OXFORDSHIRE CHILDREN’S DIABETES SERVICE Children’s Hospital, Oxford OX3 9DU Horton Hospital, Banbury OX16 9AL SICK DAY RULES FOR CHILDREN WITH DIABETES ON TWO OR THREE TIMES DAILY INSULIN REGIMES When you are ill your body needs more energy to fight the infection. Glucose is released from your body stores to do this, so the blood glucose tends to go up even if you are not eating. This means that you need more insulin than usual when you are ill. If you do not give enough insulin then your body cannot use the extra glucose so will start to break down fat for energy. When fat is broken down, this produces ketones. KETONES ARE VERY DANGEROUS. Ketones are acids which can quickly make you feel very unwell and can make you vomit. They can make you feel breathless. If you do not get rid of the ketones, you can become extremely unwell and would need urgent hospital treatment (diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)). Ketones can still be produced when you are ill even when your blood glucose is low. Therefore: Never stop your insulin even if you are not eating Always check for ketones if you feel unwell regardless of your blood glucose level Please email any comments you may have about this document to: Mary.Cheeseman@ouh.nhs.uk Paediatric Diabetes Team, May 2013 Review May 2016 2 NEVER STOP YOUR INSULIN ALWAYS CHECK FOR KETONES REGARDLESS OF BLOOD GLUCOSE CHECK BLOOD KETONES Blood Ketones Less than 1.0 Blood glucose less than 6 Blood glucose 6-15 Give ¾ of your usual insulin dose Usual insulin at usual time If not eating, take frequent small sugary drinks, or Glucogel Blood glucose more than 15 Usual correction dose + usual insulin at usual time Frequent sugar-free drinks Blood Ketones 1.0 – 2.9 Blood Ketones 3.0 or more Usual insulin at usual time + EXTRA INSULIN NOW (see table) Usual insulin at usual time + EXTRA INSULIN NOW (see table) EXTRA INSULIN Weight NovoRapid (Kgs) dose (units) 10 1 20 2 30 3 40 4 50 5 60 6 70 7 80 8 90 9 EXTRA INSULIN Weight NovoRapid (Kgs) dose (units) 10 2 20 4 30 6 40 8 50 10 60 12 70 14 80 16 90 18 Blood Glucose less than 6 Blood Glucose more than 6 Frequent small sugary drinks or Glucogel Glucogel if necessary Frequent sugar-free drinks Check blood ketones and glucose every 2 hours. Repeat process again CONTACT TEAM IF: Increasingly unwell Ketones more than 3 or persist for more than 6 hours Vomits more than twice You have to give a second extra dose of insulin Unable to maintain Blood Glucose above 4 Worried for any reason Phone number: (01865) 228736 / 228737 / 234584 (nurses) or 01865 741166 and ask for bleep 1775 or out-of-hours: 07823 533466 and, if no reply, phone: 01865 741166 and ask for bleep 1392 to speak to the paediatric registrar.