Physica C 297 Ž1998. 153–160 Comparison of the pinning and the bulk currents in the critical state of a type-II superconductor V.M. Krasnov ) , V.V. Ryazanov Institute of Solid State Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, 142432 ChernogoloÕka, Russia Received 5 November 1997 Abstract The bulk current density distribution in the critical state of a type-II superconductor is studied for different pinning strengths and external magnetic fields. The calculations were made within the extended critical state model for a three-axis ellipsoid, taking into account the equilibrium vortex lattice magnetization caused by the vortex interaction. It is shown that the average current density, Jav , could be considerably different from the critical pinning current density, Jc , for the magnetic fields not much larger than the lower critical field Hc1. The difference between Jav and Jc result in additional curvature of the local magnetic field profiles and modifies the total moment of the sample which might be important for the analysis of various magnetization experiments. q 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. PACS: 74.60.Jg; 74.60.Ge; 74.60.Ec Keywords: Critical state; Type-II superconductivity; Pinning; Abricosov vortex lattice magnetization 1. Introduction A study of the critical state in type-II superconductors provides important information about the current carrying facilities of superconducting materials for their application in practice and about basic physical properties of superconductors. The discovery of high-Tc superconductors ŽHTSC. has revived the interest in the nature of the mixed state in type-II superconductors, where the superconductivity co-exists with the inhomogeneous magnetic field inside ) Corresponding author. Present address: Department of Physics, Chalmers University of Technology, S-41296 Goteborg, Sweden. ¨ Tel.: q46 31 7723397; Fax: q46 31 7723471; E-mail: the materials. The inevitable presence of defects in HTSC gives rise to a large pinning of magnetic flux lines due to a short superconducting coherence length. This enriches the variety of different inhomogeneous vortex states, e.g. the critical state. Investigations of the Abricosov vortex lattice ŽAVL. transitions and the flux creep mechanisms have demanded the development of local methods for magnetic measurements of reversible and irreversible properties of the inhomogeneous AVL. One of the most crucial parameters of the critical state is the critical current density, Jc , which is determined by the pinning of Abricosov vortices on inhomogeneities and by interaction of vortices with each other within the AVL. The knowledge of the critical current behaviour yields direct information about pinning and flux creep mechanisms and about 0921-4534r98r$19.00 q 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII S 0 9 2 1 - 4 5 3 4 Ž 9 7 . 0 1 8 6 7 - 4 154 V.M. KrasnoÕ, V.V. RyazanoÕr Physica C 297 (1998) 153–160 the AVL phase diagram Žfor review see Refs. w1,2x.. Among the experimental methods for the study of the critical state we mention Ži. global magnetization methods, in which the integrated magnetic moment of the whole sample is measured and Žii. local magnetization methods, in which a local distribution of the magnetic induction in the sample is obtained. Such methods include the magneto-optic w3–7x and the local Hall-sensor w7x techniques. The local magnetic field profiles depend on the magnetic field dependence of Jc , the sample geometry and equilibrium parameters of the superconductor such as the lower critical field, Hc1 , the Ginzburg–Landau parameter, k , etc. An explicit critical state model taking into account all those factors is required for the evaluation of the critical current density from magnetization data of type-II superconductors. Historically, the first critical state model for a superconducting cylinder or slab with zero demagnetization factor, D s 0, was formulated by Bean w8,9x. Later the Bean critical state model was extended for different sample geometry with non-zero demagnetization factor such as a three-axis ellipsoid w10,11x disk w12x, ring, strip, rectangle, etc., see e.g. Refs. w2,13,14x and references therein. In the Bean model the bulk current density flowing in superconductor is equal to Jc . Although the Bean model qualitatively describes experimental data, it is essentially macroscopic and does not regard the vortex structure of the mixed state in type-II superconductor. As a result the Bean model does not take into account the equilibrium AVL magnetization due to repulsion of vortices. A microscopic critical state model explicitly taking into account the AVL structure and pinning effect could of course avoid this problem. An example of the microscopic one and two-dimensional critical state simulations can be found in Refs. w15,16x. However, microscopic simulations in the three-dimensional case corresponding to real experimental situation could require enormous computational efforts. On the other hand, the vortex interaction and equilibrium AVL magnetization could be introduced within the macroscopic critical state model. Such modification of the critical state model was done shortly after the Bean model appeared w17x, see also Refs. w18–20x. Due to the vortex structure of the mixed state, the type-II superconductor cannot be described by a constitutive equation with some mag- netic permeability. The average current density in general is different from the local current density at the vortex origin, which defines the Lorentz force acting on the vortex. As a result, the average current density in the critical state is different from Jc , Jav s Jc q J L , Ž 1. where J L is the so called ‘lattice magnetization current’ density due to the vortex interaction in the AVL. The magnetic moment associated with J L is referred to as the ‘lattice magnetization’, M L , and represents the equilibrium AVL magnetization. In the previous papers w10,11x we have already shown that the equilibrium AVL magnetization could be important for the analysis of the magnetic field profiles in hard type-II superconducters. Though the AVL magnetization effect in the critical state of type-II superconductors is well known, nowadays it is typically ignored in the literature related to the study of magnetic field penetration and flux creep. Sometimes a phenomenological dependence of the critical pinning current Jc Ž B . on the magnetic inductance, B, is introduced in order to describe the non-linear B Ž x . profiles. Such is for example the Kim model w21,22x, where Jc ; Ž B q B0 .y1 . Indeed the Jc could depend on the AVL density, e.g. due to transition from the individual to collective pinning w1x. However, as can be seen from Eq. Ž1., the profiles B Ž x . could be non-linear even for constant Jc due to contribution of the lattice magnetization current, which has highly non-linear magnetic field dependence J LŽ B .. Thus, it is necessary to distinguish between the magnetic field dependencies of Jc and J L in order to study the pinning mechanisms in type-II superconductors. A phenomenon similar to the critical state of type-II superconductor exists also in long spatially non-uniform Josephson junctions ŽJJ. w23x. Indeed long JJ behave in many aspects as type-II superconductors. The magnetic field penetrates into long JJ in the form of Josephson vortices-fluxons. In spatially non-uniform JJ the fluxon energy depends on the position in the JJ. A self-energy gradient of the fluxon creates a force preventing the fluxon entrance into the JJ, which is similar to the pinning force in type-II superconductor. The magnetic field penetrates the spatially non-uniform JJ in a form of magnetic domain consisting of a fluxon chain with V.M. KrasnoÕ, V.V. RyazanoÕr Physica C 297 (1998) 153–160 variable fluxon density. This domain is a clear analogy to the critical state of type-II superconductors. An advantage of JJ is that they can be described by a rather simple sine-Gordon equation taking into account the fluxon structure of the ‘mixed state’ in long JJ. Numerical simulation of the magnetic domain representing the critical state in spatially nonuniform long JJ is presented in Ref. w23x. In this paper we study the average current density distribution in the critical state of type-II superconductor in comparison with the critical pinning current density for different pinning strengths and external magnetic fields. The calculations were made within the extended critical state model for a threeaxis ellipsoid w10,11x, taking into account the equilibrium AVL magnetization caused by the vortex interaction. It is shown that the average current density could be considerably different from Jc for the magnetic fields not much larger than Hc1 . The difference between Jav and Jc results in additional curvature of the local magnetic field profiles and modifies the total magnetic moment of the sample. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we introduce necessary quantities and formulate the modified macroscopic critical state model taking into account the AVL structure of the mixed state in type-II superconductor. Section 3 describes the extension of the critical state model for a three-axis ellipsoid. Section 4 presents the calculations of the bulk current density in the critical state of type-II superconductor as a function of magnetic field and the critical pinning current and contains a discussion of our results and their importance for the analysis of magnetization data of type-II superconductors. 155 oscillating function of coordinate. In the London limit of high-k superconductors it can be written as: hŽ r . s F0 2pl 2 Ý K0 ri žl/ , Ž 2. where F 0 is the flux quantum, l is the London penetration depth and K 0 is the modified Bessel function. h is related to the microscopic current density, j, via the Maxwell equation rot h s 4p c j, Ž 3. where c is the velocity of light. Žii. B — The magnetic induction equal to the average value of h, B Ž r . s² h Ž r . :S . Ž 4. B is a macroscopic quantity measured in local magnetization experiments. The area of averaging, S, depends on the resolution of experiments and is typically of the order of several micrometers. B is related to the average current density, Jav s ² j :, via the Maxwell equation rot B s 4p c Jav . Ž 5. Žiii. H — The magnetic field intensity. This is a measurable macroscopic quantity defined via the magnetic moment M: H s B y 4p M. Ž 6. In the absence of externally applied currents rot H s 0. Ž 7. Živ. H ) — The local ‘thermodynamic magnetic field’ intensity, defined as: EF H ) Ž B. s 2. Modified critical state model In this section we will recall how the Bean critical state model could be modified to take into account the AVL magnetization w10,11,17–20x. To include the vortex interaction into the macroscopic critical state model it is necessary to introduce the following quantities: Ži. h — The microscopic magnetic field intensity. h is the sum of magnetic fields of vortices and is an EB , Ž 8. where F is the local free energy density of superconductor. In equilibrium case Ži.e. without pinning. H ) is equal to H. H ) determines the equilibrium lattice magnetization, M L , of the AVL w24x M L s Ž B y H ) . r4p . Ž 9. This is also valid in the presence of pinning if the local quasi-equilibrium state is achieved in every point of the sample. The dependence M LŽ H ) . for k s 10 is shown in Fig. 1. The characteristic feature V.M. KrasnoÕ, V.V. RyazanoÕr Physica C 297 (1998) 153–160 156 and h. The driving force is determined by the microscopic current density j at the vortex origin ŽEq. Ž3.. which is not equal to Jav ŽEq. Ž5... In the critical state the driving force is balanced by the pinning force, FD s yFP , which is defined via the critical pinning current density FP s BJcrc. Ž 16 . Using Eqs. Ž14. and Ž16. we can formulate the modified critical state model in the general form Fig. 1. Equilibrium Abricosov vortex lattice magnetization curve for k s10. The inset shows the derivative d M L rd H ) , which defines the AVL magnetization current. rot H ) s 4p c Jc . Ž 17 . of M LŽ H ) . is a sharp change at H ) s Hc1. From Eqs. Ž1., Ž5. and Ž9. it follows The difference from the original Bean model is that Jc determines the profile of the thermodynamic field H ) , but not B. The profile of the magnetic induction rot M L s JL rc. BsBŽ H ) . , Ž 10 . Ž 18 . ) With a help of H , the vortex interaction in the AVL could be taken into account within the macroscopic approach. Following Ref. w17x we consider a volume V containing a constant amount of vortices. In equilibrium the Gibbs free energy, BH ) GsFy , 4p reaches its minimum so that dG s ySdT y Bd H Ž 11 . ) q Vd p s 0. Ž 12 . 4p Here S, T and p are the entropy, temperature and pressure, respectively. Taking into account that the net driving force is equal to FD s yV dp , dx from Eq. Ž12. we obtain FD s y Ž 13 . B dH) B dB Mi s Ž H ) y H . r4p . , Ž 15 . 4p d x which is due to the fact that type-II superconductors do not have a constitutive equation connecting B Ž 19 . Finally, we should determine the bulk current density in the sample. From Eq. Ž1. it is seen that the average bulk current is different from the critical pinning current on the quantity of the AVL magnetization current. From Eqs. Ž9. and Ž17. it follows that JL Jc . Ž 14 . 4p d x We emphasize that the driving force is different from the Lorentz force FL s y should be determined from Eqs. Ž8. and Ž9. using the equilibrium AVL magnetization curve M LŽ H ) ., see Fig. 1. The total magnetic moment is defined by Eq. Ž6. and is a sum of the AVL magnetization M L and the moment created by the pinning current Mi s 4p d ML dH) . Ž 20 . In the inset of Fig. 1 the behaviour of the derivative M LX s d M Lrd H ) is shown. From Fig. 1 it is seen that the value of J L and consequently the difference between the bulk and the pinning current is significant in magnetic fields up to several Hc1 . From Eq. Ž20. it follows that the local difference between the bulk and the pinning current is entirely defined by the thermodynamic parameters of the superconductor. However the integrated difference J L y Jc over the sample volume depends also on the sample geometry due to the dependence of profiles H ) Ž x ., Eq. Ž17.. V.M. KrasnoÕ, V.V. RyazanoÕr Physica C 297 (1998) 153–160 3. Extension for a three-axis ellipsoid In the experimental situation for the case of HTSC the sample has a flat geometry with a large demagnetization factor in the magnetic field perpendicular to the ab-plane. In order to study the influence of the sample geometry we will consider an extended critical state model for a three-axis ellipsoid w10,11x, taking into account the vortex interaction and retaining the simplicity of calculations. For more details see Refs. w10,11x. In our calculations we will assume that the pinning strength and Jc are constant throughout the sample. We consider a three-axis ellipsoid Ž a, b, c ., where a ) b ) c are the semi-axes along the x-, yand z-axes, respectively, with the demagnetization factor D 0 along the z-axis. A solenoid generates an external magnetic field Hs along the z-axis. For Hs ) Hc1Ž1 y D 0 . vortices enter the sample to the depth r along x- and y-axes at which the local thermodynamic field drops to Hc1 . The remaining central region is in the Meissner state, B s 0. We approximate this region by an ellipsoid Ž a y r, b y r, c . with demagnetization factor DŽ r .. According to Eq. Ž7. H is constant in the sample and is equal to w11x H s Hs q Hc1 D Ž r . . 157 Taking into account that at the edge of the Meissner region H ) s Hc1 we obtain the profile H ) Ž x . in the field penetration region: H ) Ž x . s Hc1 q Hi Ž r . y Hi Ž x . . Ž 25 . The profile H ) Ž x . is non-linear due to non-linear term DŽ j . in Eq. Ž24.. The profile of the magnetic Ž 21 . Eq. Ž21. takes into account the decrease of the effective demagnetization factor with flux penetration into ellipsoid. The profile of H ) can be easily calculated from Eq. Ž17.. First, we note that a shielding current with density Jc flowing between ellipsoids Ž a, b, c . and Ž a y d r, b y d r, c . generates a uniform magnetic field d Hi inside the smaller ellipsoid. The magnetic moment per unit volume of such current is equal to d Mi s y 9p 32 c Jc d r s d Hi 4p Ž 1 y D . . Ž 22 . From Eq. Ž22. we obtain the magnetic moment and the shielding field of the pinning current w10x: Mi Ž r . s y Hi Ž r . s y 9p 32 c Jc r 1 y 9p 2 Jc 8c aqb 2 ab rq r2 3ab , Ž 23 . r H0 Ž 1 y D Ž j . . d j . Ž 24 . Fig. 2. Calculated profiles of Ža. H ) Ž y ., B Ž y . and Žb. J LŽ y . along the mean semi-axis, b, Ž y-axis. of a three-axis ellipsoid Ž0.055 cm, 0.026 cm, 0.007 cm. are shown for different external magnetic fields: Hs r Hc1 s 0.30, 0.43, 0.65, 1.25, 1.45; curves 1–5, respectively, and for constant Jc s10 4 Arcm2 . The profiles corresponding to a particular Hs are shown by the same type of line. 158 V.M. KrasnoÕ, V.V. RyazanoÕr Physica C 297 (1998) 153–160 induction B Ž x . is obtained from Eq. Ž18.. At the full penetration field, Hp , Hp s Hc1 q Hi Ž b . , Ž 26 . the flux fronts meet at the centre of the sample Žsee curve 4 in Fig. 2b.. This relation was obtained from Eqs. Ž21. and Ž25. taking into account that the effective demagnetization factor D decreases with the flux penetration into the sample and becomes negligible at high enough magnetic fields. From Eqs. Ž6., Ž9. and Ž19. it follows that the magnetic moment of the sample is a sum of the moment from the shielding pinning current and the AVL magnetization: M s Mi q M L . Ž 27 . We note, that according to the numerical analysis in Ref. w25x the shape of the Meissner region differs from ellipsoid for H ; Hp , corresponding to the full flux penetration into the sample. This however does not influence significantly neither the shape of the flux profiles nor the magnetic moment with respect to that obtained within our model Žwhat we actually do in our model is: we find self-consistently the flux profile penetration depth, r, assuming that the Meissner region can be described by some constant demagnetization factor.. Indeed, this field region is small for the case a, b 4 c and moreover though the demagnetization factor is not constant throughout the Meissner region, it becomes negligibly small, DŽ x, y, z . < 1 for H ; Hp and according to Eq. Ž24. it does not influence the shape of the profile of H ) . 4. Results and discussion In Fig. 2 the calculated profiles of Ža. H ) Ž y ., B Ž y . and Žb. JLŽ y . along the mean semi-axis, b, Ž y-axis. of a three-axis ellipsoid are shown for different external magnetic fields: HsrHc1 s 0.30, 0.43, 0.65, 1.25, 1.45, curves 1–5, respectively, and for constant Jc s 10 4 Arcm2 . The sample geometry corresponds to the case of TlŽ2212. HTSC single crystal studied in Ref. w10x: a s 0.055 cm, b s 0.026 cm, c s 0.007 cm and D 0 s 0.78 for Hs along the z-axis. Parameters of the superconductor are: Hc1 s 500 Gs, k s 50. The profiles corresponding to a particular Hs are shown by the same type of line. In Fig. 3. Calculated profiles of Ža. H ) Ž y ., B Ž y . and Žb. J LŽ y . are shown for the 50% flux penetration along the mean semi-axis, b, into the same sample as in Fig. 2 for different critical pinning currents: Jc s10 3 , 10 4 and 10 5 ŽArcm2 ., curves 1, 2 and 3, respectively. In the inset of Žb. the profiles of the ratio JL r Jc are shown. Fig. 3 the profiles of Ža. H ) Ž y ., B Ž y . and Žb. J LŽ y . are shown for the 50% flux penetration and for different critical pinning currents: Jc s 10 3 , 10 4 and 10 5 ŽArcm2 ., curves 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The sample parameters are the same as in Fig. 2. In the inset of Fig. 3b the profiles of the ratio JLrJc are shown. From Figs. 2 and 3 it is seen that a sharp drop of the magnetic induction and a sharp increase of the V.M. KrasnoÕ, V.V. RyazanoÕr Physica C 297 (1998) 153–160 current density occurs at the edge of the Meissner region. The current growth is associated with the vortex current from the last row of the AVL. Similar drop of magnetic induction occurs at the sample surface due to the surface Meissner current. From Fig. 2b and Fig. 3b and from Eq. Ž1. it is seen that the bulk current in the critical state of type-II superconductor can be considerably different from the critical pinning current. Fig. 2b shows that the AVL magnetization current decreases with increasing magnetic field. As it follows from Eq. Ž20. and from the inset in Fig. 1, the J L remains significant for H ) up to several Hc1 . The corresponding range of the applied external magnetic field Hs does not depend on the demagnetization factor and is of the order of a full penetration field, Eq. Ž26.. Fig. 3b illustrates the dependence of J L on the pinning strength. From Fig. 3b it is seen that the value of J L decreases with Jc . This is quite natural since in the uniform case, Jc s 0, the average bulk current is equal to zero. On the other hand, the relative value of JL defined by the ratio J LrJc decreases with increasing the pinning strength for the same flux penetration into the sample, as can be seen from the inset in Fig. 3b. This is caused by the increase of H ) with increasing Jc , see Fig. 3a, due to the Hi term in Eq. Ž25.. Finally, we discuss when the AVL magnetization current should be taken into account in the analysis of magnetization data of type-II superconductors. This is important for the study of the pinning strength for various types of inhomogeneities e.g. columnar defects, twin boundaries etc. In many cases the irreversible part of magnetization can not be directly extracted from the experimental data and model calculations are needed for estimation of the critical current value. The temperature and magnetic field dependence of Jc and its temporal relaxation due to flux creep is important for the study of the AVL phase diagram and vortex lattice transitions. In those cases it is necessary to distinguish between the magnetic field dependencies of J L and Jc . As we have shown above, the range of applied magnetic fields for which JL should be taken into account is of the order of the penetration field Hp , Eq. Ž26., which is typically of the order of kG, see e.g. an estimation for TlŽ2212. HTSC in Refs. w10,11x. Thus, the range of Hs for which AVL magnetization is considerable 159 is of the order of several kG. Among the experimental methods for which the difference between Jav and Jc could be important we mention: Ži. Local magnetization measurements. As it is shown in Fig. 2b and Fig. 3b the AVL magnetization causes an additional curvature of the flux profiles especially in the vicinity of the Meissner region and at the surface of the sample. The magnetic fields used in local magnetization experiments are typically well within the range of importance of JL . Experimentally the drop in B Ž x . was observed magnetooptically in Refs. w26,27x. Žii. Global magnetization measurements. From Eq. Ž27. it follows that the magnetic moment consists of the irreversible part, Mi , and the reversible part, M L . The M L dominates in the case of small pinning, e.g. for HTSC above the irreversibility line. The reversible part contains the information about thermodynamic parameters of superconductor and can be used for extrapolation of such important quantities as Hc1 . Such analysis for TlŽ2212. HTSC was made in Ref. w11x. Žiii. Magnetic relaxation experiments. This is a powerful tool for the study of various mechanisms of flux creep and pinning and the AVL phase diagram. Due to the flux creep the irreversible magnetization Mi and the critical pinning current Jc logarithmically decreases with time. On the other hand the AVL magnetization does not vanish with time. As a result the relaxation of the total magnetic moment M Ž t . could be very different from the relaxation of Mi Ž t .. In conclusion, we have shown that the bulk current density in the critical state of type-II superconductor is not equal to the critical pinning current density and moreover could be considerably different from Jc due to existence of the additional AVL magnetization current J L . The magnetic field profiles and the current density distributions were calculated for different pinning strengths and external magnetic fields. The calculations were made within the extended critical state model for a three-axis ellipsoid, taking into account the equilibrium vortex lattice magnetization due to the vortex interaction. It is shown that the difference between Jav and Jc is considerable for the magnetic fields of the order of several Hc1 . The difference between Jav and Jc results in additional curvature of the local magnetic 160 V.M. KrasnoÕ, V.V. RyazanoÕr Physica C 297 (1998) 153–160 field profiles and modifies the total moment of the sample which might be important for the analysis of various magnetization experiments. Acknowledgements The work was supported in part by the Russian Scientific Program for High-Tc Superconductivity ŽGrant No. 96073. and Russian Foundation for Basic Research ŽGrant No. 96-02-19319. References w1x G. Blatter, M.V. Feigel’man, V.B. Geshkenbein, A.I. Larkin, V.M. Vinokur, Rev. Mod. Phys. 66 Ž1994. 1125. w2x E.H. Brandt, Rep. Progr. Phys. 58 Ž1995. 1465. w3x R.P. Huebener, Magnetic Flux Structures in Superconductors, Springer, Berlin, 1979. w4x D.J. Frankel, J. Appl. Phys. 50 Ž1979. 5402. w5x M.R. Koblischka, N. Moser, B. Gegenheimer, H. Kronmuller, ¨ Physica C 166 Ž1990. 36. w6x L.A. Dorosinskii, M.V. Indenbom, V.I. Nikitenko, Ju.A. Ossip’yan, A.A. Polyanskii, V.K. Vlasko-Vlasov, Physica C 203 Ž1992. 149. w7x E. Zeldov, A.I. Larkin, V.B. Geshkenbein, M. Konczykowski, D. Majer, B. Khaykovich, V.M. 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