8/25/2014 ECON4260 Behavioral Economics 2nd lecture Cumulative Prospect Theory Which lottery do you prefer? NB: No right or wrong answer Lottery A 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 0 Lottery B 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 Økonomisk Institutt Which lottery do you prefer? We first flip a coin, if head the lotteries are as on last page if tail you get nothing Lottery C 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lottery D 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 0 0 0 0 0 0 Økonomisk Institutt 1 8/25/2014 Do you think it makes an essential difference for your preference if: Base alternative: The coin is flipped, the face announced and then you choose between C and D and the dice is rolled - or 1. You choose between C and D, then the coin is flipped, the face announced and finally the dice is rolled 2. You choose between C and D and then the coin is flipped and the dice is rolled at the same time. 3. You choose C or D, then the dice is rolled, the number of eyes announced and the coin is flipped 4. None of them makes any difference Økonomisk Institutt The independence axiom If you prefer A to B It is consistent to prefer C to D: Similarly with B preferred to A or indifference Lottery C: Lottery A 0 Lottery D: Lottery B 0 Økonomisk Institutt Standard notation Lottery A Lottery B 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 0 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 Lottery A 4000 with probability 5/6 0 with probability 1/6 3000 with probability 1 Lottery B Notation in Kahneman and Tversky (1979): Lottery A: (0,1/6; 4000,5/6) that is (4000,5/6) Lottery B: (3000, 1) thatØkonomisk is Institutt (3000) 2 8/25/2014 Deriving Expected utility from the independence axiom • To simplify we only look at lotteries with prices between 0 and 100. • Consider the lottery A: (100,p; x,q; 0,1-p-q) • We want to find a lottery of the from A’: (100,P; 0;1-P) (only best/worst outcome) such that A~A’ • Additional assumption: – For any x there is a probability u such that (x) ~ (100,u; 0,1-u) – This probability depend on x, write it u(x). • Using the independence axiom – Replace x with (100,u(x); 0,1-u(x)) innside lottery A – Yields lottery A’=(100,p+qu(x); 0, 1-p-qu(x)) – Probability of winning is P = p + qu(x) = pu(100) + qu(x) + (1-p-q)u(0) = EU • Do the same for any lottery B to find B’ • A preferred to B if A’ preferred to B’ – If A’ has higher winning probability than B’ – Expected utility of A higher than Expected utility of B. Økonomisk Institutt Positive linear transforms • Note that if , 0 is equivalent to maximizing • Then maximizing • Useful in the following – Can choose – Use 0 0 , with 0) Økonomisk Institutt Applying EU in Economics - no lottery is an isolated event • Suppose you win 100 kroner in a lottery – You can spend them today – Keep them until tomorrow or some later day • Insurance is like a lottery – You get 1 million NOK if your house burns – Nothing otherwise – Insurance only make sense if you see this lottery and the value of the house together. • Let denote the outcome of the lottery – May be positive or negative – Utility would be where is wealth Økonomisk Institutt 3 8/25/2014 Prospect theory Lotteries are valued in isolation • Let denote the outcome of the lottery – While will never be negative, can be negative – a loss! – In general: evaluated relative to a reference point : Preference may violate the independence axiom • Decisions weights replace probabilities – While EU pi u( xi ) – Prospect theory uses u( x ) i i where i are decision weights Økonomisk Institutt Evidence; Decision weights • Problem 3 – A: (4 000, 0.80) – N=95 [20] or B: (3 000) [80]* or D: (3 000, 0.25) [35] • Problem 4 – C: (4 000, 0.20) – N=95 [65]* • Violates expected utility – B better than A : u(3000) > 0.8 u(4000) – C better than D: 0.25u(3000) > 0.20 u(4000) • Perception is relative: – 100% is more different from 95% than 25% is from 20% Økonomisk Institutt Value function Reflection effect • Problem 3 – A: (4 000, 0.80) – N=95 [20] or B: (3 000) [80]* • Problem 3’ – A: (-4 000, 0.80) – N=95 [92]* or B: (-3 000) [8] • Ranking reverses with different sign (Table 1) • Concave (risk aversion) for gains and • Convex (risk lover) for losses Økonomisk Institutt 4 8/25/2014 The reference point • Problem 11: In addition to whatever you own, you have been given 1 000. You are now asked to choose between: – A: (1 000, 0.50) – N=95 [16] or B: (500) [84]* • Problem 12: In addition to whatever you own, you have been given 2 000. You are now asked to choose between: – A: (-1 000, 0.50) – N=95 [69]* or B: (-500) [31] • Both equivalent according to EU, but the initial instruction affect the reference point. Økonomisk Institutt Decision weights • Suggested by Allais (1953). • Originally a function of probability i = f(pi) • This formulation violates stochastic dominance and are difficult to generalize to lotteries with many outcomes (pi→0) • The standard is thus to use cumulative prospect theory Økonomisk Institutt Isolation Effect (recall the independence axiom) ”In order to simplify the choice between alternatives, people often disregard components that the alternatives share and focus on the components that distinguishes them” • Problem 10: Consider the two-stage game. The first stage is (2. stage, 0.25; 0, 0.75) (proceed to stage to with 25% probability. If you reach the second stage you have the choice between A: (4000, 0.80) and B (3000) [78%]. Your choice must be made before the game starts. • The choice in 10 is equivalent to. A’: (4000, 0.20) [65%] and B’: (3000,0.25) Økonomisk Institutt 5 8/25/2014 The editing phase Finding the reference point • Combination (200,0.25,200,0.25) =(200,0.5) • Segregation (300,0.8;200,0.2)=200 + (100,0.8) • Cancellation (200,0.2;100,0.5;-50,0.3) vv (200,0.2;150,0.5;-100,0.3) Can be seen as a choice between (100,0.5;-50,0.3) vv (150,0.5;-100,0.3) • Simplifications – (500,0.2 ; 99,0.49) dominates (500,0.15; 101,0.51) if the last part is simplified to (… ; 100,0.50) Økonomisk Institutt Stochastic dominance Lottery A (58%) White red green yellow Probability % 90 6 1 3 Price 0 45 30 -15 Lottery B (42%) White red green yellow Probability % 90 7 1 2 Price 0 45 -10 -15 White red green blue Prob. % 90 6 1 1 yellow 2 Lottery C (A) 0 45 30 -15 -15 Lottery D (B) 0 45 45 -10 -15 Økonomisk Institutt Lotto (Think about this until next week) • 50% of the money that people spend on Lotto is paid out as winning prices • Stylized: – Spend 10 Kroner – Win 1 million kroner with probability 1 to 200 000 • Would a risk avers expected utility maximizer play Lotto? – Is Lotto participation a challenge to expected utility? • Can prospect theory explain why people participate in Lotto? Økonomisk Institutt 6 8/25/2014 Rank dependent weights • Order the outcome such that x1>x2>…>xk>0>xk+1>…>xn • Decision weights for gains j j 1 i 1 j w pi w pi for all j k i 1 • Decision weights for losses n i j 1 n j w pi w pi for all j k i j Økonomisk Institutt Cumulative prospect theory • Value-function – Concave for gains – Convex for losses – Kink at 0 • Decision weights – Adjust cumulative distribution from above and below • Maximize n v( x ) i 1 i i Økonomisk Institutt Suggested approximation (See Benartzi and Thaler, 1995) w( p ) p p (1 p ) 1 1/ 0,9 0,8 Gains 0,7 Losses 0,6 0,5 0.61 for gains 0,4 0.69 for losses 0,2 0,3 0,1 0 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 Økonomisk Institutt 7 8/25/2014 The value function (see Benartzi and Thaler, 1995) x v( x) ( x ) 10 if x 0 if x 0 5 0 -10 -5 • = = 0.88 • = 2.25 0 5 10 -5 -10 -15 -20 Økonomisk Institutt The status of cumulative prospect theory (See Starmer 2000) • Explains data much better than alternative theories. – Rank dependent utility, does a fair job but not as good • Starmer claim a limited impact on economic theory – But loss aversion is increasingly referred to • But, some very interesting application – We will use it to understand equity return • See Camerer 2000 for other examples. Økonomisk Institutt Main difference between CPT and EU • Loss aversion – Marginal utility twice as large for losses compared to gains • Certainty effects – 100% is distinctively different from 99% – 49% is about the same as 50% • Reflection – Risk seeking for losses – Risk aversion form gains. – Most risk avers when both losses and gains. Økonomisk Institutt 8 8/25/2014 A critique of Prospect theory • The theory is open-ended on the reference point. • The reference point is sometimes zero but other times it may be something else like the outcome of a safe alternative. • K&T are free to choose the reference point to make the theory fit the data – No wonder they can explain a lot • A theory determining the reference point wanted Økonomisk Institutt Köszegi and Rabin Utility u( c | r ) m( c ) n( c | r ) with m( c ) being "consumption utility" n( c | r ) is gain-loss utility with r as reference point Both stochastic reference point (distribution g ( r ) G '( r )) and stochastic consumption (distribution f ( r ) F '( r )) U ( F | G ) u( c | r ) dG( r )dF (c ) u (c | r ) g ( r ) f (c ) drdc Økonomisk Institutt K&R Med additive nyttefunksjon Nytten for hver vare er uavhengig av konsumet av andre varer: m(c ) m1 (c1 ) m2 (c2 ) ... mK ( cK ) der mk ( ck ) er nytten av vare k nk ( ck | kk ) ( mk ( ck ) mk ( rk )) der har knekkpunkt i 0 Økonomisk Institutt 9 8/25/2014 K&R. Theory of the reference point • The reference point r is a personal equilibrium (PE) if a person would choose c=r if r where the reference point. – Generally: the person would lottery F if F where his reference lottery • There may be many equilibrium: – A Preferred Personal Equlibrium is the best PE Økonomisk Institutt Two lotteries. A and B • A: (100,50%; 0,50%) and B: (300,50%; -100,50%) • Utility u(c|r)=2c+(r-c)+ • With A as reference: – U(B|A)= ¼ (600 + 600+(-200-200) + (-200 -100))=500/4 =125 – U(A|A)= ½ (200 + 0)= 100 > U(B|A) • With B as reference – U(A|B) = ¼ ((200 -200) + 200 + (0-300)+0) = -100/4 =-25 – U(B|B) = ½ (600 – 200) = 200 • B is a personal equilibrium Økonomisk Institutt Shopping • Two “goods”: Shoes and money • If you enter the shop expecting to buy – Leaving without the shoes is a loss – Leaving with the money is a gain – Losses weight more than gains so you are inclined to buy • If you enter the shop expecting not to buy – Leaving the shop with the shoes is a gain – Leaving without the money is a loss – As losses weigh more you are inclined to leave without shoes • You are more likely to buy if buying is you reference point – Make sure to leave home with you PPE as reference!! Økonomisk Institutt 10 8/25/2014 Raise your hand if you disagree Suppose that you prefer lottery A to lottery B You are then offered lotteries C and D C: Flip a coin and you get A if head (otherwise 0) D: Flip a coin and you get B if head (otherwise 0) It is rational to prefer C to D, as the lottery you get if head is then preferable (A better than B) Claim: “I wish my preferences where so consistent!” Økonomisk Institutt Rabin’s Theorem A teaser • How many of you would participate in the following lotteries (the alternative is (0)). – A: (-100, 33 %, +100, 67 %) – B: (-100, 45 %, +100, 55 %) • Would changes in wealth (±10 000 kroner) affect your preferences? Økonomisk Institutt Are you consistent? • If you decline A (B), or were indifferent, then the logical implication is to decline C (D): – C: (-100, 50 %, +10 billions, 50%) – D: (-100, 85 %, +10 billions, 15%) Økonomisk Institutt 11 8/25/2014 Lotto • 50% of the money that people spend on Lotto is paid out as winning prices • Stylized: – Spend 10 kroner – Win 1 million kroner with probability 1 to 200 000 • Would a risk avers expected utility maximizer play Lotto? – Is Lotto participation a challenge to expected utility? • Can prospect theory explain why people participate in Lotto? • What is maximum willingness to pay for this winning prospect, for an – Risk avers expected utility maximizer? – A person acting acording to prospect theory? Økonomisk Institutt Suggested answer • A risk neutral expected utility maximizer will value the winning prospect to the expected value – 1 million kroner* (1/200 000) = 5 kroner – WTP for a risk avers person < 5 kroner • Prospect theory – – – – – = w(1/200 000) ≈ 0.0002 v(1 million) = (1 000 000)^0.88 ≈ 190 000 WTP = x where: 2.25(x)^0.88 ≈ 190 000 * 0,0002 Solution: WTP ≈ 27.5 kroner Would buy Lotto even with only 2 kroner expected value for each 10 kroner spent. (5 kroner/2.7) • Some people do NOT buy Lotto tickets – Is that a challenge to CPT? Økonomisk Institutt 12