Geir B. Asheim, 23 September 2009 ECON5200 ADVANCED MICROECONOMICS, fall 2009 Problems for the third seminar Problem 1 What is meant by Nash equilibrium in a strategic game? Consider an auction between two bidders, bidder 1 and bidder 2. Bidder 1 has a valuation that equals 10 and bidder 2 has a valuation that equals 4. These valuations are commonly known among the players. The bids can be integers from 0 to 12; i.e. there are thirteen different bids that can be made by each bidder: 0, 1, 2, . . . , 12. If the bids are different, the bidder that submits the highest bid wins. If the bids are equal, each wins with equal probability. In both cases, the winner pays his own bid. What is the set of Nash equilibria of this game? Problem 2 What is meant by a Bayesian game? Consider, as in Problem 1, an auction between two bidders, bidder 1 and bidder 2. However, assume now that each bidder knows his own valuation, but not the valuation of the other bidder. The valuations are uniformly and independently distributed on {0, 1, 2} × {0, 1, 2}. I.e., for each of integers 0, 1 and 2, the one bidder assigns probability 1/3 to the event that the other’s valuation equals this integer. The bids can be integers from 0 to 2; i.e., there are three different bids that can be made by each bidder: 0, 1, and 2. If the bids are different, the bidder that submits the highest bid wins. If the bids are equal, each wins with equal probability. In both cases, the winner pays his own bid. Find a symmetric Nash equilibrium of the resulting Bayesian game. Problem 3 Consider the “guess the number” game: n players pick an integer in the set {1, 2, . . . , 99, 100}. A given prize is shared by the players choosing the integer(s) closest to 32 of the mean. (a) For each strategy in {1, 2, . . . , 99}, show that this strategy can be a best responses to some belief (i.e., no strategy in {1, 2, . . . , 99} is strictly dominated). 1 2 (b) Find a pure or mixed strategy that strictly dominates 100 (implying that 100 is a never-best response). (c) Use O&R Definition 55.1 to show that 1 is the only rationalizable strategy. (d) How many rounds of iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies are (at least) needed to eliminate all strategies above 67? How many rounds of iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies are (at least) needed to eliminate all strategies but the only rationalizable strategy, 1? (e) Show that there is a unique Nash equilibrium, in which all players choose 1. Problem 4 (a) In a δ-discounted infinitely repeated game, what is a simple strategy profile? (b) In a δ-discounted infinitely repeated game, how can it be checked that a simple strategy profile is a subgame perfect equilibrium? In particular, why does the one deviation property hold? L R T x, x -1, 5 B 5, -1 0, 0 (c) Let a δ-discounted infinitely repeated game have the stage given above. Consider the following paths: (a(1)t ) = ((T, R), (B, L), (T, R), (B, L), . . . ) (a(2)t ) = ((B, L), (T, R), (B, L), (T, R), . . . ) For what values of x and the discount factor δ will the simple strategy profiles σ((a(1)t ), (a(1)t ), (a(2)t )) and σ((a(2)t ), (a(1)t ), (a(2)t )) be subgame perfect equilibria? Problem 5 What is meant by a sequential equilibrium? Problem 6 Consider the following game, where there are three players: One worker and two firms. The structure of the game is as follows: Nature chooses first (with probability equal to 21 for both alternatives) whether the worker 3 is productive or not. The worker is told about his own productivity and chooses whether to go through an educational program or not. The firms observes whether the worker has gone through the educational program or not, but does not observe whether the worker is productive or not. Then each of the firms choose simultaneously a wage from the set {0, 2, 4}. The probability that a firm employs the worker is 1 if the competitor chooses a lower wage, 21 is the competitor chooses the same wage, and 0 if the competitor chooses a higher wage. The players’ payoffs are as follows: • A worker (independently of productivity) without education: wage. • A productive worker with education: wage − 3. • An unproductive worker with education: wage − 5. • Firm if worker is productive: employment probability · (8 − wage). • Firm if worker is unproductive: employment probability · (0 − wage). The structure of the game is commonly known. Does there exist a sequential equilibrium where an unproductive worker go through the educational program? Find a (separating) sequential equilibrium in which the worker go through the educational program if and only if he is productive. Problem 7 Consider the game of Problem 6. Find a (pooling) sequential equilibrium in which the worker (independently of productivity) does not go through the educational program. If you conclude that the wage level for a worker without education is uniquely determined, report what this wage level is. If you conclude that there are (pooling) separating equilibria with different wage levels for a worker without education, try to argue that one of these wage levels is more “reasonable”. Problem 8 In the equilibrium/a of Problem 7 (in which the worker independently of productivity does not go through the educational program), what limitations does the consistency requirement of the sequential equilibrium concept impose on what the firms believe about the productivity about a worker who does not follow his equilibrium strategy, but goes through the educational program after all? Can the two firms in this/these equilibrium/a have different beliefs about a worker with education?