Purpose of the Research Agenda Hospital Ownership Form and Quality Changes: Changes in Nurse Staffing and FailureFailure-toto-Rescue following the BBA of 1997 David K. Song, M.D., Ph.D. Kevin G. Volpp, M.D., Ph.D. We thank VA HSR&D, the Doris Duke Foundation, and The National Bureau of Economic Research for financial support. FP vs. NP: Nurse Staffing RN per adjusted day 7.5 7 6.5 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 RN per adjusted day 7.5 7 6.5 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 NP 1 NP 4 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Hypotheses Operating Income Operating Income in U.S. Hospitals 200 100 (200) (300) (400) (500) 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 $/admission 0 (100) The Balanced Budget Act (97) and Hospital Operating Income By decreasing the growth rate in Medicare reimbursement, the BBA enforced fiscal discipline on hospitals. The passage of the law coincided with a nationnationwide decline in operating income. We find that hospitals, particularly forfor-profits, decreased their operating expenses in proportion to their Medicare exposure, but not enough to offset the Medicare revenue shortfall. Changes in quality may be part of the story. FP 1 FP 4 1996 Do hospitals decrease quality in response to fiscal pressure? Do NP and FP hospitals respond differently to changes in government reimbursement of medical services? In this presentation, we examine whether FP hospitals differed from NP hospitals in the adjustment of nurse staffing and failurefailure-toto-rescue following the passage of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997. Caveat: Since quality is multimulti-dimensional and hard to define, we put our study within the context of other attempts to examine multiple outcome measures in various provider settings. California Florida Illinois New York Texas National Hypothesis 1: Hospitals with greater exposures to the BBA tend to to decrease RN staffing and increase FTR to a greater degree. – Hospitals under financial stress may trade off profits and quality quality above profitprofit-maximizing level. – Evidence from previous studies that 30day AMI mortality 30 worsened in hospitals more affected by BBA. Hypothesis 2: NP and FP hospitals in California do not differ in degree of change in RN staffing or FTR for a similar degree of BBA BBA impact. – According to utilityutility-based models of hospital behavior, NP firms are more responsive to changes in regulated prices under many conditions, but this result does not hold for some profit functions. functions. – Previous work demonstrated no differential impact by FP/NFP hospitals on 3030-day AMI mortality. (600) 1 Primary Sources of Data Construction of the BBA Variable Prior to BBA’ BBA’s implementation, the AHA provided a forecast for every hospital’ hospital’s Medicare revenues from 19981998-2000 under two scenarios: (1) BBA implementation; (2) reimbursement without BBA The difference in revenue under these two scenarios provides us with a plausibly exogenous source of variation in the change in hospital revenue Forecast focuses on changes in reimbursement per admission, not “secondary” secondary” effects such as firm’ firm’s strategic responses To assess the impact of BBA on patient outcomes, we scale to level level of institution, i.e. 1% expected decrease in total firm revenue, rather than $1 expected decrease in Medicare revenue. Hence, our leading measure is: California hospital characteristics from the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD) from 19951995-2001. California patient discharge data to examine deaths from surgical complications. | Forecastedrevenuesfrom1998 to 2000 under BBA - Forecastedrevenuesfrom1998 to 2000 under non - BBA| , [Forecasted revenuesfrom1998 to 2000 under non - BBA] scaledby theproportionof Medicarerevenuesfor thehospitalin 1997 (pre- BBA). Figure 5: BBA and Hospital Revenue Response Empirical Strategy Dependent Variable---------------> Explanatory Variable log[BBA/non-BBA]a 19991999-1997 Change Regression of the following form: ∆Log [Revenue] ∆Log [Revenue] %∆ [Revenue] %∆ [Revenue] ∆ Revenue / Admission97 ∆ Revenue / Admission97 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 0.587362 (0.22324) FP*log[BBA/non-BBA] ** 0.428141 (0.44169) 0.140814 (0.35490) [BBA change]/[non-BBA]b 0.613107 (0.30363) FP*[BBA change]/[non-BBA] ** 0.5036518 (0.53629) 0.092948 (0.40947) [BBA change]/[Admissions1997]c 0.254696 (0.13002) ** FP*[BBA change]/[Admissions1997] R-squared: N: 329 If c = 1 for revenue change regressions, the impact on actual revenues revenues is very strong. If c is less than 0.5, one major explanation is that firms firms responded with toptop-line measures. If c = 1 for operating expense regressions, firms responded with aggressive costcost-cutting measures. BBA and Hospital Operating Expenses Dependent Variable---------------> Column # Explanatory Variable log[BBA/non-BBA]a ∆Log [Operating Expenses] 1 ∆Log [Operating Expenses] 2 0.2397437 * (0.14336) -0.333348 (0.29203) 0.5325457 ** (0.23585) FP*log[BBA/non-BBA] [BBA change]/[non-BBA]b %∆ [Operating Expenses] 3 %∆ [Operating Expenses] 4 ∆ Operating Expenses / Admission97 5 -0.0040325 (0.57416) FP*[BBA change]/[Admissions1997] 0.03 c * ** 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.10 Empirical Strategy For patient outcomes, we estimate linear probability models of the following form (the form is similar for hospitalhospital-level nurse staffing): + γ 5 * (OWNERi * POSTi ) +γ 6*(OWNERi * BBAi * POSTi ) + ε i 0.0160219 (0.32526) 0.4877474 ** (0.24436) [BBA change]/[Admissions1997]c 0.01 b 0.02 Difference in the natural logarithm of the forecasted revenue under the BBA policy and the log of the forecasted revenue under the non-BBA policy Difference in the forecasted revenue under the BBA policy and the forecasted revenue under the non-BBA policy, divided by the forecasted revenue under the non-BBA policy Difference in the forecasted revenue under the BBA policy and the forecasted revenue under the non-BBA policy, divided by baseline admissions (year 1997) Significant at the 10% level or lower Significant at the 5% level or lower Yi = α + β'• X i + γ 1 * BBAi + γ 2 * POSTi + γ 3 * ( BBAi * POSTi ) + γ 4 * (OWNERi ) 0.4970544 ** (0.19824) FP*[BBA change]/[non-BBA] R-squared: N: 329 ∆ Operating Expenses / Admission97 6 a 0.1623242 (0.12299) 1.421067 (1.11632) 0.02 0.04 0.01 -0.6890022 (0.67179) 1.467882 ** (0.67462) 0.02 We use dummy variables that proxy for the degree of BBA impact. This is based on division of the magnitude of BBA impact into three groups, low (excluded), middle, and high impact. Results are qualitatively similar to the results involving the continuous variable. Robust errors for clustering. 2 Results (2) Results FailureFailure-toto-rescue Variable Year99 Year00 BBA_MID BBA_MID * Year99 BBA_MID * Year00 BBA_HI BBA_HI * Year99 BBA_HI * Year00 FP FP * BBA_HI FP * BBA_MID FP * BBA_HI * Year99 FP * BBA_MID * Year99 FP * BBA_HI * Year00 FP * BBA_MID * Year00 FP * Year99 FP * Year00 Constant R-squared N Coefficient -0.0064 -0.00034 -0.00213 -0.00416 -0.0152 -0.00225 0.0048 -0.01329 0.00649 -0.01822 -0.01559 0.020114 0.036133 0.039951 0.055005 -0.02353 -0.03322 0.078946 0.1948 130889 Nurse Staffing * * * * ** Variable Year99 Year00 BBA_MID BBA_MID*Year99 BBA_MID*Year00 BBA_HI BBA_HI*Year99 BBA_HI*Year00 FP FP*BBA_MID FP*BBA_HI FP*BBA_MID*Year99 FP*BBA_HI*Year99 FP*BBA_MID*Year00 FP*BBA_HI*Year00 FP*Year99 FP*Year00 Constant R-squared N Coefficient -0.46723 0.02446 -0.46211 0.441297 -0.27738 -0.82616 * 0.623277 -0.03178 -1.31556 1.413058 0.892203 -2.24392 * -2.4639 * -1.33034 -1.84781 1.873551 1.540503 6.59583 ** 0.2001 879 Discussion We find a relationship between the expected revenue change under BBA and changes in revenue, operating expenses, and operating income. – FP’ FP’s more aggressively cut operating expenses relative to NP’ NP’s. FP hospitals, relative to NP hospitals, have associated increases increases in the probability of failure to rescue for a given expected decrease decrease in patient revenue. Nurse staffing in FP hospitals with higher BBA revenue impact decreased to a greater degree than nurse staffing in NP hospitals hospitals for similar changes in revenue from the BBA implementation. Some evidence that nurse staffing changes were related to revenue revenue changes for the California hospital sample. In spite of FPFP-NP differences, not much evidence that failure rate changes were related to revenue changes overall. FR Year99 Year00 BBA_MID BBA_MID*Year99 BBA_MID*Year00 BBA_HI BBA_HI*Year99 BBA_HI*Year00 FP FP*BBA_HI FP*BBA_MID FP*Year99 FP*Year00 Constant N R-squared RN -0.0093 -0.01401 ** 0.001415 0.005527 0.005784 -0.00356 -0.00792 -0.00793 0.012831 -0.00655 -0.0222 0.000646 0.003902 0.076642 ** 130889 0.19 Year99 Year00 BBA_MID BBA_MID*Year99 BBA_MID*Year00 BBA_HI BBA_HI*Year99 BBA_HI*Year00 FP FP*BBA_MID FP*BBA_HI FP*Year99 FP*Year00 Constant N R-sq 0.178249 0.486571 -0.02614 -0.24126 -0.67702 ** -0.25372 -0.20321 -0.6347 * -0.12838 0.238267 -0.75254 -0.16496 0.122821 6.119017 ** 879 0.2 Future Work Future work will examine NPNP-FP differences across multiple states and different outcomes, further testing the robustness of our conclusions. Examination of the impact of the BBA on charity care. Examination of NPNP-FP differences in firm strategies following the BBA. More work on financial distress: e.g. BSM pricing models in publicly publicly traded hospital chains, and Ohlson’ Ohlson’s for NP and FP’ FP’s. Recent work by others on distress in nonnon-profit firms in general has clarified the direction of research in financially distressed hospitals. MarketMarket-level analysis to assess further the welfare implications of the BBA. For example, patients may have been able to identify hospitals least affected by the BBA, and so the law could have had had a minimally detrimental effect on quality within the market. 3