news and views A tale of tails Christof Niehrs Developing organisms still hold many surprises for biologists. For instance, an entirely new ‘organizer’ — a clump of cells that tells other cells what to do — has been discovered at a very early stage of zebrafish development. he vertebrate tail is a somewhat neglected organ. Protruding from the rear, it does not, at first glance, seem to serve much purpose other than to chase off flies on cows and horses. In humans, the rare atavistic occurrence of a rudimentary tail can even be an embarrassment. Yet the post-anal tail is one of the defining features of chordates. In primitive chordates and fish it promotes locomotion; lancelets use it to burrow in sand; in mammals it stabilizes posture and allows communication; and monkeys also use it as a third leg. All vertebrates develop a tail as embryos, and where the adults do without, it disappears during fetal development or metamorphosis. Despite its importance, however, we know little about the molecular mechanisms that underlie tail formation. On page 448 of this issue, Agathon et al.1 present an analysis of tail development in zebrafish. Unexpectedly, they have discovered a new ‘tail-organizing centre’ in early embryos, and have shown that its molecular components include some of the usual suspects. The question of how the embryonic tail forms is part of the greater problem of how the main body axis — from head to trunk to tail — is generated during early vertebrate development. Of central importance for the establishment of this body axis in amphibians is the upper dorsal blastopore lip, better known as the Spemann organizer,which can, after being transplanted into a different embryo, cause a second body axis and hence a twin embryo to form.Structures equivalent to the amphibian organizer have been found in all other vertebrates. The organizer produces signals that control the specialization of nearby tissues; two of its main functions are to induce the production and patterning of neural tissue, and to cause ventral tissues of the middle embryonic layer known as the mesoderm to form dorsal tissues (such as muscle)2. Early transplantation experiments by Otto Mangold3 showed that the Spemann organizer can be subdivided into head, trunk and tail organizers (Fig. 1a). So it comes as a complete surprise that Agathon et al.1 have discovered a tail-organizing centre that appears to be independent of the Spemann organizer. The authors carried out experiments with zebrafish blastulae, early embryos that consist of just a hollow ball of cells. They took cells from the ventral margin T NATURE | VOL 424 | 24 JULY 2003 | a Dorsal b Tail Wnt Head BMP Ventral — a tissue that does not become part of the ‘shield’, considered to be the fish equivalent of the Spemann organizer — and transplanted the cells into host embryos. The result was extra tails, consisting of donor- as well as host-derived cells.Agathon et al. also showed that inactivating the Spemann organizer did not interfere with this ‘ectopic’ tail formation, implying that the two organizers are indeed independent. The authors concede, however, that the Spemann organizer is required for ‘proper’ tail formation, as the ectopic tails were incomplete: for instance, they lacked the stiff supporting rod known as the notochord, which is derived from the Spemann organizer. The authors also established that this tailorganizer activity involved growth-factor proteins of the Wnt, bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) and Nodal families. These signalling molecules were good candidates for such a role because they are known to be present in the ventral margin, and interfering with the signalling pathways to which they contribute inhibits tail formation. Agathon et al. now show that misexpressing these growth factors in combinations, but not singly, leads to the generation of extra tails — which are, again, incomplete. So all three growth factors are involved in © 2003 Nature Publishing Group Figure 1 Organizers of development. a, The Spemann organizer. Otto Mangold3 took different segments from the Spemann organizer of early newt embryos (neurula stage; left), and transplanted them into the fluid-filled cavity of embryos at the even earlier gastrula stage (centre). As tadpoles (right), the embryos displayed duplicate, region-specific balancers (stabilizing threads in the head), heads, trunks or tails. (Modified from ref. 10.) b, Doublegradient model for generation of the body axes, showing how perpendicular activity gradients of Wnts and bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) regulate head-to-tail and dorsal–ventral patterning. The gradients are indicated by colour scales; arrows indicate spreading of the signals. Patterning begins at gastrula stages, but for clarity is depicted in an early amphibian neurula. The formation of head, trunk and tail requires increasing Wnt activity. Agathon et al.1 have found that tails develop where high levels of BMP and Wnt signals intersect, towards the posterior. (The model is adapted from ref. 9 and is a molecular interpretation of the classical double-gradient theories reviewed in ref. 11.) the newly discovered tail-organizer activity. The wider significance of these findings concerns how they relate to existing models for region-specific organizers, in which Wnts, BMPs and Nodals are no strangers. The head- and trunk-organizing activities of the Spemann organizer are known to require combinations of these three types of growth factor4. Head-organizer activity requires inhibition of all three signals; trunk formation requires Nodal signalling to be active but BMP signalling to be inhibited; and we now know that the tail organizer requires signalling by all three factors. The drawback of previous organizer models was that they failed to explain the difference between the trunk and tail organizers in molecular terms, except for tail development at later stages5,6. Thanks to Agathon et al., this riddle seems well on the way to being solved. A few issues remain, however. First, Agathon and colleagues’ model1 emphasizes qualitative differences in combinatorial signalling, with key signals being either ‘on’ or ‘off ’ — and this is enough to explain the phenomenon of discrete organizers as they have been observed in transplantation experiments for the past 75 years. For instance, the authors propose that Wnt signalling needs to be ‘on’ to generate the tail, 375 news and views but ‘off ’ to produce the trunk. Yet we know that all three growth factors act in a concentration-dependent fashion during early axis formation. A gradient of Nodal protein instructs cells at different points along the gradient to take on different mesodermal fates; this then translates into an increasing dorsal-to-ventral gradient of BMP7,8 and an increasing head-to-tail gradient of Wnt9, generating a continuum of positional information. Completely blocking Wnt inhibits trunk formation, so trunk-organizer activity must require some — probably low levels of — Wnt signalling, rather than the complete inhibition suggested by the authors. Second, unlike BMPs and Wnts, Nodal proteins affect the head-to-tail patterning of neural tissue only indirectly, inducing mesendodermal tissue to produce, for instance, Wnts, Wnt inhibitors and BMP inhibitors at different threshold activities of Nodal. A model complementary to that of Agathon et al. focuses on the more direct players — BMP and Wnt — in regulating axis formation (Fig. 1b), and takes into account their activity gradients. Finally, how does the tail organizer uncovered by Agathon et al. interact with the Spemann organizer to induce complete tails? And how can we integrate the process of trunk ‘segmentation’, which is controlled from the tail bud? Whatever the answers, the new work1 should generate greater interest in questions relating to the tail. ■ Christof Niehrs is in the Division of Molecular Embryology, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Im Neuenheimer Feld 280, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany. e-mail: 1. Agathon, A., Thisse, C. & Thisse, B. Nature 424, 448–452 (2003). 2. Harland, R. M. & Gerhart, J. Annu. Rev. Dev. Biol. 13, 611–667 (1997). 3. Mangold, O. Naturwissenschaften 21, 761–766 (1933). 4. Piccolo, S. et al. Nature 397, 707–710 (1999). 5. Beck, C. W. & Slack, J. M. Development 126, 1611–1620 (1999). 6. Beck, C. W., Whitman, M. & Slack, J. M. Dev. Biol. 238, 303–314 (2001). 7. De Robertis, E. M., Larrain, J., Oelgeschlager, M. & Wessely, O. Nature Rev. Genet. 1, 171–181 (2000). 8. Schier, A. F. Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev. 11, 393–404 (2001). 9. Kiecker, C. & Niehrs, C. Development 128, 4189–4201 (2001). 10. Gilbert, S. F. Developmental Biology 7th edn (Sinauer, Sunderland, Massachusetts, 2000). 11. Gilbert, S. F. & Saxen, L. Mech. Dev. 41, 73–89 (1993). Quarks Up/ anti-up Down/ anti-down Charm Strange Top Bottom Baryon Meson K+ Proton Deuteron Proton New meson? Neutron New baryon? Particle physics Strange days Frank Close Three new subatomic particles have been found, and all survive for an unusually long time before they decay. Physicists now face the challenge of explaining this within the framework of the existing theory. t is as if Cleopatra had fallen from her barge in BC and had not yet hit the water.” Such was the description half a century ago of the discovery of the astonishingly long lifetime (up to about 1018 seconds) of strange particles. Everyday matter, such as protons and neutrons, is made of two types of quark, known as ‘up’ and ‘down’ (Fig. 1). But in 1947, new particles were discovered that contained a third type of quark, called ‘strange’1. Today, strange particles are a well-established part of the standard model of particle physics, which now includes six types of quark. We know that their seemingly long lifetimes are a consequence of the ‘weak’ interaction that they undergo in decaying: if instead they were subject to the powerful ‘strong’ interaction their lives would be over in around 10123 seconds. Instead, death by decay is neutered by the presence of strangeness. In the past two months, three different particles have been discovered, and explaining them has proved a challenge for theorists. Although not as extreme as the above example, each of these new particles has an unusually elongated lifetime. Two of them are ‘mesons’, each containing a strange antiquark and a charm quark (the fourth quark “I 376 type)2,3. The reason for their metastability is understood, but their detailed nature and dynamics remain to be resolved. The third particle4 is a member of the ‘baryon’family of particles that also includes the proton and neutron.But,unlike the proton and neutron, this particle has some strange-quark content. In fact, unlike any other baryon known, it has overall one unit of ‘positive strangeness’. It is an enigma. The quark model that now underpins the standard model was developed, in part, under the assumption that such things do not exist.And although it may be possible to interpret this particle as a combination of four quarks (two up, two down) and a strange anti-quark (providing that unit of positive strangeness), the challenge is to explain also why this ‘pentaquark’ does not fall apart more quickly. Viewed at high resolution (through highenergy particle collisions), mesons and baryons appear to be swarms of quarks, antiquarks and gluons — the quantum bundles that glue these constituents to one another, according to the theory of quantum chromodynamics (QCD). At lower resolution, the picture is simpler. The mesons and baryons form two distinct classes: mesons consist of a single quark and anti-quark; baryons seem © 2003 Nature Publishing Group Figure 1 Quarks and particles. In the standard model of particle physics, there are six quarks — fundamental particles that are the buildingblocks of many others. Each quark also has an anti-matter partner, an anti-quark. Pairings of quarks and anti-quarks form ‘mesons’, such as the K & ; three quarks form ‘baryons’, such as the proton. The picture builds up further: a threequark proton and a three-quark neutron together form a deuteron; adding more protons and neutrons — more three-quark combinations — builds up atomic nuclei. The discoveries of what seem to be a new meson2,3 and a new baryon4 don’t easily fit the established picture. The new meson may in fact be a ‘molecule’ of two mesons, and the baryon might be a ‘pentaquark’ state. to be formed from just three quarks. In addition, QCD seems to allow more complicated clusters of quarks or anti-quarks — atomic nuclei are familiar examples of quarks bound in multiples of three. An open question is whether there are analogues containing antiquarks. The simplest would be two quarks balanced by two anti-quarks, in effect a ‘molecule’ of two conventional mesons, or three quarks accompanied by an additional quark and an anti-quark,making a pentaquark. Unambiguous evidence for such states in the data is lacking. Their absence is attributed to the ease with which they would fall apart into a pair of conventional mesons,or a meson and a baryon. It is estimated that they would survive for less than 10124 seconds, which is at the current limit of detection. But the sightings of the three metastable NATURE | VOL 424 | 24 JULY 2003 |