Bankruptcy White (1989)

White (1989)
Bankruptcy – the closing down of firms that are inefficient,
use outdated technologies, or produce products that are in
excess supply.
The central question:
Does the bankruptcy process make sure that
• firms in bankruptcy are inefficient,
and that
• inefficient firms end up in bankruptcy?
• the basic bankruptcy procedure
• used by firms that are closing down and not able to
pay all their debts.
• Without it: a race by individual creditors in order to
secure claims
Crucial aspect: the priority rule
Tore Nilssen – Economics of the Firm – Lecture 6 – slide 1
In practice (US): APR - the absolute priority rule.
secured creditors, with claim of particular assets
(or their values)
administrative expenses of the bankruptcy
claims with statutory priority (tax claims, unpaid
wages, etc.)
unsecured creditors’ claims (trade credit, damage
claims, long-term bonds)
- subordination agreements?
equity (shareholders, owners)
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Three basic priority principles
“Me first”
• All creditors are assumed unsecured; no claims have
statutory priority
• Creditors are ranked in order of the date loans were
made, with earliest claims ranked highest.
• Anything remaining goes to equity holders.
“Last lender first”
• As “Me first” but with ranking in reversed order.
Equal priority
• All creditors have the same ranking and are therefore
paid the same fraction of their claims’ face values.
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A model of the bankruptcy decision
Management makes decisions maximizing the value of
If the firm fails – the firm’s assets are insufficient to pay
current obligations – it obtains new financing from a shortterm lender called the “bank”. Decisions are now taken by
the coalition of equity and bank in order to maximize their
joint value.
Other creditors are called the “debt”.
A two-period model. No discounting.
A firm has no cash in hand.
But it has outstanding debt:
D1 due in period 1
D2 due in period 2
Liquidation value if liquidated in period 1: L
Liquidation not enough to cover period-1 debt: L < D1
In order to avoid bankruptcy in period 1, the firm must
obtain a new loan from the bank in period 1: B1 = D1
The firm is willing to give the bank all its equity to obtain
this loan, since without it, the firm has no value.
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If loan is granted and the firm continues, its gross earnings
(i.e., before debt payments) equal P2.
The firm should be continued at period 1 if P2 > L.
The firm should file for bankruptcy at period 1 if P2 < L.
How do the priority rules perform?
It depends on whether or not there is any uncertainty
No uncertainty
“Me first”
Bankruptcy: Coalition receives nothing, because L < D1.
Continuation: Coalition receives P2 in period 2, but must
pay old debt D2 and new debt B1.
Coalition chooses continuation if: P2 – D2 – B1 > 0.
This condition implies P2 > B1 + D2 > B1 = D1 > L.
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→ Under the me-first rule, continuation will be chosen only
when it is economically efficient.
Coalition chooses bankruptcy if: P2 – D2 – B1 < 0.
• The bank is not willing to make the loan that would
make continuation possible.
But there are cases in which P2 – D2 – B1 < 0, at the same
time as P2 > L. In such cases, debt holders at period 1
would gain P2 – L if continuation were chosen.
B1 + D2
Me first
Under “Me first”, some firms end up in bankruptcy that
should continue from an efficiency viewpoint.
• When the coalition chooses to continue, it must share
the gain from continuation with the old debt holders
by paying them in full.
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Last lender first
The interesting case: B1 < P2 < B1 + D2
Now, the bank has higher priority than the debt.
The coalition earns zero in case of continuation: the bank is
paid in full, but there is nothing left for equity.
Thus, the coalition is indifferent between bankruptcy and
B1 + D2
Last lender
Summing up – no uncertainty
• All the priority rules lead to too much bankruptcy
• Liquidation imposes a cost on debt holders that is
ignored by the coalition
ƒ An externality problem
• The problem is greatest under the me-first rule since it
gives the most to the debt holders and thus creates the
greatest externality.
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Uncertain value of continuation
Suppose that if the firm continues, then, in period 2,
with probability p, it earns P2 + G;
with probability (1 – p), it earns P2 – G.
Assume: P2 + G > B1 + D2, and D1 < P2 – G < D2.
Does a higher value of G imply greater uncertainty?
- Not necessarily, since G affects both expectation and
variance of the period-2 value.
Me-first rule
With continuation, the coalition gets P2 + G – D2 in the
good outcome, nothing in the bad outcome.
Expected return from continuation: p(P2 + G – D2) – B1.
Continuation chosen if
p(P2 + G – D2) – B1 > 0, i.e.
p(P2 + G) > pD2 + B1 = pD2 + D1.
Efficient with continuation when:
p(P2 + G) + (1 – p)(P2 – G) – L > 0, i.e.
p(P2 + G) > L – (1 – p)(P2 – G).
Continuation chosen when bankruptcy efficient? – If so,
pD2 + D1 < p(P2 + G) < L – (1 – p)(P2 – G),
which requires that
L > pD2 + (1 – p)(P2 – G) + D1;
this cannot happen (contradicting White’s claim).
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Last lender first
Since B1 = D1 < P2 – G, the bank gets fully repaid in bad
times under last lender first. So continuation is chosen if
p(P2 + G – D2 – B1) > 0, i.e.
p(P2 + G) > p(D2 + B1) = p(D2 + D1).
An extreme focus on the good outcome.
Continuation chosen when bankruptcy efficient requires
L > p(D2 + D1) + (1 – p)(P2 – G);
but even if p is very small, so that D1 is of little importance,
this cannot happen: By assumption, L < D1 < P2 – G.
Again, a contradiction of White’s claim.
Summing up – uncertainty
• In contrast to the case without uncertainty, we may
now get situations where continuation is chosen even
if bankruptcy would be efficient.
• But: The examples in White’s text do not show this.
Too many firms go bankrupt.
Scope for remedies to get firms through financial crises?
Reorganization – US and Norwegian law very different.
Voluntary reorganization – free-rider problem.
Better to let management decide when to reorganize?
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