tGJ !~, \~ .UnitedDepartmentStates of Agriculture Forest Service Miscellaneous Publication 1465 Cover-The semi-arid mountainsof the Wallowa National Forest, Oregoncontain numerousexamplesof the landform influenceson ecosystempatterns. (USDA Forest Servicephoto). ..\ ~~~ United DepartmentStates tW Agriculture G of Forest Service Miscellaneous Publication 1465 Robert G. Bailey1, Geographer Land Management Planning Staff USDA Forest Service Washington, DC November 1988 ICorrespondence address: Land Management Planning Systems, USDA Forest Service, 3825 East Mulberry Street, Fort Collins, CO 80524 (USA) Bailey, Robert G. 1988. Ecogeographicanalysis:a guide to the ecological division of land for resourcemanagement. Misc. Publ. 1465. Washington,DC: U. S. Departmentof Agriculture. 18 p. Ecological units of different sizes for predictive modeling of resourceproductivity and ecologicalresponseto managementneedto be identified and mapped. A set of criteria for subdividing a landscapeinto ecosystemunits of different sizesis presented,basedon differencesin factors important in differentiating ecosystemsat varying scalesin a hierarchy. Practical applicationsof suchunits are discussed. Keywords: ecologicalland classification,landscapeecology, scale, ecosystemmapping,resourceplanning model ii Contents Page Introduction. Role Scale Differentiating Mesoscale: Macroscale: Microscale: of of Climate Ecosystem Landform Edaphic-topoclimatic Macroclimatic Factors in Ecosystem Units and Differentiation.Scale. Differentiation. Differentiation. Differentiation. .. 1 2 2 3 3 6 8 LiteratureCited Discussion. Practical Applications 13 14 16 iii Introduction Wildland planning efforts today focus largely on trying to predict or model the behaviorof the ecosystemunder differing kinds and intensitiesof management.In order to do this, the land must be divided into component ecosystemsthat reflect significant differencesin response to managementand resourceproductioncapability. The questionnow arises: How much detail is adequateto model the area under analysis? The answerto this questiondependson the complexity of the area and the level of precisionneededby the manager. Ecosystemsoften exist naturally in very different sizes,and can be identified at severalgeogtaphicalscales and levels of detail in a hierarchical manner, ranging from site-specificecosystemsto groups of spatially related systemsknow as regions. One of the essentialframeworks for predictive modeling, therefore, is an identification of ecosystemsat different levels of detail that can be linked to different levels of analysis.Ecogeographicanalysis is the subdivisionof a landscapefor this purpose. This approachstarts with mappingthe ecosystemsof various sizesunderlying the area for analysis.This requiresa union of ecologyand geography.In thesefields there are numeroustextbooksthat are lengthy, complete, definitive works. Ecosystemclassificationhas beendescribedby USDA ForestService (1982) and Driscoll and others (1984). So far ecosystemboundarieshave receivedlittle systematictreatment. Most textbooksdeal with boundary problems superficially, and few specialessaysare available. One could argue, therefore, that a short accessible monographthat treats the establishmentof ecosystem boundariesis neededas a guide for thosewhose professions involve the analysisand managementof land. This monographis written in an attemptto fulfill this need. The basic conceptsaboutscaleand ecosystemsare discussedin textbooks on landscapeecologyand geography (Isachenko1973; Leser 1976; Formanand Godron 1986). A synthesisof theseconceptshas beenpresentedelsewhere by Bailey (1985). In a brief followup article, Bailey (1987) reviewedthe literature to suggestpossible criteria to make the conceptsoperationalthrough mapping. This monographexpandsupon thesearticles to elaborateand illustrate the conceptsand criteria. It also provides a discussionof practical applicationsin planning and management. Scale of EcosystemUnits Role of Climate in EcosystemDifferentiation Scaleimplies a certain level of perceiveddetail. Suppose, for example, that an area of intermixed grasslandand pine forest is examinedcarefully. At one scale, the grassland and the stand of pine are each spatiallyhomogeneous and look uniform. Yet linkages of energyand material exist betweenthesesystems.Having determinedthese linkages,the locationally separatesystemsare intellectually combinedinto a new entity of higher order and greatersize. These larger systemsrepresentpatternsor associationsof linked, smallerecosystems. Ecosystemsof different climatic areasdiffer sig~ificantly. Thesedifferencesare the result of factors that control climatic regime defined as the diurnal and seasonalfluxes of energyand moisture. The basic pattern of .fluctuationof solar energyis responsiblefor the largestshareof periodicity and spatial variation of the earth's environment. The changing intensity and duration of solar radiation brings aboutchangesin the troposphere,stratosphere, earth temperatureand seatemperature;influencesmigratory and hibernationpatternsof animals; and controls the life cycles of much of the biota. Thus, an energy flow that varies systematicallythrough time and spaceresults in an environmentthat also varies through time and space.The samecan be said of the moisture flow. Energy and moisture regimes, in combination,are the dominant controls of all biophysicalprocesses. Schemesfor recognizing suchlinkageshave beenproposedand implementedin a number of countries (for example, Zonneveld 1972). The nomenclatureand number of levels in theseschemesvary. One scheme,proposedby Miller (1978), recognizeslinkages at three scalesof perception. While not definitive, it illustratesthe nature of theseschemes.The smallest, or local, ecosystems (microecosystems) are the homogeneoussites commonly recognizedby forestersand range scientists.They are of the size of hectares. Linked sites create a landscapemosaic (mesoecosystem) that looks like a patchwork. A landscapemosaicis made up of spatially contiguoussites distinguishedby material and energyexchange.They range in size from 10 km2 to severalthousandkm2. A classicexample of a landscapemosaicis a mountain landscape.Betweenthe componentsystemsof a mountain range there is lively exchangeof materials: water and products of erosion move down the mountains;updrafts carry dust and pieces of organic matter upward, and downdrafts carry them downward; animals can move from one systeminto the next; seedsare easily scatteredby the wind or propagatedby birds. At broader scales, landscapemosaicsare connectedto form larger units (macroecosystems). Mountainsand plains are a case in point. For example,the lowland plains of the Western United Statesas a mosaiccontrasts with steeplandscapesin adjacentmountainranges.As water from .themountainsflows to the valley, and as the mountainsaffect the climate of the valley through sheltering, two large-scalelinkages are evident. Suchlinkages createreal economicand ecologic units. This unit with connectedmosaicsis called a region. Regionsare in many scales(Bailey 1983). Like landscapes,they stand in contrast with one anotherand also are connectedthrough long-distancelinkages. Finally this progressionreaches the scale of the planet. 2 Climatic regime, in turn, is channeled,shaped,and transformed by the structural characteristicsof ecosystems, that is, by the nature of the earth's surface. In this sense, all ecosystems,macro and micro, are respondingto climatic influencesat different scales.The primary controls over the climatic effects changewith the scale of observation. Latitude, continentality,and mountainsall differentiate regional climate, while landforms and local vegetation on them differentiatelocal climate. Setting ecosystem boundariesinvolves the understandingof thesefactors on a scale-relatedbasis. Differentiating Factors And Scale The factors that are thoughtto differentiate eco-climatic units, and the scale at which they operate,are described as follows: Macroscale: Macroclimatic Differentiation To make comparisonsof climates on a macroscaleor global level, it is necessaryto considerclimatic conditions that prevail over large areas. Unfortunately, climate changeswithin short distancesdue to variations in local landform featuresand the vegetationthat developson them. It is necessary,therefore, to postulatea climate that lies just beyond the local modifying irregularities of landform and vegetation.To this climate, the term' 'macroclimate" is applied. Variations in macroclimate(as determinedby the observationsof meteorologicalstations) are related to severalfactors. Latitude- The primary control of climate at the global level is latitude, resulting in irregular solar energy at different latitudes. Solar radiation experiencesa generally latitudinal decreasefrom equatorto pole due to increases in the angle of incidence of the sun's rays and to the thicknessof the atmosphere.The resulting generallyeastwest belts or zones correspondto life zones, plant formations, and biomes commonlyrecognizedby ecologistsand biogeographers(Whittaker 1975). The boundariesof zonesare determinedby thermal and moisture limits for plant growth. Three major thermally defined zonescan be defined: (1) a winterless climatic zone of low latitude, (2) temperateclimates of mid latitudes with both a summerand winter, and (3) a summerlessclimate of high latitude. A winterless climate is commonly defined as one in which no month of the year has a mean monthly temperaturelower than 64 of (18°C). This isothermapproximatesthe position of the boundary of the poleward limit of plants characteristicof the humid tropics. A summerlessclimate is one in which no month has a mean monthly temperature higher than 50°F (10°C). The 50°F isotherm closely coincides with the northernmostlimit of tree growth; hence, it separatesthe regions of boreal forest from the treelesstundra. The relative amplitudesof the periodicities of annualand diurnal energycycles vary in eachzone. Within the tropics, the diurnal range is of greatermagnitudethan the annual cycle. Within temperatezones,the annualrange exceedsthe diurnal range, althoughthe diurnal can be very large. Within the polar zones,the annual range is far greaterthan the diurnal range. Precipitationalso follows a zonal pattern. The dry zones are controlled by the subtropicalhigh-pressurecells centered on the tropics of Cancerand Capricorn(231h0 N and g). Thesezonesare too dry for tree growth. Continental position-At any given latitude the summers are hotter and the winters colder over the land than over the oceans,giving rise to the distinction betweenmarine and continentalclimates. The distribution of land and seaalso complicatesprecipitation patterns. Evaporationis rapid over warm water, and therefore precipitationis generally greater over the margins of the continentsbathed by warm water. By combiningthe thermally defined zones with the moisture zones, it is possibleto delineatefour eco-climatic zones:hunrid tropics, humid temperate,polar, and dry. Within eachof these zones,one or severalclimatic gradients may affect the potential distribution of the dominant vegetation.Within the Humid Tropical zone, for example, rainforeststhat have year-round precipitationcan be distinguished from savannasthat receive seasonalprecipitation. The analysis of eachzone results in the identification of a number of climatic subzones.Theseclimatic subzonesare correlated with actual climatic types, using the systemof climatic classificationdevelopedby Koppen (1931) and modified by Trewartha (1968). Koppen's systemis simple, is basedon quantitativecriteria, and correlateswell with the distribution of many natural phenomena,suchas vegetationand soil. Other bioclimatic methodsfor mappingzones at global levels exist (for example,Holdridge 1947, Troll 1964, Walter and others.1975). All use selectedclimatic characteristics that outline zones within which certain general level vegetationhomogeneityshould be found. They also suggesta strong similarity of vegetationin equivalent bioclimatic zones in different parts of the globe. All of the methodsappearto work better in someareasthan in others and have gained their own following. Koppen's systemhas becomethe most widely used climatic classification for geographicalpurposesand is, therefore, presentedhere to illustrate the basis for zone delineation. 3 ~ 1~ 0'1 .& By applying Koppen's system,the following thirteenbasic climates result: Do Ar E Temperateoceanic: 8 months over 50 of, warmest month below 72 of (22°C). Temperatecontinental: 4 to 8 months over 50of. Boreal or subarctic: one warmestmonth 50 of or above. Tundra: all months below 50of. Polar ice cap: all months below 32of. Dc Tropical wet: all months above64 of (18 °C) and no dry season. Aw Tropical wet-dry: all months above 64 of and 2 months dry in the winter. BSh Tropical/subtropicalsemi-arid: evaporationexceeds precipitationand all months over 32 of (0 °C). BWh Tropical/subtropicalarid: one-half the precipitation of the semi-arid and all months over 32of. BSk Temperatesemi-arid: sameas BSh but with at least 1 month colder than 32°F. BWk Temperatearid: sameas BWh but with at least 1 month colder than 32 OF. Cs Subtropical dry summer(Mediterranean):8 months 50°F (10°C) or more, summerdry. Cf Subtropicalhumid: 8 months over 50of. Ft Fi The distribution of theseclimatesis shown in figure 1. Eachclimatic subzoneis clearly defined by a particular type of climatic regime, and, with a few exceptions,the subzoneslargely correspondto zonal soil types and zonal vegetation.Table 1 showsthe relations betweenzonal types and climatesas classified by Koppen. Zonal soil types and vegetationoccur on sites supporting climatic climax vegetation. Suchsites are uplands, that is, sites with a well-drained surface, moderatesurfaceslope, ~ ~-~~L. e' ~( '\ ' ~ ~l ~\\ J~, ~ '\;II r 'OJ '. ;tJ , I Ar Tropical Aw Tropical Wet Wet-Dry BSh Tropical/Subtropical '31 Semi-arid BWh Tropical/Subtropical BSk Temperate Semi-arid ~ BWk Temperate Arid Cs Subtropical Dry Summer Figure l-Eco-climatic zones of the world (after Trewartha1968). 4 Arid U" ~ I//~r I BS Boreal Table I-Zonal relationshipsbetweenclimate, soil, and vegetation Eco-climatic Zonal soil type! Zonal vegetation zone AT Latisols (Oxisols) Evergreentropical rain forest (selva) Aw Latisois (OxisoIs) Tropical deciduousforest or savannas Chestnut,Brown soils and Sierozems(Mollisols Aridisols) Short grass Desert (Aridisols) Shrubsor sparsegrasses Cs Mediterraneanbrown earths Sclerophyllouswoodlands Cf Red and Yellow Podzolics (illtisols) Coniferousand mixed coniferous-deciduousforest Brown Forestand Gray-brownPodzolic (Alfisols) Coniferousforest Dc Gray-brown Podzolic (Alfisols) Deciduousand mixed coniferous-deciduousforest E Podzolic (Spodosolsand associatedHistosols) Ft Tundra humus soils with solifluction (Entisols, Inceptisolsand associatedHistosols) BW Do coniferous forest (taiga) Tundra vegetation(treeless) Fi 1Names in parenthesesare Soil Taxonomy soil orders (USDA Soil ConservationService 1975). and well-developedsoils. The climax vegetationcorrespondsto the major plant formation (for example, deciduousforest) that is the presumedresult of succession, given enoughtime. It is possibleto subdividezonesinto finer ecological units. For example,the vegetationcover of the savanna zone is highly differentiated. It has heavy forest near its boundary with the equatorialzone and sparseshrubsand grassesnear its arid border. Variation in the length and intensity of the rainy seasonrelate to both the variety of vegetationand to soil and hydrologic conditions. Elevation-The zonal correspondenceof climate with latitude and continentalposition is broken by featuresthat are dependenton differencesin elevation, or relief. Becausethey can occur in any zone they are referred to as azonal. Becauseof elevation, high mountainsare differentiated into vertical zones. Every mountainwithin a zone has a typical sequenceof altitudinal belts that differs according to the zone in which it is located (seefig. 2). Two series of eco-climaticunits can, therefore, be established: lowlands and highlands. The effects of latitude, continentalposition, and elevation, togetherwith other climatic factors, combineto form the eco-climaticzonesof the world. Figure I showsthe climatic zoneswithin which distinct ecosystemassemblages might be expectedto occur. This map showsclimatic units that appearto be important to the climatologistand can be usedto help determineecosystemboundariesat the macroscale. Sincemeteorologicalstationsare too sparsein many areas,dataare simply not availableto map more precisely 5 1 D 2 ~ 3 ~ 4 ~ 5 m 6 ~ 7 [:3 8 ~ Figure 2- Vertical zonation in different eco-c1imatic zonesalong the easternslopes ofthe RockyMountains (after Schmithiisen1976). 1, ice region; 2, mountain vegetationabovetree line; 3, boreal and subpolar open coniferouswoodland; 4, boreal evergreenconiferousforest; 5, boreal evergreenmountainconiferous forest; 6, coniferousdry forest; 7, short grass dry steppe;8, boreal evergreenconiferousforest with cold-deciduousbroodleavedtrees. A, ecotone;B, Boreal; C, ecotone;D, TemperateSemi-arid. the distribution of theseecologicalclimates. Thus, we generallysubstituteother distributions. The composition and distribution of vegetationwas used by Koppen in his searchfor significant climatic boundaries,and vegetation is a major criterion in the ecosystemregion maps of Bailey (1983) and Walter and Box (1976). Climatic differencesuseful in recognizingunits at this level can be reflected in the vegetationin severalways (Damman 1979): (1) changesin forest stand structure, dominantlife forms, and topographyof organic deposits; (2) changesin dominantspeciesand in the toposequence of plant communities;and (3) displacementof plant communities, changesin the chronosequenceof a habitat, and minor changesin the speciescompositionof comparable plant communities. Other differencesare given by Kuchler (1974)and van der Maarel (1976). Traditionally, the principal source of such information has been vegetationmappingby-ground survey. If large areas are to be surveyedthis approachis not very practical, and satellite remote-sensingdata with its synoptic overview is used to look for zoneswhere vegetationcover is relatively uniform. Thesezonesare especiallyapparentin low-resolutionremote sensingimagery (Tucker and others 1985). In someareas,pr.oblemsresulting from disturbanceand the occurrenceof an-intricate patternof secondarysucces6 sional stagesmake regionalboundary placementdifficult. In suchareas,theseproblems can be overcomeby consideringthe patternsdisplayedon soil maps of broad regions, suchas ttle FAO/UNESCO World Soil Map (FAO/UNESCO 1971-78). Becausesoils tend to be more stable than the vegetation,they provide supplementalbasis for recognizingecosystemsregardlessof presentland use or existing vegetation. Mesoscale:Landform Differentiation Macroclimateaccountsfor the largestshare of systematic environmentalvariation at the macroscaleor regional level. At the mesoscale,the broad patternsare broken up by geologyand topography(landform). For example, solar energy will be receivedand processoodifferently by a field of sanddunes,lacrustrineplain, or an upland hummockymoraine. Landforms (with their geologic substrate,surface shape, and relief) influence place-to-placevariation in ecological factors suchas water availability and exposureto radiant solar energy. Through varying height and degreeof inclination of the ground surface,landforms interact with climate and directly influence hydrologic and soil-forming processes. In short, the best correlation of vegetationand soil patterns at mesoand inicroscalesis landform becauseit controls the intensitiesof key factors importantto plants and to the soils that developwith them (Hack and Goodlet 1960; Swansonand others 1988). Realizationof the importanceof landform is apparentin a number of approachesto classificationof forest land (for example, Barnesand others 1982). three major characteristics:relative amountof gently sloping land (less than 8 percent), local relief, and generalized profIle (that is, where and how much of the gently sloping land is located in the valley bottoms or in the Landforms come in all scalesand in a great array of shapes.On a continentalscale within the samemacroclimate there commonly exist severalbroad-scalelandform patterns that break up the zonal patterns(figure 3). The landform classificationof Hammond (1954, 1964), who classifiedland-surfaceforms in terms of existing surface geometry, is useful in determiningthe limits of various mesoecosystems or landscapemosaics.In the Hammond system, summarizedin table 2, landforms are identified on the basis of similarity and differenceswith respectto On the basis of thesecharacteristicsalone, it is possible to distinguishamong (1) plains having a predominanceof gently sloping land, coupled with low relief, (2) plains with somefeature of considerablerelief, (3) hills with gently sloping land and low to moderaterelief, and (4) mountainsthat have little gently slopingland and high local relief. uplands). The secondgroup may be subdividedon the basis of where the gently sloping land occurs in the profile into Plain Figure 3-Land-surface form typesand their effect on zonal climate. ,., Table 2-Hammond's schemeof landform classification Symbol Definition Slope A. B . C. D. ~, More than 80 percentof area gently sloping. 50-80 percentof area gently sloping. 20-50 percentof area gently sloping. Less than 20 percentof area gently sloping. Local Relief 2.. . 3.. . 4. .. 5.. . 6.. . 0-100 feet. 100-300 feet. 300-500 feet. 500-1000 feet. 1000-3000feet. Over 3000 feet. Profile type a.. bo Coo do. 0 More than 75 percentof gentle slope is in lowland. 50-75 percentof gentle slopeis in lowland. 50-75 percentof gentle slopeis on upland. More than 75 percentof gentle slopeis on upland. plains with hills, mountains,or tablelands.Approximate definitions of the grouping or generalizedterrain types are as follows: .Nearly flat plains: AI; any profile .Rolling and irregular plains: A2 , Bl, B2; any profile. .Plains with widely-spacedhills or mountains:A3a or b, B3a or b to B6a or b. .Partially dissectedtablelands:B3c or ~ to B6c or d. .Hills: D3, 04; any profile. .Low mountains:D5; any profile. .High mountains:D6; any profile. Of course, within theseclassesthere exists much variety. Someplains, for instance,are flat and swampy,others rolling and well drained, and still others are simply broad expansesof smoothice. Similarly, somemountainsare low, smoothed-sloped,and arrangedin parallel ridges, while others are exceedinglyhigh, with rugged, rocky slopesand glaciers and snowfields. Figure 4 shows how someof theseclasses(landscape mosaics)are distributed in Koppen's Mediterranean(Cs), or SubtropicalDry Summer,zone. According to its physiographicnature, a landform unit consistsof a certain set of sites. A delta has differing types of ecosystemsfrom those of a moraine landscape next to it. Within a landscapemosaic, the sites are arrangedin a specific pattern. The tablelandsof the westcentral part of the North American continentare a case in point (seefig. 5). For example,the Colorado Plateauis made up of various site-specificecosystems,including valleys of various sizes, smoothuplands,streamchannels (mostly dry), individual slopes,terraces,sandbarsin the streamchannels,and several small and shallowdepressions in the uplands. Units at this level can be most accuratelydelineatedby considering the toposequence(Major 1951), or catenaof site types, throughoutthe unit. To account for some of this variability, two additional classes are identified in the plains areas. The two added classes are the following: .Ice cap: More than 50 percent of the area is covered by permanent ice. Microscale:Edaphic-topoclimatic Differentiation .Poorly drained lands: More than 10 percent of the area is covered by lake or swamp. latter is the edaphic (related to soil) factor. 8 Although the distribution of ecological zones is controlled by macroclimate and broad-scale landform patterns, local differences are controlled chiefly by microclimate and ground conditions, especially moisture availability. The 30 40 50 Figure 4-Landscapes of the SubtropicalDry Summerzone (from Thrower and Bradbury 1973; redrawn with permissionfrom Springer-Verlag,Heidelberg). Within a landform there exist slight differencesin slope and aspectthat modify the macroclimateto topoclimate (Thomthwaite 1953). There are three classesof topoclimate: normal, hotter than normal, and colder than normal (figure 6). The units derived from theseclassesare referred to as site classes(Hills, 1952). Deviations from normal topoclimateand mesic soil moisture occur in various combinationswithin a region, and are referred to as site types (Hills 1952). As a result, every regional system-regardlessof size or rank-is characterizedby the associationof three types of local ecosystemsor site types: In differentiating local sites within topoclimates,soil moisture regimeshave beenfound to be the feature that provide the most significant segregationof the plant communities. A toposequenceof a drainagecatenaillustrates this phenomenon(figure 7). A commondivision of the soil moisture gradientis: very dry, dry, fresh, moist and Zonal site types- Thesesites are characterizedby normal topoclimateand fresh and moist soil moisture. wet. Azonal site types-These sites are zonal in a neighboring zone but are confined to an extra-zonalenvironmentin a given zone. For instance,in the northern hemisphere, south-facingslopesreceive more solar radiation than 9 10 Figure S-A variety of ecosystems form this mosaic of riparian, grazing, and woodlandsitesin UnaweepCanyon and vicinity in western Colorado, a well-developedtableland in the TemperateSemi-aridzone. (USDA Forest $ervice photo.) north,-facingslopes,and thus south-facingslopestend to be warmer, drier, less thickly vegetated,and covered by thinner soils than north-facing slopes. In arid mountains, the south-facingslopes.arecommonlycovered by grass, while steepernorth-facing slopesare forested.Azonal sites are hotter, colder, wetter, and drier than zonal sites. Intrazonal site types-These sites occur in exceptional situationswithin a zone. They are presentedby small areas with extremetypes of soil and intrazonalvegetation. Vegetationis influencedto a greaterextent by soil than by climate, and thus the samevegetationforms may occur on similar soil in a nUmberof zones. They are differentiated into four groups: First, there are those are that are unbalanced chemically. Someexamplesfrom the United Statesare the specialized plant standson serpentine(magnesiumrich) soils in the California CoastRanges.Other examplesare the belts of grasslandon the lime-rich black belts of Alabama,Mississippi, and Texas and the low mat saltbush(Atriplex corrugata) on shaledesertsof the Utah desert, which contrastswith upright shrubson adjacentsandyground. The kind and amountof dissolved matter in groundwater also affect plant distribution. It is especiallyobvious along coastsand along edgesof desertbasinswhere the water is brackish or saline. 11 N ---$- Second,very wet sites are where intrazonal plant distributions are controlled by ground-watertable. The plants of thesesites are phreatophytesthat sendroots to the water table. Examplesare provided by riparian zones in the desertsof the southwesternUnited States,suchas cottonwood (Populusdeltoides)floodplain forest, and the cypress (Taxodiumdistichum)and tupelo (Nyssaaquatica) forests of the Southeast. Third, very dry sites with sandysoils, becauseof limited moisture-holdingcapacity,are drier thnn the generalclimate. At the extreme, sanddunes fail to supportany The use of the word' 'potential" is critical becauseit allows a single site to include different kinds of vegetation as long as they representdifferent stagesof biotic succession from weedypioneersto "climax" forest or grasslands. It is possibleto identify anotherlevel (provisionally called the site phase)to allow the classificationto communicatethe agesand speciescompositionof existing vegetation.Thesecorrespondto forest and range cover types that are commonlymappedby the use of remote sensingimagery. vegetation. Fourth, there are very shallow sites. Soil depth, as a factor in plant distribution, may be controlled by depthto a water table or depthto bedrock. Vegetationgrowing along a stream or pond differs from that growing some distanceaway where the depthto the water table is greater. Examplesof the influence of depthto bedrock on plant distribution can be seenin mountainousareaswhere bare rock surfacesthat support only lichens are surrounded by distinctive flowering plants growing where thin soil overlapsthe rock, and is, in turn, surroundedby forest where the soil deepens. Figure 8, in a very simplified way, illustrates how topography, even in areasof uniform macroclimate,leadsto differences in local climates and soil conditions. The climatic climax theoretically would occur over the entire region but for topographyleadingto different local climates, which partially determineedaphicor soil conditions. On theseareas different edaphicclimaxesoccur; climatic climaxes occur only on mesic soils. The units at this scalecorrespondto units with similar soil particle size, mineralogicalclasses,soil moisture, and temperatureregimes. Theseare generallythe same differentiating criteria used to define families of soils in the Systemof Soil Taxonomy of the National Cooperative Soil Survey (USDA Soil ConservationService 1975). The potential, or climax, vegetationof theseunits is the plant community with the rank of association,which is the basic unit of phytocenology.Associations(also called habitattypes in the WesternUnited Statesby Pfister and Arno (1980) are named after the dominantspeciesof the overstory and of the understory(Daubenmire1968). 12 It ..-::: I I11I1 :::: HabltatMicroclimate and sol/ - ---Normal IiffiIiiiiIffij === microclimate over moist soil Normal microclimate over wet soil ---Normal microclimate ffifjj over dry soil It t t! - Warmer microclimate Climax biotic community Maple-beech } CLIMATIC CLIMAX Oak-ash Oak-hickory Tulip-walnut DnnIDmID over moist soil Ittlt t t t II C:::::J III II Warmer microclimate over wet soil Sycamore-tulip Warmer microclimate over dry soil Oak-chestnut Colder microclimate Elm-ash-oak EDAPHIC CLIMAXES IJnIDII!DID over moist soil IIIII Colder microclimate over wet soil White sprucebalsam fir III II ", Colder microclimate over dry soil Hemlockyellow birch PracticalApplications Ecogeographicanalysis may be carried out at different levels (at different scales).The particular rank of the ecosystemin the hierarchy of ecologicalunits dependson the purposeand scaleof analysis.We can thus define relationships betweenthe levels of analysisand the rank of the ecological unit subjectto investigation: Regions delimit large areaswithin which local ecosystems recur more or less throughoutthe region in a predictable fashion. By observingthe behavior of the different kinds of systemswithin a region, it is possibleto predict the behavior of an unvisited one. Regionshave two important functions for management. First, a map of suchregions suggestsover what area the knowledge about ecosystembehaviorderived from experiments and experiencecan be applied without too much adjustment,for example, silvicultural practices,estimates of forest yields, and seeduse. Experienceconcerningland use, suchas terrain sensitivityto acid rain, suitability for agriculture, and effectivenessof best managementpractices in protecting fisheries, can be applied to similar sites within each region. Second,regions provide a geographical framework in which similar responsesmay be expectedwithin similarly defined systems.It is thus possible to formulate managementpolicy and apply it on a regionwide basis rather than on a site-by-sitebasis. This increasesthe utility of site-specificinformation and cuts down on the cost of environmentalinventoriesand monitoring. Landscape mosaics delimit areasthat representdifferent patterns or combinationsof sites within a regional ecosystem. The interaction betweensites causesprocessesto emerge that were not presentor evident at the site level. The processesof a landscapemosaicare more than those of its separateecosystemsbecausethe mosaicinternalizes exchangesamong componentparts. For example,a snowforest landscapeincludes dark pines that convert solar radiationinto sensibleheat that movesto the snow cover and melts it fasterthan would happenin either a wholly snow-coveredor a wholly forestedbasin. The pines are the intermediariesthat speedup the processand affect the timing of the water runoff. Watershedmanagersattempt to producethe sameeffects by strip cutting extensive forests. It is the understandingof landscapeprocessthat makespossiblethe analysisof the effects of management of a site on surroundingsite, and therebythe assessment of the cumulativeeffects that may occur from a proposed managementactivity. Furthermore, a map of suchmosaicsrevealsthe relative diversity of the landscape.Planningand managementof diverse and complexlandscapes(for example, mountains) is problematicaland difficult, while uniform ones (for example, plains) presentproblems of relative simplicity. Solving problemsrelated to land use suchas erosionand revegetationdependon understandingthe complexity of the landscape.By knowing the characterof the mosaic and the landscapeprocessesit is possibleto analyzeand mitigate the problemsassociatedwith management activities. Sites are, for practical purposes,relatively homogeneous with respectto all the biophysicalcomponents.Suchareal site units are the base for productivity assessments, silvicultural prescription, and forest management. Site maps are general purpose ecosystem maps. Applied ecosystem maps can be developed by interpreting and grouping the basic ecosystem units shown on the general purpose map. For example, a general purpose map can be interpreted to show units with high arboreal productivity and low potential for slope failure. A further interpretation can be made to place units with such a combination into a category of high suitability for forestry. Different types of applied ecosystem maps will differ only in the interpretation and grouping of the basic ecosystem units. 11 Highland Macro Discussion All natural ecosystemsare recognizedby differencesin climatic regime. The basic idea here is that climate, as a source of energyand moisture, acts as the primary control for the ecosystem.As this componentchanges,the other componentschangein response.The primary controls over the climatic effects changewith scale. Regional ecosystemsare areasof essentiallyhomogeneousmacroclimate. Landform is an important criterion for recognizing smallerdivisions within macroclimaticunits. Landform modifies climatic regime at all scaleswithin macroclimaticzones. It is the causeof the modification of macroclimateto local climate. Thus, landform provides the bestmeansof identifying local ecosystems.At the mesooscale,the landform and landform pattern form a natural ecologicalunit. At the microscale, suchpatterns can be divided topographicallyinto slopeand aspectunits that are relatively consistentas to soil moisture regime, soil temperatureregime, and plant association;that is, the homogeneous"site." Therefore, the answerto the questionof boundarycriteria is that climate, as modified by landform, offers the logical basis for delineating both large and small ecosystems. Basedon the foregoing analysis,criteria indicative of climatic changesof different magnitudeare presentedin table 3. Figure 9 illustrates the use of thesecriteria. They are offered as suggestionsto guide the mappingof ecosystemsof different size. In broad outline, the criteria for delineationare quite different at eachof three scales of analysis.The results of this review are not meantto be definitive, but are an attemptto illustrate criteria that appearto be importantand that can be usedto establish ecosystemboundaries. With referenceto the generalprinciples involved in assigningprime importanceat the different scalelevels to different criteria, it shouldbe noted that Rowe (1980) has raised the need for a caveat. Although the levels can be mappedby referenceto single physical and biological features, they must always be checkedto assurethat the boundarieshave ecologicalsignificance. A climatic map showing such key factors as temperatureand precipitation is not necessarilyan ecologicalmap, until its boundaries are shownto correspondto significantbiologic boundaries. Likewise, maps of landform, vegetation,and soils are not necessarilyecologicalmaps until it has been shownthat the types have the samedistribution. Before any map is used, it should be thoroughly testedand modified if necessary(Bailey 1984). It is importantto link the ecosystemwith management hierarchies. It is not suggestedin the foregoing that three levels of ecologicalpartitioning are everywheredesirable; there could be two or nine dependingon the kind of que~tion being askedand the scale of the study. However, if is advantageous to have a basic framework consistingof a relatively few units to which all ecologicalland mappers can relate and betweenwhich other units can be defined as required. 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