b. Chemistry

b. Chemistry
Week - 2015
1 7/9
2 14/9
3 21/9
4 28/9
5 5/10
6 w/c 12/10/15
7 19/10
8 2/11
9 9/11
10 16/11
11 23/11
12 30/11
13 w/c 7/12/15
14 14/12
15 4/1/16
16 11/1
17 18/1
18 25/01
19 w/c 1/2/16
20 8/2
21 22/2
22 29/2
23 7/3
24 14/03
25 w/c 21/3/16
26 11/4
27 18/4
28 25/4
29 3/5
30 9/5
31 w/c 16/5/16
32 23/5
33 6/6
34 13/6
35 20/6
36 27/6
37 w/c 4/716
38 11/7
39 18/7
Short week
The atmosphere and changing atmosphere
Today’s atmosphere
The atmosphere
Homework: Question 1. Higher/Foundation - the Earth’s sea and atmosphere
Rocks and their formation
Limestone and its uses
Homework: Question 2. Higher/Foundation – Materials from the Earth
Revise for test
Test 1
Chemical reactions
Reactions of calcium compounds
The importance of chlorine
SC1/Revision/Practical of choice
Homework: Revise for test F/H Revise for test
Test 2
Electrolysis of water
Homework: Question 3. Foundation - Acids
Homework: Question 3. Higher – Obtaining and using metals 1
Oxidation and reduction
Recycling of metals
Homework: Question 4 – Obtaining and using metals
Properties of metals
Revise for test
Test 3
Homework: Question 4. Higher - Obtaining and using metals 2
Crude oil
Crude oil fractions
Homework: Question 5. Foundation - Fuels
Homework: Question 5. Higher - Fuels
Incomplete combustion
Revise for test
Test 4
Easter. Break up 24/3/16
Acid rain
Climate change
Choosing fuels
Exam Prep
Revise for test
Mock Exam
Alkanes and alkenes
Problems with polymers
Homework: Question 6. Higher/Foundation – Fuels.
Project work/investigations/Fun
Project work/investigations/Fun