Assessing and Forecasting the Impact of Air Q lit on H Quality Health lth Outcomes O t for f a Local L l County Health Department Jeroen van Meijgaard – UCLA School of Public Health Academy Health June 2010 WHAT IS HEALTH FORECASTING? A TOOL FOR HEALTH IMPACT ASSESSMENT IN A DYNAMIC ENVIRONMENT – …. Socio-economic and demographic g p information on population p p Research-based linkages between health determinants and health outcomes Projected future values of model parameters Inquiries: Output: • What will happen if nothing changes? • How do interventions stack up? • What Wh t iis th the magnitude it d off major j discrepancies in health outcomes across ethnic and geographic segments? • Future population w/ demographic and socioeconomic characteristics and expected p health outcomes • Projections of impact of intervention(s) on health outcomes in a target population p p Effects of interventions on key y health determinants HEALTH IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND HEALTH FORECASTING COMPARED HIA Examine E i iimpactt off a particular policy or program on exposures and subsequent health outcomes i static in t ti population l ti Policy and Program Alternatives Behaviors and Exposures Population Health Outcomes Short-Medium Term (2-5 Years) Long Term (10+ Years) Health Forecasting Examine impact of exposures on outcomes in dynamic population (over time) HOW HEALTH FORECASTING HAS BEEN USED TO MODEL AIR QUALITY SCENARIOS IN PLACER COUNTY • Placer County Department of Health and Human Services teamed with UCLA HFT to examine impact of poor air quality in Placer County • Results intended for community awareness about air quality and to increase community engagement in policy and a d ad advocacy ocacy act activities t es AIR QUALITY IN PLACER COUNTY • Placer County covers 3 air basins – Sacramento Valley, Mountain Counties, and Lake Tahoe • Air quality data obtained from the C lif i Ai California Air Resources Board (CARB) Simulation for Placer County Population • Each simulated actor assigned a place of birth and location within Placer Countyy • Air quality indicators, PM 2.5 and Ozone, modeled for the simulated p p population. • Baseline: what we expect to see if no change is set in place to modify the pollutant levels (changes may be the result of interventions or unintentional effects) • Modeled scenarios: what we expect to see under various conditions - Climate Change Scenario – Increase in ‘Summer type’ weather - Wildfire Scenario – Increase in prevalence of years with more wildfires - Targeted Reduction Scenario – Gradual percentage reduction in Ozone and PM 2 2.5 5 measures IMPLEMENTATION OF SCENARIOS INTO THE MODEL Before Scenario Applied pp (Reference) ( ) After Scenario Applied pp 2030 (Sac.Valley Air Basin) Avg. Ozone (8hr)=43.49ppb Avg. PM2.5 (24 hr)=12.17ug/mm3 2030 (Sac.Valley Air Basin) Avg. Ozone (8hr)=46.56ppb Avg. PM2.5 (24 hr)=12.08ug/mm3 Prob Prob Climate Scenario Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec A A Avg Acreage B Burned d = 39 39,000/yr 000/ E Expected t d Acreage A Burned B d = 50,000/yr 50 000/ Prob Prob Wildfire Scenario 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 20% reduction AQ R Reading AQ R Reading Target Reduction Ozone PM2.5 20% reduction Ozone PM2.5 CHANGES IN PM2.5 AND OZONE UNDER THE TARGETED REDUCTION SCENARIO Number of days exceeding the EPA standard PM2.5 and 1 in O Ozone i S Sacramento V Valley ll Ai Air B Basin i with ihT Targeted d Reduction, 2010-2030 1 EPA Standard for PM 2.5 of 35 ug/m3, Ozone 75 ppb Alternatively can model proposed Ozone standards 60-70ppb ASSESSING THE HEALTH IMPACTS FROM CHANGES IN AIR QUALITY • Environmental Benefits Mapping and Analysis Program (BenMAP) derived functional forms based on the published scientific literature to estimate the relationship between PM2.5 and Ozone and a number of health outcomes • Functional forms (i.e. Relative Risks) were then applied to the Model to forecast health outcomes in 2030 for the different scenarios ESTIMATED HEALTH IMPACTS IN 2030 GREATEST IMPACT FROM SCHOOL ABSENCES WITH TARGETED REDUCTION OF OZONE AND PM2.5 • Number of days of school absence due to respiratory illness is expected to decline by 33% in the Targeted Reduction scenario compared to baseline • This means, in 2030, there would be 73,500 fewer days of school lost among children in Placer County • When students are absent, schools lose funds. In 2030, targeted ta geted reduction educt o o of PM2.5 5a and do ozone o e would ou d sa save e tthe e school district about $2.5M annually that would have otherwise been lost due to absences from respiratory illness WEB INTERFACE ENABLES STAKEHOLDERS TO USE RESULTS FOR LOCAL POPULATIONS The full model is maintained at UCLA by project team – users can request scenarios to be simulated. A user friendly interface that uses static model output to enable users to perform analysis on a local communities or counties. Users may input community specific d demographic hi information, i f ti and d th the iinterface t f provides id ttables bl and d graphics hi b based d on modeling results. The website is a primary means of wide distribution of tools, results, and analyses • Baseline forecasts • Technical documentation • Simplified version of the model that can be used by local health officers officers, their staffs and other stakeholders. Extra Slides HEALTH FORECASTING ENABLES INFORMED DECISION MAKING The model allows decision makers to answer questions at various levels of detail: How will mortality rates in the state of California (or any county) change over time? What is the incidence or prevalence of disease X in different counties in California, and how is this expected to change in the next 10 years? How much of the differences in disease incidence rates and other key health outcomes across ethnic and geographic segments can be attributed to known factors? 10 years from now, what will be the effect of a public health intervention Y on the health outcomes for different ethnic and racial groups in Ventura County and Los Angeles County? USING HEALTH FORECASTING TO MODEL SCENARIOS OF INTEREST • “What-if” scenarios: situations that are not necessarily policy-specific, but spell out alternative future scenarios – e e.g. g how does climate change affect air quality in the future (compared to baseline/no change)? • Target g scenarios: hypothetical yp action-related scenario – e.g. how does a targeted reduction in PM2.5 and Ozone affect future outcomes? • Intervention scenarios: modeling specific policy intervention – e e.g. g how does a specific policy intervention targeted at improving air quality affect outcomes? AIR QUALITY SCENARIO Targeted Percentage Reduction in Pollutants Scenario • Rationale: PM2.5 and Ozone levels are correlated. By modeling a percentage t reduction d ti iin PM2 PM2.5 5 and dO Ozone simultaneously i lt l it iis assumed that overall pollution levels are reduced, and both primary and secondary air pollution is impacted. Depending on current levels, a target reduction in levels can be obtained by changing the percentage reduction. • Implementation: Apply across across-the-board the board 20% decrease in PM 2 2.5 5 and Ozone measurements. First baseline levels of pollution are generated which are subsequently reduced by a certain percentage. The scenario is implemented gradually over time to reflect time of implementation, with reductions starting in 2010, and reaching 20% reduction by 2030. AIR QUALITY SCENARIO Climate Change Scenario • Rationale: Numerous climate change models suggest lengthening summers Summer is also when many of the highest PM2 summers. PM2.5 5 and ozone levels are observed • Approach: Shift sampling of historical data to over-represent summer months and extend the length of summer. Since the research does not necessarily suggest that there will be a reciprocal reduction in the frequency q y and duration of winter inversion layers y ((which are associated with high particulate levels), the under-represented months should be Fall and Spring Months. AIR QUALITY SCENARIO Frequency of severe wildfire seasons • Rationale: Wildfire and climate models suggest increasing frequency and increasing amount of biomass burned in wildfires in the Central and Northern California (biomass burned incorporates both fire size and severity) severity). Due to highyear-to-year variability the percentage increase over a short period of time is difficult to increase but it might be on the order of 5% annual increase in biomass burned. • Approach: During the period 1999-2008, the years 1999, 2000 2001, 2000, 2001 2004 and 2008 were the 5 most severe fire seasons in Placer and surrounding counties based on acreage burned. Wildfires generally cause an increase in levels of PM 2.5. and Ozone. This scenario reflects years with substantially more acreage burned. USER FRIENDLY INTERFACE – FORECAST OUTCOMES FOR SPECIFIC POPULATIONS USER FRIENDLY INTERFACE – COMPARE OUTCOMES ACROSS DIMENSIONS