September 9, 2008 SUBJECT: UNIVERSITY CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 24, 2008 and CONTINUATION MEETING OF MAY 1, 2008 TO: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs College Deans Department Chairpersons FROM: Carole Wells Vice Provost The following course and program additions, changes and deletions have been approved by the Departmental Curriculum Committees; the College Curriculum Committees; the Graduate Council, where appropriate; and the University Curriculum Committee at its April 24 and continuation meeting of May 1, 2008 meeting, and signed by the President on May 28, 2008 and will be placed into the curriculum effective Spring 2009 semester (20096) unless otherwise indicated. UCC BYLAWS REVISION POLICY REVISION FOR 400-LEVEL COURSES: (Eff. Fall 2008 – 20093) The new policy for 400-level courses states: [GRD 0401] 400-Level Courses Courses at the 400 level are designed to be flexible to the needs of students and programs. By definition, they are at a higher level of difficulty than 300-level courses and at a lower level than 500-level courses, but 400-level courses may be used or required for either undergraduate or graduate degree programs, depending on the curricular requirements of the degree program. Courses at the 400-level that are taken for credit in an undergraduate program cannot be used or repeated for credit in a graduate program. However, 400-level courses may be used for credit as part of a combined bachelor’s/master’s program. Individual master’s programs may limit the number of 400-level credits that can apply to the degree or require a specific number of 500-level credits for the degree. Students should consult with their advisors before taking 400-level courses. NEW UNIVERSITY POLICY – ROUTING PROCEDURES FOR DISTANCE EDUCATION PROPOSALS: (Eff. Fall 2008 – 20093) [UCC 0801] Course approval policy introduced for Distance Education courses to be added to Curriculum Routing Procedures as Article VI. G. The language of the new policy has been submitted to APSCUF Representative Council for final approval. COLLEGE OF GRADUATE STUDIES COURSE PREREQUISITE/SYLLABUS REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2009 – 20096) NUR/BIO 450 Introduction to Epidemiology [LAS 08035] 3 SH - 3 CH NEW COURSES: (Eff. Spring 2009 – 20096) CSC 505 Fundamentals of Computer Science [LAS 08039] 3 SH - 3 CH University Curriculum Memo of April 24, 2008 Page 2 NEW PROGRAM TRACK: (Eff. Spring 2009 – 20096) [LAS 08040] School Prog Conc Program Degree CIP 5 16 02 Computer Science/Information Technology MS 11.0103 30 SH for concentration as follows: Core Courses (18-24 SH) from the following: CSC 411, 421, 456, 510, 512, 521, 541, 552, 554. Elective Courses (0-6 SH) from the following: CSC 402, 415, 425, 447, 480, 520, 526, 548, 555, 580, 557. Thesis (0 or 6 SH): CSC 599. Students must select either the thesis option or the comprehensive examinations option. Thesis option requires completion of 24 SH of courses and 6 SH of thesis. Comprehensive examination option requires completion of 30 SH of courses and passing the comprehensive examinations. Students must complete at least 18 SH of 500-level courses. A new program check sheet is necessary identified with the beginning version number 20096. NEW PROGRAM TRACK: (Eff. Spring 2009 – 20096) [LAS 08041] The new program track Combined BS/MS in Computer Science/Information Technology will have two program codes identifying whether the student is enrolled in the undergraduate or the graduate component of the program. School Prog Conc Program Degree CIP 2 16 41 Computer Science/Information Technology (Combined MS) BS 11.0103 5 16 21 Computer Science/Information Technology (Combined BS) MS 11.0103 120 SH required for BS degree as follows: General Education 57 SH; Major Program, 1. Required Courses 33 SH: CSC 125, 130, 135, 136, 242, 253, 341, 352, 354, 385, 411. 2. Elective Courses 21 SH: CSC 235, 237, 241, 243, 310, 342, 343, 361, 402, 415, 421, 425, 447, 456, 480. Concomitant Courses, 1. Required Courses 9 SH: MAT 121, 140, WRI 207. 2. Internship – optional: CSC 280 (3-6 SH), CSC 380 (3-6 SH). BS in Computer Science is awarded after the completion of 120 undergraduate credits; B-average or higher CSC courses required for admission to Graduate School. 30 SH required for MS in Computer Science/Information Technology as follows: Core Courses (18-24 SH) from the following: CSC 411, 421, 456, 510, 512, 521, 541, 552, 554. Elective Courses (0-6 SH) from the following: CSC 402, 415, 425, 447, 480, 520, 526, 548, 555, 580, 557. Thesis (0 or 6 SH): CSC 599. Students must select either the thesis option or the comprehensive examinations option. Thesis option requires completion of 24 SH of courses and 6 SH of thesis. Comprehensive examination option requires completion of 30 SH of courses and passing the comprehensive examinations. Students must complete at least 18 SH of 500-level courses. Other notes: Additional 12 SH of 400-level CSC courses counted toward the 120 SH for the BS above the 45 SH limit for the undergraduate degree counted for the MS. 138 SH total credits needed to receive both the BS and MS in Computer Science/Information Technology. A new program check sheet is necessary identified with the beginning version number 20096. COURSE SYLLABUS REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2008 – 20093) CPY 511 Inferential Statistics and Research Design [LAS 08042] 3 SH - 3 CH COURSE DESCRIPTION/SYLLABUS and PREREQUISITE REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2008 – 20093) ECO 350 Public Finance [BUS 0817] 3 SH – 3 CH COLLEGE OF BUSINESS COURSE DESCRIPTION/SYLLABUS REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2008 – 20093) ECO 379 Independent Study [BUS 0820] 1-3 SH – 1-3 CH NEW COURSES: (Eff. Spring 2009 – 20096) MKT 333 Marketing the Attractions Industry MGM 333 Managing Attractions Operations [BUS 0828] [BUS 0831] 3 SH – 3 CH 3 SH – 3 CH COURSE PREREQUISITE/SYLLABUS and NUMBER REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2009 – 20096) FROM: TO: MKT 310 Principles of Marketing MKT 210 Principles of Marketing SELECTED TOPICS ANNOUNCED: (Eff. Summer I, 2008 – 20091) MGM 371 Selected Topics in Management: Managing Attractions Operations [BUS 0832] [BUS 0834] 3 SH – 3 CH University Curriculum Memo of April 24, 2008 Page 3 CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION: (Eff. Spring 2009 – 20096) Certificate Code: Program: 82008 Attractions Management and Marketing A certificate of recognition consisting of a minimum of 18 S.H. The curriculum for the certificate of recognition is the following: MGM 333 Managing Attractions Operations and MKT 333 Marketing the Attractions Industry (required); and four of the following courses: MGM 335 Human Resource Management, MGM 337 Management of Labor Relations, MGM 351 Operations Management, MGM/MKT 361 Principles of Business Logistics, MGM/MKT 371 Selected Topics in Marketing or Management (if related), MKT 312 Consumer Behavior, MKT 340 Retail Management, MKT 355 Retail Marketing, MKT 360 Marketing Research, PED 280 Event and Facility Management, SPE 170 An Introduction to Public Relations, BUS 390 Internship in Business (focus on Attractions Management or Marketing; strongly recommended). All course prerequisites must be satisfied. This certificate will be available to College of Business majors. COLLEGE OF EDUCATION COURSE SYLLABUS, CONTACT HOUR, and LOAD HOUR REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2009 – 20096) TO: FROM: PED 003 Dance Repertory I 1 SH - 1 CH PED 003 Dance Repertory I PED 004 Dance Repertory II 1 SH - 1 CH PED 004 Dance Repertory II PED 115 Dance Repertory III 1 SH - 1 CH PED 115 Dance Repertory III PED 116 Dance Repertory IV 1 SH - 1 CH PED 116 Dance Repertory IV PED 214 Dance Repertory V 1 SH - 1 CH PED 214 Dance Repertory V PED 215 Dance Repertory VI 1 SH - 1 CH PED 215 Dance Repertory VI [EDU 0831] 1 SH - 2 CH 1 SH - 2 CH 1 SH - 2 CH 1 SH - 2 CH 1 SH - 2 CH 1 SH - 2 CH COURSE SYLLABUS OMNIBUS REVISION – HUMAN KINETICS DEPT: (Eff. Fall 2008 – 20093) All HEA prefix course syllabi (except those already in compliance) are updated with assessment criteria. [EDU 0833] COURSE SYLLABUS OMNIBUS REVISION – HUMAN KINETICS DEPT: (Eff. Fall 2008 – 20093) All PED prefix course syllabi (except those already in compliance) are updated with assessment criteria. [EDU 0835] COURSE SYLLABUS OMNIBUS REVISION – LIBRARY SCIENCE/ INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT: (Eff. Fall 2008 – 20093) [EDU 0836] All ITC prefix course syllabi (except those already in compliance) are updated with assessment criteria. COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES NEW COURSE: (Eff. Spring 2009 – 20096) FRE 213 Advanced Conversation in French [LAS 07096] 3 SH - 3 CH MINOR PROGRAM REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2009 – 20096) Minor Code: Program: 00029 German Communication and Culture [LAS 08063] Under Area 1., Required Courses: remove GER 340; area semester hours adjusted to 12 SH. Under Area 2. Elective courses: remove GER (Literature) and GER 325 Advanced Syntax and Stylistics I; any two courses with the GER prefix will be required for a total of 6 SH. The minimum required credits for this minor program remain at 18 SH. A new minor program check sheet is necessary identified with the new version number 20096. Note: Revision of credit hours: [LAS 08068] A typographical error in the summary of request for proposal LAS 06002 of the UCC Meeting of November 30, 2006, indicated an incorrect increase in credit hours for GEL 230/231 (Paleontology Lecture/Lab). In addition, the memo had a typographical error pertaining to the previous and new clock hours for this course. This course was not offered by the university since its last revision, and this correction is implemented retroactively as follows: COURSE CLOCK HOUR/LOAD HOUR REVISION: (Eff. retroactive to Fall 2007 – 20083) FROM: TO: GEL 230/231 Paleontology and Lab 3 SH – 4 CH GEL 230/231 Paleontology and Lab 3 SH – 5 CH (This revision constitutes an increase in the laboratory portion of the course from 2 to 3 clock hours.) University Curriculum Memo of April 24, 2008 Page 4 COLLEGE OF THE VISUAL & PERFORMING ARTS COURSE SYLLABUS REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2008 – 20093) MUP 289 Jazz Orchestra MUS 225 Jazz: Its History and Influence MUS 226 Jazz Improvisation [VPA 0812] [VPA 0816] [VPA 0822] 1 SH – 3 CH 3 SH – 3 CH 2 SH – 2 CH COURSE DESCRIPTION/SYLLABUS, [VPA 0875] PREREQUISITE, and TITLE REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2009 – 20096) FROM: TO: CDE 238 Graphic Design I: Symbology CDE 238 Graphic Design I: The Visual Message SELECTED TOPICS ANNOUNCED: (Eff. Summer I 2008 – 20091) [VPA 08101] SPE 370 Selected Topics in Speech Communication: Leadership for School Personnel ds cc: 3 SH - 3 CH Mr. R. Bazylak, Ms. K. Morris, Ms. M. Hughes, Dr. V. Brancato, Dr. Wm. Stahler, Ms. A. Liska, Dr. M. Gambone, Mr. L. McGhee, Mr. M. Santos, Ms. L. Male, Mr. G. Godshall, Ms. K. Gardi, Mr. J. Mumbauer, Ms. K. Malloy, Ms. L. Dietrich, Ms. L. Grabowski, Ms. C. Jones, Ms. M. Follweiler, Ms. P. Blatt, Ms. J. Holleran, Ms. S. Sperduto, Secretaries of Academic Departments, and U.C.C. Members