General Education Assessment Committee September 29, 2014 Student Union Building, Room 323 Present: Krista Prock (at-large non-teaching faculty), Janice Gasker (at-large teaching faculty), Gil Clary (Office of Assessment), Varsha Pandya (CLAS), Mary Eicholtz (at-large teaching faculty), Randy Schaeffer (Gen Ed Committee), Stephen Hensler (COB), Theresa Stahler for George Sirrakos (COE), William Donner (Rep from SPRC), William Dempsey (Academic Dean), Brent Penny (Admin. & Finance), Danielle Hendricks (Student Representative). Absent: Valerie Trollinger (VPA), Kim Shively (at-large teaching faculty). Prock called the meeting to order at 2:00 pm. Minutes: Motion was made to accept the Minutes for the September 15, 2014 meeting by Eicholtz, seconded by Dempsey. Motion carried. These Minutes will be posted to the GEAC website. Announcements: Prock opened the meeting by asking those in attendance to introduce themselves as there are new members on the Committee. GEAC has a new student representative, Danielle Hendricks. Prock reported there was a meeting on September 24th, 2014 between the Provost and the GEAC executive committee. Prock asked Clary to summarize the meeting. He indicated they discussed designating this year a ‘gap’ year to study and evaluate the information from the assessments conducted, and determine how to use the information effectively. There is a request from the administration that the GEC and GEAC committees meet somewhat regularly to discuss their respective committees’ work and responsibilities in order to avoid a duplication of effort. The Acting Provost would like to simplify the way our general education program is presented. One change Mackin suggested is to move the thematic courses to the departments. This is under discussion. One goal is to make it easier for transfer students to complete their degree requirements. They want GEAC and GEAC to communicate better with the various entities on campus to explore the feasibility of this possible change. Discussion followed. Communication with campus groups will begin this semester. The groups include: college assessment committees, open forums, Senate, APSCUF, etc. Prock asked Schaeffer to put the year 1 and year 2 reports on the website. We need to decide how to set appointments and start communicating. Pandya, Clary and Prock will work on this. Goal 3 report: On the agenda for today’s meeting, Prock listed the domains for Goal 3 and assigned members to read the reports and prepare a brief reaction to the data presented in the report. In Group I – Domain 3.1: Dempsey, Donner, Gasker, Hensler; Group II – Domain 3.2: Pandya, Schaeffer, Shively, Penny; Group III – Domain 3.3: Prock, Sirrakos, Trollinger; and Group IV – Domain 3.4: Clary, Eicholtz, Hendricks. By October 13th, Prock is requesting each group to submit a report which will be included in the year 3 report. Prock distributed the year 1 and year 2 reports as a basis for the committee’s cumulative report which will be completed after the year 3 report is composed and submitted. Discussion followed. If we get all the information from each sub-group by October 13th, then Prock hopes to have a draft of the report completed by October 20th and open it for committee discussion before finalizing and submission to the Provost. Curriculum Map: Prock indicated the curriculum map needs to be updated. The Computer Science professor, Greg Schaper will be in attendance at a meeting to discuss the job and how it can be accomplished. This meeting will take place before Chairnet. If necessary, we will postpone the committee’s attendance at a Chairnet meeting – possibly moving our attendance to November. Mentoring Program: Eicholtz will be in touch with each new member of the committee to begin the mentoring process and help them get used to the committee. Meeting adjourned at 2:40 pm. /km 9/30/14