Physica C 312 Ž1999. 247–254 Magneto-optical observations of magnetic flux distribution in a high-temperature superconductor x-array Z.W. Lin a,1 , J.W. Cochrane a , N.E. Lumpkin b, G.J. Russell a,) a b AdÕanced Electronic Materials Group, School of Physics, UniÕersity of New South Wales, Sydney NSW 2052, Australia Semiconductor Nanofabrication Facility, School of Physics, UniÕersity of New South Wales, Sydney NSW 2052, Australia Received 7 September 1998; revised 3 December 1998; accepted 8 December 1998 Abstract The magnetic flux distributions in samples consisting of five parallel strips of NdBa 2 Cu 3 O 7y d thin film arranged in an x-array, were visualized using a magneto-optical technique. The external magnetic field was applied perpendicular to the surface of each sample held at 40 K. The spatial magnetic flux profiles were also theoretically calculated taking into account the thickness of the sample and the distance between the surface of the sample and the indicator film. The experimental results showed excellent agreement with the calculated flux distribution and showed that for the central strip, flux penetrates deeper into the strip than for the case of a single isolated strip. This is due to field compression resulting from the shielding of the superconducting strips on each side. q 1999 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Magneto-optical; Magnetic flux; HTSC 1. Introduction There have been numerous experimental and theoretical studies of magnetic flux and current distributions in high-temperature superconductors ŽHTSCs. w1–10x. The experimental investigations have involved a number of techniques, such as a scanning Hall probe w11x, Hall array w12x, decoration technique w13x, scanning superconducting quantum interference device microscopy w14x, magnetic-force microscopy w15x, and the magneto-optical ŽM-O. imaging method w16x. On the theoretical side, a variety of methods ) Corresponding author. Tel.: q61-2-9385-4561; Fax: q61-29385-6060; E-mail: 1 E-mail: have been used to calculate the flux distribution. These include conformal mapping w1x, numerical methods w2,3x and analytical calculations w4x. Different sample geometries have also been studied w5–10x, such as a strip, rectangle, triangle, disk, cylinder, hollow cylinder and a slab. Among these geometries, thin-film strips are the most significant, not only for their possible applications but also for their simplicity in theoretical and experimental investigations. Recently, the thin-film strip has been investigated for passive microwave applications and communications w17,18x, while there have been significant developments in the theory of the statics and dynamics of vortices in such thin films w12,16x. These studies were based on isolated strips. A more challenging and practical geometrical pattern involves thin film strips arranged in an x-array or z-stack. 0921-4534r99r$ - see front matter q 1999 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 9 2 1 - 4 5 3 4 Ž 9 8 . 0 0 6 9 5 - 9 248 Z.W. Lin et al.r Physica C 312 (1999) 247–254 The electromagnetic properties of high-temperature superconducting thin-film strips arranged in an x-array or z-stack have recently been theoretically investigated by Mawatari w19x. The magnetic field and current distributions at the surface of samples containing both geometries, in a perpendicular external field, were calculated using a transformation w20x followed this work with an method. Muller ¨ analytical study involving a transport current passing through similar geometrical strip arrangements. These calculations assumed that the thickness of each thin film strip was negligible. Among the experimental techniques, the M-O method is the most powerful in providing detailed information on local flux dynamics at any desired temperature. Moreover, this technique can also provide information on the pinning force w21,22x and critical current distribution w23x. In this technique, the measured flux distribution is observed in an iron garnet indicator film, which is at some distance above the sample surface. In this report, we first derive the integral equation for the spatial flux distribution at some distance above the surface of a finite thickness thin film sample formed into an x-array arrangement. Then the measured magnetic flux distributions are determined by the M-O technique for an x-array system fabricated from a high-Tc film in a perpendicular external field at a temperature of 40 K. The x-array consisted of five parallel thin-film strips involving two geometrical factors, LrW s 3 and 4, where L is the distance between the centres of adjacent strips and W is the half width of a strip. Hence, we can investigate the strength of the interactions between adjacent superconducting strips. 2. Theory In this section, we present the spatial flux distribution profiles at some distance D above the surface of a finite thickness sample for an x-array arrangement, which is defined as an infinite number of parallel strips aligned in the x–y plane and at regular intervals L between adjacent strips. The width of each superconducting strip is 2W while their thickness d < W. The nth superconducting strip occupies an area where < x y nL < - W Ž n s 0, "1, "2, . . . "`.. < y < - `, < z < F dr2. It is assumed that the critical current density Jc is constant for each strip, that is, independent of the local flux density. When the external magnetic field Ha is applied parallel to the z-axis, the current flowing in each strip along the y-direction, J Ž x ., and the perpendicular component of field at the sample surface, H Ž x ., are given by Mawatari w19x as: 2 Jc JŽ x. s p J Ž x . s Jc < x q nL < - a arctan w Ž x . , x < x< , a - < x q nL < - W Ž 1. < x<-a H Ž x . s 0, H Ž x . s H0 arctanh Ž 1r< w Ž x . < . , H Ž x . s H0 arctanh < w Ž x . < , a - < x q nL < - W < x q nL < ) W Ž 2. where H0 s Jc drp , wŽ x. s tan Ž p xrL . tan Ž p WrL . ( = as L p arcsin ž tan2 Ž p WrL . y tan2 Ž p arL . <tan2 Ž p arL . y tan2 Ž p xrL . < sin Ž p WrL . sin Ž HarH0 . / , , Ž 3. Ž 4. where a donates flux front measured from the centre of the strip. We note that these equations do not include the variables d and D for the sample thickness and distance between the sample surface and indicator film, respectively. Since J Ž x . and H Ž x . are periodic with period L as J Ž x q nL. s J Ž x . and H Ž x q nL. s H Ž x ., it is sufficient to consider only the field for < x < - Lr2. Fig. 1 shows the profiles of magnetic field H Ž x . and current density J Ž x . at the sample surface of an x-array arrangement in which LrW s 3 and the dashed line is for an isolated strip. As the thickness d of the superconducting thin film is less than the penetration depth of the magnetic field, it is reasonable to consider that the current distribution is independent of the variable z, Z.W. Lin et al.r Physica C 312 (1999) 247–254 249 perpendicular to the film surface. Thus, the field distribution at some distance, D, above the sample surface for an x-array with a film thickness, d, can be calculated by inserting the current distribution, Eq. Ž1., into the Biot–Savarts law. The normal component of the field Hz Ž x . is therefore given by: Hz Ž x . s 1 2p = ns` Ý nsy` dr2 wqnL HywqnLd x X J Ž x . Ž x y xX . Hydr2 Ž x y x . X 2 X 2 q Ž Dyz . d zX q Ha . Ž 5. Fig. 2 shows the profiles of the normal component of the magnetic field at different distances, D, above the sample surface for different applied fields, Ha . One can see that the magnetic field profiles become smoother with increasing distance. The gradient of the field at the edge of the strip and the extent of Fig. 2. Field profiles from a numerical calculation using Eq. Ž5. for an x-array with Lr W s 3, ds 200 nm at Ds 3 mm, 25 mm, 50 mm. Ha r H0 is Ža. 0.5, Žb. 3 and Žc. 10. shielding increases with increasing of the product Jc d. 3. Experimental Fig. 1. Profiles of Ža. magnetic field calculated from Eq. Ž2. and Žb. current density from Eq. Ž1. for an x-array with Lr W s 3 Žsolid lines. at Ha r H0 s 0.5, 3, 10. The dashed lines are for an isolated strip. The strip is located at y1F x r W F1. In this study, c-axis-oriented NdBa 2 Cu 3 O 7y d ŽNBCO. thin films were prepared by the pulsed laser deposition technique onto 10 = 10 mm2 SrTiO 3 substrates. The films had a thickness d s 200 nm and a critical current density Jc s 3 = 10 6 Arcm2 at 40 K. The thin films were patterned using a standard lithographic technique. Sample A had a geometrical factor of LrW s 3 with L s 0.6 mm and W s 0.2 mm while sample B had LrW s 4 with L s 0.8 mm and W s 0.2 mm. The length of both samples, H, was 10 mm with ratios Hr2W s 25 and 2Wrd 4 1. The principle of the M-O technique used in these measurements is based on the Faraday effect. When 250 Z.W. Lin et al.r Physica C 312 (1999) 247–254 Z.W. Lin et al.r Physica C 312 (1999) 247–254 plane polarized light is transmitted through a magneto-optical material in a direction parallel to a magnetic field, the plane of polarization is rotated. In this investigation, a Bi-doped iron garnet film with perpendicular magnetization was used as an active indicator film. The film was prepared on a transparent ŽGdCa. 3 ŽGaMgZr.5 O 12 substrate by the liquidphase epitaxy method w24x. In the iron garnet film, a labyrinth domain structure with a black and white stripe is observed in polarized light w25x. In zero field, the domain width for one direction of magnetization is equal to that for the opposite direction. When a magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the film surface, the domain width with the magnetization parallel to the field expands and the one with the opposite magnetization becomes narrower, so the flux distribution can be obtained by analyzing the domain structure. Two types of iron garnet film were used in this experiment, a brown one which has a high saturation field and a yellow one which is very sensitive to magnetic fields. For each film the relationship between the field and domain width is nonlinear and dependent on temperature as shown by Lin et al. w26x. The M-O system consisted of a solenoid cooled by liquid nitrogen, an optical cryostat, a polarization microscope and a CCD camera. The specimen was placed on a thin insulating but highly thermal conducting sapphire substrate which was directly positioned on the cold finger inside the optical cryostat. In this configuration, the specimen can be cooled down to 40 K. In order to observe a larger sample than the field of view of the microscope, the polarization microscope was installed on an x–y stage. The images of magnetic flux patterns were observed using the microscope in the reflection mode making use of the double Faraday effect and were transferred to a PC via the CCD camera. Further details of the experimental system have been given by Lin et al. w26x. The superconducting thin film arrays were zero field cooled ŽZFC. to 40 K, then an external mag- 251 Fig. 4. Comparison of experimental data Ždots. obtained from Fig. 3a,b and c along the line AB in Fig. 3 with calculated field profiles Žsolid lines. at m 0 Ha s 343 G, 365 G and 374 G Žfrom bottom to top. taking into account film thickness ds 200 nm, and the distance Ds 40 mm above the sample surface using Eq. Ž5.. Here, Ls 0.6 mm, Jc s 3=10 6 Arcm2 . The middle strip is located at y0.2 F x F 0.2. netic field was applied and increased to the maximum of 800 G perpendicular to the surface of the thin film Žhence parallel to the c-axis., then, decreased to zero. Photomicrograph images were stored as significant changes occurred. 4. Result and discussion Fig. 3 shows the changes of the stripe domain patterns in the brown iron garnet film for sample A Ž LrW s 3., zero field cooled to 40 K, with an increasing external magnetic field. In Fig. 3, the black vertical lines indicate the edges of the HTSC thin film strips and the number of each strip is marked. The black spots are caused by defects in the indicator film and CCD camera. The fields at the left and right sides of the sample monotonically decrease with distance from the two side strips. The black horizontal line AB indicates the line for which the Fig. 3. Variation of stripe domain patterns in the brown indicator film for sample A after zero field cooling to 40 K. Application of an external magnetic field increasing for Ža. m 0 Ha s 343 G, Žb. 365 G and Žc. 374 G up to 800 G, then down to Žd. 346 G and Že. 327 G. The black vertical lines indicate the edges of the thin film strips and the black horizontal line indicates the line along which the field pattern was measured for Ža., Žb. and Žc. with the results being shown in Fig. 4. The number of each strip is marked. 252 Z.W. Lin et al.r Physica C 312 (1999) 247–254 field profiles were measured and the results are shown in Fig. 4. The fields in the centre of each strip are much smaller than the applied fields and the magnetic field gradients are clearly seen over the entire sample A for different fields. When the applied field is increased, the stripe patterns show evidence that the magnetic flux gradually penetrates from the edges of each strip into the centre. However, the fields in the gap Žbetween the strips. were much larger than the applied field. This can be explained by field compression in the gap due to the shielding of the superconducting strips on each side. Thus, if the strips were closer, the fields in the gaps would be considerably stronger and the flux would penetrate deeper into the strips arranged in an x-array than for the case of an isolated strip at the same applied magnetic field. Comparing the measured field profiles for sample A along the line AB with the analytically calculated results at the surface of the thin film for the x-array arrangement, the general agreement is good, but the measured flux profiles are smoother than the theoretical ones. This distinction has also been found in the case of an isolated strip w3x. However, the experimental profiles show excellent agreement with the results of a numerical calculation using Eq. Ž5. in which the thickness of the thin film and distance between the sample surface and the indicator film are taken into account. The parameters for the sample are Jc s 3 = 10 6 Arcm2 , d s 200 nm and W s 0.2 mm, however, the distance D between the indicator film and superconducting film surface cannot be experimentally determined. After trying different values of D, we found that for D s 40 mm, the experimental profiles Fig. 5. Variation of stripe domain pattern in the yellow indicator film for sample B Žafter zero field cooled down to 40 K.. Application of an external field increasing for Ža. m 0 Ha s 21 G, Žb. 28 G and Žc. 38 G, up to 800 G, then down to Žd. zero. The white horizontal line AB indicates the line along which the field pattern was measured and the results are shown in Fig. 6. The number of each strip is marked. Z.W. Lin et al.r Physica C 312 (1999) 247–254 agreed extremely well with the numerical calculation. Fig. 4 shows this good agreement for the middle strip, in which the solid curves are obtained by substituting the above parameters into Eq. Ž5.; the dots are the experimental data. The variation of the domain patterns for sample A Žzero-field cooled to 40 K. were also taken in decreasing external field after a maximum field of 800 G had been applied. As sample A is larger than the field of view of the microscope and the field distribution is periodic, the middle section of the domain pattern, that is, for strips 2, 3, and 4, are shown in Fig. 3d and e. At a field of 346 G, the stripe domain pattern appeared in the gap, as well as at the edges of each strip, and just started moving into the centre of the strip. The flux trapped in each strip was expelled first at the strip edge. Decreasing the field further, the stripe domain moved towards the centre of the strip, as flux was further expelled. A similar behaviour was also observed for an isolated thin film strip when the external field was applied perpendicular to the surface of the sample w27x. Fortunately, the theoretically calculated flux profiles for an isolated strip and an x-array arrangement w6,19x, shown in Fig. 1, show the similarity of the flux distributions inside the strips though there is a significant difference outside the strip as discussed above. Fig. 5 shows the variation of stripe domain patterns in the high sensitivity yellow indicator film for sample B Ž LrW s 4, zero-field cooled to 40 K. after the application of an increasing and decreasing perpendicular magnetic field. For the reasons stated above, only the domain patterns for the middle part of the sample are shown. In Fig. 5, the black and white spots are defects in the yellow film and CCD camera while the white vertical lines indicate the edges of the thin film strips. In this part of the experiment, the high sensitivity indicator film was employed to visualize the flux distribution for weak magnetic fields. At low external fields, the flux penetrates into the edge of each strip with a significant gradient towards the centre. Hence, the inductive currents flowing in these regions shield the centre of the strip and maintain the centre free of magnetic flux. Increasing the field, the flux fronts reach the centre of each strip and the strip is eventually fully penetrated by the magnetic field. Decreas- 253 Fig. 6. Comparison of experimental data Ždots. obtained from Fig. 5a,b and c along the line AB in Fig. 5 with calculated field profiles Žsolid lines. at m 0 Ha s 21 G, 28 G and 38 G Žfrom bottom to top. taking into account film thickness ds 200 nm, and the distance Ds 40 mm above the sample surface. The parameter values for sample B are Jc s 3=10 6 Arcm2 and Ls 0.8 mm. The middle strip is located at y0.2 F x F 0.2. ing the field after a maximum of 800 G, the trapped flux in the strip is expelled. For the remanent state some flux was pinned in the centre. Comparing the results for samples A and B, one can see that the behaviour of the flux in the strips is similar while the field characteristic in the gap between the strips are also analogous, although there is an observed increase in the magnetic field for LrW s 3 compared to that for 4. Comparing the field distributions corresponding to Fig. 5a, b and c along the white horizontal line AB for the middle, number 3 strip, with the theoretical Eq. Ž5., as shown in Fig. 6, we find that the experimental profiles show excellent agreement with the theoretical field profile distribution at 40 mm above the sample surface. However, the field to the right of the middle is slightly stronger than to the left, which is also observed in Fig. 4. We assume that it is caused by the applied fields being slightly inhomogeneous over the width of the sample. 5. Conclusion The characteristic behavior of magnetic flux in thin film strips arranged in an x-array has been directly observed using the magneto-optical tech- 254 Z.W. Lin et al.r Physica C 312 (1999) 247–254 nique and an iron garnet film with perpendicular magnetization and a stripe domain pattern at 40 K, upon the application of a perpendicular magnetic field. The observed experimental results show excellent agreement with numerical calculations if the distance between the surface of the specimen and the iron garnet indicator film, and the thickness of the sample itself are taken into account. Furthermore, the flux penetration for the centre strip is deeper than that for an isolated strip at the same applied field because of field enhancement at the edges of the strip due to the x-array arrangement. Acknowledgements Z.W. Lin gratefully acknowledges the Australia Research Council for an Australian Postgraduate Award ŽAPA., and thanks Professor H. Kronmuller ¨ for valuable discussions. Z.W. Lin appreciates encouragement and assistance from Dr. Jian of the School of Chemistry, University of New South Wales. References w1x G.W. Swan, J. Math. Phys. 9 Ž1968. 1308. w2x H. Theuss, A. Forkl, H. Kronmller, Physica C 190 Ž1992. 345. w3x R. Knorpp, A. Forkl, H.-U. Habermier, H. Kronmuller, ¨ Physica C Ž1994. 128. w4x E.H. Brandt, Phys. Rev. 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