This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. FUEL TYPE MAPPING IN REGION ONE BY L. G. HORNBY NorthernRocky MountainForestand RangeExperimentStation The mappingof a fuel is simply the identificationof the place where a specifickind of fire behaviorand difficulty,or expense,of control are expected. The article presents,in abbreviatedform, instructionsissued to fuel mappers in northern Idzho and western Montana. Under this method, which was developedincidental to fire control and transportation planning, fifteen million acres of national forest fuels have been mapped to date. Ratingswill assumeconditionsafter a HE reason formaking a fuelmap month of continuous mid-summer drouth is to know,beforea fire occurs, under a given degree of weather danger,what speedand strengthof attack will be required. The rate at which a fire will spread determineshow many chainsof fire line will be producedper hour. The difficulty of firefightingcausedby slopeand soil, togetherwith amount,size, arrangement and speciesof fuel along the peri- has prevailed. Consideration will be limited to the first few hoursafter a fire is largeenough to be discoverable,i.e., to the elapsed time requiredfor travel and firefighting. The scale one inch to the mile will be standardfor presentfield mapping. For planningpurposesfield mapswill be reduced to half-inch scale. This methodomits a detailedinventory meter of the fire, determineshow many man-hoursof work will be required for on the assumptionthat the best conclu- each chain of fire line. Evidently the man-hoursper chain multiplied by the numberof chainsto be workedgivesthe firefightingjob to be done. Fuel maps will show,accordingto the mappinglegend, the probablerate o! spreadand the resistance to control. sions can be drawn by men looking at the amount,arrangementand continuity of fine fuels and their exposureto sun and wind. It is adaptedto refinementas usable data on combined influences be- come available. It statesconciselywhat plannersand dispatchers need to know. Fine fuels consist of such materials as branches of •trees less than one inch in The first use of this map will be in makingpreparations for firesthat may occur, stationingfiremenfor detection,and stationingone or severalof them within permissibletravel-timedistancesas necessitated by fuels. The most frequentuse will be by dispatcherssendingmen to diameter,shrubsand herbaceousplants, loose,rotten wood and bark, frayed, broken trunks,open rottenchecks,mossand deadneedleson snagsand windfalls,and needles,leaves, duff, weeds,grass and fires. moss on the forest floor. Firemen and their expensiveimprovements,includingroads,mustbe locatedin relation to fuels and cannot RATE OF SPREAD be moved Four classes are recognized.The mapannually. Mappersare expectedto rate fuels as they will be five years after per should endeavorto visualizeall the examination. Estimates of such known different rates of spread that have occhanges as resultfrom burns,blowdowns, curred. He should divide these into three epidemicsand cutting operationsare re- equalpartscalledlow, medium,andhigh, and assigneach fuel he encountersto quired. 67 JOURNAL OF FORESTRY 68 TAR• DIFFERENCES IN MOISTURE OF 1 VARYING per cent moisture • Clear-cut area .... Half-cut area....... Full-timberedarea IN STANDS DENSITY At 9:00 A.M. Timberdensity ment to have no rain CONDITIONS 5.3 6.0 8.7 At 4:30 P.M. contents per cent 2.4 4.4 6.1 and to be in mid- fire-season of a disastrousyear. Extreme burning conditionshad beendemonstrated on oppositesidesof this set of weather instruments.For any factor sevendaily recordswere averagedfor each hour of the day to obtain a representativeday. It was found that between 7:00 A.M. •Moistureis in percentage of oven dry to 4:30 P.M. temperaturewas high and weight of cylinders. humidity low, accordingto opennessof oneof theseclasses. A fourthclass,ex. the stand. treme,hasbeenspecified.It is considered Half-inch wood cylinders,ten inches an exclusive part of the highestclassre- above ground, showedthe record given servedfor the worstpartsof blowdowns,in cut-over areas and single burns. Grass is eliminated. Where large fires are observedto have stopped naturally,the influences of precipitation, highhumidity,changeof wind andnightcooling,workingsinglyor in combination, have frequentlybeen the cause rather than the fuel. Reliable guidesto probablerate of spread are available in consistentdata collectedat widely separatedforest experiment stations. Table 1. Wind influences rate of spreadin two very differentways. In placesexposedto dry, prevailing winds, fuels are being dried and prepared for more rapid spread than in shelteredplaces. After ignition,wind increases the rate of spread by supplying oxygen for combustion. Varying with the steepness of slope, rising hot air currentspreparefuels up the slopeaheadof a fire for rapid combustion, while the cooler air, comingin below, provides oxygen. It will be noted that tree crowns and EFFECT OF DENSITY OF CANOPY trunkscut the afternoonwind velocityof the open down to about one-twentiethin At PriestRiver,NorthernRockyMoun- the full-timber,at nine feet aboveground. tain ExperimentStation, U.S.F.S.--H. T. Undoubtedly the wind wasmovingas fast Gisborne has established three weather above the tree crowns as it was at the stationsabout 500 feet apart in a line clear-cut station, and fine dead fuels in approximatelyparallel to the prevailing the crowns would exhibit the same tendenwind direction. All are on a flat that cies toward fast spreadexceptthat evaporiginallybore a densestandof over- oration would modify it. Small changes mature white pine-hemlocktype. The in humidity exert a much greater influwind and sun have full accessto the station farthest south, where the timber was clear-cut. Northward, with the wind, the TABLE 2 next station is in timber whosecanopy was half-cut. Around the third station the natural forest was untouched.It is protected from wind by about 500 feet of half-cutplus 300 feet of virgintimber. The week August 10-16, 1931, was selectedfor study of differencesat these stations becauseit satisfiedthe require- THE AVERAGE DAILY RECORD OF WIND AT GISBORNE'S THREE WEATHER STATIONS. Wind in miles per hour, average From 5:00 P.M. From 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Timber density Clear.cut area ...... 1.2 3.8 Half-cut area ........ Full-timbered area 0.6 0.1 2.3 0.2 FUEL TYPE MAPPING IN REGION ONE 69 enceon inflammabilitythan small changes only scattered treesof ponderosa pine are able to exist. in temperature. At Northeast Forest Experiment StaThe extremetop portion of the south tion, U.S.F.S.--Data from Massachusetts exposure,where Douglasfir is invading were publishedby Paul W. Stickelin ponderosapine, showsalmost as thorPulp and Paperin Canada,January,1933. ough drying of the surfacesoil as any Comparisons of inflammabilitywere pre- otherportion,but appreciablylowertemsentedfor four degreesof thinning. The peratures. conclusionsagree with the data from North exposure.--"From the bottom Priest River. of the valley to almostthe top of the north exposurerelatively moderatetemEFFECT OF TOPOGRAPHIC SHELTER peraturesare experienced, both on account of the angle of incidence of the sun'srays In Region1 the prevailingwind direcand the completeness of the cover. On tion is from southwest to northeast and only rarely are fires or fuels influenced the lowestand also steepestportion,the by generalwinds moving in any other evaporationrate is lowest,the soil temperatures are lowest, the accumulation direction. of moistureis greatest,and the drying of Shade is simply absenceof sunlight. the soil is mostgradual. So far as these Whatever causes it reduces the amount of are the resultsof steepslope, the con&radiation received from the sun. Obviously,slopesbombardedall day tions would probably exist in a degree and tilted so as to be perpendicularto thesunat its highestmiddaypositionwill receivethe greatestpossiblyquantity of solar radiation. EFFECTS OF COVER AND TOPOGRAPHY if all cover were removed." Spruce,almostpure, occupiesthe lower part of the north exposure. "The upper portion becomesprogressively warmer and drier. Here, evidently, are encounteredabout the mean temperature conditionswhich are favorable .4t FremontExperimentStation,U.S.F.S., to Douglasfir. But it shouldbe notedon once the Douglas Colorado.-•The following informationis all similar exposures, obtained from Carlos G. Bates' article fir forest is established,there is a marked "The Transect of a Mountain Valley," tendencyfor Engelmannspruce to inEcology,January,1923. vade and supersedefir." For fuel mappersthe importantcontributionis a correlationof speciesas well TABLE 3 as densityof standswith the inflammaFIRES JUNE 21-SEPT. 10 OF 1926 AND 1929 COMbility factors,temperature,moistureand BINED. ORIGINS IN UNCUT GREEN FORESTS• ATexposure.The topographyinvolved is a TACKED 0-24 HOURS AFTER IGNITION. valley 700 feet wide with axis east-west. South exposure.--"All of the southexposureis subjectedto direct insolationat sometime duringthe day and during the entire year. As a result, high maximum temperatures (150ø F.) are recordedat the surface of the soil (60 ø above the cool- estneighboringsite)." Near the foot of the south exposure NE • SW • 397 414 7.1 7.0 0.52 0.62 leach direction includes a half circle. 0.07 0.09 70 JOURNAL OF FORESTRY FIRE IN RELATIONTO FUEL TYPE The evidenceseemsto permit the conclusionthat any densityof stand,by obGreen Stands, Uncut, Pole Size and structingwind and sun, makespossiblea Larger.--From an exhaustive study of greaterdensity,accompanied by reduction rates of spreadthat occurred1921-30,it of inflammability, until a climax is wasfoundthat the standardtypeslined reached. up in the followingdescending order: 1. Brush-grass Fuel mappersare warned againstthe 2. Ponderosapine assumptionthat all north exposuresare moist and cold. West of north-south 3. Lurch-fir di- vides they are dried more by wind than east of those divides. At junctions of valleys north slope vegetationfrequently is typical of moderatelydry sites. As the drouth of fire season continues 4. Douglasfir and lodgepole pine 5. White pine and cedar-hemlock 6. Subalpine 7. White fir and spruce This order is approximately the same as density of stand and is consistentwith the moisture contentsof protectedand Bates' data from Colorado. The same exposedfuels becomemore alike. How- relativeorder was found for any severever, analysis of fires' that occurred in ity in burningconditions. mid-seasonof the two worst years out of Unfortunately, the merepresence of a ten shows that differences still exist. particulartimbertypedoesnot determine TASLE 4 EXAMPLE OF FIRr. Example no. 1 2 SPRr.AD AND RESISTANCE RATINGS FOR VARIOUS KINDS OF FUr. L Description of fuel E--extreme, H----high,M----medium,L----low Ponderosa pine, mature stands on SW slopes with reproduction scattered or absent.................... With reproduction moderately dense..................... Spruce, white fir or cedar-hemlock mature, norreally dense in protected bottoms. If rough Rateof spread Resistance to control H H L M L H L L snags are conspicuouslypresent and green trees are limby, connecting fuels on ground to mossy 3 4 5 6 crowns .................................................................... If snags are smooth and thinly scattered while green trees are clean of mossand brushy limbs_.. White pine, lurch-fir, Douglas fir or lodgepole pine, normally dense stands, windfall and snags almost absent, ground vegetation conspicuously low shrubs; on protected flats and NE exposures On exposed flats and gentle SW exposures with usual increasedopennessand prevalenceof grass, with snags and windfall moderate but not continuous ................................................... L M M Any species except ponderosa pine; mature dense stands, 80 per cent q- killed by ground fire or epidemic, leaving all dead foliage on trees; half or more of dead trees down and not completelyshadedby reproduction. On ex7 8 posed SW slopes..................................................... On protected NE slopes..................................... If same stands burned hot enough to consume E H 9 10 fine fuels. On exposedSW slopes...................... On protected NE slopes...................................... H M H tl FUEL TYPE MAPPING IN REGION ONE the probablerate of fire spreador re- 71 RESISTANCETO CONTROL sistanceto control at a specificspot. It simplyindicatesthe degreeto whichpart Resistance to controlis the intensity of the influencesare present. The age of firefighting difficulty.It is the amount of a stand, in combination with the of workperchain,or otherunit,of peri- amountand conditionof older or young- meter length. er intermixeddeadand greentrees,means Thedegrees of resistance to bemapped much. are designated in the sameterms as used Burns, Cut-over Areas, Blowdowns, for rates of spread--low,medium,and Snags, Moss.--As burns produce open- high--with a fourthclass,extreme,to be nessof stand it might be expectedthat usedfor conspicuously difficultfuels. ratesof spreadtherewouldbe fasterthan The importantfactors that determine in greentimber of the sametype. This resistance are: tendencywas only slightly exhibitedby the 1,536 fires recordedas originating Fuelconditions Existingin there. The condition commonlycalled Standinggreentimber burn has included large areas of brush Amount and reproductionup to 30 years old. Arrangement Snags This growthis performingthe samefunc- Size Windfall and slash tions of shelter as mature stands to the Species degreethat fine fuels are being shaded and air movement aroundthemprevented. Decay Between burned areas and unburned clear- Brush,reproduction and grass Duff and roots cut areas,bare groundis frequentin the former and rare in the latter. TRENCHINGAND DIRT-SMOTHERING Cutting operations,in general, have CHANCE produceda high degreeof opennessin stands.It was foundthat ratesof spread Roots, soil, rocks, slopes.--Thefuel conformedmore to a completeness of mapper will assumethe method of atslashdisposalthan to timber type. Un- tackto be by ordinaryhandwork,using the mostsuitabletools. In ratingresisspreadweremuchfasterin cut-overareas der all severities of weather, rates of than in uncut,green forestsor in single tance,he is to judge only the work reburns. quired to corral fires and to hold them the middayburningperiod.He The completeblowdownof a dense through should endeavor to visualize an efficient stand, fully exposedto sun and wind, mustbe giventhe highestpossiblerating. fireman,doingwhateverwork existsat the spot under consideration. Initial ignitions are not likely to spread aerially betweensnagsthat are RATINGSFOR TYPICAL R-1 CONDITIONS morethan 75 feet apart. Examination of the fuel on the ground at the foot of snagsand betweenthem is necessaryto At five trainingcampsfor fuel mapknown the probability of fire running pers 90 men, representing10 national there. forests,agreedon 42 ratingsto be asFuel mapperswill recognizemossonly signedto typicalfuelsof Region1. From in conjunctionwith other fuels. The most themthe examples in Table4 are given importantassociation is with loose,dead as guidesto the reasonsfor increasing bark and dead crowns. ratings as fuel dangersincrease. 72 JOURNAL OF FORESTRY The productionof a map, showingthe Anothernecessitysatisfiedby the fuel locationof eachclassof fuel, is simply' map is in makingtotal dangerratings a step toward providing protectionproportional to the need for it. Analysis has shownwhat ratesof spreadto expect and what progressdifferent numbersof men can make. From this information an for forest areas that differ in the three essentialconsiderations, fuel danger,values at stakeand frequencyof occurrence. By addingtogetherthe dangersof small areas the total amount coveredby different detectors,smokechasers,roads and allowable travel time has been derived for trails, per dollar of annual expensehas each fuel been determined. class. "The independent effortof an individualmay be but a feeblegesture.... But whenhe joins in massformationwith his neighbors the sameeffort becomes an irresistibleand mighty force. CornellJanCouncilBulletin, Oct., 1934.