Brief History of Maine All ProviderAll Payer y Claims Database Alan M. Prysunka Maine Health l h Data Organization O June, 2010 h lh b i Milestones Maine Health Data Organization (MHDO) established as an independent executive agency in June, 1996 to continue collection of hospital inpatient, outpatient, and financial data Legislation passed in June, 2001 creating the Maine Health Data Processing Center (MHDPC) and amending MHDO’s statutes to collect data directly from carriers and TPA’s MHDO health care claims data collection rules (Chapter 243) finalized in July July, 2002 (modified June June, 2003; December, December 2005; July, 2006; April, 2009) Milestones (continued) Data submissions begin January, 2003 First iteration (eighteen months 1/03 – 6/04) of data released April, 2005 MHDO data release rules (Chapter 120) amended in January, 2007 to allow for direct identification of health care practitioners p MHDO statutes amended June, 2007 to include pharmacy benefits managers, Medicare M di Part P t D sponsors, and d non-ME ME licensed li d carriers under definition of payer Legal Framework MHDO designated as Public Health Authority by Maine Office of Attorney General under HIPAA Privacy Rules (45 CFR, Subpart E §164.501) Public Health Authority can compel Covered Entities to submit Protected Health Information without the written authorization of patients or members (45 CFR, Subpart E §164.512) ME TPA claimed ERISA preemption in 2003 and sought order from Federal Court to exclude TPA’s from data submission requirements Federal Court ruling on March 24, 2004 stipulated health care claims data held by TPA’s not plan assets - must be provided to the MHDO under d Maine M i law l Financing Annual MHDO revenue derived equally from health care providers and payers in the following percentages: 38.5% 38 5% hospitals (based upon net patient service revenue) 11.5% non-hospital providers (based upon fixed categorical assessments) 38.5% carriers (based upon premiums written) 11.5% TPA’s (based upon claims paid for plan sponsors) Additional revenue derived from sale of data: $100,000/year MHDO Expenditures p Legislatively authorized total expenditures / assessment cap: FY2008 - $1,794,412 FY2009 - $1,966,297 FY2010 - $2,154,613 Staff: 10 FTE’s (3.5 FTE’s full time claims database) Funds not expended must be carried forward to reduce following FY assessment MHDPC Expenditures p MHDPC funded by MHDO and Onpoint Health Data, a private non-profit Funding: 60% MHDO / 40% Onpoint 3.65 FTE’s at the MHDPC assigned to processing MHDO claims data and provider linkage MHDPC Expenditures Maine Health Data Processing Center Annual Budget F d Funds: FY 2010 FY 2009 FY 2008 FY 2007 MHDO (60%) $146,150 $119,856 $140,145 $ 195,111 MHDO (100%) $217,500 169,760 185,450 146,155 Onpoint (40%) $97,433 79,917 93,430 130,074 $461,083 $369,533 $419,025 $471,340 Total Funds Claims Database Structure Database contains: Paid medical, dental, pharmacy claims files for all covered services rendered to publicly (Medicare Part A, B, C, D and Medicaid) and privately insured Maine residents Eligibility / membership file Health care service provider files Home grown procedure and taxonomy code files Standard format utilized: HIPAA standard codes HIPAA transaction set data elements (ASC X12N 270/271 eligibility, 835 remittance, 837 claims) Included Information Information included in the database: Type of product (HMO, (HMO POS, POS Indemnity, Indemnity etc.) etc ) Type of contract (single person, family, etc.) Coverage type (self-funded, individual, small group, etc.) Encrypted subscriber/member social security numbers/names Patient demographics (date of birth, gender, residence, relationship to subscriber) Diagnosis codes (including E-codes) E codes) Procedure codes (ICD, CPT, HCPC, CDT) Groupers (DRG, APC) NDC C code d / generic indicator d Included Information ( (continued) ) Revenue codes Service dates Service provider (name, (name tax id, id payer ID, ID NPI NPI, specialty code code, city, state, zip code) Billing provider (name, payer ID, NPI) Prescribing physician Plan payments Member payment responsibility (co-pay, (co pay, coinsurance, deductible) Date paid Type of bill Facility type Claims C a s Data ata Submission Sub ss o Status Data Submitters: Carriers - 53 TPA’s/PBM’s - 45 Dental Carriers - 18 AR AZ CA CO CT DC FL GA IA IL IN KS MA MD ME MI 2 3 6 4 8 1 5 1 2 14 4 1 15 2 10 1 MN MO NE NH NJ NY OH PA SC TN TX VA VT WA WI WV 8 2 8 10 6 9 6 6 4 1 8 1 4 1 7 2 Maine Claims Data Flow Commercial Payers Data Feeds/Resubmissions Edit Reports MHDPC Governmental Payers Mapped pp Files Edited/Updated Data Data Files Data Requestors MHDO Data/Reports Excluded Information Information presently excluded from the database: Services provided to uninsured (except ME Partners) Denied claims Workers’ compensation claims Services by ME providers for non-Maine residents Premium information C it ti / d i i t ti fees Capitation/administrative f Referrals Test results from lab work, imaging, etc. Provider affiliation with group practice Provider networks Missing g Data Tricare and Federal Employees Health Benefit Program data not presently in database: 14,000 federal employees in ME Both are proprietary and under the auspices of the federal government Will attempt to secure in 2010 ERISA preempted: Self-funded / self-administered ERISA programs (e.g. – WalMart) ERISA fiduciaries Unions; ; private p purchasing p g alliances Issues / Problems HIPAA implementation delays have caused additional problems: National patient ID does not exist (using encrypted SSN’s SSN s and names for subscribers / members) Nationall payer ID not yet established bl h d (difficult (d ff l to trackk mergers, buy outs, DBA’s) Issues / Problems ((continued)) National provider ID implementation issues have resulted in additional complexities and expenses ($200 000+ / year)) requiring: ($200,000+ i i Stripping information out of the claims and creating separate service provider files Linking data using all possible data points and conducting manual review Mapping individual payer provider specialty codes to national specialty taxonomy codes Identifying substitution of service provider with billing provider Uses of Claims Data Uses (continued) Uses ( (continued) ) Uses (continued) ( ) Payer Distribution by Weighted Discharges (from Inpatient Data) and Case Mix Adjusted Average Commercial Paid Amount per Weighted Discharge (from Commercial Inpatient Data and Commercial Claims Data) 2007 Sorted by Medicare 100% % Other $10,500 $9,897 % Com m ercial 80% $9,500 $9,013 70% $8,500 % MaineCare 60% $7,605 40% $6,279 $6,309 $6,173 $5,915 $ , $5,939 $5,769 $5 769 $5,427 $5,174 30% 20% $4,824 $5,098 $4,888 $4,638 $5,310 $6,863 $6,052 $5,383 $5,339 $5,256 $6,523 $6,233 $5,293 $4,560 % Medicare 10% $6,500 $5,940 $5,9 0 $4,804 $4,363 $7,500 $7,289 $7,158 50% $5,511 $5,129 $5,500 $4,660 $4,387 $4,500 $3,779 $3,500 drew s M illi n oc ke t MDI Seb a st ico ok St J o Red- s eph F airv iew CA Dea n NMM C M iles Cary Rum for Park d vi ew ME C oas t Houl ton Pen Vall e y TAM C Pen Bay Cala is Wal d o Dow n Ea st Good all York Brid g ton M ayo Ste p hen s In lan d SM M C M GM C Merc y Blu e Hil l EM M C Fra n kl in CMM C M id C oa st M MC St M ary s 0% M aine Acute Care Hospitals % Medicare % MaineCare % Commercial % Other Case Mix x Adjusted Ave. Paid Per Weighted Discharge $9 997 $9,997 St An Payer by Percent of Weigh ht Discharges 90% Uses (continued) ( ) 90% Correlation Between Percent Medicare as Payer and Case Mix Adjusted Average Commercial Paid Amount per Weighted Discharge, Critical Access Hospitals Highlighted, Inpatient and Claims 2007 Data High % Medicare Low Paid High % Medicare High Paid Low % Medicare Low Paid Low % Medicare - High Paid Percent of Weigh ht Discharges Paiid by Medicare 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% $0 $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 $8,000 Paid Amount Per Weighted Discharge $10,000 $12,000