Friday, November 15, 2013
3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
McFarland Student Union Building, Room 322
Ron Grapsy, Mahfuzul Khondaker, Lynn Kutch, Mostafa Maksy, Brian Meares (nonmember), Randy Schaeffer, Yong-Sang Shim, Kathleen Stanfa
Excused Absence
Patricia Derr, Stevi-Lorayn Platzer, Carole Wells
Andrew Arnold, William Donner, Sudarshan Fernando, Derek Mace, George Muugi,
Karen Rauch, R. Todd Rober, Kim Shively
1. Announcements
The new student representative on the committee is Stevi-Lorayn Platzer.
2. Approval of Minutes from September 6, 2013
It was moved by Khondaker and seconded by Maksy to approve the meeting minutes from September 6, 2013. Motion passed.
3. New Business a. New Competencies Proposals
The following course was submitted by the College of Business for approval:
COB 1402 ECO 360: International Trade & Finance ................................................ CD
It was moved by Khondaker and seconded by Maksy to approve this proposal. Motion passed.
The following course was submitted by the College of Business for approval:
COB 1410 BUS 332: Business Law II ....................................................................... WI
It was moved by Grapsy and seconded by Kutch to table this proposal. Motion tabled.
Proposal clarification needed. One vote no.
The following course was submitted by the College of Business for approval:
COB 1410 BUS 332: Business Law II ....................................................................... WI
It was moved by Maksy and seconded by Shim to remove from the table and consider this proposal for approval in light of new information received during the meeting.
Motion passed.
The following courses were submitted by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for approval:
LAS 12066 PHY 220: Electronics .............................................................................. WI
LAS 12067 PHY 315: Advanced Physics Laboratory ................................................ WI
They were moved as a block by Khondaker and seconded by Shim for approval. Motion passed.
The following course was submitted by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for approval:
LAS 12068 PHY 380: Senior Seminar in Physics .............................................. CM, WI
It was moved by Shim and seconded by Maksy to approve this proposal. Motion passed.
The following course was submitted by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for approval:
LAS 12069 PHY 312: Classical Mechanics I ............................................................. CT
It was moved by Khondaker and seconded by Grapsy to approve this proposal. Motion passed.
The following course was submitted by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for approval:
LAS 12070 PHY 316: Electricity and Magnetism I .................................................... QL
It was moved by Khondaker and seconded by Shim to approve this proposal. Motion passed.
The following course was submitted by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for approval:
LAS 13051 ANT 215: Genders Across Cultures ................................................. CT, WI
It was moved by Khondaker and seconded by Shim to approve this proposal. Motion passed.
The following course was submitted by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for approval:
LAS 13147 SOC 230: Urban Sociology ..................................................................... CT
It was moved by Khondaker and seconded by Maksy to approve this proposal. Motion passed.
The following course was submitted by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for approval:
LAS 13148 SOC 247: Environmental Sociology ........................................................ WI
It was moved by Khondaker and seconded by Maksy to approve this proposal. Motion passed.
The following course was submitted by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for approval:
LAS 13155 ANT/SOC 213: World Religions ...................................................... CD, WI
It was moved by Maksy and seconded by Shim to approve this proposal. Motion passed.
The following course was submitted by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for approval:
LAS 13159 ANT 254: Medical Anthropology ............................................................ WI
It was moved by Khondaker and seconded by Shim to approve this proposal. Motion passed.
The following courses were submitted by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for approval:
LAS 14048 HIS 219: The History of the French Revolution 1760-1815 CE ............. WI
LAS 14049 HIS 328: Europe During the Renaissance 1300-1550 CE ....................... WI
LAS 14051 HIS 325: The Middle Ages ...................................................................... WI
They were moved as a block by Khondaker and seconded by Shim for approval. Motion passed.
The following course was submitted by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for approval:
LAS 14058 SPA 345: Latin American Culture and Civilization to the 19 th
CenturyCD, VL
It was moved by Shim and seconded by Maksy to approve this proposal. Motion passed.
The following courses were submitted by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for approval:
LAS 14059 SPA 348: Mexican Culture and Civilization .................................... CD, CT
LAS 14060 SPA 380: Senior Seminar in Spanish................................................ CD, CT
They were moved as a block by Khondaker and seconded by Stanfa for approval. Motion passed.
The following course was submitted by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for approval:
LAS 14068 PSY 205: Psychology of the Black Experience ....................................... CD
It was moved by Khondaker and seconded by Maksy to approve this proposal. Motion passed.
The following course was submitted by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for approval:
LAS 14070 PSY 215: Psychology of Prejudice .......................................................... CD
It was moved by Khondaker and seconded by Shim to approve this proposal. Motion passed.
The following course was submitted by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for approval:
LAS 14076 PAG 10: Introduction to Pennsylvania German Studies.......................... CD
It was moved by Khondaker and seconded by Maksy to approve this proposal. Motion passed.
The following course was submitted by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for approval:
LAS 14078 PSY/ANT 290: Culture and Personality .................................................. CD
It was moved by Maksy and seconded by Khondaker to approve this proposal. Motion passed.
The following course was submitted by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for approval:
LAS 14095 SPA 363: Spanish and Entrepreneurship .......................................... CT, WI
It was moved by Khondaker and seconded by Grapsy to approve this proposal. Motion passed.
The following course was submitted by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for approval:
LAS 14096 PSY 380: Senior Seminar in Psychology................................................. WI
It was moved by Khondaker and seconded by Grapsy to approve this proposal. Motion passed.
The following course was submitted by the College of Visual and Performing Arts for approval:
VPA 1440 MUS/WGS 209: Women in Music ................................................... CD, WI
It was moved by Khondaker and seconded by Maksy to approve this proposal. Motion passed. b. LAS 14042 (addition of prefixes to University Distribution category)
This proposal adds the NSE Natural Science and SSE Social Science prefixes in Category
II. University Distribution. This will decrease the number of substitutions needed for transfer students. c. Removal of Competencies from courses
A process is needed for removing competencies from courses.
The committee needs more clarification behind why removal of competencies is necessary. d. Transfer of Competencies
There is still a need to develop a process for transfer of competencies. One idea discusses is that the General Education Committee handle courses 0-299 and the departments handle 300-499.
The next meeting is scheduled for Friday, January 31, 2014 in MSU 322.
No additional agenda items.