Appendix 1 From the office of David Flory CBE, Chief Executive Ref: DF/MC/SPD 26 June 2014 Southside 105 Victoria Street London SW1E 6QT Dame Fiona Caldicott, Chair and Sir Jonathan Michael, Chief Executive The John Radcliffe Headington Oxford OX3 9DU Dear Fiona and Jonathan Board-to-Board meeting, 9 June 2014 I am writing to thank you and your Board for a helpful Board-to-Board meeting on 9 June 2014 and to summarise the next steps. I confirm that the FT application from Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust will be submitted to the Board of the TDA at its meeting on 18 September 2014 with a recommendation for you to proceed to the next stage of consideration by Monitor. This is subject to the Trust being on track to deliver sustainable performance against the key national service standards in Q2 2014/15. It will be important that your Board continues to address its key risks and from our discussion the areas for particular focus are set out below. We congratulated the Trust on achieving a ‘Good’ rating from the Chief Inspector of Hospitals. It reflects the hard work and commitment of all your staff to deliver excellent patient care. It is important to ensure that the areas identified in the actions for improvement are addressed at the earliest opportunity. The Board now needs to have the ambition to achieve ‘Outstanding’ when you are re-inspected. We discussed the Trust’s poor performance delivery in achieving the Accident and Emergency national standard and there are also issues in achieving Referral to Treatment waiting times. The Trust needs to be able to sustainably deliver the key national performance standards in order for the NHS Trust Development Authority to refer the Trust’s application to Monitor. It is acknowledged that the Trust has recovery plans in place to address the performance deficits by Q2 2014/15. The Trust will need to demonstrate that these can be achieved sustainably. The Trust has a very strong financial position and it is noted that the Trust have agreed a contract that will also support the CCG's financial recovery. The Trust is committed to delivering an integrated health community solution, which maximises the health community financial opportunity. I understand that waiting until September is disappointing for you, but in order to maintain momentum on your application I have requested that Monitor commence their QGAF assessment on your Trust in the next month, which should help to reduce the time for the assessment phase at Monitor. I highlighted the importance of extra vigilance by the Board during the period of Monitor assessment, to ensure that you maintain a grip on performance, proactively manage key risks and respond effectively to the inevitable events and challenges that occur. The TDA will continue to work with you to progress your FT application and to ensure that we support you in your preparations through the regular oversight process. Stephen Dunn, Delivery and Development Director - South, will be in touch to take this forward. Thank you for the work carried out to date. Yours sincerely David Flory Chief Executive Copy: TDA Executive Team Crispin Simon, Non Executive Director