INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS PUBLISHING SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Supercond. Sci. Technol. 14 (2001) 346–352 PII: S0953-2048(01)18521-0 Effect of flux creep on Ic measurement of electric transport Y H Zhang1,2 , H Luo1 , X F Wu1 and S Y Ding1,3 1 National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures, Department of Physics, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, People’s Republic of China 2 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, People’s Republic of China E-mail: Received 2 November 2000, in final form 13 March 2001 Abstract The influence of flux creep on Ic measurement was studied by numerically solving the nonlinear flux creep equation at different dI /dt, Vc and n∗ , where dI /dt is the sweeping rate of the applied current (I ), Ic , Vc and n∗ are the critical current, the criterion and the material parameter, respectively. It is shown that the V –I curve consists of two parts converging at Ip , Vp and (dI /dt)p at which the current fully penetrates the sample. In the segment where I < Ip , the V –I curve is parabolic, V ∝ I 2 , and independent of n∗ , ∗ whereas in the segment where I > Ip , the curve is a power law, V ∝ I n , reflecting the material equation. It is suggested that the appropriate region in the V –I curve to determine n∗ is where I > Ip . Based on the V –I curve, it is concluded that if dI /dt > (dI /dt)p , Ic decreases with increasing dI /dt. On the other hand, if dI /dt < (dI /dt)p , Ic is independent of dI /dt and is therefore suitable. The three critical parameters ((dI /dt)p , Vp and Ip ) are dependent on each other. The parabolic V –I relation can be observed in the giant flux creep state (small n∗ ), whereas in the critical state (large n∗ ), V in the parabolic V –I relation is too small to be detected by a standard voltmeter. This also indicates that the pulsed method may underestimate Ic in the case of high temperatures or in strong applied fields, but it will not affect Ic in the case of low temperatures, weak applied fields and strong pinning. 1. Introduction There is giant flux creep in high-Tc superconductors (HSTC) due to high operating temperature. The critical current (Ic ) is defined as the current at which the electric field E induced by flux creep reaches a criterion Ec . It is well known that flux creep is governed by the effective barrier of flux diffusion or pinning energy (U ) which is dependent on current density (j ). Therefore, U is the key quantity governing Ic in the flux creep state. It has been pointed out that U depends on the field sweeping rate (dH /dt) in a dc magnetic ramping experiment (U ∝ ln(1/(dH /dt))) [1], or time in magnetic relaxation (U ∝ ln(1 + t/t0 )), or frequency (U ∝ ln(1 + 1/f t0 )) in ac susceptibility (acs) [2]. Based on these ideas, earlier works on the effect of driving frequency on critical current density (jc ) by acs measurement have been undertaken [3–5]. The 3 Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. 0953-2048/01/060346+07$30.00 © 2001 IOP Publishing Ltd underlying physics of the driving frequency dependent Ic is the electric field induced by flux creep which has already met the Ec when j is lower than jco , the critical current density without flux creep. The electric transport measurement of Ic with a different sweeping rate of applied current (dI /dt) was carried out based on the same consideration as in [6]. It is shown that Ic decreases with increasing dI /dt for Ag-sheathed Bi2−x Pbx Sr2 Ca2 Cu3 O10 (Ag-Bi2223) tapes. The larger the dI /dt, the smaller the Ic , suggesting that Ic depends on the time scale of the experiment and is consistent with the acs measurements [3–5]. For a given I in a V –I measurement, different dI /dt also imply different times because t = I /(dI /dt). Hence this result in fact indicates that flux creep is also important in the electric transport measurement of Ic . Unfortunately, the limited precision and ability of the instruments results in the Ic measurement being conducted on only a few samples and experimental parameters (dI /dt, temperature T and applied field H ) as reported in [6]. To the Printed in the UK 346 Effect of flux creep on Ic measurement best of our knowledge, even such experiments as in [6] are seldom found in the references. On the other hand, it has been numerically shown that the experimental time interval affects the V –I curve, apparently suggesting that a simulation study on this subject is more convenient [7–9]. However, the detailed role of giant flux creep in electric transport measurement of Ic is still an open question. One of our goals in the present paper is to study the effect of giant flux creep on Ic under different experimental conditions (dI /dt, T , H , etc) for various samples with different flux pinning etc, by numerically solving the flux diffusion equation. In the determination of Ic , the experimental V –I curve is usually fitted in terms of a power law, V ∝ I n . It is known that n is also an important parameter to be measured together with Ic because n manifests the character of a sample itself. The larger the value of n, the sharper the transition in the V –I curve, and thus the better the quality of a sample. In fact, in the international standard of measurement of Ic on classical superconductors, both Ic and n are the main parameters that have to be determined. However, the experimental n usually depends on I at which n is determined, suggesting that either it is not appropriate to choose n as the characteristic parameter or the method of determining n is questionable. It turns out in the present study that the usual method of determining n needs to be improved, as shown below. In this paper, numerical observation of the V –I curve is reported, which is the basis for determining Ic by the electric transport method. By numerically solving the electric dynamic equation based on the collective creep model, we observe the effect of dI /dt and other parameters on the V –I curve and Ic . Based on this study, a suitable method to determine n is suggested. 2. Equations We consider an infinite slab in the y–z plane with thickness d along the x-axis. When current is applied along the y-axis, E and j have only y components: E(x, t) and j (x, t), respectively, and the vortex density denoted by B(x, t) is along the z-axis. The electric field diffusion can be described by the Maxwell equations ∂B ∂E =− ∂t ∂x ∂B ∂E = −µµ0 j − µµ0 εε0 . ∂x ∂t For superconductors (µ 1) and normal conductors at low frequency the second term (µµ0 εε0 (∂E/∂t)) on the right-hand side is much smaller than the first, such that it can be neglected [2]. Therefore, these equations can be reduced to: ∂E 1 ∂ 2E = ∂t g(E) ∂x 2 where g(E) = µ0 (∂j/∂E) is a function which can be determined by a particular mechanism of flux creep. Here we assume U = Uo ln(jco /j ) and U0 is a barrier scale [10]. U According to E = Bv = Bv0 e− T , the electric field induced by flux creep can be described by [11–16]: n∗ j U0 E = E0 (1) n∗ = jco T where E0 is the electric field at j = jco . Note that jco , U0 and thus the exponent n∗ are functions of temperature T , magnetic field H and pinning strength. If n∗ = 1, equation (1) reduces to Ohm’s law, describing the normal state or flux flow state. For infinitely large n∗ , equation (1) describes the Bean model: E = E0 for j = jco , otherwise E = 0 for j = 0. When 1 < n∗ < ∞, equation (1) describes nonlinear flux creep. Substituting equation (1) into the Maxwell equation, the basic equation for numerical calculation is obtained as follows: 1/n∗ 2 nE0 ∂E ∗ ∂ E E 1−1/n . = ∂t µ0 jco ∂x 2 (2) The boundary conditions are obtained from µ0 (∂/∂t)j = d ∂ 2 E/∂x 2 and ∂/∂t 0 j dx = dI /dt: µ0 d dt d j dx = µ0 0 dI ∂E ∂E − . = dt ∂x x=d ∂x x=0 Because the electric field is symmetrical at x = 0 and x = d, the first boundary condition is ∂E µ0 dI ∂E =− =− . (3) ∂x x=0 ∂x x=d 2 dt From ∂t µ0 d/2 0 d dt j dx = 0 d/2 1 2 dI /dt, it yields j dx = ∂E µ0 dI ∂E = − . 2 dt ∂x x=d/2 ∂x x=0 So the second boundary condition is ∂E = 0. ∂x x=d/2 (4) Equations (3) and (4) are the boundary conditions. The initial condition is E(x, t)|t=0 = 0. (5) By solving equations (2)–(5), E(x, t) is obtained. Then according to equation (1), j (x, t) is also obtained. To determine Ic , the d V –I curve should be calculated first. It is obvious that I = 0 j dx. It is assumed that V = EL, where L is the length between the two voltage leads, E is d the average voltage: E = (1/d) 0 E dx. Hence, the V –I curve can be calculated by integrating the E–j curve. In the calculation, we used typical values of the parameters: E0 = 0.1 V m−1 , d = 4 × 10−2 m. Since all the quantities are normalized, the choice of parameters will not affect the final results. For convenience, I , j , V and x are normalized by Ico , jco , V0 and d/2, respectively. We should bear in mind that the parameters Ico , jco and V0 are different from Ic , jc and Vc , respectively. As stated above, jco is the critical current density without flux creep, E0 is the electric field at j = jco , whereas Ic = jc d is an experimental quantity defined by Vc . Correspondingly, Ico is the critical current without flux creep and V0 is the voltage at I = Ico . Due to giant flux creep, Ico may be much larger than Ic . 347 Y H Zhang et al 10 1.0 0.6 0.4 0.2 * n = 10 2 jco = 1 kA/mm 10 -1 V/Vo V/Vo 0.8 dI/dt (Ico/min): 6 0.2 3 0.12 1.2 0.03 0.6 0.027 0.3 0 10 -2 Vp 0.0 Ip 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 dI/dt (Ico/min): * n = 10 6 2 jco = 1 kA/mm 3 1.2 0.6 Vp 0.3 0.2 0.12 0.03 (a) 1.0 10 (a) -3 10 10 0.9 0.3 * n = 50 2 jco = 10 kA/mm 10 10 Vp 0.0 Ip 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0 -1 0.8 -2 dI/dt (Ico/min) 0.3 0.2 0.12 0.06 0.03 * n = 50 2 jco = 10 kA/mm Vp (b) 1.0 I/Ico Figure 1. Numerical V –I curves as a function of dI /dt. (a) n∗ = 10. In practical measurement, such large dI /dt values as 6 Ico min−1 and 3 Ico min−1 are difficult to access. These data are presented here only for the purpose of comparison. (b) n∗ = 50. In practical measurement, such large dI /dt values as 0.3 Ico min−1 are difficult to access. These data are presented here only for the purpose of comparison. 3. Numerical simulation results 3.1. The V –I curve Because an experimental Ic is defined as I at V = Vc , we first calculated the V –I curves at different experimental parameters such as T , B, dI /dt and n∗ etc. Furthermore, the effect of T , B and pinning strength on flux diffusion can be reduced to n∗ and jco [8]; the V –I curves under different experimental conditions and for different samples can be simply described by the V –I curves at different n∗ and jco . For simplicity, only the calculated V –I curves for n∗ = 10, jco = 1 kA mm−2 and n∗ = 50, jco = 10 kA mm−2 at different dI /dt are shown here. It can be found from figures 1(a) and (b) that all the V –I curves consist of two parts converging at the characteristic current point Ip or the corresponding Vp at a given (dI /dt)p . The characteristic Ip and Vp depend on the current sweeping rate dI /dt. The smaller the value of dI /dt, the smaller are Ip and Vp . We will temporally call Ip , Vp and (dI /dt)p critical points. In the regime where I < Ip every V –I curve deviates from its own critical point and the separated curve is elevated by increasing dI /dt, whereas in the regime where I > Ip , all 348 10 0 V/Vo V/Vo 0.6 -1 I/Ico I/Ico dI/dt (Ico/min) 0.3 0.2 0.12 0.06 0.03 Ip 10 Ip (b) -3 10 -1 I/Ico 10 0 Figure 2. Double logarithmic V –I curves corresponding to the V –I curves depicted in figure 1. The slope of the curves is equal to n; V < Vp , n ≈ 2 and V > Vp , n ≈ n∗ . Vp is the voltage at which the two straight lines meet. (a) n∗ = 10 and (b) n∗ = 50. the V –I curves merge into one single curve. As an example, the position of a critical point (Ip , Vp ) is indicated by arrows in figures 1(a) and (b). To clearly see this characteristic of the V –I curve, figures 1(a) and (b) are re-illustrated in figures 2(a) and (b) in a double logarithmic manner. One can find that all the V –I curves in either figure 2(a) or (b) consist of two straight lines converging at Ip , Vp and (dI /dt)p . In the regime where I < Ip , the V –I curves deviate from the single curve, and the voltage V at a given I increases with increasing dI /dt. In the regime where I > Ip , however, the curves merge into a single curve. If the numerical V –I curves are fitted by the following power law relationship n I (6) V = V0 Ico n evidently changes with current from I < Ip to I > Ip . According to our simulation shown in figures 1 and 2, in the region where I < Ip all the V –I curves are parallel to each other and n ≈ 2, i.e. the power law of equation (6) is in fact parabolic: 2 I dI V < Vp . (7) V ∝ dt p Ico Effect of flux creep on Ic measurement 0.10 n = 10 ii jco =1 kA/mm 0.06 2 Ic(Ico) 0.08 Vp(Vo) i 0.8 * 0.04 0.02 0.6 0.4 Vc(V0): 0.001 0.007 0.01 0.03 0.06 0.1 0.2 0.00 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 0.0 2.0 (dI/dt)p(Ico/min) Note that this n (≈2) is independent of dI /dt and the material parameter n∗ . Thus in the regime where I < Ip , any experimental V –I curve cannot be used to determine the ∗ material equation E = E0 (j/jc0 )n . On the other hand, in the region where I > Ip , the V –I curves merge into a single curve with slope n nearly equal to n∗ , i.e. V ∝ I Ico n∗ V > Vp jco = 1 kA/mm2 10-2 10-1 100 101 dI/dt(Ico/min) Figure 3. The dependence of Vp on (dI /dt)p at n∗ = 10. Vp is the voltage at which the current penetrates throughout the sample. (dI /dt)p is the dI /dt value at which the current has enough time to penetrate (diffuse) throughout the sample at the corresponding I . The data are obtained from figure 2(a). 10-3 n* = 10 (8) showing the characteristic depicted by equation (1), irrespective of the values of n∗ and jco . Thus it can be concluded that in this region (I > Ip ), the V –I curve can be used to determine the material equation (1). As pointed out above, the critical parameters Ip , Vp and (dI /dt)p depend on each other. All the simulated data including those shown in figures 2(a) and (b) are well fitted by dI Vp ∝ I2 (9) dt p p for all n∗ and jco . The relation shown in equation (9) is displayed in figure 3. 3.2. Ic measurement Next we consider the influence of such a V –I characteristic on the Ic determination. According to the definition of Ic , the intersects of the V –I curves with a horizontal line with V = Vc will determine Ic as a function of dI /dt. It is easy to see, according to the result depicted above, that Ic will be dependent on dI /dt if Vc < Vp where the V –I curves are dependent on dI /dt. If however Vc > Vp , where the V –I curves are independent of dI /dt, Ic will be independent of dI /dt. Illustrated in figure 4 is the dependence of Ic on dI /dt at different Vc . All the data are obtained based on figure 1(a). In figure 4 all the Ic versus dI /dt curves are divided into two regimes, namely (i) dI /dt < (dI /dt)p and (ii) dI /dt > (dI /dt)p . The value of dI /dt at the boundary of regimes (i) Figure 4. The dependence of Ic on dI /dt at different criteria (Vc ) for n∗ = 10. The data are obtained from figure 1(a). The dashed line is the boundary of regimes (i) and (ii), where dI /dt is just (dI /dt)p while Vc = Vp . and (ii) is just (dI /dt)p . In regime (i), Ic is determined by the V –I curve with Vc > Vp and independent of dI /dt. That is ∗ to say, Ic is determined by the segment V = V0 (I /Ico )n of the V –I curves. In regime (ii) where Vc < Vp , Ic increases with decreasing dI /dt and finally reaches the dashed line in figure 4, as reported in [6]. That is to say, Ic is determined by the segment V = V0 (I /Ico )2 of the V –I curves. This is an indication that Ic measured by the pulsed method with large dI /dt may be much smaller than that obtained by the dc four-terminal technique in which a small dI /dt is used. On the other hand, it also indicates that if Ic depends on dI /dt in a practical measurement, the value of dI /dt is too large and not suitable. In fact, the dashed line in figure 4 is also a description of the relation between Ip , Vp and (dI /dt)p as depicted by equation (9). 3.3. Relation of the V –I curve and current profile To fully understand the dependence of the V –I curves on dI /dt, the corresponding current profiles at different I (different times) are calculated. Shown in figure 5 are the numerical dependences of the current profile on I when the current is applied at a fixed dI /dt for n∗ = 10. It can be seen that as for small I (I < Ip ), the current flows near the surface and does not penetrate the sample. When I increases, the current diffuses toward the centre. When the current is large enough such that I = Ip , Ip is 0.68 Ico here (n∗ = 10), it penetrates throughout the sample and j is almost the same from point to point. From this simulation we learn that Ip is nothing but the penetrating current at the corresponding dI /dt. Since the velocity of flux diffusion is limited, the penetrated state could be reached by smaller dI /dt as well. The j profile at fixed I and different dI /dt is calculated at n∗ = 10 as shown in figure 6, indicating how dI /dt affects the current penetration. It can be seen that the slower the rate of the applied current, the more deeply the current penetrates. When dI /dt is small enough such that dI /dt < (dI /dt)p , (dI /dt)p is about 0.2 Ico min−1 here (n∗ = 10), the current has completely penetrated the sample and j is nearly constant. This simulation confirms that (dI /dt)p is nothing but the sweeping rate of 349 Y H Zhang et al time increases 0.91 I co j/jco 91 s 68 s 0.04 V/V0 60 s 0.6 Ico 30 s * n = 10 jco =1 kA/mm 2 b 0.3 Ico 2 0.2 ta c d 1 dI/dt = 0.6 Ico/min 0.6 0.8 e 2 0.00 0.4 dI/dt (Ico/min) 1. 1.2 2. 0.03 0.02 jco = 1 kA/mm 0.0 a * n = 10 0.68 Ico (a) 10 1.0 100 Figure 5. Numerical space and time evolution of current density during current sweeping. x/(d/2) = 1, 0 denotes the centre and surface of the slab, respectively. a b c d 60.5 s j/jco time increase 39.5 s j/jco * dI/dt (Ico/min): t (s): 6 6 3 12 1.2 30 0.6 60 0.3 120 0.2 180 0.12 300 0.0 0.2 2 n = 10 jco = 1 kA/mm 30.5 s dI/dt = 1.2 Ico/min I = 0.6 Ico time increases * n = 10 2 jco = 1 kA/mm 0.0 I = 0.6 Ico 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 33.5 s (b) 1.0 x/(d/2) 0.6 0.8 1.0 x/(d/2) Figure 6. The current density profile at fixed current I , which is applied with different dI /dt. t indicates the time taken for the current to diffuse. the applied current at which the current has enough time to penetrate (diffuse) throughout the sample at the corresponding I. Such a penetrated state can also be reached by voltage relaxation as reported in [7, 9, 17, 18]. When I remains constant, the current diffuses with increasing time, i.e. current (voltage) relaxation. In short, at a given I , a penetrated state can be obtained in at least two ways. One way is to apply a current with large dI /dt to a given I and wait for a time of relaxation. The other method is to apply a current with a small enough dI /dt. However, are these two ways equivalent to each other? For comparison, these two processes are demonstrated in figure 7(a) simultaneously. It is noted that the V –t curve shown in figure 7(a) is in fact a V –I curve because t = I /(dI /dt). It is observed that the two curves meet at point e, where the current and voltage in curve 2 are about equal to those in curve 1, indicating that the same current profile can be obtained by either of the processes at a given current. That is to say, these two processes are equivalent to each other. The corresponding time and space evolutions of the current density at points a, b, c and d in curve 1 during voltage relaxation are shown in figure 7(b). 350 1000 t(s) x/(d/2) Figure 7. The two ways by which the penetrating current state can be reached. One way is to apply a current with large dI /dt and then wait for a period of relaxation. The other way is to apply a current with a small enough dI /dt. (a) Comparison of the two processes. Curve 1 shows the sweeping relaxation process. When t < ta , the current is swept; when t > ta , voltage relaxation takes place. Curve 2 shows the process when the current is swept with small enough dI /dt. It is seen that the two curves meet at point e where the current and voltage at curve 2 are equal to those at curve 1, indicating that these two processes are equivalent to each other. (b) The corresponding time and space evolution of the current density at a, b, c and d in curve 1 during voltage relaxation at fixed current I . 4. Estimation of the two V –I relations Why do the V –I curves always consist of two sections with different power exponents? As seen above, the current density is approximately constant despite the fact that j depends on dI /dt within the penetrating depth δ. This suggests that the so-called ‘sub-critical state model’ (SCSM) is a good approximation provided spatially constant but time-dependent j (t) is employed instead of jco [2]. Hence, SCSM is adopted in the following estimation to demonstrate the physics underlying the above result. In the fully penetrated state, j d = I and I > Ip according to SCSM. Combining the material equation (1), one directly obtains n∗ n∗ I j ∝ I > Ip (10) V = EL ∝ jco Ico which of course is equation (8) obtained by the simulation. Effect of flux creep on Ic measurement In the partially penetrated state, the vortex density at x for a given I is B(x) = (µ0 I /2)−µ0 j x where µ0 I /2 = B (x = 0) and I < Ip . The magnitude of the electric field in the y-direction can be calculated from the Faraday law: δ µ0 I˙ (δ − x) Ḃ dx = E(x) = 2 x where Ḃ = dB/dt and I˙ = dI /dt. The voltage V = LE is 2L d/2 2L δ µ0 I˙ V = E(x) dx = (δ − x) dx d 0 d 0 2 δ µ0 I˙L 1 µ0 I˙L 2 = δx − x 2 = δ . d 2 2d 0 In the SCSM, δ = B(0)/µ0 j = I /2j , which leads to µ0 I˙L V = 2d I 2j 2 . (11) This is the parabolic relation obtained in equation (7) by our numerical solution in the partial penetrated case. It has been pointed out that the Bean model can be considered as a special case for n∗ → ∞ (T = 0), which is equivalent to the absence of flux creep. In the Bean model, j = jco otherwise j = 0. Hence, equation (11) is also effective for the Bean model if only j (t) is replaced by jco and thus δ = B(0)/µ0 jco = I /2jco . That is to say, in the Bean model V = µ0 I˙L 2d I 2jco 2 n∗ → ∞. (12) Therefore, this parabolic V –I relation in the partial penetrated case is also expected to exist in the critical state. However, in some cases the parabolic relation may be too small to be monitored by a conventional voltmeter used in electric transport measurement. Such a situation can occur with measurements at low temperatures and weak applied fields where both n∗ and jco are large and the Bean model is a good approximation. A large jco causes an undetected low voltage (Vlow ), which could be estimated according to equation (12). On the other hand, at high temperatures or in strong applied fields where both n∗ and jco are small, the voltage (Vhigh ) should be estimated according to equation (11) where small j may cause a detectable voltage. That is to say, Vhigh may be observable. In fact, according to equations (11) and (12), with the same dI /dt and I it follows that Vlow = Vhigh j jco 2 . (13) As an example, we estimate the ratio of voltage for the same Ag-Bi2223 tape at 77 and 4.2 K with the same dI /dt and I . Assuming j = 104 A cm−2 (77 K, 0.1 T, n∗ ≈ 5) and jco = 106 A cm−2 (4.2 K, 0.1 T, n∗ > 60), one sees immediately that Vlow /Vhigh = (j/jco )2 = 10−4 . By this kind of estimation, it is easy to understand why the Vhigh –I curve might ‘climb a mountain’ in its small I stage as measured in [6] and presented in figure 1. The Vlow –I 2 curve on the other hand was difficult to observe using a conventional voltmeter. This implies that for large n∗ the V –I curve measured by a conventional voltmeter is independent of dI /dt. Because Vlow (for large n∗ , corresponding to low temperature, weak applied fields and strong pinning) is very small, Vp is also small; even for large dI /dt, the situation of Vc > Vp is encountered frequently, resulting in Ic being independent of dI /dt as stated above. That is to say, for a sample with large n∗ a method with very large dI /dt such as the pulsed method can be used to determine Ic . This is the reason why there is no report on the dependence of Ic on dI /dt in low-Tc superconductors even now. In contrast, for small n∗ (high temperatures or in strong applied fields), Vhigh and thus Vp are large and the condition that Vc < Vp is usually satisfied, leading to the dI /dt dependent Ic as reported in [6]. In this case, a method with large dI /dt, such as the pulsed method, may cause Ic to be underestimated. Therefore, at high temperatures or strong applied fields the pulsed method is not suitable for determining Ic . 5. Summary In summary, numerical simulation was performed based on the collective creep model to study the effect of flux creep on Ic measurement. First we studied the effect of dI /dt (sweeping rate of applied current) on the V –I curve by solving the nonlinear vortex diffusion equation. It was found that the V –I curve consists of two segments, which converge at the penetrating current Ip and Vp at corresponding (dI /dt)p . In the segment I < Ip , the V –I curve is parabolic, V ∝ I 2 , and independent of the material equation, whereas in the segment ∗ I > Ip it is a power law, V ∝ I n , reflecting the material equation. This result suggests that a suitable segment on the V –I curve to determine the material parameter n∗ is where I > Ip . Based on the V –I curve, it is concluded that if dI /dt > (dI /dt)p , Ic decreases with increasing dI /dt. On the other hand Ic is independent of dI /dt if dI /dt < (dI /dt)p , indicating that a dI /dt in this part is suitable to be used in Ic measurement. The critical parameters (dI /dt)p , Vp and Ip depend on each other as depicted by equation (9). In fact, Ip is not necessarily very large. The penetrated state can be reached either by applying a current with a small enough dI /dt or by applying a current with a large dI /dt and then waiting for a time relaxation. This parabolic V –I relation (V ∝ I 2 ) in the regime where I < Ip is expected to exist in both flux creep state, in which V is easily measured by a conventional voltmeter, and the critical state, in which V may be too small to be detected. This also indicates that a method with large dI /dt such as the pulsed method may underestimate Ic in the case of high temperatures or strong applied fields, whereas it will not affect Ic in the case of low temperatures, weak applied fields and strong pinning. Acknowledgments This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (NKBRSF-G1999-0646) and NNSFC under no 19994016. References [1] van der Beek C J, Geshkenbein V B and Vinokur V M 1993 Phys. Rev. B 48 3393 351 Y H Zhang et al [2] Blatter G, Feigel’man M V, Geshkenbein V B, Larkin A I and Vinorkur V M 1994 Rev. Mod. Phys. 66 1125 [3] Ding S Y, Lin J W, Wang G Q, Ren C, Jin X, Yao X X, Peng H T, Peng Q Y and Zhou S H 1995 J. Appl. Phys. 77 6394 [4] Ding Q, Xu J J, Ren C, Shao H M, Lin J W and Ding S Y 1996 Cryogenics 36 507 [5] Wang G Q, Ding S Y, Qiu L, Yao X X and Hua C Y 1997 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 10 612 [6] Ding S Y, Ren C, Yao X X, Sun Y and Zhang H 1998 Cryogenics 38 809 [7] Zhang P, Ren C, Ding S Y, Ding Q, Lin F Y, Zhang Y H, Luo H and Yao X X 1999 Supercond. Sci. 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