September 14, 2012 SUBJECT: UNIVERSITY CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MEETING OF March 22, 2012 TO: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs College Deans Department Chairpersons FROM: Carole Wells Vice Provost The following course and program additions, changes, and deletions have been approved by the Departmental Curriculum Committees; the College Curriculum Committees; the Graduate Council; the Council for Teacher Education, where appropriate; and the University Curriculum Committee at its March 22, 2012, meetings and signed by the President on March 28, 2012, and will be placed into the curriculum effective Spring 2013 semester unless otherwise indicated. GENERAL EDUCATION GENERAL EDUCATION COMPETENCIES: (Eff. Spring 2013) Competency PRO 120 Accounting Survey for Professional Studies Quantitative Literacy [COB 1238] PRO 185 Fundamentals of Personal Finance Critical Thinking [COB 1239] ANT 190 Human Cultural Diversity and Adaptations in Pennsylvania Cultural Diversity [LAS 12091] ANT 190 Human Cultural Diversity and Adaptations in Pennsylvania Writing Intensive [LAS 12091] SOC 260 Social Stratification Cultural Diversity [LAS 12172] SPE 307 The Rhetoric of Visual Media Critical Thinking [VPA 1211] SPE 307 The Rhetoric of Visual Media Visual Literacy [VPA 1211] SPE 245 New Media and Communication Communication Intensive [VPA 1213] ARC/WST/HUM 211 Women in the Arts Cultural Diversity [VPA 1235] ARC/WST/HUM 211 Women in the Arts Visual Literacy [VPA 1235] SPE 145 Non-Verbal Communication Communication Intensive [VPA 1255] SPE 145 Non-Verbal Communication Cultural Diversity [VPA 1255] MUS 108 Introduction to World Music Cultural Diversity [VPA 1277] INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES PREFIX CHANGE: (Eff. Spring 2013) Prefix change from: WST to WGS for all Women’s Studies courses and cross-listed courses. [IDC 1201] GRADUATE STUDIES PROGRAM ELECTIVE/REQUIREMENT CHANGES: (Eff. Fall 2012) [COE 1229] Academic Plan Program Degree CIP GCOESEUCI Secondary Education Curriculum and Instruction M.Ed. 13.1205 The Secondary Education Curriculum and Instruction M.Ed. program has been revised to identify and include courses that meet new Pennsylvania Department of Education regulations that require Instructional II certificates add Standard Aligned System (SAS) and Accommodations to graduate degrees. PROGRAM ELECTIVE/REQUIREMENT CHANGES: (Eff. Fall 2012) [COE 1230] Academic Plan Program Degree CIP GCOESEUEN Secondary Education English M.Ed. 23.0101 The Secondary Education English M.Ed. program has been revised to identify and include courses that meet new Pennsylvania Department of Education regulations that require Instructional II certificates add Standard Aligned System (SAS) and Accommodations to graduate degrees. PROGRAM ELECTIVE/REQUIREMENT CHANGES: (Eff. Fall 2012) [COE 1231] Academic Plan Program Degree CIP GCOESEUB Secondary Education Biology M.Ed. 26.0101 The Secondary Education Biology M.Ed. program has been revised to identify and include courses that meet new Pennsylvania Department of Education regulations that require Instructional II certificates add Standard Aligned System (SAS) and Accommodations to graduate degrees. PROGRAM ELECTIVE/REQUIREMENT CHANGES: (Eff. Fall 2012) [COE 1232] Academic Plan Program Degree CIP GCOESEUCIM Secondary Education Mathematics M.Ed. 27.0101 The Secondary Education Mathematics M.Ed. program has been revised to identify and include courses that meet new Pennsylvania Department of Education regulations that require Instructional II certificates add Standard Aligned System (SAS) and Accommodations to graduate degrees. PROGRAM ELECTIVE/REQUIREMENT CHANGES: (Eff. Fall 2012) [COE 1233] Academic Plan Program Degree CIP GCOESEUSS Secondary Education Social Studies M.Ed. 45.0101 The Secondary Education Social Studies M.Ed. program has been revised to identify and include courses that meet new Pennsylvania Department of Education regulations that require Instructional II certificates add Standard Aligned System (SAS) and Accommodations to graduate degrees. PROGRAM ELECTIVE/REQUIREMENT CHANGES: (Eff. Fall 2012) [COE 1234] Academic Plan Program Degree CIP GCOESEUML Secondary Education Middle Level M.Ed. 13.1203 The Secondary Education Middle Level M.Ed. program has been revised to identify and include courses that meet new Pennsylvania Department of Education regulations that require Instructional II certificates add Standard Aligned System (SAS) and Accommodations to graduate degrees. COURSE PREREQUISITE REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2013) LIB 480 Introduction to Preservation and Digitization of Archives and Special Collections Remove prerequisites. [COE 1237] 3 SH – 3 CH COURSE DESCRIPTION/PREREQUISITE/SYLLABUS REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2013) ITC 553 Development of Digital and Multimedia Instructional Resources [COE 1239] Remove prerequisites. 3 SH – 3 CH COURSE DESCRIPTION/SYLLABUS/TITLE REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2013) ITC 571 Instructional Technology Capstone Project Title change from: Research Project to: Instructional Technology Capstone Project 3 SH – 3 CH [COE 1240] COURSE DESCRIPTION/SYLLABUS/TITLE REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2013) ITC 514 Perspectives on Instructional Technology and Learning [COE 1241] 3 SH – 3 CH Title change from: Foundations of Instructional Technology to: Perspectives on Instructional Technology and Learning COURSE DESCRIPTION/PREREQUISITE/SYLLABUS/TITLE REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2013) ITC 435 Designing Distance Education for the K-12 Educator [COE 1243] 3 SH – 3 CH Remove prerequisites. Title change from: Distance Learning and the K-12 Educator to: Designing Distance Education for the K-12 Educator COURSE DESCRIPTION/PREREQUISITE/SYLLABUS/TITLE REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2013) ITC 527 Problem-based Learning Through Instructional Technology [COE 1244] 3 SH – 3 CH Remove prerequisites. Title change from: Integrating Instructional Technology into the K-12 Classroom 3 to: Problem-based Learning Through Instructional Technology COURSE DESCRIPTION/PREREQUISITE/SYLLABUS/TITLE REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2013) ITC 536 Emerging Technologies for Educators [COE 1245] Remove prerequisites. Remove LIB cross listing from ITC/LIB 536. Title change from: Integrating the Internet for Educators to: Emerging Technologies for Educators 3 SH – 3 CH PROGRAM PLACED IN MORATORIUM: (Eff. Fall 2012) Academic Plan Program GLASTVR Electronic Media [LAS 12118] Degree M.S. CIP 09.0702 SELECTED TOPICS ANNOUNCED: (Eff. Spring 2013) CSC 480 Selected Topics in Computer Science: Introduction to Semantic Web Technologies [LAS 12178] 3 SH – 3 CH ADD DISTANCE EDUCATION TO EXISTING COURSE: (Eff. Spring 2013) ENG 551 Postcolonial Literary Theory and Texts [LAS 12179] COLLEGE OF BUSINESS SELECTED TOPICS ANNOUNCED: (Eff. Fall 2012) PRO 290 Selected Topics in Professional Studies: Services Marketing for Professionals [COB 1241] 3 SH – 3 CH SELECTED TOPICS ANNOUNCED: (Eff. Fall 2012) PRO 290 Selected Topics in Professional Studies: Entrepreneurship Start Your Own Business [COB 1242] 3 SH – 3 CH COURSE PREREQUISITE REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2013) ITC 331 Media and Technology in Education Remove prerequisite: ITC 125 or permission of the instructor. [COE 1235] 3 SH – 3 CH COURSE CREDIT HOUR REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2013) LIB 390/391 Clinical Experience and Practicum I and II Change in credit hours from 7 SH – 7 CH to 6 SH – 6 CH [COE 1236] 6 SH – 6 CH COLLEGE OF EDUCATION COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES COURSE PREREQUISITE REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2013) ANT/SOC 130 Marriage and Family in Cross-Cultural Perspective [LAS 12110] Remove prerequisite: ANT010 (Cultural Anthropology) or SOC 010 (Principles of Sociology). 3 SH – 3 CH COURSE DESCRIPTION/SYLLABUS REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2013) MAR/GEL 358/359 General Geophysics Lecture/Laboratory [LAS 12148] 3 SH – 5 CH IDEA objectives and Assessment have been added. The course outline and instructional resources have been updated. COURSE PREREQUISITE/SYLLABUS REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2013) GEL 362/363 Hydrogeology Lecture/Laboratory [LAS 12149] 3 SH – 5 CH Prerequisite change from: Two semesters of Geology/Marine Science and PHY 040/042 or 100/102 to: PHY 040 or 100, Corequisite: PHY 042 or 102. COURSE PREREQUISITE REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2013) CSC 356 Introduction to Database Management Systems [LAS 12155] 3 SH – 3 CH Prerequisite: CSC 237 or CSC 253 and completion of 18 credits of CSC courses numbered 125 or higher and a GPA in CSC courses of at least 2.25. COURSE PREREQUISITE REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2013) CSC 325 Introduction to Computer Science Theory [LAS 12156] 3 SH – 3 CH Prerequisite: CSC 225 and CSC 237 and completion of 18 credits of CSC courses numbered 125 or higher and a GPA in CSC courses of at least 2.25. COURSE SYLLABUS REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2013) CSC 352 UNIX: Systems Programming and Administration COURSE PREREQUISITE/SYLLABUS REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2013) CSC 135 Computer Science I Prerequisite changed to: MAT 105 or higher or permission of instructor. COURSE SYLLABUS REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2013) CSC 237 Data Structures [LAS 12165] 3 SH – 3 CH [LAS 12166] 3 SH – 3 CH [LAS 12167] 3 SH – 3 CH COLLEGE OF VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS COURSE DESCRIPTION/PREREQUISITE/SYLLABUS/TITLE REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2013) SPE 101 Introduction to Communication Studies [VPA 1273] 3 SH – 3 CH Prerequisite/Corequisite: SPE 010. Title change from: Introduction to Speech Communication Theory and Research to: Introduction to Communication Studies COURSE DELETION OF CROSS LISTING/COURSE ARCHIVE: (Eff. Fall 2012) ARU 329 Arts and Crafts for the Atypical [VPA 1285] ARU prefixed deleted from ARU/SPU 329 Arts and Crafts for the Atypical. ARU 329 archived. 3 SH – 3 CH SELECTED TOPICS ANNOUNCED: (Eff. Fall 2012) ARH 385 Selected Topics in Art History: Theory and Criticism in Contemporary Art 3 SH – 3 CH [VPA 1286] ADD DISTANCE EDUCATION TO EXISTING COURSE: (Eff. Summer I 2012) MUS 311 Music from Ancient Times to 1750 [VPA 1288] ADD DISTANCE EDUCATION TO EXISTING COURSE: (Eff. Summer II 2012) SPE 170 Introduction to Public Relations MUS 312 Music from 1750 to the Present [VPA 1280] [VPA 1289] bm cc: Prof. J. Forte, Ms. K. Gardi, Mr. B. Gottschall, Mr. J. Green, Ms. M. Hughes, Mr. B. McCree, Mr. J. Mumbauer, Dr. P. Quinn, Mr. M. Santos, Ms. N. Snow, Dr. T. Stewart, Ms. N. Wunderly, Mrs. S. Youse, Secretaries of Academic Departments, and U.C.C. Members