Illustrating Bayesian equilibrium Open bid First price Second price Decending bids Ascending bids (Dutch auction) (English auction) L R L R 3, 1 2, 0 3, 0 2, 1 D 0, 1 4, 0 0, 0 4, 1 U Sealed bid First - price Second - price sealed - bid sealed - bid (Vickrey auction) First price sealed-bid auction w/private values A Bayesian Nash equil. in first price auction We must show that Bi (vi ) 12 (vi 1) maximizes Bid : bi Ai [1, 2], i 1, 2 (vi bi ) Pr (Other bids less than bi ) Valuations : vi Ti [1, 2], i 1, 2, are distributed independently and uniformly : For each i, Pr(v j x) x 1. ui (bi , b j ; vi ) vi bi if bi is bigger than the other bid. otherwise. 0 One must bid less than true value in order to earn if one wins. This must be traded off against the fact that a lower bid reduces the probability for having a winning bid. Consider the following strategies: Bi (vi ) 12 (vi 1) Type t2 Type t2 Probability that other bids less than bi: 2(bi 1) density 2 max(vi bi ) 2(bi 1) bi FOC yields: bi 12 (vi 1) 1 1 2 1 3 2 2 This shows that it is a Bayesian Nash equil. that both bid bid 1 + (true value – 1)/2. Second price sealed-bid auction w/private values Bid : bi Ai [1, 2], i 1, 2 Valuations : vi Ti [1, 2], i 1, 2, are distributed independently and uniformly : For each i, Pr(v j x) x 1. ui (bi , b j ; vi ) vi b j if bi is bigger than the other bid. otherwise. 0 One need not bid less than true value in order to earn if one wins. Bidding true value weakly dominates all other strategies. Both bidding the true value is a Baysian Nash equilibrium: Bi (vi ) vi 1