APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS VOLUME 75, NUMBER 3 19 JULY 1999 Alternating current loss in coplanar arrays of superconducting strips with bidirectional currents Yasunori Mawataria) and Hirofumi Yamasaki Frontier Technology Division, Electrotechnical Laboratory, 1–1–4 Umezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305–8568, Japan 共Received 10 May 1999; accepted for publication 27 May 1999兲 Magnetic field, current density, and hysteretic alternating current loss power P in coplanar arrays of superconducting strip lines are analyzed on the bases of the critical state model. For a simplified model of a film-type fault current limiter, we consider a strip array in which multiple strip lines are periodically arranged in one plane and are carrying bidirectional currents. We investigate the effect of spacing between the strip lines on P. The P of the strip array is higher than that of a single strip, because the magnetic field in a strip is enhanced by currents in neighboring strips. © 1999 American Institute of Physics. 关S0003-6951共99兲04329-6兴 strip at 兩 x⫺nL 兩 ⭐w carries a transport current (⫺1) n I t along the y axis. When 2wⰇd, the electromagnetic properties of the strip array can be described by the mean current density along the ⫹d/2 y axis, J(x)⬅(1/d) 兰 ⫺d/2 J y (x,z)dz, and by the magnetic field along the z axis, H(x)⬅H z (x,z⫽0). 2,3 When the strip array carries bidirectional currents without an applied magnetic field, the magnetic-field and current-density distributions have periodicity H(x⫹nL)⫽(⫺1) n H(x) and J(x ⫹nL)⫽(⫺1) n J(x), respectively. Using the periodicity of J(x) and the symmetry of J(⫺x)⫽J(x), we obtain the following relationship between H(x) and J(x): High-temperature superconducting films and tapes that have strip geometry with large aspect ratio are often used in power and electronics devices. Macroscopic electromagnetic properties in a current-carrying superconducting strip are well described by the critical state model for a single strip.1–3 Because applications of superconductors involve multiple films or tapes, the electromagnetic interaction of multiple strip lines must be studied. A simple method has been proposed to analyze the electromagnetic properties of periodically arranged strips4 共i.e., stacks of strips and coplanar arrays of strips兲. In this method, the magnetic-field and current-density distributions for strip arrays are easily derived by using a transformation of these distributions for an isolated strip line. This transformation method was originally introduced for strip arrays in an applied magnetic field,4 and then later applied to strip arrays that carry transport current in one common direction.5 See also Ref. 6. Fault current limiters 共FCLs兲 have been developed to protect electric-power systems from power failures, and resistive FCLs that use superconducting films are one of the most promising applications of high-temperature superconductors. Because complicated meandering current paths are patterned in film type FCLs 关see Fig. 1共a兲兴, analytical investigation of electromagnetic response of FCLs that carry alternating current 共ac兲 may be highly complicated. If we ignore the effects of both ends where current direction is turned and edges in the outermost strips, we can simplify FCLs as a coplanar array of strips that carry bidirectional currents as shown in Fig. 1共b兲. This simplification to the strip array allows us to do a theoretical analysis of the electromagnetic properties of resistive FCLs. In this letter, we analyze the electromagnetic properties of an idealized film-type FCL, i.e., a coplanar array of strip lines that carry bidirectional currents. Consider a coplanar array of superconducting-strip lines in which an infinite number of parallel strip lines are arranged in the xy plane 关Fig. 1共c兲兴. Each strip line is 2w wide and d thick, and is spaced at intervals of L in the xy plane. The strip lines carry bidirectional currents; namely, the nth FIG. 1. 共a兲 Schematic of the current paths 共shaded areas兲 in a resistive FCL on a superconducting film. 共b兲 Simplified configuration of a FCL, neglecting edge effects. 共c兲 Coplanar array of strip lines carrying bidirectional currents. The nth strip occupies an area of 兩 x⫺nL 兩 ⬍w, 兩 y 兩 ⬍⬁, and 兩 z 兩 ⬍d/2 共where L⬎2wⰇd and n⫽0, ⫾1, ⫾2,..., ⫾⬁). Spacing between strips is s⫽L ⫺2w. The nth strip carries a transport current (⫺1) n I t along the y axis. a兲 Electronic mail: 0003-6951/99/75(3)/406/3/$15.00 406 © 1999 American Institute of Physics Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 75, No. 3, 19 July 1999 冕 ⫹⬁ d H 共 x 兲 ⫽⫺ 2 n⫽⫺⬁ 兺 冕 冕 ⫽⫺ d 2L ⫽⫺ d L w 0 ⫺w ⫹w du ⫺w ⫹w du Y. Mawatari and H. Yamasaki 407 共 ⫺1 兲 n J 共 x 兲 , x⫺u⫺nL J共 u 兲 , sin关 共 x⫺u 兲 /L 兴 duJ 共 u 兲 sin共 x/L 兲 cos共 u/L 兲 . sin2 共 x/L 兲 ⫺sin2 共 u/L 兲 共1兲 By introducing the following variable transformation, x̃⫽ 冉 冊 x L sin , L 共2兲 and ũ⫽(L/ )sin(u/L), we can reduce Eq. 共1兲 to H̃ 共 x̃ 兲 ⫽⫺ d 冕 w̃ dũ 0 ˜x J̃ 共 ũ 兲 , x̃ 2 ⫺ũ 2 共3兲 where H̃(x̃) is the transformed magnetic field, J̃(x̃) is the transformed current density, and w̃⫽(L/ )sin(w/L) is the transformed strip width. Note that Eq. 共3兲 corresponds to the relationship between the magnetic field and current density for an isolated strip line that carries a transport current without an applied magnetic field. In other words, by using the transformation in Eq. 共2兲, we obtain H(x) and J(x) for the strip array from those for a single isolated strip line. This transformation method is applicable to the critical state model with a constant critical current density,4,5 but is not applicable to arbitrary current-voltage characteristics. In the critical state model, the current density saturates to the critical current density J c in the flux-filled region, i.e., J(x)⫽J c for a⬍ 兩 x 兩 ⬍w, and the magnetic field is shielded in the flux-free region, i.e., H(x)⫽0 for 兩 x 兩 ⬍a, where a is the position of the flux front.2,3,7 When the transport current I t is monotonically increased from zero, expressions for H(x) and J(x) for the strip array in the critical state are H共 x 兲⫽ 冦 再 0, 兩 x 兩 ⬍a, J c d 共 ⫺x 兲 arctanh关 共 x,a 兲兴 , 兩x兩 a⬍ 兩 x 兩 ⬍w, J c d 共 ⫺x 兲 1 arctanh , 兩x兩 共 x,a 兲 兩 x 兩 ⬎w, 冋 冋 册 2J c 1 arctan , x,a 兲 共 J共 x 兲⫽ J c , a⬍ 兩 x 兩 ⬍w, 册 兩 x 兩 ⬍a, 共4兲 冋 兩 sin2 共 a/L 兲 ⫺sin2 共 x/L 兲 兩 sin2 共 w/L 兲 ⫺sin2 共 a/L 兲 册 冕 a 0 dx arctan关 共 x,a 兲兴 , ⫽ 共5兲 1/2 . 共6兲 ⫹w J(x)dx is determined as a The transport current I t ⫽d 兰 ⫺w function of a from Eq. 共5兲: I t共 a 兲 2 ⫽1⫺ Ic w increases from I t (a⫽w)⫽0 to I t (a⫽0)⫽I c . For infinite spacing L˜⬁, Eq. 共7兲 reduces to the expression for a single isolated strip line,2,3 I t /I c ⫽(1⫺a 2 /w 2 ) 1/2. Equations 共4兲–共7兲 are valid when I t is monotonically increased from zero after zero-field cooling. The H(x) and J(x) distributions for ac current whose amplitude is I 0 共where 0⬍I 0 ⬍I c 兲 are derived from the expressions for monotonically increasing I t . 2 Thus, the hysteretic ac loss power of each strip per unit length P, is calculated from the magnetic-field distribution given by Eq. 共4兲:2 冕 冕 ⬘ 冕 冉 冊 w P 共 a 0 兲 ⫽8 0 J c d where J c is the constant critical current density. The function (x,a) is defined as 共 x,a 兲 ⬅ FIG. 2. Current-amplitude dependence of ac loss power P in a strip array for various spacing between strips. Current amplitude I 0 is normalized by the critical current I c ⫽2J c wd. 共a兲 ac loss power P per unit length of a strip in a strip array 共solid lines兲 and of an isolated strip 共dashed line兲. Dotted4 dashed lines denote the dependence P⬀I 2.4 0 and P⬀I 0 . 共b兲 Ratio of ac loss power P s in a strip array to ac loss power P ⬁ in an isolated strip. w a0 a0 dx 关 ⫺H 共 x ⬘ 兲兴 a⫽a 0 , w dx 1⫺ a0 x arctanh关 共 x,a 0 兲兴 , w 共8兲 where is the frequency and a 0 is the flux front defined by I t (a 0 )⫽I 0 in Eq. 共7兲. If we set I 0 ⫽I t (a 0 ) then eliminate a 0 in Eqs. 共7兲 and 共8兲, the P can be expressed as a function of I 0 . Equations 共7兲 and 共8兲 for L˜⬁ corresponds to P of an isolated strip line.1–3 For the lower limit of current 共i.e., I 0 /I c ˜0, or 1 ⫺a 0 /w˜0兲, Eqs. 共7兲 and 共8兲 reduce to I 0 (a 0 )⬀(1 ⫺a 0 /w) 1/2 and P(a 0 )⬀(1⫺a 0 /w) 2 . The P for this lower current limit is, therefore, proportional to the biquadrate of current, 共7兲 where I c ⫽2J c wd is the critical current. When the position of the flux front a decreases from w to 0 in Eq. 共7兲, the I t 2 0 I 2c x dx P⯝ 冉 冊 0 I 40 w F , L I 2c F共 兲⬅ 3 2 /24 , 共9兲 sin2 共 2 兲关 K 共 sin 兲兴 4 where K(k) is the complete elliptic integral.8 408 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 75, No. 3, 19 July 1999 FIG. 3. Dependence of ac loss power P on spacing between strips s(⫽L ⫺2w) for various current amplitudes I 0 . Figure 2共a兲 shows the dependence of P on the normalized current amplitude I 0 /I c for various spacings between strips, s(⫽L⫺2w). The P increases with decreasing s, because the magnetic field is enhanced by the current in neighboring strips. Whereas P for the lower current limit (I 0 /I c ˜0) is proportional to I 40 as derived in Eq. 共9兲, the exponent n defined by n⫽ (log P)/(log I0) 共i.e., P⬀I n0 ) can be less than 3 for sⰆ2w. Figure 2共b兲 shows the ratio of P for the strip array to that for an isolated strip. Compared with P for a single strip 共where s/2w˜⬁兲, P for s/2w⫽1 is about 27% larger, whereas P for s/2w⫽0.2 is nearly 2.8 times larger for the lower current I 0 /I c ⬍0.1. For s/2w⬎5, we can neglect the interaction of strips, and P of a strip array is at most 2.3% higher than that in an isolated strip. Small P for the strip array in the superconducting state is desirable for applications to FCLs. In practice, typical spac- Y. Mawatari and H. Yamasaki ing between strips in FCLs may be 0.1⬍s/2w⬍1, a range in which the spacing dependence of P in a strip array drastically changes 共Fig. 3兲. This dependence means that the configuration of strips in the strip array is crucial for reducing the P. Furthermore, in practice, spacing between strips may be determined by various factors, such as electric and thermal behavior during current-limiting processes. Although the configuration of strips considered here is oversimplified, the theoretical expressions of P given by Eqs. 共7兲 and 共8兲 can be used in the initial design phase of FCLs. In summary, we analyzed the electromagnetic properties of a coplanar array of strip lines that carry bidirectional currents. The magnetic-field and current-density distributions in the critical state were derived by using a simple transformation of these distributions for an isolated strip. This theoretical analysis shows that the P of a strip array is higher than that of a single strip, because the H in a strip is enhanced by current flowing in neighboring strips. W. T. Norris, J. Phys. D 3, 489 共1970兲. E. H. Brandt and M. Indenbom, Phys. Rev. B 48, 12893 共1993兲. 3 E. Zeldov, J. R. Clem, M. McElfresh, and M. Darwin, Phys. Rev. B 49, 9802 共1994兲. 4 Y. Mawatari, Phys. Rev. B 54, 13215 共1996兲; IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 7, 1216 共1997兲. 5 Y. Mawatari, in Advances in Superconductivity IX, edited by S. Nakajima and M. Murakami 共Springer, Tokyo, 1997兲, p. 575; K.-H. Müller, Physica C 289, 123 共1997兲. 6 K.-H. Müller, Physica C 312, 149 共1999兲; Z. W. Lin, J. W. Cochrane, N. E. Lumpkin, and G. J. Russell, Physica C 312, 247 共1999兲. 7 C. P. Bean, Phys. Rev. Lett. 8, 250 共1962兲. 8 I. S. Gradshteyn and I. M. Ryzhik, Table of Integrals, Series, and Products, 5th ed. 共Academic, New York, 1994兲, p. 908. 1 2