Physica C 289 Ž1997. 123–130 Self-field hysteresis loss in periodically arranged superconducting strips K.-H. Muller ¨ ) CSIRO, DiÕision of Telecommunications and Industrial Physics, P.O. Box 218, Lindfield NSW 2070, Australia Received 16 May 1997; accepted 3 July 1997 Abstract The magnetic field and current distributions inside superconducting strips arranged in a z-stack and an x-array are calculated analytically using the transformation method proposed by Mawatari for the case where a transport current is passed through the strips. The magnetic field distributions are used to calculate the self-field ac hysteresis losses of both the z-stack and the x-array. The self-field ac hysteresis loss of the z-stack is always larger than the loss of the x-array. q 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. PACS: 85.25Kx; 84.70.q p; 74.76.Bz 1. Introduction The critical state model w1,2x has been used extensively to describe the electrodynamics of type II superconductors and to calculate the ac hysteresis loss. Calculations were first performed for the simple cases of long superconducting cylinders and infinite superconducting slabs in parallel magnetic fields. The more complicated case of the critical state in a flat superconducting strip was first investigated by Swan w3x and Norris w4x. High-temperature superconductors ŽHTS. have renewed the interest in the critical state of flat superconductors with demagnetizing factors close to 1 w5,6x. Examples are HTS single crystals which are thin along the c-direction and ) Tel.: q61 2 9313 7211; fax: q61 2 9313 7202; e-mail: wide in the ab-directions used in experiments on flux vortex dynamics as well as Bi-2223rAg tapes w7x and YBCOrNi Žhastelloy. thin-film flexible tapes w8x to be used in power applications. In most applications, the tapes will be used in array or stack configurations were the strips Žtapes. couple electromagnetically. The ac hysteresis loss of multiple strips is expected to be quite different from that of an isolated strip, and it is therefore important to investigate the behaviour of superconducting strips in array and stack configurations. Mawatari w9,10x recently calculated the magnetic field distribution H Ž x . and the current density distribution J Ž x . Ž x is the coordinate along the width of the strip. for a z-stack and an x-array of strips where an ac magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the strips. Mawatari w9x showed that, for both the x-array and the z-stack, the H–J relation of Biot–Savart’s law can be transformed into the H–J relation of an 0921-4534r97r$17.00 q 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII S 0 9 2 1 - 4 5 3 4 Ž 9 7 . 0 1 5 8 3 - 9 K.-H. Mullerr Physica C 289 (1997) 123–130 ¨ 124 isolated strip. H Ž x . and J Ž x . for multiple strips can then be obtained from the H Ž x . and J Ž x . of the isolated strip by a simple transformation. In the following paper we adopt the transformation method developed by Mawatari w9x to calculate the magnetic field distribution H Ž x . and the current density distribution J Ž x . for an x-array and a z-stack for the important cases where dc or ac transport currents are flowing through the strips. From H Ž x . we calculate the self-field ac hysteresis losses of the z-stack and the x-array. 2. The self-field critical state in a periodic array of superconducting strips Fig. 1. z-stack of infinitely long superconducting strips Ž l ™`. where d is the thickness of a strip, 2 a the strip width and D the stacking spacing. 2.1. The z-stack The magnetic field H Ž r . at position r created by a current distribution J Ž rX . is given by Biot–Savart’s law HŽ r. s 1 ryr X X H JŽ r . = < ryr < 4p X 3 d3 rX . d 2p Hya J Ž u. 2 Ž x y u. q z 2 d sy d u, dr2 X y X 2 2 q Ž nD . Ž 4. du a H J Ž u . coth 2 D ya ž p Ž x y u. D / d u. Ž 5. Introducing the variable transformations where J Ž u. is the current density in the superconducting strip averaged over the thickness d of the strip, H J Ž x, z . d z . d ydr2 nsy` Hz Ž x . x˜ s 1 xyu a Hya J Ž u . Ž x y u . Ý or w9,11x Ž 2. JŽ x. s ` d y 2p xyu a Hz Ž x . s Ž 1. Let us consider a single infinitely long superconducting strip of width 2 a along the x-direction, thickness d along the z-direction Ž a 4 d ., positioned at the coordinate origin. In this case one obtains from Eq. Ž1. Hz Ž x , z . s y The z-component of the magnetic field, Hz Ž x . across the strip, is given by D p tanh and a˜ s px ž / D p D tanh , u˜ s p tanh pu ž / D pa ž / D Ž one obtains for Eq. 5. using J Ž u. s J Žyu. Ž 3. Let us now consider an infinite number of infinitely long strips periodically stacked above each other along the z-direction with a spacing D where D ) d. Such a z-stack of strips is shown in Fig. 1. D Hz Ž x . s H˜z Ž x˜ . s y d ã J˜Ž u˜ . d u, ˜ H 2p yã x˜ y u˜ Ž 6. Ž 7. where J˜Ž u˜ . s J Ž u.. Eq. Ž7. has the same form as Eq. Ž2. for z s 0 which describes Hz Ž x . of a single strip. The current K.-H. Mullerr Physica C 289 (1997) 123–130 ¨ and magnetic field distributions for a single strip have been discussed by Norris w4x, Brandt et al. w5x and Zeldov et al. w6x. The major problem solved by these authors was to find a current distribution which produces a zero z-component of the magnetic field inside the superconducting strip for < x < - b and a critical state magnetic field distribution for b - < x < a, where b represents the distance of the flux front from the centre of the strip. From their calculations it follows that for the z-stack H̃z Ž x˜ . °0, ~ ˜ < x < - b, yHd s x˜ < x˜ < artanh x˜ ¢yH < x̃ < artanh d 1r2 x˜ 2 y b˜ 2 , a˜ 2 y b˜ 2 b˜ - < x˜ < - a, ˜ , x˜ 2 y b˜ 2 tanh p pb ž / D and Hd s Jc drp . Ž 9. J˜Ž x˜ . c ~ p s arctan b˜ 2 y x̃ 2 a˜ 2 y b˜ 2 ¢0, 1r2 arcosh p ž cosh Ž p arD . cosh Ž p aIdc rDIc . , / . Ž 13 . Fig. 2Ža. shows the magnetic field distribution Hz Ž x .rHd ŽEqs. Ž8. and Ž9.. for different values of Idc rIc for a z-stack with Dra s 0.5 and for an isolated strip Ž Dra ™ `.. The field Hz increases with decreasing Dra. In the limit D ™ d ™ 0 the magnetic field distribution Hz Ž x . is that of an infinite slab of width 2 a i.e. < x < - bX , p x Ž < x < y bX . , < < d x s x p aIdc y , < x < dIc ~ y ˜ < x˜ < - b, bX - < x < - a, Ž 14 . < x < ) a, where bX s aŽ1 y Idc rIc .. Fig. 2Žb. shows the current distribution J Ž x .rJc ŽEq. Ž10.. for different values of Idc rIc for a z-stack with Dra s 0.5 and for an isolated strip Ž Dra ™ `.. The smaller the vertical spacing D becomes, the more the current density profiles resemble that of an infinite slab of width 2 a, i.e. JŽ x. Jc °0, s~1, ¢0, < x < - bX , bX - < x < - a, < x < ) a. Ž 15 . 2.2. Self-field hysteresis loss of the z-stack < x˜ < ) a. ˜ Ž 10 . Let us assume that after zero-field cooling a current Idc is applied to each strip where Idc - Ic and Ic is the critical current of a strip, Ic s 2 adJc . Then a D b˜ - < x˜ < - a, ˜ Jc , Idc s d bs ¢ Here, Jc is a field-independent critical current density. ŽThe more complicated case of a field-dependent Jc has been discussed in Ref. w12x.. For J˜ Ž x˜ . one obtains from w5x °2 J Ž 12 . Because x˜ s Drp ) a, ˜ we derive from the last line of Eq. Ž8. using Eqs. Ž9. and Ž12. °0, where D Idc s y2 DH˜z Ž x˜ s Drp . . < x˜ < ) a, ˜ Ž 8. b̃ s Using Eq. Ž7. and the fact that H˜ Ž x˜ . s yH˜ Žyx˜ . we obtain from Eq. Ž11. Hz Ž x . rHd 1r2 a˜ 2 y b˜ 2 125 ã J˜Ž u˜ . Hya J Ž u . d u s d Hya˜ 1 y Ž p urD ˜ . 2 d u. ˜ When an ac current Iac Ž t . s Im cos v t is flowing through each strip, the magnetic field and current density distributions can be expressed in terms of Hz of Eq. Ž7. and Ž8.. For the first half of the ac cycle Ž0 - t - prv ., the z-component of the magnetic field distribution Hz x Ž x,t . is given by w5x Hz x Ž x ,t . s Hz Ž x , Jc , Idc s Im . Ž 11 . y Hz Ž x ,2 Jc , Idc s Im y Iac Ž t . . Ž 16 . 126 K.-H. Mullerr Physica C 289 (1997) 123–130 ¨ and the current density distribution J x Ž x,t . is given by J x Ž x ,t . s J Ž x , Jc , Idc s Im . y J Ž x ,2 Jc , Idc s Im y Iac Ž t . . . Ž 17 . The self-field hysteresis loss Prl per strip per length l is defined as vd P pr v H0 s p l a dt 2 H0 E Ž x ,t . J Ž x ,t . d x y , Ž 18 . where E y Ž x,t . is the electrical field inside a strip generated by the self-field magnetic flux which moves in and out during each ac cycle. The integral over the time t accounts for the time averaging of the loss. The electric field E y is given by Faraday’s law as E y Ž x ,t . s mo d x HH dt 0 zx Ž u,t . d u. Ž 19 . Using the fact that J Ž x . s Jc for those x where E y Ž x,t . / 0 one obtains P sy 4m o p l a dJc v x HbŽ0. HbŽ0. H zx Ž u,t s 0 . d u d x , Ž 20 . where b Ž 0. s D p arcosh ž cosh Ž p arD . cosh Ž p aIm rDIc . / . Ž 21 . Eq. Ž20. can be simplified further by partial integration P sy 4m o p l a dJc v HbŽ0. Ž x y a. H zx Ž x ,t s 0 . d x. Ž 22 . Using Eq. Ž6., Eq. Ž8. and Eq. Ž9. we obtain P s l mo Ic2 p a2 v 2 =artanh Fig. 2. Ža. z-stack magnetic field H z r Hd and Žb. current density Jr Jc versus x r a at different values of Idc r Ic for Dr as 0.5 Žsolid lines. and for an isolated strip Ž Dr a™`. Ždashed lines.. ž a HbŽ0. Ž a y x . tanh2 Ž p xrD . y tanh2 Ž p b Ž 0 . rD . tanh2 Ž p arD . y tanh2 Ž p b Ž 0 . rD . / d x. Ž 23 . K.-H. Mullerr Physica C 289 (1997) 123–130 ¨ 127 Žisolated strip. Eq. Ž23. becomes the Norris formula w4x, i.e. mo P s 2p l 2 v Ic2 ž q 1q Im Ic Im Im ž / ž / / ž / ž / 1y Ic ln 1 q ln 1 y Im y Ic Ic Im 2 Ic , Ž 24 . where P s mo 12p l v 2 Im4 for Im < Ic Ž 25 . Ž 2 ln 2 y 1 . v Ic2 for Im s Ic . Ž 26 . Ic2 and P s l Fig. 3. z-stack ac hysteresis loss Pr l per strip per length versus ac current amplitude Im r Ic for different spacings Dr a. Here v r2p s 50 Hz, as 0.5 cm, Ic s100 A and ds1 mm. 2p 2 In contrast, for small D Ž D - a. the z-stack behaves similar to an infinite superconducting slab. In the limit D ™ d, the loss per strip corresponds to that of an infinite slab of width 2 a which is, using Eq. Ž14., Eq. Ž16. and Eq. Ž22. P s Fig. 3 shows the self-field hysteresis loss Prl of the z-stack as a function of Im rIc for different values of Dra using vr2p s 50 Hz, a s 0.5 cm and Ic s 100 A. The loss per strip increases dramatically with decreasing spacing D as the magnetic field increases rapidly inside the strip. For Dra ™ ` mo l mo 6p sv a Im3 d Ic . Ž 27 . In Fig. 3, the curve for Dra s dra can be obtained by either using Eq. Ž23. or Eq. Ž27.. As can be see in Fig. 3, Prl changes from a Im4 behaviour at large Dra to a Im3 behaviour at small Dra. Fig. 4. x-array of infinitely long superconducting strips Ž l ™ `.. The x-array periodicity is L. K.-H. Mullerr Physica C 289 (1997) 123–130 ¨ 128 2.3. The x-array Let us consider an infinite number of long superconducting strips periodically placed next to each other along the x-direction at a spacing L where L ) 2 a. Such an x-array is shown in Fig. 4. From Eq. Ž1., assuming a 4 d, one finds Hz Ž x . s y ` d 2p J Ž u. a Hya x y Ž u q nL . d u, Ý nsy` Ž 28 . which alternatively can be expressed by w9,11x Hz Ž x . s y d a H J Ž u . cot Ž p Ž x y u . rL . d u. 2 L ya Ž 29 . Introducing the variable transformations x˜ s L p tan and a˜ s px ž / L L p tan , u˜ s L p tan pu ž / L pa ž / Ž 30 . L one obtains for Eq. Ž29. Hz Ž x . s H˜z Ž x˜ . s y d ã J˜Ž u˜ . d u, ˜ H 2p yã x˜ y u˜ Ž 31 . which is the same as Eq. Ž7.. It is important to realize that the transformation D ™ i L Žwhere i s 'y 1 . causes Eqs. Ž5. and Ž6. to become Eqs. Ž29. and Ž30.. This transformation has also been used in Ref. w9x. From Eq. Ž13., with D ™ i L, we obtain for the position b of the flux front in the strips bs L p arccos ž cos Ž p arL . cos Ž p aIdc rLIc . / . Ž 32 . Fig. 5Ža. shows the magnetic field distribution Hz Ž x .rHd ŽEqs. Ž8. and Ž9.. of the x-array for different currents Idc rIc with Lra s 2.5 as well as for the isolated strip Ž Lra ™ `.. The smaller the spacing L is, the weaker Hz Ž x . becomes, contrary to the z-stack behaviour. Fig. 5Žb. shows the current density distribution J Ž x .rJc ŽEq. Ž10.. for different values of Idc rIc for the x-array with Lra s 2.5 and Fig. 5. Ža. x-array magnetic field H z r Hd and Žb. current density Jr Jc versus x r a at different values of Idc r Ic for Lr as 2.5 Žsolid lines. and for an isolated strip Ž Lr a™`. Ždashed lines.. K.-H. Mullerr Physica C 289 (1997) 123–130 ¨ 129 where b Ž 0. s L p arccos ž cos Ž p arL . cos Ž p aIm rLIc . / . Ž 34 . Fig. 6 shows the self-field hysteresis loss as a function of Im rIc for different spacings Lra using vr2p s 50 Hz, a s 0.5 cm and Ic s 100 A. As can be seen, in the limit L ™ 2 a the loss Prl goes to zero while for Lra ™ ` Eq. Ž33. becomes the Norris formula w4x of Eq. Ž24.. It is important to realize that, for L close to 2 a, the loss which is due to the x-component of the magnetic field, H x , becomes more important than the loss caused by the perpendicular magnetic field Hz which has been considered so far. The loss from the x-component of the magnetic field is P s l Fig. 6. x-array ac hysteresis loss Pr l per strip per length versus ac current amplitude Im r Ic for different spacings Dr a. Here v r2p s 50 Hz, as 0.5 cm and Ic s100 A. The dashed curve represents Eq. Ž35.. for an isolated strip. Away from the edges, J Ž x . becomes nearly constant, i.e. independent of x, when the spacing L is small. In the limit L ™ 2 a one obtains J Ž x .rJc s IdcrIc . 2.4. Self-field hysteresis loss of the x-array Using the transformation D ™ i L, one obtains for the self-field hysteresis loss Prl per strip per length l of the x-array P s l mo p v 2 = artanh Ic2 a ž 2 a HbŽ0. Ž a y x . tan2 Ž p xrL . y tan2 Ž p b Ž 0 . rL . tan2 Ž p arL . y tan2 Ž p b Ž 0 . rL . / d x, Ž 33 . mo 24p v d Im3 a Ic , Ž 35 . which is obtained from Eq. Ž27. by replacing d by 2 a and a by dr2. Prl of Eq. Ž35. is shown as a dashed line in Fig. 6 where vr2 p s 50 Hz, a s 0.5 cm, Ic s 100 A and d s 1 mm. The total loss cannot become smaller than the loss of Eq. Ž35.. 3. Conclusion Our investigations show that in the case of a z-stack made of long superconducting strips of rectangular cross-section, the z-component of the magnetic field inside the strip increases when the spacing D is decreased. For small D Ž D - a. the z-stack behaves magnetically similar to a superconducting slab. The z-stack self-field ac loss per strip is smallest for the isolated strip where Prl ; Im4 rIc for Im - Ic . For D s d the loss is maximal and corresponds to that of a slab of width 2 a where Prl ; Ž ard .Ž Im3 rIc .. In the case of the x-array, the z-component of the magnetic field inside the strip decreases with decreasing spacing L. In the limit L ™ 2 a the z-component of the magnetic field vanishes and the current density distribution J Ž x . becomes constant where 130 K.-H. Mullerr Physica C 289 (1997) 123–130 ¨ J Ž x .rJc s IdcrIc . The x-array self-field ac loss per strip is largest for the isolated strip and decreases with decreasing spacing L. For L , 2 a the loss from the x-component of the magnetic field, H x , becomes larger than the loss from the z-component. The H x-loss behaves like Prl ; Ž dra.Ž Im3 rIc .. The selffield loss of the x-array is always smaller than the self-field loss of the z-stack. The ratio between the minimum loss in the x-array, which occurs when L s 2 a, and the maximum loss in the z-stack, which occurs when D s d, is Ž dr2 a. 2 . The behaviours of the x-array and the z-stack are reversed when the arrays are exposed to an ac magnetic field applied in the z-direction with zero applied currents w9x. In this case the loss of the x-array is always larger than the loss of the z-stack. After this manuscript was completed we became aware of a preprint by Mawatari w13x, which applies the same formalism to the self-field case. In contrast to his work our paper gives a more detailed derivation of the essential results and discusses the self-field ac loss in greater detail. Acknowledgements The author gratefully acknowledges the support of MM Cables, Metal Manufactures Ltd, the Energy Research and Development Corporation and DIST. References w1x w2x w3x w4x w5x w6x w7x w8x w9x w10x w11x w12x w13x C.P. Bean, Phys. Rev. Lett. 8 Ž1962. 250. C.P. Bean, Rev. Mod. Phys. 36 Ž1964. 31. G.W. Swan, J. Math. Phys. 9 Ž1968. 1308. W.T. Norris, J. Phys. D 3 Ž1970. 489. E.H. Brandt, M. Indenbom, Phys. Rev. B 48 Ž1993. 12893. E. 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