PHYSICAL REVIEW B VOLUME 58, NUMBER 14 1 OCTOBER 1998-II Influence of twin boundaries on the flux pinning in NdBa2Cu3Oy single crystals A. K. Pradhan,* K. Kuroda, B. Chen, and N. Koshizuka Superconductivity Research Laboratory, ISTEC, 1-10-13 Shinonome, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0062, Japan ~Received 7 April 1998! We report on the magnetization, pinning force, and magnetic relaxation of twinned and detwinned NdBa2Cu3Oy ~NBCO! single crystals. A double peak feature appears in the magnetization curves of the crystal having one type of twin boundary ~TB! only in one direction, whereas a single peak is observed in crystals either without twins, or with microtwins or mixed twins in both directions. The double peaks disappear when the magnetic field is tilted away from the c axis of the crystal removing the influence of TB’s. In the high field region, due to suppression of thermal fluctuations by the presence of TB’s, the relaxation rate in twinned NdBCO crystal is small, and the pinning force density is increased compared to the YBCO and detwinned NdBCO crystals. @S0163-1829~98!09038-9# I. INTRODUCTION Flux pinning by various defect structures in cuprate superconductors has attracted a great deal of attention in recent years due to its possible applications at high temperature. Microscopic point defects such as randomly distributed oxygen vacancies1 and twin planes2 are the effective pinning centers in the high-T c single crystals. The interaction of vortices with twin boundaries ~TB’s! has been discussed by many authors. The presence of TB’s leads to increased pinning at high temperature2 while they act as channels3,4 for easier flux penetration when there are other strong pinning centers available. However, their effective influence on the flux line lattice is limited to a restricted angle u u u < u L , where u L is the lock-in angle below which the gain of free energy from vortex capturing by a twin boundary is greater than the energy loss by the vortex deformation. Moreover, TB’s can act like correlated defects such as columnar defects resulting in a strong pinning when vortices are aligned along them. It is believed that vortices are attracted to TB’s while remaining disordered between the planes. The most important factor as discussed by Blatter et al.5 is the intrinsic enhancement of the pinning forces acting within twin planes due to the suppression of thermal fluctuations ~dimensionally reduced!. At high temperatures, thermal fluctuation leads to a renormalization of the pinning energy as well as the pinning length. Recently much attention has been focused on the interaction of vortices with such correlated disorder.6 At the same time, the interplay between the correlated disorder and the generic point defects becomes important to understand the pinning mechanism in single crystals containing both types of disorders. Although many studies regarding the role of point disorders and twin planes have been pursued in YBa2Cu3Oy ~YBCO! system,1–4 there still remain some controversial issues. However, at least it is clear that twin boundaries act as pinning sites and their effect can be quantitatively measured in a defect-free crystal.2 Recently, processed Nd11x Ba22x Cu3Oy ~NdBCO!, which displayed a pronounced fishtail peak effect ~FTPE!, and a much higher J c and irreversibility line7–10 than YBCO, is of technological importance. It is believed that the source of large FTPE at 0163-1829/98/58~14!/9498~6!/$15.00 PRB 58 higher field and large J c is attributed to the field-induced pinning centers by Nd-Ba substitution sites7 rather than oxygen-deficient regions in YBCO. The basic difference between YBCO and NdBCO is that the latter is a nonstoichiometric compound exhibiting T c at approximately 95 K when grown in an oxygen-controlled atmosphere. These crystals contain dense twin boundary planes. No clear attempts have been made so far to understand the role of twin boundaries in the pinning process for NdBCO crystals. In order to investigate the influence of such TB’s on the pinning, particularly in the high field region, we have carried out detailed magnetization and magnetic relaxation experiments. We show the direct influence of TB’s on the pinning in NdBCO crystal. We have used a functional form of volume pinning force to evaluate pinning mechanism. We have also shown clear experimental evidence that in the high field region, the magnetic relaxation is reduced by the suppression of thermal fluctuation in the presence of TB’s. II. EXPERIMENT The crystals investigated were grown by the travelingsolvent–floating-zone technique under a controlled oxygen partial pressure ~0.1% O2 in Ar atmosphere! as described elsewhere.11 We used two NdBCO single crystals having dimensions 1.3630.7430.27 mm3 ~twinned-T-Nd123! and 0.630.530.27 mm3 ~detwinned-DT-Nd123!. Polarized light microscopy revealed twin planes in both @110# and @1-10# directions in T-Nd123 crystal.10 The average twin separation in the crystal varies from 0.5 to 2 mm. However, it is noticed that the twin spacing varies not only from crystal to crystal but also within the crystal. Some regions in a crystal show twin separation even less than 0.5 mm. The twinned crystal used for angle-dependent magnetization measurements was cut such that the crystal contains only one type of twin planes ~i.e., @110# direction! and has a dimension of 0.74 30.7330.27 mm3. The detwinning was done under uniaxial pressure at temperature range 400–600 °C. Both crystals were annealed at 320 °C for 330 h. In the detwinned crystal, no TB was observed under the polarizing microscope. The magnetization measurements were carried out using a SQUID magnetometer ~Quantum Design, MPMS! with a 9498 © 1998 The American Physical Society PRB 58 INFLUENCE OF TWIN BOUNDARIES ON THE FLUX . . . 9499 FIG. 1. Magnetic-field-dependent critical current density J c of ~a! twinned and ~b! detwinned NdBCO single crystals at several temperatures. The J c value at T560 K of a twinned crystal containing one type of twin boundary planes ~@110#! is shown in ~a!. magnetic field applied parallel to the c axis of the crystal. The angle-dependent magnetization was carried out with an angle precision ,0.5°. The c axis of the crystal was rotated away with respect to the applied field. The field was applied parallel to the @110# twin planes and the crystal was tilted continuously away from the twin planes such that the plane, which was formed by the directions of the field and the c axis, was always normal to the @110# twin boundary planes. The scan length of the specimen in the magnetometer was 2 cm to avoid field inhomogeneity. The magnetic relaxation was performed on a sample after applying a large negative field greater than the field for full penetration. The details of the measurement procedure have been described elsewhere.10 III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION First we present the magnetically determined J c of twinned ~having twin boundary planes in both directions!, detwinned, and twinned @having twin boundary planes in only @110# direction, shown as 60 K @110# in Fig. 1~a!# NdBCO single crystals at several temperatures in Fig. 1 for H i c. The J c values were calculated using the modified Bean model.12 The irreversibility field, H irr, was determined by H irr;100 A/cm2 criterion at a given temperature. All curves exhibit a well-defined peak at magnetic field H max . The most striking differences between these two crystals are ~a! higher irreversibility and peak field in the twinned crystal and ~b! a slightly higher J c in detwinned crystal at its H max . The reduced magnetization at H max in the twinned crystals compared to the detwinned one may be due to the channeling of vortices as observed for YBCO ~Ref. 3! and will be discussed later. In Fig. 2~a! we show the temperature-dependent DM ~difference in moment for increasing and decreasing field branches! as a function of H i c for the crystal containing only @110# twin boundary planes. All curves exhibit two weak peaks in the intermediate field range in the temperature FIG. 2. Field-dependent dM ~difference in magnetization for increasing and decreasing field branches after attaining a critical state in the crystal! of T-Nd123 crystal containing mainly one type of TB for u 50°, 5°, and 15° at 40 K. The applied field is tilted with respect to the c axis by an angle u. range 30 to 60 K. The location of the first peak, P1, is nearly temperature independent while the second peak, P2, is not. It is observed that as the temperature increases, P2 comes closer to P1 and above 70 K the two peaks merge. P1 disappears slowly as we tilt the c axis of the crystal away from the magnetic field. In Figs. 2~b!–2~c!, we show temperature-dependent DM (cos u)21 as a function of field, and H cos u for tilt angles u 55° and 15°. When the applied magnetic field H is tilted away from the c axis, the measured magnetization M arises from the projection of the component along the c axis of the magnetization, M (cos u)21.3,13 Though we find a small P1 for u 55°, it completely disappears for u 515° displaying a very broad P2 at all temperatures. However, for both u 55° and 15°, DM values become larger at H max in comparison to u 50° (H i c). This is consistent with the phenomenon of vortex channeling3 through TB’s for H i c. Furthermore, the much reduced J c value at H max in the twinned crystal having one type of twin boundary as shown in Fig. 1~a! for T560 K support the above phenomenon. In Fig. 3 we show the angular dependence of the normalized magnetization at three indicated temperatures for an applied field of 3 T. Two features are noticed. First, DM increases as the field is tilted away from the c axis and second, the slope of the curve decreases with increasing temperature. These observations suggest that the vortex channeling occurs more significantly at lower temperatures. The field value, at which P1 in YBCO crystal3 is observed, is nearly the same as those in our NdBCO crystal and in that of Koblischka et al.14 This consistent value of P1 is assigned due to the matching 9500 A. K. PRADHAN, K. KURODA, B. CHEN, AND N. KOSHIZUKA PRB 58 FIG. 3. Angular dependence of the normalized magnetization at a fixed applied magnetic field m 0 H cos u53 T at indicated temperatures. effect4 at TB’s. The twin planes go all the way through the present crystal with their average separation of 0.5 to 2 mm. Such a large twin spacing will not allow one to assign P1 due to the matching effect, because the observed field value of P1 ~;2 T! corresponds to the twin spacing of a few tens of nm only considering the relation a v ;( f 0 /B P1 ) 1/2, where a v and f 0 are the average vortex spacing and the flux quantum, respectively. However, the observation of P1 is dependent on the types of twin boundaries in a given specimen. A crystal having twin planes predominantly in one direction exhibits two peaks while a crystal with microtwins or mixed twin planes in both directions shows one peak in the intermediate field range. The influence of TB’s depends on the average twin spacing, formation of twin complexes such as microtwins, the integrity of the twin walls, and defect concentration in between the twin boundaries. In view of the above observation, the origin of P1 may be due to the vortex rearrangement as the flux pattern is disturbed by the presence of twin planes.14 The results of our angle-dependent magnetization suggest that the vortices experience the influence of TB’s not only in the intermediate field region but also in the high field region as well. In order to gain insight into the magnetic relaxation near the peak effect regime, we show the M -H curves for the field increasing case with magnetic relaxation for u 50°, 5°, and 15° at T540 K in Fig. 4. The relaxation measurement at each field was carried out for about t;3500 s. The peaks, P1 and P2, are very prominent for u 50°, a small feature exists at u 55° and finally disappears for u 515°. The normalized relaxation rate S (2M 21 0 dM /d ln t, where M 0 is the initial magnetic moment at a characteristic time t5t b , where t b is the initial magnetic moment at t;50 s! is given in the inset for two angles. The relaxation rate progressively increases in the high field region as u increases from 0° to 15°. It is observed that for u 55°, S lies in between 0° and 15° and has not been shown here for clarity. The relaxation rate is nearly identical for H<3 T, but diverges for H>3 T for u 50° and 15°. This illustrates that TB’s influence the mag- FIG. 4. MH curves ~only increasing branch of field after applying a large negative field! of T-Nd123 crystal for u 50°, 5°, and 15° at 40 K. The relaxation experiment has been done at the field values shown for t;3500 s. The inset in ~a! shows the fielddependent relaxation rate S for u 50° and 15° at 40 K. netization loop and the relaxation process as well, particularly in the high field region. The planar defects are known to suppress the thermal fluctuation at high temperature, rendering its influence on the flux line lattice. The details will be discussed later. Much valuable information on pinning mechanisms has been obtained from the functional form of the pinning force density, F p (B)5J c B. The functional dependencies of pinning force densities on B have been estimated for a variety of pinning mechanisms in high-temperature superconductors ~HTSC’s!.13,15,16 These include pinning by point defects, twin planes, dislocations, irradiation induced defects, etc. The summation of the elementary pinning force densities, either discretely or within the framework of collective pinning, leads to the definition F p 5J c 3B. In conventional superconductors, a scaling approach using the model of Yamafuji and Irie, and Kramers model,17 F P 5Cb p ~ 12b ! q ¯ ~1! is generally followed, where b is reduced field, b 5B a /B c2 , p and q are the parameters describing the pinning mechanism, b peak5 p/(p1q), and C is a numerical parameter. Therefore all the temperature-dependent curves of F p /F p,max versus b would collapse to a single curve if the PRB 58 INFLUENCE OF TWIN BOUNDARIES ON THE FLUX . . . FIG. 5. Normalized pinning force as a function of reduced field for a twinned YBCO, detwinned Nd123 ~DT-Nd123!, and twinned Nd123 ~T-Nd123! single crystals. Curves for OCMG Nd123 ~shown schematically!, detwinned Nd123 after high pressure annealing in O2 (HP-O2), and oxygen-annealed ~ann! YBCO at 500 °C are also shown. primary pinning mechanism was not changed. In HTSC’s, such a polynomial appears useful if B c2 is substituted by the irreversibility field13,15 B irr . We have adopted a similar approach to explore the pinning behavior of twinned and detwinned NdBCO single crystals. The results are compared to a flux-grown YBCO crystal as well. In Fig. 4, we show F p /F p,max versus reduced field b for detwinned and twinned ~containing single and both types of TB’s! single crystals, and melt-textured NdBCO @oxygen-controlled melt-grown ~OCMG! as shown in Fig. 5# and twinned YBCO crystal at various temperatures for H i c. The pinning forces at different temperatures were found to collapse to a single curve and were scaled well for all crystals. It may be noted that all crystals exhibit pronounced temperature-dependent peak effect. The remarkable differences between these crystal are ~i! the progressive shift of b from YBCO crystal to twinned NdBCO crystal and ~ii! reduction in tail feature of F P /F p,max versus b curves in high field region of a twinned NdBCO crystal in comparison to the detwinned one. As discussed below, the peak position of b, b peak in the region of 0.4 to 0.5 clearly demonstrates that the pinning centers are of superconducting type with reduced order parameter or d T c change and become normal with increasing field. In order to test this, we have done the following scaling analysis using Eq. ~1!. In Fig. 6 we show the different scaling of F p curves for twinned crystal where a is for p50.5, q52, b for p51, q52, c for p51.45, q52, and d for p5q52. The best fit was found for p51.5 and q52 in the twinned crystal. The speculated pinning center in this material is the presence of Nd-substituted Ba sites. In fact, scanning tunneling microscopy studies revealed Nd-rich sites with dimension of several tens of nm.18 In the detwinned crystal the peak in b was found to be more than 0.33. It is noted that b peak in the detwinned crystal is not affected much upon high pressure oxygenation (HP-O2 curve in Fig. 5!. In the YBCO crystal in which the oxygen-deficient regions play 9501 FIG. 6. Normalized pinning force as a function of reduced field of twinned crystal and its scaling using Eq. ~1!. The notations of the scaled curves are a for p50.5, q52, b for p51, q52, c for p 51.45, q52, and d for p5q52. The curve for the twinned sample after optimum annealing ~Nd2! is also shown. a role for pinning, b peak is less than 0.3. In the twinned NdBCO crystal, b peak is remarkably higher. Compared to the usual normal type of nonsuperconducting pinning centers ~with p51 and q52, and b peak50.33 for an ideal case!, the pinning centers in NdBCO seem to be of the superconducting type that is consistent with either d T c ~Ref. 17! or dk pinning.19 Furthermore, the emergence of the peak in magnetization at high temperature with increasing field suggests that the pinning centers are field induced. Within the range of lock-in angle where TB’s act as pinning centers, a state of correlated disorder is formed. The correlation volume, V c (5R 2c L c , where R c and L c are the average bundle sizes for perpendicular and parallel field vector H, respectively! increases with increase of C 44 modulus. Therefore, for a low field region b,0.2, twins are effective pinning centers and are confirmed by many direct experiments. For intermediate field range, 0.2,b,0.6, where R c .L c , twins are capable of initiating the correlated state through intertwin regions within the lock-in angle regime with enhancement in V c . This occurs due to decrease in L c , since L c a (c 44) 1/2 and due to increase of the transverse correlation radius, R c as J c increases with increasing field in the intermediate field range. In view of the above, the twin spacing of the present crystals ~i.e., ;1 to 2 mm on average!, the observations of drop in J c for H i c, and a lock-in state below u ,15° as shown previously would allow the formation of a correlated state and the enhancement in V c . Such correlation by TB’s has been observed in transport measurements.10,20 This correlated state spreads throughout the bulk, enhancing the b peak to higher field region; however, a decrease in J c can be observed ~e.g., Figs. 1 and 3! due to channeling of vortices through TB’s. In this regime, there is an interaction between the pointlike disorders and TB’s due to the formation of the correlated state which influences the flux line lattice interaction with the point disorders. For higher field range, b.0.6, where the applied field approaches the irreversibility field, B irr , two independent 9502 A. K. PRADHAN, K. KURODA, B. CHEN, AND N. KOSHIZUKA PRB 58 relaxation is very sensitive to the thermal activation and hence the thermal fluctuation of vortices as well. We observe a significant difference in S between the twinned and detwinned crystal especially in the high field region. The twinned crystal exhibits a reduced relaxation even up to very high field and temperature regimes. This clearly supports the reduced tail feature in the F p curve of twinned crystals in the high field regime. This is direct evidence of suppression of thermal fluctuation in the presence of TB’s in the NdBCO twinned single crystals in high field and high temperature regions as well. IV. CONCLUSION FIG. 7. Relaxation rate S as a function of field for ~a! twinned and ~b! detwinned single crystals at several temperatures. contributions for respective pinning to J c from pointlike and TB pinning centers occur. In this field region, the interaction between these two separate pinning centers is minimal due to weakness of the correlated state by TB’s. However, the resulting J c from TB’s decays only algebraically with increasing temperature as opposed to the exponential dependence on temperature obtained for pinning by point disorders, rendering the twin boundary pinning increasingly important at higher temperature.5 Furthermore, pointlike disorders such as the present isotropic disorder by substitution in the NdBCO crystal are more liable to smearing by thermal fluctuations and the efficiency of their pinning potential falls more rapidly as the field approaches B irr than that of macroscopically large twins. Due to reduced dimensionality of TB’s, the thermal fluctuation is greatly reduced and causes enhancement in pinning forces intrinsically.5 In Fig. 7, we compared the relaxation rate over the whole field range for twinned and detwinned Nd123 single crystals to show the effect of thermal fluctuation on magnetic relaxation. The process of magnetic *On leave from Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore, India. 1 M. Daeumling, J. M. 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