July 6, 2006 SUBJECT: UNIVERSITY CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 27 and CONTINUATION MEETING OF MAY 4, 2006 TO: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs College Deans Department Chairpersons FROM: Charles Cullum Associate Provost and Dean, College of Graduate Studies The following course and program additions, changes and deletions have been approved by the Departmental Curriculum Committees; the College Curriculum Committees; the Graduate Council, where appropriate; and the University Curriculum Committee at its April 27th and May 4th, 2006 meeting, and signed by the President on June 28, 2006 and will be placed into the curriculum effective Spring 2007 semester (20076) unless otherwise indicated. COLLEGE OF GRADUATE STUDIES NEW COURSES: BUS 572 Managing Enterprise Information Technology (Eff. Fall 2006 – 20073) SEU 540 Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking for the Middle and High School Levels (Eff. Spring 2007 – 20076) 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH COURSE DESCRIPTION/SYLLABUS and TITLE REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2007 – 20076) FROM: TO: SPU 511 Teaching the Exceptional Child in the SPU 511 Teaching the Exceptional Child in the Regular Classroom General Classroom PROGRAM REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2007 – 20076) School Prog Conc Program Degree CIP 5 70 22 Reading Specialist MED 13.1315 Under I. Required Courses: Entry-Level Courses, Intermediate Level Courses sections combined, renamed to Foundation Level; Advanced Level Courses area renamed to Application Level. Under Required Courses, Application Level: remove EDU 553 Psychological Basis of Reading Instruction; add EDU 559 Topics in Reading Instruction. Revision of the program check sheet is necessary identified with the new version number 20076. COLLEGE OF BUSINESS COURSE DESCRIPTION/PREREQUISITE REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2007 – 20076) MKT 320 Marketing Management (Remove MGM 300 from prerequisites in course description.) MKT 332 Sales Management (Remove MGM 300 from prerequisites in course description.) MKT 347 New Product Management (Remove MGM 300 from prerequisites in course description.) 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH University Curriculum Memo of April 27 and May 4, 2006 Page 2 COURSE DESCRIPTION/PREREQUISITE REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2007 – 20076) MKT 351 Media Concepts and Planning (Add the prerequisite MKT 310, Principles of Marketing, to course description.) MKT 357 Advertising Campaigns (Under Prerequisites: add MKT 310, Principles of Marketing; remove “(or concurrent enrollment)”.) MKT 411 Marketing Communications Management (Add the prerequisites MKT 310, Principles of Marketing, and MKT 350 Advertising Management, to course description.) 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES NEW COURSES: (Eff. Spring 2007 – 20076) PHY 214 Modern Physics II PHY 314 Mechanics II PSY 205 Psychology of the Black Experience (Can be used for General Education under categories 3. Social Sciences, and 5. Electives.) SWK 286 Social Work and Substance Abuse 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH ARCHIVED COURSE: (Eff. Spring 2007 – 20076) The following course was announced as archived. This course will remain on the Course Master but should be removed from the next edition of the Undergraduate Bulletin. GEG 332 Computer Cartography 3 SH - 4 CH COURSE NUMBER REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2007 – 20076) FROM: GEG 170 Field Methods in Geography GEG 180 The Geography of Natural Hazards GEG 240 Geography of Pennsylvania TO: GEG 232 GEG 212 GEG 112 Field Methods in Geography The Geography of Natural Hazards Geography of Pennsylvania COURSE TITLE REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2007 – 20076) FROM: GEG 335 World Problems in Geography TO: GEG 335 Political Geography COURSE NUMBER and TITLE REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2007 – 20076) FROM: TO: PHY 110 Modern Physics PHY 212 Modern Physics I COURSE TITLE, NUMBER and DESCRIPTION/SYLLABUS REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2007 – 20076) FROM: TO: PHY 312 Mechanics PHY 312 Mechanics I COURSE DESCRIPTION/PREREQUISITE REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2007 – 20076) CSC 242 Scripting Languages and Client/Server Computing [CIS 242] (Remove CSC 112 from prerequisites in course description. CSC 125 and CSC 135 remain as prerequisites.) Note: The CIS prefix designates Computer Science courses on a provisional basis until the new CSC prefix is implemented by University Administration. GEG 120 Geography of Sub-Saharan Africa (Remove all prerequisites to coincide with all other regional courses.) GEG 375 Research Methods in Geography (Revise course description to read, ‘Junior status and 24 credits in Geography with a prerequisite or co-requisite of PSY/SOC/POL 200 or MAT 140.’) 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH University Curriculum Memo of April 27 and May 4, 2006 COURSE DESCRIPTION/PREREQUISITE REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2007 – 20076) MAT 105 College Algebra (Remove the following sentence from the course description: ’It is not open to anyone who already has received credit for MAT 115.’) MAT 106 Trigonometry (Remove the following sentence from the course description: ’It is not open to anyone who already has received credit for MAT 115.’) MAT 115 Precalculus Mathematics (Remove the following sentence from the course description: ‘It is not open to anyone who already has received credit for either MAT 105 or MAT 106.’) Page 3 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH COURSE DESCRIPTION/SYLLABUS REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2007 – 20076) ENG 123 Current Themes in Literature: American Writers and the Environment (Can be used for General Education under categories 2. Humanities, and 5. Electives.) 3 SH - 3 CH ONE TIME ONLY ANNOUNCED: (Eff. Spring 2007 – 20076) GEL 040 Honors: Theories of Earth History (Can be used for General Education under categories 4. Natural Sciences & Math, and 5. Electives) 3 SH - 3 CH SELECTED TOPICS ANNOUNCED: (Eff. Fall 2006 – 20073) FIN 371 Selected Topics in Finance: Applied Investment Management SPA 370 Selected Topics in Spanish: Rebels and Romantics: Spanish Romanticism 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH PROGRAM REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2007 – 20076) School Prog Conc Program Degree CIP 2 59 00 Physics BS 40.0801 Under Major Requirements, Required Courses: № change from PHY 110 to PHY 212, eff. 20076; remove PHY 362/472 and PHY 364/474, replace with PHY 214. Title change for PHY 312, from ‘Mechanics’ to ‘Mechanics I’. Under Major Electives: add PHY 314, MAT 301. A new program check sheet is necessary identified with the new version number 20076. PROGRAM REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2007 – 20076) School Prog Conc Program Degree CIP 2 59 01 General Studies/Pre-Engineering BS 40.0801 Under Major Requirements, Natural Science & Math: № change from PHY 110 to PHY 212, eff. 20076; title change for PHY 312 from ‘Mechanics’ to ‘Mechanics I’. № change from PHY 210 to PHY 327, eff. 19943. A new program check sheet is necessary, however the version number remains the same – 19943. MINOR PROGRAM REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2007 – 20076) Minor Code: Program 00053 Physics Under I. Required Courses, № change from PHY 110 to PHY 212, eff. 20076. A new minor program check sheet is necessary, however the version number remains the same – 20023. COLLEGE OF EDUCATION NEW COURSE: (Eff. Fall 2007 – 20083) PED 290 Fundamentals of Sports Law (This course does not fulfill General Education requirements and is not open to Business majors.) COURSE SYLLABUS REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2006 – 20073) The following course will have an updated syllabus to reflect current trends in assessments: SEU 320 Appraisal and Evaluation in Secondary Education 3 SH - 3 CH 3 SH - 3 CH University Curriculum Memo of April 27 and May 4, 2006 Page 4 PROGRAM REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2006 - 20073) School Prog Conc Program Degree CIP 3 70 05 Secondary Education/Biological Science BSED 26.0101 Under Major Requirements, Professional Education Courses, Professional Courses: add EDU 015. Under Specialization, Required Courses: replace BIO 234 requirement with choice of BIO 234 or BIO 320; replace BIO 346 requirement with choice of BIO 346 or BIO 350. Total program credits increased from 120 to 121 credits. A new program check sheet is necessary identified with the new version number 20073. PROGRAM REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2006 - 20073) School Prog Conc Program Degree CIP 3 70 09 Secondary Education/Chemistry BSED 40.0501 Under Major Requirements, Professional Education Courses, Professional Courses: remove PSY 120, add ITC 300 and EDU 015; this area now 13 s.h. Under Professional Semester: remove AVC 300 and EDU 326; this area now 12 s.h. Under Student Teaching: credit hours for SEU 390/391 reduced from 14 s.h. to 12 s.h. Free Electives area removed from grid. № change from GEG 320 to GEG 204, eff. 19993. Total program credits reduced from 140 to 133 credits. A new program check sheet is necessary identified with the new version number 20073. PROGRAM REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2006 - 20073) School Prog Conc Program Degree CIP 3 70 10 Secondary Education/Citizenship Education/Geography BSED 45.0101 Under Specialization, Category Requirements: designate GEG 101 and GEG 220 as required courses, discontinue GEG Electives for this area; required credits for this area reduced to 6 s.h. Required Electives area renamed as Globalization; designate GEG 225, GEG 310, GEG 335, and GEG 338 as required courses, discontinue GEG Electives for this area; this area now 12 s.h. A new program check sheet is necessary identified with the new version number 20073. PROGRAM REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2006 - 20073) School Prog Conc Program Degree CIP 3 70 31 Secondary Education/English BSED 23.0101 Under Specialization, Required Courses: remove ENG 380, replace with 300 or 400 level ENG Literature Elective; replace ENG 300, with choice of ENG 300 or ENU 405. Under Writing Electives, prefix and № changes as follows: WRI 241 to ENG 242; WRI 319 to ENG 219; WRI 120 to ENG 119, eff. 20053. Under Literature Electives, minorities course section: add ENG 138. A new program check sheet is necessary identified with the new version number 20073. PROGRAM REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2006 - 20073) School Prog Conc Program Degree CIP 3 70 37 Secondary Education/German BSED 16.0501 Under Major Requirements, Professional Education Courses, Professional Courses: add EDU 015. Under Professional Semester: remove EDU 326. Under Student Teaching: credit hours for SEU 390/391 reduced from 14 s.h. to 12 s.h. Under Specialization, Required Courses: check sheet correction as follows: replace GER 212 (German Composition) with GER 211 (German Composition and Conversation I); replace GER 213 (German Conversation) with GER 212 (German Composition and Conversation II). Under Specialization, Electives: add GER 360, GER 390. Total program credits reduced from 125 to 120 credits. A new program check sheet is necessary identified with the new version number 20073. PROGRAM REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2006 - 20073) School Prog Conc Program Degree CIP 3 70 45 Secondary Education/Spanish BSED 16.0905 Specialization category: semester hours revised from 42 s.h. to 39-42 s.h. Under Specialization, Electives: add SPA 348, SPA 368; semester hours revised from 21 s.h. to 18-21 s.h. A new program check sheet is necessary identified with the new version number 20073. PROGRAM REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2006 - 20073) School Prog Conc Program Degree CIP 3 70 53 Secondary Education/General Science/Biology BSED 30.0101 Under Specialization, Field Elective: remove BIO 150, add BIO 324. A new program check sheet is necessary identified with the new version number 20073. University Curriculum Memo of April 27 and May 4, 2006 Page 5 PROGRAM REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2006 - 20073) School Prog Conc Program Degree CIP 3 70 98 Secondary Education/Social Sciences/Psychology BSED 45.0101 Specialization category: semester hours revised from 42 s.h. to 45 s.h. Under Specialization, Required Courses: add PSY 120; semester hours for this area revised from 30 s.h. to 33 s.h. Total program credits increased from 120 to 121 s.h. A new program check sheet is necessary identified with the new version number 20073. COLLEGE OF THE VISUAL & PERFORMING ARTS EDITORIAL CORRECTION TO UCC MEMO from MARCH 23, 2006 MEETING dated 5/8/06: Although the revised contact hours noted for THE 210 are accurate, the revision should not have been noted in the UCC Memo from March 23, 2006. This contact hours revision was approved at the February 23, 2006 UCC Meeting, not at the March 23, 2006 UCC Meeting. NEW COURSE: (Eff. Spring 2007 – 20076) SPE/WST 237 Women Writers in Performance 3 SH - 3 CH (Can be used for General Education under Categories 2. Humanities, and 5. Electives.) COURSE DESCRIPTION/SYLLABUS REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2007 – 20076) CDE 358 Communication Design Workshop: Digital Animation (The course description/syllabus revision for CDE 359-373 also applies to CDE 358.) CDE 359-373 Communication Design Workshops 2 SH - 6 CH 2 SH - 6 CH COURSE TITLE REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2007 – 20076) FROM: TO: CDE 359 Communication Design Workshop: CDE 359 Communication Design Workshop: Design Art of Humor, Satire and Caricature for the Greeting Card and Gift Industry (The ‘Art of Humor, Satire and Caricature’ workshop continues to be offered under the CDE 365 designation.) NEW WORKSHOP: (Eff. Spring 2007 – 20076) CDE 359 Communication Design Workshop: Design for the Greeting Card and Gift Industry ds cc: 2 SH - 6 CH Mr. R. Bazylak, Ms. K. Morris, Dr. V. Brancato, Dr. Wm. Stahler, Mr. G. Paterno, Dr. G. Brey, Mr. L. McGhee, Ms. A. Sterner, Dr. P. Breeze, Ms. M. Hughes, Ms. L. Male, Mr. G. Godshall, Mr. L. Sechney, Mr. J. Mumbauer, Ms. K. Malloy, Ms. L. Dietrich, Dr. U. Connor, Ms. L. Grabowski, Ms. C. Jones, Ms. C. Lenhart, Ms. Chris Heiter, and U.C.C. Members