Assessment of General Education Student Learning Outcomes at Kutztown University

Assessment of General Education Student Learning Outcomes at Kutztown University
At Kutztown University, the General Education Assessment Committee is responsible for
coordinating and facilitating the assessment of the learning outcomes for General Education.
Information about the committee can be found at:,
and information about the new General Education curriculum is located at:
Assessments of student learning outcomes for General Education occur on a three-year cycle
(see, for the plan). For the current
Academic Year 2011-2012: assessment of major outcomes associated with Goal 1 – to
cultivate intellectual and practical skills that are practiced extensively, across the
curriculum, in the context of progressively more challenging problems, projects, and
standards for performance for the four university core courses (Composition,
Mathematics, Speech Communication, and Wellness)
Academic Year 2012-2013: assessment of the major outcomes associated with Goal 2 –
to develop an understanding of human cultures and the physical and natural world that is
focused by engagement with big questions, both contemporary and enduring of the
university distribution courses
Academic Year 2013-2014: assessment of the major outcomes associated with Goal 3 –
to inculcate a sense of personal and social responsibility that is anchored through active
involvement with diverse communities and real world challenges of the seven
competency courses. Pilot training for Goal 3 assessment.