November 17, 2011 Council of Academic Advisors Wednesday, November 17, 2011 10:30 AM, Union Board Room Present: Althea Alton (LAS), Jane Coplan (UAASC), Sue Dagit (Registrar’s Office), Stacy Dorsett (COEHS), Jennifer Grimm (Communications), Molly Homer (Honor’s College), Ember Keithley (CBT), Kim McDaniel (Study Abroad), Candace McLaughlin (UAASC), Caryn Morgan (CAS), Kelly Morris (UAASC), Julie O’Brien (UAASC), Chris Ramsey (CBT), Shannon Reed (LAS), Jennifer Sandrik-Rubio (Physical Sciences), Theo Schultz (Pre-Nursing), Patrick Stout (Broadcasting), Michelle Terry (CBT Rep), Tammy Wilson (COEHS). Vicki Walters (Biology) 1. November 30 Counts and Final (for now) Agenda - McLaughlin The November 30th New Student Registration Agenda was distributed, which included advising locations. At the last Student Task Force Meeting Sarah Lawson said that at this time last year there were 35 students registered and that the numbers had doubled by the time of the program. Candy doesn’t think the numbers will double but that it will probably reach 100 and is tentatively planning on using the library (3rd floor classroom). If staggered correctly Stipes 307 would work, but it all depends on the number of freshmen and transfer students who need placement testing. Check MVS for English placement results if you need them before they get delivered. Students who take COMPASS will have the math placement cover sheets with them with the placement marked. Those who don’t will turn the placement sheets in so we can load the placement. These math cover sheets will be returned after loaded, but it might be faster to check MVS for the placement rather than wait for the paper copy – particularly since we will be in different buildings. It was decided that advisors or a rep from their area would be in their individual advising rooms by 1:45 to meet the first group of students finished with COMPASS. Other groups would filter in as they are finished testing with the freshmen finishing last. There will be a UAASC staff person located at the west doors of Stipes and the entrance to the Library to help students get to the correct area from math placements. The day for transfer registration next year was discussed at task force. Suggestions were to have it on a Saturday, Thursday, or Friday in order to perhaps eliminate the facilities usage problems encountered this year. We’ve had a real problem finding enough computer labs this year. Although an October date was suggested it felt that wouldn’t work because of the criticism from the on-campus students about these new students getting to register before them. It is difficult to have registrations in December because of the weather. This will be a continuing discussion for next year. Be thinking of any suggestions and bring them to the meeting. 2. Retention Committee Report Candace summarized some information from the Retention Committee. It was not sent as an e-mail attachment because it included student names. A new GA will be hired through SDO to deal with student retention. It is hoped that this person, once hired, will get involved in identifying students who are at risk and then provide some interventions. There is an initiative to encourage faculty to report excessive absences, particularly of freshmen, to this person who could then follow up with advisers and residence hall staff. The Retention Committee will draft recommendations to present to the President’s leadership team. As you have ideas, give them to the committee to address. New Student Programs Committee: Freshmen and transfers applications for fall 2012 are both up. All 25 honor scholarships offered to incoming freshmen have been accepted and the students are coming to WIU. The scholarships were offered immediately this time instead of waiting for them to be processed which means we are locking students in earlier than in previous years. Retention rates and the Fall 2011 profile for the freshmen class can be found in the 2011 Factbook on the WIU website. Tracy Scott talked about other things the Retention GA will do. This person could coordinate how the student survey is done, tabulate results, and find out how to do it campus-wide. There is also a need to identify students who don’t actually come to WIU after attending SOAR and registering for classes. This person could work with Housing to see who didn’t check in and then contact students to see if they are living off campus or not actually here. There needs to be more communication between departments when a student withdraws or doesn’t come to campus. A question was asked if there was some way for professors of online classes to also provide midterms grades to students or to let someone know when a student isn’t participating in Western Online. The mid-term date for Distance Learning does not necessarily coincide with the Registrar’s Office mid-term timeline so they are not in the population that gets mid-term warning grades. CAGAS determined that online classes would not issue early warning grades so any changes in this would have to go through CAGAS and ultimately Faculty Senate. Students can access their grades through Western Online, so it was asked if there was a way to mandate that faculty use that. One problem with online grades is that students can see their grades but advisors can’t. The other problem is that faculty cannot be mandated to use it. The early warning process is a valuable tool for advisors for see students’ progress at mid-term. The Retention Committee has been discussing this as well. SGA recently passed a resolution mandating faculty to submit early warning grades. This will now go to Faculty Senate. If mid-terms were made easier for faculty to complete maybe that would encourage them to complete them. The COAA Campus Affairs Standing Committee will follow-up with SGA about this, letting them know that COAA as a whole supports their efforts and asking them if they would be willing to talk to COAA about it. It would be good to have a SGA rep on COAA. A proposal may need to be developed in support of this when it goes forward. III. Standing Committees Assessment (Julie) The next Assessment Meeting will be held at 9:00 on Wednesday, December 7, before the COAA meeting. Unless Julie notifies the committee by e-mail it will be held in the Board Room. Professional Development: The next event is Candy’s “last” lecture on Thursday, December 8, 2:00-3:30. Following the lecture there will be a social in the Lincoln Room hosted by the COAA Social Standing Committee. Candy promises to embarrass as many people as possible during the “lecture.” Campus Affairs The committee met Monday. They need feedback on the Zimbra calendar. This has been shared with members of the Campus Affairs Committee and the next step is to share it with advisors. There are no guidelines at this time for including information on the calendar, but they don’t want it cluttered. Currently included are registration dates, CAGAS meetings, COAA meetings, anything advisor specific. Caryn and Theo are going to be trained on the knowledge base and then can they can put information on it. Theo will send the calendar to everyone and then advisors or their reps should send information to be included on the calendar to Theo and he can include it. Candy suggested that after this first year the by-laws be reviewed to see if some standing committees have too much to do and should be divided into more than one committee. Also a decision should be made as to whether advisers should serve on more than one standing committee and what procedure should be followed to become a member. Some committees will be more time consuming than others and it’s important that adviser’s don’t spread themselves too thin. IV. CAGAS CAGAS hasn’t been too busy lately. There might be more on this week’s agenda because of drops. There may be some policies coming this week. There is no CAGAS meeting during finals week. The last CAGAS meeting this semester is December 8. If students need to turn in an appeal, it has to be in the Registrar’s Office by Monday at 4:00. E-mail appeals can be sent to V. Registrar’s Office Open registration begins Monday, November 21 IC sections that had been restricted to certain majors will be opened IC sections of the following courses will remain restricted: Eng 180, 280, 391; Math 101; Univ 490; Kin 149 Answers to questions from the last meeting: Undergraduate Tuition for ECOEE For students who have graduated but want to return to complete the Outdoor Leadership minor or qualify for the certificate through WIU coursework, the only way to do that is to re-enter WIU as a second baccalaureate student with all of the papers (i.e., application, major degree plans, etc,) that it requires. This is not a viable plan for students wanting only to complete the minor or certification requirements. Western Online There is no way for the Registrar’s Office to check on the percentage/number of instructors using Western Online or the specific online gradebook. If the Council wanted to pursue that, someone would have to contact U-Tech to see if they could help. It was emphasized that even if a student was using Western Online they may not necessarily be using the gradebook portion of it. Caryn will check on the percentage/number of instructors using Western Online or the specific online gradebook. Why is the last day to drop classes a Sunday? This was determined by CAGAS and the last day to drop used to be Friday. It was extended through Sunday in order to give students as much time as possible to consider their options before the next “business day”. Consequently, the deadline was extended to Sunday with the understanding that there would be a Monday “grace period” for those who attempted to drop over the weekend but could not because of technical problems. Candy contacted Financial Aids about this and they said that moving the drop day from Sunday to Monday would not affect the return of federal Title IV aid calculation that must be done when a student withdraws. It was an issue back when the last date to withdraw was the beginning of the 10th week, but it would not be an issue for the 11th week. This would need to be a formal proposal to CAGAS. Candy will mention to the new director that this is an initiative that needs to be addressed spring semester. The New Calendar (with the Fall Break) will begin Fall 2012 VI. College News Arts & Sciences Students are unknowingly registering for Quad Cities classes when they actually want to enroll in a class at the Macomb campus. It was decided it would be best to have the Quad Cities campus restricted to Quad cities students on MVS. Macomb campus students wanting to take a class in the Quad Cities would need to have permission loaded on the PERM screen by their advisor. Sue will check on this. CSD Cheri Gipson is leaving at the end of the semester. Kate Pohlpeter will be doing undergrad adv; Maureen will do graduate advising. Maureen will be leaving at the end of spring semester. It is hoped that an announcement about her replacement will be made soon. VII. Miscellaneous • Financial Aid document: Students who don’t make satisfactory progress with financial aid need to sign a document agreeing that they understand what grades they need to get in order to achieve good standing and again be eligible for aid. The hours needed and the gpa required is outlined. Candy will check to see if grade replacement is any part of the formula being used in the document. • A student taking Math 137 and then deciding to take Math 133 will get credit for both classes (total of 7 hours). • Candy will check with Nancy Parsons about FYE counts. Advisors need to know at what point more seats will be added. Every advisor has the ability to load the FY2 permission so if a student dropped the fall FYE class, they can enroll in two during the spring semester. • An FYE survey has recently been sent to those students currently in FYE classes, students who are FYE peer mentors this semester, and faculty teaching FYE classes. The survey can be completed during class time. The committee hopes to have a good return rate. The committee’s primary focus at the present time is reviewing the results of this survey. • The Gen Ed Council is currently gathering information about reading comprehension in general education courses. A subcommittee has been formed to explore this area because faculty members are concerned about the level of reading comprehension in many gen ed courses. _______________________________________________________________________ Below are answers to questions raised during the meeting that Sue agreed to check on: • Online Courses in Early Warning Grading Population o This question was last raised in November 2009. Laurie Black looked into this and reported back to the Advisors that when online grading was discussed in 2008-09, CAGAS was asked whether the population for Early Warning should be "opened up". CAGAS did not approve changing the population and therefore online courses are not included. • HUM (and ELEC) on Course Search drop-down menu o Again, this was discussed in 2009 and has been on the "fix list" for AIMS as a lower priority item, given +/- grading, grade replacement, etc. o The menu pulls from a table file that is used in other places in the system and is not as easy a fix as it might seem. We will see about moving it up the list after some other projects are completed. • Preventing students from incorrectly registering for QC courses o It appears that the best option discussed today would be to force registrants to choose a campus before using Course Search. The "Q" student designation is assigned according to majority of registered classes, so that is not an option. Defaulting to one or the other campus is not desirable. o We can look into "forcing the choice", but I checked and there have not been any CAGAS appeals as a result of incorrect QC registration, so is this really a big problem? Thanks, Sue ____________________________________________________________________________ Candace will recommend that Ember put this on the agenda for the December 7th COAA meeting to see if the Council feels it is a big enough problem to “force the choice.” Having no other agenda items, the meeting adjourned at 11:55. Debbie Carithers, COAA scribe