April 20, 2012 SUBJECT: UNIVERSITY CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MEETING OF December 1, 2011 TO: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs College Deans Department Chairpersons FROM: Carole Wells Vice Provost The following course and program additions, changes and deletions have been approved by the Departmental Curriculum Committees; the College Curriculum Committees; the Graduate Council; the Council for Teacher Education, where appropriate; and the University Curriculum Committee at its December 1, 2011, meeting and signed by the President on December 13, 2011, and will be placed into the curriculum effective Fall 2012 semester unless otherwise indicated. GENERAL EDUCATION GENERAL EDUCATION COURSE CLARIFICATION: (Eff. Fall 2011) [GEC 1202] This proposals clarifies that ENG 022 does not count in category I.B. and MAT 003 does not count in I.C. These courses count only as free electives. GENERAL EDUCATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDELINES: (Eff. Fall 2011) Clarification memo for new general education implementation timeline. [GEC 1203] GENERAL EDUCATION ASSESSMENT REPORTING TEMPLATES: (Eff. Spring 2012) [GEAC 1104] GENERAL EDUCATION COMPETENCIES: (Eff. Fall 2012) PHI PHI PHI PHI PHI PHI POL CSC GEL GEL GEL GEL GEL/MAR GEL/MAR GEL GEL GEL POL POL PSY PSY WRI 40 80 125 150 215 240 347 136 200 230 304 316 346 358 362 380 220 140 140 270 270 208 Competency Introduction to Ethics Cultural Diversity Business Ethics Cultural Diversity Aspects of Death and Dying Cultural Diversity History of Scientific Ideas Cultural Diversity Persons, Life, and Death Cultural Diversity Philosophy of Social Sciences Cultural Diversity Human Resource Management in the Public Sector Communication Intensive Computer and Information Science II Computer Intensive Field Geology Visual Literacy Paleontology Writing Intensive Structural Geology Critical Thinking Petrology and Geochemistry Visual Literacy Sedimentology and Stratigraphy Writing Intensive General Geophysics Computer Intensive Hydrogeology Quantitative Literacy Geology Senior Seminar Writing Intensive Mineralogy Critical Thinking Law and Society Critical Thinking Law and Society Writing Intensive Experimental Psychology Critical Thinking Experimental Psychology Writing Intensive Creative Writing: Exploring Forms Writing Intensive LAS 11240 LAS 11242 LAS 11245 LAS 11247 LAS 11248 LAS 11250 LAS 12003 LAS 12024 LAS 12027 LAS 12028 LAS 12029 LAS 12030 LAS 12031 LAS 12032 LAS 12033 LAS 12034 LAS 12035 LAS 12036 LAS 12036 LAS 12043 LAS 12044 LAS 12048 WRI POL POL POL POL POL 312 231 231 332 332 20 Creative Writing: Poetry Social Movements and Revolutions Social Movements and Revolutions Politics of Latin America Politics of Latin America International Relations Writing Intensive Cultural Diversity Writing Intensive Cultural Diversity Writing Intensive Cultural Diversity LAS 12049 LAS 12063 LAS 12063 LAS 12064 LAS 12064 LAS 12076 GRADUATE STUDIES NEW PROGRAM TRACK: (Eff. Summer I 2012) Academic Plan Program GCOEMEDCK4 Elementary Education: Certification Pre-K-4 GCOEMEDC48 Elementary Education: Certification 4-8 [COE 11121] Degree M.Ed. M.Ed. CIP 13.1202 13.1202 NEW PROGRAM TRACK: (Eff. Summer I 2012) Academic Plan Program GCOESEUTEA Secondary Education: Teaching [COE 11130] Degree M.Ed. CIP 13.1205 NEW COURSES: (Eff. Fall 2012) LIB 588 Clinical Experience and Practicum I LIB 589 Clinical Experience and Practicum II [EDU 1202] [EDU 1202] 6 SH – 2 CH 6 SH – 2 CH ADD DISTANCE EDUCATION TO EXISTING COURSE: (Eff. Spring 2012) ENG 585 Studies in English Romanticism BUS/NUR 566 Health Care Policy [LAS 12016] [LAS 12050] SELECTED TOPICS ANNOUNCED: (Eff. Summer I 2012) TVR 580 Selected Topics: Electronic Media Propaganda and Persuasion [LAS 12098] 3 SH – 3 CH NEW PROGRAM CONCENTRATION: (Eff. Fall 2012) Academic Plan Program UCOESPUBIO Dual 7-12 Certification in Secondary Education Biology and Special Education [COE 1205] Degree B.S.Ed. CIP 13.1001 NEW PROGRAM CONCENTRATION: (Eff. Fall 2012) Academic Plan Program UCOESPUESS Dual 7-12 Certification in Secondary Education Earth and Space Science and Special Education [COE 1208] Degree B.S.Ed. CIP 13.1001 NEW PROGRAM CONCENTRATION: (Eff. Fall 2012) Academic Plan Program UCOESPUENG Dual 7-12 Certification in Secondary Education English and Special Education [COE 1211] Degree B.S.Ed. CIP 13.1001 NEW PROGRAM CONCENTRATION: (Eff. Fall 2012) Academic Plan Program UCOESPUGS Dual 7-12 Certification in Secondary Education General Science and Special Education [COE 1216] Degree B.S.Ed. CIP 13.1001 NEW PROGRAM CONCENTRATION: (Eff. Fall 2012) Academic Plan Program UCOESPUGER Dual 7-12 Certification in Secondary Education German and Special Education [COE 1217] Degree B.S.Ed. CIP 13.1001 NEW PROGRAM CONCENTRATION: (Eff. Fall 2012) [COE 1218] COLLEGE OF BUSINESS No new business. COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Academic Plan UCOESPUMAT Program Dual 7-12 Certification in Secondary Education Mathematics and Special Education Degree B.S.Ed. CIP 13.1001 NEW PROGRAM CONCENTRATION: (Eff. Fall 2012) Academic Plan Program UCOESPUSOC Dual 7-12 Certification in Secondary Education Social Studies and Special Education [COE 1219] Degree B.S.Ed. CIP 13.1001 NEW PROGRAM CONCENTRATION: (Eff. Fall 2012) Academic Plan Program UCOESPUSPA Dual 7-12 Certification in Secondary Education Spanish and Special Education [COE 1220] Degree B.S.Ed. CIP 13.1001 [COE 1213] 3 SH – 3 CH [COE 1214] 3 SH – 3 CH [COE 1215] 3 SH – 3 CH NEW COURSE: (Eff. Fall 2012) SPU 313 Assessment and Instructional Methods for Secondary Students with Disabilities Prerequisite: SPU 201 or permission of instructor. SPU 315 Building Collaborative Networks to Support Secondary Students with Disabilities Prerequisite: SPU 201 or permission of instructor. SPU 327 Secondary Special Education Transition Services Prerequisite: SPU 201 or permission of instructor. COURSE DESCRIPTION/SYLLABUS REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2012) SPU 201 Cognitive Development of Diverse Learners in a Standards Aligned System [COE 1206] 3 SH – 3 CH COURSE DESCRIPTION/SYLLABUS REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2012) SPU 316 Literacy Development and Instruction in Core and Intervention Areas [COE 1207] 3 SH – 3 CH COURSE DESCRIPTION/SYLLABUS REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2012) SPU 320 Special Education processes and IEP Development [COE 1209] 3 SH – 3 CH COURSE DESCRIPTION/SYLLABUS REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2012) SPU 322 Teaching Students with High Incidence Disabilities [COE 1210] 3 SH – 3 CH COURSE DESCRIPTION/SYLLABUS REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2012) SPU 330 Teaching Students with High Incidence Disabilities [COE 1212] 3 SH – 3 CH ADD DISTANCE EDUCATION TO EXISTING COURSE: (Eff. Summer I 2012) EEU 130 Early Childhood Development: Theories and Practices [COE 1227] ADD DISTANCE EDUCATION TO EXISTING COURSE: (Eff. Summer II 2012) EEU 225 Assessment I: Observation and Informal [COE 1226] COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES COURSE NUMBER/TITLE REVISION: (Eff. Fall 2012) POL 340 Municipal Government [LAS 12080] Title change from: Municipal Government to: Urban Politics. Number change from: POL 340 to: POL 135 3 SH – 3 CH NEW COURSE: (Eff. Fall 2012) POL 322 International Relations Theory [LAS 12084] 3 SH – 3 CH ADD DISTANCE EDUCATION TO EXISTING COURSE: (Eff. Spring 2012) NUR 371 Nursing Ethics [LAS 10030] ADD DISTANCE EDUCATION TO EXISTING COURSE: (Eff. Summer I 2012) CRJ 301 Investigations and Intelligence SOC 245 Sociology of Deviance SOC/CRJ 220 Juvenile Delinquency SOC 270 White Collar Crime ANT 260 Applied and Practicing Anthropology [LAS 12079] [LAS 12081] [LAS 12082] [LAS 12083] [LAS 12088] SELECTED TOPICS ANNOUNCED: (Eff. Spring 2012) NUR 371 Selected Topics in Nursing: Nursing Ethics ENG 370 Selected Topics in English: Film Production Theory: a Philosophical Approach [LAS 10030] [LAS 12094] 3 SH – 3 CH 3 SH – 3 CH COLLEGE OF VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS PROGRAM CONCENTRATION REQUIREMENT CHANGE: (Eff. Fall 2012) Academic Plan Program UVPASTDP Studio Art - Painting Added FAR 131 to required courses. [VPA 1259] Degree B.F.A. PROGRAM REQUIREMENT CHANGE: (Eff. Fall 2011) [VPA 1260] Academic Plan Program Degree UVPASPECO Speech Communication B.A. Removed ENG LIT (under II. University Distribution, C. Humanities) from the grid sheet. COURSE PREREQUISITE REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2012) ARU 401 Learning in the Visual Arts: Childhood Prerequisite change to: ArtEd CERT only ARU 420 Learning in the Visual Arts: Adolescence Prerequisite change to: ArtEd CERT only COURSE PREREQUISITE REVISION: (Eff. Spring 2012) ARU 430 Studio Thinking Remove prerequisites. ARU 430 Visual Culture: Critical Practice and Pedagogy Remove prerequisites. bm cc: CIP 50.0702 CIP 23.1304 [VPA 1257] 4 SH – 4 CH [VPA 1257] 4 SH – 4 CH [VPA 1258] 3 SH – 3 CH [VPA 1258] 3 SH – 3 CH Prof. J. Forte, Ms. K. Gardi, Mr. B. Gottschall, Mr. J. Green, Ms. M. Hughes, Mr. B. McCree, Mr. J. Mumbauer, Dr. E. Nieves, Dr. P. Quinn, Mr. M. Santos, Ms. N. Snow, Ms. N. Wunderly, Mrs. S. Youse, Secretaries of Academic Departments, and U.C.C. Members