Dist r. GENERAL UNCTAD/RDP/SEU/6 25 November 1991 ENGLISH ONLY UNITED NATIONS CONFEl:\ENCE ON Tl:\ADE AND DEVELOPMENT GENEVA Selected national accounts series of the occupied Palestinian territory (West Bank and Gaza Strip). 1968-1987 Prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country. territory. city or area. or of its authorities. or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. GE.91-52277 (ii) PREFACE This document is the fourth in the series of selected statistics on the economy of the occupied palestinian territory (the Gaza Strip and the West Bank), compiled by the special Economic Unit (Palestinian people) of the UNCTAD secretariat. It is devoted to the national accounts of the occupied Palestinian territory for the period 1968-1987. The series are based on official data published by the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics and exclude East Jerusalem. They are classified in accordance with the specifications established under the Economic Time Series (ETS) in use in the UNCTAD secretariat. In order to ensure consistency of terminology and definition with established guidelines, the United Nations system of National Accounts has been also consulted. For more technical information on the classification of the series, reference is made to the Explanatory Notes on page (iv). (ii i) Pages Preface .......................................................... . ( ii) Exp lanatory notes ................................................ . (iv) NAil NA/2 NA/3 NA/4 NA/5 NA/6 NA/7 Gross domestic product by industrial origin ............... . Gros~ domestic product by type of expenditure ............. . Gross national disposable income by main components ....... . Private final consumption expenditure by type and purpose .. Gross capital formation by type and purpose ............... . Principal private income aggregates ....................... . Share of private savings, consumption and gross domestic capital formation in main national income aggregates ...... . 1 11 12 22 23 - 33 34 44 45 55 56 - 66 67 NA/8, 9, 10 Per capita national accounts indicators: GDP, GNP and GNDY . 72 71 76 (iv) EXPI ,ANATOR'l' NO'l'l";~; 1. Tables are numbered as fol Lows: The firE)L.tIr:l91~J t~.r::~ in a tab Ie number refer to the rIlilj(x tOll is:::.. as follows: "NA" for National Accounts A rOIl:@n.D.lJ~er£1 fo llows the fi rs t Ie t te rs and re f ers to the g.~Qgr.a.pfl:ic 9-[..e.<3, as fa llows : "I" for Gaza Strip "II" for the West Bank "Ill" for the Occupied Palestinian Territory (i.e. Gaza Strip and West Bank. excluding East Jerusalem) The Ar_@ic._n~~ll1):)§?r which follows the roman nUffif~rals is preceded by a (/) symbol, and refers to the ~ll~<::it:::Lc t911Jr::: of the tables. A s:::apit;:.£lJ.5=.Lt.§?I follows the Arabic number. and refers to the \Jnlts used: "A" for the national currency or natural units, according to the topic of the table; "8" for United ~;tates dollars; "c" and "D" for percentages, EXAMPLE: Table designation Nl\.. l/lA :.;ignLfi(~s the following: NA: National Accounts I: Gaza ~~trip 1: Gross Domestic Product by Industrial origjn A: New Israeli Shekels 2. Unless otherwise noted, all statistical series used for the preparation of the tables are based on figures publi.shed by the ]srael Central Bureau of Statistics (CB::» in the annual ?t.£.ti"tjc::al~p~tr(l_ct 9LIsraeJ and the periodic ,J~Lq<=.a,._?a.fl1i1rt9 9-Jl<i.C;£~.a.Ar.eaS!~CiqciUC.$ (publi.:>hed prior to 1984 under the title :r.h~.l\dmi.nt~J0r:~d Texxit()Tj~s ::> tat i st. ic i11 Q1,!.igJ~..e.r:::lY). These publ icat ions are referred to in the sources of separate tables as Sl\J and ~J~gl\S. respectively. 3. The figures used are the latest available estimates, which in many cases are revised versions of (~arlier publ i.shed estimat0s. 4. In cases where figures were misprint(~d in the or·igi.nal publ ished source. the sums of components were computed or other published versions of the misprinted figures were substituted. 5. Unless otherwise indicated, all "total" series have been generated from their components in order to ensure consistency between series and tables and greater accuracy than in. published totals. 6. Unless otherwise indicated, variables are defined as in the original sources. 7. Whenever possible, the titles of variables have been streamlined in accordance with standard international terminology. (v) 8. The "Occupied TerriLory" tables were prepared by adding up the figures for the West Bank and for Gaza Strip. Therefore. these tables do not jncorporate statistics on occupied East Jerusalem. 9. New l~:.;raeli ~)hekel series (Le .. the "A" tables) were obtained by llsinq publ ish(~d figures (in lsraelt shekels) Eor the longest avai.lable period. ~or earlier years. figures in Israeli liras and old shekels were converted respectively accordtng to the followtng ratios: nev-/ lc;ra(~li shekel - lO.OOO Uiraeli liras 1 new Israeli shekel ~ 1.000 old shekels. 10. United ~otates dollar series (Le., the "B" tables) for the period 1968 19/9 were obtained by convert:ing the computed New Israeli sh(~kels into United ;)tates dollars using the average annual exchange rate as quoted -in the Internati.onal Monetary Fund. JIJ.t er l1. at i9.l1.ClJ _Financial ~)t?ti?tics (Washington DC, 1Mb', 1985 and 1987). Conversion of series originally expressed in national currency into a U.S. dollacs through the use of oEfic:ial exchange common currency rates is not always satisfactory owing to the deviation of the official exchange rates Ecorn purchasing power parities. f'or this reason some data in U.S. dollars such as GDP and GNP per capita contained in this document are SUbject to certain distortions and can be ll;-5ed only as a rough appcoxirnation of the celative magnitudes involved. They can alternatively serve as a source of primary data requiring fllrther processing and adjustment. 11. For the period 1980 1988, Israeli data as originally published in U.S. dol Lars were w-jed wherever available. ;,ince the U.S. dollar ;;cries PlJbli:~hed by the lsrael CB:-i is computed using quarterly data expressed in New Israeli Shekels and quarterly exchange rates, it is more aCCIJrate than the series generated by the use of annual exchange rates. Recourse to calculations based on annual excharlge rates was only rnad(~ wh(,"fl or-iginal data Ir,lere found to be inaccurate or missing. l/.. A11 t db 1e s j n per c e tl tag e s (L e., the " C " tab 1 e s) are c a I cuI ate d Erom tables denominated in United ;;tates dollars (i .0.., the "8" tables). 13. The followinq symbols are used: cateqory not applic:able unknown, ~;(~rj_es discontinued, or not available for publication U:;$ Ullited ;;tates Dollars Nl~) - New lsraeU ~;hekels All years refer to calendar years, startinq on 31 December. Ofl 1 January and ending NAil GRO~)~) D0r-1E:)'I' 1 C PRODUC'l' BY J N[)lJ~;TR lAL OR fG 1 N TABLE NA.I./1A: GAZA STRIP: GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT BY INDUSTRIAL ORIGIN, 1968-1987 (Millions of current New Israeli Shekels) YEAR INDUSTRIAL ORIGIN AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, AND FISHERY INDUSTRY CONSTRUCTION AND PUBLIC WORKS PUBLIC AND COMMUNITY SERVICES, ELECTRICITY, AND WATER TRANSPORT, TRADE, OTHER SERVICES (a) GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (·at factor cost) PLUS EQUALS NET INDIRECT TAX ON DOMESTIC PRODUCTION GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (at market price) 0.0003 0.0003 0.0004 0.0004 0.0007 0.0009 0.0013 0.0028 0.0036 0.0056 0.0070 0.0023 0.0180 0.0290 0.1060 0.4160 2.5830 15.8000 26.2000 28.3000 0.0141 0.0150 0.0183 0.0250 0.0333 0.0479 0.0697 0.1063 0.1589 0.2288 0.3508 0.6482 1 .4923 3.3993 7.1784 17.1729 79.2230 301.7000 543.5000 723.3000 (b) 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 0.0040 0.0004 0.0004 0.0030 0.0060 0.0106 0.0134 0.0176 0.0304 0.0485 0.0685 0.0997 0.1500 0.2731 0.6899 1.1273 2.6964 10.6310 54.5000 102.5000 129.5000 0.0021 0.0030 0.0052 0.0098 0.0159 0.0257 0.0431 0.0779 0.1434 0.2903 0.6542 1.6557 7.4020 25.8000 54.0000 95.1000 0.0034 0.0066 0.0102 0.0184 0.0315 0.0381 0.0733 0.1603 0.3100 0.7914 1 .6549 3.9734 16.8480 55.5000 111 .3000 147.1000 0.0066 0.0094 0.0149 0.0225 0.0296 0.0393 0.0652 0.1051 0.2827 0.7266 1.5914 4.1618 23.9670 78.1000 106.8000 136.7000 0.0099 0.0146 0.0205 0.0224 0.0298 0.0516 0.0625 0.1526 0.4651 0.8721 2.0446 4.2696 17.7920 72.0000 142.7000 186.6000 0.0138 0.0.147 0.0179 0.0246 0.0326 0.0470 0.0684 0.1035 0.1553 0.2232 0.3438 0.6459 1.4743 3.3703 7.0724 16.7569 76.6400 285.9000 517.3000 695.0000 (al Includes errors and ommissions. (b) Data for the period 1969-1971 is obtained by subtracting net indirect tax on domestic product from GDP at market price. f\) I TABLE NA.II./1A: WEST BANK: GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT BY INDUSTRIAL ORIGIN, 1968-1987 (Millions of current New Israeli Shekels) YEAR INDUSTRIAL ORIGIN AGRICULTURE. FORESTRY, AND FISHERY 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 INDUSTRY CONSTRUCTION AND PUBLIC WORKS PUBLIC AND COMMUNITY SERVICES, ELECTRICITY, AND WATER TRANSPORT, TRADE, OTHER SERVICES (a) 0.0120 0.0030 0.0010 0.0060 0.0110 0.0307 0.0340 0.0796 0.0714 0.1243 0.1381 0.3094 0.4410 1.4896 2.4921 5.2798 11.3306 43.4070 166.7000 575.0000 479.2000 0.0068 0.0082 0.0144 0.0197 0.0238 0.0326 0.0619 0.0991 0.2635 0.5016 1.1557 2.9082 15.2280 64.0000 134.0000 153.3000 0.0071 0.0102 0.0201 0.0371 0.0511 0.0735 0.1221 0.2406 0.5356 1.1693 2.8564 6.6275 34.4070 137.4000 256.7000 335.1000 0.0109 0.0139 0.0218 0.0311 0.0399 0.0576 0.1004 0.1679 0.4071 1.0140 2.2411 6.1480 36. 1650 115.9000 160.1000 202.6000 0.0279 0.0315 0.0404 0.0816 0.1221 0.1732 0.2765 0.4783 1.1796 2.2551 5.7117 15.0926 84.0700 348.8000 643.5000 826.2000 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (at factor cost) (b) 0.0330 0.0379 0.0402 0.0562 0.0834 0.0978 O. 1763 0.2409 0.3612 0.4750 0.8703 1.4269 3.8754 7.4321 17.2447 42.1069 213.2769 832.8000 1769.3000 1996.4000 PLUS EQUALS NET INDIRECT TAX ON DOMESTIC PRODUCTION GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (at market price) 0.0019 0.0021 0.0028 0.0038 0.0049 0.0062 0.0104 0.0109 0.0131 0.0201 0.0311 0.0481 0.1220 0.3670 0.9240 3.3520 19.8000 47.5000 72.4000 68.5000 0.0349 0.0400 0.0430 0.0600 0.0883 0.1040 0.1867 0.2518 0.3743 0.4951 0.9014 1 .4750 3.9974 7.7991 18.1687 45.4589 233.0769 880.3000 1841.7000 2064.9000 (al Includes errors and ommissions. (bl Data for the period 1969-1971 is obtained by subtracting net indirect tax on domestic product from GDP at market price. Vol TABLE NA.III./1A: OCCUPIED TERRITORY: GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT BY INDUSTRIAL ORIGIN, 1968-1987 (Millions of current New Israeli Shekels) YEAR INDUSTRIAL ORIGIN AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, AND FISHERY INDUSTRY CONSTRUCTION AND PUBLIC WORKS PUBLIC AND COMMUNITY SERVICES, ELECTRICITY, AND WATER TRANSPORT, TRADE, OTHER SERVICES (a) GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (at factor cost) PLUS EQUALS NET INDIRECT TAX ON DOMESTIC PRODUCTION GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (at market price) (b) 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 0.0160 0.0413 0.0474 0.0972 0.1018 0.1728 0.2066 0.4091 0.5910 1.7627 3.1820 6.4071 14.0270 54.0380 221.2000 677.5000 608.7000 0.0034 0.0089 0.0112 0.0196 0.0295 0.0397 0.0583 o. 1050 O. I 770 0,4069 0.7919 1.8099 4.5639 22.6300 89.8000 188.0000 248.4000 0.0014 0.0105 0,0168 0,0303 0,0555 0.0826 0, I 1 16 0,1954 0,4009 0,8456 1 ,9607 4,51 13 10.6009 51.2550 192.9000 368.0000 482,2000 0.0090 0,0175 0,0233 0.0367 0,0536 0,0695 0.0969 0,1656 0.2730 0.6898 1 .7406 3.8325 10.3098 60.1320 194.0000 266.9000 339.3000 0.0170 0.0378 0.0461 0.0609 O. 1040 O. 1519 0.2248 0.3390 0.6309 1.6447 3.1272 7.7563 19.3622 101.8619 420.8000 786.2000 1012.8000 0.0468 0.0526 0.0581 0.0808 0.1160 O. 1448 0.2447 0.3444 0.5165 0.6982 1 .2141 2.0728 5.3497 10.8024 24.3171 58.8638 289.9165 ll18.7000 2286.6000 2691.4000 0.0022 0.0024 0.0032 0.0042 0.0056 0.0071 0.0117 0.0137 0.0167 0.0257 0.0381 0.0504 0.1400 0.3960 1.0300 3.7680 22.3830 63.3000 98.6000 96.8000 o 0490 0.0550 0,0613 0,0850 0.1216 O. 1519 0.2564 0.3581 0,5332 0.7239 1.2522 2.1232 5.4897 11.1984 25.3470 62.6317 312,2995 1182.0000 2385.2000 2788.2000 (a) Includes errors and ommissions. (b) Data for the period 1969-1971 is obtained by subtracting net indirect tax on domestic product from GDP at market price, ~ I TABLE NA.I./1B: GAZA STRIP: GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT BY INDUSTRIAL ORIGIN, 196B-19B7 (Millions of current United States dollars) YEAR INDUSTRIAL ORIGIN AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, AND FISHERY INDUSTRY CONSTRUCTION AND PUBLIC WORKS PUBLIC AND COMMUNITY SERVICES, ELECTRICITY, AND WATER TRANSPORT, TRADE, OTHER SERVICES (a) GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (at factor cost) PLUS EQUALS NET INDIRECT TAX ON DOMESTIC PRODUCTION GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (at market price) (b) 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 :978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 19B{t 19B5 1986 1987 11 .429 1.143 1.143 8.571 17.143 25.238 31.905 39.462 47.950 61 .OB3 65.488 57.102 5B,962 53.298 60.353 46.454 47.967 36.257 46.265 6B.884 B1 .191 5.000 7.143 11 .659 15.457 20.025 24.570 24,685 30.621 27.9B6 25.396 26.958 29.453 25.245 21 .902 36.290 59.624 8.095 15.714 22.870 29.022 39.673 36.424 41 .982 63.011 60.500 69.233 68.195 70.683 57.460 47.114 74.798 92.226 15.714 22.381 33.408 35.489 37.280 37.572 37.342 41 .313 55.172 63.564 65.579 74.035 81 .740 66.299 71.774 B5,705 23.571 34.762 45.964 35.331 37.531 49.331 35.796 59.984 90.769 76.293 84.254 75.953 60.680 61 .121 95.901 116.991 39.429 42.000 51.143 65.952 77.619 111 .905 153.363 163.249 195.592 213.384 196.907 253.892 287.724 294.838 291.441 298.091 261.383 242.699 347.648 435.737 0.B57 0.857 1.143 1.072 1 .667 2.143 2.915 4.416 4.534 5.354 4.009 0,904 3.513 2.537 4.36B 7.400 8.809 13.413 17.608 17.743 40.286 42.857 52.236 67.024 79.286 114.048 156.278 167.666 200.126 218 738 200.917 254 796 291.237 297.375 295.809 305.491 270.192 256.112 365.255 453,480 Includes errors and ommissions. IbJ Data for the period 1969-1971 is obtained by subtracting net indirect tax on domestic product from GDP at market price. raj V1 TABLE NA.II./1B: WEST BANK: GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT BY INDUSTRIAL ORIGIN, 1968-1987 (Millions of current United States dollars) YEAR INDUSTRIAL ORIGIN AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, AND FISHERY INDUSTRY CONSTRUCTION AND PUBLIC WORKS PUBLIC AND COMMUNITY SERVICES, ELECTRICITY, AND WATER TRANSPORT, TRADE, OTHER SERVICES (a) GROS~ DOMESTIC PRODUCT (at factor cost) PLUS EQUALS NET INDIRECT TAX ON DOMESTIC PRODUCTION GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (at market price) (b) 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 34.286 73.095 80.952 178.475 112.618 156.549 132.027 177.205 173.349 290.710 218.012 217.571 201 .562 148.041 141.511 386.425 300.439 8.571 16.190 19.524 32.287 31 .073 29.975 31 .166 35.452 38.954 51.425 43.881 47.624 51 .734 51 .935 54.329 90.054 96.113 2,857 16.905 24.286 45.067 58.517 64.358 70.268 69 931 94.575 104.528 102.292 117.707 117.898 117.346 116.638 172 .513 210.094 17.143 25.952 33.095 48.879 49.054 50.252 55.067 57.503 65.998 79.450 88.706 92.352 109.368 123.342 98.387 107.594 127.022 31.429 66.429 75.000 90.583 128.707 153.778 165.583 158.362 188.011 230.211 197.279 235.369 268.484 286.722 296.095 432.460 517.994 94.286 108.286 114.857 150.670 198.571 232.857 395.291 379.969 454.912 454.110 498.453 560.888 756.323 650.170 710.623 749.046 727.386 706.961 1189.046 1251 .662 5.429 6.000 8.000 10.188 11.667 14.762 23.318 17.192 16.499 19.216 17.812 18.907 23.809 32.106 38.076 59.629 67.528 40.323 48.656 42.947 99.715 114.286 112.857 160.858 210.238 247.619 418.608 397.161 471.420 473.326 516.266 579.795 780.131 682.275 748.698 808.674 794.915 747.283 1237.700 1294.610 Cal Includes errors and ommissions. (bl Data for the period 1969-1971 is obtained by subtracting net indirect tax on domestic product from GDP at market price. 0' TABLE NA.III./1B: OCCUPIED TERRITORY: GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT BY INDUSTRIAL ORIGIN. 1968-1987 (Millions of current United States dollars) YEAR INDUSTRIAL ORIGIN AGRICULTURE. FORESTRY, AND FISHERY INDUSTRY CONSTRUCTION AND PUBLIC WORKS PUBLIC AND COMMUNITY SERVICES, ELECTRICITY, AND WATER TRANSPORT, TRADE. OTHER SERVICES (a) GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (at factor cost) PLUS EQUALS NET INDIRECT TAX ON DOMESTIC PRODUCTION GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (at market price) (b) 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 45.714 98.333 112.857 217.937 160.568 217 .632 197.514 234.307 232.311 344.008 278.365 264.025 249.529 184.298 187.776 455.309 381.630 9.714 21 .190 26.667 43.946 46.530 50.000 55.736 60.137 69.575 79.411 69.276 74.583 81.188 77.180 76.231 126.344 155.737 4.000 25,000 40.000 67.937 87.539 104.030 106.692 111 .913 157.586 165.027 171 .525 185.903 188.581 174.806 163.752 247.312 302.320 25.714 41 .667 55.476 82.287 84.543 87.531 92.639 94.845 107.311 134.621 152.270 157.930 183.403 205.082 164.686 179.368 212.727 48.571 90.000 109.762 136.547 164.038 191.310 214.914 194.158 247.995 320.979 273.572 319.623 344.437 347.402 357.215 528.360 634.984 133.714 150.286 166.000 216.622 276.190 344.762 548.654 543.218 650.503 667.495 695.361 814.779 1044.047 945.009 1002.064 1047.137 988.769 949.660 1536.694 1687.398 6.286 6.857 9.143 11 .260 13.333 16.905 26.233 21.609 21 .033 24.570 21.821 19.811 27.322 34.643 42.444 67.030 76.338 53.735 66.263 60.690 140.001 157.143 165.143 227.882 289.523 361.667 574.886 564.826 671.546 692.064 717.183 834.590 1071.368 979.650 1044.507 1114.165 1065.106 1003.395 1602.954 1748.090 (a) Includes errors and ommissions. (b) Data for the period 1969-1971 is obtained by subtracting net indirect tax on domestic product from GDP at market price. --J TABLE NA.I./1C: GAZA STRIP: DISTRIBUTION OF GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT BY INDUSTRIAL ORIGIN, 1968-1987 (in percent) YEAR AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, AND FISHERY INDUSTRY CONSTRUCTION AND PUBLIC WORKS PUBLIC AND COMMUNITY SERVICES, ELECTRICITY, AND WATER TRANSPORT, TRADE, OTHER SERVICES, AND ERRORS As a percentage of GDP at factor cost (%) 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 28.99 2.90 2.90 21.74 million USS 43.48 .. 32.52 28.51 25.73 29.37 31,23 30.69 29.00 23.22 18.52 20.47 15.94 16.09 13.87 19.06 19.81 18.63 6.44 6.38 7.60 9.47 10.24 11 .51 12,54 12.06 9.73 8,61 9.25 9.88 9.66 9.02 10,44 13.68 10.43 14.04 14.91 17.78 20.28 17.07 21 .32 24.82 21.03 23.48 23.40 23.71 21.98 19.41 21 .52 21 .17 20.25 20.00 21.78 21.74 19.06 17.61 18.96 16.27 19.18 21.56 22.50 24.84 31.27 27.32 20.65 19.67 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (at factor cost) 30.37 31.06 29.97 21.64 19.19 23.12 18.18 23.63 31.55 25.88 28.91 25.48 23.21 25.18 27.59 26.85 39.429 42.000 51 . 143 65.952 77.619 111.905 153.363 163.249 195.592 213.384 196.907 253.892 287.724 294.838 291.441 298.091 261.383 242.699 347.648 435.737 NET INDIRECT TAX ON DOMESTIC PRODUCTION ( I. ) 2.13 2.00 2.19 1.60 2.10 1. 88 1. 87 2.63 2.27 2.45 2.00 0.35 1 .21 0.85 1. 48 2.42 3.26 5.24 4.82 3.91 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (at market price) million USS 40.286 42.857 52.286 67.024 79.286 114,048 156.278 167.666 200.126 218.738 200.917 254.796 291.237 297.375 295.809 305.491 270.192 256.112 365.255 453.480 OJ TABLE NA.II./1C: WEST BANK: DISTRIBUTION OF GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT BY INDUSTRIAL ORIGIN. 1968-1987 (in percent) YEAR AGRICULTURE. FORESTRY, AND FISHERY INDUSTRY CONSTRUCTION AND PUBLIC WORKS PUBLIC AND COMMUNITY SERVICES, ELECTRICITY. AND WATER TRANSPORT, TRADE, OTHER SERVICES, AND ERRORS million US$ As a percentage of GDP at factor cost (%) 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 36.36 36.81 34.76 45.15 29.64 34.41 29.07 35.55 30.91 38.44 33.53 30.62 26.91 20.35 20.02 32.50 24.00 9.09 8.15 8.38 8.17 8.18 6.59 6.86 7.11 6.95 6.80 6,75 6,70 6.91 7,14 7.68 7.57 7.68 3.03 8.51 10.43 11 .40 15.40 14.15 15.47 14.03 16.86 13.82 15.73 16.56 15.74 16.13 16.50 14.51 16.79 18.18 13.07 14.21 12.37 12.91 11.05 12.13 11.54 11.77 10.50 13.64 13.00 14.60 16.96 13.92 9.05 10.15 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (at factor cost) 33.33 33.45 32.21 22.92 33.87 33.80 36.46 31.77 33.52 30.44 30.34 33.12 35.84 39.42 41.88 36.37 41.38 94.286 108.286 114.857 150.670 198.571 232.857 395.291 379.969 454.912 454.110 498.453 560.888 756.323 650. 170 710.623 749.046 727.386 706.961 1189.046 1251.662 NET INDIRECT TAX ON DOMESTIC PRODUCTION GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (at market price) (% ) million USS 5.44 5.25 7.09 6.33 5.55 5.96 5.57 4.33 3.50 4.06 3.45 3.26 3.05 4.71 5.09 7.37 8.50 5.40 3.93 3.32 99.715 114.286 112.857 160.858 210.238 247.619 418.608 397 161 471.420 473.326 516,266 579.795 780.131 682,275 748.698 808.674 794,915 747 283 1237.700 1294.610 '-D TABLE NA.III./1C: OCCUPIED TERRITORY: DISTRIBUTION OF GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT BY INDUSTRIAL ORIGIN, 1968-1987 (in percent) YEAR AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, AND FISHERY INDUSTRY CONSTRUCTION AND PUBLIC WORKS PUBLIC AND COMMUNITY SERVICES, ELECTRICITY, AND WATER TRANSPORT, TRADE, OTHER SERVICES, AND ERRORS 34.19 35.60 32.73 39.72 29.56 33.46 29.59 33.70 28.51 32.95 29.46 26.35 23.83 18.64 19.77 29.63 22.62 7.26 7.67 7.73 8.01 8.57 7.69 8.35 8.65 8.54 7.61 7.33 7.44 7.75 7.81 8.03 8.22 9.23 2.99 9.05 11 .60 12.38 16.11 15.99 15.98 16.09 19.34 15.81 18.15 18.55 18.01 17.68 17.24 16.09 17.92 19.23 15.09 16.09 15.00 15.56 13.46 13.88 13.64 13.17 12.89 16.11 15.76 17.51 20.74 17.34 11.67 12.61 (at factor coat) million US$ As a percentage of GDP at factor cost (x) 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 GROSS DOHESTIC PRODUCT 36.32 32.59 31.84 24.89 30.20 29.41 32.20 27.92 30.44 30.74 28.95 31.90 32.89 35.13 37.62 34.38 37.63 133.714 150.286 166.000 216.622 276.190 34-,f.762 548.654 543.218 650.503 667.495 695.361 814.779 1044.047 945.009 1002.064 1047.137 988.769 949.660 J 536.694 1687.398 NET INDIRECT TAX ON DOMESTIC PRODUCTION 0:) 4.49 4.36 5.22 4.94 4.61 4.67 4.56 3.83 3.13 3.55 3.04 2.37 2.55 3.54 4.06 6.02 7.17 5.36 4.13 3.47 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (at market price) million US$ 140.000 157.143 175.143 227.882 289.524 361.667 574.887 564.826 671.536 692.064 717.182 834.590 1071.370 979.651 1044.508 1114.167 1065.106 1003.395 1602.957 1748.088 I-' 0 - :;OURCE~;: II - TABU~~) NA.l/1A NA.ll1/1A (1) Agriculture, FOrC'!it:ry dnd Fi~,hirl(l; Industry; Construction: PllbLi<;: \dorks ano f<:U~ct.ricity; Trafl,jport. Trade, OUwr ~~(7rvice,.; and b:rrors: 198':> 8'/: ,J~)GM), 1988, vol. XVUL No. 1. Table 14, p. 3':> and Table 6, p. )'S for Gaza ;5t:rip and the West !:lank [(;sppctively. b'or the ~)I~ries "Transport, Trade, other ~)c"rvices and Errors", data was compu r (~d a!-; t h(.; diE f (; r c}nce bc: tI,leen GDP a 1: f ac t or cos t and the ;,IJm of the other four ,"ectors. 1984: ~:;l\1. 198'1. No. 38, Tablc; XXVIL/lO, p. 707. 19T1 BO: ,J:}GA:;, 198':>, vol. XV, No.1. Table 13, p. 1'7':> and Table 6, p. 168 for GaZd ;3t:rip and trw West Bank tr;spectiv(~ly. lIn') 130: ,]SGr'\;3. 1980, vol. X. No. 1. 2, Table 7, p. 69. 1912 '14: .];;GA:i, 19'(/, vol. VIL No. L Table 8, p. '/4. ( 2) Gl)P d t I:'ac: t.or Co;,; t : 19B':> B'l: Ddti1 Wd;'; obtained by ;;ut.rdcti.ng Net IndiLect Tax on Domestic PrlJduct'lon from GDP at r-'iarket Pr ices. 19'/2 B1: Data 'das obt.ained by :~umfTIiflg up the; five cornponenU,; of GDP at Factor Co,,;t:. 1969 "11: Data I;h3;; obt.ained by :~ubtract"irlY N(~t lndiL(;ct Tax on Domc~;~tic PtOdlJ('!LOn ftorn C;DP at TIIarket price. 1968: ~iAL No, 3B. 19F3"/. p. '/0"1. Table XXVI L/lO. (3) Net lnrJirect Tax on DOlT\(' ~~ tic Production: B"/: ~J~?GAS , 1988, vo 1. XV I. Ll, No. 2, Table 'I. p. 26 (W(;S t Bank) . 8~1 : ,);3GA:i, 1988, vo 1 . XVL i L, No. 2, Tahle 1:) , p. 36 (Gaza ;)trip). ,J:,GA;) , 198'1. vol. XV i i , No. 3, Tilble 7, p. 84 (We:,; t Bank) . B3: 81: ~J~iql;\~) , 198"/, vol. XVI. i, No. :;, Table: 1':>. p. 94 (Gaza S trip) . )9: J ~;GA~j , 1913':>. vol. XV, No. 1. Tab j(; 1 r) , p. 176 and Table 7, p. 169 for C;aza ~; tr ip and the W~;st Bank r espc;ct ive 1 y. 19"/4 '/6 : :;A I. 1980, No. 31. Table,; XXVli/6. pp. 686 687. 19-;2 ~;A 1., 19'/8, No. 29, Table XXVL/6, pp. ~/68 '/69. ;3AL 19'1':> , NO. 26, Table XXVi!'! , pp. 68B 689. 1968 "11 : 1984 198:, 1980 1980 19T1 n: (In GDP at Markel: Pr jC{;s: 198':> 8"1: 19"72 84: 19n: 196B "10: ,J:,GA;;, 19B8, vol. VXLl t, No. ~:. Tabll'; 10, p. 31 and Table 2, [l. 21 lor C; a Z d :, t: r i, P d n cJ t tw "J c; ,,; t HeHl k [(; [-j p n c ti vel y . Uata WiJS obtilillr:d by ad<lirt,] up l;[)P at Factor Cost to Net lTldirect. Tax on Dornc;;-;tic t'rorlllct.ion. :;AL. 19"1'1. No. :~E3, Tdble XXVliI6, l'P, '706!(J"i. SAL J9"1l), No. 7.6, Tabl(, XXVI 1./6, p. 696. NA. [ J[ 11 B: CaL("llldted horn N(;w 'hrrwl i ~,hc:ke1 ~,OlJf-<CE:,: Cdlculateo data if) 'rables NA.1/11\ 'I'I\BI.f':~) N/\. lIle NA.l11IlA. NA.lfl./lC: from Unitecl ~,tilt(~" dol Ldr cldtain 'l.'dbl(;s NA.l/lB NA. 1. L1 1 lB. 1 0 NA/2 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT BY TYPE OF EXPENDITURE TABLE NA.I./2A: GAZA STRIP: GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT BY TYPE OF EXPENDITURE, 1968-1987 (Millions of current New Israeli Shekels) TYPE OF EXPENDITURE PLUS MINUS EXPORTS OF GOODS AND SERVICES IMPORTS OF GOODS AND SERVICES EQUALS YEAR GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 0.0019 0.0025 0.0034 0.0043 0,0055 0.0077 0,0121 0.0167 0.0222 0,0279 0.0499 0.0929 02193 0,5235 1 .1823 3,0634 17,5400 45,6000 68.0000 97.1000 PRIVATE FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE (a) 0.0142 0.0174 0.0204 0,0270 0.0373 0.0499 0.0802 0.1285 0.1642 0.2721 0.3909 0.6756 1 ,6753 3.7449 8.1826 21.4901 106,3159 448.4998 775.7993 977.5996 GROSS DOMESTIC CAPITAL FORMATION TOTAL DOMESTIC EXPENDITURE 0.0011 0.0024 0.0025 0.0036 0.0077 0.0130 0.0212 0.0341 0.0538 0.0652 0.1237 0.2574 0,5059 1 .2956 2.6988 6.4919 28,5930 99.0000 183.7000 251.9000 0.0172 0.0223 0.0263 0,0349 0.0505 0.0706 0.1135 0.1793 0.2402 0.3652 0.5645 1 .0259 2.4005 5,5640 12,0637 31 .0453 152.4489 593.0994 1027,4995 1326,5994 (a) by resident households and non-profit institutions 0.0038 0.0041 0,0062 0.0123 0.0160 0.0203 0.0300 0.0548 0.0870 0.1557 0.2223 0.3265 0.8319 2.2809 4.6389 10.0223 34.6340 136.0000 231.8000 279.4998 0.0079 0.0115 0.0145 0.0213 0.0338 0.0436 0.0741 0.1310 o . 1774 o .2921 0.4360 0.7042 1 .7405 4.4456 9.5238 23.8947 107.8599 427.3997 715.6997 882.6997 TOTAL EXPENDITURE ON GDP 0.0131 0.0149 0.0180 0.0259 0.0327 0.0473 0.0694 0.1031 0.1498 0.2288 0.3508 0.6482 1.4919 3.3993 7.1788 17.1730 79.2230 301.6997 543.5999 723.3994 r--' '-N TABLE NA.II./2A: WEST BANK: GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT BY TYPE OF EXPENDITURE, 1968-1987 (Millions of current New Israeli Shekels) TYPE OF EXPENDITURE PLUS MINUS TOTAL DOMESTIC EXPENDITURE EXPORTS OF GOODS AND SERVICES IMPORTS OF GOODS AND SERVICES 0.0435 0.0.53 0.0626 0.0805 o . 1199 0.1508 0.2560 0.3673 0.5258 0.7392 1 .2401 2.2711 5.7756 11 .9846 27.1373 68.0719 338.9307 1295.5000 2495.3000 3020.2000 0.0127 0.0120 0.0116 0.0167 0.0253 0.0285 0.0493 0.0788 EQUALS YEAR GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE PRIVATE FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE GROSS DOMESTIC CAPITAL FORMATION TOTAL EXPENDITURE ON GDP (a) 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 0.0051 0.0056 0.0065 0.0083 0.0109 0.0139 0.0217 0.0293 0.0381 0.0548 0.0891 0.1612 0.3940 0.9835 2.2000 6.1752 34.2600 108.1000 160.4000 214.8000 0.0359 0.0450 0.0506 0.0635 0.0913 0.1185 0.1808 0.2857 0.4006 0.5663 0.8800 1 .6661 4.0987 9.0318 19.0758 49.8103 242.5300 948.8000 1758.1000 2213.0000 0.0025 0.0057 0.0055 0.0087 0.0177 0.0183 0.0535 0.0523 0.0871 O. '181 0.2710 0.4438 1 .2829 1.9693 5.8616 12.0864 62.1407 238.6000 576.8000 592.4000 (a) by resident households and non-profit institutions o. 1111 0.1465 0.2758 0.4269 1 .0955 2.6592 5.5309 12.7850 64.7230 217.4000 388.3000 408.6000 0.0219 0.0276 0.0292 0.0375 0.0556 0.0744 0.1167 0.1909 0.2646 0.3906 0.6148 1.2230 2.8740 6.8447 14.4997 35.3983 170.5419 632.8000 1042.4000 1364.2000 0.0343 0.0407 0.0450 0.0597 0.0896 0.1049 0.1886 0.2552 0.3723 0.4951 0.9011 1.4750 3.9971 7.7991 18.1685 45.4586 233.1117 880.1000 1841.2000 2064.6000 t-' +=I TABLE NA.III./2A: OCCUPIED TERRITORY: GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT BY TYPE OF EXPENDITURE, 1968-1987 (Millions of current New Israeli Shekels) TYPE OF EXPENDITURE PLUS HINUS EXPORTS OF GOODS AND SERVICES IMPORTS OF GOODS AND SERVICES EQUALS YEAR GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 0.0070 0.0081 0.0099 0.0126 0.0164 0.0216 0.0338 0.0460 0.0603 0.0827 0.1390 0.2541 0.6133 1.5070 3.3823 9.2386 51.8000 153.7000 228.4000 311,9000 PRIVATE FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE (a) GROSS DOMESTIC CAPITAL FORMATION TOTAL DOMESTIC EXPENDITURE 0.0501 0.0624 0.0710 0.0905 0.1286 o . 1685 0.2610 0.4142 0.5648 0.8384 1 .2709 2.3417 5.7740 12.7767 27.2584 71 .3004 348.8457 1397.3000 2533.9000 3190.6000 0.0036 0.0081 0.0080 0.0123 0.0254 0.0313 0.0747 0.0864 0.1409 0.1833 0.3947 0.7012 1 .7888 3.2649 8.5604 18.5783 90.7340 337.6000 760.5000 844.3000 0.0607 0.0786 0.0889 0.1154 0.1704 0.2214 0.3695 0.5466 0.7660 1.1044 1 .8046 3.2970 8.1761 17.5486 39.2010 99.1172 491 .3794 1888.6000 3522.8000 4346.8000 (al by resident households and non-profit institutions 0.0165 0.0161 0.0178 0.0290 0.0413 0.0488 0.0793 0.1336 0.1981 0.3022 0.4981 0.7534 1 .9274 4.9401 10 . 1698 22.8073 99.3570 353.4000 620.1000 688.1000 0.0298 0.0391 0.0437 0.0588 0.0894 O. 1180 0.1908 0.3219 0.4420 0.6827 1 .0508 1 .9272 4.6145 11 .2903 24.0235 59.2930 278.4016 1060.2000 1758.1000 2246.9000 TOTAL EXPENDITURE ON GDP 0.0474 0.0556 0.0630 0.0856 0.1223 0.1522 0.2580 0.3583 0.5221 0.7239 1.2519 2.1232 5.4890 11.1984 25.3473 62.6315 312.3345 1181.8000 2384.8000 2788.0000 f-' V1 TABLE NA.I./2B: GAZA STRIP: GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT BY TYPE OF EXPENDITURE, 1968-1987 (Millions of current United States dollars) TYPE OF EXPENDITURE PLUS MINUS EXPORTS OF GOODS AND SERVICES IMPORTS OF GOODS AND SERVICES 10.857 11. 71 4 17.714 32.976 38.095 48.333 67.265 86.435 109.572 148.853 127.320 128.341 162.354 199.536 191 .161 178.288 118.120 115.450 155.780 175.235 22.571 32.857 41 .429 57.105 80.476 103.810 166.143 206.625 223.426 279.254 249.714 276.808 339.676 388.907 392.458 425.066 367.859 362.818 480.981 553.417 --- EQUALS YEAR GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE PRIVATE FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE GROSS DOMESTIC CAPITAL FORMATION TOTAL DOMESTIC EXPENDITURE TOTAL EXPEND ITURE ON GDP (a) 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 198<j 1985 1986 1987 5.429 7.143 9.714 11.528 13.095 18.333 27.130 26.341 27.960 26.673 28.580 36.517 42.799 45.796 48.720 54.495 59.821 38.710 45.699 60.878 40.571 49 714 58.286 72,386 88.810 118.810 179.821 202.681 206.801 260.134 223.883 265.566 326.951 327.609 337.190 382.290 362.593 380.730 521 .371 612.915 3.143 6.857 7.143 9.651 18.333 30.952 47.534 53.785 67.758 62.333 70.848 101 .179 98.731 '13.341 111 .213 115.485 97.517 84.041 123.454 157.931 (a) by resident households and non-profit institutions 49.143 63.714 75.143 93.566 120.238 168.095 254.484 282.807 302.519 349.139 323.310 403.262 468.481 486.746 497. 123 552.271 519.931 503.480 690.524 831.724 37.429 42.571 51.429 69.437 77.857 112.619 155.605 162.618 188.665 218.738 200.916 254.796 291.158 297.375 295.825 305.493 270.192 256.112 365.322 453.542 i-' 0\ TABLE NA.II./2B: WEST BANK: GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT BY TYPE OF EXPENDITURE, 1968-1987 (Millions of current United States dollars) PLUS TYPE OF EXPENDITURE YEAR GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 tal by MINUS EQUALS ---------- 14.571 16.000 18.571 22.252 25.952 33.095 48.655 46.215 47.985 52.390 51.031 63.365 76.893 86.038 90.658 199.852 116.845 91.766 107.796 134.671 PRIVATE FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE (a) 102.571 128.571 144.571 170.241 217.381 282.381 405.381 450.631 504.534 541.396 504.009 654.913 799.902 790.114 786.079 886.083 827. 155 805.433 1181 .519 1387.461 GROSS DOMESTIC CAPITAL FORMATION TOTAL DOMESTIC EXPEND ITURE EXPORTS OF GOODS AND SERVICES IMPORTS OF GOODS AND SERVICES 7.143 16.286 15.714 23.324 42.143 43.571 119.955 82.492 109.698 112.906 155.212 174.450 250.371 172.277 241.546 215.007 211 .933 202.547 397.633 371.409 124.286 160.857 178.857 215.818 285.476 359.047 573.990 579.337 662.216 706.692 710.252 892.728 1127.165 1048.429 1118.283 1210.932 1155.932 1099.745 1686.948 1893.542 36.286 34.286 33. '43 44.772 60.238 67.857 110.538 124.290 139.924 140.057 157.961 167.807 213.798 232.631 227.919 227.434 220.739 184.550 260.954 256.175 62.571 78.857 83.429 100.536 132.381 177 . 143 261 .659 301.104 333.249 373.422 352.119 480.739 560.889 598.784 597.506 629.706 581.637 537.181 700.538 855.298 resident households and non-profit institutions TOTAL EXPENDITURE ON GDP 98.000 116.286 128.571 160.054 213.333 249.761 422.869 402.523 468.891 473.326 516.094 579.796 780.073 682.275 748.695 808.670 795.034 747.114 1247.365 1294.419 I-' -..l TABLE NA.III./2B: OCCUPIED TERRITORY: GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT BY TYPE OF EXPENDITURE, 1968-1987 (Millions of current United States dollars) TYPE OF EXPENDITURE PLUS MINUS IMPORTS OF GOODS AND SERVICES EQUALS YEAR GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 20.000 23.143 28.286 33.780 39.048 51.429 75.785 72.555 75.945 79.063 79.611 99.882 119.692 131.834 139.379 164.347 176.665 130.475 153.495 195.549 PRIVATE FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPEND ITURE (a) GROSS DOMESTIC CAPITAL FORMATION TOTAL DOMESTIC EXPEND ITURE EXPORTS OF GOODS AND SERVICES 143.143 178.286 202.857 242.274 306.190 401.190 585.201 653.312 711 .335 801.530 727.892 920.479 1126.853 1117.723 1123.269 1268.374 1189.748 1186.163 1702.890 2000.376 10.286 23.143 22.857 32.976 60.476 74.524 167.489 136.278 177.456 175.239 226.060 275.629 349.102 285.618 352.758 330.492 309.450 286.588 521 .088 529.341 173.429 224.571 254.000 309.383 405.714 527.142 828.474 862.145 964.735 1055.831 1033.562 1295.990 1595.646 1535.175 1615.406 1763.213 1675.863 1603.226 2377.472 2725.266 47.143 46.000 50.857 77.748 98.333 116.190 177.803 210.726 249.496 288.910 285.280 296. 148 376.151 432.167 419.079 405.722 338.859 300.000 416.734 431 .410 (a) by resident households and non-profit institutions 85.143 111.714 124.857 157.641 212.857 280.952 427.802 507.729 556.675 652.677 601 .833 757.546 900.565 987.690 989.965 1054.772 949.496 899.999 1181.519 1408.715 TOTAL EXPENDITURE ON GDP 135.428 158.857 180.000 229.491 291.190 362.380 578.474 565,141 657.556 692.064 717.010 834.597 1071.232 979.651 1044.520 1114.163 1065.226 1003.226 1612.688 1747.961 f-' (l) - n- ;)OU1~CE;~: (1) TABLE;; NA. 1/ 7.A NA. IT 1/2A General GovernmNlt Exp(~[ldHure, Gross lJom('~~tic Capital Formation, dnd Exports and ]mports of Goods and S(~rv Jc(~s: 1985 8'1: ,E;_~;AS, 1988, vol. XV!lL No. ;:, Table 9, p. :30 and 'l'db1e 1, p. 20 [or (~aza ;~trip and the 1,,1(~~.;t Hank respectiv(;]y. ;;hL 198'/, No. 38, Table XXVI1/6, p. '70~. 1984: cJ~~~-;A;~, 198~, vol. XV, No.2, Table 8, p. 170 and Table L p. 19T1 83: 163 for c;aza ;-;t r ip amI Uw w(:~.;t Hank rwopec:t ivp 1y. ~';hJ" 1980, No. 31. Table XXVI 1/6, Pl'. 686 68'/; for [~:xP()rts 1974 "/6: and lmports in 19'/5-'16: Sf-I. 19B2, No. 31. Table XXVll/6, pp. 736 73. 1972 ., 4: SAL 1978, No. 29, Table XXVLL/6, pp. '/68 '/69. ;)~J, 19"'), No. 26, Table XXVI/), pp. 688 689. 196871: (Note: ~or Exports and lml'orts of Goods and Services, data for the period prior to 19'1'1 is (~xc1usive of slJh:-;idies on Exports and of Taxes on lmports). (2) Private Fjnal Consumption Expenclit1J[(~: 'l'he item was obtained by adding the t:hre(-~ components of DO[!l(cst:ic consumption EXp(mditun~ by Households (nalfl(~ly the Consumption of Agricul tural Goocls, the Consumpt ion of [\1anufactun~cl Goods, and the Consumption of Services) P.!llfj the Net Direct Purcha:;;es Abroad (i.e. direct purchases by residPrlts abroad less clirect purchases in the domestic market by non r(~sident.s). 1985-8'1: ~J~9l\S, 1988, vol. XVL1L, No.2, Table 11, p. 32 and 'l'abl(~ 3, p. 7.2 for Gaza ;~t:rip and thf; West Hank [(~~>pectiv(~ly. :>br, 198"1, No. 38, Table XXVll/8, p. 'IO"/' 1984: ,JIiGAS, 1985, vol. XV, No. 2, Tabl(~ 10, p. 1)2 and Table 3, p. 19T! 83: 16':> for Gaza ;;trip and the IrJest Hank U;sp(;('tiv(dy. !)~.l, 1978, No. 29, Table XXVII/B, p. TIL 197':> '/6: eJ!iQ_AS, 1976, vol. Vi, No. L Table; 6, p. "2 and Table, ~, p. 1972- 74: 71 for C;aza ;3trip and the \el(;st Hank r(;sp(~ctiv(~ly. s~I. 197':>, No. 26, Table xxvl/9, p. 691. 1971 : Sln, 19'13, No. 24, Table XXVL/8, p. "/00. 1968 70: (3) 'l'otal Domestic Expenditure: figures were obtained as a sum of its three componerlts, namely General Governm(~rtt Expenditllre, private Final COn~.,llfflpt·iofl EXp(~ndirure and Gross Domestic capital ~orfflati()n. !:;QURCf~;3: 'l'ABLES_ NA. 1/21:3 NA.11l/7.13: Calculated from New lsr<'1(;li ;;hekel clata in Tabl(;s NA.1I2A ;;OURCES: TABLE;, NA. 1/2C ---. - - --- -~- -"" - - - - NJ\.111/2/\. NA .ll1/2C: Calculated from United :;tates dollar data in Tabl(;s NA.l/2B NA.1LlI7.B. - 23 - NA/3 GRO~)S NAT LONAI~ DlSP(X;A8LE INCOMI:<: BY MAlN COt-1PONENTS TABLE NA.I./3A: GAZA STRIP: GROSS NATIONAL DISPOSABLE INCOME BY MAIN COMPONENTS, 1968-1987 (Millions of current New Israeli Shekels) YEAR GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (at market price) FACTOR INCOME FROM ABROAD FACTOR INCOME TO ABROAD NET FACTOR INCOME FROM ABROAD GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT NET CURRENT TRANSFERS FROM ABROAD GROSS NATIONAL DISPOSABLE INCOME (b) (a) (1 ) 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 0.0141 0.0150 0.0183 0.0250 0.0333 0.0479 0.0697 0.1063 o . 1589 0.2288 0.3508 0.6482 1.4923 3.3993 7.1784 17.1729 79.2230 301 .7000 543.5000 723.3000 (2) 0.0002 0.0009 0.00:50 0.0046 0.0129 0.0207 0.0293 0.04',6 0.0639 0.0864 0.1585 0.3474 0.8014 2.0634 4.83/,0 14.1490 59.0830 185.5000 357.6000 507.8000 (3 ) 0.0002 0.0002 0.0003 0.0004 0.0005 0.0006 0.0010 0.0013 0.0014 0.0018 0.0039 0.0082 0.0207 0.0401 0.0870 0.2200 1 .2910 3.6000 4.8000 8.0000 (4)=(3)-(2) 0.0000 0.0007 0.0027 0.0042 0.0124 0.0201 0.0283 0.0433 0.0625 0.0846 0.1546 0.3392 0.7807 2.0233 4.7470 13.9290 57.7920 181.9000 352.8000 499.8000 (5)=(1)+(4) 0.0141 0.0157 0.0210 0.0292 0.0457 0.0680 0.0980 0.1496 0.2214 0.3134 0.5054 0.9874 2.2730 5.4226 11 .9254 31.1019 137.0150 483.6000 896.3000 1223.1000 (6 ) O.OOOOc O.OOOOc 0.0099 0.0110 0.0110 0.0048 0.0063 0.0186 0.0417 0.0528 0.0734 0.0980 0.2604 0.6119 1 .2421 2.3675 16.3870 48.5000 64.5000 90.7000 (7)=(5)+(6) 0.0141c 0.0157c 0.0309 0.0402 0.0567 o .0728 0.1043 o. 1682 0.2631 0.3662 0.5788 1.0854 2.5334 6.0345 13.1675 33.4693 153.4019 532.1000 960.8000 1313.8000 (a) Figures for years 1968-1977 are derived from data for transfer payments transactions on the current account (b) Excluding capital consumption (e) Data covers both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip N +-- TABLE NA.II.!3A: WEST BANK: GROSS NATIONAL DISPOSABLE INCOME BY MAIN COMPONENTS, 1968-1987 (Millions of current New Israeli Shekels) YEAR GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (at market price) ( 1) 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 0.0338 0.0399 0.0429 0.0596 0.0883 0.1040 0.1867 0.2518 0.3725 0.4951 0.9011 1.4750 3.9971 7.7991 18.1686 45.4586 233.0780 880.3000 1841.7000 2064.9000 FACTOR INCOME FROM ABROAD (2 1 0.0017 0.0050 0.0089 0.0175 0.0296 0.0342 0.0514 0.0884 0.1123 0.1572 0.2633 0.5177 1.1432 2.7037 6.7090 17.4820 71.5079 257.0000 447.2000 668.6000 FACTOR INCOME TO ABROAD (3 ) 0.0006 0.0008 0.0009 0.0011 0.0012 0.0015 0.0020 0.0024 0.0030 0.0036 0.0089 0.0170 0.0383 0.0813 0.2240 0.6090 3.0910 8.4000 11.1000 12.8000 NET FACTOR INCOME FROM ABROAD (4)=(3)-(2) 0.0011 0.0042 0.0080 0.0164 0.0284 0.0327 0.0494 0.0860 0.1093 0.1536 0.2544 0.5007 1.1049 2.6224 6.4850 16.8730 68.4169 248.6000 436.1000 655.8000 GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT (5)=(1)+(4) 0.0360 0.0442 0.0510 0.0764 o . 1167 0.1367 0.2361 0.3378 0.4836 0.6487 1 ,1558 1.9757 5.1023 10.4215 24.6537 62.3318 301.4937 1128.9000 2277.8000 2720.7000 NET CURRENT TRANSFERS FROM ABROAD (a) (6 ) 0.0211c 0.0199c 0.0128 0.0117 0.0118 0.0053 0.0100 0.0060 0.0321 0.0364 0.0856 0.1273 0.3241 0.7516 1 .3561 2.4520 9.8800 37.9000 45.8000 116.5000 GROSS NATIONAL DISPOSABLE INCOME (b) (7)=(5)+(6) 0.0571c 0.0641c 0.0638 0.0881 o . 1285 0.1420 0.2461 0.3438 0.5157 0.6851 1.2414 2.1030 5.4264 11.1731 26.0098 64.7838 311.3735 1166.8000 2323.6000 2837.2000 Cal Figures for years 1968-1977 are derived from data for transfer payments transactions on the current account Cb) Excluding capital consumption (cl Data covers both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip f\) V1 TABLE NA.III./3A: OCCUPIED TERRITORY: GROSS NATIONAL DISPOSABLE INCOME BY MAIN COMPONENTS, 1968-1987 (Millions of current New Israeli Shekels) YEAR GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (at market price) FACTOR INCOME FROM ABROAD FACTOR INCOME TO ABROAD NET FACTOR INCOME FROM ABROAD GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT NET '.:URRENT TRANSFERS FROM ABROAD GROSS NATIONAL DISPOSABLE INCOME (b) (a) (1 ) 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 i 979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 0.0490 0.0550 0.0613 0.0850 0.1216 0.1519 o .2564 0.3581 0.5332 0.7239 1.2522 2.1232 5.4897 11.1984 25.3470 62.6317 312.2996 1182.0000 2385.2000 2788.2000 (2) 0.0019 0.0059 O. 0119 0.0221 0.0425 0.0549 0.0807 0.1330 0.1762 0.2436 0.4218 0.8651 1 .9446 4.7671 11.5430 31.6310 130.5909 442.5000 804.8000 1176.4000 (3 ) 0.0008 0.0010 0.0012 0.0015 0.0017 0.0021 0.0030 0.0037 0.0044 0.0054 0.0128 0.0252 0.0590 0.1214 0.3110 0.8290 4.3820 12.0000 15.9000 20.8000 (4)=(3)-(2) 0.0011 0.0049 0.0107 0.0206 0.0408 0.0528 0.0777 0.1293 0.1718 0.2382 0.4090 0.8399 1.8856 4.6457 11 .2320 30.8020 126.2089 430.5000 788.9000 1155.6000 (5)=(1)+(4) 0.0501 0.0599 0.0720 o. 1056 o . 1624 0.2047 0.3341 0.4874 0.7050 0.9621 1.6612 2.9631 7.3753 15.8441 36.5791 93.4337 438.5083 1612.5000 3174.1000 3943.8000 (6) 0.0211E 0.0199E 0.0227E 0.0227 0.0228 0.0101 0.0163 0.0246 0.0738 0.0892 0.1590 0.2253 0.5845 1.3635 2.5982 4.8195 26.2670 86.4000 110.3000 207.2000 (7)=(5)+(6) 0.0712E 0.0798E 0.0947E o . 1283 0.1852 0.2148 0.3504 0.5120 o .7788 1 .0513 1.8202 3.1884 7.9598 17.2076 39.1772 98.2532 464.7753 1698.9000 3284.4000 4151.0000 (al Figures for years 1968-1977 are derived from data for transfer payments transactions on the current account Excluding capital consumption Cbl [\) 0' TABLE NA.I./3B: GAZA STRIP, GROSS NATIONAL DISPOSABLE INCOME BY MAIN COMPONENTS, 1968-1987 (Millions of current United States dollars) YEAR GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (at market pr ice) FACTOR INCOME FROM ABROAD FACTOR INCOME TO ABROAD NET FACTOR INCOME FROM ABROAD GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT NET CURRENT TRANSFERS FROM ABROAD GROSS NATIONAL DISPOSABLE INCOME (bJ (a) (1) 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 40.286 42.857 52.286 67.024 79.286 1'4.048 156.278 167.666 200.126 218.738 200.917 254.796 291.237 297.375 295.809 305.491 270.192 256.112 365.255 453.480 (2) 0.571 2.571 8.571 12.332 30.714 49.286 65.695 70.347 80.479 82.600 90.779 136.557 156.401 180.509 199.200 251 .699 201.504 157.470 240.323 318.369 (3 ) 0.571 0.571 0.857 1.072 1 .190 1.429 2.242 2.050 1 .763 1 .721 2.234 3.223 4.040 3.508 3.585 3.914 4.403 3.056 3.226 5.016 (4)=(3)-(2) 0.000 2.000 7.714 11 .260 29.524 47.857 63.453 68.297 78.715 80.880 88.545 133.333 152.361 177.001 195.615 247.785 197.101 154.414 237.097 313.353 (5)=(1 )+(4) 40.286 44.857 60.000 78.284 108.809 161.905 219.731 235.963 278.841 299.617 289.462 388.129 443.598 474.376 491.424 553.276 467.293 410.526 602.351 766.834 (6 ) O.OOOc O.OOOc 28.371 29.383 26.262 11 .309 14.215 29.385 52.556 50.478 42.039 38.522 50.820 53.530 51.'85 42. 116 55.888 41.171 43.347 56.865 (7)=(5)+(6) 40.286c 44.857c 88.371 107.667 135.071 173.214 233.946 265.347 331 .397 350.095 331.501 426.651 494.417 527.906 542.608 595.392 523.181 451.697 645.698 823.699 (al Figures for years 1968-1977 are derived from data for transfer payments transactions on the current account (bl Excluding capital consumption (cl Data covers both the West Bank and Gaza Strip rv -...J TABLE NA.II./3B: WEST BANK: GROSS NATIONAL DISPOSABLE INCOME BY MAIN COMPONENTS, 1968-1987 (Millions of current United States dollars) YEAR GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (at market price) (1 ) 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 99.715 114.286 112.857 160.858 210.238 247.619 418,608 397,161 471.420 473.326 516.266 579.795 780,131 682.275 748.698 808,674 794,915 747,283 1237.700 1294,610 FACTOR INCOME FROM ABROAD (2) 4.857 14.286 25.429 46.917 70.476 81,429 115,247 139,432 141 ,436 150.287 150,802 203,498 223,107 236,523 276,466 310,990 243.880 218,166 300,538 419,185 FACTOR INCOME TO ABROAD (3) 1.714 2.286 2.571 2.949 2.857 3,571 4.484 3,785 3.778 3.442 5.097 6.682 7.475 7.112 9.231 10.834 10.542 7.131 7.460 8,025 NET FACTOR INCOME FROM ABROAD (4)=(3)-(2) 3.143 12.000 22.857 43.968 67.619 77.857 110.762 135.647 137.657 146.845 145.704 196.816 215.632 229,411 267.235 300.156 233.338 211.036 293.078 411 .160 GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT (5)=(1 )+(4) 102.858 126.286 135.714 204.826 277.857 325.476 529.371 532,807 609.077 620.171 661.970 776.610 995.764 911.686 1015.933 1108.831 1028.252 958.318 1530.778 1705,769 NET CURRENT TR.ANSFERS FROM ABROAD (a) (6) 60.285c 56.800c 36.628 31.260 28.071 12.690 22.332 9,463 40.428 34.799 49.026 50.039 63.251 65.751 55.882 43.619 33.696 32.173 30.780 71,787 GROSS NATIONAL DISPOSABLE INCOME (b) (7)=(5)+(6) 163.143c 183.086c 172.342 236.086 305.928 338.166 551.703 542,270 649.505 654.970 710.996 826.650 1059.015 977,437 1071.815 1152.449 1061 .948 990.491 1561.557 1777,556 Ca) Figures for years 1968-1977 are derived from data for transfer payments transactions on the current account (b) Excluding capital consumption ecl Data covers both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip I\) ()) TABLE NA.III./3B: OCCUPIED TERRITORY: GROSS NATIONAL DISPOSABLE INCOME BY MAIN COMPONENTS, 1968-1987 (Millions of current United States dollars) YEAR GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (at market price) (1 ) 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 19B 1 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 140.001 157.143 165.143 227.882 289.523 361 667 574.8B6 564.826 671.546 692 .064 717.183 834.590 1071.368 979.650 1044.507 1114.165 1065.106 1003.395 1602.954 1748.090 FACTOR INCOME FROM ABROAD FACTOR INCOME TO ABROAD NET FACTOR INCOME FROM ABROAD GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT NET CURRENT TRANSFERS FROM ABROAD GROSS NATIONAL DISPOSABLE INCOME (bl (al (2: 5.429 16.857 34.000 59.249 101 .191 130.714 180 942 209.779 221 .914 232.887 241 .581 340.055 379.50B 417.032 475.666 562.688 445.384 375.637 540.860 737.554 (3 ) 2.286 2.857 3.429 4.021 4.048 5.000 6.726 5.836 5.542 5.163 7.331 9.906 11 .514 10.620 12.816 14.747 14.945 10.187 10.685 13.041 (4)=(3)-(2) 3.143 14.000 30.571 55.228 97.143 125.714 174.215 203.943 216.373 227.725 234.250 330.149 367.993 406.412 462.850 547.941 430.438 365.450 530.174 724.514 (5)=(1)+(4) 143.144 171 .143 195.714 283.110 386.666 487.381 749.102 768.770 887.918 919.788 951.432 1164.740 1439.361 1386.062 1507.357 1662.107 1495.545 1368.844 2133.129 2472.603 (6) 60.285 56.800 64.999 60.643 54.333 23.999 36.547 38.848 92.984 85.277 91 .065 88.561 114.071 119.281 107.067 85.735 89.584 73.345 74.126 128.652 (7)=(5)+(6) 203.428 227.943 260.713 343.753 440.999 511.380 785.648 807.617 980.902 1005.065 1042.497 1253.301 1553.432 1505.342 1614.424 1747.841 1585.129 1442.189 2207.255 2601 .255 (al Figures for years 1968-1977 are derived from data for transfer payments transactions on the current account (b) Excluding capital consumption N \.D TABLE NA.I./3C: GAZA STRIP: DISTRIBUTION OF GROSS NATIONAL DISPOSABLE INCOME BY MAIN COMPONENTS, 1968-1987 (in percent) As a percentage of GNDY As a percentage of GNP YEAR GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT AT MARKET PRICE NET FACTOR INCOME FROM ABROAD GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT (GNP) GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (at market price) NET FACTOR INCOME FROM ABROAD GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT (GNP) NET CURRENT TRANSFERS FROM ABROAD (a) % 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1980Cj 1985 1986 1987 100.00 95.54 87.14 85.62 72 .87 70.44 71.12 71.06 71 .77 73,01 69,41 65.65 65.65 62.69 60.19 55.21 57.82 62.39 60.64 59.14 % million US$ 0.00 4.46 12.86 14.38 27.13 29.56 28.88 28.94 28.23 26.99 30.59 34.35 34.35 37.31 39.81 44.79 42.18 37.61 39.36 40.86 40.286 44.857 60.000 78.284 108.809 161.905 219.731 235.963 278.841 299.617 289.462 388.129 443.598 474.376 491.424 553.276 467.293 410.526 602.351 766.834 % 100.00 95.54 59.17 62.25 58.70 65.84 66.80 63.19 60.39 62.48 60.61 59.72 58.90 56.33 54.52 51.31 51.64 56.70 56.57 55.05 % 0.00 4.46 8.73 10.46 21.86 27.63 27.12 25.74 23.75 23.10 26.71 31 .25 30.82 33.53 36.05 41.62 37.67 34.19 36.72 38.04 % 100.00 100.00 67.90 72.71 80.56 93.47 93.92 88.93 84.14 85.58 87.32 90.97 89.72 89.86 90.57 92.93 89.32 90.89 93.29 93.10 GROSS NATIONAL DISPOSABLE INCOME (GNDY) (b) % million US$ 36.95c 31.02c 32.10 27.29 19.44 6.53 6.08 11. 07 15.86 14.42 12,68 9.03 10.28 10.14 9.43 7.07 10.68 9.11 6.71 6.90 40.286 44.857 88.371 107.667 135.071 173.214 233.946 265.347 331,397 350.095 331.501 426.651 494.417 527.906 542.608 595.392 523.181 451 .697 645.698 823.699 (al Figures for years 1968-1977 are derived from data for transfer payments transactions on the current account Cbl Excluding capital consumption (cl Data covers both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip VJ 0 TABLE NA.II./3CI WEST BANKI DISTRIBUTION OF GROSS NATIONAL DISPOSABLE INCOME BY MAIN COMPONENTS, 1968-1987 (in percent) As a percentage of GNDY As a percentage of GNP YEAR GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT AT MARKET PRICE 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 NET FACTOR INCOME FROM ABROAD GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT (GNP) GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (at market price) NET FACTOR INCOME FROM ABROAD GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT (GNP) NET CURRENT TRANSFERS FROM ABROAD (a) 7- 7- million US$ 7- 7- 7- 7- 96.94 90.50 83.16 78.53 75.66 76.08 79.08 74.54 77.40 76.32 77 .99 74.66 78.35 74.84 73,70 72.93 77 .31 77 .98 80.85 75.90 3.06 9.50 16.84 21.47 24.34 23.92 20.92 25.46 22.60 23.68 22.01 25.34 21.65 25.16 26.30 27.07 22.69 22.02 19.15 24.10 102.858 126.286 135.714 204.826 277.857 325.476 529.371 532.807 609.077 620.171 661 .970 776.610 995,764 911.686 1015.933 1108.831 1028.252 958.318 1530.778 1705.769 61 .12 62.42 65.48 68.14 68.72 73.22 75.88 73.24 72.58 72.27 72.61 70. 14 73.67 69.80 69.85 70.17 74.85 75.45 79.26 72 .83 1.93 6.55 13.26 18.62 22.10 23.02 20.08 25.01 21 .19 22.42 20.49 23.81 20.36 23.47 24.93 26.05 21.97 21.31 18.77 23.13 63.05 68.98 78.75 86.76 90.82 96.25 95.95 98.25 93.78 94.69 93.10 93.95 94.03 93.27 94.79 96.22 96.83 96.75 98.03 95.96 36.95c 31 .02c 21.25 13.24 9.18 3.75 4.05 1. 75 6.22 5.31 6.90 6.05 5.97 6.73 5.21 3,78 3.17 3.25 1 .97 4.04 GROSS NATIONAL DISPOSABLE INCOME (GNDYl (b) million US$ 163.143 183.086 172.342 236.086 305.928 338. 166 551.703 542.270 649.505 654.970 710.996 826.650 1059.015 977.437 1071.815 1152.449 1061.948 990.491 1561,557 1777,556 (a) Figures for years 1968-1977 are derived from data for transfer payments transactions on the current account (b) Excluding capital consumption (c) Data covers both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip ~ f-' TABLE NA.III./3C: OCCUPIED TERRITORY: DISTRIBUTION OF GROSS NATIONAL DIPOSABLE INCOME BY MAIN COMPONENTS, 19~8-1987 (in percent) As a percentage of GNP As a percentage of GNDY YEAR GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT AT MARKET PRICE 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 NET FACTOR INCOME FROM ABROAD % % 97.80 91. 82 84.38 80.49 74.88 74.21 76.74 73.47 75.63 75.24 75.38 71.65 74.43 70.68 69.29 67.03 71.22 73.30 75.15 70.70 2.20 8.18 15.62 19.51 25.12 25.79 23.26 26.53 24.37 24.76 24.62 28.35 25.57 29.32 30.71 32.97 28.78 26.70 24.85 29.30 GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT (GNP) million US$ 143.144 171.143 195.714 283. 110 386.666 487.381 749.102 768.770 887.918 919.788 951.432 1164.740 1439.361 1386.062 1507.357 1662. 107 1495.545 1368.844 2133.129 2472.603 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (at market price) NET FACTOR INCOME FROM ABROAD GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT (GNP) NET CURRENT TRANSFERS FROM ABROAD (a) GROSS NATIONAL DISPOSABLE INCOME (GNDY) (b) % % % % million US$ 68.82 68.94 63.34 66.29 65.65 70.72 73.17 69.94 68.46 68.86 68.79 66.59 68.97 65.08 64.70 63.75 67.19 69.57 72.62 67.20 1.54 6.14 11 .73 16.07 22.03 24.58 22.17 25.25 22.06 22.66 22.47 26.34 23.69 27.00 28.67 31.35 27.15 25.34 24.02 27.85 70.37 75.08 75.07 82.36 87.68 95.31 95.35 95.19 90.52 91 .52 91.26 92.93 92.66 92.08 93.37 95.09 94.35 94.91 96.64 95.05 29.63 24.92 24.93 17.64 12.32 4.69 4.65 4.81 9.48 8.48 8.74 7.07 7.34 7.92 6.63 4.91 5.65 5.09 3.36 4.95 203.428 227.943 260.713 343.753 440.999 511.380 785.648 807.617 980.902 1005.065 1042.497 1253.301 1553.432 1505.342 1614.424 1747.841 1585.129 1442.189 2207.255 2601.255 Cal Figures for years 1968-1977 are derived from data for transfer payments transactions on the current account (bl Excluding capital consumption ~ j\) - 33 - (1) GOP at Market Prices: data is from the respective tables NA/IA. (2 ) Factor Paym(-;nts to Abroad and Factor Payments from Abroad: 198587: ,:J~G}1§' , 1988, vol. XVI 11 , No. 2, Table 10, p. 3l and Table 2, p. 21 for Gaza Strip and the West 8ank respecti.vely. 1984: f:l!tI. 1987, No. 38, Table xxvllllO, p. -/09. 1982- 83 : ~)~J; , 1986, No. 37, Table XXVIl/9, p. 691. 1976 81 : S_~l, 1983, NO. 34, Table XXVll/6. pp. -/62- 763. 1975: :,tH, 1982, No. 33. Table XXVl1/6. pp. 736 737. 1972 -14: :3A l, 1978. No. 29, Table XXVI L/6. pp. 768 769. 1971 : SAl. 19n, No. 28. Table XXVll/6, pp. 707 708. 1968 "lO: SAL. 19T) , No. 26. Table XXVL/'! . pp. 688 689. (3) Net Factor Income from Abroad: figures are obtained by subtracting Factor Income to Abroad from Factor lncome from Abroad. (4) Gross National product: is computed as the sum of GOP at Market Pri.ces in column (1) and net Factor Income from Abroad in column (4). (6) Figures for Gross NAtional Disposable Income were obtained by adding Net Current Transfers from Abroad to Gross National Product. Gross National Disposable Income diEfers from Net National Disposable Income in that the fOlmer does not account for the consumption of fixed capita l. Calculated from New lsraeli Shekel data in Tables NA.l/3A - NA.lll/3A. Calculated from united States dol lar data in Tables NA.I/38 NA.ILlI38. - 34 - NA/4 PRIVATE F1NAL CON~jUr-'lP'l'ION EXPENOl'l'U~f<~ BY TYPE AN[) P!JRPO~:;E TABLE NA.I./4A: GAZA STRIP: PRIVATE FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE BY TYPE AND PURPOSE, 1968-1987 (Millions of current New Israeli Shekels) YEAR CONSUMPTION OF AGRICULTURAL GOODS 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 0.0047 0,0050 0.0055 0.0071 0.0108 0.0150 0.0209 0.0347 0.0459 0.0682 0.1005 o . 1610 0.3759 0.9242 1.8909 5.0967 28.4250 127.4000 229.0000 295.4000 PLUS PLUS EQUALS PLUS EQUALS CONSUMPTION OF MANUFACTURED GOODS CONSUMPTION OF SERVICES DOMESTIC CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE BY HOUSEHOLDS (a) NET DIRECT PURCHASES ABROAD PRIVATE FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE (a) 0.0057 0.0078 0.0097 0.0135 0.0171 0.0214 0.0381 0.0609 0.0736 0.1274 0.1627 0.2896 0.7060 1 .3994 3.0075 7.6118 35.6160 151.3000 275.8000 352.9000 0.0041 0.0043 0.0048 0.0060 0.0085 0.0120 0.0191 0.0295 0.0393 0.0527 0.0819 o. 1423 0.3857 0.8967 2.0630 5.1568 25.8480 110.0000 175.0000 224.7000 (a) Includes consumption by non-profit institutions 0.0145 0.0171 0.0200 0.0266 0.0364 0.0484 0.0781 0.1251 0.1588 0.2483 0.3451 0.5929 1 .4676 3.2203 6.9614 17.8653 89.8890 388.7000 679.8000 873.0000 -0.0003 0.0003 0.0004 0.0004 0.0009 0.0015 0.0021 0.0034 0.0054 0.0238 0.0458 0.0827 0.2077 0.5246 1 .2212 3.6248 16.4270 59.7000 96.0000 104.6000 0.0142 0.0174 0.0204 0.0270 0.0373 0.0499 0.0802 0.1285 O. 1642 0.2721 0.3909 0.6756 1.6753 3.7449 8.1826 21.4901 106.3159 448.4000 775.8000 977.6000 V-l V1 TABLE NA.II./4A: WEST BANK: PRIVATE FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE BY TYPE AND PURPOSE, 1968-1987 (Millions of current New Israeli Shekels) YEAR CONSUMPTION OF AGRICULTURAL GOODS 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 0.0123 0.0141 0.0173 0.0231 0.0329 0.0404 0.0651 0.0975 0.1492 0.1956 0.3259 0.5971 1.4421 3.2485 5.9814 17.3581 75.8829 289.5000 651.5000 748.0000 PLUS PLUS EQUALS PLUS EQUALS CONSUMPTION OF MANUFACTURED GOODS CONSUMPTION OF SERVICES DOMESTIC CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE BY HOUSEHOLDS (a) NET DIRECT PURCHASES ABROAD PRIVATE FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE 0.0138 0.0180 0.0193 0.0242 0.0360 0.0471 0.0695 0.1166 0.1532 0.1897 0.2484 0.5161 1 .2861 2.5770 5.8565 14.7936 77.2579 298.5000 518.1000 705.5000 0.0099 o .0111 0.0120 0.0147 0.0193 0.0250 0.0373 0.0580 0.0789 0.1119 0.1866 0.3422 0.8618 1.9929 4.6254 11.6600 60.4630 250.8000 423.0000 550.3000 (a) Includes consumption by non-profit institutions 0.0360 0.0432 0.0486 0.0620 0.0882 0.1125 0.1719 0.2721 0.3813 0.4972 0.7609 1 .4554 3.5900 7.8184 16.4633 43.8117 213.6039 838.8000 1592.6000 2003.8000 (a) -0.0001 0.0018 0.0020 0.0015 0.0031 0.0061 0.0089 0.0136 0:0193 0.0691 0.1191 0.2107 0.5087 1.2134 2.6125 5.9986 28.9260 110.0000 165.5000 209.2000 0.0359 0,0450 0.0506 0,0635 0.0913 0.1186 O. 1808 0.2857 0.4006 0.5663 0.8800 1.6661 4.0987 9.0318 19.0758 49.8103 242.5299 948.8000 1758.1000 2213.0000 \.N 0'\ TABLE NA.III./4A: OCCUPIED TERRITORY: PRIVATE FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE BY TYPE AND PURPOSE,1968-1987 (Millions of current New Israeli Shekels) YEAR CONSUMPTION OF AGRICULTURAL GOODS PLUS PLUS EQUALS PLUS EQUALS CONSUMPTION OF MANUFACTURED GOODS CONSUMPTION OF SERVICES DOMESTIC CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE BY HOUSEHOLDS NET DIRECT PURCHASES ABROAD PRIVATE FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE (a) (a) 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 0.0170 0.0191 0.0228 0.0302 0.0437 0.0554 0.0860 0.1322 0.1951 0.2638 0.4264 0.7581 1 .8180 4.1727 7.872'3 22.4548 104.3079 416.9000 880.5000 1043.4000 0.0195 0.0258 0.0290 0.0377 0.0531 0.0685 0.1076 0.1775 0.2268 0.3171 o . 411 1 0.8057 1.9921 3.9764 8.8640 22.4054 112.8739 449.8000 793.9000 1058.4000 0.0140 0.0154 0.0168 0.0207 0.0278 0.0370 0.0564 0.0875 o . 1182 o. 1646 0.2685 0.4845 1 .2475 2.8896 6.6884 16.8168 86.3110 360.8000 598.0000 775.0000 (a) Includes consumption by non-profit institutions 0.0505 0.0603 0.0686 0.0886 0.1246 O. 1609 0.2500 0.3972 0.5401 0.7455 1.1060 2.0483 5.0576 11 .0387 23.4247 61.6770 303.4927 1227.5000 2272.4000 2876.8000 -0.0004 0.0021 0.0024 0.0019 0.0040 0.0076 0.0110 0.0170 0.0247 0.0929 0.1649 0.2934 0.7164 1 .7380 3.8337 9.6234 45.3530 169.7000 261.5000 313.8000 0.0501 0.0624 0.0710 0.0905 0.1286 o. 1685 0.2610 0.4142 0.5648 0.8384 1.2709 2.3417 5.7740 12.7767 27.2584 71 .3004 348.8457 1397.2000 2533.9000 3190.6000 V< --.l TABLE NA.I./4B, GAZA STRIP, PRIVATE FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE BY TYPE AND PURPOSE, 1968-1987 (Millions of current United States dollars) YEAR CONSUMPTION OF AGRICULTURAL GOODS 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 13.429 14.286 15.714 19.035 25.714 35.714 46.861 54.732 57,809 65.201 57.560 63.286 73.361 80.850 77.921 90.666 96.944 108.149 153.898 185.204 PLUS PLUS EQUALS PLUS EQUALS CONSUMPTION OF MANUFACTURED GOODS CONSUMPTION OF SERVICES DOMESTIC CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE BY HOUSEHOLDS (a) NET DIRECT PURCHASES ABROAD PRIVATE FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE (a) 16.286 22.286 27.714 36.193 40.714 50.952 85.426 96.057 92.695 121.797 93.184 113.836 137.783 122.421 123.934 135.407 121.469 128.438 185.349 221 .254 11 .714 12.286 13.714 16.086 20.238 28.571 42.825 46.530 49.496 50.382 46.907 55.936 75.273 78.445 85.013 91.735 88.155 93.379 117.608 140.878 Ca) Includes consumption by non-profit institutions 41.429 48.857 57.143 71.314 86.667 115.238 175.112 197.319 200.000 237.381 197.652 233.058 286.417 281.716 286.867 317.808 306.569 329.966 456.855 547.335 -0.857 0.857 1.143 1.072 2.143 3.571 4.709 5.363 6.801 22.753 26.231 32.508 40.535 45.893 50.323 64.482 56.025 50.679 64.516 65.580 40.471 49.714 58.286 72.386 88.810 118.810 179.821 202.681 206.801 260.134 223.883 265.566 326.951 327.609 337.190 382.290 362.593 380.730 521.371 612.915 \.N OJ TABLE NA.II./4B: WEST BANK: PRIVATE FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE BY TYPE AND PURPOSE, 1968-1987 (Millions of current United States dollars) YEAR CONSUMPTION OF AGRICULTURAL GOODS 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 35.143 40.286 49.429 61 .930 78.333 96.191 145.964 153.785 187.909 186.998 186.655 234.709 281.440 284.183 246.483 308.786 258.801 245.756 437.836 468.966 PLUS PLUS EQUALS PLUS EQUALS CONSUMPTION OF MANUFACTURED GOODS CONSUMPTION OF SERVICES DOMESTIC CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE BY HOUSEHOLDS (a) NET DIRECT PURCHASES ABROAD PRIVATE FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE (a) 39.429 51 .429 55.143 64.879 85.714 112.143 155.829 183.912 192.947 181 .358 142.268 202.869 250.995 225.440 241 .336 263.166 263.490 253,396 348 185 442,320 28.286 31.714 34.286 39.410 45.952 59.524 83.632 91.483 99.370 106.979 106.873 134.513 168.189 174.342 190.604 207.422 206.211 212.903 284 274 345,015 Cal Includes consumption by non-profit institutions 102.857 123.429 138.857 166.220 210.000 267.857 385.426 429. 180 480.226 475.334 435.796 572.091 700.624 683.964 678.423 779.373 728.502 712.054 1070.296 1256.301 -0.286 5.143 5.714 4.021 7.381 14.524 19.955 21 .451 24.307 66.061 68.213 82.822 99.278 106.150 107.656 106.710 98.653 93.379 111 .223 131.160 102.571 128.571 144.571 170.241 217.381 282.381 405.381 450.631 504.534 541.396 504.009 654.913 799.902 790.114 786.079 886.083 827.155 805.433 1181.519 1387.461 0J \.() TABLE NA.III./4B: OCCUPIED TERRITORY: PRIVATE FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE BY TYPE AND PURPOSE, 1968-1987 (Millions of current United States dollars) YEAR CONSUMPTION OF AGRICULTURAL GOODS PLUS PLUS EQUALS PLUS EQUALS CONSUMPTION OF MANUFACTURED GOODS CONSUMPTION OF SERVICES DOMESTIC CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE BY HOUSEHOLDS NET DIRECT PURCHASES ABROAD PRIVATE FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE (a) 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 (a) 48.571 54.571 65.143 80.965 104.048 131 .905 192.825 208.517 245.718 252. 199 244.215 297.995 354.800 365.033 324.403 399.451 355.745 353.905 591.734 654. 169 55.714 73.714 82.857 101.072 126.429 163.095 241.255 279.968 285.642 303.155 235.452 316.706 388.778 347.861 365.269 398.573 384.959 381 .833 533.534 663.574 40.000 44.000 48.000 55.496 66.190 88.095 126.457 138.013 148.866 157.361 153.780 190.448 243.462 252.786 275.617 299. 156 294.365 306.281 401.882 485.893 Includes consumption by non-profit institutions 144.286 172.286 196.000 237.534 296.667 383.095 560.538 626.498 680.226 712.715 633.448 805.149 987.041 965.680 965.290 1091. 182 1035.071 1042.020 1527.151 1803.636 (a) -1 .143 6.000 6.857 5.094 9.524 18.095 24.664 26.814 31.108 88.814 94.444 115.330 139.813 152.043 157.980 171.192 154.677 144.058 175.739 196.740 143.143 178.286 202.857 242.627 306. 190 401.190 585.201 653.312 711.335 801.530 727.892 920.479 1126.853 1117.723 1123.269 1268.374 1189.748 1186.163 1702.890 2000.376 ~ 0 I TABLE NA.I./4C: GAZA STRIP: DISTRIBUTION OF FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE BY TYPE AND PURPOSE, 1968-1987 (in percent) YEAR CONSUMPTION OF AGRICULTURAL GOODS CONSUMPTION OF MANUFACTURED GOODS CONSUMPTION OF SERVICES As a percentage of Domestic Consumption Expenditure (1) (2 ) (3 ) DOMESTIC CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE BY HOUSEHOLDS PRIVATE FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPEND ITURE DOMESTIC CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE BY HOUSEHOLDS (a) (a) (a) million US$ million US$ (4 ) (5 ) (6) =(4)/(5) ~ 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 32.41 29.24 27.50 26.69 29.67 30.99 26.76 27.74 28.90 27.47 29.12 27.15 25.61 28.70 27.16 28.53 31 .62 32.78 33.69 33.84 39.31 45.61 48.50 50.75 46.98 44.21 48 78 48.68 46.35 51. 31 47.15 48.84 48.11 43.46 43.20 42.61 39.62 38 92 40.57 40.42 28.28 25.15 24.00 22.56 23.35 24.79 24.46 23.58 24.75 21 .22 23.73 24.00 26.28 27.85 29.63 28.86 28.76 28.30 25.74 25.74 Ca) Includes consumption by non-profit institutions 41.429 48.857 57.143 71 .314 86.667 115.238 175.112 197.319 200.000 237.381 197.652 233.058 286.417 281 .716 286.867 317.808 306.569 329.966 456.855 547.335 40.571 49.714 58.286 72.386 88.810 118.810 179.821 202.681 206.801 260.134 223.883 265.566 326.951 327.609 337.190 382.290 362.593 380.730 521 .371 612.915 102.11 98.28 98.04 98.52 97.59 96.99 97.38 97.35 96.71 91.25 88.28 87.76 87.60 85.99 85.08 83.13 84.55 86.67 87.63 89.30 f-J TABLE NA.II./4C: WEST BANK: DISTRIBUTION OF FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE BY TYPE AND PURPOSE, 1968-1987 (in percent) YEAR CONSUMPTION OF AGRICULTURAL GOODS CONSUMPTION OF MANUFACTURED GOODS CONSUMPTION OF SERVICES As a percentage of Domestic Consumption Expenditure 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 DOMESTIC CONSUMPTION EXPEND !TURE BY HOUSEHOLDS (a) PRIVATE FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE (a) million US$ mUllon US$ ( 1) (2 ) (3 ) (4) 34.17 32.64 35.60 37.26 37.30 35.91 37.87 35.83 39.13 39.34 42.83 41 .03 40.17 41.55 36.33 39.62 35.53 34.51 40.91 37.33 38,33 41.67 39.71 39.03 40.82 41 .87 40.43 42.85 40.18 38,15 32.65 35,46 35.82 32.96 35.57 33.77 36.17 35.59 32.53 35,21 27.50 25,69 24.69 23.71 21.88 22.22 21.70 21.32 20.69 22.51 24.52 23.51 24.01 25.49 28.10 26.61 28.31 29.90 26.56 27.46 102.857 123.429 138.857 166.220 210.000 267.857 385.426 429.180 480.226 475.334 435.796 572.091 700.624 683.964 678.423 779.373 728.502 712.054 1070.296 1256.301 (al Includes consumption by non-profit institutions (5 ) 102.571 128.571 144.571 170.241 217.381 282.381 405.381 450.631 504.534 541 .396 504.009 654.913 799.902 790.114 786.079 886.083 827.155 805.433 1181 .519 1387.461 DOMESTIC CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE BY HOUSEHOLDS (a) (6) =(4)/(5) 100.28 96.00 96.05 97.64 96.60 94.86 95.08 95.24 95.18 87.80 86.47 87.35 87.59 86.57 86.30 87.96 88.07 88.41 90.59 90.55 -l'>r0 TABLE NA.III./4C: OCCUPIED TERRITORY: DISTRIBUTION OF FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE BY TYPE AND PURPOSE, 1967-87 (in percent) YEAR CONSUMPTION OF AGRICULTURAL GOODS CONSUMPTION OF MANUFACTURED GOODS CONSUMPTION OF SERVICES As a percentage of Domestic Consumption Expenditure (1 ) (2 ) (3 ) DOMESTIC CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE BY HOUSEHOLDS PRIVATE FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE DOMESTIC CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE BY HOUSEHOLDS Ca) (a) (a) million US$ million US$ (4 ) (5 ) (6 ) =(4)/(5) .p. \J.J 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 33.66 31 .67 33.2{t 34.09 35.07 34.43 34.40 33.28 36.12 35.39 38.55 37.01 35.95 37.80 33.61 36.41 34.37 33.96 38.75 36.27 38.61 42.79 42.27 42.55 42.62 42.57 43.04 44.69 41 .99 42.54 37.17 39.34 39.39 36.02 37.84 36.33 37.19 36.64 34.94 36.79 27.72 25.54 24.49 23.36 22.31 23.00 22.56 22.03 21 .88 22.08 24.28 23.65 24.67 26.18 28.55 27.27 28.44 29.39 26.32 26.94 (a) Includes consumption by non-profit institutions 144.286 172.286 196.000 237.534 296.667 383.095 560.538 626.498 680.226 712.715 633.448 805.149 987.041 965.680 965.290 1097.182 1035.071 1042.020 1527.151 1803.636 143.143 178.286 202.857 242.627 306.190 401.190 585.201 653.312 711 .335 801.530 727.892 920.479 1126.853 1117.723 1123.269 1268.374 1189.748 1186.163 1702.890 2000.376 100.80 96.63 96.62 97.90 96.89 95.49 95.79 95.90 95.63 88.92 87.02 87.47 87.59 86.40 85.94 86.50 87.00 87.85 89.68 90.16 HOURCES: TAHLES .. - .. _.-- -"-- . NA.I/4A -~ (1) - -~. NA.ll I14A Unless otherwise stated. sources quoted dre for all series in the tables: 1985 87: .:TSQ~S. 1988. vol. XVlll, No.2. Table 11. p. 32 and Table 3. p. 22 Eor Gaza Strip and the West Hank respectively. 1984: 197"783: 1975-76: 1972-74: 1971: 1968--10: (2) For 1985-8-1. figures for Domf'.stic Consumption Expencliture by Households are computed as the sum of the three components. name ly the Con:~umpt ion of Agr icu 1 tur a 1 Goods. the Consumpt ion of Manufactured Goods and the ConslJmpt ion of Serv icr~s. These replace inacclJ[ate figures published by the Israel CbS. Consequently. fi<]ll[(~S for Privau>. Con!~um[ltion f<:x[,'f:ndituu; have also been recomputecl. ~;AL 198"'. No. 38. Table XXVII/8, p. "fO"f. .:rf?Qt\S. 1985, vol. XV, No. "J, 'i'ab18 la, p. ]"// ancl Table 3, p. 165 for Gaza :;trip and the W(;st Bank res[l(;C"tivply. ~->1H, 19"/8, No. 29. Tdble XXVIi/B, pp. TIL Jsql\~. 1976. vol. VI. No. 1. Table 6. p. "1"2 and Table 5. p. 71 for Gaza strip and the West Iclank [(,,~pect ivcd y. I~t\J" 19-/5, No. 26. Table XXVLil. p. 69l. ?AI, 1973. No. 24. Tabl(~ XXVL/8. p. 700. Private Final consumption Expenditure is equal to Domestic Consumption Expenditure by Households plus the Net Dir-(-;ct: Purchases Abroad (i.e. direct purchases by residents abroad less direct purchases in the domestic market by non- residents). This diEfers from the procedure followed by C8~). whereby Net consumrltion of non residents (Le .• the direct purchases of non residents in the domestic market less direct purchases of residents abroad) is a negativ(! flow which is subtracted from Private Domestic Consumption Exp(:!ndHurt-;. :)Q~JRCE~): TABLE~) NA. 1/4H NA.Ill/413: Calculated from New lsraeli Shekel data in Tables NA.l/4A ~)OURCE~-,: .. _. , 'I'AHU;;) NA. 1I4C . --- Calculated from United ;:3tates dollar data in NA.1Jl/4A. NA.lll/4C: rJ'abl('~~ NA.l/4B NA.111/4B. 1r 't' - NA/~ GROS~:i CAP I TAL FO~r-1A'I' LON BY TYPE AN!) PUt<PO~3E TABLE NA.I./5A: GAZA STRIP: GROSS CAPITAL FORMATION BY TYPE AND PURPOSE, 1968-1987 (Millions of current New Israeli Shekels) YEAR Private Fixed Capital Formation BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION WORKS (1 ) 196B (b) 0.0010 1969 1970 1971 1972 0.0025 1973 0.0058 1974 0.0098 1975 0.0150 1976 0.0334 1977 0.0378 197B 0.0817 1979 O. 1965 1980 0.3926 1981 1 .0337 1982 2.1030 1983 4.8569 1984 20.7830 1985 73.3000 1986 134.2000 1987 161.5000 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT (2 ) 0.0000 0.0024 0.0033 0.0050 0.0073 0.0090 0.0152 0.0183 0.0260 0.0514 0.1356 0.2889 0.7162 3.3060 14.0000 24.5000 48.4000 TOTAL PRIVATE FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION CHANGES IN OLIVE OIL STOCKS (3) (4 ) 0.0010 0.0049 0.0091 0.0148 0.0223 0.0424 0.0530 0.1000 0.2225 0.4440 1 .1693 2.3919 5.5731 24.0890 87.3000 158.7000 209.9000 TOTAL PRIVATE CAPITAL FORMATION GOVERNMENT AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES GROSS FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION GROSS DOMESTIC CAPITAL FORMATION (TOTAL) (7 ) =(3)+(6) (8) =(5)+(6) (a) (5 ) =(3)+(4) 0.0010 0.0049 0.0091 0.0148 0.0223 0.0424 0.0530 0.1000 0.2225 0.4440 1 .1693 2.3919 5.5731 24.0890 87.3000 158.7000 209.9000 (a) Figures cover West Bank only; ( .) indicates that the item is not applicable. (b) Figures may not add up due to roundings (5) 0.0000 0.0028 0.0039 0.0064 0.0118 0.0114 0.0122 0.0237 0.0349 0.0619 0.1263 0.3069 0.9188 4.5040 1~.7000 25.0000 42.0000 0.0010 0.0077 0.0130 0.0212 0.0341 0.0538 o. 0652 0.1237 0.2574 0.5059 1.2956 2.6988 6.4919 28.5930 99.0000 183.7000 251.9000 0.0011 0.0024 0.0025 0.0036 0.0077 0.0130 0.0212 0.0341 0.0538 0.0652 o . 1237 0.2574 0.5059 1.2956 2.6988 6.4919 28.5930 99.0000 183.7000 251.9000 .;0.. CJ'o TABLE NA.II./5A: WEST BANK: GROSS CAPITAL FORMATION BY TYPE AND PURPOSE, 1968-1987 (Millions of current New Israeli Shekels) Private Fixed Capital Formation YEAR BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION WORKS (1) MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT TOTAL PRIVATE FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION (2 ) (3 ) CHANGES IN OLIVE OIL STOCKS (4 ) TOTAL PRIVATE CAPITAL FORMATION (5) GOVERNMENT AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES (6 ) =(3)+(4) 1968 (a) 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 198 1, 1985 1986 1987 (al 0.0010 0.0084 0.0128 0.0269 0.0461 0.0668 0.1014 0.1656 0.3333 0.7555 1.6356 3.8646 8.1922 40.9260 181.9000 333.6000 413.4000 0.0000 0.0037 0.0049 0.0080 0.0110 0.0116 0.0176 0.0470 o . 0923 0.1691 0.3048 0.7676 2.0941 9.5610 39.3000 77.6000 108.9000 a .00 10 0.0121 0.0177 0.0349 0.0571 0.0784 0.1190 0.2126 o . {,256 0.9246 1.9404 4.6322 10.2863 50.4870 221.2000 411.2000 522.3000 Figures may not add up due to roundings 0.0000 0.0030 -0.0025 0.0126 -0.0160 -0.0013 -0.0102 0.0363 -0.0271 0.2694 -0.2442 0.4334 -0.4774 -2.3740 -23.0000 98.2000 -39.5000 0.0010 0.0151 0.0152 0.0475 0.0411 0.0771 0.1088 0.2489 0.3985 1.1940 1.6962 5.0656 9.8089 48.1130 198.2000 509.4000 482.8000 0.0010 0.0026 0.0031 0.0060 0.0112 0,0100 0.0093 0.0221 0.0453 0.0889 0.2731 0.7960 2.2775 14.0280 40.4000 67.4000 109.6000 GROSS FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION GROSS DOMESTIC CAPITAL FORMATION (TOTAL) (7 ) =(3)+(6) (8 ) =(5)+(6) 0.0020 0.0025 0.0057 0.0055 0.0087 0.0177 0.0183 0.0535 0.0523 0.0871 0.1181 0.2710 0.4438 1.2829 1.9693 5.8616 12.0864 0.0147 0.0208 0.0409 0.0683 0.0884 0.1283 0.2347 0.4709 1 .0135 2.2135 5.4282 12.5638 64.5150 261.6000 478.6000 631.9000 62.1410 238.6000 576.8000 592.4000 .p. -.l TABLE NA.III./5A: OCCUPIED TERRITORY: GROSS CAPITAL FORMATION BY TYPE AND PURPOSE, 1968-1987 (Millions of current New Israeli Shekels) YEAR Private Fixed Capital Formation BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION WORKS (1 ) 1968 (al 0.0020 1969 1970 1971 1972 0.0109 1973 0.0186 1974 0.0367 1975 0.0611 1976 0.1002 1977 0.1392 1978 0.2473 1979 0.5298 1980 1.1481 1981 2.6693 1982 5.9676 1983 13.0491 1984 61.7090 1985 255.2000 1986 467.8000 1987 574.9000 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT TOTAL PRIVATE FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION CHANGES IN OLIVE OIL STOCKS (3 ) (4 ) (2) 0.0000 0.0061 0.0082 0.0130 0.0183 0.0206 0.0328 0.0653 0.1183 0.2205 0.4404 1.0565 2.8103 12.8670 53.3000 102.1000 157.3000 0.0020 0.0170 0.0268 0.0497 0.0794 0.1208 0.1720 0.3126 0.6481 1 .3686 3.1097 7.0241 15.8594 74.5760 308.5000 569.9000 732.2000 (a) Figures may not add up due to roundings TOTAL PRIVATE CAPITAL FORMATION GOVERNMENT AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES GROSS FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION GROSS DOMESTIC CAPITAL FORMATION (TOTAL> (7 ) =(3)+(6) (8) =(5)+(6) (al 0.0000 0,0030 -0.0025 0.0126 -0.0160 -0.0013 -0.0102 0.0363 -0.0271 0.2694 -0.2442 0,4334 -0.4774 -2.3740 -23.0000 98.2000 -39.5000 (5) =(3)+(4) 0.0020 0.0200 0.0243 0.0623 0.0634 0.1195 0.1618 0.3489 0.6210 1.6380 2.8655 7.4575 15.3820 72.2020 285.5000 668.1000 692.7000 (6) 0.0010 0.0054 0.0070 0.0124 0.0230 0.0214 0.0215 0.0458 0.0802 0.1508 0.3994 1 .1029 3. 1963 18.5320 5?1000 92.4000 151.6000 0.0030 0.0224 0.0338 0.0621 0.1024 0.1422 0.1935 0.3584 0.7283 1.5194 3.5091 8.1270 19.0557 93.1080 360.6000 662.3000 883.8000 0.0036 0.0081 0.0080 0.0123 0.0254 0.0313 0.0747 0.0864 o . 1409 0.1833 0.3947 0.7012 1.7888 3.2649 8.5604 18.5783 90.7340 337.6000 760.5000 844.3000 ..,.. m TABLE NA.I./5B: GAZA STRIP: GROSS CAPITAL FORMATION BY TYPE k~D PURPOSE, 1968-1987 (Millions of current United States dollars) Private Fixed Capital Formation YEAR BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION WORKS 1968 (b) 1969 1970 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT (1) (2 ) 2.857 0.000 TOTAL PRIVATE FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION (3 ) 2.857 CHANGES IN OLIVE OIL STOCKS (a) (4 ) TOTAL PRIVATE CAPITAL FORMATION GOVERNMENT AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES (5 ) =(3)+(4) 2.857 (6 ) 0.000 GROSS FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION GROSS DOMESTIC CAPITAL FORMATION (TOTAL) (7) =(3)+(6) (8) =(5)+(6) 2.857 3.143 6.857 7.143 9.651 18.333 30.952 47.534 53.785 67.758 62.333 70.848 101.179 98.731 113.341 111.213 115.485 97.517 84.041 123.454 157.931 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 5.952 13.810 21.973 23.659 42.065 36. 138 46.793 77 .241 76.620 90.430 86.661 86.400 70.881 62.224 90.188 101.254 5 714 7.857 11 .21 1 11 .514 11.335 14.532 10.481 10.220 10.031 11 .862 11.905 12.741 11 .275 11 .885 16.465 30.345 11.667 21.667 33.184 35.173 53.400 50.669 57.274 87.461 86.651 102.292 98.566 99.141 82.156 74.109 106.653 131.599 11.667 21.667 33. 184 35.173 53.400 50.669 57.274 87.461 86.651 102.292 98.566 99.141 82.156 74.109 106.653 131 .599 (a) Figures cover West Bank only; ( .) indicates that the item is not applicable. t t l Figures may not add up due to roundings 6.667 9.286 14.350 18.612 14.358 11.663 13.574 13.719 12.080 11 .049 12.647 16.345 15.361 9.932 16.801 26.332 18.333 30.952 47.534 53.785 67.758 62.333 70.848 101.179 98.731 113.341 111.213 115.485 97.517 84.041 123.454 157.931 .j::>. IJ:) TABLE NA.II./5B: WEST BANK: GROSS CAPITAL FORMATION BY TYPE AND PURPOSE, 1968-1987 (Millions of current United States dollars) YEAR Private Fixed Capital Formation BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION WORKS 1968 (a) 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT ( 1) (2) 2.857 0.000 20.000 30.476 60.314 72.713 84.131 96.941 94.845 131 .014 147.443 143.085 159.253 145.732 139.579 154.414 224. 194 259. 185 8.810 11.667 17.937 17.350 14.610 16.826 26.919 36.281 33.002 26.664 31 .631 37.252 32.608 33.362 52.151 68.276 TOTAL PRIVATE FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION CHANGES IN OLIVE OIL STOCKS TOTAL PRIVATE CAPITAL FORMATION (3 ) (4 ) (5 ) =(3)+(4) 0.000 2.857 2.857 28.810 42.143 78.251 90.063 98.740 113.767 121.764 167.296 180.445 169.749 190.885 182.985 172.187 187.776 276.344 327.460 (a) Figures may not add up due to roundings 7.143 ~5.952 28.251 -25.237 -1 .637 -9.751 20.790 -10.653 52.576 -21 .363 17.860 -8.493 -8.097 -19.525 65.995 -24.765 35.952 36.190 106.502 64.826 97.103 104.015 142.554 156.643 233.021 148.386 208.744 174.492 164.091 168.251 342.338 302.695 GOVERNMENT AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES (6) 2.857 6.190 7.381 13.453 17.666 12.594 8.891 12.658 17.807 17.350 23.891 32.802 40.515 47.843 ~4.295 45.296 68.715 GROSS FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION GROSS DOMESTIC CAPITAL FORMATION (TOTAL) (7 ) =(3)+(6) (8 ) =(5)+(6) 5.714 7.143 16.286 15.714 23.324 42. 143 43.571 1.19.955 82.492 109.698 112.906 155.212 174.450 250.371 172.277 241 .546 215.007 211.933 202.547 397.633 371.409 35.000 49.524 91.704 107.729 111 .335 122.658 134.422 185. 102 197.795 193.640 223.686 223.499 220.030 222.071 321.640 396.175 V1 0 TABLE NA.III./5B: OCCUPIED TERRITORY: GROSS CAPITAL FORMATION BY TYPE AND PURPOSE, 1968-1987 (Millions of current United States dollars) YEAR Private Fixed Capital Formation BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION WORKS (1 ) 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 5.714 25.952 44.286 82.287 96.372 126.196 133.078 141.638 208.255 224.063 233.514 245.914 232.132 210.460 216.638 314.381 360.439 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT TOTAL PRIVATE FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION CHANGES IN OLIVE OIL STOCKS TOTAL PRIVATE CAPITAL FORMATION (3 ) (4 ) (5) = (3)+(4) (2 ) 0.000 14.524 19.524 29.148 28.864 25.945 31 .358 37.400 46.502 43.033 38.527 43.536 49.993 43.883 45.246 68.616 98.621 5.714 40.476 63.810 111.435 125.237 152.141 164.436 179.038 254.756 267.096 272.041 289.450 282.125 254.343 261.885 382.997 459.058 -------(3) Figures may not add up due to roundings 0.000 7.143 -5.952 28.251 -25.237 -1 .637 -9.751 20.790 -10.653 52.576 -21.363 17.860 -8.493 -8.097 -19.525 65.995 -24.765 5.714 47.619 57.857 139.686 100.000 150.504 154.685 199.828 244.104 319.672 250.678 307.310 273.632 246.247 242.360 448.992 434.293 GOVERNMENT AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES (6) 2.857 12.857 16.667 27.803 36.278 26.952 20.554 26.231 31 .525 29.430 34.940 45.449 56.860 63.204 44.227 62.097 95.047 GROSS FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION (7 ) GROSS DOMESTIC CAPITAL FORMATION (TOTAL> (8 ) =(3)+(6) =(5)+(6) 8.571 10.286 23. 143 22.857 32.976 60.476 74.524 167.489 53.333 80.476 139.238 161.514 179.093 184.990 205.269 286.281 296.526 306.981 334.899 338.985 317.547 306.112 445.094 554.105 ~-- f'3b.2"1lr _- 177.456 ..,-""" .....,... ...."'.175.239 226.060 275.629 349.102 285.618 352.758 330.492 309.450 286.588 521 .088 529.341 V1 f-' TABLE NA.I./5C: GAZA STRIP: DISTRIBUTION OF GROSS CAPITAL FORMATION BY TYPE AND PURPOSE, 1968-1987 (in percent) YEAR As a percentage of Gross Domestic Capital Formation As a percentage of Private Fixed Capital Formation BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION WORKS MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT PRIVATE FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION GROSS DOMESTIC CAPITAL FORMATION GROSS FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION TOTAL PRIVATE CAPITAL FORMATION GOVERNMENT AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES (1 ) (2) (3) (4 ) (5) (6) (7 ) (% ) (;0 million US$ million US$ 0:> (X) (X) 3.143 6.857 7.143 9.651 18.333 30.952 47.534 53.785 67.758 62.333 70.848 101 . 179 98.731 113.341 11' .213 115.485 97.517 84.041 123.454 157.931 90.91 90.91 0.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.Cf) 100.00 100.00 100.00 63.64 70.00 69.81 65.40 78.81 81.29 80.84 86.44 87.76 90.25 88.63 85.85 84.25 88.18 86.39 83.33 36.36 30.00 30.19 34.60 21 . 19 18.71 19.16 13.56 12.24 9.75 11.37 14.15 15.75 11 .82 13.61 16.67 V1 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 100.00 0.00 2.857 51 .02 63.74 66.22 67.26 78.77 71 .32 81 .70 88.31 88.42 88.40 87.92 87.15 86.28 83.96 84.56 76.94 48.98 36.26 33.78 32.74 21 .23 28.68 18.30 11.69 11 .58 11.60 12.08 12.85 13.72 16.04 15.44 23.06 11 .667 21.667 33.184 35.173 53.400 50.669 57.274 87.461 86.651 102.292 98.566 99.141 82.156 74.109 106.653 131.599 f\) TABLE NA.II./5C: \VEST BANK: DISTRIBUTION OF GROSS CAPITAL FORMATION BY TYPE AND PURPOSE, 1968-1987 (in percent) YEAR As a As a percentage of Private Fixed Capital Formation BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION \vORKS MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT PRIVATE FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION GROSS DOMESTIC CAPITAL FORMATION of Gross Domestic Formation ~~rcentage Capit~l GROSS FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION TOTAL PRIVATE CAPITAL FORMATION GOVERNMENT AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES (J) (2 ) (3 ) (4 ) (5) (6 ) (7) (;0 (%) million US$ mill ion US$ (% ) (%) (% ) 7.143 16,286 15.714 23.324 42.143 43.571 119.955 82.492 109.698 112.906 155 212 174.450 250,371 172.277 241.546 215.007 211.933 202.547 397.633 371.409 80.00 40.00 40.00 83.05 113.66 76.45 130.59 101.49 108.64 86.61 106.11 79.00 112.40 92.61 103.95 103.fl2 109.64 80.89 106.67 85.31 83.06 88.79 78.59 88.52 92.13 91.84 89.79 93.07 86.13 86.42 81 .16 77.43 83.07 86.09 81 . SO 14.69 16.94 11 .21 21 .41 11. 48 7.87 8.15 10.21 6.93 13.87 13.58 18.84 22.57 16.93 11 .39 18,50 V1 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 100.00 0.00 2.857 69.42 72.32 77.08 80.74 85.20 85.21 77.89 78.31 81 .71 84.29 83.43 79,.64 81 .06 82.23 81.13 79.15 30.58 27.68 22.92 19.26 14.80 14.79 22.11 21 .69 18,29 15.71 16.57 20.36 18.94 17.77 18.87 20.85 28.810 42.143 78.251 90.063 98.740 113.767 121.764 167.296 180.445 169.749 190.885 182.985 172.187 187.776 276.344 327.460 Vol TABLE NA.III./5C: OCCUPIED TERRITORY: DISTRIBUTION OF GROSS CAPITAL FORMATION BY TYPE AND PURPOSE, 1968-1987 (in percent) YEAR As a ~~rcentage of Gross Domestic Capital Formation As a percentage of Private Fixed Capital Formation BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION WORKS MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT PRIVATE FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION GROSS DOMESTIC CAPITAL FORMATION GROSS FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION TOTAL PRIVATE CAPITAL FORMATION GOVERNMENT AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES (1) (2 ) (3 ) (4 ) (5 ) (6) (7 ) 0:) (%) million US$ million US$ 00 tiO 00 10.286 23.143 22.857 32.976 60.476 74.524 167.489 136.278 177.456 175.239 226.060 275.629 349.102 285.618 352.758 330.492 309.450 286.588 521 .088 529.341 83.33 55.56 27.78 88.19 107.99 83.13 118.52 100.92 105.56 90.80 103.86 84.94 107.48 94.94 102.57 102.62 106.81 85.42 104.68 78.74 77.64 83.40 73.38 84.81 88.27 88.40 88.56 91.57 87.77 87.12 82.80 79.58 84.57 86.16 82.04 21.26 22.36 16.60 26.62 15.19 11 .73 11 .60 11. 44 8.43 12.23 12.88 17.20 20.42 15.43 11 .92 17.96 V1 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972. 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 100.00 0.00 5.714 64.12 69.40 73.84 76.95 82.95 80.93 79.11 81 .75 83.89 85.84 84.96 82.28 82.75 82.72 82.08 78.52 35.88 30.60 26.16 23.05 17.05 19.07 20.89 18.25 16.11 14.16 15.04 17.72 17.25 17.28 17.9:2 21.48 40.476 63.810 111.435 125.237 152.141 164.436 179.038 254.756 267.096 272.041 289.450 282.125 254.343 261.885 382.997 459.058 -f:>. :;O!Jl~C[<;~;: (1) :;OlHCt'~; J98,) HI: '['AHI.I~:) NA. L/SA for all "er'ies exc(;pt Cross NI\. 11 1/51\ DOffl(;:~tic Cilpital FOllfldti.on: ,J~GA;), 1988, vol. XVIIi, No. 2, Tabl'~ U. p. 33 ilnd Tablc" 4, 23 for Gaza :>trip and the West Bank I(:spectivc~ly. For Total Private Fix(~d capi.tal Formation and hence, Gross Fixed capi.tal Formation in the West Hank. the ~;(~ries hav(~ been recomputed as ~he pub1i.shed figures are an incorrect sum of I:hei r compOIH't1t s. :)1\1. 198'1, No. 38. '!'ilbl(: XXVI i/9, p.IOB. For changes in oliv(~ oil stocks in 1984: JSC;A:~. 19B,), vol. XV .. No. ), Table 4. p. "/0. ,]:)GA;;. 1985. vol. XV. No.1. Table 1.1, p. 17') and Table 4. p. 166 for C;il7.d ;.,t rip dnd th(~ W(:~.it Bank p:spect i vc:ly. ,7;,(11\:;, 1980. vol. X. No. I 2, Table 6. p. 68. .J;;GA;', 19'1'1. vol. IX, No.2, Tabl(; 6, p. 68. ~J:)GAS. 19"/6. vol. VI. No. l.. Tabl(; -I. p. n. :.,A1. 1988. No. 38, Toble XXVi/9. p. 708. p. 1984: 19I1 83: 19"16 : 1'1)4 '1'): 19"/7. /3: 1968: (2) [)omc':;tic Capital [<'ormation: 1984 [3'/: Due to calclljdtLDrI error~,; in the ~)ubli~.;twd Figures. total~~ were u:co!Hpul:er] by adding the corn:ct figures for Total Privd\:!; Fiv:c1 capital Forillahon. Chan(F~s in uli.ve ot1 ~;I()("k» and Gov(-,rnrnc~[)t and Loca 1 Author i t i(~s. 19'1/ In: cJ~iGI\~), 198,). vol. XV, No. 1. Table 11. p. 175 and Table 4, p. 166 for Gaza ~-;I rip and the \"](;st Bank res[>r-;ctivcdy. J:,GAS, 1980. voL X. NO. 1- 2. Tabl(; 6. p. 68. 19"16 : 19"/4 7') : cJ;iGA~3. 19'/9. vol. lX, No.2. Table 6, p. 68. LJ~).c!A:), 1976. vol. VI. No.1. Table 'I, p. 1977. "/3 : SAl, 197,). No. 26. Table XXVl/9, pp. 688 689. 1968 "11 : GrO;:iS n. (3) Buildinq and COTl;:;I.rucri.on Wor.ks, \l\7htch 1.s the main cOlOponf,nt of PriVate, Fix(:d Capital FOtlllation, latg(~ly constitute Palest.inian private; expenditure; on hou:~i[)q i.II the occupi(;d tc;rritory. NA.1I I1513: NA.1 11/ ')C: CalcuJdti'd from llniU'(] :iU~t:c:-j dollar clotain 'i'ahlwi NA.l/')B NA. It L/58. NA/6 PRINe I PAL PR lVATE J NCot-1E A(;(;I~f<;C;l\'l'f<~~) TABLE NA.I./6A: GAZA STRIP: PRINCIPAL PRIVATE INCOME AGGREGATES, 1968-1987 (Millions of current New Israeli Shekels) YEAR GROSS NATIONAL INCOME AT MARKET PRICE (1 ) 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 0.0126 0.0152 0.0205 0.0302 0.0482 0.0736 0.0967 0.1468 0.2178 0.3098 0.5021 0.9931 2.2490 5.3740 11.6490 30.4380 134.4319 467.8000 870.1000 1194.8000 PLUS MINUS EQUALS PLUS EQUALS TRANSFERS FROM GOVERNMENTS AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES INCOME TAX AND TRANSFERS TO GOVERNMENTS GROSS DISPOSABLE DOMESTIC PRIVATE INCOME PRIVATE TRANSFERS FROM ABROAD GROSS DISPOSABLE PRIVATE INCOME (2 ) 0.0004 0.0002 0.0003 0.0003 0.0005 0.0008 0.0022 0.0039 0.0050 0.0043 0.0072 0.0112 0.0260 0.0760 o. 1760 0.3170 1 .3300 3.9000 7.9000 14.3000 (3 ) 0.0001 0.0003 0.0004 0.0005 0.0013 0.0021 0.0050 0.0079 0.0115 0.0152 0.0278 0.0581 0.1320 0.3360 0.7690 2.3250 10.3090 25.6000 45.1000 55.9000 (4) 0.0129 0.0151 0.0204 0.0300 0.0474 0.0723 0.0939 0.1428 0.2113 0.2989 0.4815 0.9462 2.1430 5.1140 11.0560 28.4300 125.4529 446.1000 832.9000 1153.2000 (5 ) (6 ) 0.0036 0.0045 0.0057 0.0052 0.0065 0.0066 0.0133 0.0184 0.0209 0.0323 0.0471 0.0677 0.2230 0.5710 1 .3230 3.0780 13.7440 54.8000 77.4000 79.4000 0.0165 0.0196 0.0261 0.0352 0.0539 0.0789 0.1072 0.1612 0.2322 0.3312 0.5286 1 .0139 2.3660 5.6850 12.3790 31.5080 139.1969 500.9000 910.4000 1232.6000 PRIVATE SAVINGS (7 ) 0.0020 0.0022 0.0057 0.0082 0.0166 0.0290 0.0270 0.0327 0.0680 0.0591 O. 1377 0.3383 0.6907 1 .9401 4.1964 10.0179 32.8810 52.4000 134.6000 255.1000 ~ TABLE NA.II./6A: WEST BANK: PRINCIPAL PRIVATE INCOME AGGREGATES, 1968-1987 (Millions of current New YEAR GROSS NATIONAL INCOME AT MARKET PRICE ( 1) Israel~ Shekels) PLUS MINUS EQUALS PLUS EQUALS TRANSFERS FROM GOVERNMENTS AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES INCOME TAX AND TRANSFERS TO GOVERNMENTS GROSS DISPOSABLE DOMESTIC PRIVATE INCOME PRIVATE TRANSFERS FROM ABROAD GROSS DISPOSABLE PRIVATE INCOME (2 ) (3 ) (4) (5 ) (6) 0.0072 0.0079 0.0101 0.0092 0.0086 0.0094 0.0146 0.0178 0.0216 0.0298 0.0590 o . 1 122 0.2040 0.4850 0.9470 2.2280 9.5000 42.1000 59.5000 62.9000 0.0398 0.0482 0.0580 0.0776 0.1161 0.1368 0.2351 0.3353 0.t.795 0.6435 1 .1720 2.0110 5.1020 10.5100 24.2480 56.2360 279.2998 1079.0000 2202.8000 2634.1000 PRIVATE SAVINGS (7) V1 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 0.0326 0.0409 0.0491 0.0703 O. 1102 0.1307 0.2257 0.3269 0.4705 0.6312 1.1450 1.9610 5.0360 10.3660 24.1050 57.1150 284.7996 1081.4000 2205.4000 2644.2000 0.0002 0.0003 0.0002 0,0002 0.0003 0.0005 0.0023 0.0045 0.0049 0.0058 0.0081 0.0153 0.0350 0.0880 0.2620 0.3710 1 .3000 4.2000 7.4000 23.4000 0.0002 0.0009 0.0014 0.0021 0.0030 0.0038 0.0075 0.0139 0.0175 0.0233 0.0400 0.0770 0.1730 0.4290 1 .0660 3.4780 16.3000 48.7000 69.5000 96.4000 0.0326 0.0403 0.0479 0.0684 0.1075 0.1274 0.2205 0.3175 0.4579 0.6137 1 .1'30 1 .8990 4.8980 10.0250 23.3010 54.0080 269.7998 1036.9000 2143.3000 2571.2000 0.0038 0.0032 0.0074 0.0141 0.0248 0.0182 0.0543 0.0496 0.0789 0.0772 0.2920 0.3449 1.0033 1 .4782 5.1722 6.4257 36.7699 130.1000 444.7000 420.9000 CD TABLE NA.III./6A: OCCUPIED TERRITORY: PRINCIPAL PRIVATE INCOME AGGREGATES, 1968-1987 (Millions of current New Israeli Shekels) YEAR GROSS NATIONAL INCOME AT MARKET PRICE ( 1) PLUS MINUS EQUALS PLUS EQUALS TRANSFERS FROM GOVERNMENTS AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES INCOME TAX AND TRANSFERS TO GOVERNMENTS GROSS DISPOSABLE DOMESTIC PRIVATE IUCOME PRIVATE TRANSFERS FROM ABROAD GROSS DISPOSABLE PRIVATE INCOME (2 ) (3 ) (4 ) (5 ) (6 ) 0.0108 0.0124 0.0158 0.0144 0.0151 0.0160 0.0279 0.0362 0.0425 0.0621 0.1061 0.1799 0.4270 1 .0560 2.2700 5.3060 23.2440 96.9000 136.9000 142.3000 0.0563 0.0678 0.0841 o. 1128 0.1700 0.2157 0.3423 0.4965 0.7117 0.9747 1.7006 3.0249 7.4680 16.1950 36.6270 87.7440 418.4966 1579.9000 3113.1000 3866.7000 PRIVATE SAVINGS (7) V1 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 0.0452 0.0561 0.0696 0.1005 0.1584 0.2043 0.3224 0.4737 0.6883 0.9410 1 .6471 2.9541 7.2850 15.7400 35.7540 87.5530 419.2314 1549.2000 3075.5000 3839.0000 0.0006 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0008 0.0013 0.0045 0.0084 0.0099 o .0101 0.0153 0.0265 0.0610 0.1640 0.4380 0.6880 2.6300 8.1000 15.3000 37.7000 0.0003 0.0012 0.0018 0.0026 0.0043 0.0059 0.0125 0.0218 0.0290 0.0385 0.0678 0.1351 0.3050 0.7650 1.8350 5.8030 26.6090 74.3000 114.6000 152.3000 0.0455 0.0554 0.0683 0.0984 0.1549 o. 1997 0.3144 0.4603 0.6692 0.9126 1.5945 2.8452 7.0410 15.1390 34.3570 82.4380 395.2527 1483.0000 2976.2000 3724.4000 0.0058 0.0054 0.0131 0.0223 0.0414 0.0472 0.0813 0.0823 o. 1469 0.1363 0.4297 0.6832 1.6940 3.4183 9.3686 16.4436 69.6509 182.3997 579.3000 676.0000 '-.0 TABLE NA.I./6B: GAZA STRIP: PRINCIPAL PRIVATE INCOME AGGREGATES, 1968-1987 (Millions.of current United States dollars) YEAR GROSS NATIONAL INCOME AT MARKET PRICE (1 ) PLUS MINUS EQUALS PLUS EQUALS TRANSFERS FROM GOVERNMENTS AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES INCOME TAX AND TRANSFERS TO GOVERNMENTS GROSS DISPOSABLE DOMESTIC PRIVATE INCOME PRIVATE TRANSFERS FROM ABROAD GROSS DISPOSABLE PRIVATE INCOME (2 ) (3 ) (4 ) (5 ) (6) 10.286 12.857 16.286 13.941 15.476 15.714 29.821 29.022 26.322 30.880 26.976 26.612 43.521 49.952 54.519 54.755 46.874 46.520 52.016 49.780 47.143 56.000 74.572 94.370 128.334 187.858 240.360 254.260 292,444 316.640 302.751 398.551 461.751 497.331 510.121 560.501 474.741 425.134 611.831 772.792 PRIVATE SAVINGS (7) 0'\ 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 36.000 43.429 58.572 80.965 114,762 175.239 216.817 231 546 274.308 296.177 287.572 390.370 438.916 470.126 480.036 541.468 458,485 397.114 584.746 749.093 1.143 0.571 0.857 0.804 1 .190 1 ,905 4.933 6.151 6.297 4.111 4.124 4.403 5.074 6.649 7.253 5.639 4.536 3.311 5.309 8.966 0.286 0.857 1.143 1 .340 3.095 5.000 11. 211 12.461 14.484 14.532 15.922 22.838 2.5.761 29.394 31 .689 41.360 35.159 21 .732 30.309 35.047 36.857 43.143 58.286 80.429 112.857 172.143 210.539 225.237 266.122 285.756 275.774 371.935 418.229 447.381 455.599 505.747 427.861 378.694 559.391 723.012 5.174 6.286 16.286 21.984 39.525 69.049 60.539 51 .578 85.643 56.501 78.866 133.255 139.735 175.576 179.009 175.935 112.145 44.397 90.524 159.938 0 I TABLE NA.II./6B: WEST BANK: PRINCIPAL PRIVATE INCOME AGGREGATES, 1968-1987 (Millions of current United States dollars) YEAR GROSS NATIONAL INCOME AT MARKET PRICE (1 ) PLUS MINUS EQUALS PLUS EQUALS TRANSFERS FROM GOVERNMENTS AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES INCOME TAX AND TRANSFERS TO GOVERNMENTS GROSS DISPOSABLE DOMESTIC PRIVATE INCOME PRIVATE TRANSFERS FROM ABROAD GROSS DISPOSABLE PRIVATE INCOME (2 ) (3 ) o .571 0.571 2.571 4.000 5.630 7.143 9.048 16.816 21.924 22.040 22.275 22.910 30.267 33.763 37,530 43.928 61,871 55.592 41 .341 46.707 60.439 (4) (5) (6 ) 20.571 22.571 28,857 24.665 20.476 22,381 32.735 28.076 27.204 28.489 33.792 44.104 39.813 42.428 39,024 39.634 32,400 35.739 39.987 39.436 113.714 137.715 165,715 208.043 276.429 325.715 527.131 528.865 603.906 615.202 671.250 790.490 995,710 919.430 999.220 1000.390 952.560 915.960 1480.465 1651.474 PRIVATE SAVINGS (7) Q"\ 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 93.143 116.857 140.286 188.472 262.381 311.190 506.053 515.615 592.569 603.442 656.729 770.647 982.825 906.832 993.324 1016.028 971 .317 917.997 1482.125 1657.806 0.857 0.571 0.536 0.714 1.190 5.157 7.098 6.171 5.545 4.639 6.014 6.831 7.698 10.797 6.600 4.434 3.565 4.973 14.671 93.143 115.143 136,857 183.378 255.952 303.333 494.394 500.789 576.699 586.711 637.457 746.462 955.893 877 .001 960.192 960.757 920.159 880.221 1440.478 1612.038 10.857 9. '43 21.143 37.802 59.048 43.333 121 .749 78.233 99.370 73.805 167.239 135.574 195.804 129.315 213.138 114,308 125,405 110.441 298.857 263.887 f-J " TABLE NA.III./6B: OCCUPIED TERRITORY: PRINCIPAL PRIVATE INCOME AGGREGATES, 1968-1987 (Millions of current United States dollars) YEAR GROSS NATIONAL INCOME AT MARKET PRICE (1 ) PLUS MINUS EQUALS PLUS EQUALS TRANSFERS FROM GOVERNMENTS AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES INCOME TAX AND TRANSFERS TO GOVERNMENTS GROSS DISPOSABLE DOMESTIC PRIVATE INCOME PRIVATE TRANSFERS FROM ABROAD GROSS DISPOSABLE PRIVATE INCOME (2 ) (3 ) (4) (5 ) (6) 30.857 35.429 45.143 38.606 35.952 38.095 62.556 57.098 53.526 59.369 60.767 70.715 83.333 92.380 93.543 94.389 79.274 82.258 92.003 89.216 160.857 193.715 240.287 302.413 404.762 513.573 767.490 783.124 896.349 931.841 974.000 1189.040 1457.459 1416.760 1509.340 1560.890 1427.300 1341 .089 2092.296 2424.266 PRIVATE SAVINGS (7) 0'\ 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 129.143 160.286 198.857 269.437 377.143 486.428 722.869 747.161 866.876 899.617 944.299 1161 .015 1421.740 1376.957 1473.358 1557494 1429.800 1315.110 2066.869 2406.899 1 .714 1 .429 1 .429 1 .340 1 .905 3.095 10.090 13.249 12.469 9.656 8.763 10.417 11 .905 14.347 18.049 12.239 8.970 6.876 10.282 23.636 0.857 3.429 5.143 6.971 10.238 14.048 28.027 34.385 36.524 36.807 38.832 53.105 59.524 66.923 75.617 103.230 90.751 63.073 77.016 95.486 130.000 158.286 195.143 263.807 368.809 475.476 704.932 726.025 842.820 872.466 913.230 1118.396 1374.121 1324.381 1415.790 1466.502 1348.020 1258.913 2000.202 2335.050 16.571 15.429 37.429 59.785 98.571 112.381 182.287 129.811 185.012 130.306 246.105 268.553 330.601 299.037 386.063 292.518 237.546 154.839 389.314 423.824 N I TABLE NA.I./6C: GAZA STRIP: PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF PRINCIPAL PRIVATE INCOME AGGREGATES, 1968-1987 (in percent) YEAR As a percentage of Gross National Income GROSS NATIONAL INCOME AT MARKET PRICE (1 ) million US$ 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 36 000 43 429 58.571 80.965 114.762 175.238 216.816 231.546 274.307 296.176 287.571 390.369 438.915 470.125 480.034 541.466 458.483 397.113 584.745 749.091 TRANSFERS FROM GOVERNMENTS AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES INCOME TAX AND TRANSFERS TO GOVERNMENTS (2 ) (3 ) % % 3.17 1.32 1 .46 0.99 1 .04 1 .09 2.28 2.66 2.30 1 .39 1 .43 1.13 1 .16 1.41 1.51 1 .04 0.99 0.83 0.91 1 .20 0.79 1.97 1 .95 1 .66 2.70 2.85 5.17 5.38 5.28 4.91 5.54 5.85 5.87 6.25 6.60 7.64 7.67 5.47 5.18 4.68 As a percentage of Gross Disposable Private Income GROSS DISPOSABLE PRIVATE INCOME (4 ) million US$ 47.143 56.000 74.572 94.370 128.334 187.858 240.359 254.259 292.444 316.640 302.750 398.550 461.750 497.330 510.120 560.500 474.740 425.130 611 .830 772.790 GROSS DISPOSABLE DOMESTIC PRIVATE INCOME PRIVATE TRANSFERS FROM ABROAD PRIVATE SAVINGS (5 ) (6) (7 ) % % % 78.18 77.04 78.16 85.23 87.94 91.63 87.59 88.59 91.00 90.25 91.09 93.32 90.57 89.96 89.31 90.23 90.13 89.08 91 .50 93.56 21.82 22.96 21.84 14.77 12.06 8.36 12.41 11.41 9.00 9.75 8.91 6.68 9.43 10.04 10.69 9.77 9.87 10.94 8.50 6.44 12.12 11 .22 21.84 23.30 30.80 36.76 25.19 20.29 29.29 17.84 26.05 33.37 29.19 34.13 33.90 31 .79 23.62 10.44 14.78 20.70 0\ VJ TABLE NA.II.l6C: WEST BANK: PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF PRINCIPAL PRIVATE INCOME AGGREGATES, 1968-1987 (in percent) YEAR As a percentage of Gross Disposable Private Income As a percentage of Gross National Income GROSS NATIONAL INCOME AT MARKET PRICE (1 ) million US$ TRANSFERS FROM GOVERNMENTS AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES INCOME TAX AND TRANSFERS TO GOVERNMENTS (2 ) (3 ) % % GROSS DISPOSABLE PRIVATE INCOME (4 ) million US$ GROSS DISPOSABLE DOMESTIC PRIVATE INCOriE PRIVATE TRANSFERS FROM ABROAD PRIVATE SAVINGS (5) (6 ) (7 ) % % % 0\ .j::>. I 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 93.143 116.857 140.286 188.472 262.381 311.190 506.053 515.615 592.569 603.442 646.620 761.006 982.825 906.832 993.324 iOi6.028 971.317 917.997 1482.125 1657.806 0.61 0.73 0.41 0.28 0.27 0.38 1 .02 1 .38 1 .04 0.92 0.72 0.79 0.69 0.85 1 .09 0.65 0.46 0.39 0.34 0.88 0.61 2.20 2.85 2.99 2.72 2.91 3.32 4.25 3.72 3.69 3.54 3.98 3.44 4.14 4.42 6.09 5.72 4.50 3.15 3.65 113.714 137.715 165.715 208.043 276.429 325.715 527.131 528.865 603.906 615.202 671.250 790.490 995.710 919.430 999.220 1000.390 952.560 915.960 1480.450 1651.420 81 .91 83.61 82.59 88.14 92.59 93.13 93.79 94.69 95.49 95.37 94.97 94.43 96.00 95.39 96.09 96.04 96.60 96.10 97.30 97.62 18.09 16.39 17.41 11 .86 7.41 6.87 6.21 5.31 4.50 4.63 5.03 5.58 4.00 4.61 3.91 3.96 3.40 3.90 2.70 2.39 9.55 6.64 12.76 18.17 21.36 13.30 23.10 14.79 16.45 12.00 24.91 17.15 19.66 14.06 21.33 11 .43 13.17 12.06 20.19 15.98 - 66 NA.lll/6A -- -- - - (1) Gross National Income at Market Prices, Transfers from Governments and Local Authorities, lncome Tax and Transfers to Governments, and Private Transfers from Abroad: 198~ 87: ~SQt\f~, 1988, vol. XVllL No.2. Table 15. p. 36 (Gaza Strip). 1984 87: ~SG.t\fI, 1988, vol. XVllL No.2, Table 15, p. 26 (West Bank). ~JSCLl:\?, 198'1. vol. XVli, No.3, Table 15, p. 94 (Gaza ~)trip). 1980 84: ~SG1~'.~, 1987, vol. XVli. No.3, Table 7, p. 84 (West Hank). 1980 83: ~SG1\~, 198~, vol. XV, No.2, Table 14, p. 80 and Table 7, p. 1978 79: 73 for Gaza Strip and the West Bank respectively. ,JSGAS, 1985, vol. XV, No. L Table 14, p. 176 and Table 7, p. 1971 : 169 for Gaza Strip and the West Bank respectively. This source was a Iso used to obtain more p[(~cise versions of those 1978 79 figures which were rounded in ,J~gl\S, vol. XV, No.2. ~_SG_A.~, 1980. vol. X, No. 1·2, Table 9, p. "11 . .JsQP.~, 1976. vol. Vi, No. 1. Table 10, p. 76. 1974: 1971 n: ?bJ" 1975, No. 26, Table xxvlllO, p. 695. ~i~l, 1972, No. 23, Table XXVI/9, p. 650. 1968 "'0: (2) Gross Disposable Domestic Private Income was generated by fi.rst adding Transfers from Governments and I.ocal Authorities to Gross National Income, then subtracting lncome 'I'ax and TrarlSf(~rs to Gov(~rnfl1ents, i.e.: co 1 umn (4) co 1 umn (l) ~ co lumn co 1 umn (3). Gross Disposable Domestic Private lncome differs from the normally measured Net Disposable Domestic Private Income in that Gross National Income at market price includes Taxes in Production. 0= en (3) Gross Disposable Private Income was generated by adding Private Transfers from Abroad to Gross Di.sposable [)omf~stic Pri.vate lncome, i..e: co 1 umn (6) -= co 1 uran (4) i co 1 umn (5) (4) Private sav'jngs was computed as the difference betvleen Gross Dispo~-;able Pr i.vate lncome and Private Final Consum{Jti.on EXp(~ndi.ture. Thj s difference tallies almost exactly with the published s(~ri.es for Private savings, \.Jhich only cov(~rs the period 197"1 198'1. Calculated from New Israeli Shekel data in Tables NA.I/6A . NA.IIl/6A. Calculated from united ;,tates dollar data in Tables NA. 1./6B . NA. J.i 1./6B. - 67 - ~,J{AHf<~ NAn OF PlU \lATE ~;AV I NGS. COI\J~)UMPT LON AND GHOSS [)OMf:<.:~'l' I.e CAP I TAL FOl<!'1AT10N lN MAIN NATLONAL INCOME AGGJ:{EGATES - '(l - (1) Private Savings: from Table NA./6B. (2) Gross Domestic Capital ~ormation and Private Final Consumption Expenditure: from Tables NA./2B. (3) Gross Domestic Product: from Tables NA.IlB. (4) Gross National Product and Gross National Disposable Income: from Tables NA.nlL - 7? - NA/S, 9, 10 PER CAP1'l'A NAT LONAL ACCOlJN'l'~) IND LC1\TOR~): GOP, GNP AN[) GNLJY TABLE NA.PC./8: PER CAPITA NATIONAL ACCOUNTS INDICATORS: GDP, GNP AND GNDY, 1968-1987 (Current United States dollars) GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (GDP) YEAR Gaza Strip 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 109.2 118.9 142.5 179.0 207 1 289.3 383.3 399.4 463.8 492 .5 439.7 561.4 646.3 642.7 624.8 628.7 538.0 494.0 681.4 816.6 West Bank 170.6 193.5 187.2 261 .5 334,7 385.1 633.2 590.6 694.0 686.5 735.6 812.8 1081 .3 937.1 1010.4 1063.3 1015.8 928.9 1497.3 1517.9 Occupied Territory 146.9 165.3 170.3 230.3 286.4 348.7 537.9 517.1 604.6 610.5 618.9 715.1 914.1 822.7 860.1 893.9 829.0 758.5 1176.4 1241 .3 GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT (GNP) Gaza Strip 109.2 124.5 163.5 209.1 284.2 410.7 538.9 562.1 646.3 674.7 633.5 855.2 984.5 1025.2 1038.0 1138.7 930.5 791 .8 1123.7 1380.8 (a) GNDY figures only available for the Occupied Territory West Bank 176.0 213.9 225.1 332.9 442.4 506.2 800.8 792 .3 896.7 899.5 943.2 1088.8 1380.2 1252.2 1371.0 1458.0 1314.0 1191 .3 1851. 9 2000.0 GROSS NATIONAL DISPOSABLE INCOME (GNDY) Occupied Territory 150.2 180.0 201.8 286.1 382.5 469.9 700.9 703.9 799.4 811 .4 821.1 997.9 1228.1 1164.0 1241.2 1333.5 1164.1 1034.7 1565.4 1755.8 Gaza Strip 213.4a 239.7a 240.8 287.6 352.8 439.4 573.7 632.2 768.1 788.3 725.5 940.1 1097.2 1140.9 1146.1 1225.3 1041 .8 871.2 1204.5 1483.2 West Bank 213.4a 239.7a 285.9 383.8 487.1 526.0 834.6 806.4 956.2 949.9 1013.0 1158.9 1467.9 1342.5 1446.4 1515.4 1357.0 1231.3 1889.1 2084.1 Occupied Territory 213.4 239.7 268.8 347.4 436.2 493. 0 ~ 735.1 I 739.4 883.1 886.6 899.7 1073.8 1325.4 1264.2 1329.3 1402.3 1233.8 1090.2 1619.8 1847.2 TABLE NA.PC./9: PER CAPITA NATIONAL ACCOUNTS INDICATORS: PRIVATE CONSUMPTION & GROSS DISPOSABLE PRIVATE INCOME (Current United States dollars) GROSS DISPOSABLE PRIVATE INCOME PRIVATE FINAL CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE YEAR Gaza Strip' West Bank Occupied Territory Gaza 150.2 187.5 209.2 245.2 302.9 386.8 547.5 598.2 640.4 707.1 628.2 788.7 961.4 938.7 127.8 155.4 203.2 252.1 335.2 476.5 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 110.0 138.0 158.8 193.3 231.9 301 .4 441 .0 482.9 479.3 585.8 490.0 585.8 725.6 708.0 712.2 786.8 722.0 734.4 175.5 217.7 239.8 276.7 346.1 439.2 613.2 670.1 742.8 785.2 718.1 918.1 1108.7 1085.2 1060.8 1165.1 1057.0 1001 .2 1017.6 926.1 896.6 , no/':" 1";100 972.6 1429.4 1249.7 605.7 677.8 713.0 662.6 878.2 1024.7 1074.8 1077.5 1153.5 945.3 820.0 .1I'1I.G , /... ,.., 1987 1103.7 1626.8 1420.5 1391 .5 924.9 589.5 Bank Occupied Territory 194.5 233.2 274.9 338.2 440.1 506.6 797.4 786.5 889.1 892.2 956.4 1108.2 1380.2 1262.9 1348.5 1315.4 1217.3 1138.6 168.7 203.7 247.8 305.6 400.4 495.2 7I a.1 717.0 807.0 822.0 840.6 1018.8 1243.5 1189.8 1242.8 1252.3 1111 .0 1013.8 , '7n1 '[."7[: West n I (.,. I • V 1936.2 /. I.J..J..J.~ 1685.9 ..,. --...l I TABLE NA.PC./10, PER CAPITA NATIONAL ACCOUNTS INDICATORS: PRIVATE SAVINGS & GROSS DOMESTIC CAPITAL FORMATION (Current United States dollars) PRIVATE SAVINGS GROSS DOMESTIC CAPITAL FORMATION YEAR Gaza Strip West Bank Occupied Territory Gaza Strip West BanK 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 15.5 17.4 44.4 58.7 103.2 175.1 148.5 122.9 198.5 127.2 172.6 293.0 299.2 366.8 365.2 366.8 223.3 85.6 168.7 288.0 18.6 15.5 35.1 61 .4 94.0 67.4 184.2 116.3 146.3 107.0 238.3 190.1 271.4 177 .6 287.6 150.3 160.3 137.3 361 .6 309.4 17.4 16.2 38.6 60.4 97.5 108.4 170.6 118.9 166.6 114.9 212.4 230.1 282.1 251 .1 317.9 234.7 184.9 117.0 285.7 301.0 8.5 19.0 19.5 25.8 47.9 78.5 116.6 128.1 157.0 140.4 155.1 222.9 219.1 245.0 234.9 237.7 194.2 162.1 230.3 284.4 12.2 27.6 26.1 37.9 67.1 67.8 181 .5 122.7 161 .5 163.8 221 . 1 244.6 347.0 236.6 326.0 282.7 270.8 251.8 481.0 435.5 Occupied Territory 10.8 24.3 23.6 33.3 59.8 71.9 156.7 124.8 159.8 154.6 195. 1 236.2 297.9 239.9 290.5 265.2 240.9 216.6 382.4 375.9 -J V1 - 76 SOURCES: TAB~ES _NA. PC(8, NA. t.'~/9_, NA. PCn 0 (1) Per capita figures were obtained by dividing the relevant National Accounts indicators (using data series from the respective tables) by the total mid--year populat ion of the part icular area. (3) Mid-Year population was obtained as the mean of End-of-year and Beginining-of-year population figures. (2) population at End-of-year; population at Beginning-of-year: 196788 ?AI. 1989, No. 40, Table XXVIIII. p. 700. Exc~: 1986-87: 1983 84: For Gaza Strip, computed figures for population at end- and beginning-of-year replace published figures. For the West Bank, computed figures for population at endand beginning-of-year replace published figures. 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