rasaratnam 1989 Assoc Prof Industrial
& Mfg Engineering BS Sri Lanka 1975 MEng Asian
Inst of Tech 1980 PhD Oklahoma State 1984
Lomax Terri Lynn 1987 Assoc Prof Botany & Plant
Pathology University Honors College Faculty BS
Washington 1975 MS San Diego State 1978 PhD
Stanford 1983
Long Lynn E 1988 Assoc Prof Wasco Co Extn Staff
Chair Horticulture BS Lewis & Clark 1975 MS
Washington State 1977
Longerbeam Susan 1991 Administrative Director
Student Health Center BA UC-Santa Cruz 1984 MA
Antioch Univ 1988
Loper Bobby R 1992 Faculty Res Asst
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BS Oregon
St Univ 1966
Lorang Jennifer M 1993 Res Assoc Botany & Plant
Pathology MS Univ of Minnesota 1988 PhD UCRiverside 1993
Lorz Harriet V 1972 Faculty Res Asst Microbiology
BS Oregon St Univ 1964 MS Oregon St Univ 1967
Loschl Peter J 1994 Faculty Res Asst Fisheries &
Wildlife BS Rutgers 1988
Love Connie Sue 1985 Sr Faculty Res Asst Crop &
Soil Science BS Wyoming 1981
Love Robert J 1995 Instr Ext Forest Products Asst
Ext Forestry Oper BS Colorado St Univ 1976 MS
Colorado St Univ 1979
Loveland Patricia M 1975 Sr Faculty Res Asst Food
Science & Technology BS Washington 1963
Loveland Walter David 1967 Prof Chemistry
University Honors College Faculty SB MIT 1961 PhD
Washington 1966
Lowrie Miriam Carlson 1971 Prof Polk Co Extn
Agent 4-H Youth Development Education BS North
Dakota State 1968 MS 1971
Lu Shih Lien 1991 Assoc Prof Electrical & Computer
Engineering BS UC-Berkeley MS UCLA 1984 PhD
Lubchenco Jane 1976 OSU Distinguished Prof of
Zoology Wayne & Gladys Valley Endowed Chair
Zoology BA Colorado 1969 MS Washington 1971
PhD Harvard 1975
Lucas Shirley 1997 Director Summer Session & PreCollege Programs BA Colorado - Boulder 1975
Luckett Mary Alison 1995 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Science BS Amer Univ of Paris 1988 MS Humboldt
Ludy Robin L 1992 Faculty Res Asst Botany & Plant
Pathology BS Southern Illinois 1985 MS Oregon
State 1991
Luh Hang-Kwang 1996 Res Assoc Entomology BS
National (Taiwan) 1983 Sun Yat-sen Univ (Taiwan)
1985 PhD Univ of Tennessee-Knoxville 1993
Luna John Michael 1992 Asst Prof On Farm Res/
Extn Proj Coordinator/Senior Research Horticulture
BS Oregon State 1977 MS Florida 1979 PhD Virginia
Tech 1986
Lunch William M 1984 Prof Political Science BA
UC-Riverside 1969 MA UC-Berkeley 1970 PhD 1976
Lundahl David S 1996 Asst Prof Sr Research Food
Science & Technology MS Oregon St Univ PhD
Oregon St Univ 1989
Lundin Fredrick M 1985 Asst Prof Clatsop Co Extn
Staff Chair Crop & Soil Science BS Nevada Reno
1979 MS 1981
Lundquist Randy L 1988 Res Assoc Post Doct
Physics MS Oregon St Univ 1991 PhD Oregon St
Univ 1994
Lundy James R 1990 Assoc Prof Acting Dir of
Transportation Research Inst Civil, Construction, &
Environmental Engineering BS Oregon State 1984
MS 1986 PhD Texas Austin 1990
Luoma Daniel L 1986 Asst Prof Sr Res Forest Science
BS Oregon 1978 MS Oregon State 1987 PhD 1988
Lyon Carmelia A 1998 Faculty Res Asst Ag &
Resource Economics BS Washington St Univ 1992
MS Purdue Univ- 1995
Lysne David Holton 1994 Director Research Forest
College of Forestry BS Iowa State 1968 MS Oregon
State 1980
Ma Caiping 1994 Faculty Res Asst Forest Science BS
(Foreign) 1982
Ma Shu Shang 1998 Faculty Res Asst Mid-Columbia
Exp Station BS (Foreign) 1981 MS (Foreign) 1984
Maas-Hebner Kathleen 1993 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Science BS Maryland 1990 MS Michigan State 1992
MacDonald Alison M 1996 Res Assoc Post Doct
Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences BA Bryn Mawr
College 1981 MS Cambridge (UK) 1991
MacDonald Chance Erin 1995 Faculty Res Asst
Food Science & Technology BS Oregon State 1974
Machado Craig M 1990 Instr English Language
Institute BA UC-Davis 1974 MA San Francisco St
Univ 1984
Macnab Alexander W 1979 Assoc Prof Wasco Co
Extn Agent Crop & Soil Science BS Oregon State
1975 MEd 1983
Maddalozzo John G F 1988 Instr Exercise & Sports
Science BPE British Columbia (Canada) 1979 BEd
1981 MS Eastern Washington 1988
Maddy Deborah J 1997 Prof Regional Director
Extension Service Admin BS West Virginia
University 1975 MS Syracuse University 1981 PhD
Ohio State University 1992
Magana Mario Edgardo 1989 Asst Prof Electrical &
Computer Engineering BSEE Iowa State 1979 MSEE
Georgia Tech 1980 PhD Purdue 1987
Maguire Christine C 1996 Asst Prof Sr Res Forest
Science BA William Paterson College 1975 MS
Rutgers 1978 PhD 1983
Maguire Douglas A 1996 Asst Prof Forest Resources
BS Maine 1976 MS Rutgers 1979 MS Oregon State
Mahadevan Brinda 1997 Res Assoc Environmental
& Molecular Toxicology MS Univ of Idaho 1992 PhD
Univ of Idaho 1996
Mahrt Larry 1972 Prof Oceanic & Atmopheric
Sciences BS Wisconsin 1967 MS 1969 PhD 1972
Maier Claudia S 1994 Res Assoc Post Doct
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BS (Equiv)
Technical College (Algeria) 1987 BS (Equiv) Univ of
Konstanz (Germany) 1990 PhD 1994
Maiersperger Thomas K 1995 Faculty Res Asst
Forest Science BS Oregon State 1992
Malencik Dean Anthony 1980 Res Assoc
Biochemistry & Biophysics BS Notre Dame 1965 MS
Cal Tech 1968 PhD Oregon State 1972
Males James R 1998 Prof Dept Head Animal
Sciences BS Penn State 1967 MS Michigan St Univ
1969 PhD Ohio St Univ 1972
Maley Jordan B 1998 Instr Interim Gilliam Co Ext
Co-Chair Crop & Soil Science BS Southern Oregon St
College 1977
Mali Urmila L 1995 Instr Educational Opportunities
BS Oregon State 1992 MA 1996
Mallory Smith Carol Ann 1994 Asst Prof George R
Hyslop Professor Crop & Soil Science BS Idaho 1986
PhD 1990
Malouf Robert E 1991 Prof Director Oregon Sea
Grant Fisheries & Wildlife BA Montana 1968 MS
Oregon State 1970 PhD 1977
Manlove Anne Kathryn 1982 Assoc Prof Jackson Co
Extn Agent 4-H Youth Development Education BS
North Dakota State 1982 MS Southern Oregon
Manning Thomas 1991 Faculty Res Asst Fisheries &
Wildlife BS Calif State 1982 MS Minnesota 1988
Manning Viola A 1995 Faculty Res Asst Animal
Sciences BS Univ of Maryland 1987 MS Univ of
Maryland 1991
Manogue Corinne Alison 1988 Assoc Prof Physics
BA Mount Holyoke 1977 PhD Texas Austin 1984
Oregon State University
Mansour NS 1970 Prof Extn Vegetable Crop
Specialist Horticulture BS Wisconsin Stevens Point
1956 MS Wisconsin-Madison 1961 PhD Michigan
State 1966
Marino Deborah A 1978 Instr English Language
Institute BA Ohio 1971 MEd Oregon State 1977
Maristany Alberto G 1986 Sr Faculty Res Asst Forest
Products BS Universidad Nacionalde (Cordoba) 1978
MS Idaho 1982 MS Oregon State 1986
Markle Frank Douglas 1985 Prof Fisheries &
Wildlife BS Cornell 1969 MA William & Mary 1972
PhD 1976
Marks Andrea S 1992 Asst Prof Art BFA Philadelphia
College of Art 1983 MFA (Equivalent) Basel School
of Design (Switzerland) 1989
Marks Andrea S 1992 Asst Prof Art BFA Philadelphia
College of Art 1983 MFA (Equivalent) Basel School
of Design (Switzerland) 1989
Marler Bruce A 1992 Sr Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmopheric Sciences BS Oregon State 1992
Marshall David D 1989 Assoc Prof Sr Research
Forest Resources MS Oregon St Univ 1981 PhD
Oregon St Univ 1991
Marshall Melanie J 1994 Development Officer/
Charitable Estate Planning Office of Development
BA Huron College 1983 MA Univ of Minnesota
Martin Dana L 1998 Instr 4-H Youth Dev Agent/
Crook Co Ext 4-H Youth Development BS Oregon St
Univ 1976
Martin David N 1996 Faculty Res Asst Horticulture
BS Oregon State 1985 MS Purdue 1987
Martin Ruth C 1987 Faculty Res Asst Horticulture
BS Wisconsin Madison 1985 MS Oregon State 1989
Martinez James P 1997 Faculty Res Asst Botany &
Plant Pathology BS Texas A & M Univ 1988 MS Univ
of Minnesota 1993
Martinez Rebecca Lelack 1982 Instr Asst Director
Financial Aid BS Oregon State 1981 MEd 1983
Martins Filho Carlos 1992 Assoc Prof Economics BS
Fed Univ Cear (Brazil) MA Tennessee 1991 PhD 1992
Marx Ernest S 1995 Faculty Res Asst Crop & Soil
Science BA Humboldt 1987 MS Oregon State 1995
Mason Robert T 1991 Assoc Prof Zoology BA
College of Holy Cross 1982 PhD Texas Austin 1987
Mast JoAnn M 1990 Assoc Prof Coos Co Extn Agent
4-H Youth Development Education BS Oregon State
1974 EdM 1978
Matano Ricardo 1990 Asst Prof Sr Res Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences Licenciado Univ Nac del Sur
(Argentina) 1983 MA Princeton 1988 PhD 1990
Mate Bruce 1972 Prof Extn Marine Biologist
Hatfield Marine Science Center/Fisheries & Wildlife
BS Oregon 1968 PhD 1973
Mate Mary Lou 1997 Faculty Res Asst NewportCOMES RN Augustana College 1967
Mathany Allan Riley 1975 Assoc Prof Director
Budgets & Planning BS Oregon State 1963 MBA
Mathers Hannah M 1997 Asst Prof Nursery Crops
Regional Extn Agent Horticulture BS Cornell 1986
MS Saskatchewan (Canada) 1988 PhD Michigan
State 1998
Mathews Christopher K 1978 OSU Distinguished
Prof of Biochemistry & Biophysics Department
Chair Biochemistry & Biophysics BA Reed College
1958 PhD Washington 1962
Matsumoto Haruyoshi 1991 Res Assoc Hatfield
Marine Science Center MS Univ of Hawaii Hawaii
CC 1978 PhD Univ of Hawaii Hawaii CC 1984
Matsumoto Masakazu 1975 Prof Veterinary
Medicine DVM Hokkaido (Japan) 1964 MS Hawaii
1966 PhD UC-Davis 1972
Mattson Donald Eugene 1965 Assoc Prof Veterinary
Medicine BS UC-Davis 1957 DVM 1959 PhD
Washington State 1966
Matylonek John C 1992 Asst Prof Valley Library BA
Western Michigan Univ 1988 MA Michigan 1989
Matzke Gordon Edwin 1977 Prof Assoc Dept Chair
Geosciences University Honors College Faculty BA
Valparaiso 1966 MS Oklahoma State 1971 PhD
Syracuse 1975
Matzke Mary Ann 1987 Advising Specialist College
of Science BS Oklahoma State 1972 MS Syracuse
McIntyre David Hampton 1989 Assoc Prof Physics
Stanford 1984 PhD 1987
McLain Thomas Ernest 1992 Prof Department Head
Forest Products BS Colorado State 1969 MS 1973
PhD 1975
McLaren Carol R 1974 Faculty Res Asst
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BS Oregon
St Univ 1966
McManus James 1994 Res Assoc Oceanic &
Atmopheric Sciences BS Stockton State 1986 PhD
Oregon State 1992
McMillen Paula Jerome 1998 Asst Prof Information
Services BA University of Oklahoma 1975 MA
Southern Illinois University 1979 PhD 1983
McMorran Jeffrey Pau 1991 Asst Prof Umatilla Co
Extn Agent Crop & Soil Science BS Oregon State
Maughan Laurel Smith 1972 Assoc Prof Reference
Librarian Valley Library BA Utah State 1968 MLS
Pittsburgh 1972 MA 1973
Maul Jerry Lee 1986 Asst Prof Douglas Co Extn
Agent Horticulture BS Kearney State 1977 MS
Oregon State 1980
Maul John Bentley 1991 Asst Prof Art BA Oregon
State 1977 MFA Syracuse 1980
Maynard Roland 1997 Faculty Res Asst
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BS New
Mexico State 1995 MS Florida 1997
McAlexander James H 1990 Assoc Prof Mgmt,
Marketing, & Int'l Business BA Brigham Young 1981
PhD Utah 1987
McAlexander Kim 1992 Advising Coordinator
Home Economics & Education BS Brigham Young
University Honors College Faculty BS Arizona 1980 MS
1982 MS 1994
McMullen B Starr 1980 Prof EconomicsUniversity
Honors College Faculty BA SUNY Stony Brook 1973
MA UC-Berkeley 1976 PhD 1979
McCabe Rachelle 1984 Assoc Prof Music BM
Washington 1977 MM Juilliard 1979 DMA Michigan
McNeel Ross E 1996 Faculty Res Asst Botany &
Plant Pathology BS Alma College 1988
McCall Mark R 1997 Res Assoc Linus Pauling
McNeilan Jan C 1997 Asst Prof Consumer
Institute BA UC-Berkeley 1974 PhD Washington
Horticulture Extn Agent Horticulture BS Eastern
State 1986
Oregon State 1992 MS Oregon State 1995
McCambridge Mark E 1994 Asst Vice President
McReynolds Robert Bruce 1982 Assoc Prof District
Finance & Admin BS Santa Clara 1973
Extn Agent North Willamette Res & Extn Center
Horticulture BS UC-Davis 1975 MS 1977
McCann Kevin Lee 1983 Director Community &
Government Relations BS Oregon State 1977
Mead Clifford S 1986 Asst Prof Head of Collection
Services & Special Collections Valley Library BA
McCanna Michael J 1995 Acting Coordinator
Utica 1975 MLS Syracuse 1977
Indian Education Office BS Oregon State 1992
Mead Jodi L 1998 Res Assoc Post Doct Oceanic &
McCluskey Rebecca Lynn 1989 Faculty Res Asst
Atmopheric Sciences MA Arizona State University
Horticulture BS Oregon State 1985
1994 PhD Arizona State University 1998
McCreight Keith Russell 1971 Asst Prof Director
Means Joseph E 1998 Asst Prof Senior Research
Financial Aid BS Nebraska 1965 MA 1967 PhD
Forest Science BS Washington State University 1973
Oregon State 1981
MF Yale University 1975 PhD OSU 1981
McCubbin Jeffrey Allen 1988 Assoc Prof Exercise &
Mehlenbacher Shawn Albert 1986 Prof
Sports Science BS East Stroudsburg State 1976 MA
Horticulture BS Penn State 1978 PhD Cornell 1982
Connecticut 1977 PhD Virginia 1983
McCullough Brenda Gayle 1981 Sr Instr French BA Meigs Andrew J 1998 Asst Prof Geoscience MS
University of Alaska 1990 PhD University of S CA
Berea 1963 MA Ohio 1965
McCune Bruce 1987 Assoc Prof Botany & Plant
Pathology BA Montana Missoula 1974 MA 1979 PhD
Wisconsin Madison 1982
McDaniel Mina R 1983 Prof Food Science &
Technology BS Oregon State 1967 MS 1968 PhD
Massachusetts 1974
McDougal William G 1981 Prof Civil,
Construction & Environmental Engineering BS
Humboldt State 1976 MCE Delaware 1977 PhD
Oregon State 1981
McDowell Edward David 1974 Assoc Prof
Industrial & Mfg Engineering BS Ohio State 1965 MS
Ohio 1970 PhD Ohio State 1974
McEvoy Peter Bens 1976 Prof Entomology BA
Amherst 1971 PhD Cornell 1976
McEwan Barbara 1990 Assoc Prof Education BEd
Univ of Toledo 1969 EdD Oregon State 1987
McFadden Philip N 1990 Assoc Prof Biochemistry &
Biophysics University Honors College Faculty BS Texas
(El Paso) 1979 PhD UCLA 1983
McGinty John Charles 1984 Instr Educational
Opportunities BS Oregon State 1980 MS 1984
McGrath Daniel Morton 1983 Assoc Prof Marion
Co Extn Agent Horticulture BS UC-Davis 1980 MS
McGuinness Margaret E 1984 Asst Prof Pharmacy
Diploma in Pharmacy Central Inst of Tech (New
Zealand) 1977 Diploma in Hospital Pharmacy Univ
of Sydney (Australia) 1980 PharmD Mercer Univ
McGuire Joseph 1987 Prof Bioresource Engineering
BChe Georgia Tech 1980 MS North Carolina State
1983 PhD 1987
McInnis Mike Lindsay 1986 Assoc Prof Rangeland
Resources BS Humboldt State 1973 MS Oregon State
1977 PhD 1985
McIntosh Bruce Alan 1992 Res Assoc Post Doct
Forest Science BS Montana 1982 MS Oregon State
1992 PhD 1996
Meilan Richard 1994 Asst Prof Forest Science BS
Humboldt State 1983 MS 1985 PhD Iowa State 1990
Meiman Susan 1995 Faculty Res Asst Fisheries &
Wildlife BS So Connecticut St Univ 1988
Meints Russel H 1988 Prof Director of Center for
Gene Research Botany & Plant Pathology BA
Macalester 1960 MS Kent State 1962 PhD 1965
Mellbye Mark Edward 1986 Assoc Prof Linn Co
Extn Agent Crop & Soil Science BS Oregon State
1973 MS 1980
Meneghelli Luigi P 1993 Faculty Res Asst
Horticulture BS Ohio State 1993
Menge Bruce Allan 1976 Prof Wayne & Gladys
Valley Endowed Chair Zoology University Honors
College Faculty BA Minnesota 1965 PhD Washington
Menino Alfred R Jr 1984 Prof Animal Sciences BA
Hawaii 1976 MS Washington State 1978 PhD 1981
Menino Jane L 1997 Faculty Res Asst Pharmacy BS
Oregon St Univ 1987 OTHER Univ of New
Hampshire 1980
Meredith Charlotte 1988 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Oceanic & Atmopheric Sciences BA Lawrence 1967
MS Stanford 1971
Merickel Mark 1991 Asst Prof Education BA Cal
State-Fresno 1972 MA 1985 PhD Oregon State 1991
Merle Susan G 1997 Faculty Res Asst Hatfield
Marine Science Center BS Washington 1991
Merrifield Kathryn Jean 1990 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Botany & Plant Pathology BS Oregon State 1973 MS
Merrill Gary Frederic 1984 Assoc Prof Biochemistry
& Biophysics BA Ohio State 1973 PhD Syracuse 1977
Messersmith Ann M 1978 Prof Department Head
Nutrition & Food Management BS Muskingum 1959
MS Michigan State 1970 PhD Missouri Columbia
Meyer Howard H 1983 Prof Animal Sciences BS
Minnesota 1967 MS 1969 PhD UC-Davis 1972
Meyer Rekha 1998 Res Assoc Botany & Plant Path
MS University of Tennessee 1985 PhD 1995
Meyers S Mark 1997 Faculty Res Asst Geosciences
BS Cal State 1978 MS Oregon State 1983
Michael Carol Lea 1989 Assoc Prof Morrow Co Extn
Agent Extn Home Economics BS Cal Poly San Luis
Obispo 1962 MS 1985
Michael Robert Emerson 1968 Assoc Prof Exercise
& Sports Science BS North Central College 1962 MS
Northern Illinois 1966 EdD Oregon 1972
Middleton Cheryl A 1995 Asst Prof Life Sciences
Librarian Valley Library BS Oregon State 1993
Mielke Eugene A 1984 Prof Superintendent Mid
Columbia Ag Res & Extn Center Horticulture BS Cal
Poly San Luis Obispo 1969 MS Michigan State 1970
PhD 1974
Mileva Elena D 1998 Res Assoc Post Doct
Chemistry MS Chemistry Sofia University, Sofia
Bulgaria 1979/MS Math 1994 PhD 1995
Miller Charles Benedict 1970 Prof Oceanic &
Atmopheric Sciences BA Carleton 1963 PhD Scripps
Miller Jeffery Clark 1979 Prof Entomology BS UCDavis 1973 PhD 1977
Miller Mark E 1993 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Engineering BS Oregon State 1992
Miller Richard Frank 1977 Prof Eastern Oregon Ag
Res Center Union Rangeland Resources BS Cal StateHumboldt 1972 MS Oregon State 1974 PhD New
Mexico State Las Cruces 1977
Miller Robert N 1987 Prof Oceanic & Atmopheric
Sciences AB Brown 1971 MS Cal Tech 1972 PhD UCBerkeley 1976
Miller Ronald L 1987 Prof Department Chair
Mgmt, Marketing, & Int'l Business BA Syracuse 1957
MA Pennsylvania 1964 PhD 1969
Miller Terry L 1970 Prof Extn Specialist Entomology
BA San Diego State 1964 MS 1965 PhD Oregon State
Miller Thomas H 1989 Assoc Prof Civil,
Construction, & Environmental Engineering BS
Cornell 1980 ME 1981 PhD 1989
Mills Dallice 11976 Prof Faculty Excellence Award
Recipient Botany & Plant Pathology University
BS Wisconsin State 1961 MS
Honors College
Syracuse 1964 PhD Michigan State 1969
Mills Randall R 1984 Assoc Prof Umatilla Co Extn
Agent Animal Sciences BS Washington State 1977
MS 1979
Milota Ginger V 1994 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Engineering BS UC-Davis 1976 MS Cal Polytech St
Univ - San Luis 1983
Milota Michael R 1988 Assoc Prof Forest Products
BS Iowa State 1978 MS Oregon State 1981 PhD 1984
Minear Paula J 1992 Faculty Res Asst Fisheries &
Wildlife BA Colorado College 1971 MS Oregon St
Univ 1979
Miner John Ronald 1972 Prof Bioresource
Engineering BS Kansas 1959 MSE Michigan 1960
PhD Kansas State 1967
Minoura Toshimi 1982 Assoc Prof Computer
Science Engineering BS Tokyo 1968 MS 1970 PhD
Stanford 1980
Minshew Hudson 1998 Asst Prof Bioresource Eng
Exten BS Humboldt State University 1989 MS OSU
Miranda Cristobal L 1977 Asst Prof Sr Res
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology DVM Univ
Philippines 1959 MS Virginia Tech 1971 PhD 1974
Mishra Chandra S 1996 Asst Prof Acctg,Finance &
Info Mgmt BS Saurastra (India) 1982 MS Nt'l Inst for
Trng Indust Engr (India) 1984 PhD Texas 1990
Mitchell Gregg F 1979 Assoc Prof Clackamas Co
Staff Chair 4-H Youth Development Education BS
Arizona 1969 MS 1979
Mitchell Richard G Jr 1980 Assoc Prof Sociology BA
Cal State Los Angeles 1970 MA USC 1974 PhD 1980
Mix Alan C 1984 Prof Oceanic & Atmopheric
Sciences BS Washington 1978 MS Columbia 1980
MPhil 1984
Mosbaugh Dale William 1989 Prof Environmental
& Molecular Toxicology BA Cincinnati 1975 PhD
Zoology University Honors College Faculty BS
Washington State 1963 PhD Washington 1970
Mobley Ronald T 1968 Prof North Willamette Res & Moser John Christian 1979 Faculty Res Asst
Oceanic & Atmopheric Sciences BS Dickinson 1971
Extn Center Superintendent/Chair Horticulture BS
MS Oregon State 1979
Oregon State 1967 MEd 1975
Moses Alissa M 1993 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Mok David WS 1975 Prof Horticulture BS National
Resources BA Univ of Minnesota 1993 MS Oregon St
(Taiwan) 1967 MS Guelph 1970 PhD Wisconsin
Univ 1996
Mosley Alvin Ray 1978 Assoc Prof Crop & Soil
Mok Machteld C 1975 Prof Horticulture BS
Science BA Kentucky 1965 MS 1968 PhD Oregon
Wageningen (The Netherlands) 1969 MS Wisconsin
State 1972
1973 PhD 1975
Mosser Valerie A 1990 Faculty Res Asst
Moldenke Andrew Ralph 1983 Res Assoc
Biochemistry & Biophysics BS Washington State
Entomology BA Wesleyan 1966 PhD Stanford 1971
Mommer Niels 1998 Res Assoc Post Doct Physics
Motazedian Iraj 1987 Asst Prof Ext Seed
PhD Foreign 1997
Certification Spec Crop & Soil Science MS Univ of
Monders Carol 1995 Faculty Res Asst Art BA
Nebraska - Lincoln 1979 PhD Oregon St Univ 1983
Willamette Univ 1988 MAST Indiana Univ Central
Moulton Jonathan S 1996 Asst Prof Acctg,Finance
Admin 1991
& Info Mgmt University Honors College Faculty BS
Monleon Vicente J 1998 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Oregon 1982 MBA Cal State Hayward 1986 PhD
Science BS (Foreign) 1989 MS Oregon St Univ 1993
Oregon 1995
Montagne Paul E 1996 Faculty Res Asst Civil,
Mourn James Norman 1984 Prof Oceanic &
Construction, &
Atmopheric Sciences BASc Toronto (Canada) 1978
Oregon 1985
MASc 1979 PhD British Columbia (Canada) 1984
Montemayor Oscar H 1988 Instr Counselor
Mpitsos George J 1983 Prof Sr Res Pharmacy BS
Educational Opportunities BA Oregon State 1987
Michigan 1963 PhD Virginia 1969
Montgomery Claire A 1995 Asst Prof Forest
Muir Patricia S 1987 Assoc Prof Dir Under ad
Resources BA Portland State 1976 BS Oregon State
Environmental Science Program Botany & Plant
1984 MF Washington 1986
Pathology University Honors College Faculty BA
Montana Missoula 1975 PhD Wisconsin Madison
Moon Barbara J 1985 Director Continuing Higher
Education BS Oregon State 1969 EdM 1992
Mukatis W Alfred 1980 Assoc Prof Mgmt,
Moon Un-Ku 1998 Asst Prof Electrical & Computer
Marketing, & Int'l Business BS Northwestern 1960
Engineering MS Cornell Univ 1989 PhD Univ of
PhD Cal Tech 1965 JD Illinois 1976
Illinois 1994
Mull Jeffrey C 1983 Physician Student Health
Moore Frank Ludwig 1975 OSU Distinguished Prof
Center BS Allegheny College 1976 MD Pittsburgh
of Zoology BA Wooster 1967 MA Colorado 1974
PhD 1974
Mulligan M Kathleen 1988 Director Facilities
Moore James A 1979 Prof Department Head
Services BA Memphis State 1973 MPA 1974
Bioresource Engineering BS Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
1962 MS Arizona 1964 PhD Minnesota 1975
Munar Myma Y 1988 Assoc Prof Pharmacy BA
Southern California 1981 PharmD 1985
Moore Kathleen Dean 1975 Prof Department Chair
Philosophy BA Wooster 1969 MA Colorado 1971
Mundt Christopher Charles 1985 Prof Botany &
PhD 1977
Plant Pathology BS Cornell 1979 MS Iowa State 1981
PhD North Carolina State 1985
Moore Marilyn Jean 1976 Instr Malheur Co Extn
Agent 4-H Youth Development Education BS Oregon
Munisamy Gopinath 1997 Asst Prof Ag & Resource
State 1975
Economics BS Tamil Nadu Ag Univ (India) 1988 MS
Indian Ag Res Inst (India) 1990 PhD Minnesota 1995
Moore Mark Paul 1990 Assoc Prof Speech
Communication BA Cal State-Fresno 1976 MA Cal
Munnerlyn Thomas G 1997 Director Career
State-Hayward 1980 PhD Indiana 1984
Services BA South Carolina 1977 ME South Carolina
Moore Stanley
& Atmopheric Sciences BS Michigan 1968 MS
Murphy Lea Frances 1980 Assoc Prof Mathematics
Florida State 1972
University Honors College Faculty BA Temple 1976
PhD Carnegie Mellon 1980
Moran Patricia B 1989 Assoc Prof Human
Development & Family Sciences BA Minnesota 1979
Murtaugh Paul A 1992 Asst Prof Statistics BA
JD Oregon Law School 1983 MA Cornell 1987
Cornell 1976 PhD Washington 1981 PhD 1989
Morandi Thomas 1986 Prof Art BS Indiana
Murthy S Narasimha 1997 Res Assoc Pharmacy MS
(Pennsylvania) 1966 MFA Ohio Univ 1971
Mysore Univ (India) 1996 PhD Osmania Univ (India
Morey Ann 1989 Sr Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmopheric Sciences BS Minnesota 1985
Musafija-Jeknic Tamara 1996 Faculty Res Asst
Botany & Plant Pathology BS Univ of Sarajevo
Morgan Cheryl A 1997 Faculty Res Asst Hatfield
(Yugoslavia) 1991 MS Oregon State 1996
Marine Science Center BA Whitman College 1988
MS Washington St Univ 1993
Myers James R 1996 Assoc Prof Baggett-Frazier
Professor of Vegetable Breeding Horticulture BS
Morgagn Stephen C 1987 Asst Prof WashingtongCo
Kansas State 1978 MS Wisconsin 1981 PhD 1984
1973 BS Cal Poly-San
Myrold David Douglas 1984 Prof Crop & Soil
Science BS Michigan Tech1977 MS Washington State
Morrell Jeffrey Joseph 1983 Prof Forest Products BS
1979 PhD Michigan State 1984
SUNY-Syracuse 1977 MS Penn State 1979 PhD SUNY
Mix Michael Cary 1970 Prof Chair Biology Program
Morrill William H 1997 Career Advisor Career
Services BA Oregon 1994 MS 1997
Morris John Edward 1968 Prof Zoology BA Stanford
1958 MS Hawaii 1960 PhD UCLA 1966
Morrissey Michael Thomas 1990 Assoc Prof
Director Coastal Oregon Marine Exp Station Astoria
Food Science & Technology BS Notre Dame 1970 MS
Wisconsin 1977 PhD Oregon State 1982
Morrow Alice Mills 1980 Prof Extn Family Econ
Specialist Extn Home Economics & Human
Development & Family Sciences BS Massachusetts
1962 MA Michigan State 1965 JD Louisville 1973
Nabelek John Ludvik 1987 Assoc Prof Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS MIT 1974 MS 1975 PhD
Nafshun Richard L 1997 Instr Chemistry BS Cal
State-Stanislaus 1992 MS Oregon State 1996 PhD
Nagele Janet A 1997 Asst Prof Lane Co Extn Agent
4-H Youth Development Education BS Cornell 1983
MS Michigan State 1995
Nahan Matthew 1997 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Products MS Michigan Tech Univ 1986 PhD Oregon
St Univ 1997
Oregon State University
Nakajima Setsuko 1990 Sr Instr Japanese BA
Oregon 1982 MA 1984
Naldi Mariachiara 1998 Res Assoc Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS University of Parma (Italy)
1990 PhD 1996
Nau Karen L 1998 Res AssocHealth & Human
Performance BS University of Michigan 1982 MS
Phys Ed1986, MS Pub Health 1990 PhD 1994
Needham Cathy A 1997 Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Oregon State 1994 MS
Wisconsin Central Office 1997
Neeley Brown Michael Don 1981 Sr Faculty Res
Asst Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences BS Oregon
State 1975 BS 1979
Neirenberg Tara R 1995 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Resources BA Univ of Colorado 1991 MS Oregon St
Univ 1996
Nelson David M 1977 Prof Oceanic & Atmospheric
Sciences AB Dartmouth 1969 PhD Alaska 1975
Nelson Peter Oliver 1975 Assoc Prof Civil,
Construction, & Environmental Engineering BS
Cornell 1968 MS 1972 PhD 1975
Nelson Roxanne G 1995 Development Officer OSU
Press BA Oregon 1975 MA 1977
Nelson Steven J 1996 Instr Tillamook Bay Natl
Estuary Project Ext Service Program BS Univ of
Virginia 1974 MS George Mason Univ 1988
Nishball Jill Diane 1993 Instr Forestry BA Calif
State 1982 MA Humboldt State 1992
Nishihara Janet Seiko 1983 Asst Prof Counselor/
Academic Coordinator Educational Opportunities BS
Oregon State 1978 MEd 1983
Nixon David E 1997 Faculty Res Asst
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BS UC-Davis
1989 MS Oregon State 1994
Nolan Mary Lee 1973 Prof Geosciences BA
Louisiana State 1957 MA Sam Houston State 1963
MA Texas 1967
Norris Logan A 1961 Prof Department Head Forest
Science BS Oregon State 1961 MS 1964 PhD 1970
Nott Heather 1998 Faculty Res Asst Crop & Soil
Science BS (Foreign) 1986 MS (Foreign) 1989
Novak Theresa 1999 Extension Comm Assoc
Extension Communications BA San Diego State
University 1984
Nunn Mary E 1967 Faculty Res Asst Dir of
Sponsored Programs Ofc of Vice Provost for Research
Nye Mary Jo 1995 Horning Professor History
University Honors College Faculty BA Wisconsin 1965
PhD 1969
Nye Robert A 1995 Horning Professor History BA
San Jose State 1964 MA Wisconsin 1965 PhD 1969
Nelson Susan K 1984 Sr Faculty Res Asst Crop & Soil
Science BS Lewis & Clark College 1980 MS Snt John
College Cleveland 1989
Nesje Alissa M 1996 Faculty Res Asst Forest Science
BA Minnesota 1993 MS Oregon State 1996
Nesson Michael H 1981 Res Assoc Biochemistry &
Biophysics SB MIT 1960 PhD Cal Tech 1969
Neumann Catherine M 1994 Asst Prof Public
Health BS Penn State 1981 PhD Univ of Michigan
Ann Arbor 1989
Newberger Priscilla Anne 1981 Res Assoc Oceanic
& Atmospheric Sciences BS MIT 1964 PhD Oregon
State 1981
Newburgh Gene C 1995 Advising Assistant Home
Economics & Education BS Oregon State 1972
Masters Oregon State 1982
Newsome Mark R 1992 Res Assoc Post Doct
Computer Science Engineering MS Auburn Univ
1991 PhD Oregon St Univ 1996
Newton Michael 1960 Prof Forest Science BS
Vermont 1954 BS Oregon St Univ 1959 MS Oregon
St Univ 1960
Neyhart Charles Amos Jr 1973 Prof Acctg,Finance
& Info Mgmt BS Penn State 1968 MBA 1969 PhD
Ngodock Hans E 1996 Res Assoc Post Doct Oceanic
& Atmospheric Sciences MO (Foreign) 1991 PhD
(Foreign) 1996
Nibler Joseph William 1967 Prof Chemistry BS
Oregon State 1963 PhD UC-Berkeley 1966
Nickerson Gail B 1998 Faculty Res Asst
Environmental and Molecular Toxicology BS OSU
Niederholzer Franz Joseph 1995 Asst Prof Hood
River Area Extn Agent 4-H Youth Development
Education BA Amherst 1982 MS UC-Davis 1990 PhD
Nielsen James Frederick 1974 Prof Acctg, Finance
& Info Mgmt BME General Motors Institute 1967
MBA Colorado 1969 DBA 1972
Nielsen Roger L 1988 Assoc Prof Sr Res Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Arizona 1976 MS 1978 PhD
Southern Methodist 1983
Niem Alan Randolph 1970 Prof Geosciences BS
Antioch 1966 MS Wisconsin 1969 PhD 1971
Niemet Michael R 1993 Faculty Res Asst Bioresource
Engineering BS Cal St Univ-Sacramento 1989 MS
Oregon St Univ 1995
Niess Margaret Louise 1980 Prof Chair & Faculty
Senate President Science & Math Education
University Honors College Faculty BS Oregon State
1965 MS 1966 PhD 1981
Nieukirk Sharon L 1998 Faculty Res Asst Hatfield
Marine Science Center BS Guilford College 1981 MS
Oregon St Univ 1992
Obermiller Frederick William 1974 Prof Ag &
Resource Economics University Honors College Faculty
BA Missouri 1966 PhD 1969
OBrien Thomas M 1993 Faculty Res Asst Fisheries &
Wildlife BS Eastern Washington Univ 1989
Ocamb Cynthia M 1997 Asst Prof Botany & Plant
Pathology MS Univ of No Dakota 1986 PhD Univ of
Minnesota 1991
Oehler Nellie Joan 1982 Asst Prof Lane Co Extn
Agent Extn Home Economics BS Oregon State 1964
Oester Paul Thomas 1980 Prof Union Co Extn
Agent Forest Science BS Oregon State 1972 MS 1977
Olivas Ubaldo 1998 Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Oregon State 1996
Oliveira Ronald Anthony 1976-1981;1997 Assoc
Registrar Registrar's Office BS UC-Berkeley 1968 MS
UC-Davis 1969 PhD 1973
Olsen Christina L 1991 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Engineering BS UC-Berkeley 1968
Olsen Eldon Dale 1976 Assoc Prof Forest
Engineering BS Utah 1966 MS Montana State 1969
Olsen Jeffery Lynn 1983 Assoc Prof Yamhill Co
Extn Agent Horticulture BS Washington State 1981
MS Oregon State 1983
Olsen Pamela Sue 1987 Assoc Prof Yamhill Co Extn
Agent 4-H Youth Development Education BS North
Dakota State 1983 MS Minnesota 1987
Olson Geraldine 11975 Assoc Prof Human
Development & Family Sciences BS Wisconsin 1961
MS Cornell 1965 PhD Ohio State 1975
Olson Robert Eldon 1968 Prof Assoc Director for
Marine Education Fisheries & Wildlife BA Concordia
1962 MS Montana State 1964 PhD 1968
O'Dea Mary E 1993 Faculty Res Asst Forest Science
BS Cal Poly San Luis Obispo 1987 MS Oregon State
O'Sullivan Arthur 1992 Prof Chair of University
Faculty of Economics Economics University Honors
College Faculty BS Oregon 1975 PhD Princeton 1981
Oriard Michael Vincent 1976 OSU Distinguished
Prof of American Literature & CultureProf English
University Honors College Faculty BA Notre Dame
1970 PhD Stanford 1976
Orner Gayle A 1998 Res Assoc Post Doct
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BS PA St
Univ 1984 PhD Oregon St Univ 1995
Osborne Judith L 1992 Asst Prof Education BS
Missouri 1965 BS Oklahoma State 1968 MS 1969
Osis Vicki Jean 1971 Prof Extn Marine Ed Specialist
Fisheries & Wildlife BS Southwest Missouri State
1965 MA Missouri 1968
Ossiander Mina 1988 Assoc Prof Mathematics BA
Washington 1978 MS 1982 PhD 1985
Osterbauer Nancy K 1997 Faculty Res Asst Botany
& Plant Pathology MS Minnesota 1991 PhD Oregon
State 1996
Osterlund Cynthia Marie 1993 Instr Gilliam Co
Extn Agent 4-H Youth Development Education BS
Oregon State 1972
Osullivan Arthur M 1992 Prof Economics BS
Oregon 1975 PhD Princeton 1981
Ottow Carolyn M 1995 Asst Prof Valley Library BA
Wisconsin Madison 1988 MA 1991
Ottum Sean A 1997 Faculty Res Asst Microbiology
BS Oregon State 1997
Oughton Julie A 1977 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BS
Washington State 1970
Owen Charles K 1992 Head Women's Crew Coach
Intercollegiate Athletics BS Oregon State 1992
Oxilia David 1997 Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS (Foreign) 1993 MS
(Foreign) 1996
'Dye William N 1994 Coordinator Student Conduct
& Mediation Programs Office of Vice Provost
Student Affairs BA Eastern Illinois Univ 1975 MS
Illinois Inst of Tech 1979
Ozretich Rachel A 1996 Faculty Res Asst Home
Economics & Education BS Univ of Arizona 1969 MS
Oregon St Univ 1995
Paasch Robert Kenneth 1990 Assoc Prof
Mechanical Engineering BS Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
1976 MS UC-Davis 1981 PhD UC-Berkeley 1990
Pabst Robert J 1985-94;1996 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Forest Science BS Minnesota 1978 MS 1983
Pacheco Manuel 1993 Asst Prof Philosophy
University Honors College Faculty BA San Jose State
1964 MA Oregon 1972 PhD 1973
Pahl Janet Maurene 1976 Asst Prof Clatsop Co Extn
Agent Extn Home Economics BS Kearney State 1968
MS Oregon State 1982
Palmer Terry Lynn 1993 Instr Multnomah Co Extn
Agent 4-H Youth Development Education BA Freed
Hardeman College 1984
Palmer Todd S 1995 Asst Prof Nuclear Engineering
BS Oregon State 1987 MS Michigan 1988 PhD 1993
Pancake Cherri M 1992 Prof Computer Science
Engineering BS Cornell 1971 PhD Auburn Univ
Pandelova lovanna G 1995 Faculty Res Asst
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BS Moscow
State Univ 1985 PhD 1991
Park Jae Won 1992 Assoc Prof Marine Branch
Station BS Kon Kuk Univ (Korea) 1980 MS Ohio
State 1982 PhD North Carolina State 1985
Park Jae-Hyeong 1997 Asst Prof Visiting Economics
BA Seoul National Univ (Korea) 1990 MS London
School of Econ & Political Sciences (UK) 1992 MS
Wisconsin-Madison 1993
Parker Donald F 1991 Prof Sara Hart Kimball Dean
College of Business BA Oklahoma 1957 MS George
Washington 1966 PhD Cornell 1975
Parker Jill E 1991 Asst Prof Veterinary Medicine BA
S Florida 1978 VMD Pennsylvania 1983, Dipl ACVS
Parker Lisa M 1981 Faculty Res Asst Environmental
Health Sciences Center BS Oregon State 1981
Parks Harold Raymond 1977 Prof Mathematics AB
Dartmouth 1971 PhD Princeton 1974
Parks Robin L 1995 Faculty Res Asst Central OR Exp
Station BS Cal Polytech St Univ - San Luis 1995 MS
Oregon St Univ 1998
Parnell Dale 1992 Prof Education BA Willamette
1951 MEd Oregon 1956 DEd 1964
Parrott Keith A 1976 Assoc Prof Asst Dean for
Student Affairs College of Pharmacy Pharmacy BS
Idaho State 1970 Pharm D Kentucky 1976
Parrott Wanda L 1991 Faculty Res Asst
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BA Idaho St
Univ 1968 MA Idaho St Univ 1970
Parsons Gary Lee 1988 Faculty Res Asst Entomology
BS Cal Poly San Luis Obispo 1975 MS 1978
Parzybok Tye W 1997 Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Oregon St Univ 1993
Pascoe Nanci J 1998 Faculty Res Asst Crop & Soil
Science BS U of CAL Berkeley 1982 MS 1985
Pastorek Christine 1980 Sr Instr Chemistry
University Honors College Faculty BS San. Francisco
1974 PhD Oregon State 1980
Patterson Lisa-Marie J 1998 Faculty Res Asst
Columbia Basin Ag Res Center BS University of
Western Australia (Australia) 1989
Patterson Madge 1984 Catalog Coordinator
Undergraduate Academic Programs BA Northern
Illinois 1970
Paul Brian Kevin 1995 Asst Prof Industrial & Mfg
Engineering BS Wichita State 1985 MS Arizona State
1988 PhD Penn State 1995
Paulson Clayton Arvid 1971 Prof Oceanic &
Atmopheric Sciences BA Augustana 1953
Pawelek Robert W 1992 Instr Jefferson Co/Warm
Saprigs Extn Agent Animal Sciences BS Texas A & M
1 85
Paxton Gregory Scott 1995 Faculty Res Asst Animal
Sciences BS Cal Poly San Luis Obispo 1988
Payne Edward Gray 1995 Head Men's Basketball
Coach Intercollegiate Athletics BA Wake Forest Univ
1973 MA Clemson Univ 1978
Payne William A 1996 Asst Prof Columbia Basin Ag
Res Center MS Texas A & M Tex Maritime Acad 1987
PhD Texas A & M Tex Maritime Acad 1990
Peachey Ronald E 1993 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Horticulture BS Oregon State 1986 MS 1993
Peacock Derek Noel 1995 Faculty Res Asst North
Willamette Res & Extn Center BS Humboldt State
1992 MS Oregon State 1995
Pearson George Denton 1971 Prof Biochemistry &
Biophysics BS Stanford 1964 MS 1978 PhD 1969
Pearson Margot Noall 1971 Asst Prof Sr Res
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BA Oregon
1963 PhD Stanford 1971
Pedersen Elaine L 1991 Assoc Prof Apparel,
Interiors, Housing, & Merchandising BA Washington
1973 MA Michigan State 1975 PhD Minnesota 1983
Pederson Curtis R 1997 Associate Provost
Information Services BA Puget Sound 1975 MPA
Seattle Univ 1986
Pegau William S 1990 Res Assoc Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Univ of Alaska 1990 PhD
Oregon St Univ 1996
Penhallegon Ross H 1984 Assoc Prof Lane Co Extn
Agent Horticulture BA Washington State 1973 MA
Penn John Roger 1972 Prof Director CSSA Graduate
Program Education BA Colorado State 1967 MS 1968
PhD Oregon State 1972
Penner Michael Henry 1986 Assoc Prof Food
Science & Technology BS Washington State 1976 MS
1979 PhD UC-Davis 1984
Pereira Clifford Brian 1985 Res Assoc Statistics BA
Reed College 1973 MS Portland State 1978 PhD
Oregon State 1985
Peremislov Valery V 1994 Faculty Res Asst Botany
& Plant Pathology MS Novosibirsk State Univ
(Russia) 1983
Perry Gregory Merrill 1986 Prof Ag & Resource
Economics BS Utah State 1981 MS 1982 PhD Texas A
& M 1986
Perry Joanne Marion 1979 Assoc Prof Map
Librarian Valley Library BA Arizona 1971 MLS
Kentucky 1972 MA Arizona 1976
Peters Dawn M 1988 Assoc Prof Statistics BA Florida
1979 MA 1984 PhD 1988
Peters Kurt Michael 1996 Asst Prof Ethnic Studies
University Honors College Faculty MA San Fransisco
State 1990 PhD UC-Berkeley
Petersen Bent Edvard 1968 Prof Mathematics BS
British Columbia (Canada) 1964 PhD MIT 1968
Petersen Gary Paul 1982 Instr College of
Engineering Mecop Coordinator BS Oregon State
1976 MEd 1980
Peterson C James 1998 Prof Crop & Soil Science BS
Washington State University 1979 MS University of
Nebraska 1982 PhD 1984
Peterson Gary L 1980 Res Assoc Biochemistry &
Biophysics BA UC-Irvine 1967 MS Hawaii 1969 PhD
Oregon State 1975
Peterson Richard B 1985 Assoc Prof Mechanical
Engineering BS Nevada Reno 1979 MS UC-Berkeley
1982 PhD 1984
Peterson Valerie J 1993 Faculty Res Asst Pharmacy
BA Grinnell College 1978
Pfrender Michael E 1998 Res Assoc Post Doct
Zoology MS Univ of Michigan - Ann Arbor 1992
PhD Univ of Oregon 1998
Phelps James J 1994 Faculty Res Asst Gene Research
& Biotechnology BS Utah 1985
Philbrick David Alan 1983 Assoc Prof Engineering
Extension AB Brown 1970 PhD UC-Berkeley 1976
Phillips Nathan 1997 Res Assoc Post Doct Forest
Science BS Cal State-Sacramento 1989 PhD Duke
Univ 1997
Phillips David L 1998 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Science BS Southern Illinois University 1994 MS
Picton Jeffrey S 1993 Faculty Res Asst Veterinary
Medicine BS Utah State 1979 BS Oregon State 1988
Pierce Stephen D 1994 Res Assoc Post Doct Oceanic
& Atmospheric Sciences BS Tufts 1984 MS MIT 1987
PhD Oregon St Univ 1998
Pilkerton Stephen J 1989 Sr Faculty Res Asst Forest
Engineering BS Humbolt State 1985
Pilliod Elizabeth A 1989 Assoc Prof Art BA
Michigan 1976 MBA 1978 MA 1983
Pillsbury Ronald Dale 1967 Assoc Prof Sr Res
Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences BA Chico State
1961 MA UC-Davis 1964 PhD Oregon State 1972
Pirelli Gene Jack 1979 Assoc Prof Polk Co Extn
Agent Animal Sciences BS Oregon State 1977 MS
Pisias Nicklas G 1981 Prof Assoc Dean Oceanic &
Atmopheric Sciences BA San Francisco State 1970
MS Oregon State 1974 PhD Rhode Island 1978
Pittam Sherry K 1996 Faculty Res Asst Botany &
Plant Pathology BS Oregon State 1987 MS 1995
Plant Thomas Kent 1978 Assoc Prof Electrical &
Computer Engineering BS Kansas State 1968 MS
Iowa State 1969 PhD Illinois 1975
Platzer Karl Roland 1994 Res Assoc Physics
Vordiplome Univ of Konstanz (Germany) 1983
Diplome 1986
Plaza Dwaine E 1997 Asst Prof Sociology University
Honors College Faculty BA York Univ (Canada) 1987
MES 1990 PhD 1996
Podhipleux Nilobon 1993 Res Assoc Post Doct
Pharmacy BS Oregon St Univ 1994 PhD Oregon St
Univ 1998
Podkoscielny Mariusz P 1996 Head Women's Swim
Coach Intercollegiate Athletics BA Arizona 1993
Pohianpelto Petri Juha 1989 Assoc Prof
Mathematics University Honors College Faculty MS
Technology, Finland 1983 PhD Minnesota 1989
Polasky Stephen 1993 Assoc Prof Ag & Resource
Economics BA Williams College 1979 PhD Michigan
Ponzetti Jeanne M 1998 Faculty Res Asst Botany &
Plant Path BA Oberlin College 1988
Poole Arthur Parker 1975 Prof Coos Co Extn Staff
Chair Horticulture BA Northeastern 1965 BS Oregon
Powell Rachel 1982 Instr English Language
Institute BA Trinity 1971 MA Oregon State 1981
Powelson Mary Lois 1972 Prof Botany & Plant
Pathology University Honors College Faculty BS
Bloomsburg State College 1963 MS Michigan State
1965 PhD Oregon State 1972
Prahl Fredrick George 1984 Prof Oceanic &
Atmopheric Sciences BS Kentucky 1975 MS
Washington 1978 PhD 1982
Pratt Clara Collette 1978 Prof Barbara Emily
Knudson Chair in Family Policy Human
Development & Family Sciences BA Gonzaga 1970
MS Oregon 1972 PhD 1974
Pratt David Sheldon 1981 Faculty Res Asst Health
Physicist Radiation Center BS Oregon State 1977 MS
Premdas Sharmila 1995 Faculty Res Asst Fisheries &
Wildlife BS (Foreign) 1988 MS (Foreign) 1990
Press Caroline M 1998 Res Assoc Botany & Plant
Pathology BS University of Toronto, (Canada) MS
Auburn University, Auburn Alabama 1992 PhD 1997
Preston Asa 1997 Faculty Res Asst Microbiology BS
(Foreign) 1994 MS Upsala College 1997
Pribyl Larry LeRoy 1982 Sr Instr Distance Learning
Coord/Prod Director Communication Media Center
BA Nebraska 1978
Price Amy L 1995 Faculty Res Asst Zoology BS
Oregon St Univ 1994
Primak Paul 1991 Int'l Exchange Program
Coordinator Int'l Education BS Southern Oregon
Proebsting William Martin 1980 Prof Horticulture
BS Washington 1973 PhD Cornell 1978
Progar Robert Allen 1996 Res Assoc Post Doct
Entomology BS West Virginia Univ 1980 BS 1984 MS
Proteau Philip J 1995 Asst Prof Pharmacy BS
Washington 1985 MS California Inst of Technology
1989 PhD Oregon State 1989
Prows Susan L 1993 Asst Prof Public Health
University Honors College Faculty BA LaVerne College
1973 MPH Tulane 1975 PhD Massachusetts Amherst
Prucha Mary Strickroth 1994 Coordinator of
Graduate Services Graduate School Cert Essex CC
Pscheidt Jay William 1988 Assoc Prof Extn Plant
Pathologist BS Wisconsin Madison 1980 MS 1983
PhD 1985
Punches John W 1994 Asst Prof Douglas Co Extn
Agent Forest Products BS Michigan Tech 1990 MS
Virginia Tech 1993
Putnam Melodie L 1993 Instr Extn Plant Clinic
Diagnostician BS Oregon State 1981 MS WisconsinMadison 1984
Pyles Douglas G 1998 Asst Prof Senior Research
Oceanic & Atmopheric Sciences BA Knox College,
Galesburg, IL 1978 MS OSU 1988 PhD 1994
Pyles Marvin R 1974-75;1981 Assoc Prof Forest
Engineering BS Oregon State 1973 MS 1975 PhD
UC-Berkeley 1981
Quinn Michael Jay 1989 Prof Interim Dept Head
Computer Science Engineering BS Gonzaga 1977 MS
Wisconsin-Madison 1979 PhD Washington State
State 1969 MAgr 1971
Poole Susan Hufford 1986 Instr Staff Pharmacist,
Student Health Center Pharmacy BS Oregon State
Porath Mami L 1998 Asst Prof Lake Co Ext Ause nt
Raab Carolyn Ann 1975 Prof Extn Food &
Nutrition Specialist Nutrition & Food Management
BS UC-Berkeley 1970 MS UC-Davis 1972 PhD VPI &
Rangeland Resources BS Univ of Idaho 1996
Univ of Idaho 1998
State 1984
State 1990 PharmD Duquesne Univ 1992
Tracy 1998 Faculty Res Asst Microbiology
BS Oregon St Univ 1998
Post David A 1996 Res Assoc Geosciences BS
Newcastle (Pyne) 1990 PhD Australian National
Univ 1996
Potter Nathan D 1997 Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Antioch College 1985
Raber Susan R 1994 Asst Prof Pharmacy BS Ohio
Radosevich Steven R
1984 Prof Forest Science BS
Washington State 1968 MS Oregon State 1971 PhD
Ragulsky Frank A 1982 Asst Prof Director Student
Media Center BS Southern Colorado 1968 MA
Adams State College 1969 EdD Oklahoma State 1979
Oregon State University
Reyes Jose N 1987 Prof Nuclear Engineering BS
Rainey Rochelle C 1991 Faculty Res Asst Deputy
Project Coordinator Int'l Res & Development BA
Oregon State 1983
Rajagopal Indira 1989 Res Assoc Biochemistry &
Biophysics BS Delhi Univ (India) 1976 MS 1978 PhD
Indian Institute of Science 1985
Rajagopal Venkataramani T 1998 Asst Prof
Business BS Loyola College Madras (India) 1986 MS
Indian Institute of Technology Madras (India) 1989
PhD Washington State University 1998
Rambo Neil L 1991 Instr Washington Co Extn
Agent Rangeland Resources BS Calif Poly San Luis
Obispo 1978
Ramsey Fred Lawrence 1966 Prof Statistics BA
Oregon 1961 MS Iowa State 1963 PhD 1964
Ramsey Jeffry Lee 1994 Asst Prof Philosophy
University Honors College Faculty BA Kansas State
1984 MA Chicago 1986 PhD 1990
Randhawa Sabah U 1983 Prof Dept Head (Acting)
Industrial & Mfg Engineering BS Eng & Tech
(Pakistan) 1976 MS Oregon State 1980 PhD Arizona
State 1983
Ransom Corey Verlin 1997 Asst Prof Malheur Exp
Station MS Utah State 1993 PhD Michigan State
Rasmussen Jay L 1996 Assoc Dir/Ext Prgm Leader
Oregon Sea Grant BS Utah State 1964 MS 1967
Ratchford Paulette L 1990 Instr Asst Director Univ
Housing & Dining Services BA California Lutheran
1970 MA Cal State-Northridge 1985
Rathja Roy C 1977 Assoc Prof Asst Dean Electrical &
Computer Engineering BS UC-Davis 1969 MS
Oregon State 1973 PhD 1980
Ream WaIt 1988 Assoc Prof Microbiology University
Honors College Faculty BA Vanderbilt 1975 PhD UCBerkeley 1980
Reardon Amy J 1987 Instr Exchange Program
Coordinator Int'l Education BA Lake Erie College
1984 Masters Oregon State 1995
Rector Michael L 1992 Faculty Res Asst Forestry BA
Cal State-Chico 1979 MS Oregon State 1988
Reddy Ashok P 1992 Res Assoc Post Doct Food
Science & Technology BS Osmania Univ (India)
1978 MS Michigan Tech 1983 PhD Wayne State
Reddy Satish C 1993 Asst Prof Mathematics BS
British Columbia (Canada) 1987 PhD MIT 1991
Reeb James E 1994 Asst Prof Extn Specialist Forestry
BS Oklahoma State 1976 MS 1979 PhD Texas A & M
Reed A Scott 1990 Prof Assoc Dean & Extn Forestry
Program Ldr College of Forestry BS Michigan State
1975 MS 1977 PhD Minnesota 1987
Reed Gary L 1985 Prof Superintendent Hermiston
Ag Research & Extn Center BS Iowa State 1965 MS
1970 PhD 1974
Reed Marjorie A 1989 Assoc Prof Psychology
University Honors College Faculty BS Montana State
1978 MS Oregon 1980 PhD 1984
Reed Mark D 1987 Sr Instr Media Specialist Forestry
Media Center BS Oregon 1979 MA Cal State-Long
Beach 1987
Reed Ralph L 1978 Res Assoc Environmental &
Molecular Toxicology BS Peru State 1971 PhD
Oklahoma State 1976
Reeser Paul 1995 Faculty Res Asst Botany & Plant
Pathology BS Rutgers 1979 MS Wisconsin 1982
Regan Richard Patrick 1984 Assoc Prof District
Extn Agent North Willamette Res & Extn Center
Horticulture BS Cal State-Chico 1977 MS 1980
Reichenbach Michael R 1995 Instr Yamhill Co Extn
Agent Forest Science BS Illinois-Urbana 1978 MS
Reichstein Zivony 1993 Assoc Prof Mathematics BS
Cal Tech 1983 MS Harvard 1985 PhD Harvard 1988
Reid William H 1994 Asst Prof Extension 4-H Youth
Development Specialist 4-H Youth Development
Education BS Virginia Polytech 1971 MS 1975 PhD
Purdue 1981
Reinert David Edward 1979 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Oceanic & Atmopheric Sciences BS Oregon State
Reischman David E 1994 Head Men's Crew Coach
Intercollegiate Athletics BS Gonzaga 1987
Reistad Gordon M 1970 Prof Department Head
Mechanical Engineering BS Montana State 1966 MS
Wisconsin 1967 PhD 1970
Reiter William F Jr 1993 Boeing Prof Mechanical
Engineering BS Rutgers MS Auburn 1966 PhD North
Remcho Vincent T 1998 Assoc Prof Chemistry BS
Virginia Polytechnic Inst & University 1989 PhD
Reno Paul W 1990 Assoc Prof Coastal Oregon
Marine Exp Station/Microbiology BS Fairleigh
Dickinson 1966 MS Florida 1971 PhD Guelph 1976
Rettig Raymond Bruce 1968 Prof Ag & Resource
Economics University
Honors College Faculty BA
Montana 1962 MA Northwestern 1964 PhD
Washington 1969
Florida 1978 MS Maryland 1984 PhD 1986
Reynolds Wendy S 1996 Faculty Res Asst Zoology
BA Univ of Chicago 1992
Rhatigan Ronald G 1996 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Products BS Humboldt St College 1987 MS Oregon
St Univ 1996
Rhee Maji 1998 Assoc Prof Resident Dir Int'l
Education EdM Rutgers University 1983 EdD 1989
Rhinhart Karl E L 1984 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Columbia Basin Ag Res Center BS Oregon State 1984
Rice Laura Prindle 1979 Assoc Prof English BA
Ohio State 1968 MA Kent State 1971 PhD
Washington 1976
Richards Leslie N 1989 Asst Prof Human
Development & Family Sciences BA Stanford 1975
MA Stanford 1976 PhD Cornell 1987
Richardson Alan 1997 Res Assoc Chemistry BA UCSanta Cruz 1985 MS Oregon State 1993 PhD 1996
Richman James G 1978 Assoc Prof Oceanic &
Atmopheric Sciences BS Harvey Mudd 1971 PhD
MIT Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 1977
Rickson Fred Richard 1971 Prof Botany & Plant
Pathology BA Cal State-Northridge 1961 MA Miami
(Ohio) 1963 PhD UC-Berkeley 1966
Ridlington James W 1983 Res Assoc Nutrition &
Food Management BS Washington State 1966 PhD
Purdue 1971
Ridlington Sandra S 1973 Faculty Res Asst Sea
Grant Communications BA Washington State 1966
MA Purdue 1969 PhD 1979
Riebold Thomas W 1981 Prof Director Veterinary
Teaching Hospital/Head Large Animal Clinic St
Veterinary Medicine BS Illinois 1970 DVM 1972 Dip]
Riedl Helmut 1985 Prof Mid Columbia Ag Res &
Extn Center Dipl Ing Vienna (Austria) 1968 PhD
Michigan State 1973
Rielly Loretta Jean 1990 Assoc Prof Information
Services BA Portland State 1979 MS Northern Illinois
1981 MS 1988
Riera-Lizarazu Oscar 1998 Asst Prof Crop & Soil
Science MS Utah St Univ 1990 PhD Univ of
Minnesota 1996
Righetti Timothy Lynn 1983 Prof Horticulture BS
Maryland 1976 PhD UC-Davis 1980
Rippetoe Thomas H 1995 Faculty Res Asst Marine
Branch Station BS Tennessee State 1990 MS
Maryland 1993
Ripple William John 1981 Assoc Prof Sr Res/
Director ERSAL Forest Resources BS South Dakota
State 1974 MS Idaho 1978 PhD Oregon State 1984
Risser Paul G 1996 Prof President Oregon State
University Botany & Plant Pathology BA Grinnell
College 1961 MS Wisconsin-Madison 1965 PhD
Ritchie Nancy J 1992 Faculty Res Asst Crop & Soil
Science BS Michigan State 1992
Rivin Carol Jane 1984 Assoc Prof Botany & Plant
Pathology AB UC-Santa Cruz 1973 PhD Washington
Robbins Scott H 1979 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Horticulture BS Oregon State 1975 MS 1981
Robbins William Grover 1971 OSU Distinguished
Prof of History BS Western Connecticut State 1962
MA Oregon 1965 PhD 1969
Roberts Leilani Anne 1989 Sr Instr Philosophy
University Honors College Faculty BA Oregon 1985
PhD 1989
Roberts Mary Ann 1991 Faculty Res Asst Pharmacy
BS Wisconsin 1970 MS Oregon State 1977
Roberts Paul Alfred 1966 Prof Zoology BS Illinois
1953 MD 1957 PhD Chicago 1962
Roberts Sheila Marie 1983 Instr Counselor &
Financial Aid Coordinator Educational
Opportunities BS Southern Oregon 1975
Roberts Thomas J 1998 Asst Prof Zoology BA
University of Chicago 1988 AM Harvard University
1995 PhD 1995
Robinette Christine 1984 Faculty Res Asst
Veterinary Medicine BA Gwynedd-Mercy College
Robinson Anla Marlatta 1970 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Fisheries & Wildlife BS Turku (Finland) 1963 MS
Robinson Ann E 1982 lnstr Asst Director Student
Media Communications BA Oregon 1977 MAIS
Oregon State 1987
Robinson David Miller 1976 OSU Distinguished
Prof of Amer Literature Oregon Professor of English;
Director American Studies Program English
University Honors College Faculty BA Texas 1970 MTS
Harvard Divinity School 1972 MA Wisconsin 1973
PhD Univ of Wisconsin-Madison 1976
Robson Robert Oscar 1984 Assoc Prof Mathematics
University Honors College Faculty BA Hampshire 1975
MS Stanford 1977 PhD 1981
Rochefort Willie E 1993 Assoc Prof Chemical
Engineering University Honors College Faculty BS
Massachusetts 1976 MS Northwestern 1978 PhD UCSan Diego 1986
Rockey Daniel D 1997 Asst Prof Microbiology BS
Washington 1981 MS Wyoming 1983 PhD Oregon
State 1989
Rodriguez Ralph Edward 1997 Asst Prof English
University Honors College Faculty BA Old Dominion
Univ 1992 PhD Texas-Austin 1997
Rodriguez Rosita J 1996 Asst Prof Pharmacy BS
Texas 1991 PhD 1996
Rogers William Reinhold 1980 Prof Lincoln Co
Extn Agent Crop & Soil Science BA Virginia 1967
MA Stanford 1968 MA 1969
Rogge David F 1982 Assoc Prof Civil, Construction,
& Environmental Engineering BS Nebraska 1970 MS
1971 PhD Texas 1981
Rohrmann George F 1976 Prof Microbiology BA
Washington 1965 PhD 1970
Rood Kirsten L 1992 Res Assoc Chemistry BS UCLos Angeles 1985 PhD Univ of Michigan 1991
Root Dennis Charle 1973 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Oceanic & Atmopheric Sciences BS Oregon State
Root Jon Richard 1969 Prof Director
Communication Media Center BA Kansas State 1966
MS Oregon 1972 PhD 1978
Roper Larry D 1995 Prof Vice Provost for Student
Affairs Ethnic Studies BA Heidelberg College 1975
MA Bowling Green 1976 PhD Maryland
Rorrer Gregory L 1989 Assoc Prof Chemical
Engineering BS Michigan 1983 MS Michigan State
1985 PhD 1989
Rosato Suzanne C 1991 Sr Faculty Res Asst Crop &
Soil Science BS Florida 1979 MAg 1990
Rose Jeffrey Alan 1988 Faculty Res Asst Eastern
Oregon Ag Res Center - Squaw Butte BA Yankton
College 1983 MS Oregon State 1989
Rose Robert W 1986 Assoc Prof Forest Science BA
Connecticut 1968 MS Vermont 1975 PhD North
Carolina State 1980
Roseberg Richard J 1990 Assoc Prof Southern
Oregon Exp Station/Crop & Soil Science BS Oregon
State 1980MS 1985 PhD Ohio State 1988
Rosenberg Daniel K 1997 Asst Prof Sr Res Fisheries
& Wildlife BS Virginia Polytechnic 1985 MS Oregon
State 1990 PhD 1995
Rosenberger Nancy R 1988 Assoc Prof
Anthropology University Honors College Faculty BA
Wooster 1970 MA Michigan 1978 PhD 1984
Rosenfeld Charles Louis 1974 Prof Geosciences BA
Pittsburgh 1968 MA 1971 PhD 1973
Rosetta Robin L 1994 Asst Prof Extn Agent North
Willamette Res & Extn Center Horticulture BS UCDavis 1990 MS 1992
Ross Andrew 1989 Sr Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmopheric Sciences BS Stockton State 1986
Ross Darrell W 1990 Assoc Prof Forest Science BS
Penn State 1981 MS Oregon State 1985 PhD Georgia
Rossi Marion 0 Jr 1994 Instr Speech
Communication BA Viterbo College 1987 MA
Oregon 1992
Rossignol Annette MacKay 1988 Prof Department
Chair Public Health University Honors College Faculty
BA Wellesley 1974 MS Harvard 1977 ScD 1981
Rossignol Philippe Albert 1988 Prof Entomology
BS Ottawa (Canada) 1971 MS Toronto (Canada)
1975 PhD 1978
Roth Barbara L 1994 Asst Prof Anthropology BS
Colorado Boulder 1980 MA 1984 PhD Arizona 1989
Rothermel Gregg E 1996 Asst Prof Computer
Science Engineering MS SUNY 1986 PhD Clemson
Univ 1996
Rowe Sonnia E 1987 Sr Faculty Res Asst Crop & Soil
Science BS Oregon State 1987
Royce Lynn A 1988 Res Assoc Entomology PhD
Oregon State 1989
Ruben John Alex 1975 Prof Zoology BS Humboldt
State 1968 MA UC-Berkeley PhD 1975
Rubert Steven C 1991 Asst Prof History BA Cal
State-Northridge 1972 MA UC-Santa Barbara 1977
PhD UCLA 1990
Rudd Walter G 1985 Prof Textronix Chair
Computer Science Engineering BA Rice Univ 1966
PhD 1969
Ruddell Amy 1994 Asst Prof Coos/Curry Co Area
Extn Agent Rangeland Resources BS UC-Davis 1989
MS Oregon State 1994
Rudolph Jacquelyn T 1990 Director Human
Resources BA Oregon State 1975 MAIS 1989
Rugger Cynthia S 1996 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Science MS Oregon State 1983 MS 1990
Rugh William Daniel 1979 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Oceanic & Atmopheric Sciences BS Oregon State
Rusk Cherie R 1989 Asst Prof Catalog Librarian
Valley Library BA Vermont 1984 MLS S Conn State
1989 MS Oregon State 1994
Russ Anne L 1992 Faculty Res Asst Statistics BS
Oregon St Univ 1992 MS Oregon St Univ 1993
Russell Brian W 1993 Faculty Res Asst Botany &
Plant Pathology BS Oregon State 1987
Russell Douglas E 1979 Sr Faculty Res Asst Art BS
James Madison 1974
Russell Judith S 1989 Counselor/Coordinator
Sanderson Rebecca A 1994 Asst Prof Director
Counseling & Testing Center BSE NE Missouri State
1973 MA 1975 PhD Missouri 1988
Sandine William E 1958 OSU Distinguished Prof of
Microbiology BS Iowa State 1950 MS North Carolina
State 1955 PhD Oregon State 1958
Sandlin Michele L 1996 Associate Director
Admission & Orientation BS Bowling Green State
Univ BS Colorado State Univ 1979
Sandor Marjorie Jeanne 1994 Asst Prof English
University Honors College Faculty BA UC-Davis 1980
MFA Iowa 1984
Sanford Stephanie Lynn 1985 Co-Director
Affirmative Action BA Missouri St Louis 1975 MA
Indiana 1979 PhD 1987
Sanromani Sean K 1995 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Science BS Oregon St Univ 1994
Santelmann Mary V 1988 Asst Prof Sr Res
Geosciences MS Univ of Michigan - Ann Arbor 1980
PhD Univ of Minnesota Minneapolis St Paul 1988
Sapon-White Richard E 1996 Asst Prof Catalog
Librarian Library MO UC-Los Angeles 1979 MAST So
Connecticut St Univ 1989
Sarasohn Lisa Tunick 1978 Prof History University
Honors College Faculty BA New York 1971 MA UCLA
1973 PhD 1979
Saslow Carol A 1969 Assoc Prof Psychology BA UC
Berkeley 1964 PhD Univ of Washington 1969
Sattell Robert R 1995 Faculty Res Asst Crop & Soil
Science BS Wisconsin 1980 MS Oregon State 1990
Savage Thomas 1982 Prof Animal Sciences BA
Suffolk Univ PhD New Hampshire 1972
Saveriano Frances B 1996 MBA Coordinator
College of Business BA UC-Santa Barbara 1976 MS
Savonen Carol A 1988 Assoc Prof Science
Communication Specialist Agricultural
Communications BA Lewis & Clark 1975 MS
Vermont 1986
Sayavedrasoto Luis Alberto 1990 Asst Prof Botany
& Plant Pathology BS Universidad Nacional
Autonoma de Mexico 1975 MS Oregon State 1981
PhD 1985
Sayre Henry M 1984 Prof Art BS Stanford 1971 PhD
Washington 1976
Educational Opportunities BS Oregon State 1988
Scanlan Michael J 1981 Assoc Prof Philosophy BA
Russell Rebecca Lynn Quant 1982 Sr Faculty Res
Goddard 1973 MA Emory Univ 1981 PhD SUNY
Asst Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BS
Buffalo 1982
Oregon State 1978 MS 1983
Schafer Daniel W 1982 Assoc Prof Statistics BA
Rutledge James A 1994 Prof Extension 4-H Youth
Pomona College 1978 MS Chicago 1981 PhD 1982
Development Program Leader 4-H Youth
Development Education BS Wisconsin-Madison
Schaffer Kay F 1994 Prof Dean, College of Liberal
1969 MS 1975 EdD Oklahoma State 1989
Arts Psychology BS Ohio State 1965 MS Wisconsin
1967 PhD Ohio State 1972
Ryan Lawrence J 1988 Assoc Prof Psychology BS
Duke 1974 MA Colorado 1978 PhD 1981
Schauber Ann C 1984 Assoc Prof Yamhill Co Extn
Staff Chair 4-H Youth Development Education BS
Rykbost Kenneth A 1987 Prof Superintendent
Delaware 1972 MS Michigan State 1977
Klamath Exp Station BS Cornell 1963 MS 1966 PhD
Oregon State 1973
Scheuermann Thomas D 1990 Instr Dir Univ
Housing & Dining Services/Extended Univ Housing
& Dining Services MA Ohio St Univ 1979 DOCT
Catholic Univ of America 1985
Schimerlik Michael 11978 Prof Biochemistry &
Sahr Robert Clifford 1984 Assoc Prof Political
Biophysics BS Penn State PhD Wisconsin 1975
Science University Honors College Faculty BA
Washington State 1966 MDiv Yale 1970 PhD MIT
Schindler Jay V 1997 Asst Prof Health & Human
Performance BS Penn State 1975 MS Illinois,
Sakurai Patricia A 1996 Asst Prof Ethnic Studies BA Urbana-Champaign 1978 PhD 1982
Claremont McKenna College 1987 PhD SUNY Hlth
Schlax Michael G 1988 Sr Faculty Res Asst Oceanic
Sci Ctr Stony Brook 1995
& Atmospheric Sciences BS UC-Berkeley 1978 MS
British Columbia (Canada) 1984 MS Stanford 1986
Samelson Roger M 1995 Assoc Prof Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Stanford Univ 1981 PhD
Schmidt Thomas A 1993 Asst ProfMathematics BS
New College of USF 1981 PhD Pennsylvania 1989
Oregon St Univ 1987
Schmisseur Wilson Edward 1971 Assoc Prof Ag &
Samet Linda G 1997 Faculty Res Asst
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BA Virginia
Resource Economics BS Illinois 1964 MS Purdue
1989 MPH Michigan 1994
1966 PhD 1973
Schmitz Richard A 1998 Asst Prof Fisheries &
Sampson David 1990 Assoc Prof Fisheries &
Wildlife BA Stanford 1975 MS Washington 1984
Wildlife BS University of Wisconsin 1984 MS
University of NY 1990 PhD Iowa State University
PhD London 1989
Samuel Scott R 1985 Sr Instr Russian University
Scholz Theresa 1997 Faculty Res Asst
Honors College Faculty BA Oregon State 1974 MS
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BS Oregon
Stanford 1976 PhD 1983
State 1997
San Romani Sean K 1995 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Science BS Oregon State 1994
Sandeno Joan M 1989 Sr Faculty Res Asst Crop &
Soil Science BS Oregon State 1961
Oregon State University
Schori Richard Miles 1978 Prof Mathematics
University Honors College Faculty BS Kenyon College
1960 MS Iowa 1962 PhD 1964
Schowalter Timothy Duane 1981 Prof Entomology
BA Wichita State 1974 MS New Mexico State 1976
PhD Georgia 1979
Schrandt Contance M 1998 Faculty Res Asst
Columbia Basin Ag Res Center BS New Mexico St
Univ 1984 MAST LA St Univ 1987
Schroth Martin H 1992 Asst Prof Sr Res Civil,
Construction & Environmental Engineering MS
Oregon St Univ 1989 PhD Oregon St Univ 1996
Schrumpf Barry J 1972 Assoc Prof Seed Cert Asst
Crop & Soil Science BA Willamette 1966 MS Oregon
State 1968 PhD 1975
Schultz Robert James 1962 Prof Civil
Construction, & Environmental Engineering BSE
Worcester Poly 1955 MSCE 1960
Schuster Ellen 1997 Instr Ext Nutrition & Fo d
Specialist Ext Home Economics Oper BA City°Univ
f NY
NY 19
MS Univ f Mass 1982
Schuster Jill R 1996 Director of Universit
Marketing Inst Advan/Univer Relations BA
Pennsylvania 1981 MA 1981
Schutfort Erwin G 1992 Faculty Res Asst
Geochemist Radiation Center OTHER (Foreign) 1989
Schuyler Michael W 1981 Prof Chemistry BS UCBerkeley 1966 PhD Indiana 1970
Schwartz Robert B 1978 Prof Department Chair
English BA Tulane Univ 1972 PhD Virginia 1978
Schwartz Susan Jeffries 1985 Instr Coordinator
Special Programs Int'l Education BA Oregon State
Sexton Peter J 1998 Asst Prof Central OR Exp
Station MS Univ of Florida 1990 PhD Univ of Florida
Shadbolt Marsh B 1982 Instr Educational
Opportunities BS Oregon State 1965 MS 1988
Shafabakhsh Farhad 1985 Instr Crop & Soil Science
BS Cal State-Fresno 1981 MS Oregon State 1985
Shane Barry
Y 1971 Assoc Prof Mgmt, Marketing &
Int'l Business BS Northeastern 1965 MBA 1967 PhD
Massachusetts 1973
Sharrow Steven Harold 1976 Prof Rang eland
Resources BS UC-Davis 1971 MS Texas Tech 1973
PhD 1975
Shaw Bodie K 1996 Asst Prof Extension BS Oregon
State 1993 MS 1996
Shelby Byron B 1976 Prof Forest Resources MS Univ
of Wisconsin-Madison PhD Univ of ColoradoBoulder 1976
Shen Ruihua 1998 lnstr Resident Dir Int'l Education
BA Foreign Inst 1982
Shenk Myron Daniel 1969 Asst Prof Extn Specialist
Entomology BS Oregon State 1966 MS 1968
Sherr Barry 1990 Prof Oceanic & Atmospheric
Sciences BA Kansas WesleY an Univ 1965 A Kansas
1970 PhD Georgia 1977
Sherr Evelyn 1990 Prof Oceanic & Atmos heric
Sciences BS Emory Univ 1969 PhD Duke my 1974
Shields Barbara A 1997 Asst Prof Fisheries &
Wildlife BS Nebraska-Lincoln 1981 PhD Minnesota
Shifrin Kusiel S 1992 Prof Visiting Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences MS Leningrad Univ (Russia)
1940 PhD 1943
Scott Edward A 1988 Prof Veterinary Medicine BS
Shigeno Eric T 1998 Faculty Res Asst Linus Pauling
Cal State-San Luis Obispo 1962 DVM Washington
Institute BS University of CA Berkeley 1998
State 1967 MS Auburn 1971,
Shindler Bruce A 1991 Asst Prof Sr Res Forest
Scott Nan Herring 1973 Sr Instr Crop & Soil Science
BA Furman 1969
Resources BA Cal State-Long Beach 1968 MS Oregon
State 1990 PhD nre on Stae t 1993
Scott Richard K 1996 Res Assoc Post Doct O,- amc
Shock Clinton C 1984 Prof Superintendent Malheur
& Atmospheric Sciences BA (Foreign) 1991 PhD
(Foreign) 1996
Exp Station Crop & Soil Science BA UC-Berkeley
Scott Shirley Ruth 1987 Asst Prof Head of Research 1966 MS UC-Davis 1972 PhD 1982
Shor Molly H 1992 Asst Prof Electrical & Computer
& Access Services Valley Library BA Auburn 1970
Engineering BA Harvard 1984 MS Illinois-Urbana
MEd Georgia 1977 AMLS Michigan 1978
1987 PhD 1992
cott Tina B 1996 Asst Prof Music Education
Coordinator Music MS Univ of Illinois-Urbana 1993
PhD Univ of Illinois-Urbana 1996
Sears Charles Edward 1987 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences BS Oregon State
Searson Sarah 1998 Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BO (Foreign) 1988 MAST
(Foreign) 1994
Seavert Clark Frank 1989 Assoc Prof Hood River Co
Extn Agent Ag & Resource Economics BA College of
Southern Idaho 1985 BS Oregon State 1987 MS
Idaho 1988
Seely Justus Frandsen 1969 Prof Statistics BS Utah
State 1963 MS 1965 PhD Iowa State 1969
Segna Sandra Jean 1990 Faculty Res Asst Marine
Freshwater Biomedical Center BS Cal Poly San Luis
Obispo 1977 MS Oregon State 1992
Selivonchick Daniel Paul 1976 Prof Food Science &
Technology BS Eastern Illinois 1965 PhD Illinois
Selker John S 1991 Assoc Prof Bi oresource
Engineering BA Reed Colle ge 1981 MS C ornell Univ
1989 PhD 1990
Sellers Allen L 1977 Instr English Language
Institute BA Antioch 1967 MA Oregon 1976
Semprini Lewis 1993 Assoc Prof Civil,
Construction, & Environmental Engineering BS UCBerkeley 1974 MS Stanford 1979 PhD 1986
Sessions Julian 1983 Prof Forest Engineering BS
UCLA 1966 MS Cal State 1968 MS Washington 1971
Seville Mary Alice 1983 Assoc Prof Acctg, Finance
& Info Mgmt University Honors College Faculty BA
Southern Methodist 1964 MA Illinois 1968 BBA
Alaska 1975
Sexton Jay
Faculty Res Asst Forest Science
y 9 u0e 19
Shriver Ann L 1986 Instr Director IIFET Ag &
Singh Inder P 1998 Res Assoc Post Doct Pharmacy
PhD (Foreign) 1992 PhD (Foreign) 1997
Singh Ravindra Narayan 1995 Res Assoc Post Doct
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BS Banaras
Hindu Univ (India) 1982 MS 1985 PhD Russian
Academy of Sciences (Russia) 1993
Singh Suresh P 1998 Asst Prof Electrical &
Computer Engineering MS Univ of Mass-Amherst
1986 PhD Univ of Mass-Amherst 1990
Sivaramakrishnan S 1993 Assoc Prof Electrical &
University of Madras
0 MS
alai Univ (India) 1972 PhD
Univ of Bombay (India) 1980
Skaugset Arne E 1988 Asst Prof Forest Engineering
BS Colorado State 1977 MS Oregon State 1980
Skehen Joseph W 1990 Director of Charitable Estate
Planning Development Office BS Illinois 1960 MS
Skilling Douglas Edward 1981 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Veterinary Medicine BS Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Skinner Jeffery S 1997 Res Assoc Post Doct Forest
Science BS Bowling Green State 1988 MS 1990 PhD
Skinner Monica M 1997 Faculty Res Asst
Virginiao1995 BS Oregon St Univ 1988 PhD Univ of
Virginia 1995
Sklansky Jeff 1997 Asst Prof History University
Honors College Faculty BA UC-Berkeley 1988 MA
Columbia Univ 1990 PhD 1996
Skubinna Tamelyn K 1983 Assoc Prof Benton Co
Extn Agent 4-H Youth Development Education BA
Pacific Lutheran 1974 MA 1911
Skyllingstad Eric 1997 Asst Prof Sr Res Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Oregon State 1981 MS
Wisconsin-Madison 1983 PhD 1986
Slabaugh Mary B 1981 Asst Prof Sr Res Crop & Soil
Science BA Michigan State 1972 PhD Wisconsin
Sleight Arthur W 1989 OSU Distinguished Prof of
Chemistry Milton Harris Professor of Materials
Science (Chair) Chemistry BA Hamilton College
1960 PhD Connecticut 1963
Slinn Donald N 1995 Res Assoc Post Doct Oceanic
& Atmospheric Sciences BS Brigham Young 1988 MS
Washington 1989 PhD 1995
Resource Economics BS Georgetown 1979 MS
Smart William H 1984 Assoc Prof Int'l Student
Adviser Int'l Education BA North Carolina 1965 MA
Illinois 1967 PhD 1974
Smiley Janice Marie 1978 Asst Prof Multnomah Co
Siddens Beth K 1982 Faculty Res Asst Fisheries &
Extn Agent 4-H Youth Development Education BS
Wildlife BS Oregon State 1982
Oregon State 1976 MPA Portland State 1986
Siebler Jane E 1997 Head Adviser/Program
Smiley Richard W 1985 Prof Superintendent
Coordinator Honors College BA Oregon State 1975
Columbia Basin Ag Res Center BS Cal Poly San Luis
MA Oregon State 1979
Obispo 1965 MS Washington State 1969 PhD 1972
Siemens Philip John 1988 Prof Physics BS MIT 1965 Smiley William 1987 Assoc Prof Wasco Co Extn
PhD Cornell 1970
Agent 4-H Youth Development Education BA
Washington State 1964 MA Kansas 1972 MS
Sifneos Jean C 1992 Faculty Res Asst Geosciences
BA Tulane Univ 1980 MS Oregon State 1986
Smith Atom W 1980 5rDVVeterinary Medicine BA
Silberstein Thomas 1986 Faculty Res Asst Crop &
Washington State 19
MS Texas A & M
Soil Science BS Oregon State 198MS
Simko Ben Christopher 1978 Prof Malheur Co Extn
Smith Bradford B 1983 Assoc Prof Veterinary
Michigan State 1984
Shula Robert 1990 Faculty Res Asst Forest Science
BS Oregon State 1976
Agent Crop & Soil Science BS UC-Davis 1974 MS
Simon Christopher 1997 Asst Prof Visiting Political
Science BA Oregon State1991 MA Washington State
1 994 PhD 1997
Simon David C 1991 Faculty Res Asst Fisheries &
Wildlife BS Wisconsin 1988 MS S Dakota St 1990
Simon-Brown Viviane M 1994 Asst Prof Area Extn
Leadership Education Forestry Extension BA
Willamette 1974 MPA Lewis & Clark 1993
Simoneit Bernd Rolf Tatsuo 1981 Prof Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Rhode Island 1960 PhD
Bristol (UK) 1976
Simons Robin S 1997 Faculty Res Asst Veterinary
Medicine BS Washington St Univ 1981
Simonsen John 1990 Assoc Prof Forest Products BS
Missouri 1969 PhD Colorado 1975
Simpkins John III 1977 Sr Faculty Res Asst Oceanic
& Atmospheric Sciences BS Worcester Poly 1972
Medicine University Honors College Faculty BA
Pomona College 1974 MS San Diego State 1976 BS
Illinois-Urbana 1980
Smith Courtland L 1969 Prof Anthropology BME
Rennselaer Poly 1961 PhD Arizona 1968 PhD Illinois
Smith Daniel E 1993 Instr Food Science &
Technology BS Western Washington Univ 1986 MS
Oregon St Univ 1991
Smith David Clayton 1982 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Horticulture BS Oregon State 1982
Smith Gerald A 1989 Assoc Prof Exercise & Sports
Science BS Walla Walla 1972 MS Illinois 1985 PhD
Penn State 1989
Smith J A Sandy 1992 Faculty Res Asst Seed
Certification BS Arizona State 1978 MBA Oregon
State 1990
Smith Shannon Lee 1995 Asst Prof History
University Honors College Faculty BA Texas A & M
1988 MA Cornell 1991 PhD 1994
Stang Bernadette V 1982 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Veterinary Medicine BS Oregon St Univ 1982 MS
Oregon St Univ 1993
Stang Jack Rudolf 1976 Assoc Prof Horticulture BS
Clemson 1968 MS 1970 PhD Oregon State 1976
Stanley John D 1991 Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Michigan State 1978 MS
Starnes Charles Edwin 1976 Assoc Prof Sociology
AB Indiana 1961 MS 1964 PhD 1973
Stauth David D 1984 Instr Newswriter News &
Communication Services BS Northern Illinois 1974
Steel Brent S 1990 Assoc Prof Political Science MA
Washington St Univ 1981 PhD Washington St Univ
Steele Lynn Myers 1993 Instr Ext Hispanic Family
Nutrition Ed Agent Ext Home Economics Oper BA
Univ of Michigan 1978 MAST USC 1988
Stehr Christian Peter 1974 Assoc Prof German &
Linguistics Dip Philos Wurzburg (West Germany)
1967 MA Oregon 1971 PhD 1975
Steinbrecher Rosa E 1988 Instr English Language
Institute BA Western Kentucky 1983 MA 1988
Stennett Douglass J 1974 Prof Pharmacy PharmD,
UC-San Francisco 1970
Stephens Kay K 1993 Instr English BS Valley City
State 1967 MA Fort Hays State 1987
Stephenson Garry Owen 1986 Assoc Prof Linn Co
Extn Agent 4-H Youth Development Education BA
Arizona State 1977 MAIS Oregon State 1980 MAg
Smithwick Pearce JW 1998 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Science BS Washington & Lee University 1994
Smyth William D 1992 Asst Prof Sr Res Oceanic &
Atmospheric science BS Univ of Alberta (Canada)
1984 MS Univ of Toronto (Canada) 1986 PhD 1990
Smythe Robert T 1998 Prof Department Chair
Statistics BA Oxford University (UK) 1965 PhD
Stanford University 1969
Snider Robert G 1998 Faculty Res Asst Hatfield
Marine Science Ctr BA Evergreen State College 1994
MS Vermont & State Ag College
Snow Christine M 1990 Assoc Prof Exercise &
Sports Science BA Washington 1973 MS Arizona
1975 PhD Oregon 1985
Snyder Stanley P 1985 Prof Director Veterinary
Diagnostic Lab Veterinary Medicine DVM Colorado
State 1966 MS 1967
Soeldner Alfred Henry 1968 Sr Instr Botany & Plant
Pathology BS Oregon State 1967
Soleau Carol Jean 1977 Assoc Prof Exercise & Sports
Science BA Stanford 1972 MA 1974
Solis Adriano 1997 Asst Prof College of Business BS
U Philippies 1970 MS U Philippines 1977 PhD
Alabama 1997
Sollins Phillip 1977 Prof Sr Res Forest Science BA
Swarthmore College 1966 MA North Carolina 1970
PhD Tennessee 1972
Sollitt Charles Kevin 1972 Assoc Prof Civil,
Construction, & Environmental Engineering BSE
Washington 1966 MSCE 1968 PhD MIT 1972
Solmon Donald Clyde 1977 Prof Mathematics BS
Southeastern Massachusetts 1967 MS Oregon State
1973 PhD 1974
Somoza Carmen 1994 Asst Prof Chemistry BS
National Univ of Buenos Aires,(Buenos Aires) 1980
PhD 1989
Sonn Anita E 1981 Faculty Res Asst Veterinary
Medicine BS Oregon State 1980
Sorte Joanne Marion 1990 Instr Dir Child
Development Center Human Development & Family
Sciences BA Oregon State 1974 MS 1990
Southers Chris Lee 1986 Assoc Prof Education BS
Central Missouri State 1967 MEd Missouri 1970 PhD
Missouri-Columbia 1981
Sovern Stan G 1994 Faculty Res Asst Fisheries &
Wildlife BS Oregon St Univ 1986
Sparrow Margaret Anne 1981 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences BS UC-Davis 1978
Spatafora Joseph W 1995 Asst Prof Botany & Plant
Pathology BS Louisiana Tech Univ 1986 PhD
Louisiana State 1992
Specter Robert M 1998 Vice President For Finance
ST Administration BA University of Rochester 1981
MS New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology
1984 MBA Arizona State University
Spee Rene 1988 Assoc Prof Electrical & Computer
Engineering Vodiplom Stuttgart (West Germany)
1981 MS Oregon State 1984 PhD 1988
icer Rachel 1997 Faculty Res Asst Forest Products
N Oregon St Univ 1993 MS Oregon St Univ 1997
Spiewak Slawomir Antoni 1994 Asst Prof
Mechanical Engineering MS Warsaw Tech Univ
(Poland) 1970 PhD 1980
Spikes Kristine E 1974 Instr Asst to Director Int'l
Education BA Oregon State 1973
Spitsbergen Jan Marie 1995 Res Assoc Food Science
& Technology BS Michigan State 1976 DVM 1980
PhD Cornell 1986
Spitz Yvette H 1995 Res Assoc Post Doct Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences MS Florida State 1989 PhD
Old Dominion Univ 1995
Spoelstra Judith M 1995 Head Women's Basketball
Coach Intercollegiate Athletics BS Oregon State 1983
MS Idaho 1992
Spotts Robert Allen 1978 Prof Mid Columbia Ag Res
& Extn Center BS Colorado State 1967 MD 1969
PhD Penn State 1974
Sproul Christine 1985 Asst Prof Assoc Director Int'l
Education BA Brigham Young 1968 MA 1972 MS
Utah 1982
Spycher Gody 1979 Sr Faculty Res Asst Forest
Science BS Eth Zurich 1970 MS Oregon State 1972
PhD 1978
Staben Mary L 1996 Faculty Res Asst Horticulture
BS Cal Polytech St Univ - San Luis 1991 MS
Washington St Univ 1995
Stafford Coral L 1993 Faculty Res Asst Hatfield
Marine Science Center BS Univ of Idaho 1974
Stafford Kathleen 1991 Faculty Res Asst Hatfield
Marine Science Center BA UC-Santa Cruz 1989 MS
Oregon St Univ 1995
Stahl Thomas 1998 Faculty Res Asst Fisheries &
Wildlife BS Notre Dame College 1990 MS Ohio St
Univ 1993
Stander Mary Alice 1983 Coordinator for Eligibility
& Admissions Intercollegiate Athletics BS Oregon
State 1968 EdM 1983
Standley David R 1972 Sr Faculty Res Asst Civil,
Construction, & Environmental Engineering BS
Oregon State 1968 MS 1972
Steppan Linda G 1976 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Agricultural Communications BS Oregon State 1967
Stern Sam 1981 Prof Education BS Eastern Kentucky
1972 MS Temple 1976 EdD 1980
Stetz Albert William 1976 Prof Physics BS Penn
State 1962 PhD UC-Berkeley 1968
Stevens Billie K 1976 Assoc Prof Hood River Co
Extn Chair Extn Home Economics BS Idaho 1973
MEd Oregon State 1982
Stevens Donald G 1988 Faculty Res Asst
Microbiology MS Oregon St Univ 1977
Stevens Jan Frederik 1995 Res Assoc Post Doct
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BS Univ of
Groningen (Netherlands) 1988 MS 1988 PhD 1990
Stevens Joe Bruce 1966 Prof Ag & Resource
Economics BS Colorado State 1958 MS Purdue 1963
PhD Oregon State 1965
Stevenson Roger V 1997 Prof Resident Dir OSSHE
France Int'l Education MA SUNY College-Buffalo
1967 PhD Univ of Washington 1978
Steward Judith A 1988 Instr Lake Co Extn Staff
Chair 4-H Youth Development Education BS Oregon
State 1988
Stiehl Ruth E 1972 Prof Assoc Director Education
AB Northwest Nazarene 1966 MEd Eastern
Washington State 1969 EdD Idaho 1972
Stockwell Virginia 1997 Res Assoc Botany & Plant
Pathology BA Rutgers Univ 1979 MS Colorado State
1981 PhD 1984
Stoffregen Paul 1993 Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Oregon State 1992
Stoltz Michael A 1979 Prof Regional Director
Extension Service Admin BS Montana State 1962 MS
Oregon State 1975
Stone Jeffrey Kyle 1987 Asst Prof Sr Res Botany &
Plant Pathology BA Antioch 1976 PhD Oregon 1986
Stonerod Paula K 1995 Faculty Res Asst North
Willamette Res & Extn Center BS Oregon St Univ
Stonick John T 1997 Asst Prof Electrical &
Computer Engr BS Virginia Polytechnic 1984 MS
Pittsburgh 1985 PhD North Carolina State 1992
Stonick Virginia L 1997 Assoc Prof Electrical &
Computer Engineering MS Univ of Pittsburg 1986
PhD VA Poly Inst & St Univ 1984
Stormshak Fredrick 1968 OSU Distinguished Prof
of Animal Sciences BS Washington State 1959 MS
1960 PhD Wisconsin 1965
Strandberg Lee R 1975 Prof Pharmacy BS North
Dakota State 1968 MS 1970 PhD Colorado 1975
Oregon State University
Strauss Steven
H 1985 Prof Forest Science BS
Cornell 1978 MS Yale 1980
Strik Bernadine C 1987 Prof Horticulture BS
Victoria (Canada) 1983 PhD Guelph (Canada) 1987
Stringham Bennett 1992 Instr Forest Engineering
BS Oregon State 1985 MF 1996
Stringham Tamzen K 1997 Res Assoc Rangeland
Resources BS Cal State-Chico 1981 MS Oregon State
1983 PhD 1996
Strub Paul Ted 1984 Prof Oceanic & Atmospheric
Sciences BS UC-Davis 1969 MS 1979 PhD 1983
Struble Debbie L 1997 Instr Animal Sciences BS
Oregon State 1995 MA 1997
Stumpp Celina 1997 Faculty Res Asst
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BS New
Mexico 1993 MS 1997
Sugar David 1981 Assoc Prof Southern Oregon Ag
Exp Station BA Michigan 1971 BS Washington 1975
MS UC-Davis 1977
Sugawara Alan Iwao 1970 Prof Human
Development & Family Sciences BA Hawaii 1961
MDiv Chicago Theological Seminary 1965 MA
Michigan State 1967
Sullivan Dan M 1995 Asst Prof Crop & Soil Science
BS Oregon State 1977 MS 1981 PhD Kansas State
Sullivan David 1981 Assoc Prof Acctg, Finance &
Info Mgmt BBA Oregon 1974 MS Carnegie-Mellon
1980 PhD 1981
Sullivan Kelly Frances 1997 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Science BS Colorado 1990 MS Oregon State 1997
Sun Jielun 1991 Res Assoc Oceanic & Atmospheric
Sciences MS Yale Univ 1986 PhD Yale Univ 1991
Sundberg Scott D 1994 Res Assoc Botany & Plant
Pathology BS Univ of Oregon 1978 PhD Univ of
Texas-Austin 1986
Sunderland Paul Lewis 1987 Assoc Prof
Multnomah Co Extn Staff Chair Ag Education &
General Agriculture BS Washington State 1973 MS
Idaho 1980
Supancic Sara A 1997 Faculty Res Asst Animal
Sciences BS So Illinois Univ 1995
Sutton Wendy C 1995 Faculty Res Asst Botany &
Plant Pathology BS Eastern Oregon 1993
Suzuki Warren Noboru 1974 Assoc Prof Education
BS Illinois 1963 MEd 1964 EdD 1968
Svenson Sven E 1995 Asst Prof North Willamette
Res & Extn Center BS Cal State-Chico 1984 MS
Tennessee 1986 PhD Texas A & M 1989
Swafford Duane F 1995 Instr Air Force Studies BA
George Fox 1980
Swan Patricia L 1978 Assoc Prof Polk Co Extn
Agent Home Economics & Education BA Michigan
State 1958 BS Oregon State 1976 MA Michigan State
Sward Mary Ann 1986 Asst Prof 4-H Home Econ
Curriculum Specialist Extension 4-H Youth Dev BS
Nebraska 1976 MS Tennessee 1978 PhD Iowa St
Univ Sci & Tech 1991
Swindle Keith A 1989 Faculty Res Asst Fisheries &
Wildlife BS Michigan St Univ 1989
Sylvia Gilbert 1988 Assoc Prof Ag & Resource
Economics BS Massachusetts 1973 MS Colorado
State 1981 PhD Rhode Island 1989
Tadepalli Prasad 1989 Assoc Prof Computer Science
Engineering BTech REC Warangag (India) 1979
Tech IIT Madras (India) 1981 PhD Rutgers 1990
Tanaka John Augustus 1985 Assoc Prof Ag &
Resource Economics BS Oregon State 1978 MS 1982
PhD Utah State 1985
Tanner Ray D 1998 Instr Business BA Colorado St
Univ 1974
Tappeiner John Cummings 111980 Prof Forest
Resources BS UC-Berkeley 1957 MS 1961 PhD 1966
Taratoot Mark A 1995 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Engineering BS Georgia School of Forest Resources
1990 MS Utah State 1993
Tate Janet 1989 Assoc Prof Physics University Honors
College Faculty BS Natal (South Africa) 1981 MS
Stanford 1984 PhD 1988
Taylor Alan W 1997 Faculty Res Asst Environmental
& Molecular Toxicology BS Maryland 1972 MS 1977
Taylor Barbara J 1991 Assoc Prof Zoology University
Honors College Faculty BA Colorado 1974 PhD UCSan Diego 1988
Taylor Edward Morgan 1966 Prof Geosciences BS
Oregon State 1957 MS 1960 PhD Washington State
Taylor Ellen B 1995 Asst Prof Psychologist
Counseling & Testing Center BA Stetson Univ 1983
MA Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1987 PhD 1994
Tilles E Doris 1968 Assoc ProfHeal of Inter-Library
Loans Valley Library AB UC-Berkeley 1956 MLS 1957
MA Stanford 1976
Tillson Gregory Davis 1970 Prof OPODInterim
Chair Extension Service Pgm BS Oregon State 1970
MS 1977
Timm Karen 11983 Assoc Prof Veterinary
BS UC-Davis 1966 DVM 1968 PhD 1985
Todd Rodney Morris 1974 Assoc Prof Klamath Co
Extn Agent Crop & Soil Science BS UC-Davis 1968
MS Colorado State 1970
Topielec Richard R 1991 Asst Prof Union Co Extn
Agent Engineering Extension BS Southern Illinois
1971 MA Governor's State Univ 1975 MAg Oregon
Taylor Margaret 1994 Faculty Res Asst Fisheries &
State 1984
Wildlife BA Evergreen St College 1975
Taylor Stanley M 1988 Faculty Res Asst Animal
Sciences BA Univ of Iowa 1972 BS Oregon St Univ
Tornquist Susan J 1996 Asst Prof Clinical
Temes Gabor C 1990 Prof Electrical & Computer
Engineering PhD Ottawa (Canada) 1961
Templeton Lisa L 1994 Alumni Member Program
Leader Alumni Relations BS Ohio State 1990
Tenca Alexandre F 1998 Instr Electrical &
Computer Engineering MS UC-Los Angeles 1994
PhD UC-Los Angeles 1998
Terrio Deone M 1990 Asst Prof Political Science BA
SUNY Albany 1979 MA Cornell 1984 PhD 1990
Terwilliger Mark 1997 Faculty Res Asst Fisheries &
Wildlife BS Millersville Univ of PA 1993 MA College
of William & Mary 1996
Tesch Steven
D 1981 Prof Forest Science BS
Montana 1973 MS 1975 PhD 1981
Thayumanavan Pugazhendh 1996 Faculty Res Asst
Civil, Construction, & Environmental Engineering
BS Annamalai (India) 1989
Thielges Bart A 1990 Prof Assoc Dean for Research
College of Forestry BS Southern Illinois 1963 MF
Yale School of Forestry 1964 MPhil Yale 1967
Thies Richard William 1968 Prof Assoc Dean
College of Science Chemistry University Honors
College Faculty BS Michigan 1963 PhD Wisconsin
Thomann Enrique A 1987 Assoc Prof Mathematics
BS Nat Cordoba 1977 PhD UC-Berkeley 1985
Thomas Claire Dairies 1992 Instr Statistics BS
Oregon State 1974 MBA Oregon 1977
Thomas Sean C 1996 Res Assoc Botany & Plant
Pathology BA Swarthmore College 1987 PhD
Harvard Univ 1993
Thompson Aimee L 1997 Admissions Counselor
Admission & Orientation BS Oregon State 1997
Thornpson Gregory W 1996 Asst Prof General
Agriculture BS North Dakota State 1976 MS 1989
Thompson James 1989 Assoc Prof Extn Sheep
Specialist Animal Sciences BS Wisconsin 1969 MS
Missouri-Columbia 1977 PhD 1980
Thompson Karen M 1996 Res Assoc Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Washington 1986 MS
Western Washington Univ 1995
Thompson Robert D Jr 1998 Asst Prof Ethnic
Studies BA California State University 1979 MA
1986, MA University of CA Santa Cruz 1992
Thompson Virginia 1987 Faculty Res Asst Manager
4-H Conference Center 4-H Youth Development
Education BS Oregon State 1980 MS Southern
Oregon 1983 PhD Oregon State 1989
Thomson Patricia Alice 1966 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BS Oregon
State 1964
Thrailkill James A 1989 Faculty Res Asst Fisheries &
Wildlife BS Humboldt St College 1988
Tibbetts Dorothy S 1996 Faculty Res Asst
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BS Bard
College 1979 MS Portland St Univ 1994
Tiedeman Gary Howard 1970 Prof Sociology BA
Colorado 1961 MA Stanford 1963 PhD North
Carolina 1968
Tiger George Wayne 1966 Asst Prof Jackson Co
Extn Agent Horticulture BS Oregon State 1966 MS
Oregon 1977
Pathologist Veterinary Medicine BA Michigan State
1975 BS New Mexico 1986 MS 1987
Torres J Antonio 1985 Assoc Prof Food Science &
Technology BS Catholic Technology 1973 ScM MIT
1978 PhD 1984
Torres Marta 1993 Asst Prof Sr Res Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences MS Oregon St Univ 1984 PhD
Oregon St Univ 1988
Torset Clay William 1984 Coordinator Greek
Affairs Student Affairs BS Oregon State 1981 MBA
Tower Terrill Kay 1989 Instr Asst Director Univ
Housing & Dining Services BA Oregon State 1969
MEd 1980
Traber Maret G 1998 Assoc Prof Linus Pauling
Institute BS UC-Berkeley 1976 PhD UC-Berkeley
Tracy Debera L 1997 Instr Wallowa Co Ext Agent
Ext 4-H Youth Development BS Oregon St Univ
Traeger Mary Lee 1994 Instr Human Development
& Family Sciences BS Oregon State 1994
Travers Jennifer A 1997 Instr Chemistry BS SUNY-
Buffalo 1985 PhD Colorado State 1996
Trehu Anne Martine 1987 Prof Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BA Princeton 1975 PhD MIT
Tremblay Carol Hofton 1990 Asst Prof Economics
BA UC-Irvine 1976 MA Washington State 1982 PhD
Tremblay Victor 1990 Prof Department Chair
Economics BA UCLA 1973 MA Cal State-Northridge
1977 PhD Washington State 1983
Trempy Janine E 1989 Assoc Prof Microbiology
University Honors College Faculty BS Kansas State
1980 PhD Texas 1985
Trevathan Wade 1997 Faculty Res Asst
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology BS UC-Davis
Trevithick Maria 1998 Faculty Res Asst Fisheries &
Wildlife BA Western Oregon St College 1997
Tricker Raymond 1989 Assoc Prof Public Health
DiPED Cambridge 1966 DiPPE Carnegie, Leeds 1968
MA Oregon 1978
Tripathi Vijai Kumar 1974 Prof Department Head
Electrical & Computer Engineering BS Agra 1958 MS
Tech Allahabad 1961 MSEE Michigan 1964
Trossen Thomas J 1997 Asst Prof Captain Military
Science BS Kansas 1987
Truitt Robert Eugene 1989 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Forest Resources BS Oregon State 1984
Trujillo Juan Antonio 1997 Asst Prof Foreign
Languages & Literature BA Brigham Young 1987 MA
1990 PhD Texas 1997
Tsuneyoshi Sandy E 1996 Asst Prof Asst Director of
Clinical Services Counseling & Testing Center BS Cal
State-San Bernardino 1978 MS 1979 PhD Michigan
State 1989
Tuck Brian Victor 1984 Assoc Prof Assoc Peace
Corps Director Extension BS Cal State-Fresno 1974
MA Oregon State 1984
Tuori Robert P 1998 Faculty Res Asst Post Doct
Botany & Plant Path BS State University of NY 1987
MS 1991
Turner David P 1996 Asst Prof Sr Res Forest Science
MS Univ of Colorado at Boulder 1978 PhD
Washington St Univ 1984
Twardowski Michael S 1998 Res Assoc Post Doct
Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences BS Trinity Univ
1992 PhD Univ of Rhode Island 1998
Tyler Torrey J 1996 Faculty Res Asst Fisheries &
Wildlife BS Oregon St Univ 1993
Tynon Joanne 1997 Asst Prof Forest Resources BS
Idaho 1984 PhD Idaho 1994
Tyran Craig K 1997 Asst Prof College of Business BS
Stanford 1982 MS 1983 PhD Arizona 1993
Tyus Ober R 1994 Director of Development Linus
Pauling Institute BA Univ of Georgia 1968 MA Univ
of Georgia 1969
Ullman David G 1984 Prof Mechanical Engineering
BS Cincinnati 1968 MS 1970 PhD Ohio State 1978
Ungerer Carl A 1977 Sr Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
1973 MS Oregon State 1981
Unsworth Michael H 1992 Prof Director Center for
Analysis of Environmental Change Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Univ of Edinburgh
(Scotland) 1965 PhD 1968
Upadhyay Mukti P 1997 Asst Prof Economics BA
Trivhuvan Univ (Nepal) 1974 MA Thammasat Univ
(Thailand) 1983 PhD Johns Hopkins 1994
Upadhyayula Kameswari 1997 Res Assoc
Chemistry BS Andhra Univ (India) 1978 MS 1980
PhD Indian Inst of Technology (India) 1985
Upson Rosalyn H 1996 Res Assoc Biochemistry &
Biophysics MS Univ of Arizona 1973 PhD Univ of
Delaware 1993
Urbach Ena 1997 Res Assoc Post Doct Microbiology
BS Yale 1980 PhD MIT 1994
Urquhart N Scott 1991 Prof Sr Res Statistics BS
Colorado State 1961 MS 1962 PhD 1965
Uzgalis William L 1981 Assoc Prof Philosophy BA
UC-Irvine 1972 MA Cal State-Long Beach 1976 PhD
Stanford 1981
Valentine Beth A 1998 Asst Prof Veterinary
Medicine BS CW Post College, Greenvale, NY 1977
DVM NY State College of Venterinary Med 1981
PhD Cornell University 1990
Van de Water John G 1976 Prof Dean Int'l
Education MA Syracuse Univ 1967 PhD Syracuse
Univ 1970
Van de Water Nancy Carolyn 1985 Instr Asst to
Director Financial Aid BS Syracuse 1968 MLS 1976
van der Mars Hans 1992 Assoc Prof Exercise &
Sports Science Teaching Diploma Christelijke Acad
voor Lichamelijke Opvoeding (Netherlands) 1978
MS Ithaca College 1979 PhD Ohio State 1984
Van Nalts Adrienne K 1983 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Resources MS Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor 1979
PhD (Foreign) 1983
Van Saun Robert J 1992 Asst Prof Veterinary
Medicine BS Michigan State 1978 DVM 1982 MS
Vanbuskirk Philip D 1984 Prof Jackson Co
Extension Agent Horticulture BS Davis & Elkins
College 1976 MS West Virginia Univ 1981
Vance-Borland Kenneth W 1995 Faculty Res Asst
Forest Science BS Oregon St Univ 1993
Vander Heyden Madeleine 1989 Faculty Res Asst
Fisheries & Wildlife BS Univ of Wisconsin 1987
Vanderkolk Julie A 1997 Faculty Res Asst
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology MS Univ of
Colorado 1997
Vanderzanden Ann Marie 1997 Asst Prof
Community Horticulture Educator Horticulture BS
Washington State 1988 MS Cornell 1990 PhD
Washington State 1994
Vandetta Curt 1989 Sr Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Oregon State 1989
Vanhoff Barry A 1998 Res Assoc Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences MS Washington St Univ 1990
PhD Washington St Univ 1996
Vannelli Matthew 1997 Faculty Res Asst Fisheries &
Wildlife BA Binghamton Univ 1994 MAT 1996
Vanvechten James A 1985 Prof Electrical &
Computer Engineering BA UC-Berkeley 1965 MA
Chicago 1976 PhD 1969
Vanwinkle Robin L 1998 Instr Douglas Co Ext
Agent Extension Service BS OSU 1991 MS 1998
Vavra Martin 1971 Prof Superintendent Eastern
Oregon Ag Res Center-Union Animal Sciences BS
Arizona 1966 MS 1969 PhD Wyoming 1972
Vejil Emilio 1974 Asst Prof Assoc Director Financial
Aid BS Oregon State 1973 MEd 1979
Vejlupkova Zuzana 1997 Faculty Res Asst Botany &
Plant Pathology BA Lewis & Clark College 1994
Velayudhan Aj)oy 1995 Asst Prof Bioresource
Engineering BS Indian Inst of Technology Madras
(India) 1982 MS Yale 1983 PhD 1990
Vella Anthony T 1997 Asst Prof Microbiology
University Honors College Faculty MS Rensselaer Poly
Institute 1989 PhD Cornell Univ 1993
Veltri Anthony Thomas 1985 Assoc Prof Public
Health BS Salem College 1973 MS West Virginia
1975 EdD 1985
Ver Linden Carolyn A 1990 Faculty Res Asst
Entomology BS Cal State-Hayward 1976 MS UCRiverside 1990
Vergin Kevin L 1993 Faculty Res Asst Microbiology
BS Cornell 1986
Vergun Judith R 1993 Asst Dir Native Americans in
Marine Science Program Oceanic & Atmospheric
Sciences BS Oregon State 1987 PhD 1993
Verhoeven Mary Boulger 1973 Instr Crop & Soil
Science BA Skidmore 1968 BS Oregon State 1972 MS
Verploegen Mary P 1988 Instr Educational
Opportunities BS Northern Montana College 1987
MS Oregon St Univ 1988
Vickers Dean 1983 Sr Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS SUNY 1975 MS Oregon
State 1979
Vinson Ted Stephen 1976 Prof Civil, Construction,
& Environmental Engineering BS UC-Berkeley 1966
MS 1967 PhD 1970
Volk Elzibeth 1987 Sr Faculty Res Asst Botany &
Plant Pathology BS Oregon State 1986
Von Jouanne Annette Renee 1995 Asst Prof
Electrical & Computer Engineering BS Southern
Illinois-Carbondale 1990 MS 1992 PhD Texas A & M
Vong Richard J 1989 Assoc Prof Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS North Carolina St Univ
1967 MSE Washington 1982 PhD Univ of
Washington 1985
Vuchinich Donna J 1991 Development Officer
University Projects BA New Mexico 1984
Vuchinich Samuel 1988 Assoc Prof Human
Development & Family Sciences BA Indiana 1970
MA Michigan 1972 PhD Michigan 1975
Vydra Marianne J 1992 Asst Academic Counselor
Intercollegiate Athletics BS SW Missouri State 1989
MA Maine 1992
Waldschmidt Eileen Dugan 1997 Asst Prof
Education BA New Mexico 1975 MA 1980 PhD 1995
Walker Alexis JoAnne L 1986 Prof Petersen
Endowed Chair in Gerontology and Family Studies
Human Development & Family Sciences BA
Mercyhurst 1974 MS Purdue 1975 PhD Penn State
Walker Gregg B 1987 Assoc Prof Chair/Director
Peace Studies Speech Communication BA/BS
Minnesota 1974 MA Kansas 1982 PhD 1983
Walker Jeffrey R 1996 Instr Chemistry BS Western
Ontario 1986 PhD 1992
Walker Karen C 1986 Faculty Res Asst Veterinary
Medicine BS Oregon Inst of Tech 1975
Walker Kirk N 1994 Head Softball Coach
Intercollegiate Athletics BS UCLA 1988
Walker Marcia K 1993 Faculty Res Asst Food
Science & Technology BS Gonzaga Univ 1984 MS
Washington St Univ 1988
Walker Stel Nathan 1986 Asst Prof Mechanical
Engineering BS Oregon State 1970 PhD 1976
Wallace Alan Keith 1984 Prof Interim Dept Head
Electrical & Computer Engineering BEng Sheffield
(UK) 1963 PhD 1966
Wallace Larae D 1992 Faculty Res Asst Botany &
Plant Pathology BS Oregon St Univ 1992
Wallin Lisa C 1996 Faculty Res Asst Veterinary
Medicine BS Oregon State 1995
Walsh Ian David 1997 Assoc Prof Sr Res Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Case Western Res Univ
1981 MS Oregon State 1986 PhD Texas A & M 1990
Waistad John Daniel 1980 Prof Department Head
Forest Resources BS William & Mary 1966 MF Duke
1968 PhD Cornell 1971
Wander Rosemary 1986 Assoc Prof Nutrition &
Food Management BS Centenary (Louisiana) 1964
MS Ohio State 1968 PhD Georgia 1984
Wang Huixian 1997 Res Assoc Post Doct
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology MS
(Foreign) 1991 PhD (Foreign) 1994
Wang Jun-Lan 1970 Res Assoc Environmental &
Molecular Toxicology BS Normal (Taiwan) 1960 BA
North Carolina Greensboro 1970 PhD Oregon State
Waring Richard Harvey 1963 OSU Distinguished
Prof of Forest Science BS Minnesota 1957 MS 1959
PhD UC-Berkeley 1963
Warner Rebecca Lynn 1990 Assoc Prof Department
Chair Sociology BA Portland State 1980 MA
Washington State 1982 PhD 1985
Warnes William H 1986 Assoc Prof Mechanical
Engineering BA UC-San Diego 1979 MS WisconsinMadison 1981 MS 1983
Warnke Scott E 1997 Res Assoc Post Doct Crop &
Soil Science MS Colorado St Univ 1991 PhD
Michigan St Univ 1995
Warren William W Jr 1991 Prof Physics BS Stanford
1960 PhD Washington (St Louis) 1965
Wasil Daniel A 1995 Director of Development for
Thundering Seas College of Liberal Arts BS San
Diego State 1981
Wasserman Allen Lowell 1965 Prof Physics BS
Camegie Institute of Technology 1956 PhD Iowa
State 1963
Watkins Patti Lou 1993 Asst Prof Psychology
University Honors College Faculty BA West Virginia
1980 MA Univ of the Pacific 1983 PhD Virginia Tech
Wade Nadine M 1992 Faculty Res Asst Microbiology
BS San Diego St Univ 1989
Wager John Fisher 1111984 Prof Electrical &
Computer Engineering BS Oregon State 1977 MS
Colorado State 1978 PhD 1981
Wagner Frank F 1985 Faculty Res Asst Fisheries &
Wildlife BS Missouri 1971
Wagner Sheldon L 1966 Prof Environmental &
Molecular Toxicology BS Wisconsin Madison 1954
MD 1957
Wagner Tim A 1995 Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Oregon State 1991
Waldorf Walt 1992 Sr Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Humboldt State 1971
Watkins James M 1991 Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BA Cornell Univ 1989 MS
Oregon St Univ 1996
Watrous Barbara J 1981 Prof Veterinary Medicine
BS UC-Davis 1972 DVM 1974 Dipl ACVR
Watson Barney T Jr 1976 Sr Instr Food Science &
Technology BA UC-Berkeley 1971 MS UC-Davis
Watson Philip 1984 Assoc Prof Chemistry BA
Oxford (UK) 1974 PhD British Columbia (Canada)
Waymire Edward C 1982 Prof Mathematics BS
Southern Illinois-Edwardsville 1971 MS Arizona
1972 PhD 1976
Oregon State University
Weatheroy Michelle L 1998 Admissions Counselor
Admission & Orientation BS Oregon State 1998
Weber Bruce Alan 1974 Prof Ag & Resource
Economics University Honors College Faculty BA
Seattle Univ 1965 MS Wisconsin 1972 PhD 1973
Weber Lavern John 1969 Prof Director, Hatfield
Marine Science Center Pharmacy BA Pacific
Lutheran 1958 MS Washington 1962 PhD 1964
Weber Mysti 1992 Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Oregon State 1991
Weber Nancy S 1989 Asst Prof Forest Science MA
Univ of Michigan 1967 PhD Univ of Michigan 1971
Webster Janet Gray 1989 Asst Prof Library Head
Hatfield Marine Science Center BA Chicago 1975
MLS Columbia 1986
Weeks Harold J 1998 Asst Prof Lincon S Ext Sea
Grant Agent Sea Grant Extension BA Harvard
University 1977 PhD Cornell University 1985
Weideman Jacob Andreas Cornelius 1990 Assoc
Prof Mathematics BS Univ of Orange Free State 1978
MS 1980 PhD 1986
Weikel Jennifer M 1997 Faculty Res Asst Forest
Science BS Humboldt State 1993 MS Oregon State
Weinman Richard Jay 1967 Prof Speech
Communication AB Indiana 1955 MFA Columbia
1956 PhD Indiana 1965
Weis Virginia 1996 Asst Prof Zoology University
Honors College Faculty BS Yale 1984 PhD Cal-Los
Angeles 1990
Weiser Kent L 1996 Assoc Director Intercollegiate
Athletics BA Kansas 1981 MS 1992
Weisshaar Andreas 1991 Asst Prof Electrical &
Computer Engineering Vordiplom Universitat
Stuttgart (Germany) 1981 MS Oregon State 1986
Diplom Ingenieur Universitat Stuttgart (Germany)
Welch T Patrick 1994 Asst Prof Physics MS George
Washington 1987 PhD Virginia 1991
Weller Brenna Best 1980 Instr English BA Oregon
State 1978 MA Oregon 1979
Wells John H 1997 Prof Sr Res Food Science &
Technology MS UC-Davis 1985 PhD UC-Davis 1987
Wells Joseph T 1992 Head Wrestling Coach
Intercollegiate Athletics BS Iowa 1970
Wendt Nancy J 1990 Sr Instr Speech
Communication BS Cal State-Sacramento 1980 MA
Whipple Margaret J 1989 Faculty Res Asst
Microbiology BA UC-San Diego 1973
White David J 1998 Asst Prof Deschutes C Youth
Agent Extension Youth Dev BS OSU 1984 MS 1986
White George 1989 Instr Jackson Co Extn Agent
Rangeland Resources BS Cal State-Fresno 1981
White James Davidr 1971 OSU Distinguished Prof
of Chemistry BA Cambridge (UK) 1959 MS British
Columbia (Canada) 1961 PhD MIT 1965
White Teresa J 1994 Faculty Res Asst Horticulture
BS Texas A & M 1986 MS 1991
White Timothy Peter 1996 Prof Dean Health &
Human Performance BA Cal State-Fresno 1970 MS
Cal State-Hayward 1972 PhD Berkeley 1977
Whitler William 1992 Asst Prof Clinical Veterinary
Medicine BS Florida 1980 DVM 1985
Whitney John R 1990 Instr English Language
Institute BA Northern Arizona 3976 MA 1984
Widrick Jeffrey J 1997 Asst Prof Health & Human
Performance BS SUNY-Cortland 1980 MS
Massachusetts 1990 PhD Ball State 1992
Wijesekera Hemantha W 1995 Res Assoc Post Doct
Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences BS Univ of
Moratuwa (Sri Lanka) 1982 MS Oregon State 1986
PhD 1992
Wijnberg Kathelijne M 1996 Res Assoc Post Doct
Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences MS Utrecht Univ
(The Netherlands) 1990 PhD 1995
Wilcox Anthony Robert 1987 Assoc Prof
Department Chair Exercise & Sports Science BA
Massachusetts 1973 PhD 1980
Wildman Randall C 1985 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Fisheries & Wildlife BS Drake 1976 MS Wisconsin
Willard Corwin 1980 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Biochemistry & Biophysics BS New Mexico Inst of
Mining & Technology 1971
William Ray D 1979 Prof Horticulture BS
Washington State 1968 MS Purdue 1971 PhD 1974
Williams Daniel P 1995 Asst Prof Exercise & Sports
Science BS Univ of Dayton 1986 MS Arizona 1989
PhD 1993
Williams David Edward 1986 Prof Food Science &
Technology BA Reed College 1975 MS Oregon State
1981 PhD 1982
Williams John 1986 Assoc Prof Wallowa Co Extn
Staff Chair Rangeland Resources BS Oregon State
1975 MS 1987
Wennstrom Kirsten 1991 Faculty Res Asst
Horticulture BS Oregon St Univ 1991
Wess Robert Victor 1978 Assoc Prof English BA
Chicago 1963 MA 1966 PhD 1970
West H Milton 1980 Instr CAMP Director
Educational Opportunities BA Oregon State 1980 MS
Williams Sandra L Woods 1984 Assoc Prof Interim
Dean Distance & Cont Educ Civil, Construction, &
Environmental Engineering University Honors College
Faculty BS Michigan State 1976 MS Washington
1980 PhD 1984
Williamson Kenneth Jay 1973 Prof Civil,
Construction, & Environmental Engineering
West Kenneth J 1994 Faculty Res Asst Forest Science
BS SUNY 1978 MS Oregon State 1990
University Honors College Faculty BS Oregon State
1968 MS 1970 PhD Stanford 1973
Willis Mitchell J 1994 Faculty Res Asst Eastern
Oregon Ag Research Center - Burns BS Oregon State
1975 MS Nevado 1978
Wilson Amanda 1995 Faculty Res Asst Fisheries &
Wildlife BS Oregon St Univ 1983
Wilson Beverly 1994 Asst Prof Psychology University
Honors College Faculty BA Cal State-Fresno 1985 MA
1987 PhD Washington 1994
Wilson James Brian
Prof Forest Products BS
Whanger Philip Daniel 1966 Prof Environmental & SUNY- Syracuse 19641973
PhD 1971
Molecular Toxicology BS Berry College 1959 MS
Wilson June 1991 Sr Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
West Virginia 1961 PhD North Carolina State 1965
Atmospheric Sciences MA Scotland 1977
Wheatcroft Robert A 1998 Assoc Prof Oceanic &
Wilson Mark Virgil 1983 Assoc Prof Botany & Plant
Atmospheric Sciences MS Univ of Georgia 1984 PhD
Pathology BA UC-Berkeley 1976 PhD Cornell 1982
Univ of Washington 1990
Wilson Robert C 1996 Prof Dean Veterinary
Wheeler George MacGregor 1980 Assoc Prof Energy
Medicine DVM Auburn Univ 1963 PhD Georgia
Extension Specialist Engineering Extension BS MIT
1967 MS UC-Berkeley 1970 PhD 1972
Wheeler Linda Joyce 1988 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Wing Michael G 1991 Asst Prof Sr Res Forest
Engineering MS Univ of Oregon 1991 PhD Oregon
Biochemistry & Biophysics BS Oregon State 1974
St Univ 1998
Wheeler Patricia A 1982 Prof Oceanic &
Wingard Christopher E 1997 Faculty Res Asst
Atmospheric Sciences BA UC-Irvine 1971 MS 1974
Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences BS Oregon 1993
PhD 1976
Westall John C 1980 Prof Chemistry BS North
Carolina 1971 PhD MIT 1977
Wetzel Valerie J 1996 Director of Student Activities
Memorial Union Activities BA Albion College 1981
MS Wisconsin 1983 PhD Nebraska-Lincoln 1996
Whalen Joann K 1997 Res Assoc Post Doct Crop &
Soil Science MS McGill Univ 1995 PhD Ohio State
MS 1996
Winner William E 1987 Prof Botany & Plant
Pathology University Honors College Faculty BA Lewis
& Clark 1970 MAT 1973 MA South Dakota 1974
Wino rad Kenneth 1990 Assoc Prof Education BA
Rider College 1973 EdM Rutgers Univ 1973 EdD N
Colorado 1990
Winsor Martha H 1992 Faculty Res Asst Hatfield
Marine Science Center BS Brown Univ 1976 MS
Oregon State 1987
Wiprud Theodore 1964 Prof Art BA Washington
1958 ME Central Washington State 1962 MFA
Claremont Graduate School 1964
Wirth Donald Shelby 1971 Assoc Prof Director
Alumni Relations BS Oregon State 1961
Witbeck Michael Clair 1985 Instr English Language
Institute BA Utah 1972 MA 1974 TESL UCLA 1975
Withee Shana Colleen 1986 Assoc Prof Harney Co
Extn Agent 4-H Youth Development Education BS
Utah State 1982 MS 1986
Witters Robert 1977 Prof Int'l Res & Development
BS Eastern Illinois 1962 MS Michigan State 1967
PhD 1970
Wogaman Mariol Ruth 1968 Assoc Prof Reference
Librarian Valley Library BA Linfield 1967 MLS UCBerkeley 1968 MA Oregon 1980
Wolf Aaron T 1998 Asst Prof Geosciences MS
University of Wisconsin 1990 PhD 1992
Wolff Ernest G 1987 Assoc Prof Sr Res Mechanical
Engineering BS MIT 1956 PhD Imperial College
(London) 1961
Wolpert Thomas Joseph 1988 Assoc Prof Botany &
Plant Pathology BS Nebraska 1973 MS Purdue 1979
PhD 1983
Wondzell Steve 1996 Asst Prof Sr Res Forest Science
BS New Mexico State 1981 MS 1984 PhD Oregon
State 1994
Wong Issac 1996 Asst Prof Biochemistry &
Biophysics BA Harvard 1983 PhD Pennsylvania State
Wong John R 1992 Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS Portland State 1990
Wood Claire 1998 Faculty Res Asst Hatfield Marine
Science Center BS Cornell Univ 1981
Wood Guy H 1987 Assoc Prof Spanish BS Minnesota
1971 MA New York 1973 PhD Colorado 1984
Wood Terence Michael 1985 Assoc Prof Exercise &
Sports Science BA British Columbia (Canada) 1971
BV E1976 MPE 1979
Woods LaVerne Duane 1976 Instr Counselor &
Recruiter Educational Opportunities
Wright David W 1975 Physician Student Health
Center BS Seattle Pacific 1968 MD UC-Davis 1972
Wright Dawn J 1995 Asst Prof Geosciences
University Honors College Faculty BS Wheaton
College 1983 MS Texas A & M 1986 PhD UC-Santa
Barbara 1994
Wrolstad Ronald Earl 1965 Prof Food Science &
Technology BS Oregon State 1960 PhD UC-Davis
Wu JunJie 1997 Asst Prof Ag & Resource Economics
BS Henan Normal Univ (China) 1983 MS Yellow
River Univ (China) 1987 PhD Connecticut 1992
Wu Qiao 1997 Asst Prof Nuclear Engineering BS
Tsinghua Univ (China) 1983 MS 1985 PhD Purdue
Wykes R Thomas 1984 Instr Deschutes Co Extn
Interim Staff Chair Engineering Extension BS
Oregon State 1977 BS 1984
Wysocki Donald J 1985 Assoc Prof Crop & Soil
Science BS Wisconsin Stevens Point 1974 MS
Washington State 1977
Xu Meirong 1998 Faculty Res Asst Linus Pauling
Institute BS Foreign 1987 MS U of Hawaii 1997 MS
Huboi U of China (China) 1998
us a.
'; ,
-1 .
'- ,
Yu L Shiao-Ling 1987 Assoc Prof Chinese BA
Caldwell 1958 MS Boston College 1961 MA Kansas
Yakushjin Kenichi 1998 Res Assoc Chemistry BS
Meijo University Nagoya, Japan 1973 PhD 1983
Yamada Sylvia Behrens 1981 Instr Zoology BS
British Columbia (Canada) 1968 MS 1971 PhD
Oregon 1974
Yang Yea-Huey 1998 Faculty Res Asst
Environmental & Mol BS National Taiwan
University 1988 PhD OSU 1997
Yik King-Yuen 1998 Asst Prof Business MBA
University of Chicago 1985 PhD University of
Chicago 1997
Yim Solomon C S 1987 Prof Civil, Construction, &
Environmental Engineering BSE Rice 1976 MSCE
UC-Berkeley 1977 MA 1981
Yin Xihou 1997 Res Assoc Post Doct Chemistry BS
China Southwestern Ag Univ (Sichuan) 1983 MS
Univ of Franche-comte & Univ of Bourgogne
(France) 1992 PhD Paris-Sud (France) 1996
Yoder Barbara Jane 1977-79; 1985-88; 1992 Asst
Prof Forest Science BS UC-Irvine 1972 MS Oregon
State 1984 PhD 1992
Yoho Philip L 1995 Instr Naval Science
Yoon Elizabeth S 1997 Faculty Res Asst Pharmacy
BA Carleton 1991 MS Oregon State 1997
Yorgey Brian Marshall 1985 Sr Faculty Res Asst
Food Science & Technology BS MIT 1972
Yoshinari Shigeo 1998 Res Assoc Post Doct Ag
Microbiology BS (Foreign) 1988 PhD (Foreign) 1997
Young John Aubrey 1972 Prof Department Chair
Anthropology BA Macalester 1963 MA Hawaii 1965
PhD Stanford 1971
Young William Clyde 1111978 Assoc Prof Crop &
Soil Science BS Western Illinois 1973 MS Oregon
State 1980 PhD 1987
Yurdana Matt 1997 Instr Center for Writing &
Learning BA UC-Davis 1989 MFA Montana 1994 MA
Zabriskie T Mark 1992 Asst Prof Pharmacy BS Utah
1985 PhD 1989
Zahler David A 1998 Instr Forestry BS OSU 1982 MS
Zaneveld Jacques Ronald Victor 1971 Prof Oceanic
& Atmospheric Sciences BS Old Dominion 1964 MS
MIT 1966 PhD Oregon State 1971
Zaworski Joseph Robert 1987 Asst Prof Sr Res
Mechanical Engineering BS Oregon State 1972 MS
1976 PhD 1994
Zelman Michael J 1995 Faculty Res Asst Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences BS John Hopkins 1993 MS
Penn State 1995
Zhang Dahong 1998 Asst Prof Zoology MS Foreign
1982 PhD Mass-Amhurst 1991
Zhang Dahong 1998 Asst Prof Zoology MS (Foreign)
1982 PhD Univ of Mass - Amherst 1991
Zhang Weijian 1998 Res Assoc Post Doct Linus
Pauling Institute MS (Foreign) 1988 PhD (Foreign)
Zhao Yanyun 1998 Asst Prof Sr Res Food Science &
Technology MS (Foreign) 1987 PhD LA St Univ 1993
Zheng Ji 1998 Res Assoc Post Doct Electrical &
Computer Engineering MS (Foreign) 1995 PhD
(Foreign) 1998
Zheng Ping 1996 Faculty Res Asst Horticulture BS
Northwest Univ (China) 1987 MS Agricultural Uni'
(China) 1990
Zimmerman Anne H 1989 Faculty Res Asst
Biochemistry & Biophysics BS Oregon State 1983
Zobel Donald Bruce 1968 Prof Botany & Plant
Pathology University Honors College Faculty BS North
Carolina State 1964 AM Duke 1966 PhD 1968
Zollinger William A 1985 Assoc Prof Extn Beef
Specialist BS Brigham Young 1967 MS Oklahoma
State 1970 PhD Nebraska 1981
Zolotov Ilia 1993 Assoc Prof Visiting Oceanic &
Atmospheric Sciences MS Leningrad Univ (Russia)
1960 PhD USSR Academic of Sciences 1970
Zvonkovic Anisa Mary 1985 Assoc Prof Human
Development & Family Sciences University Honors
College Faculty BA Virginia 1981 MS Penn State 1983
PhD 1986
Zwieniecki Maciej 1993 Res Assoc Post Doct Forest
Science MS Warsaw Agricultural Univ 1987 PhD
Oregon State 1995
Animal production, 191
Animal reproduction and development, 84
Animal sciences, 191
Anthropology, 99
Apparel design, 279
Apparel, interiors, housing, and
merchandising, 278
Applied anthropology, 98
Applied ethics certificate, 83
Applied exercise and sport science, 265
Applied genetics, 84
Applied health, 271
Applied health-health & gerontology, 271
Applied mathematics, 164
Applied physics, 172
Applying for graduation, 21
Aquatic center, 65
Archaelogy, 100
Art, 104
Art history, 104
Art, studio 104
Art and music activities, 64
Associated students (ASOSU), 63
A guide to reading this catalog, 11
Academic advising, 15
Academic learning services, 55
Academic regulations, 28
Accounting, finance, and information
management, 211
Accounting, postbaccalaureate certificate, 211
Accreditation, 8
Activities, student, 63
Actuarial science, 164
Administration, inside back cover
Admission, 13
advanced standing credit, 14
as a non-admit student, 15
as a post-baccalaureate student, 15
from two-year institutions, 14
from unaccredited institutions, 16
GED students, 14
non-degree student, 15
of international students, 16
of nonresidents, 13
of older students, 14
of residents, 13
of transfer students, 14
petitioning by exception, 14
post-baccalaureate students, 15
re-enrollment, 16
to graduate school, 15,328
to professional programs, 16
to summer session, 16
with credit for military experience, 16
with graduate standing, 15
Admission procedure, 13
Adult education, 294
Advanced degrees, 329
Advising, 15
Agriculture, 93
Agricultural business management, 187
Agricultural chemistry, see environmental
and molecular toxicology
Agricultural economics, 186
Agricultural education, 189
Agricultural experiment station, 337
Agricultural and resource economics, 186
Agricultural sciences, 190
Agricultural sciences, college of, 184
Air Force studies, 323
Alumni association, 67
Alumni College, 69
Alumni and university relations, 67
American studies, 83,99
Astronomy, 172
Athletic administration, 265
Athletic training, 264
Athletics, intercollegiate, 65
Atmospheric sciences, 307
Attendance 28
Awards, 34
B.A. degree requirements, 21
Baccalaureate core, 18
Baccalaureate degree requirements, 17
Basic teaching certificates, 292
Beef production, 192
Biochemistry and biophysics, 146
Biological engineering, 221
Biological oceanography, 304
Biology, 147
Biophysics, 146,172
Bioresource engineering, 194
Bioresource research, 84,194,259
Biosystems modeling, 84
Biotechnology, 84
Botany and plant pathology, 149,194
Business, college of, 210
Business administration, 211
Business minor, 214
Calendar, 7
Campus map, 392
1, u
Career services, 55
Center for analysis of environmental
change, 338
Center for advanced materials research, 338
Center for gene research and biotechnology, 338
Center for humanities, 338
Center for salmon disease research, 339
Center for study of the first Americans, 339
Certificates, 22
Chemical engineering, 222
Chemical physics, 172
Chemical oceanography, 304
Chemistry, 151
Child and adolescent health, 271
Child care services, 56
Chinese, 115
Civil engineering, 224
Civil engineering-forest engineering, 227
Climbing center, 65
Collections, 66
College of science requirements, 145
College student services administration, 93
Communication, 137
Communication media center, 61
Community College education, 294
Community health, 270
Community and government relations, 67
Comprehensive math, 164
Computational physics, 172
Computer engineering, 233
Computer facilities, 56
Computer science, 229
Concurrent enrollment, 335
Consortium for international development, 339
Construction engineering management, 224
Cooperative education internships, 56
Cooperative housing, 53
Cooperative institute for marine resources
studies, 340
Counseling center, 56
Counselor education, 297
Course numbering system, 12
Craft center, 63
Crop science, 194
Cultural anthropology, 100
Cultural centers, 65
Cultural resource management, 255
Dairy, 192
Dairy production, 192
Dean of students, 56
Deficiencies, 28
Definitions, 11
Degree requirements, 17
Degrees with distinction, 21
Dependent children, 27
Deposits, 25
Development office, 67
Deviance and social control, 136
Dietetics, 289
Disabled students, services for, 58
Distance and continuing education, 69
Doctoral degrees, 294
Early childhood education, 285
Earning a degree, 17
Earth Information Science and Technology,
86, 93, 154
Earth science, 156
Economics, 93,107
Education program, 292
Educational opportunities program, 56
Electrical and computer engineering, 231
Electrical and electronics- engineering, 232
Emergency loans, 32
Employment, 32, 55
Engineering, college of, 218
Engineering experiment station, 340
Engineering physics, 235
Engineering science, 235
English, 110
English language institute, 57
Enrollment summary, 10
Entomology, 154
Environmental and resource economics,
107, 187
Environmental chemistry, 85
Environmental economics, 107, 187
Environmental engineering, 224, 227, 236
Environmental geosciences, 158
Environmental health, 271
Environmental health and safety, 270
Environmental health sciences center, 340
Environmental and Molecular Toxicology,
94, 198
Environmental remote sensing applications laboratory, 341
Oregon State University
Environmental resource interpretation, 255
Environmental sciences, 87, 94, 156
Equine, 192
Ethnic cultural centers, 65
Ethnic studies, 113
Exception, petitioning for, 14
Exchange programs, 75
Exercise and sport science, 263
Expenses, 32
Experimental college, 64
Extended education, 69
Extension service, 70
Faculty roster, 346
Family and consumer sciences, 285,288
Family finance, 286
Family student housing, 54
Family studies, 284
Fees and deposits, 25
Fees and residency requirements, 25
Fermentation science, 203
Finance and international business, 213
Financial aid, 30
Fine arts, 104
Fisheries and wildlife, 199
Fitness program management, 264
Five year teacher education program, 292
Food quality, 85
Food science, 202, 203
Food science and technology, 202
Food systems management, 289
Food technology, 202, 203
Foods in business, 289
Foreign languages and literatures, 114
Foreign student admission, 15, 16
Foreign study programs, 75
Forensics and drama, 64
Forest biology, 253
Forest engineering, 236, 248
Forest engineering-civil engineering, 249
Forest harvesting, 254
Forest management, 253
Forest products, 250
Forest recreation management, 253
Forest recreation resources, 253
Forest research laboratory, 341
Forest resources, 252
Forest science, 257
Forest soils, 254
Forestry, college of, 246
Fraternities, 54
French, 115, 116
Galleries, 66
General agriculture, 189
General business, 213
General education requirements, 18
General engineering, 236
General entomology, 155
General information, 8
General mathematics, 164
General science, 156
Genetics, 94, 204
Geographic information systems (GIS), 86
Geography, 157
Geological engineering, 236
Geological oceanography, 305
Geology, 159
for advanced degrees, 21
Geophysics, 172, 306
for baccalaureate degrees, 17
Laboratory animal resources, 342
Geosciences, 157
for certificates, 21
for concurrent degrees, 21
Landscape design, 255
for subsequent degrees, 21
Law enforcement, 255
Learning and resource centers, 57
German, 117
Gerontology, 94, 284
Grade points, 28
Grades and grading system, 28
Graduate appointments, 332
Instrumental music, 124
Insurance, student accident and sickness, 58
Graduate degree programs, 332
Integrated plant protection center, 341
Interdisciplinary studies, 82, 94
Interior merchandising, 278
Graduate fees, 332
International agriculture development, 190
Graduate minors, 329
Graduate programs in education, 292
Graduate school, 328
Graduation requirements, 17
International business, 213
International degree, 79,91,211
International education, 74
International student admission, 15, 16
Grants, 31
Inter-university consortium for political
Graphic design, 104
Guidelines of OSU, 8
and social research data project, 342
Intramural sports, 65
Irrigation engineering, 221
Graduate degrees, 332
Hatfield marine science center, 342
Health and human performance, college
of, 260
Health and physical education, 262
Health care administration, 271
Health education, 262
Health promotion and education, 270
Health, public, 269
Health services, 58
History, 119
History of OSU, 9
History of science, 163
Home economics and education, college
of, 276
Home economics education, 278
Honor societies, 52
Honors College, 72
Horticulture, 163, 204
Horticulture/science, 205
Housing, 53
Housing studies, 278
Human development, 284
Human development and family sciences,
Indoor climbing facility, 65
Industrial and manufacturing engineering, 236
Information management, 213
Information Services, 61
Insect pest management, 155
Institution requirements, 17
Latin American affairs, 88, 122
Liberal arts, college of, 96
Liberal studies, 88, 122
Library, 61
Lifetime fitness, 262
Linguestics, 119
Linus Pauling Institute, 343
Literature, 111
Livestock production, 191
Loans, 31
Long term health care, 271
M.A.I.S. degree, 125
Majors, 22
Italian, 117
Japanese, 117
Joint-campus program, 335
Management, 214
Management information services, 213
Management, marketing, and international business, 213, 214
Manufacturing engineering, 95
Map of campus, 392
Marine biology, 147
Oregon State University
Marine/freshwater biomedical center, 343
Marine resource management, 95
Mark O. Hatfield marine science center, 342
Marketing, 214
Master's degree, 332
M.A.T. degree, 332
Material Science, 95
Mathematical physics, 172
Mathematical sciences, 165
Mathematics, 163
Matriculation fee, 25
Mechanical engineering, 239
Medical history requirement, 58
Memorial union, 63
Merchandising management, 278
Metallurgical engineering, 241
Meteorology, 167
Microbiology, 167, 207
Military science, 325
Mining engineering, 241
Minority cultural centers, 65
Minors, 22
Mission of the university, 6
Molecular and cellular biology, 95, 170
Multicultural affairs, 57
Multimedia minors, 88, 138
Museums, galleries, and collections, 66
Music, 123
Music activities, 64
Music education, 123, 126
Music history, 124
Music, performance, 124
National student exchange, 56, 58
Natural resources, 89, 127, 170, 207, 259
Naval science, 326
News and communication services, 67
Nonresident and resident fees, 25
Nuclear engineering, 241
Nuclear science and engineering institute, 343
Numerical analysis, 164
Nutrition and food management, 288
Nutrition science, 290
Nutrition research institute, 343
Oceanic and atmospheric science, college of, 300
Oceanography, 302
Off-campus housing, 54
Optical physics, 172
Oregon state system of higher education,
inside back cover
Oregon study centers overseas, 75
Organization of the university, 11
OSU foundation, 67
OSU press, 67
OSU statewide, 68
Outreach, 70
Overseas study centers, 75
Overseas study courses, 77
Peace studies, 92, 128
Pest management, 155
Pharmacy practice, 310
Pharmacy, college of, 308
Philosophy, 128
Photography, 104
Physical activity and development, 264
Physical anthropology, 100
Physical oceanography, 305
Physical education, 262
Physics, 171
Piano performance, 124
Placement examination, 16
Placement service, 56
Plant growth and development, 85
Plant physiology, 95
PLUS loan, 31
Political science, 130
Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture (CRSP), 339
Postbaccalaureate students, 330
Poultry production, 191
Pre-civil engineering, 225
Pre-dental hygiene, 174
Pre-dentistry, 174
Pre-elementary education, (Pre-MAT), 123,
Pre-law, 98
Pre-medical, 175
Pre-medical technology, 174
Pre-medicine and osteopathy, 175
Pre-nursing, 175
Pre-occupational therapy, 176
Pre-optometry, 176
Pre-pharmacy program, 310
Pre-physical therapy, 177
Pre-physician assistant, 177
Pre-podiatry, 177
Pre-professional programs, 174
Pre-radiation therapy, 178
Pre-therapy, 265
Pre-veterinary medicine, 178
Print minor, 88, 138
Probation, 17, 28
Professional technical education, 299
Psychology, 133
Public administration, 254, 255
Public education/extension, 200
Public health, 95, 269
Publications, student, 64
Pure mathematics, 164
RV Wecoma, 303
Radiation center, 343
Radiation therapy, 178
Radiation health physics, 243
Radio and television, 64
Range/forestry management, 07
Range management, 208
Range resources, 207
Range science, 207
Range/soils, 208
Range/wildlife, 208
Rangeland resources, 207
Readmission, 16
Records, 28
Recognition societies, 52
Recreational sports, 65
Re-enrolling students, 16, 18
Registration procedures, 16
Regional studies, 159
Regulations, 28
Requirements for baccalaureate degrees, 21
Research, 70, 336
Research vessels, 303
Reserve officers training corps, 322
Residence halls, 53
Residence requirement, 26
Residency, 25
Resource economics, 186
Resource and environmental economics, 107,
Resource geography, 159
Resource planning, 255
Room and board, 53
Oregon State University
ROTC, 322
Rural and resource planning, 159
Russian, 118
Russian studies, 92, 135
Scholarships, 31, 34
School counseling, 297
School of education, 292
Science and mathematics education, 178
Science, college of, 144
Scientific and technical communication,
95, 135
Sea grant college program, 344
Sheep production, 191
Social change technology & modernization, 136
Social Policy, 136
Sociology, 136
Soil science, 194
Sororities, 54
Spanish, 118
Special fees, 25
Special programs, 55
Speech communication, 137
Spouse enrollment, 27
Standard teaching certificates, 293
Statewide, OSU, 68
Statistics, 180, 209
Student activities, 63
Student conduct regulations, 28
Student exchange program, 27
Student family housing, 54
Student government, 63
Student health services, 58
Student involvement, 63
Student media, 64
Student records, 28
Student rights and responsibilities, 28
students with disabilities, services, 58
Study abroad, 75
Summary of enrollment, 10
Summer session, 55
Summer session housing, 54
Support services, 56
Survey research center, 344
Surveying and mapping, 225
Suspension, 28
Sustainable ecosystems, 85
Teacher certification, 145, 292
Teacher education, 292
Telemedia minor, 88, 138
Theatre arts, 138
TOEFL, 15, 330
Tourism, 255
Toxicology, 85, see environmental and
molecular toxicology
Transfer students, 14
Transportation research institute, 344
Tuition, 25
Tuition deposits, 25
Tuition refunds, 25
Turf and landscape management, 205
Twentieth-century studies, 92, 141
University archives, 66
University computing services, 62
University corporation for atmospheric
research, 345
University exploratory studies program, 58
University graduation requirements, 18
University conferences and special events, 67
University publications, 67
University relations, 67
University requirements, 18
Veterans, progress standards for, 29
Veterans clerk, 59
Veterinary medicine (preprofessional), 178
Visual arts, 105
Veterinary medicine, college of, 316
Vocal music, 124
Water resources research institute, 345
Western undergraduate exchange
program, 59
WIC courses, 20
WICHE student exchange program, 27,
59, 312, 335
Wildland ecology, 208
Wildlife resources, 254
Wildlife science, 200
Women studies, 92, 142
Women's center, 60
Wood engineering and science, 251
Wood industry management, 251
Worksite health promotion, 271
Work-study, 32
Writing courses, 112
Writing Intensive Courses, 20
Zoology, 181
r !P
® L=
Information Booth
Major Lighted Corridors
Closed To Auto Traffic
Free visitor parking passes -
To HWY 34
Dixon Recreation
Dormitory Services Bldg
Dryden Hall
Electrical Computer Engineering
EPA Environmental Research Lab ERL
EPA Laboratory
EPA Office
.. ,..
Burt Hall
Farm Services
I.III .,.............. .....................
Forestry Research Lab ................
Forest Sciences Lab
Gilbert Addition
Gilfillan Auditorium
Glfn Aud
111 Coliseum
.....:.................wr..(H'. Gill
Gilmore Annex
Gleeson ...................................w..... Glee
Greenhouses East
Greenhouse West
Gladys Valley Gymnastics Center GVGC
Hawley Hall
Heating Plant
Heckart Lodge ..:...e
Hinsdale Wave Research Lab
Hovland Hall =::=s
Hov ......
Dixon Lodge .................................. DxLg
Indoor Target Range
Intramural Field
,. Building
Kerr Administration
Radiation Center ............................ PC
Reed Lodge
McAlexander Field House
McNary ..............
Magruder Hall ................................. Magr
Memorial Union .............................. MU
Memorial Union East (Snell Hall) MUE
Merryfield Annex
Merryfield .:....................................;.. Mfd
Milam Auditorium ........................... MAu
Seed Laos
Sheep Barn ....................... ............
Shepard ........................
Small Animai Lab
East) ......................
: ll Hall (MU
Milam .............................................. MIm
Milne Computer Center
Moreland ........................................ More
Motor Pool ...................................... MoPI
Nash Hall q....5........ ... .......I....;;
National Forage Seed Research
Native American Longhouse
Navy Armory
NFS '.5
Social Sciences.........:r;,................ SS .............
y Pavilion
Stock Judging
Strand Agriculture Hall
Poultry Research Facilities ...;...:.
Cascade Hall
Cauthorn .,... ............... ....................... Cau
Central Receiving & Delivery ......... PrSB .........
Centro Cultural Cesar Chavez
CeCh ..........
CH2M HILL Alumni
Center ...........Alum.........i
Child Care Center
Clark Laboratory
Climbing Center
College Inn .:................................... Coln
Ca rdley
Covell ..................................
Crop Science
Lab Animal Resource Center
Langton Hall ................................... Lang
Lasells Stewart Center ............. .. LSC
Ballard Extension
Batcheller Hall
Bates Hallli ....................................::. Bate
Beef Barn ...................................... BfBn
Beef Research
Black Cultural Center
Adams Hall ..................._....... Adam
Aero Engineering
AEL ....._...
Agricultural and Life Science
Apiary (Bees)
Arnold ...........................r...... ....... Arnd ».
Asian Cultural Center
Aulzen House
Avery Lodge
Azalea Lodge
obtain at Information booth
or at the traffic building
Ocean Administration Building
Oceanography L7..... ::
... Ocean
Oceanography Staging ..............
Orchard Court Apartments
Outdoor Recreation Center
Oxford House
................................. OxHs
Parker Stadium
Patrick Wayne Valley Stadium
Peavy .......................................... Pvy .............
Pharmacy Building
Physical Plant Office
Plageman Student Health Center PSHC
Poling Hall
Poultry Feeding ........:..................... PFB
Tennis Courts
Traffic Office
USDA-ARS Hart Crops
Research Lab
Valley Football Center
The Valley Library
Veterinary Research Lab
Vet Dairy Barn
Vet Sheep Barn
...........:.F ................ VSBn
Weniger ....................................
West Dining Hall ...::....................:.r WsDn
West International
House .............. WIH
Wilson Hall
Womens Building
Womens Center ...................... WC
Paul G. Risser, President
Roy G. Arnold, Provost and Executive Vice
Larry Roper, Vice Provost for Student Affairs
Wilson C. (Toby) Hayes, Vice Provost for
Orcilia Zuniga Forbes, Vice President for
University Advancement
Robert W. Specter, Vice President for Finance
and Administration
Andrew G. Hashimoto, Associate Provost
for Academic Affairs
Curtis R. Pederson, Associate Provost
for Information Services
The Oregon University System, organized in
1932, provides educational opportunities
for people throughout the state of Oregon.
Opportunities for general education are
distributed as widely as possible throughout
the state, with specialized, professional, and
technical programs centered at specific
Members of the Oregon University
Eastern Oregon University, La Grande
Oregon Health Sciences University (Schools of
Dentistry, Medicine, and Nursing),
Oregon Institute of Technology, Klamath Falls
Oregon State University, Corvallis
Portland State University, Portland
Southern Oregon University, Ashland
University of Oregon, Eugene
Western Oregon University,
Through the Chancellor's Office of
Academic Affairs, special attention is given
to providing leadership, coordination, and
service to assure that a broad-based
continuing education program is available
through the several institutions.
An interinstitutional booklet, "The
Oregon College Guide," lists fields of study
at all state system institutions and gives
other important information for prospective students. For a free copy, write "The
Oregon College Guide," State Board of
Higher Education, P.O. Box 3175, Eugene,
Oregon 97403.
State Board of Higher
Education Members
The Oregon State System of Higher
Education is governed by the Oregon State
Board of Higher Education, whose members
are appointed by the governor with
confirmation by the state senate. Terms are
four years for regular members and two
years for student members. Terms expire
June 30.
Tom Imeson, President, Portland, (1999)
Diane Christopher, Vice President, Medford
Herbert Aschkenasy, Albany (2001)
David R. Koch, Eugene (2000)
Jim Lussier, Bend (2001)
Gail McAllister, Burns (1999)
Esther Puentes,
Portland (2000)
Don VanLuvanee, Portland (2000)
Katie Van Patten, Salem (1999)
Jim Willis, Salem (2001)
Phyllis Wustenberg, Bay City (2000)
Oregon University System Administration
Joseph Cox, Chancellor
William H. Anslow, Vice Chancellor for
Finance and Administration
Shirley Clark, Vice Chancellor for Academic
Robert Dryden, Vice Chancellor for Engineer-
ing and Computer Science
Diane Vines, Vice Chancellor for Corporate
and Public Affairs and Board Secretary
Oregon State University, in compliance
with state and federal laws and regulations,
does not discriminate on the basis of race,
color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual
orientation, marital status, age, or disability
or veteran's status in any of its policies,
procedures, or practices. This nondiscrimination policy covers admission and access
to, and treatment and employment in,
University programs and activities,
including but not limited to academic
admissions, financial aid, educational
services, and employment. Inquiries
regarding the University's equal opportunity policies may be directed to the
Affirmative Action office (541) 737-3556.
Corvallis, OR
Published by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education at Corvallis,
General Information
Academic Learning Services
Honors College
International Education
Interdisciplinary Studies
Liberal Arts
Agricultural Sciences
Health & Human Performance
Home Economics & Education
Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences
Veterinary Medicine
Reserve Officer Training Corps
Graduate School
Open minds. Open doors: