University of Northern Iowa Department of Residence Residence Hall Association Constitution & By-laws

University of Northern Iowa
Department of Residence
Residence Hall Association
Constitution & By-laws
The Residence Hall Association (RHA) acts as the official liaison between the Department of
Residence (DOR) and those living on campus. We promote the lifestyle of living on campus. We will plan
both fun and educational programs to help develop and foster student leaders. We provide experiences
for residents to network on campus, in the community, and around the world. As the liaison body, we
support the mission statement of the Department of Residence.
Article I: Name
Section A: The name of this organization is the Residence Hall Association, hereafter referred to as RHA.
Article II: Authority, Funding and Affiliation
Section A: RHA derives its authority from the Department of Residence and is funded by a portion of the
Residence Hall Activity Fee
Section B: RHA is affiliated with the National Association of College and University Residence Halls
(NACURH) and the Midwest Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls (MACURH)
Section C: RHA oversees and allocates funding to the RHA committees, The National Communications
Coordinator (hereafter referred to as NCC), The National Residence Hall Honorary, the hall senates, and
approved outside organizations
Article III: Purposes
Section A: Provide opportunities that build community and educate on-campus residents.
Section B: Facilitate communication among leaders by providing networking experiences within and
beyond the residence system.
Section C: Advise and/or send recommendations to the Department of Residence on policies and
practices when deemed necessary.
Article IV: Members & Responsibilities
Section A: General Assembly Members
1. Hall senate presidents, hall representatives (three voting members per hall), and an executive
2. Reside in Department of Residence-owned/operated housing
3. Uphold the RHA constitution
4. Maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.25 or risk removal from office
5. Abide by all University and Department of Residence rules and regulations
6. Be a model of personal integrity
Hall Representatives
1. Responsibilities
a. Represent the best interests of on-campus constituents
b. Serve on respective senate executive board or activities board
c. Serve on one RHA standing committee
d. Contribute to all senate and RHA meetings
e. Report RHA information at senate meetings
2. The official names of the RHA representatives must be communicated to the RHA secretary by
the secretary of the senate they represent
Senate Presidents
1. Presiding executive officers of respective senates
2. Serve on the RHA Presidents Council
Section B: The Executive Board
1. The President, National Communications Coordinator (NCC), a Director of Social
Programming, a Director of Social Justice and Sustainability, a Director of Administration and
Media, and a Director of Finance and Records provide leadership for the Association
2. No executive may have more than one position in RHA
Article V: Voting
Section A: All General Assembly members have one vote, except the President of RHA, can only vote to
break a tie.
Section B: Voting procedures follows Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, consistent with this
Section C: In the President’s absence the NCC presiding has no vote, unless necessary to break a tie.
Article VI: Proxies
Section A: Non-executive members may appoint proxies from their same building to represent them at
an RHA meeting.
1. A proxy must have the member they will represent provide clear proof of consent to the RHA
Director of Administration and Media prior to votes.
2. A proxy may not be another RHA member.
Section B: Executive members may appoint another executive to fill their role at a specific meeting by
notifying the President.
Article VII: Executive Board Responsibilities
Section A: President:
1. Not serve as a Resident Assistant
2. Coordinate executive and Association meetings to help the group fulfill purposes
3. Be the official representative and spokesperson of RHA
4. Appoint members to outside committees, as needed
5. Make appointments to fill executive vacancies, along with the executive board
6. Serve as the chair of the RHA Presidents Council
7. Appoint members of all standing committees, with the assistance of the Executive Board
8. Term of office is for one year, beginning July 1st
9. Official representative in President boardrooms and chats throughout the region
10. During his/her term as president-elect, they shall attend the annual MACURH conference,
except in outstanding circumstances, where they would appoint a substitute that is either a
current or incoming member of RHA
Section B: Director of Social Programming:
1. Not serve as an Resident Assistant
2. Serve as chairperson of one standing committee
3. Term of office is for one year, beginning July 1st
Section C: Director of Social Justice and Sustainability:
1. Not serve as an Resident Assistant
2. Serve as chairperson of one standing committee
3. Term of office is for one year, beginning July 1st
Section D: Director of Administration and Media:
1. Not serve as an Resident Assistant
2. Notify all members of meetings
3. Take minutes at all meetings
4. Keep accurate record of the attendance at all meetings
5. Keep accurate file of all correspondence
6. Term of office is for one year, beginning July 1st
7. Acts as a contributing member of both the Social Justice and Sustainability and Social
Programming committees, when necessary
8. Manages the social media sites
Section E: Director of Finance and Records:
1. Not serve as a Resident Assistant
2. Act as a liaison to third party organizations (I.E. and On-Campus Marketing)
3. Keep accurate record of all monies incoming and outgoing
4. Manage the RHA budget with RHA advisor
5. Term of office is for one year, beginning July 1st
Section F: The National Communications Coordinator:
1. Not serve as an Resident Assistant
2. Serves as NCC-In Training (NCC-IT) during a transition period from the time they are selected
until the end of the annual NACURH conference, at which point they assume the role of NCC
through subsequent NACURH conference
3. Assembles and leads conference delegations
4. Acts as liaison between National Association of College and University Residence Halls
(NACURH), Midwest Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls (MACURH) and RHA
5. Coordinates the process of initiating and submitting bids for regional and national
6. Serves as parliamentarian
7. Acts as a contributing member of both the Social Justice and Sustainability and Social
Programming committees, when necessary
8. Serves on at least one MACURH standing committee
9. Serves on at least one NACURH standing committee, if possible
10. Assumes the duties of the president in a time of absence or disability
Article VIII: Executive Elections
Section A: The RHA Advisor administers the RHA election ballot to the student body. The results of the
ballot are after received by the President of RHA to notify candidates.
1. In the case of a non-electronic ballot, the election becomes a commission election
Section B: The Director of Administration and Media appoints a three-person election commission from
within the Association to oversee the election of president, directors, and NCC. If the Director of
Administration and Media is running for a position, the President will appoint the committee
Section C: Commission Responsibilities
1. Hold elections in conjunction with NACURH registration and following RA position offerings
during Spring semester
2. Follow the Spring timeline set by the RHA Executives
Section D: National Communications Coordinator-In Training (NCC-IT) Position
1. Current NCC and advisor oversee the appointment of NCC-IT during spring semester before spring
break, in the case the current NCC does not decide to return to their position the following year
2. NCC-IT will attend one-on-ones with current NCC and advisor
3. NCC-IT may remain a part of their hall senate
4. NCC-IT is not required to hold office hours or attend executive board meetings
Section E: Filling Vacancies
1. In the event of a vacancy, the appropriate measures of filling the position will be determined
by the executive board and approved by the advisors.
2. If the office of the president becomes vacant, the advisor appoints an interim, in this order:
one of the two committee directors, then the other committee director, then any of the rest
of the Executive Board.
Article IX: Liaisons
Section A: The NRHH Chapter President:
1. Upholds the NRHH Constitution
2. Leads NRHH in providing campus, regional, and national recognition for on-campus student leaders
3. Term of office is for one year, beginning July 1st
4. Serves as a liaison between NRHH and RHA throughout the year
5. Attends RHA meetings
6. Attends RHA executive board meetings at times deemed appropriate, including meetings to discuss
Section B: Northern Iowa Student Government Director of Residence Hall Relations
1. The duties and position requirements are aligned with the current Northern Iowa Student
Government of that year
Article X: Meetings
Section A: RHA meetings are ran in accordance to the RHA Bylaws and Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly
Section B: Quorum
1. Defined as two-thirds (2/3) of voting members of the Association in attendance at a meeting
2. Required to conduct official RHA business
Section C: Special meetings may be called by the president.
Section D: All meetings are open and visitors are welcome, unless two-thirds (2/3) of the members
present vote to close the meeting.
1. Visitors for committee time should be approved by the director of that committee and the
President prior to the meeting
Section E: RHA members cannot vote on nor propose any legislation in closed meetings.
Article X: Removal from office
Section A: A formal complaint against any RHA Executive may be presented to the RHA advisors by
another member, provided that the complaint is presented in writing.
Section B: Causes for a formal complaint include failure to fulfill the duties of office, abuse of powers of
office, misrepresentation of RHA, improper use of RHA monies, or any other actions not in keeping with
the expectations of an RHA member or executive. Advisors determine the recommended action to be
taken. Options include removal from office, resignation, public censure, and no action.
Section C: The executive board holds the final decision after receiving the advisors recommendation of
the appropriate action to take
Section D: The advisors will inform the complainant if it there is no action taken. In all other cases the
decision will be made public.
Article XI: Amending Constitutions and Bylaws
Section A: RHA Constitution
1. A proposed amendment must be submitted to the general assembly no less than 3 days prior
to the date in which it will be discussed at the general assembly, at which time, members are
expected to consider the implications and consult their constituents
2. Amendments require a minimum two-thirds (2/3) majority for adoption
Section B: RHA Bylaws
1. Amendments require a simple majority for adoption
Section C: Senate Constitutions
1. Should be adopted and approved by individual senates
2. Require a simple majority of the RHA General Assembly
Article XII: Funding
Section A: After receiving allocations and estimates for the year, the executive board submits a budget
proposal to the General Assembly for approval. The proposal must be submitted by the second General
Assembly meeting for the new fiscal year.
Article XIII: Attendance
Section A: Two absences without proxy at RHA and/or committee meetings will result in the RHA
Secretary notifying the respective senate advisor that immediate action should be taken to remedy the
Article I: Three Standing Committees’ Purposes
Section 1: Presidents Council: Provide leadership development for senate presidents
Section 2: Social Programming: Provide social activities for on-campus residents
Section 3: Social Justice and Sustainability: Provide charitable and social justice activities for on-campus
Article II: Meetings
Section 1: RHA meets at 5 pm Thursdays during the academic year in the designated location set by the
executive board, with consent of the advisors.
Section 2: Standing committees meet after the general meeting Thursdays during the academic year, at
locations determined by the executive board. If additional meetings are needed, the executive board
will inform all members of the times and locations.
Article III: Special Circumstances
Whereas if the current NCC is a graduating senior, they are not permitted to attend the annual NACURH
conference. In addition, leading up to this deadline, they will be the acting NCC of the NACURH