GEOL 4334 Lab 01: Lines and Planes Lab 01: v. 2015 Orientation of Lines & Planes in Rocks Objectives Ø These exercises will develop the skills of 3D visualization and description of geologic structures using correct terminology. Ø Enable students to communicate the 3D orientation of geologic structures to other co-workers, collaborators using precise terminology and symbols Ø Enable students to evaluate the geometry of geologic structures Ø After completion, can you i) visualize the orientation of a structure described in a report or an oral presentation, and ii) articulate the orientation of a given geologic structure to your colleagues? Materials: pencil, colored pencils, trig-calculator, tracing paper, paper, ruler, protractor I. Vocabulary Many of the structures that we can observe in seismic lines, cores, or in outcrops can be approximated by lines and planes. In this lab you will learn the rudiments of structural orientation, including strike, dip, apparent dip, trend, plunge, and rake. You will then examine and use two different techniques to solve planar and linear geometric problems that you would typically encounter working in industry or conducting geologic field research. MEMORIZE the following terms and learn to visualize these features in 3-D. Attitude: the orientation in space of a structural element; e.g., bed, fault, lineation, etc. The attitude of a planar structure is expressed by its strike and dip; the attitude of a line is expressed as trend and plunge. Bearing (azimuth): The horizontal angle between a line and a specified coordinate direction, e.g., north, etc., or in degrees from 0-360. Quadrant: Four quarters of the cardinal directions; e.g., NE, SE, SW, NW. Compasses in the U.S. predominantly use quadrants in which each quarter is divided into 90° increments beginning with 0° at both N and S and 90° at both E and W. Strike: The bearing of a horizontal line contained within an inclined plane. The strike is a line produced by the intersection of a horizontal and inclined plane. Measured relative to north in quadrant space. Dip (δ): The vertical angle between an inclined plane and a horizontal line that is perpendicular to the strike line. (Trend of) Dip direction: The bearing of a line that is perpendicular to the strike line that points to the dip direction. Trend: The bearing of a line. Non-horizontal lines trend in the down-plunge direction. Plunge: The vertical angle between a line and horizontal. Pitch or rake: The angle measured within an inclined plane between a horizontal line (the strike line) and the line in question. (Measured with a protractor.) Apparent Dip (α): The vertical angle between an inclined plane and a horizontal line that is NOT perpendicular to the strike of the plane. For an inclined plane, the apparent dip is ALWAYS LESS THAN THE TRUE DIP. Apparent dip, therefore, really defines the inclination of a line and may be expressed with a trend and plunge or by its pitch (or rake). Horizontal Line Horizontal STRIKE Line Dip direction Line 2 Line 1 GEOL 4334 Lab 01: Lines and Planes v. 2015 II. Conventions for expressing strike & dip of a PLANE Strike and dip can be expressed in a number of different ways and it is advantageous to be able to conceptualize these conventions. In the U.S., strike is measured using the quadrant method in which the compass is divided into four quadrants (NE, SE, SW, NW). A fault plane that strikes north-west/southeast and dips 42° southwest would be expressed as N45W/42SW; meaning that the line produced by the intersection of an imaginary horizontal plane and the inclined fault plane trends 45° west of north. The dip of this plane, measured perpendicular to the strike, is 42° in the southwest direction. Quadrant data should always be recorded and displayed relative to north in the following way: e.g., NxW/ySW, where x is the measured strike and y is the measured dip. The other convention is the azimuthal method, in which the compass is divided into 360° (0°/360° at the top, counting in a clockwise direction). Using the azimuthal method, the fault plane noted above would have a strike of either 315° or 135°. You would then have to specify the dip direction: 315/42SW. Dip direction may be specified in two ways: 1) The ‘right-hand rule’: looking in the direction of the strike the plane should dip to your right. Therefore, in the above case, the strike would be 135° and the dip would be 42°. The convention for displaying ‘right-hand rule’ data is strike first, then dip; e.g., 135°/42°. 2) Alternatively, you could specify the dip direction; e.g., 315° 42W. In this case, you do not have to look down the strike line and worry about the ‘right-hand rule’ because the dip direction, “W”, is noted. III. Conventions for expressing plunge & trend of a LINE The convention for noting the trend of a line is that it should always be measured in the ‘down-plunge’ view, and the plunge is always recorded first. For example, 36°/S54W means that a line plunges 36 degrees in a direction 54 degrees west of due south. When measuring a line in quadrant notation, you may use all quadrants, not just the north half. IV. Map symbols and notation conventions PLANES The symbols to the left represent strike and dip symbols for planes of the various orientations noted. The long line represents the strike direction; the shorter tick points toward the dip direction. The bold italics notation is in quadrant form; the regular font is in azimuth with “right hand rule”. GEOL 4334 Lab 01: Lines and Planes v. 2015 LINES The symbols to the left represent plunge and trend symbols for lines of the various orientations noted. The bold italics notation is in quadrant form; the regular font is in azimuth. Note that the direction of trend for a given line is always measured toward the plunge direction. For example, the measurement of 30°/S45°E defines a line that plunges 30° from horizontal toward the direction of S45°E. V. True vs. Apparent Dip The block diagram below (A) displays the difference between apparent dip and true dip. Apparent dip, α, is the vertical angle measured from horizontal down to an inclined plane in a vertical plane that is NOT perpendicular to ion the strike line. The horizontal angle rect i d ke between the apparent dip direction and the stri strike line is β. A α The true dip, δ, is equal to the maximum dip of the plane and is therefore always greater than α. δ VI. Putting it all together B Notice how the profile plane in Fig. B containing the apparent dip (α = 56°) is not perpendicular to strike. a C N ike β angle: 60° (acute angle) Map View str Example based on oblique block diagram and associated map view. Strike & Dip Quadrant: N30°W/60°SW Azimuthal: 330°/60°SW; 150/60SW Oblique Perspective Azimuthal, r.h.r.: 150°/60° Dip Direction: Quadrant: S60°W Azimuthal: 240° n io Apparent Dip Direction: ct re di p Quadrant: N90°W; di ue r t n S90°W; or due W ctio dire dip t n Azimuthal: 270° re ppa n ctio ire d ip ed tru apparent dip direction VII. Website Resources: This shows some examples of how geologists measure strike and dip. GEOL 4334 • Lab 01: Lines & Planes Name: R#: TA: PROBLEMS • PART I 1. Translate from the azimuthal convention to the quadrant convention, or vice-versa, as is necessary (6 pts.). a. N43°E _______ d. 087° _______ g. S62°W _______ j. 241° _______ b. N43°W _______ e. S20°E _______ h. N62°E _______ k. 270° _______ c. N90°W _______ f. 355° i. 127° l. due S _______ _______ _______ 2. Circle those attitudes in the list below that are impossible (i.e., a bed with the indicated strike cannot possibly dip in the direction that is indicated) (3 pts). a. N23W/57SE c. N45W/78NW e. N34W/14N g. 089°, 3N b. N46W/56NE d. 089°, 43SW f. 089°, 43E h. 341°, 84NE 3. Translate the following attitudes into the azimuthal convention according to the right-hand rule. (3 pts.) a. N30W/34NE __________ c. 078, 76SE __________ e. 234, 43NW __________ b. N48E/56SE __________ d. 067, 74NW __________ f. 117, 21NE __________ 4. Translate the following strike and dip measurements into equivalent dip and dip direction measurements. The trend of the dip direction may be written either in quadrant or azimuthal convention. (3 pts.) a. N34W/38NE ____________ c. N48°E/57°SE ____________ b. 087, 21NW ____________ d. 245°, 41°NW ____________ e. 117°, 33°NE ____________ PART II – Apparent Dip Problems With the following problems you will learn how to visualize and draw diagrams that help to illustrate & calculate the 3-D orientation of structures. The following equation will provide the true dip, if you know the apparent dip, apparent dip direction, and strike of a planar structure. You can rearrange the equation to solve for apparent dip, apparent dip direction and/or strike. tan δ = tan α/sin β, or, the tangent of the plunge of true dip (δ) = the tangent of the plunge of the apparent dip (α) divided by the sine of the angle (β) between the strike of a plane and the bearing of an apparent dip. True Dip from two apparent dips Tan of φ = (csc angle between θ1 and θ 2)((cotα1)(tanα2)-(cos angle between θ 1 and θ 2)), where: φ = horizontal angle between true dip direction & apparent dip direction; θ1 and θ 2 = apparent dip direction 1 and 2, respectively; α1 and α2 = apparent dip angle 1 and 2, respectively. This equation will give you the true dip and dip direction from two apparent dips. (If you know the true dip and dip direction, then you also know the strike. Right? Right. Now explain it to your neighbor!) Complete each of the following problems on separate pages of engineering paper. Be sure to properly label your answers. Be sure to include all steps. 5. Along a road cut, a bed of coal has an apparent dip of 20° in a direction of N62W. The bed strikes N67E. a. Draw and label a 3-D block diagram that illustrates this problem. (3 pts.) b. Calculate the true dip. (3 pts.) 6. A fault has an attitude of N80E/48SE. a. Determine the apparent dip of this fault in a vertical cross-section that strikes N65W. (4 pts.) b. Draw and label a 3-D block diagram that illustrates this problem. (4 pts.) 7. A coal seam dips 2° due east. Dingbat Mining Co. wants its mining adits (mining tunnels) to slope at least 1° so that water will drain out of the toxic pit and pollute the local trout stream. a. In what directions can adits (tunnels) be driven without plunging less than 1°? (5 pts.) b. Draw and label a 3-D block diagram that illustrates this problem. (6 pts. GEOL 4334 • Lab 01: Lines & Planes Name: R#: TA: cut out along bold black line prior to lab!!!!! True versus apparent dip model. Cut out along bold perimeter line. Redrafted from the Fault Analysis Group, University College Dublin. stirike/dip symbol B ap pa re nt dip β A line parallel to strike line normal to strike ke true dip 45° A tr i α Cut-out model to display strike/dip, plunge/trend and apparent dip. Cut out along perimeter line. Redrafted from the Fault Analysis Group, University College Dublin. bli qu et os B eo trend lin γ GEOL 4334 • Lab 01: Lines & Planes Name: cut out along border line PRIOR to LAB R#: plunge/trend symbol 29° TA: