College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Faculty Senate Annual Report 2012-2013

College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Faculty Senate
Annual Report 2012-2013
Submitted by Cynthia Dunn, Chair
At the request of the Board of Regents, the senate submitted the names of two candidates to
serve as faculty representatives on the Presidential Search and Screen Committee. The Board of
Regents selected Professor Anne Woodrick to serve on the committee.
The senate submitted names of six faculty members to the faculty pool for Research Misconduct
The senate hosted the dean’s State of the College address on October 1.
The senate held special elections for the following two positions: CSBS representative to the
University Faculty Senate (Mitch Strauss) and Graduate College Curriculum Committee (Linda
Walsh). For the first time, CSBS elections were held using the survey tool in MyUniverse.
Future senate chairs will need to be authorized to use this tool if we wish to continue this practice.
Approved changes to the Geography curriculum and the Women’s and Gender Studies
Revised the Senate By-Laws. Available at:
Revisions to the By-laws included adding a non-voting representative from the Department of
Military Science, now housed in CSBS.
The senate nominated faculty for the Class of 1943 Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching
and the Ross A. Nielsen Professional Service Award.
No nominations were received for the Lubker Award.
The senate selected Andrey Petrov (Geography) for the first CSBS Tenure-Track Faculty Award
for Scholarship and Creative Activity.
Approval of curriculum packages for Political Science, School of Applied Human Sciences,
Sociology, Anthropology & Criminology.
Voted to support proposed changes to LAC Category I: New Cornerstone course proposal.
Approved emeritus request for John Sommervill, Psychology.
Approved changes to MA in Public Policy.
Voted to support proposed changes to LAC Category V: Social Sciences.
Held elections for CSBS representation on the following university committees: University
Faculty Senate (Barbara Cutter), Committee on Committees (Jillissa Moorman), University
Committee on Curricula (Ken Basom), Liberal Arts Core Committee (Gary Gute), Graduate
Council (Fernando Calderon and Sunde Nesbit). Elections were held using the survey tool in
Approved curriculum changes for History, Social Work, Global Studies, and the Social Studies
Teaching Major.
Approved new Sustainability Certificate, Child Welfare Certificate, changes to Industrial and
Organizational Psychology Certificate.
Voted to support proposed changes to LAC Category IIA: Humanities.
Approved emeritus request for Al Hays (Political Science).