Research, the Internet and Innovation: Ready or Not… AcademyHealth

Research, the Internet and Innovation:
Ready or Not…
Summit on the Future of HSR Data and Methods
June 1, 2009
Carol C. Diamond MD, MPH
Managing Director, Markle Foundation
Chair, Markle Connecting for Health
Four Points
1. This is a moment of both great urgency and
tremendous opportunity for HSR
2. A “learning health care system”: better decisions
by many (not better data for the few)
3. The future will be dependent on innovations that
are distributed, networked and trusted
4. The internet is creating possibilities that can reset relationships between researchers, providers,
care givers and patients
1. Urgency and Opportunity
Will we seize the moment?
“Rising health care costs represent the central fiscal
challenge facing the country”
Peter Orszag, Director, CBO
- Explosion of data and data sources
- New public sector investments
- Availability of new tools, technology
and relationships
2. The Ultimate Goal
Better decisions for many; not more data
for the few
IOM has created the vision
a “Learning Healthcare System”
• Transformed by the availability
and use of the best evidence for
the collaborative health care
choices of patient and provider;
• The process of discovery as a
natural outgrowth of patient
care; to ensure innovation,
quality, safety, and value in
health care.
IOM Roundtable on Evidence Based Medicine
has clearly articulated the challenge…
Health care under-performs on many dimensions
– high cost
– poor performance,
– inconsistent delivery of
evidence based
– large variations in care
delivered unrelated to
outcomes and
unexplained by burden
of illness, etc.
– large gaps in evidence
– long time lags research
– a chasm in applying
results to clinical care and
– a rate of innovation in
devices, biologics and
procedures that outpaces
research on comparative
effectiveness generally…
– and on what works best
for a particular individual
(personalized medicine)
The ultimate goal is the use of
information to improve decision-making
• Too often we let discussions about IT, data,
standards, methods obscure our focus on the
• Health services research is a tool
• Its ability to have impact on costs and outcomes
depends on how it is used.
• But this goal remains elusive—so much of what
we already know is not applied in a consistent
Real Transformation: Better decisions
by many, not more data for the few
• It is tempting to focus our efforts on amassing data for
better research
• But the thornier and more important question is how to
truly improve decision-making – and what role the use of
information plays in this process: Whose actions are you
trying to impact?
• Real transformation occurs when very clinical encounter is
an opportunity to provide the right care to the right
A learning healthcare system is transformed by the availability and
use of the best evidence for the collaborative health care choices of
patient and provider
The Challenge
• Research is inherently challenging today because
there is no controlled environment for assessing
therapeutic options and the heterogeneity of
patient characteristics (never, always and “truth”)
• This almost by definition requires thinking in
terms of connectivity and networks rather than
3. Distributed, Networked and
A paradigm shift
Americans recognize the “upside”…
and the “downside”…
• Three-quarters of Americans are willing to share their
personal information to help public officials look for
disease outbreaks and research ways to improve the
quality of health care if they have safeguards to protect
their identity
• Significant concern about privacy and security
(Markle Survey 2006).
– 85% say protecting confidentiality absolutely essential
– FACCT survey: 91% “very concerned” (barrier for 1/4)
– Strong desire to “control” who sees health information
• Fear of misuses
– 52% believe employer uses medical info to affect
personnel or insurance benefits
– 85% believe if genetic test results known to insurers,
would refuse policies or charge more
(CHCF Survey 2005)
(Genetics and Public Policy Center Survey 2007)
Markle Connecting for Health
The Common Framework
Core Privacy Principles
Sound Network Design
Accountability and
Common Framework for Health Information Exchange
Common Framework for Networked Personal Health Information
Architecture for Privacy in a Networked Health
Information Environment
Openness and Transparency
Purpose Specification and Minimization
Collection Limitation
Use Limitation
Individual Participation and Control
Data Integrity and Quality
Security Safeguards and Controls
Accountability and Oversight
Research: The Way We Do it Today
• Most of the effort in trying to collect, clean and then “silo”
data from a decentralized and fragmented system.
• Places a huge burden on data “providers” to submit the
(same) information repeatedly to different repositories
• Creates separate repositories for each specific purpose at
great cost in money and time
• Poorly adaptable and therefore “success” is elusive
• Creates privacy and security vulnerabilities
• Lacks connectivity, feedback, and broad USE for better
• Does not include the consumer (and often not the
provider) as a key and active participant
Kenneth Buetow,
National Cancer Institute
• The current world of biomedicine is best
characterized as information “islands”
• Information dissemination uses
methods recognizable to Gutenberg
Presentation to AHIC July 29, 2008
A New Paradigm for Data Aggregation
and Sharing for Population Health
Technology should enable researchers,
practitioners, and public health officials to
share data across networks, while protecting
patient privacy.
C Diamond, F Mostashari, C Shirky. “Data Aggregation and Sharing for Population Health: Exploring a New
Paradigm,” Health Affairs 28(2): 454-466.
DiSTRIBuTE for Flu Surveillance
• Uses summarized counts of influenza-like-illness (ILI)
syndrome reported by age group from existing syndromic
surveillance systems.
• The data is visualized and used to provide public health
practitioners with age-specific weekly trends in influenza
• The DiSTRIBuTE approach changes the traditional surveillance
paradigm from central data collection and analysis to one of
distributed data collection and analysis with central monitoring
of summary information.
• By limiting the data request to the information that is truly the
minimum required (summarized counts), the system has
retained the ability to demonstrate meaningful flu trending
data quickly and cost effectively.
%ILI in ISDS DiSTRIBuTE - All Sites
proportion ILI visits by age
The 21st century Health care environment
• Increasingly distributed needs for sharing and accessing
information about what works best
• Increasingly sophisticated “nodes” capable of analytics
• Seeing research as occurring in a connected environment,
not a database
• Clinicians as researchers and researchers as clinicians
• Embracing consumers as key producers, users and
potentially managers of clinical data and partners in the
research process
• A networked and distributed approach to information
sharing and evidence creation
• Tolerance for incremental progress
4. The Internet and Innovation
Creating New Relationships and
New Possibilities
A networked society has already begun to
change traditional research paradigms…
The average individual’s health-care record, including digital x-rays and
scan information, contains as many bits of data as 12 million novels. Source:
The Exploding Digital Universe, Wall Street Journal, May 18, 2009
The number of physicians turning to Wikipedia for medical information
has doubled in the past year alone. Nearly 50% of US physicians going
online for professional purposes are visiting Wikipedia for health and
medical information, especially condition information. Source: Docs Look to Wikipedia for
Condition Info: Manhattan Research, Medical Marketing & Media, April 21, 2009
Before the swine flu outbreak, a Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention Twitter page launched in January and devoted to emergency
preparedness had about 10,000 followers. By May 21, that number had
jumped to more than 182,000. Source: Health Data Proves Contagious On Social Media, Dow Jones Newswire, May 27,
89% of Physicians in the US say the Internet is essential to their
professional practice. Source: Manhattan Research, "Taking the Pulse," "Taking the Pulse Europe" and "Taking the Pulse Asia”
Forty percent of online users connected with other individuals on the
Internet or via a cell phone regarding health and wellness issues in the
past year. Source: Do Online Users Create and Consumer Health Content Using One-to-One and Social Media?, iHealthbeat, Sept. 20, 2008
Dramatic new models that:
• Embrace many distributed data sources and
• Do not require the need to anticipate the
question before data is collected
• Are not limited to geographic boundaries
• Real-time and real-world
• Do not begin by collecting personally
identifiable data to add value
• Are based on trust and value to the end users
New models are changing the way people think about research
“the first real-time, real-world, open
and non-blinded, patient-driven trial”.
“We believe that the Internet can
democratize patient data and accelerate
research like never before”
“PatientsLikeMe was built to… accelerate the transfer of knowledge
about what works and what does not. Today, PatientsLikeMe has data
on the progression and history of more than 1600 ALS patients - twice
the number in the largest ALS trial in history. Even before the trial
results were published, 50 patients worldwide who had elected to start
taking lithium, in collaboration with their doctors, have been tracking
their progression and blood levels on PatientslikeMe. This is more than
twice the number of patients participating in the trial itself! We have
data on historical forced vital capacity, the ALS Functional Rating scale,
and a full symptom battery for most of the patients who have started,
as well as for all the other non-lithium users in our system.”
Users join 23andMe
& add their genetic
data to the
People add
information about
their health through
quick online surveys.
Users can see how
their data compares
to others.
The collective data
offers a pool for
ongoing research.
New models are changing the way people think about research
A social network for
Physicians ask
questions and
challenge or
corroborate each
others opinions
Physicians can apply
the collective
(responses to
research questions)
to help improve
New models are changing the way people think about research
A unified and
comprehensive view
of the current global
state of infectious
Mashup of:
• news sources
• disease reporting
• official health
HealthMap [Global Disease Alert Map]
Increases access to
high value, machine
readable datasets
from the Executive
Branch of the Federal
Efforts growing to
provide easy access
and understanding
for the public (e.g,
Apps for America) from
the raw data.
Tremendous opportunity to dramatically
transform health services research if…
• We are clear about the ultimate goal
• Embrace innovation that may reset thinking about
the required methods/ paradigm for health services
• Demonstrate the power of networks and networked
analysis for population health
• Foster trust among the public that both the goals of
health services research are in the public interest,
and there are privacy frameworks in place to help
ensure their information is protected while shared in
these research efforts