GEOL 4334 Lab 06: Geologic Cross Sections v. 2015 LAB 06: Constructing Geological Cross Sections Objectives: Ø Ø Construct a viable geologic cross section based on map and subsurface data sets at appropriate scale Interpret existing geologic cross sections in terms of geometric accuracy and geologic validity Materials: tracing paper, grid paper, pencils, ruler, protractor, divider, calculator, protractor Introduction One of the goals of a structural geologist is to understand the three dimensional geometry of deformed rocks. Unfortunately, all that can be directly observed are rocks at the Earth’s surface or, in special cases, one dimensional information obtained from well logs. The shape of the structures below the surface and the projection of those features into the air (before they were eroded) must be inferred. Geologic crossrd sections represent interpretations of the subsurface structure. In this way they provide the 3 dimension that compliments 2-dimensional geologic maps. Constructing a Cross Section. 1. Determine the line along which you are going to draw the section. Several considerations must go into selecting an appropriate section. Things to consider might include: a. The section should be representative of the area being studied, and should cross major structural features such as faults, folds, etc. b. There should be appropriate data on the map or in a well log(s) to draw a complete section. E) Completed cross section Y Y’ 500’ 500’ 400’ 400’ 300’ 300’ 200’ 200’ 100’ c. One of the most common ways to draw cross sections is to orient them perpendicular to major structural features. Sections drawn perpendicular to map-scale structural features avoid the problem of determining apparent dips. In figure A, note that the bedding symbols strike E-W and dip to the north. Therefore, a cross section from Y-Y’ would illustrate the north-dipping structural grain of the map area. In contrast, what would an EW-trending cross section depict? (A lot of horizontal lines, parallel to the strike of the beds! Try to visualize this.) sandstone shale thrust fault bedding bedding form lines 100’the method of cross section construction to use. We will focus on three methods: 1) the Busk d. Decide V = H – sometimes referred to as “kink-band” method; and 3) the Busk method. Most of method; 2) dip-domain SL the work SL you will as a300’ professional be using the free-hand or dip-domain methods. All 0’ 100’do 200’ 400’ 500’ will 600’probably 700’ 800’ sections should be drawn with no vertical exaggeration. GEOL 4334 Lab 06: Geologic Cross Sections A v. 2015 p1 Methods for drawing sections D p2 Busk method (Figure 2A) A B E F C This method assumes constant bed thickness during folding and that all folds are parallel. In this method, the curvature of a folded bed varies uniformly from one dip measurement to the next. Bed form lines may be extended as tangent planes to concentric circles. For example, in Figure A, dip measurements at points A, B, and C connect as a single curved surface that is tangent to circles with radii of p1 and p2. One can imagine how to construct such a cross section with a drawing compass. e ing p6 p5 p3 tra G ce h of H I p4 Dip-Domain Method This method assumes regions (or “domains”) of equal dip separated by narrow hinge regions. This method may be used in regions of thick, well-layered sedimentary packages such as in foreland fold and thrust belts, commonly associated with similar type folds (Fig. 3). Figure 3A (below) shows a geologic strip map along a river drainage with dip, dip direction data. Note how distinct domains with similar dip values may be defined and separated by dip domain boundaries. Project these boundaries onto a profile line along with dip ticks on either side (Figure 3B). Dip domain boundary lines may be extended into the subsurface (and air) with an inclination equal to the line that bisects the two dip domains (Fig. 3B). Figure 3C represents the completed dip domain cross section, including a pair of dark form lines average dip in each domain N defining bedding. A dip domain boundary 10° 20° 40° 55° 45° 30° 18° X 8° 5° 27° 7° 10° 38° 1000 ft. 42° 70° 35° 70° 70° 67° 35° 10° 20° 40° 55° 30° inclination of dip domain boundary = bisecting angle between adjacent domains C 5° 15° domain cross 70° 60° 30° 45° Figure 3. Dip construction. X’ 30° Free-Hand Method project dip domain boundaries down to profile line B X 17° 30° 500 15° 30° 60° 15°12° 4° 52° 20° X 0 60° 70° 35° This is the most common method of cross section construction. As in all other methods, section lines are perpendicular to X’ constructed regional structural grain and dip values, contacts and other features are projected onto the profile line, being careful to calculate apparent dips where necessary. Features in the subsurface (and air) are sketched “free-hand” as X’ constrained by all data sets available, including map data, seismic data, well data and regional stratigraphy and geology. The shape of structures interpreted in the subsurface (and air) should mimic the shape of structures as seen in outcrop and map view. section GEOL 4334 Lab 06: Geologic Cross Sections v. 2015 Constructing a Cross Section, continued. 2. Plot a topographic profile along the cross section. Using the map scale as a guide, construct a profile grid with no vertical exaggeration (V=H); in other words, the horizontal scale is the same as the vertical scale of your cross section. a. This can be done by taking gridded paper and placing the paper parallel to your profile line (Figs. A and B). Scale and label the elevations on the profile grid. Graph paper with 10 or 20 boxes per inch is ideal for 1:24,000 topo sheets because the scale for these maps is 1 inch = 2,000 feet. b. Where the profile line crosses a topo contour, place a point on the equivalent elevation on the profile grid. Once all elevation control points have been transferred, using a free-hand style, connect the dots to form the topographic profile (Fig. D). GEOL 4334 Lab 06: Geologic Cross Sections v. 2015 c. Place dip ticks above the profile line where they occur on the map. Transfer these dip ticks to the profile line (Fig. D). Use a protractor to accurately plot the dip of the planar feature. At this point it’s important to remember that you must calculate apparent dip values if the profile is not perpendicular to the strike of the given planar feature. If the trend of the dip direction is within ~ 5° of the profile line you can use the true dip value. (For some sections, however, you need to calculate all apparent dips.) 3. Mark contacts on the topographic profile where the particular feature crosses the line of the section. Project dip data onto the topographic profile plane (Fig. C and D). You can project structural data onto the profile plane from some distance from the actual cross section line depending on the scale of Y Y’ heterogeneity of the structures. There is no good rule for how far dips may be projected, but as long as you feel that there is no good reason for a dip to 500’ 500’ change between its location and the line of cross section, it may be projected. 400’ 400’ To the right is a completed profile ready to be 300’ drawn and interpreted. Be sure to leave enough space below and above the topographic profile to 200’ draw in your structures. Make multiple copies of the profile so that you can sketch out different 100’ interpretations. Remember, constructing cross SL sections is an iterative process that takes much 0’ time, thought, and reflection. 300’ 200’ 100’ 100’ 200’ 400’ 500’ 300’ 600’ 700’ 800’ SL 4. Draw in structures (faults, folds) and the lithologic units on the cross section so that unit thicknesses are preserved or vary within the context of the map patterns. Use the map patterns and outcrop exposures, if available, to guide your depiction of structures in the subsurface. For example, if the field area is dominated by kink-style, fault-bend folds with no apparent layer thickening, then be sure to depict this geometry in your cross section. 5. Extend structures and lithologic units above the present level of erosion and to depth, if sufficient information is present to do so. You may want to complete several alternative cross sections. The most important thing to keep in mind is that your cross section should be geologically, geometrically and physically reasonable. E) Completed cross section 6. Finish the cross section by drawing in the traces of contacts, form lines, faults, the axial surfaces of anticlines and synclines, etc. In some cases you may use form lines to illustrate the structure or fabric within units in the cross section (Fig. E). Lightly color the cross section corresponding to the map units. Be sure to include a legend. Y Y’ 500’ 500’ 400’ 400’ 300’ 300’ 200’ 200’ 100’ 100’ SL V=H 0’ 100’ 200’ 300’ 400’ 500’ 600’ 700’ 800’ SL sandstone shale thrust fault bedding bedding form lines