Fall 2003 AG Agriculture-General Title READING AND CONFERENCE R.L. COLE, 112 STAG, 737-2661 Crs# Sec# CRN 405 400 16957 CR Meeting Time 1-16 Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees Departmental approval P/N CR 2 Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu. Instructor Cole Winter 2004: 318, 412, 421, 521 Fall 2003 ALS Academic Learning Services Title ACADEMIC SUCCESS Crs# Sec# CRN 116 400 16874 ROBERT BURTON, 338 SNEL, 737-0729 Meeting Time P/N P/N Instructor Dempsey Winter 2004: 116, 162 Spring 2004: 116, 162 Fall 2003 ANTH Anthropology Title FROM APE TO ANGEL T/OREGON ARCHEOLOGY T/ARCHAEOLOGY & SUSTAINABILITY JOHN A. YOUNG, 238 WALD, 737-4515 Crs# 240 430 430 Sec# 400 400 402 CRN 18071 16417 17945 CR 3 3 3 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu Web only - course taught online: my.oregonstate.edu P/N Instructor Prouty Prouty Winter 2004: 210, 240, 430 Spring 2004: 110, 210, 240, 430 Fall 2003 AREC Agricultural & Resource Econom Title *NATURAL RESOURCE ECON & POLIC Crs# Sec# CRN 351 400 13604 CR 3 PUBLIC LAND STATUTES & POLICY 353 400 15359 4 R&C/READINGS IN NAT RESOURSES PUBLIC LAND & RESOURCE LAW 405 453 400 400 15434 16691 1 4 PUBLIC LAND & RESOURCE LAW 553 400 16692 4 Meeting Time WILLIAM G. BOGGESS, 213 BALE, 737-2942 Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees ECON 201, MTH 111 Taught combination video and web. Video student views videos in home. Order videos OSU Bookstore 800-5950357. Additional rental fees. Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Taught combination video and web. Video - students views videos in home. Order videos OSU Bookstore 800-595-0357. Additional rental fees. Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Taught combination video and web. Video - student views video in home. Order videos OSU Bookstore 800-595-0357. Additional rental fee. Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Taught combination video and web. Video - student views videos in home. Order videos OSU Bookstore 800-595-0357. Additional rental fee. Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu P/N Instructor Diebel Obermiller Diebel Obermiller Obermiller Winter 2004: 351, 353, 453, 553 Spring 2004: 353, 453, 461 Fall 2003 ART Art Title *INTRO TO VISUAL ARTS ART FOR TEACHERS I, II ART FOR TEACHERS I, II JIM FOLTS, 106 FAIR, 737-4745 Crs# 101 415 515 Sec# 400 400 400 CRN 13612 16736 16737 CR 4 4 4 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu P/N Crs# Sec# CRN 210 400 16625 CR 3 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees P/N MTH 111, 112. Taught combination video and web. Video - student views videos in home. Order videos OSU Bookstore 800-595-0357. Additional rental fees. Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu. CR 4 1 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees P/N Web only - Course taught online: my.oregonstate.edu Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu OSU Extended Campus P/N tuition and fees will apply. Please call 800-667-1465 with questions Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu OSU Extended Campus P/N tuition and fees will apply. Please call 800-667-1465 with questions Instructor Maul Brooke Brooke Winter 2004: 101, 415, 515 Spring 2004: 101, 415, 515 Fall 2003 ATS Atmospheric Sciences Title INTRO TO THE ATMOSPHERIC SCI Fall 2003 BA IRMA DELSON, 110 OAO, 737-5189 Business Administration CLARA HORNE, 214 BEXL, 737-3716 Title MARKETING SEM/WAR ON MAIN STREET Crs# Sec# CRN 390 400 18086 407 400 17731 SEM/WAR ON MAIN STREET 507 Winter 2004: 347, 390, 407, 507 Spring 2004: 215, 271, 347, 390 400 Instructor Taylor 17732 1 Instructor Coakley Coakley Fall 2003 BI Biology Title ECOLOGY T. POWELL, 2042 CORD, 737-2993 Crs# Sec# CRN 370 400 14019 CR 3 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees P/N Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu BI 370/DCE. One year BI. Students must have 8X CD player, Windows 95, Pentium based multimedia computer. Contact instructor after registration. Crs# Sec# CRN 479 400 18174 540 400 16637 CR 3 4 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees Web only - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu. Also offered on campus. Title *TECHNOLOGY, ENERGY, AND RISK Crs# Sec# CRN 374 400 14039 CR 3 Meeting Time ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY CMPTR PROG FOR SCIENTISTS 390 490 400 400 14040 14041 3 3 CMPTR PROG FOR SCIENTISTS 590 400 14042 3 Instructor Patterson Winter 2004: 370 Spring 2004: 370 Fall 2003 BOT Botany and Plant Pathology Title *^ENVIRONMENTAL CASE STUDIES FIELD METHODS IN VEG SCIENCE S.M. COAKLEY, 2064 CORD, 737-3451 P/N Instructor Wilson Winter 2004: 479 Spring 2004: 479 Fall 2003 CH Chemistry JOHN C. WESTALL, 153 GILB, 737-2081 Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees P/N Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu Does not meet the prereq for any other chemistry course. Does not meet requirements for chemistry minor. Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu One year of chemistry. Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu Two years of college chemistry. Web - Course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu CH 121. Two years of college chemistry. Instructor Loveland Loveland Loveland Loveland Winter 2004: 374, 390, 490, 590 Spring 2004: 374, 390, 490, 590 Fall 2003 COMM Communication GREGG WALKER, 104 SHEP, 737-2461 Title INTRODUCTION TO COMMUN THEORY Crs# Sec# CRN 321 400 15360 GENDER AND COMMUNICATION GENDER AND COMMUNICATION 432 532 400 400 16638 16639 CR 3 Meeting Time Location 3 3 Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees Taught combination video and web. Video - student views videos in home. Order videos OSU Bookstore 800-595-0357. Additional rental fees. Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu P/N Instructor Walker Bowker Bowker Winter 2004: 328, 380 Spring 2004: 328, 380 Fall 2003 COUN Counseling GENE EAKIN, 318A EDUC, 737-9215 Title READING AND CONFERENCE SPECIAL PROJECTS PRACTICUM IN COUNSELING COUNSELING INTERNSHIP Crs# 505 506 509 510 Sec# 400 400 400 400 CRN 16962 13369 14055 13343 CR Meeting Time 1-3 1-3 3 1-15 STUDY OF SCHOOLS: K-12 511 400 16862 3 GROUP COUNSELING PROCEDURES 571 400 16759 3 CROSS-CULTURAL COUNSELING INTERNSHIP IN COUNSELING COUNSELOR SUPERVISION COUNSELOR CONSULTATION 581 610 697 698 400 400 400 400 15330 17777 17778 15331 R 1600-1950 3 1-12 W 1700-1950 3 3 Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees Not site-based. Location is on case-by-case basis P/N Meets 1700-2100 on October 17 and November 14. P/N Six credits of COUN 509 and core program sequence. Please check P/N blackboard for preclass activities and assignments. Meets 1700-2100 on October 3 and 24, November 14 and December 5. EDUC 129 TBA Instructor Eakin Eakin Rubel Rubel Eakin Must be admitted to program. Please check blackboard for preclass activities and assignments. Dates: Friday and Saturday, 0900-1700, 10/17, 10/18, 11/14, and 11/15 Dates: Friday and Saturday, 0900-1700, 10/17, 10/18, 11/14 and 11/15 On site traditional classroom setting P/N On-site traditional classroom setting Dates: Friday and Saturday, 0900-1700, 10/3, 10/4, 12/5, 12/6 Rubel Pehrsson Dykeman Ingram Pehrsson Winter 2004: 505, 506, 509, 510, 512, 532, 580, 610, 696 Spring 2004: 506, 509, 510, 525, 531, 575 Fall 2003 CSS Crop & Soil Science R.S. KAROW, P. MULLETT, 3005B ALS, 737-2894 Title *WORLD SOIL RESOURCES Crs# Sec# CRN 395 400 17895 CR 3 ST/ORGANIC FARMING 499 400 16463 1 ST/CROPPING SYS FOR SUSTAIN 499 401 14020 1 ST/SOIL QUALITY 499 402 15235 1 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Order textbooks from Eastern Oregon University bookstore, 1-800-667-3270. Taught combination video and web. Video - student views videos in home. Order videos OSU Bookstore 800-595-0357. Additional rental fees. Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Taught combination video and web. Video - student views videos in home. Order videos OSU Bookstore 800-595-0357. Additional rental fees. Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Taught combination video and web. Video - student views videos in home. Order videos OSU Bookstore 800-595-0357. Additional rental fees. Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu P/N Instructor Kiemnec P/N Hannaway P/N Hannaway P/N Hannaway ST/SOIL QUALITY 599 400 13620 1 Taught combination video and web. Video - student views videos in home. Order videos OSU Bookstore 800-595-0357. Additional rental fees. Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu P/N Hannaway ST/CROPPING SYS FOR SUSTAIN 599 401 14021 1 P/N Hannaway ST/ORGANIC FARMING 599 403 16459 1 Taught combination video and web. Video - student views videos in home. Order videos OSU Bookstore 800-595-0357. Additional rental fees. Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Taught combination video and web. Video - student views videos in home. Order videos OSU Bookstore 800-595-0357. Additional rental fees. Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu P/N Hannaway Winter 2004: 310, 395, 499, 599 Spring 2004: 205, 330, 395, 499, 599 Fall 2003 ECON Economics B. STARR McMULLEN, 303 BALE, 737-2321 Title *INTRO TO MICROECONOMICS Crs# Sec# CRN 201 400 13370 CR 4 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees MTH 111 or equivalent is recommended. Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu. MTH 111 or equivalent is recommended. Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu. *INTRO TO MACROECONOMICS 202 400 13371 Title SEM/STUDENT TEACHING PRACT/SECOND AUTHORIZATION INTERNSHIP/ESOL/BILINGUAL ED PSYCH, LEARNING & DEVELOPM CIVIL RIGHTS IN EDUCATION Crs# 407 409 410 411 418 Sec# 400 400 400 400 400 CRN 13603 13688 17569 15426 13304 CR Meeting Time 1 3 1-16 3 2 Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees Taught at Leslie Middle School, Salem ST/METHODS & MAT OF ESL/EFL ST/METH & MAT IN ESL/EFL 499 499 400 401 13276 16994 3 3 RESEARCH RESEARCH READING & CONFERENCE 501 501 505 400 401 400 13373 13374 16424 1-16 2 3 PROJ/ADV PORTFOLIO DEVEL PROJ/ACTION RESEARCH PROJ/TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION PROJ/ADVANCE PORTFOLIO DEVELOP SEM/SECONDARY EDUCATION 506 506 506 506 507 400 402 403 406 400 18122 15425 15432 15495 13336 PRACTICUM PRACTICUM PRACTICUM INTERNSHIP/ ESOL INTERNSHIP 509 509 509 510 510 400 406 409 400 401 INTERNSHIP INTERNSHIP 510 510 EDUCATION AND WORK CIVIL RIGHTS IN EDUCATION CLASSROOM MGMT & DISCIPL K-12 4 P/N Instructor Torosyan Winter 2004: 201, 202 Spring 2004: 201, 202 Fall 2003 ED Education ALLAN BRAZIER, 308E EDUC, 737-4661 Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu P/N Instructor Waldschmidt Higgins Waldschmidt Ersoff Ersoff Taught at Leslie Middle School, Salem 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Saturdays at Newport High School. Newport, Oregon. Oct 19, 26; Nov 2, 9, 23; Dec 7 Instructor's consent. Contact instructor is not in Adult Ed cohort Instructor's consent. Contact instructor is not in Adult Ed cohort Staff Roebber 2 3 1-3 1 1 On-site. Traditional classroom setting. Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Lamley Twomey Stern Lamley Twomey 13364 16425 16426 15474 13307 1-16 1-16 1 1-18 1-18 If not in cohort, call 541-737-4661 to register Take 1, 2 or 3 credits only 410 411 13372 13605 1-18 1-18 517 518 520 400 400 400 15430 14023 16420 3 2 3 Contact instructor if not in Adult Ed cohort By special permission and arrangement. Contact instructor if not in Adult Ed cohort Taught at Silver Falls, Salem Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu INSTRUCTIONAL SYSTEMS DESIGN I 531 400 13233 3 THE EMERGING COMMUNITY COLLEGE 540 400 14038 3 STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS LEARNING THEORIES MATHEMATICS STRATEGIES K-8 548 553 557 400 400 400 16421 18163 17902 2 3 3 STRATEGIES/SCIENCE 559 400 18083 3 LEADERSHIP DEVEL & HUMAN RELAT 567 400 13611 3 THEORETICAL FOUND OF ESL/EFL METH & MATERIALS IN ESL/EFL METH & MATERIALS IN ESL/EFL 570 571 571 400 400 401 18011 14024 18209 3 3 3 ADULT DEVELOPMENT & LEARNING 578 400 16826 3 M/2:INTERPERS COMMUNICATION 590 401 15243 1 M3/THINKING AND PROBLEM SOLV 590 402 15244 1 M/4:LEARN THEORY & HUM DEVL 590 403 15245 1 M/1 ORGANIZ MGMT: LEARN ENVIR 591 400 16760 1 Meets at Chemeketa Community College, Salem, October 3-4, November 7-8 and December 5-6 Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu If not in cohort, call 541737-4661 to register Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu If not in cohort, call 541737-4661 to register Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu If not in cohort, call 541737-4661 to register Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu M/2 MODELS OF TEACH, LEARN & T M/4 CURRIC & INSTRUC DESIGN READ & WRIT IN MID/SEC SCHOOL 591 591 593 401 402 400 16761 18057 15332 1 1 3 Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Also includes web component Held October 3-4 and November 7-8, 2003 OSU Professional Technical Teacher Licensure Program. If not in cohort, call 541-737-4661 to register Register for 1-6 credits only. OSU Professional Technical Teacher Licensure Program. If not in cohort call 541-737-4661 to register Meets at Chemeketa Community College, Salem, October 10-11, November 7-8 and December 5-6. If not in cohort, call 541-737-4661 to register Taught combination video and web. Video - student views videos in home. Order videos OSU Bookstore 800-595-0357. Additional rental fee. Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Taught October 10-12, November 7-9 and December 5-7, 2003. Taught October 10-12, November 7-9 and December 5-7, 2003, in Education Hall 107. On-site. Traditional classroom setting. Meets at Chemeketa Community College, Salem, October 10-11, November 7-8 and December 5-6. Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Taught at Leslie Middle School, Salem. TBA On-site. Traditional classroom setting. Held Saturdays, October 18, 25, November 1, 15 and 22, 2003, 0900-1500, at Lincoln County School District Office. Available in Lincoln County only. Prickel Staff Prickel Twomey Waldschmidt O Malley Waldschmidt Twomey Sanchez Staff Copa Ersoff Moule Prickel Sanchez Myers Prickel Higgins Higgins Copa Waldschmidt Waldschmidt Roebber Webster Twomey Twomey Twomey Twomey Twomey Twomey Stephens in Ed Hall 201. Meets Fridays 1700-2100, Saturdays 0800-1600. Web - course taught online. M/WEB PAGE DESIGN ST/ADVANCED PROB IN TECHNOLOGY 596 599 400 401 18210 15433 1 3 ST/RACIAL & CULT HARMONY K-12 ST/BUS, COMP SCI METH OF TCHNG ST/CRIT THK ED RES:CHAL 21 CEN ST/SPEC ED FOR CLSRM TCHRS ST/METH OF TCHNG COMPTR APPLIC 599 599 599 599 599 402 403 404 405 406 15496 18015 16768 18016 18017 3 1 1 3 1 Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu On-site. Traditional classroom setting Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu ST/INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY I 599 407 16985 1 ST/INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY II 599 408 17575 1 ST/METH OF TCHNG DES WEB PGS ST/METH OF TCHNG ACCCOUNTING ST/METH OF TCHNG SML BUS MGMT 599 599 599 409 410 411 17877 17878 17879 1 1 1 On-site. Traditional classroom setting. Taught at Chemeketa Community College, Salem, Fridays 1500-2000; October 3, November 7 and December 5 On-site. Traditional classroom setting. Taught at Chemeketa Community College, Salem, Fridays 1500-2000; October 10-11, November 7-8 and December 5-6. Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu ST/MTH OF TCHING INPUT TECH ST/METH OF TCHNG INTERNET TECH ST/INT METH TCHNG BUS COMP SCI ST/STRATEGIES/SCIENCE 599 599 599 599 412 413 414 415 17880 17881 17882 17894 1 1 1 3 ST/DEVELOPING ONLINE CURRICULA 599 416 18033 3 ST/IND CERT PREP:METHODS TEACH RESEARCH SEM/RESEARCH SEMINAR 599 601 607 607 417 400 400 401 18037 14095 15333 17903 1 1 1-16 1 INTERNSHIP 610 400 16422 3 RES PERSPECTIVES IN EDUCATION RES ANALYSIS & INTERPRET IN ED 612 613 400 400 16423 14054 3 3 ADV RESEARCH METHODS IN ED 614 400 18250 1 ST/INSTRUCTIONAL LEADER I 621 401 17901 3 ST/ORGANIZATIONS AS LIVING SYS 621 402 13270 3 COMMUNITY COLLEGE ADMIN 640 400 13234 3 Stern Moule Lamley Winograd Lamley Prickel Prickel Twomey Twomey Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Taught October 3-5, November 7-9 and December 5-7, 2003 in Ed Hall 129. On site traditional classroom setting Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Twomey Twomey Twomey Winograd Prickel Web only - course taught online. Instructor: lamleyj@oregonstate.edu Lamley Duvall Duvall Cohen On site traditional classroom setting. Contact SOE at 541-737-4166 for more information Cohen Higgins Russ-Eft Thursdays 1500-1700 Chemeketa Community College and 1900-2030 Silver Falls State Park; and Fridays 0830-1200 Silver Falls On-site. Traditional classroom setting. Meets October 16 & November 13, 1630-1930 at 7243 NE 13th Ave., Portland. Plus Blackboard component. On site traditional classroom setting. Contact SOE at 541-737-4166 for dates and times Meets at Silver Falls. If not in cohort, call 541-737-4661 to register Moule Waldschmidt Stern Course taught at Silver Falls. Prereq: Community College Teaching/Administrative Experience. If not in cohort, call 541-737-4661 to register. Sanchez Winter 2004: 407, 409, 410, 411, 416, 418, 499, 501, 505, 506, 507, 509, 510, 518, 527, 539, 547, 548, 553, 555, 570, 571, 575, 583, 592, 596, 599, 607, 610, 614, 621 Spring 2004: 407, 409, 410, 411, 418, 501, 505, 506, 507, 509, 510, 518, 532, 533, 570, 571, 582, 594, 599, 607, 610, 621 Fall 2003 ENG English Title *THE AMERICAN NOVEL ROBERT SCHWARTZ, 238 MORE, 737-3244 Crs# Sec# CRN 318 400 14025 CR 3 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu P/N Instructor Petty Winter 2004: 319, 374 Spring 2004: 317, 320, 465 Fall 2003 ENSC Environmental Sciences Title *^ENVIRONENTAL CASE STUDIES Crs# Sec# CRN 479 400 18173 WILLIAM WINNER, 1024 CORD, 737-5095 CR 3 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees Web only - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees P/N Instructor Winter 2004: 479 Spring 2004: 479 There are no scheduled Fall 2003 EXSS Exercise and Sport Science Title Fall 2003 Crs# Sec# CRN FOR CR Meeting Time ANTHONY WILCOX, 214 LANG, 737-2643 Forest Resources Instructor J. WALSTAD, 280 PVY, 737-4951 Title *ISSUES IN NATURAL RES CONSERV Crs# Sec# CRN 365 400 13632 WILDLAND FIRE ECOLOGY 446 Spring 2004: 352, 365, 446 P/N 400 16460 CR 3 3 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees P/N Taught combination video and web. Video - student views videos in home. Additional rental fee. Order videos OSU Bookstore 800-5950357. Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu Also offered as FW 446 and RNG 446. Taught combination video and web. Video - student views videos in home. Order videos OSU Bookstore 800-595-0357. Additional rental fees. Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu Instructor Anzinger Reed Fall 2003 FW Fisheries and Wildlife W. DANIEL EDGE, 104 NASH, 737-1978 Title PRIN OF FISH & WILDLIFE CONSER Crs# Sec# CRN 251 400 13273 CR 3 SURV OF GEO INFO SYS IN NAT RE 303 400 15234 3 BIOLOGY OF BIRDS 311 400 13613 3 BIOLOGY OF MAMMALS 317 400 17599 3 MGMT PRIN OF PAC SALMON IN NW 323 400 13617 3 *MULTICULT PERS IN NAT RESOURC 340 400 16640 3 WILDLAND FIRE ECOLOGY 446 400 16611 3 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees P/N Taught combination video and web. Video - student views videos in home. Order videos OSU Bookstore 800-595-0357. Additional rental fees. Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Contact instructor after registering for instructions to access the course website Taught combination video and web. Video - student views videos in home. Order videos OSU Bookstore 800-595-0357. Additional rental fees. Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu One year introductory biology Taught combination video and web. Video - student views videos in home. Order videos OSU Bookstore 800-595-0357. Additional rental fees. Web - course taught online. Taught combination video and web. Video - student views videos in home. Order videos OSU Bookstore 800-595-0357. Additional rental fees. Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Taught combination video and web. Video - student views videos in home. Order videos OSU Bookstore 800-595-0357. Additional rental fees. Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Taught combination video and web. Video - student views videos in home. Order videos OSU Bookstore 800-595-0357. Additional rental fees. Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Also offered as RNG 446 & FOR 446 Instructor Whitney Moore Coblentz Heppell Li Reed Winter 2004: 303, 315, 326, 340, 435, 479, 535 Spring 2004: 251, 303, 311, 315, 317, 321, 323, 446, 470, 570 Fall 2003 GEO Geosciences MELINDA PETERSON, 104 WLKN, 737-1238 Title MAP AND IMAGE INTERPRETATION Crs# Sec# CRN 301 400 15361 CR 4 GEOGRAPHIC INFO SYSTEMS & SCI 465 400 16432 3 GEOGRAPHIC INFO SYSTEMS & SCI 565 400 16433 3 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees P/N Taught combination video and web. Video- student views in home. Order videos OSU Bookstore 800-595-0357. Additional rental fees. Web-course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu. Course packets will be required and available at the OSU Bookstore Taught combination video and web. Video - student views in home. Order videos OSU Bookstore 800-595-0357. Additional rental fees. Web course taught online, my oregonstate.edu Taught combination video and web. Video - student views videos in home. Order videos OSU Bookstore 800-595-0357. Additional rental fees. Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu Instructor Kimerling Wright Wright Winter 2004: 300, 465, 565 Spring 2004: 103, 265, 300, 307, 323, 380, 400, 465, 497, 500, 565, 597 Fall 2003 H Public Health Title *AIDS & SEXUALLY TRANS DISEASE *AIDS & SEXUALLY TRANS DISEASE ANNA HARDING, 256 WALD, 737-2686 Crs# Sec# CRN 312 400 17954 312 401 17990 CR 3 3 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu P/N Meeting Time Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees P/N Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu 6 credits of HDFS, SOC or PSY. Taught combination video and web. Video - student views videos in home. Order videos OSU Bookstore 800-595-0357. Additional rental fees. Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu. Instructor Mac Lachlan Goodall Winter 2004: 312, 436, 491, 536, 591 Spring 2004: 312, 432, 436, 532, 536 Fall 2003 HDFS Human Dev and Family Sciences Title *INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY DEVELOP *HUMAN SEXUALITY CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT Crs# 201 240 444 Sec# 400 400 400 CRN 17973 17975 14026 CR 3 3 3 CLARA C. PRATT, 322 MLM, 737-4765 Instructor Greaves Mawdsley Vuchinich Winter 2004: 240, 432, 444 Spring 2004: 240, 444 Fall 2003 HHS HHS - Lifetime Fitness ANTHONY WILCOX, 214 LANG, 737-2643 Title *LIFETIME FITNESS FOR HEALTH Crs# Sec# CRN 231 400 17897 *LIFETIME FITNESS 241 400 17896 CR 2 1 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees P/N Instructor Web - course taught online. To fulfill fitness requirements in the Bacc Concepcion Core, both the two credit lecture and the one credit lab/activity courses must be taken. Web - course taught online. To fulfill requirements in the Bacc Core, both Bauer the two credit lecture and the one credit lab/activity courses must be taken. Winter 2004: 231, 241 Spring 2004: 231, 241 Fall 2003 HST History PAUL FARBER, 306 MLM, 737-3421 Title *HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Crs# Sec# CRN 201 400 17626 CR 3 *HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES 202 400 17627 3 *HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES 203 400 17628 3 *ANCIENT NEAR EAST 320 400 13235 4 *LESB AND GAY MOV IN MOD AME 368 400 15362 3 *EAST ASIA:HIST & CULT OF CHIN 391 400 15236 3 ST/HISTORY OF THE US FAMILY 415 400 14027 3 HISTORY OF THE PACIFIC NW 469 400 14028 3 THE U.S. SINCE 1939 478 400 14029 3 *ENVIRON HIST OF THE U.S. 481 400 14030 3 MOD JAPAN: A CULTURAL HISTORY 494 400 15334 3 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees P/N Web - course taught online. Departmental approval. To enroll go to http://ecampus.oregonstate.edu/courses then use link "Departmental Approval form"> Web - course taught online. Departmental approval. To enroll go to http://ecampus.oregonstate.edu/courses then use link "Departmental Approval form". Web - course taught online. Departmental approval. To enroll go to http://ecampus.oregonstate.edu/courses then use link "Departmental Approval form". Web - course taught online. Distance students only, at the request of the History Dept. Others may be disenrolled. Taught combination of IDL and web. IDL - individualized directed learning via mail, e-mail. Web - course taught online. Distance students only, at the request of the History Dept. Others may be disenrolled. Taught combination of IDL and web. IDL - individualized directed learning via mail, e-mail. Web - course taught online. Distance students only, at the request of the History Dept. Others may be disenrolled. Taught combination of IDL and web. IDL - individualized directed learning via mail, e-mail. Web - course taught online. Distance students only, at the request of the History Dept. Others may be disenrolled. HST 201, 202, 203 or upper division standing. Taught combination of IDL and web. IDL - individualized directed learning via mail, e-mail. Web course taught online. Distance students only, at the request of the History Dept. Others may be disenrolled. HST 203 or upper division standing. IDL - individualized directed learning via mail, e-mail. Distance students only, at the request of the History Dept. Others may be disenrolled. Upper division standing. Recommend HST 201, 202, 203. Taught combination of IDL and web. Web - course taught online. Distance students only, at the request of the History Dept. Others may be disenrolled. Instructor Reid Reid Reid Ferngren Carson Obrien del Mar del Mar Lykins del Mar Taught combination of IDL and web. Web - course taught online. Distance students only, at the request of the History Dept. Others may be disenrolled. Obrien Winter 2004: 201, 202, 203, 320, 392, 415, 425, 469, 478, 481, 494 Spring 2004: 201, 202, 203, 320, 391, 415, 469, 478, 481, 494 Fall 2003 HSTS History of Science PAUL FARBER, 306 MLM, 737-3421 Title *HISTORY OF SCIENCE Crs# Sec# CRN 412 400 13236 CR 3 *^HISTORY OF MEDICINE 417 400 17629 3 *^SCIENCE AND SOCIETY 418 400 17967 3 *TECHNOLOGY AND CHANGE 421 400 17968 3 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees P/N Upper division standing. At least one science sequence. Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu. Distance students only, at the request of the History Dept. Others may be disenrolled. Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Distance students only, at the request of the History Dept. Others may be disenrolled. Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Distance students only, at the request of the History Dept. Others may be disenrolled. Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Distance students only, at the request of the History Dept. Others may be disenrolled. Instructor Zernel Reid Reid Reid Winter 2004: 411, 417, 418, 421 Spring 2004: 412, 417, 418, 421, 440, 470, 570 Fall 2003 LS Liberal Studies Title PROJ/CLASSROOM VOLUNTEER PROJECTS/SOCIAL SCIENCES PROJECTS/ARTS AND HUMANITIES INTERNSHIP/SOCIAL SCIENCES INTERNSHIP/ARTS AND HUMANITIES JEFFREY HALE, 211 GILK, 737-0561 Crs# 406 406 406 410 410 Sec# 407 414 426 402 403 CRN 15351 15363 15423 15484 15485 CR Meeting Time 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-12 1-12 Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees P/N P/N P/N Instructor Jeneva Hale Bottaro Hale Bottaro Winter 2004: 406, 410 Spring 2004: 406, 410, 428 Fall 2003 MTH Mathematics HAROLD R. PARKS, 368 KIDD, 737-4686 Title ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA Crs# Sec# CRN 065 400 13215 CR 3 Meeting Time MWF 1400-1450 T 1830-1920 MWF 1500-1550 T 1830-1920 MWF 1200-1250 T 1930-2020 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 065 401 13218 3 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 065 402 13220 3 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 065 403 13610 3 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 065 404 15380 3 MWF 1300-1350 T 1930-2020 Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees STAG 211 Midterm T 1830-1920. TBA STAG 211 Midterm T 1830-1920. TBA BAT 250 Midterm T 1930-2020. TBA To enroll go to http://ecampus.oregonstate.edu/courses then use link "online math registration form". BEXL 322 Midterm T 1930-2020 TBA ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 065 405 15420 3 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 065 406 15469 3 INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA 095 400 13221 3 INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA 095 401 13222 3 MWF 1100-1150 T 1930-2020 MWF 1000-1050 T 1830-1950 MWF 1000-1050 T 1830-1920 MWF 0900-0950 T 1830-1920 BEXL 322 TBA BEXL 322 TBA STAG 310 TBA STAG 310 TBA Midterm T 1930-2020 P/N Instructor Clark Mc Kenzie Clark Franzosa Clark Staff Midterm T 1930-2020 Staff Midterm T 1830-1920. Smith Midterm T 1830-1920. Franzosa INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA 095 402 13223 3 MWF 1200-1250 T 1930-2020 STAG 412 TBA MIdterm T 1930-2020 Franzosa INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA 095 403 13224 3 Franzosa 095 404 13225 3 STAG 132 TBA GILK 115 TBA Midterm T 1930-2020 INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA MWF 1300-1350 T 1930-2020 MWF 1100-1150 T 1930-2020 Midterm T 1930-2020 Smith INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA 095 095 405 406 13237 13633 3 3 MWF 0900-0950 T 1830-1920 BEXL 320 TBA Midterm T 1930-2020 Midterm T 1830-1920. Staff Warloe INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA 095 407 13634 3 INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA 095 408 13635 3 INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA 095 409 13657 3 INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA 095 410 14096 3 INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA 095 411 15473 3 INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA 095 412 15642 3 *INTRO TO CONTEM MATH 105 400 13238 3 *COLLEGE ALGEBRA 111 400 13239 4 *FOUNDS ELEM MATH 211 400 13602 4 FOUNDS ELEM MATH 212 400 13614 4 *CALC FOR MGT & SOCIAL SCI 241 400 13240 4 *MATH FOR MGT, LIFE, & SOCIAL 245 400 13241 4 *DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 251 400 15364 4 INTEGRAL CALCULUS 252 400 13601 4 FOUNDS OF ELEM MATH 390 400 14043 4 To enroll go to http://ecampus.oregonstate.edu/courses then use link "online math registration form". MWF 1000-1050 T 1830-1920 MWF 1100-1150 T 1830-1920 MWF 1200-1250 T 1930-2020 MWF 1400-1450 T 1930-2050 MWF 1100-1150 T 1830-1920 BEXL 320 TBA TBA TBA BEXL 320 TBA MLM 019 TBA BEXL 326 TBA Franzosa Midterm T 1830-1920. Staff Midterm T 1830-1920. Staff Midterm T 1930-2020 Warloe Midterm T 1930-2050 Smith Midterm T 1930-2050 Warloe MTH 095 or equivalent High School preparation. To enroll go to http://ecampus.oregonstate.edu/courses then use link "online math registration form". MTH 095 or equivalent High School preparation. To enroll go to http://ecampus.oregonstate.edu/courses then use link "online math registration form". To enroll go to http://ecampus.oregonstate.edu/courses then use link "online math registration form". To enroll go to http://ecampus.oregonstate.edu/courses then use link "online math registration form". MTH 111. To enroll go to http://ecampus.oregonstate.edu/courses then use link "online math registration form". Franzosa MTH 111 To enroll go to http://ecampus.oregonstate.edu/courses then use link "online math registration form". Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu. Please check the Ecampus website for book order instructions. MTH 251 or equivalent. Instructor's consent. Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu. Please check the Ecampus website for book order instructions. To enroll go to http://ecampus.oregonstate.edu/courses then use link "online math registration form". Franzosa Franzosa Franzosa Franzosa Franzosa Lee Schori Franzosa Winter 2004: 065, 095, 105, 111, 211, 212, 241, 245, 251, 252, 390 Spring 2004: 065, 095, 105, 111, 211, 212, 241, 245, 251, 252, 390 Fall 2003 MUP Music (Studio) Title INDIVIDUAL LESSONS: STRINGS ERIC HENDRIX, 101 BENT, 737-4061 Crs# Sec# CRN 192 400 18045 CR 1 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees P/N Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu CD or DVD capabilities necessary to complete this course. Students will be required to purchase this through the OSU Bookstore 800-235-6559. Additional fees apply. Crs# Sec# CRN 101 400 18021 CR 3 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees Web - course taught online. Instructor Grandstaff Winter 2004: 192 Spring 2004: 192 Fall 2003 MUS Music Title *MUSIC APPRECIATION I:SURVEY ERIC HENDRIX, 101 BENT, 737-4061 P/N Instructor Peck Winter 2004: 101 Spring 2004: 101 Fall 2003 NE Nuclear Engineering Title RADIATION PROTECTION NUCLEAR REACTOR SAFETY RADIATION PROTECTION Crs# 481 568 581 A.C. KLEIN, 116 RC, 737-2343 Sec# 400 400 400 CRN 17969 17966 17970 CR 4 3 4 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu CR Meeting Time 3 1-16 1-16 Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu. IDL - individualized directed learning via mail, e-mail. Students may only take up to 6 credits. Instructor's consent needed for credits 7-16. IDL - individualized directed learning via mail, e-mail. Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu. Contact instructor for website. P/N Instructor Higley Reyes Jr Higley Winter 2004: 654 Spring 2004: 535, 542 Fall 2003 NFM Nutrition and Food Management Title *FOOD IN NON-WESTERN CULTURE RESEARCH SPECIAL PROBLEMS; PROJECTS Crs# 216 501 506 Sec# 400 401 400 CRN 16439 15644 16593 SEMINAR 507 400 16599 Winter 2004: 216, 501, 506 Spring 2004: 216, 501, 506 1-16 MELINDA M. MANORE, 108 MLM, 737-3561 P/N P/N Instructor Holmes Cluskey Cluskey P/N Staff Fall 2003 PHL Philosophy Title *INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY *WORLD VIEWS & ENVIRON VALUES WORLD VIEWS & ENVIRON VALUES COURTNEY CAMPBELL, 208 HOV, 737-2955 Crs# 201 443 543 Sec# 400 400 401 CRN 13337 15365 16613 CR 4 3 3 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu P/N Instructor Dorbolo Holden Holden Winter 2004: 443, 543 Spring 2004: 201, 443, 543 Fall 2003 PS Political Science Title STATE GOV AND POLITICS ^T/GLOBAL ENVIRON POLICY T/GLOBAL ENVIRON POLICY WILLIAM M. LUNCH, 307 GILK, 737-2811 Crs# 331 449 549 Sec# 400 400 400 CRN 16434 16435 16436 CR 4 4 4 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu P/N Instructor Steel Steel Steel Winter 2004: 415, 449, 475, 515, 549, 575 Spring 2004: 331, 419 Fall 2003 PSY Psychology JOHN GILLIS, 204 MORE, 737-2311 Title HUMAN LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY PERSONALITY HUMAN ADJUSTMENT Crs# 350 360 370 380 Sec# 400 400 400 400 CRN 13242 16765 13243 13244 CR 3 3 3 3 COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT 454 400 15237 3 SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT 456 400 13245 3 ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY 481 401 13246 3 BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION 485 400 13618 3 INDUSTR & ORGANIZAT PSYCHOLOGY HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY 496 498 400 400 17941 13247 3 3 ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY 581 400 16766 3 BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION 585 400 17617 3 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees PSY 201, 202. (SS). Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu PSY 201, 202. (SS). Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu PSY 201, 202. (SS). Taught combination of IDL and web. IDL individualized directed learning via mail, e-mail. Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu. PSY 350 and upper division standing. Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu P/N Instructor Simmons Jourden II Heilman Heilman Brown PSY 350 and upper division standing. Taught combination of IDL and web. IDL - individualized directed learning via mail, e-mail. Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu. PSY 201, 202; a 300 level course in psychology. Upper division standing. Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu. PSY 305, 380, or equivalent work in family life or education. Taught combination of IDL and web. IDL - individualized directed learning via mail, e-mail. Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu. Web only - Course taught on-line: my.oregonstate.edu PSY 380 Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu. Brown Jourden II Brown Jourden II Brown PSY 201, 202; a 300 level course in psychology; upper division standing. Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu. Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Jourden II Brown Winter 2004: 350, 360, 370, 380, 454, 456, 481, 485, 496, 498, 585 Spring 2004: 350, 360, 370, 380, 406, 454, 456, 481, 485, 496, 498, 585 Fall 2003 RHP Radiation Health Physics Title RADIATION PROTECTION RADIATION PROTECTION Crs# Sec# CRN 481 400 17971 581 400 17972 A.C. KLEIN, 116 RC, 737-2343 CR 4 4 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu P/N Instructor Higley Higley Spring 2004: 535, 542 Fall 2003 RNG Rangeland Resources W.C. KRUEGER, 202 STAG, 737-3341 Title DESERT WATERSHED MANAGEMENT Crs# Sec# CRN 355 401 14031 PROJECTS WILDLAND FIRE ECOLOGY 406 446 400 400 16764 16612 CR 3 Meeting Time Location 1-16 3 Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees Taught combination video and web. Video - student views videos in home. Order videos OSU Bookstore 800-595-0357. Additional rental fees. Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu IDL - Individualized Directed Learning. Instructor's consent Taught combination video and web. Video - student views videos in home. Order videos OSU Bookstore 800-595-0357. Additional rental fees. Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Also offered as FW 446 and FOR 446 P/N Instructor Ehrhart P/N Ehrhart Reed Winter 2004: 341, 406 Spring 2004: 446, 455, 490 Fall 2003 SED Science & Mathematics Educ Title MTDS COLLEGE TEACH MATH SCI Crs# Sec# CRN 596 400 18125 LARRY ENOCHS, 239 WNGR, 737-4031 CR 3 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu P/N Instructor Gummer Fall 2003 SOC Sociology GARY TIEDEMAN, 307 FAIR, 737-2641 Title *SOCIOLOGY OF THE FAMILY SOCIETY & NATURAL RESOURCES Crs# Sec# CRN 312 400 17987 481 400 17727 CR 3 3 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu SOC 204 or instructor's consent. Meets Bacc Core STS. Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu SOCIETY & NATURAL RESOURCES 581 400 17728 3 Crs# 201 202 209 211 Sec# 400 400 400 400 CRN 13248 13249 13250 13251 CR 3 3 1 1 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees IDL - individualized directed learning via mail, e-mail. IDL - individualized directed learning via mail, e-mail. ST 201. IDL - individualized directed learning via mail, email. ST 201. IDL - individualized directed learning via mail, email. Crs# 214 327 330 Sec# 400 400 400 CRN 15424 13308 17625 CR 3 3 3 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu WR 121 Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu. Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu P/N Instructor Warner Cramer Cramer Winter 2004: 312, 380, 456, 480, 556, 580 Spring 2004: 312, 421, 481, 521, 581 Fall 2003 ST Statistics Title PRINCIPLES OF STATISTICS PRINCIPLES OF STATISTICS PRINS OF HYPOTHESIS TESTING INTRO TO HYPOTHESIS TESTING ROBERT SMYTHE, 44 KIDD, 737-3366 P/N Instructor Birkes Birkes Birkes Birkes Winter 2004: 201, 202, 209, 211 Spring 2004: 201, 202, 209, 211 Fall 2003 WR Written English Title *WRITING IN BUSINESS *TECHNICAL WRITING *UNDERSTANDING GRAMMAR ROBERT SCHWARTZ, 238 MORE, 737-3244 P/N Instructor Petty Petty Petty Winter 2004: 214, 327, 330, 406 Spring 2004: 214, 327 Fall 2003 WS Women Studies SUSAN SHAW, 200 GILK, 737-2826 Title *WOMEN: SELF AND SOCIETY *WOMEN: PERSONAL/SOCIAL CHANGE ST/WOMEN IN THE MOVIES T/FEMINIST SPIRITUALITY INDEPENDENT STUDY Crs# 223 224 299 399 402 Sec# 400 400 400 400 400 CRN 13252 13253 13254 18040 13255 CR 3 3 3 3 3 ECOFEMINISM ECOFEMINISM 450 550 400 401 14045 16614 3 3 Winter 2004: 223, 224, 299, 399, 402, 450, 550 Spring 2004: 223, 224, 299, 399, 402, 450, 550 Meeting Time Location Enrllm't LimitationsPrerequisites/Notes/Fees P/N Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu. Web - course taught online my.oregonstate.edu Web - course taught online my.oregonstate.edu Web - course taught online. my.oregonstate.edu IDL - individualized directed learning via mail, e-mail. E-mail instructor at sshaw@orst.edu for permission to register. Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu. Web - course taught online, my.oregonstate.edu. Instructor Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Holden Holden