On line Option for Masters in Curriculum and Instruction

On line Option for Masters in Curriculum and Instruction
The Masters in Curriculum and Instruction is aligned with the Frameworks of Teaching
and Learning. It gives educators the opportunity to study four areas of teaching and
learning. The educator will look at curriculum and the art and science of planning and
preparing for the classroom. The educator will explore the classroom environment and
ways to create an environment conducive to learning. The educator will create, observe
and study classroom instruction. Finally, the educator will participate in research that
demonstrates the ability to work as a professional.
This degree is broad in nature and gives the educators many options in each of the four
categories. The Department of Secondary Education has designed the program so that the
required courses and electives in each category are offered on line. Not every course in
the program is offered on line but faculty have decided which classes lend themselves to
an on line platform. The Masters in Curriculum and Instruction is a 30 - credit program
that includes an electronic portfolio as the capstone assessment.
The following required courses are offered on line:
SEU 567: Curriculum of the Secondary School (Spring and Summer course)
SEU 544: Effective Secondary Education Seminar (Fall and Summer)
EDU 528: Student Diversity and Critical Pedagogy (Fall and Summer)
EDU 500: Methods of Research: required (Spring)
The following courses are offered on line as electives:
EDU 526: Data Driven Decision Making (Fall)
EDU 533: Social Interpretations of Education (Summer)
SPU 500: Cognitive Development of Diverse Learners in a Standards Aligned System
(Fall. Winter and Summer)
SPU 514: Effective Instructional Strategies for Students with disabilities in Inclusive
Settings (Spring, Winter and Summer)
EDU 564: Foundation of the Middle Level Learners (Winter and Summer)
There are a variety of ITC courses offered on line each semester.